2012-2013 - Maclay School


2012-2013 - Maclay School
Winter 2014
Inside this Edition
• Trustees Announce
New Head of School
• Capital Campaign
• Lower, Middle and
Upper School News
• Alumni and Annual
Fund Report
A Letter
From The
Dear Maclay Community,
It has been a wonderful school
year so far with the opening of
our new Lower School and yes,
to my surprise, the naming of the
building in my honor. I am truly
humbled and grateful. I am appreciative of all the hard work by the Board of
Trustees to get this project underway, the professionalism and commitment
from our architects at Elliot Marshall Innes, the tireless hours and work from
Cook Brothers to complete the project on time over the summer, and the
patience and effort of our teachers and staff who made sure everything was
ready for the first day of school.
I’m also appreciative of the the search committee, led by Rip Kirby, who
worked through a very difficult process resulting in naming my replacement.
The school has never been through a search of this magnitude, but we never
skipped a beat due to the steadfastness of the committee to make sure the
process was a success.
As I prepare for my final semester at Maclay, I continue to be amazed at the
continued growth on campus, the dedication of our teachers, and passionate spirit of our students. Ellen and I are grateful to have been a part of the
Maclay family for four decades and look forward to what the future holds.
Board of Trustees
Gary Hunter, Chairman
Rip Kirby, Vice Chairman
Stan Barnes
Monesia Brown
Lamont Cook
Kathy Dahl
Nancy Deal
Tom Deison
Chris Diamantis
John Foote
Hank Hutchinson
William Lamb
Rob Langford
Jennifer LaVia
Jill Meenan
Katrina Rolle
Karen Unger
Executive Committee
Gary Hunter – Chairman
Rip Kirby – Vice-Chair
Stan Barnes – Treasurer
Jennifer LaVia – Secretary
William W. Jablon
In October, Mr. Jablon received the
Distinguished Service Award by the
Southern Association of Independent
Winter 2014 | Volume 2 | Issue 4
Table of
A GRAND Opening . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Lower School News . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Middle School News . . . . . . . . 12
High School News . . . . . . . . . . 16
Maclay Cabaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Homecoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Super-Star Students . . . . . . . . . 26
Alumni Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Class News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Capital Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . .
On the cover: Katie Nation (’27) and Samantha Landrum (’16)
Cover Photo: Courtesy of Amy Nation
Photo Credits: Maclay Yearbook Staff, Tim Lefstead, Claire Timm, Ray Stanyard, Doug Covert, Blue Canopy Photography,
Annasue Minter, Maggie Massferrer, Kim McWilliams.
Design and Layout: Mamatey Graphic Design
We make every effort to provide accurate information about the Maclay Community. If you have ideas for Virtu, please
email: [email protected]
Board of Trustees Update
By Gary K. Hunter, Jr., Board Chair
Wow, what a start to the 2013-14 school year. After 38
years as head of school (45 years on faculty), Mr. Jablon
will retire in June. Maclay will be forever indebted to Bill’s
lifetime of leadership which saw Maclay grow from a 130
student school on the outskirts of town to one of the most
highly regarded independent schools in the Southeast.
In preparing for Mr. Jablon’s departure, the Board has
been laser focused on implementation of the 2011-2016
Maclay Strategic Plan. This document identifies numerous
priorities for Maclay from which the Board has assembled
leadership teams who are quietly, but effectively overseeing the progress. Evidence of that progress surrounds us
throughout the campus, most visibly of course, in the form
of an award-winning preschool, a completely renovated
and also award- winning lower school--in effect replacing
all but the walls with state of the art and energy efficient
improvements, the development of a performing arts stage
with enhanced lighting and sound systems in the Cartee
Gym where we have recently been entertained by our
extraordinarily talented students, the paving of a now dust
free perimeter road to the Webster Center, the December
ground breaking of a new field house--soon to be home
to 27 Marauder middle school, junior varsity and varsity
athletic teams-- to cite a few items which have been on the
Board’s plate.
And while all this was occurring, Board Vice-Chair Rip
Kirby led us through an enlightening process of selecting
James Milford as the next leader of Maclay. Having served
beside Rip in this process, I cannot say thank you loud
enough for his leadership and for the untold hours which
the search committee members and others in the Maclay
Community dedicated to making this such a success. I am
not overstating the effort when describing it as monumental. First, we were tasked with replacing the longest actively
serving independent school headmaster in America. Then
we received in excess of 80 highly qualified applicants
from around the country who were interested in becoming
Maclay’s next leader. Every application was given serious
consideration, and ultimately dozens of in-person interviews occurred with the candidates. From this pool of
outstanding candidates, James Milford was chosen as the
next Head of School. In June, James will relocate from
his home in Rome, Georgia along with his wife Angie and
their three boys, each of whom
will attend Maclay. James has an
impressive resume of independent
Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
school leadership while working
in numerous capacities at Darlington
School over the past decade. While most recently serving
as Darlington’s Assistant Head of School, his experience
includes admissions, fundraising, technology oversight, and
service in the classroom as a faculty member. The search
committee and Board were overwhelmed by James’ enthusiasm for Maclay and his insights on independent school
excellence. Given the strong foundation from which he will
begin, Maclay is poised under James’ leadership to expand
its already long list of accomplishments.
The Board has been similarly busy working with administrators and faculty to evaluate opportunities for expanding upon the curriculum, technology and global learning
opportunities for our students. Those efforts are already
present in classrooms through each division and will be
even more apparent in the coming school year. All of this
is being paid for in a debt resistant setting which enables
Maclay’s tuition to remain among the lowest in the country
for a school with its academic and extracurricular offerings.
This last fact would, of course, not be possible without the
generosity of so many of you in contributing to the Annual
Fund, Maclay Auction, and the “Tomorrow Begins Today”
capital campaign—each of these funding sources are so critical to our mission of being a school which serves anyone
in our community who places emphasis on receiving an
outstanding liberal arts education in an environment which
fosters learning and the pursuit of individual goals.
In closing, I wish to express my deepest gratitude for the
privilege to serve as the Maclay Board Chair for the past 2
years. After 7 years on this Board, I state with certainty that
many of the finest individuals in our community dedicate
their lives to Maclay, at the Board level and as faculty,
administrators and coaches. The reason is that they, like
me, are motivated by the result of this labor—thriving,
engaged, responsible and, most importantly, happy children
who grow to become the leaders of our community as well
as communities throughout our state and nation. I look
forward to watching the future successes of this outstanding
educational institution.
The Early Years
Maclay School opened its doors in 1968 to a handful 130 of students taught by a faculty of 10
teachers. Thanks to the leadership, vision, and support of our founding families, Maclay School
has grown to a sprawling 100-acre campus with well over 900 students. The incredible growth
we have experienced over the course of the past 46 years has come as a result of the generosity
of our community, and has been managed with little or no debt, thereby enabling
Maclay School to remain financially strong and stable.
In February 2013, just over one year ago, we launched the Maclay Campaign: Tomorrow
Begins Today. This $4 million campaign addresses many needs, in a diverse range of areas,
across our campus: a complete renovation of the Lower School, the oldest building on
campus, a new 8,000 square foot Athletic Field House, which will serve 27 of Maclay’s
athletic teams, enhancements to our Fine Arts Program, and the paving of our perimeter
road. Now, just twelve months in to a three year campaign, we have already raised $2.5
million of our $4 million goal.
As Maclay School prepares to transition from the leadership of Bill Jablon, our dedicated
headmaster of 38 years, to our incoming head of school, James Milford, we honor with pride
our school’s incredible history and look with excitement towards our future. In order for James
Milford to begin his tenure as headmaster with the same clean slate that we have always taken
pride in preserving, it is important to achieve our goal on this capital campaign so that we may
begin the next chapter of Maclay’s captivating story.
Athletics Field House
If you have not yet made a commitment to the capital campaign, we invite you to join us in
our shared vision for the future of Maclay School. Every donation makes a difference and
commitments may be fulfilled over a three-year period. Please visit www.maclaycampaign.
com for information about naming opportunities, details about campaign projects, and to
make your pledge on-line.
Thank you,
Karen Unger and Charlie Dudley
Campaign Co-Chairs
Cartee Stage
Karen Unger
Charlie Dudley
A GRAND Opening
Rowdy Rauder Adventure Race
Officially opening the new Lower School was more than just a ribboncutting ceremony. On October 12, Maclay hosted the first ever Rowdy
Rauder Adventure Race throughout the 100-acre campus. Forty-five teams
competed in 20 challenges that ended up being a little more “challenging”
than most expected. But fun was had by all. Board member Katrina Rolle
led an army of volunteers over several months to put together the event.
Veteran runner and community leader Jane Johnson organized and planned
the race which had prizes for The Best Dressed, The Best Team Name,
The Most Challenged Team, The Top Student Team and the Best Overall
Team. Though the original idea was this was a one-time event, reviews
were so positive that we might just see a 2nd Annual Rowdy Rauder Race.
Stay tuned…
New Lower School
Ribbon Cutting
After the two-plus hour race was done, folks moved to the Lower School for lunch,
entertainment, awards, and the official ribbon cutting. The Board of Trustees
surprised Mr. Jablon with the official naming of the building, William W. Jablon
Lower School. Needless to say, Mr. Jablon was touched and his new plaque that
now hangs in the Commons. Dedication ceremonies followed inside the Lower
School including the naming of the Kindergarten-2nd grade wing: The Dudley
Family; The Lower School Foreign Language Lab: The Mayfield Family dedicated
in loving memory of Lawson Susanne Mayfield (’09); The 3rd-5th grade wing: The
Unger Family; and the Lower School Science Lab named in honor of William W.
Jablon and given by the Koski Family.
The Dudleys: Charlie, Alison, Chas,
Emily, Chris, Suzanne, Colgan, Levi,
Carol, and Fred
The Ungers:
Jason, Karen, Olivia, and Griffin
The Mayfields:
Emory and Windsor
The Koskis: Mr. Jablon with Mike,
Nicole, Brooke, Bryce, and Devaun
(Taylor not pictured)
An Update from the Education Committee
By Katrina Rolle
Board Co-Chair of Education and Technology
Maclay continually strives to live up to its motto “VIRTU”
meaning excellence in all things. The curriculum continues
to be college preparatory, preparing lower and middle school
students to be successful in our upper school’s rigorous
academic environment. The vast majority of our upper
school students receive instruction utilizing college-level
This past spring, 1717 students completed AP exams in
21 subject areas, with 82% of those students scoring a 3 or
higher. This compares very favorably to the Florida state
average of 50% and the global average of 52% (49% of
our students scored a 4 or 5). Additionally, this past year,
Maclay’s average ACT score was 25.4 compared to the
Florida average of 19.6; the average SAT score was 1729
compared to the Florida average of 1477. Out of 91 seniors,
three out of the class of 2014 were named National Merit
Maclay has been very intentional and purposeful in determining when and how to best integrate technology into
the curriculum. This past year, Bret Ingerman, Maclay
parent and Vice President of Information Technology
at Tallahassee Community College facilitated a series of
campus-wide faculty meetings on the role of technology in
our curriculum. The goal was to incorporate the ideas shared
with the ongoing efforts of the Maclay Board’s Education,
Curriculum, and Technology Committee. In the fall of 2014,
Maclay will launch a 1:1 iPad initiative in the Lower School
beginning with grades 4 and 5. In addition to the existing
computer lab, where students are learning among other
things coding, this initiative will be yet another layer of the
educational experiences available to Maclay students.
Helping our students achieve a global view of the world by
getting to know and work with people who think differently
than they do, is very important to Maclay. Having a diverse
student population has afforded our students the opportunity to learn alongside students with ethnic backgrounds
representing over 16 global regions, including visiting
international students from Korea, China, Spain, Italy, India,
Viet Nam, and Egypt. Skyping with students from Bolivia,
France, Canada and other countries is commonplace at
Maclay. One of our newest global learning initiatives is
the establishment of a sister school relationship with Sung
Do High School in Incheon, Korea. This fall, five of our
students, including one of our visiting Korean students,
helped launch a technology based pen pal initiative with
Sung Do High students.
The vast majority of our upper school students receive instruction utilizing college-level textbooks.
Claudia Willis
Lower School Spanish
I grew up in:
Oruro, Bolivia
My degree is from:
Florida State University with a degree in Spanish and a
minor in Education.
I am at Maclay because:
It is a family where people enable the energy to make a
change and a difference in the life of our students.
Most interesting place I have visited is:
The salt flats in Uyuni Bolivia, for its immense beauty and magic
feeling while you stand in the middle of a marvel. Another place that
was intriguing and enriching was the Amazonia of Iquitos – Peru, for the
diversity and the mission that took me to that place. I’ve worked with
FORMABIAP which is a program supported by large multinational entities
where teachers get trained to teach bilingualism in the Amazonia to keep
the identity of the more than 36 ethnias. There I had the opportunity to
share some of my experience among people who live in an environment
totally different. Also I helped develop a project in an indigenous community whose people lived off of ecotourism who wanted to capture the
attention of students who want to experience life in the jungle and are
interested to study agriculture, environmentalism, and sociology.
What I hope my students learn from me is:
The passion to learn.
What I like most about Maclay:
Our community values culture and I believe that by understanding the
value of culture students will develop respect for diversity and empathy.
To see more on Ms. Willis’ adventure scan the QR code.
Donuts for Dads is an
on-going tradition started
12 years ago at Maclay and
it still brings out the crowd.
Red Sox
Maclay dad and Boston Red Sox catcher
came to school for a special
assembly with the Pre-K and the Lower School after
he returned from the World Series.
David Ross
GRANDpeople Day
Both Lower School and Pre-K hosted a GRANDparents Day that included a program and reception
for the special GRANDpeople in their lives.
The 2nd through 5th graders
participated in the national
Computer Science
Education Week
December 9-13. Students
went through age-appropriate
video tutorials and exercises
in Mr. G’s class as part of the
Hour of Code to learn basic
computer code.
The Science of Operation Migration
By Claire Timm, 3rd Grade Teacher
Before the fall off 2008 I doubt that I
would have been able to tell you what a
maybe that it was a bird but that is about
it! I certainly didn’t know that it stands
5 ft tall with a wingspan of 8 ft or that it
is one of North America’s most endangered birds! I also knew nothing of the
amazing work that Operation Migration
is doing to help bring this bird back
from the brink of extinction. But all that
changed when it was decided that St.
Marks, NWR would be a 2nd wintering
ground for these birds. With St. Marks
basically in our “very own backyard,”
I realized I needed to see what this
was all about. In a nutshell, Operation
Migration hand-rears chicks and then
teaches them the route south behind
ultralight aircrafts.
All this is done while
covered head
Whooping Crane
to toe in a “crane costume” and never
speaking a word!
Each year as part of a cross curriculum
study in 3rd grade Science we follow
this ultralight led migration by mapping
their journey, recording data, doing
research on each state as the birds pass
through them, learning vocabulary,
making illustrations and completing
observation logs. Some mornings we
are able to turn on the video feed from
the wing of the ultralight and watch
the cranes fly! Live! It is a thrill for me
to watch as these 3rd graders get more
and more excited as the cranes’ journey
brings them the closer to Florida! We
have also been known to break out in
cheers as we see the ultralight take off
with all the birds on its wing. On arrival
day at St Marks it is amazing to see how
many of my 3rd graders are actually
able to convince a parent to drive them
down before the crack of dawn in hopes
of seeing the Whooping Cranes
behind their ultralight “mama”
fly right over their heads.
This past September I was asked
to be the “Featured Educator”
at the 2013 Whooping Crane
Festival in Wisconsin. I was
honored and thrilled to be able to showcase what we do in 3rd grade Science
at Maclay School with our study of the
Whooping Crane. I shared my curriculum with educators from around the
country and exchange ideas. My 3rd
Grade Whooping Crane curriculum
is also featured on the Journey North
website in the “Classrooms in Action”
section: www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/
I find such joy each year introducing a
whole new group of third graders to this
magnificent bird and the amazing work
of Operation Migration! One of my
favorite quotes is by Baba Dioun, “In the
end we will conserve only what we love;
we will love only what we understand;
and we will understand only what we
have been taught.” My hope is that I
am teaching the next generation what it
means to care, and I hope that they will
do their part to protect our Earth and
the living things that inhabit it!
Cameron Barton
Middle School Science
I grew up in:
My degree is from:
The University of The South, Sewanee, TN
My job at Maclay is:
7th Grade Earth Space Science and 8th Grade Computer Science
I am at Maclay because:
I am deeply rooted in this amazing school. Our family has a long history with
Maclay, with my mother teaching here for so many years, and now my sister
and I are here. Call it family tradition, but it is central to our mission to be
able to reach students in a unique and compassionate manner. Our vision for
our students is much bigger than the day to day learning that goes on here at
Maclay. We strive to remove the walls between classrooms and real life. It is
critical to inspire, to lead, and to innovate.
Most interesting place I have visited is:
The South Pole Station, Antarctica and New Zealand
What I hope my students learn from me is:
That there are so many incredible opportunities out there for them if they work
hard, dream big, follow their hearts, and never, never, never give up. Everyone
gets ONE LIFE…Make good choices, respect yourself and others always, and
think through your actions…Make your life the best! Maclay can provide a solid
foundation if you take advantage of all it has to offer.
What I like most about Maclay:
The common bond with those we’ve created memories with here amid the green
pines and plantation’s sunny hills.
Omega Man visited the Lower School and Middle School as a reward for the record breaking
. Omega Man brought an anti-bullying message and showed
impressive strength ripping the phone book and breaking boards.
Charleston Wrap sales
The 7th graders once again put on the
Halloween Carnival for the school to
raise money for their upcoming trip to
Washington DC.
Jr. Beta Club
The Jr. Beta Club took their annual shopping spree to Wal-Mart this year. There were
48 club members that spent a morning buying Christmas gifts for eleven children in the
. The Guardian Ad Litem program got a huge
boost this year thanks to the generosity of middle school student Caroline Rose Lunny.
Caroline had a birthday party where she asked for donations for the cause in lieu of gifts and
friends contributed over $400 which was used to purchase gifts for these children.
Guardian Ad Litem program
Caroline Rose Lunny
After learning about the role and work of
the United Nations and the concepts of
globalism and humanitarian aid, 6th grade
students signed up to participate again
this year in the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
campaign. They challenged themselves to
beat last year’s total of $488.57 --- and they
did raising over $1,200. Trey Fisher and
Emily Dudley brought in about half of the
money raised by collecting at an FSU football game. UNICEF can install pumps that
provide clean water to a village or school
for only $500. The students set their goals
high -- and accomplished them!
Emily Dudley and Trey Fisher with their UNICEF collection boxes.
Lee Norment
Upper School English
I grew up in:
Hampton, South Carolina
My degrees are:
B.A. in English (College of Charleston) / M.F.A. in Creative Writing
(Texas State University)
My job at Maclay is:
US English teacher (English I, AP English Language and Composition,
Southern Literature, Mystery and Detective Literature), English
Department Chair, Freshman Class Co-Sponsor, Writing Club/Literary
Magazine Sponsor.
I am at Maclay because:
I love literature and writing, and teaching here gives me the opportunity to
talk about these things with a group of bright, thoughtful students.
Most interesting place I have visited is:
Yoknapatawpha County.
What I hope my students learn from me is:
To think deeply, to respect the English language, to value the
transformative power of art over the temporary trappings of
materialism, and to learn accountability and responsibility.
What I like most about Maclay:
The freedom to teach in innovative ways and to expose students to
challenging works of literature.
Charles Beamer
Upper School Dean of Students
I grew up in:
The “BIG” city of Apopka, Florida.
My degrees are:
Bachelors of Science in Political Science and Secondary
Education (Florida A&M University); Masters of Social Science
with a concentration in Political Science and Educational
Leadership (Florida A&M University)
My job at Maclay:
Dean of Students for the Upper School, Mock Trial Faculty Sponsor,
Legal Issues instructor, and Trial Advocacy instructor (and a few others).
I am at Maclay because:
Its outstanding reputation, outstanding students, and dedicated faculty
and staff.
What I hope my students learn from me:
I hope my students learn from me the importance of being true to themselves, being honest, being disciplined, and that they are capable of doing
anything they can dream.
The things I like the most about Maclay:
The family atmosphere, my colleagues, and students.
Connor Daughton, Chase Schaum,
and Krish Suchak were all named
National Merit Scholar Semifinalists placing them in the top 1%
of graduating seniors in the nation.
Anna Brooks, Wynn Casteel, Jack
Rutledge, and Noah Sjostrom
were named Commended
Scholars that placed them
among the top 5%. In the last
five years, Maclay has had 35
National Merit Semi-finalist and
Commended Scholars among their
graduating seniors.
Honor Signing
Recent graduate Logan Eagen and parent David Wilkins were the guest speakers at this
year’s Honor Signing. All of the new Upper School students, freshmen, and new faculty
signed the Book of Honor which is housed in the Maclay School Library.
Sutton Wilkinson, Logan Rivers, and Kerry Alexander enjoy
the annual Freshmen/Senior picnic under the oaks.
Rabbi Jack Romberg
visited Mrs. Fantle’s Pre-AP
English class to discuss his
personal journey uncovering
Holocaust stories within his
own family. The students
then wrote a paper on
the discussion, several of
which were printed in the
Tallahassee Democrat.
Food Drive
The Maclay
Service Club held
Key Club Annual Blood Drive
The Key Club once again held its annual
blood drive. Rachel River prepares to make a
donation and was one of the 14 new donors
to participate this year. Over 20 units were
collected supplying 60 blood products
available for sick and injured people in our
their annual food drive for
the 2nd Harvest Food Bank
just before Thanksgiving.
They collected 1,239 pounds
of food (more than double
last year’s donation)! A
value of over $2,000 and
more importantly, they
provided meals for over
1,000 families in our area.
“There is nothing more
joyful than receiving
the text “I’m sure the
tutoring helped with my
test, considering I got
an A+ on Geometry!!!
Thank you for the great
help and teachings,
Parisa!” from the 9th
grader I tutor. Peer
tutoring and having the
opportunity to direct the
students and parents to
the right tutor is truly the
best thing that happened
to me in Maclay, and I
am grateful for that.
WOW! The Upper School student
participation in the Peer Tutor
Program has nearly TRIPLED this past
year! Approximately 13% of the Upper
School (45 students) volunteer in the
library, during their study hall period
or after school, to help other students
with their academic studies. Their
efforts promote affcademic excellence
throughout the entire Upper School,
which had 85% of the student body
earn HONOR ROLL recognition for the
first quarter. Additionally, teaching
other students helps the tutors reinforce their own knowledge while also
improving their interpersonal teaching
and communication skills.
Dr. Hampton started the Peer Tutor
Program at Maclay in 2009 after
observing the success of the Learning
Commons at Tallahassee Community
College (TCC). TCC’s nationally
recognized program provides continuous professional tutoring to students
throughout the day at their Learning
Commons/Library. Dr. Hampton
recruited our motivated students to
serve as peer tutors and Mrs. Johnston
provided the outstanding tutoring
area in the library. Dr. Hampton pays
the tutors with service hours. He also
commends their noble support to
our school and often highlights their
service in his letters of recommendation for senior applications to colleges.
THANKS to the efforts and leadership of Parisa Keshavarz-Joud,
our first-ever student President of
the Peer Tutor Program, and our
supportive library staff and student
body, the Upper School now has so
many volunteers that we can also
provide tutoring during EVERY study
hall period and after school on EVERY
school day. We can also provide after
school tutoring to our Lower and
Middle School students. This is a great
opportunity for our young Marauders
to meet and learn from our bright and
motivated students, who also serve
as outstanding role models for these
children. Someday, those same young
Marauders seeking assistance now,
may become Peer Tutors to help future
young Marauders.
If you are a student interested in being
a tutor for the 2014-15 school year,
contact Rachel Rivers (US) or
Marcy Messer (LS and MS)
Parisa Keshavarz-Joud
Need a TUTOR?
Just go to the library and check the schedule on the peer tutor tables
or contact Parisa Keshavarz-Joud at [email protected]
NO $$
just a positive attitude to learn
and a thanks to the tutor
Maclay gets
‘Sneak Peak’
By Dr. Scott Hampton
The SAT is CHANGING and our
Maclay students will be ready!
Currently, our students, on average,
score 62-95 points higher than the
National average on the three 800
point subtests (Critical Reading, Math,
Writing) of the SAT. On the PSAT,
a practice for the SAT, our freshmen
score at or above the ‘College Readiness
Benchmark’ scores for JUNIORS in the
nation. What’s most impressive about
this statistic is that most of our 9th
graders have not completed Geometry
or Algebra II, which are both significant
portions of the mathematics subtest.
The CollegeBoard may change to a new
PSAT format this Fall and implement
the NEW SAT in 2015 or 2016. Thus,
our current 10th or 9th graders may see
the new SAT (11th graders will take the
current SAT format), but why?
Last year, for the first time, more
students in the United States took the
ACT than the SAT. The SAT has drawn
criticism ever since introducing the
new writing portion back in 2005 and
more students are shifting toward the
ACT. Maclay School strongly recommends that our juniors take BOTH of
these test at least two times to improve
their performance and to determine
which test is their best test to put on
their college applications. Some of our
students perform better on the SAT,
while others excel at the ACT, which has
a science portion. ALL of our students
definitely improve after taking the first
test, which improves their chances for
college admission and merit-based
scholarships like Bright Futures. For
example, two seniors last year improved
SEVEN points on the ACT, which
is equivalent
to a 400 point
increase on the
SAT. Jasper Brey,
Class of 2012, was
the first-ever Presidential
Scholar at Maclay because he scored
a perfect 36 on the ACT to qualify
for the competition and had many
other exceptional talents. He was
perfectly satisfied with a very
high SAT score received earlier,
but he followed the ‘Maclay
Way’ and also took the ACT,
achieving perfection—and
nearly $200,000 in scholarship
at Vanderbilt.
Now, back to this NEW SAT. Before
rolling out this NEW test, the
CollegeBoard asked schools to
participate in pilot testing of the new
test formats. Our juniors completed
a ‘practice’ essay test on December
4th. Maclay also quickly volunteered
to ‘test ride’ ALL other portions of
the NEW SAT during two weeks in
February. If approved, EVERY junior
English, Algebra II and Pre-calculus/
Trigonometry class will have the
opportunity to take a practice test
during one of their normally scheduled
class periods. This ‘practice’ will help
our math and English teachers ‘see’ the
new test format, which will help them
reinforce appropriate skills and knowledge in future instruction. We are very
fortunate for this great opportunity to
help our students at Maclay to continue
to excel in the SAT, which is a critical
factor in college admissions and meritbased scholarships.
ACE the
Maclay Fine Arts
Department put on the
second annual Cabaret show
featuring the talents of 124 actors,
musicians, dancers, and singers.
Over 300 guests were in attendance to watch the sold out show
on the newly renovated Cartee
Gymnasium stage.
Jane Menton once again chaired
the event which raised money for
the fine arts department. Maclay
drama teacher Cindy Boyd Thomas
was the director and put together
a beautiful combination of classic
songs from Broadway, contemporary dance numbers, and holiday
songs that are favorites to everyone. The show was dedicated to
longtime headmaster, Bill Jablon
who will be retiring at the end
of the school year. Also assisting in the production were Lisa
Mitchell, Musical Director, Amy
Leach, Choreographer, Dr. Sherrie
Pesta, Acting Director, and Jennifer
Corzine, Band Director.
The Maclay band performed several
numbers including flute soloist,
Caroline Willis. The award winning
Genesis dance team performed
“Step in Time” from Mary Poppins
and the crowd favorite, “Santa
Claus is Coming to Town”. The
Middle School Jr. Company acting
troupe performed Winnie the Pooh
Christmas which they repeated at the
state competition. Solo performances
included seniors Connor Daughton
and Kolby McWilliams singing “Baby,
It’s Cold Outside”, John Zoll Hogan’s
“Singin’ in the Rain”, and the ensemble of Kolby, Caroline Menton, Carol
Francis Shaw, and Emmy Watkins
performing “That’s Life”. Freshman
McKenna Foote performed a solo
dance routine to the acoustical guitar
version of “Layla” played by Chris Bell.
Anna Brooks and Company closed the
show with “I Sing the Body Electric”
from the Broadway musical Fame.
This is the second year that Maclay
has performed a Cabaret which gives
students who may not be involved
in the arts year round, an opportunity to showcase their talents. This
year, the event added student artists
who submitted artwork to showcase.
Over 40 pieces of art from students
grades six through 12 including AP
art students were displayed in the
reception area prior to the show. All
of the proceeds from the event went
to support the Fine Arts Department
which includes drama, band, and art
classes at Maclay.
Homecoming at Maclay is one
of the traditions that students,
families, faculty, and alumni
look forward to every year.
Each day has a special theme
giving students a chance to dress
up. The Key Club heads to the
middle school for games during
break, and Friday brings the
parade and pep rally. Later in
the day, the Alumni Association
hosts a picnic on the grounds
for Alumni, friends and family
followed by the football game
and crowning of the King and
Queen. This year’s Homecoming
queen was Carly Craig and King
was Andre Masferrer. It is truly
a week of Marauder Spirit!
Pajamas, parades,
pep rallies,
and plenty of fun
In Coach Hall’s third season, he graduated a very special group of 10 seniors.
They were freshman his first year and he has watched these players grow and
develop into impressive young men. This year was the first year in a district
after leaving the North Florida Football Conference which Maclay dominated
the last two years. The biggest win of the season was against P.K. Yong which
was the first district win in the history of the program. The Player of the Year
was Chase Schaum and team captains were Schaum, Andre Masferrer, Christian
Kobes, and Michael Shapely.
Boys and Girls Cross Country
The Boys Cross Country enjoyed another successful season peaking at the State
Championship. Coach Droze took seven runners to state including seniors
Connor Daughton and Jack Rutledge who both finished in the top 15 on
November 15. The team won Districts, Regionals and repeated as runner-up
at State! A very tight-knit Girls Cross Country team also had a great year. The
Marauders won the District meet by an impressive 45 points and was led by
team captain Caroline Willis. They also won the City Championship, placed 3rd
in Regionals and 12th at State. Both Daughton and Willis were named All-Big
The very young Maclay volleyball team had another successful season under
the direction of second year coach Erica Bunch. The squad was led by lone
senior, Halle Scott, whose fellow starters were often 8th graders. Despite their
youth, the team did very well in their district matches going 3-0. The team
finished the season in the Regional Finals against St. Francis.
Boys Golf
Youth was the theme for both the girls and boys golf teams at Maclay this
season. The boys’ team was led by 8th grader Bryson Bianco who was
supported by fellow 8th graders John Menton and Palmer Parrish. First year
varsity letter winners Kyle McWilliams, Javi Masferrer, Parker Durrance and
Rhyse Boeneke rounded out the team that took 3rd place at District and 4th
place at the Regional Championship in Pensacola.
Girls’ Golf
The girls’ team was led by seven-year letter winner and college signee Kolby
McWilliams. Blaire Lamy, also a senior, and McKenzie Glaze rounded out the
top three followed by 8th grader Mary Katherine Waddell and newcomer
Katie Wentworth. The team also finished their season at the Regional finals
after losing the District title in a play-off. McWilliams won the District
Championship as an individual as well as the Regional Championship firing a 73
for the lowest score recorded for Maclay girls’ golf and qualifying her for a state
bid. She was also named All-Big Bend Co-Player of the Year by the Tallahassee
First year coach, Bob Ruth and his Marauder swim team had a great season
with the boys finishing 5-1 and the girls 3-3. Both teams won the District
Championship and qualified a number of individuals for the Regional competition. Senior Josh Cottle once again represented Maclay at the State Meet.
Kenya Pye signed to play basketball
with the New Mexico Lobos.
Equestrian at
Maclay School
By Dianne Johnston
For the first
time equestrians at Maclay
School will be
recognized for
their athletic
thanks to a new
high school
sponsored by the governing body of the U.S.
Olympic Team. Dianne Johnston, the Lead
Librarian and a lifelong equestrian, is sponsoring the program at Maclay. She earned her
own national title in 2008 and has won several
Horse of the Year and Regional top 5 honors
since then. In the past, riders have been
frustrated because they never received official
high school recognition for the long and
grueling hours in the saddle and dedication it
takes to ride and care for a horse. With this
new program, they will be able to list their
Varsity letters on their college applications.
Over the years, Maclay School has graduated
several top national competitors in all equestrian sports including barrel racing, hunter/
jumper, dressage, and eventing.
Brenna Murphy recently became the first
equestrian at Maclay School to earn and
receive a varsity letter from Maclay for riding.
She completed over 100 hours training time
and competed in over 3 horse shows to meet
the United States Equestrian Federation’s
criteria for lettering in equestrian sports.
She also just competed at the United States
Dressage Federation’s Region 3 Championships
in Conyers, GA. After holding the lead for a
couple of hours, Brenna and her horse, Cache
De Joie, finished third in the Junior/Young
Rider First Level Championship Class with a
67.26, beating out 22 other riders from 5 states.
For more information, contact Dianne Johnston
at the Library.
Halle Scott will be playing volleyball
next season with the University of
Central Florida Knights
Kolby McWilliams signed
to play golf at Florida
Southern in Lakeland.
Superstar Students
Sophomore Dylan Leoni, recently took his first
solo flight just after his 16th birthday.
Maclay 8th grader,
Bryson Bianco won
the Drive, Chip
and Putt Regional
sponsored by
the PGA and
the United States Golf Association. He will
compete in the national competition on April
6, 2014 during Masters week at the prestigous
Augusta National Golf Club.
Junior, Briggs Surratt,
along with his horse Hat
Trick, competed in the
2013 American Eventing
Championship in Tyler,
Junior, Brian
is ranked
15th in the
National TAG
Kart Racing.
Brian has been
racing since he was eight years old and started at
the Kart track in Monticello. He recently won the
Rotax Junior race in Ocala, Florida.
Tuition dollars go directly toward the day-to-day operations
of the school, although these dollars are not enough to cover
operational expenses.
The Maclay Fund
The Maclay Fund is our annual campaign that runs in
conjunction with the school’s fiscal year of August 1 - July
31st. It is the cornerstone of all fundraising programs at
Maclay. It is designed to bridge the gap between tuition and
the actual cost of operating the school.
Capital Campaign
Phase 1 of the current Capital Campaign covers the most
critical and timely projects of the 2011 Strategic Plan: a new
Lower School/Administration Building, the Field House
and other athletic improvements, improvements to our fine
arts program, and paving of the campus perimeter road.
Endowment is an independent school’s savings account
providing long-term financial stability.
Alumni Affairs
Alumni Association Board
Mary Katharine Croley Lawler ‘98
Will Fixel ‘98
Vice President
Dan Koeppel ‘94
Charlie Belvin ‘73
Barbara Cairns ‘87
Kim Austin Crowell ‘99
Blake Dowling ‘92
John Hinson ‘93
Joe Kupiszewski ‘87
Greg Lamendola ‘91
Beth Rowe Lewis ‘93
Elizabeth Hinson
Marschall ‘85
Terrie Cartee McGlon ‘79
Cassie Mitchell Mills ‘04
Mike Moody ‘00
Cindy Phipps ‘77
Charles Robinton ‘85
Fran Moore Shaw ‘85
Dena Sokolow ‘86
Collins Webb ‘96
Let Us Hear From You!!!
Update Your Contact Information and Send Us Your News - alumni.maclay.org
By Dena Sokolow
(’86 and Alumni Association Board member)
There are currently 124 students at Maclay who are children
of Maclay alumni. To celebrate the continuing generations
of Maclay families, on October 29, 2013, the Maclay School
Alumni Association (MSAA) hosted the second Legacy
Breakfast. The breakfast, catered by Katie’s Cakes, allowed
legacy students and their alumni parents to learn about
the growth of Maclay and hear funny anecdotes from each
decade. An alumni representative from each decade shared
their memories of Maclay. The speakers included Cindy
Phipps - 1970’s, Bob McClure - 1980’s, Michael Ruff – 1990’s,
and Annie McMillan Bell – 2000’s. MSAA President, Mary
Katharine Croley Lawler (’98), finished the presentation with
a special recognition for Headmaster William Jablon.
Students were delighted and amused by yearbook pictures
of their parents and heard stories of a time when the largest
Maclay class had 13 students. After the breakfast, the Legacy Breakfast attendees
moved to the Cartee Gym (aka the “old gym”) and took a group photograph.
Bob McClure (’83) and his
daughter Clara Frances (’14)
The warm reception brought together old friends and will be a tradition that the
Maclay School Alumni Association plans to continue annually. To learn more
about the MSAA and other alumni events, please email [email protected].
17th Annual
Robert C. Webster
Friends of Maclay Golf Tournament
October 14, 2013
It was a beautiful day to support a wonderful cause
raising money to benefit the Maclay School Financial Aid Fund!!
The Maclay Alumni Association once again hosted its annual golf
tournament at Southwood Golf Club with a full roster of teams and the
support of a great group of sponsors. After a delicious deli buffet lunch in
the clubhouse and a warm welcome from Alumni Association member,
Cindy Phipps, play began at noon. Upon completion of
their rounds of 18 holes, players returned to the clubhouse
for the Awards Ceremony, more good food and tales to
share about how they played.
This year’s First Place Winner was Team RCW (Robert
C. Webster). How fitting that the team lead by Pammy
Webster Murphy along with special Webster friends, Kit
Davenport, Chip Melton, and Jack Frazee should take the
top honors for this year’s tournament. Congratulations to
them and Thank You to all who were a part of this year’s
successful event. Hope to see you on the greens again
next year!!
Team RCW (Robert C. Webster)
A Big THANK YOU to our Sponsors!
Tournament Sponsor
Beverage Cart Sponsors
Flag Sponsors
• Rainey Lancaster
Chad Lancaster
Chase Lancaster
• Gpop’s Crew
Rebecca, Amelia, Reid, Hannah & Justin
• Quincy Mafia
• Hurricane Grill & Wings
Glove Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
• Webb Family Holdings
Hole-in-One Sponsor
• Tallahassee Dodge Chrysler Jeep
Flag & Tee Sponsors
• Jersey Mike’s
Kim Austin Crowell, Class of 1999
• Sniffen & Spellman, P.A.
• FSU—Maclay Seminole Alumni
Winner of 2012 College Challenge
• BKJ Inc. Architecture
Bonnie Johnson, Class of 1998
• Shaffield Building Specialties
• Maclay Class of 1998
Tee Sponsors
• Doug Croley Insurance Services
• Moody Eye Centre
• Dermatology Associates
• Ageis Computer Services
• Mike (‘00) & Marlo Moody
• Class of 2000
Kenneth Austin, Ron Tate,
GT Wright and Eric Parker
Ellen Hunter
Rosemary Ferrell Evans
Brianne Jablon Miller
Erin Turner Verner
Rebecca Baggett Borer
Mike Moody
Fred Woodward, Class of ‘82
Edward Woodward, Class of ‘90
Mayo Woodward, Class of ‘88
Alexander Hinson, Class of ‘90
John Hinson, Class of ‘93
Blair Bailey, Class of ‘86
• Smith Merrill, Class of 2022
• Harrison Merrill, Class of 2024
• Robinton Wealth Management
• Maclay Class of 1993
Amy Osteryoung
Robin Randell Pinney
John Hinson
Beth Rowe Lewis
Eileen Wilson Begenyi
Courtney Price White
Jessie Williams
Jacob Vogelhut
Roy Lawrence
Mark Conley
Alison James Gold
• Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A.
• The Gabor Agency, Inc.
• Cook Brothers, Inc.
• Thomson Brock Luger & Company
• Furniture Showcase & Design
Food Donors
• Tallahassee Bank
• Collins (‘96) & Katie Webb
• Henry, Buchanan, Hudson,
Suber & Carter, P.A.
• Maclay Class of ‘94
• Allen Mooney & Barnes
• Valic
• Hurricane Grill & Wings
• Jersey Mike’s
• Katie’s Cakes & Catering
• Newk’s Express Café
Prizes, Donations & In-Kind
KD Austin & Associates
Edwin Watts Golf
My Favorite Things
Tom Carlson, Greg Nichols,
Russell Cotton & Frank Shaw
Nic’s Toggery
Front Porch
Jersey Mike’s
Southwood Golf Club
Titleist Melissa Moody Tate, ‘97
Marauder Meals
Special Thank You
Durra Print
Leah Martineau Graphic Design
Special Gift in memory of Robert C. Webster
Kit Davenport
Alumni Affairs
Class of 1978
Class of 2004
Class of 2007
Amy Stone was unable to attend her 35 Year
Class Reunion in the fall, but sent a message:
“I won’t be able to make it this year. I’m
sorry I’m going to miss everyone. My
attention is on opening my restaurant... so
it’s a great reason. I can’t wait till y’all come
out to Venice, California so I can feed you
California cuisine with my southern roots
showing!” We send all good wishes to Amy
for great success!!
After graduation from college, Jamie
Vogter has pursued a career with Pandora
Jewelry as a regional sales rep. PANDORA’s
charm bracelet concept was first launched
in the Danish market in 2000. Consumers
embraced the concept, and in the following
years, driven by a growing and encouraging
demand, the company began to expand
internationally, entering new markets such
as the United States in 2003.
Dede Meros is living in St. Petersburg
and finishing the third and final year of
a master’s degree program in Childhood
Psychology from FSU. The final phase of
her graduate work has involved working as a
school psychologist with the Pinellas County
School system.
Matt Allman is an attorney and Presidential
Management Fellow at the U.S. Dept of
H.U.D. in Washington, D.C. His wife, Tanya,
is an attorney for the U.S. FDIC.
Class of 2005
A Stone’s Throw Cafe & Bakery
Class of 1986
Congratulations to Michael Sheedy! As of
January 2014, he is the Executive Director of
the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops.
This organization represents Florida’s
Catholic bishops in the state capital using
the unifying theme that appears frequently
in Catholic social teaching: “The common
good.” Prior to this new position, Michael
was the organization’s public policy director.
Class of 2003
Titus Sports Academy of Tallahassee has
expanded to Atlanta and guess who is in
charge - Brandon Harris! The Titus facility
is located in the Buckhead area of Atlanta
near Chastain Park. Brandon made this
career change after 4 years with the Atlanta
Braves as an athletic trainer.
A big congratulations to Katie Hatcher!!
Katie was recently named Teacher of the
Year at Greenville Elementary School in
Greenville, FL (Madison County Schools).
Allison Miller plays the lead role in the
movie Devil’s Due which came out in
theaters in January.
Nic Meros is in his second year of Law
School at Vanderbilt.
Hannah Mayer received a Bachelor of
Arts degree in Corporate & Organizational
Communications with Minors in Business
Administration and Spanish from the
College of Charleston and a Master’s
of Science in Marketing from Clemson
University. She is currently the Marketing
Manager at Customer Effective, a Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Certified Partner, in
Greenville, SC. And, it should be no surprise
that she continues to enjoy her horseback
Class of 2006
After a final internship at St. Joseph’s
Children’s Hospital in Tampa, Florida,
Carlyn Harris finished her doctorate degree
in Pediatric Physical Therapy in August
2013. She is now working at Children’s
Therapy Works in Roswell, GA as a Pediatric
Physical Therapist.
Susumu Noda is a PhD candidate in
Computer Science from George Washington
University on May 20, 2013. He did his
undergraduate at GWU with majors in
Computer Science and Psychology with a
concentration in cognitive neuroscience.
Ashley Carr graduated from Washington
and Lee University in 2011. She has
been working on a Master’s Degree
in Occupational Therapy at New York
University’s Steinhardt School. She graduated in December 2013.
Class of 2009
Will Liner is currently a senior majoring
in forestry at Auburn University, where he
is a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity
and has been a student recruiter for the
University the past 3 years. Last summer, he
was hired as a research assistant on a grant
that the Auburn School of Forestry has with
the US Department of Defense and the US
Forest Service to study the carbon sequestration of long-leaf pines on southern military
bases. Will worked on a team of 10 Auburn
forestry professors, graduate students and
upper classmen at Fort Polk, Louisiana. In an
effort to reduce the carbon footprint of military installations, the Department of Defense
has planted tracts of long-leaf pines, which
take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.
The Auburn team conducted research to
determine if, in fact, the tracts of pine have
actually reduced carbon emissions on the
military base at Fort Polk. Similar studies
are being conducted at other military bases
in the south, including Fort Benning, GA.
Additionally, Will and another team of three
were selected through a competitive process
to present another research project on the
use of long-leaf pines in an agri-forest setting
to the American Foresters annual meeting in
October 2013 in Charleston, SC
Alumni Affairs
Class of 2011
Class of 2012
The FSU Department of Athletics, Seminole
Boosters, Inc., and the Committee of Thirty
celebrate the annual “Champions Beyond
The Game.” The brunch is held each year to
“honor the past, celebrate the present and
promote the future” of women’s athletics at
Florida State.
Maclay alum, Precious Hall, a sophomore
at James Madison University, was named
to the Full Preseason All-CAA First Team.
Earlier, Precious was named 2013 Women’s
Basketball CAAHoops Rookie of the Year by
unanimous selection.
Each year the committee presents an honor
entitled the Femina Perfecta Award. Femina
Perfecta translated means the “complete
woman” and it was the motto that appeared
on the school seal when the institution was
the Florida State College for Women. The
“complete woman” was expected to possess
the traits of Vires (strength), Artes (knowledge) and Mores (tradition) symbolized by
the three torches of that seal. In short, FSCW
women were expected to have sound minds
in sound bodies. The Femina Perfecta Award
was established by the Committee of Thirty
to honor an athlete in each sport, chosen
by her teammates, who best personifies
these characteristics. This year’s
recipient for FSU Softball was
Lindsey Peppers, 2011 Maclay
School graduate.
Class of 2013
By Elizabeth Santoro (Summer 2013)
Hey everyone! I’m Elizabeth Santoro, and
I will be a freshman
at Northwestern
University this fall.
This is my second
summer as an intern
with the Tallahassee
Senior Center, and
so far it’s been such
a rewarding experience! I intern with the
communications department, so a lot of my
time is spent talking to the members and
writing stories. A couple stories in particular I have covered include one member’s
graduation from college and another’s
experience through the Iranian Revolution.
As you can see, the center has some pretty
amazing people! Being an intern gives me
the opportunity to meet and learn about all
these cool people in the community. Plus,
the center has allowed me to pursue my
own passion, journalism. So whatever your
interest is I’m sure the center has something
for you to explore. Over the summer I plan
to use this blog as a kind of inside to what it’s
like to be an intern at the Tallahassee Senior
Center. I’ll keep you updated about ongoing
stories and any cool new adventures that
may pop up!
Kristen Sweeney was named the FHSAA
Female Scholar-Athlete of the Year during
the summer. She was a National Merit
Finalist and Advanced Placement Scholar
with Distinction. Kristin completed lab
training by working in the Florida State
University Neuroscience Laboratory, and
participated in more than 339 hours of
community service. Kristin hopes to study
biomedical engineering or pre-medicine and
is currently running for the cross-country
team at Rice University.
Volleyball player Hale Kole was recently
named to the All-ACC Academic Volleyball
Team. Haley had a great first season playing
for the Virginia Cavaliers.
Class of 1988 - 25th Reunion
Class of 1988: Saturday night dinner at The Front Porch
Alumni Affairs
Class of 1993 - 20th Reunion
Courtney Price White, Roy Lawrence, Blakely Bass
John Hinson, Roy Lawrence, Amy Osteryoung,
Jason Carnaghi, Elaine Davis
John Hutchins, Aaron Sundstrom, Ian Phipps
Janine Lazzarini Childs, Eileen Wilson Begenyi,
Beth Hathaway DeMarco, Beth Rowe Lewis,
Andrea Bishop Boggs, Maureen Scanlon Castano
by Leah McIver Atkin
The Class of 1993 Reunion
Weekend was nothing less than
an absolute blast. Friends began
the weekend by gathering at
the Annual Alumni Tailgate at
the Webster Center, followed
by the Maclay Homecoming
Football game. What a treat
to gather on such a beautiful evening
with friends and family. Many alumni
were just in awe of the beautiful
facilities and the fact that Maclay has
a football team!
We later moved the celebration to
The Front Porch. Friends reminisced
throughout the evening, but not too
late for many as the Rowdy ‘Rauder
Adventure Challenge was early the
next morning! Throughout the
day many alums who had not seen
the beautiful campus since graduation
were able to take tours of the campus,
participate in a variety of fun family
activities and cheer on those brave
enough to tackle the race!
After a nap, we were all graciously
welcomed into the home of Ian and
Suzy Phipps. We enjoyed an amazing
sunset over Lake Jackson, delicious
barbecue catered by our own Jim Flury,
owner of Jim and Milts. We laughed,
talked with friends as if we had never
left them, and enjoyed tunes by Erik
Gomer of local band Facing Quincy (Class
of 1995). The evening came to an end as
we all gathered inside the Phipps beautiful
home to watch our class enjoy some fun
at Forest Meadows after graduation night.
A special thank you to Michael Ruff and
John Hinson for sharing the memories, as
well as to Alan and Courtney Price White
for putting together a fantastic montage
of memories to look back on.
All in all the weekend and conversations were too short! We were glad to
see those who were able to make it and
missed those who weren’t. We are all
Aaron Sundstrom, Jesse Walker, Nick Patronis
looking forward to getting together again
in a few years for the big 25 and creating
even more memories. How truly special
to see friends we haven’t seen in years,
meet spouses and children. Thank you to
EVERYONE for making our 20th reunion
such a fabulous event!
Back Row: Donald Herndon, Aziz Al-Doory, Alan
White, Jim Flury, Jacob Vogelhut, Courtney Price
White, Roy Lawrence, Jesse Walker, Nick Patronis,
Allison James Gold, Blakely Bass, Andrea Bishop
Boggs, Eileen Wilson Begenyi
Front Row: Janine Lazzarini Childs, Jason Sorvillo,
Dominique McCarthy Sorvillo, John Boggs, Aaron
Aaron Sundstrom, Eileen Wilson Begenyi, Janine
Lazzarini Childs, Nick Patronis
Alumni Affairs
Class of 2003 - 10th Reunion
by Emily Broeseker
The Maclay Class of 2003 celebrated their
10-year reunion this fall. At the helm
were Kendrea Austin and Emily Broeseker,
organizing the events from Tallahassee
and Birmingham, AL. The weekend
started out with the Friday night tailgate at the Homecoming football game
against Wewahitchka. Football is a new
Maclay tradition for the class of 2003, and
everyone enjoyed being back on campus.
The class had an informal gathering at The
Front Porch in midtown after the game.
On Saturday night, the class had their
party at a new Tallahassee venue, Recess at
College Town. There were beautiful views
of the FSU intramural fields and Doak
Campbell stadium.
Despite social
media taking some
of the surprise out
of reunions, the
chance to see everyone face to face, possibly for the first time in 10 years, was an
amazing experience. Out of the 97 graduates, 28 were able to attend the weekend,
coming in from as far as New York and
Boston. Katie Stewart, who currently lives
in Tallahassee, said that she was surprised
to know how many people still lived in
town. “I am so glad that we had this
chance to come together as a class. I had
no idea how many people are local, and I
plan on staying in touch with a lot more
Maclay people from now on.”
The weekend was a great way to reunite
with old friends, and everyone hopes to
stay connected as a class for many years
to come.
If you would like to become a class agent,
please e-mail: [email protected]
Alumni Affairs
Georgia Ely Lambert
September 17, 2012
Matthew and Alexis
Antonacci (‘02) Lambert
Penelope Jane Lawson
May 14, 2013 Michael and Meghan
Edmond (‘02) Lawson
Torrance, California
Lane Elizabeth and William
Monroe Preston
April 20, 2013
Matt (‘94) and Fran Preston
William Godfrey Smith IV
June 23, 2013 William (‘02) and
Sophie Smith
Charlotte Katherine Wesley
February 5, 2013
Rob (‘03) and Miranda Wesley
Kendall Grace Crowell
August 2, 2012
Kim Austin (’99) and
Angelo Crowell
Oliver Everett Davey
August 16, 2013 Kevin Paul (‘05) and
Mary Kate Davey
Kinley Elizabeth Gruber
October 11, 2013
Lewis (‘08) and Sarah Gruber
William Collin Cherry
December 3, 2013
Collin (‘87) and Jenny Cherry
Owen Issac Moody
July 5, 2013 Mike (‘00) and
Marlo Moody
Share your photos
Henry James and Dewey “Banks” Hudson
August 6, 2013
Dewey and Caroline Gifford (‘99) Hudson
Have you met up with former classmates
or faculty members?
We’d love to share your photos in print or online.
E-mail your high-resolution photos, along with a
detailed description and the names of people in
the picture, to [email protected]
As you make your way in the world, please make sure you update us by sharing your current contact information.
E-mail: [email protected]
or go to the Alumni Portal at alumni.maclay.org
or the Maclay website at maclay.org, click on “Alumni” and “Update Your Info”
Alumni Affairs
Matt Allman (‘04) and Tanya Farah Otsuka
December 8, 2012 at the University of
Virginia Chapel in Charlottesville, VA
Joe Chichetti (’97) and Amy Ratledge
June 29, 2013
Jennifer Alford (’02) and Clay Falls
July 13. 2013
Patrick Hurley (‘99) and Angela Hoffman
April 13, 2013
Guerrin Gardner (’00) and Brett Johnson
July 27, 2013
Todd Hunter, Jr. (’00) and Mycah Bullard
May 4, 2013
Heather Clark Lillie (‘97) and Ted Duncan
July 27, 2013
Leigh Jackson (’04) and Berry Tillman
May 11, 2013
Lewis Gruber (’08) and Sarah Wise
August 3, 2013
Paige Benton (‘98) and Patrick McKee
June 1, 2013
Megan Tabah (’01) and Gabriel Zellmer
October 12, 2013
Danny Navarro (’02) and Cristi Hall
June 22, 2013
Tyler Ivey (’07) and Kristy Metts
October 19, 2013
Katy Kiser
(‘01) and
Jack Caughran
June 28, 2013
David Gruber (’02) and Alexandra Maas
October 26, 2013
Jennifer Emo (‘03) and Gabriel Phillips
June 22, 2013 in Memphis, Tennessee
Ashley Cartee (’08) and Brian Hall
November 10, 2013
In Memoriam
Jack Kelly
Maclay Teacher 1971-1975
Athletic Director
Boys Varsity Basketball Coach
May 13, 2013
Orange Park, Florida
Lee Bryan Lewis
Class of 1987
May 16, 2013
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Mary Ann Lewis
Maclay Teacher 1981-2001
3rd Grade
July 2, 2013
Robert “Bob” Hill Smith
Class of 1977
May 28, 2013
Timothy Rhys Morgan Thomas
Class of 1976
September 29, 2013
Miami, Florida
Alumni Affairs
We’re looking for passionate alumni to share their ideas and insight on how we
can improve our program and better serve the alumni.
Join us as we celebrate Homecoming /Reunion Weekend in the Fall 2014 with a
variety of events open to all alumni. Watch for more details.
Volunteer as a Class Agent and help your classmates stay connected through
alumni happenings.
We want to know what you’ve been up to. Tell us about your adventures and
Learn more: alumni.maclay.org or maclay.org, click on “Alumni”
Debbie Hurley, Alumni Relations Coordinator | [email protected] | 850.893.8465
Maclay School
Giving Report
Board of Trustees
2012 - 2013
Gary Hunter
Stan Barnes
Monesia Brown
Lamont Cook
Kathy Dahl
Nancy Deal
Tom Deison ‘91
Chris Diamantis
John Foote
Hank Hutchinson
Rip Kirby
Marie Krafft
William Lamb ‘87
Rob Langford ‘78
Jennifer LaVia ‘81
Jill Meenan
Karen Unger
Alumni Association
Board of Directors
2012 - 2013
Cindy Phipps ‘78
Garrett Kuersteiner Robinson ‘95
Vice President
Katie Copeland Smith ‘98
Rob Angerer ‘86
Charlie Belvin ‘73
Jamie Boland ‘96
Terrie Cartee ’79
Kim Austin Crowell ‘99
Will Fixel ‘98
Bentley Frazee Harris ’00
John Hinson ‘93
Dan Koeppel ‘94
Joe Kupiszewski ’87
Mary Katharine Croley Lawler ’98
Elizabeth Hinson Marschall ‘85
Ellen Camp McFarlain ‘85
Sara Knox Merrill ‘90
Mike Moody ‘00
Charles Robinton ‘85
Fran Moore Shaw ‘85
Annual Giving Report
The Honor Roll of Donors represents the cumulative gifts received from donors during the course of the fiscal year. Those listed
below have made a gift(s) to Maclay in at least one of the following areas: Maclay Fund, Endowment Funds, Scholarship Funds,
Honor and Memorials, Athletic Booster Clubs. We gratefully thank you.
Please note: Gifts made to Tomorrow Begins Today, The Campaign for Maclay School will be acknowledged in a separate publication at a later date.
Margin of Excellence Society
($25,000 and above)
Maclay School extends its sincere thanks to the following “Margin of Excellence” donors for making a difference to the school. During
the 2012-13 academic year, these friends made special gifts which helped Maclay School increase and maintain its margin of excellence
in the education of its students.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Diamantis
Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dahl
Firman Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Scott
Ms. Mary Visconti
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Kari K. Beck
Envision Credit Union
First Commerce Credit Union
Dr. and Mrs. Albert S. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Tetreault
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Vanlandingham
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Boeneke
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Carson
Carson & Adkins
Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Chambasian
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Blue Craig
Gulf Winds Track Club, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Haedicke
Heffley & Associates
Ms. Gannon Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Rip Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan, Jr.
Mr. Mark T. Aliff
Mr. Steven Becker and Dr. Marie Becker
Mr. Justice Chuku and Mrs. Loan Nguyen
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Colon
Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamont Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cook
Dr. Frederick Corpuz and Dr. Joanna Yao
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy W. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Evert
Mr. Keith Finlayson and Dr. Susan Lumpp
Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio J. Fontela
Mr. Kevin Wall and Ms. Lisa Freeze
Dr. Timothy G. Grayson
and Dr. Mary Anne Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Harrison
Haute Headz
Hayes Computer Systems Inc.
Mr. E. Cantey Higdon Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Hinson
Mr. John L. Ho
Dr. and Mrs. Hank L. Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Rosser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sniffen
Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tiller
Ms. Shirley J. Whitsitt
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Jablon
Dr. and Mrs. Farhat Khairallah
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Knox
Mr. Dan Koeppel and Dr. Anna Koeppel
Dr. Robert A. Holton
and Dr. Marie E. Krafft
Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawton Langford
Mr. and Mrs. John T. LaVia, III
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Leoni
Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Mayfield, Jr.
Annual Giving Report
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McGraw
MDC Tallahassee LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Miles
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Mrs. Joyce Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Price
Dr. and Mrs. Garrison A. Rolle
Drs. Laurence and Lori Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Rutledge
Dr. Shezad Sanaullah and Dr. Helen Nitsios
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Shapley
Dr. and Mrs. Philip V. Sharp
Drs. Hardeep and Jayati Singh
Smith, Thompson, Shaw, Manausa
& Colon, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Stejskal
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F. Suber
Mrs. Pat Suber
The EIS Foundation Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thumm
Mr. and Mrs. Jason L. Unger
Mrs. Katherine J. Willis
Drs. Leslie and Vicari Wilson
Wilson Family Medicine, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Pat M. Woodward
Gifts up to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Acuff
Mr. and Mrs. Toyin B. Adeshina
Affiliated Auctions & Realty LLC
Affiliated Insurance Agencies
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ahrendt
Ms. Jean Ainsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Aldredge
Ms. Stephanie D. Alexander
Ms. Judy Alexander
Mr. Shawn Allen
Allergy and Asthma Research
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Allman
Dr. and Mrs. Farrukh S. Alvi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Angerer, Jr.
GFA Realty Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Antworth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Aronson
Mr. Kurt Artecona and Ms. Christina Rook
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Ashcroft
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Atkin
Mr. Stephen P. Auger
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Aurell
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dubose Ausley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Baggett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bailey III
Ms. Elizabeth Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bakas
Mr. K. Bryan Baker and Ms. Denise Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barineau
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barkas
Mr. and Mrs. Travis S. Barnes, Jr.
Ms. Lydia Barouse
Mrs. Cameron L. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Sabin Bass
Ms. Candy Bassett
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bastien
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Batchelor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beamer
Ms. Elizabeth L. Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell L. Bebout
Mrs. James D. Beck
Mr. Douglas S. Bell
and Mrs. Luana K. Leialoha-Bell
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Bell III
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Bell
Mr. Lee Benoit and Dr. Nancy Chorba
Drs. Chris and Valerie Berg
Dr. Paul Berk
and Mrs. Stephanie Funderburke
Mr. and Mrs. Derek K. Bethke
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Betts III
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bevis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bianco
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Bickell
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Blake
Mr. Linzie Bogan and Dr. Yolanda Bogan
Ms. Jane F. Bondi
Ms. Robin Borschel
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Boulos
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bowersox
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyd
Mrs. Cheri R. Apthorp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boynton
Bradfordville Animal Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brady
Ms. Joy Breman
Mr. and Mrs. David Brennan
Mr. James R. Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Daron E. Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Brogan
Dr. and Mrs. H. Logan Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Don N. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis Buford
Mr. Butch Bundy and Dr. Vikki McKinnie
Mrs. Rosemary S. Bunn
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Burhans, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Burnopp
Mr. Brandon Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. Butler
Butler Pappas Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Cain
Ms. Barbara J. Cairns
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Camarda
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Carnes
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Carvajal
Mrs. Kathryn K. Cashin
Mr. Mark W. Casteel
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cathcart
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chambers
Mrs. Elissa G. Chase
Mr. and Mrs. M. Paul Chavis
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cherashore
Mrs. Nan C. Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clary
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Coats
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cocotos
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Combs
Mr. and Mrs. C. Caleb Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Copeland
Mrs. Jeanne A. Corbett
Mrs. Jennifer J. Corzine
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cottle
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Covert
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Covert
Mr. and Mrs. L.Thomas Cox, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Crapps and Mrs. Ana Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Croston
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo D. Crowell
Ms. Jennifer Crusoe
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Culliton
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Daughtry
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Davenport
Mrs. Linda D. Davey
Dr. and Mrs. Wilburn T. Davis III
Dr. and Mrs. Moritz E. Dehler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Deison
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Delegal
Ms. Anna Marie Delgado
Annual Giving Report
Mr. and Mrs. John H. DeLoach
Dermatology Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Desloge
Mr. and Mrs. R Chase Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dexter Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. John Dowdy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Downie II
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Droze
Mr. Gregory Dudiank
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Eagen
Ms. Kristin Winokur Early
Mr. Mark S. Easterling
and Dr. Rebecca E. Easterling
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Eastman
Mr. Ray M. Iannucci
and Ms. Patsy R. Eccles
Mr. and Mrs. David Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Eldred
Ms. Caitlin Ellis
Ms. Kim L. Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Engelbrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Ereckson
Ms. Linda C. Essary
Mr. and Dr. John Evers
Mr. and Mrs. David Eyer
Dr. James M. Fadool
and Dr. Debra F. Fadool
Dr. and Mrs. N.F. Fain Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fantle
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ferraro
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Filloon
Dr. Robert R. Fisher and Dr. Ann K. Joslyn
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fixel
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fleischer
Mr. Walter J. Fleming
Mr. H. Maxwell Fletcher, Sr.
Mrs. Cynthia S. Fletcher
Flightline Group Inc.
Florida Healthy Kids Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Foote
Dr. John T. Foster, Jr.
and Dr. Sarah W. Foster
Ms. Martha W. Franklin
Mr. Eric and Dr. Andrea Friall
Mrs. Samantha R. Fulton
Mr. Thomas Gallagher III
Mrs. Laura Gallagher
Mr. Dean O. Gargiulo
and Ms. Cindy B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gargiulo
Mr. and Mrs. Jake B. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Giudice
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glomb
Mr. and Mrs. Mason A. Goldsmith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Erik C. G. Gomer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Gould
Ms. Erika Grant
Mrs. Bettie Jane Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Corbin Graves
Dr. Joseph M. Gray
Mrs. Susan Gray
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyles B. Griffin, Jr.
Mr. Jack Grubbs and Ms. Marian Berndt
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gwynn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hamilton
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Harris
Mrs. Frances S. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Rapheal Harris
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Harrison
Mr. William Harrold
and Ms. Barbara Hill-Harrold
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hart
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hayes
Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Heaton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Heffley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heinz
Mrs. J. Carol Henderson
Mr. R. Claude Hendon
and Ms. Kathleen Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Hermeling
Mr. and Mrs. Carson D. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. E. Cantey Higdon
Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Higginbotham
Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrandt
Mrs. H. L. Hill, Sr.
Mr. William Harrold
and Ms. Barbara Hill-Harrold
Mr. John C. Hinson II
Mr. Michael A. Hogan
and Dr. Patricia A. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop C. Holifield
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Homison
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Hosford
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Houtz
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Winston K. Howell
Mr. John R. Hugill and Mrs. Kiki Dunton
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey E. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor M. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Hyde
Dr. Joe D. Icerman
and Dr. Rhoda C. Icerman
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Jaggears
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. James
Jim Smith Insurance Agency, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Johnston
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Jones
Mr. George R. Jones
Mr. Michael Jones
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Jordan
Ms. Linda Hill Jordan
Dr. and Dr. David Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Karimipour
Keith Lawson Company, Inc.
Ms. Lillian K. Keller
Keller Williams Realty
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kerrigan
Mrs. Mary J. King
Mr. and Mrs. Kimberly L. King
Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk
Mr. Gebre-Egzaibher Kiros
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Kiser, Jr.
Dr. Christopher C. Koenig
and Dr. Felicia C. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kole
Mr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Kreimer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Kronenberger
Ms. Dianna Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kung
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kupiszewski
Mr. and Mrs. David Kurgatt
Dr. Shiva Lakshmin
and Dr. Heemanshi Shah-Lakshmin
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lamb, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg LaMendola
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamy
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Land
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robertson Langford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Langston
Ms. Amelia L. Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawler
Drs. Matthew and Stephanie Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher C. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Lansing M. Lewis III
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lewis
Annual Giving Report
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Lewis
Mr. Lincoln M. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lichtstein
Mr. and Mrs. Blucher Lines
Mr. Gentle Littles, III
and Dr. Alma B. Littles
Mr. William Lott
Mr. and Mrs. James Love
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Low
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Lundberg
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Lunny
Mr. Charles R. & Dr. Lisa C. Lyons
M&M Monogramming
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Maas
Mr. James Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mahdavi
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mahorner
Mr. Scott P. Mall
Mrs. William H. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marschall
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Martinoff
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Masferrer
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mast
Mr. Robert W. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Mayer
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Mazziotta
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McCall, Jr.
Mr. Scott McCallum
Ms. Lindsy McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McClelland
Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert McClure III
Ms. Leila L. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Keith McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDuffie
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McFarlain
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McFarlain
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McGarvey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. McGraw
Mr. Michael H. McGrotha
Mr. and Mrs. William T. McKinley
Dr. and Mrs. Meredith McKinney
Mrs. Mary S. McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon P. McWilliams
Mr. Rick H. Meeker and Mrs. Nhu Meeker
Mr. Richard H. Meeker, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Menton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Merrill
Mr. Kenneth Metzger
and Ms. Leslie J. Paugh
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Miller, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Minacci
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Minter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mnookin
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Moayad
Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. E. Murray Moore, Jr.
Mr. Robbie B. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore
Moore, Ellison, McDuffie, CPAs, PA
Dr. and Mrs. Bert Morales
Mr. Matthew W. Morales
Ms. Elizabeth L. Morales
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Morrison, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James Mossell
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Murdaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Murrah
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murray Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nation
Mr. and Mrs. John Nettles
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Newkirk
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Nohle
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris
North Florida Pediatric Associates
North Florida Title Company
Ms. Kristen Nyers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nylen, Sr.
Ms. Anneli Nystrand
Dr. and Mrs. David Oberste
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Obrecht
Dr. and Mrs. Chukwuma Okoroji
Mrs. Kirsten A. O’Neal
Dr. Andrew B. Oseroff
and Dr. Carol E. Oseroff
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Owenby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Paddack
Mr. Dean W. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Pargman
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Jose J. Parrilla
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Paterson
Mr. Steve Peene
Mrs. David H. Peipers
Mr. Albert L. Perruzzi
Dr. Robin Perry and Ms. Marcia Roitberg
Mrs. Emma Perry
Persica Landscaping Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Pesta
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin B. Phipps
Ms. Cynthia Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pichard
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Platt
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Poole
Mr. Gary Lee Printy
Ms. Maureen C. Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Putnal
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Raepple
Dr. and Mrs. Sandeep Rahangdale
Mr. and Mrs. Ravindra N. Rahangdale
Ms. Denise Rains
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rash
Ms. Marie Ratchford
Ms. Barbara D. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rhodes
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Richardson
Ms. Dwan Riggins
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Rillstone
Mr. and Mrs. E. Grover Rivers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Rivers
Mrs. C. Lee Roberts, Jr.
Mrs. Sandra S. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. B. David Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Robinson
Mrs. Julia W. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Robinton III
Mr. C. M. Robinton
Mr. and Mrs. Colin M. Roopnarine
Ms. Sheryl D. Rosen
Dr. and Mrs. Landon T. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Russell W. Rowan
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Ruff
Ms. Connie Rumberger
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rust
Dr. Ronald H. Saff and Dr. O. Teresa Saff
Dr. Vincent J.M. Salters
and Ms. Nancy J. Sampson
Mrs. Anna Sandlin
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Sandon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Santoro
Mr. Jeffrey Satriano
Mr. and Mrs. Gar H. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schnippert
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schuchts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Schwarz
Dr. Kathryn E. Scott
Mr. Allen R. Secreast
Ms. Clarice M. Secreast
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Sellers, Jr.
Ms. Naudain Ives Sellers
Annual Giving Report
Dr. Matthew Shaftel
and Mrs. Pascale Shaftel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Shaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Shaw III
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Shelfer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Shelfer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Shiver
Ms. Mae G. Shivers
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Simmons
Mr. Anthony W. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay H. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sizer
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Sjostrom
Ms. Susan T. Skelton
Mr. James W. Slack
Ms. Jacqueline K. Slack
Col. and Mrs. Grant Slayden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sloderbeck
Ms. Carri C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. J. Layne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Malone D. Smith
Mrs. William M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Smythe
Sniffen & Spellman P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Snow
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Snowden, IV
Ms. Dena Sokolow
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
Ms. Beverly Spencer
Ms. Gwen Spivey
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanyard
Mrs. Eldonna Steffen
Mrs. Lucas E. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Len Stirrat
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Stockstill
Drs. Ralph and Katherine Stoetzel
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stolting
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Stubblefield
Mr. and Mrs. Tod Stupski
Dr. Naresh Suchak and Dr. Niharika Suchak
Drs. Niharika Suchak
Sunshine Car Care, LLC
Mr. Jeffrey V. Swain and Dr. Mary E. Swain
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Tabah
Mrs. Debra H. Tackett
Tallahassee Diamond Center
Tallahassee Primary Care Assoc PA
Tallahassee Watch & Estate Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex W. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Tharpe Jr.
The Copy Shop, Inc.
Ms. Katherine Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thomsen
Ms. Claire T. Timm
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tipton
Dr. and Mrs. Neil E. Torgerson
Mr. Jeff Townsend
and Mrs. Jennifer Kilinski
Mrs. Glenda Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tschieder
Mr. Kenneth J. Tschieder
Mrs. Lisa V. Tschieder
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Tunnicliff
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Van Iddekinge
Mr. and Mrs. Arne C. Vanstrum
Venture East, Inc.
Vertigo Burgers & Fries
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Waddell III
Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. Wadsworth, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Walker
Mrs. Charlotte P. Watkins
Ms. Sharon M. Watkins
Mr. Steve M. Watkins III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Sterling L. Watson
Judge and Mrs. Richard Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Tony A. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wells
Wells Fargo Educational Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Wesley
Judge and Mrs. Thomas K. Wetherell II
Mr. and Mrs. John Whitworth
Ms. Martha G. Wigginton
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Wilkinson, Jr.
Ms. Amy Willett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Cristopher Williams
Williams, Gautier, Gwynn, & DeLoach, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Willis
Ms. Claudia Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
Ms. Glenda A. Wilson
Mr. Brian S. Winchester
Mr. David Wishnia
and Mrs. Barrie Williamson
Richard Wolkind
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Wood
Ms. Morgan A. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Mayo M. Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wright
Ms. Ping Wu
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wurst
Mr. David Yon
Mr. Michael Yoon and Dr. Jessica Yoon
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Zaidan
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zins
This Annual Report is a publication of the Maclay School Advancement Office for gifts received August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If we have inadvertently left your name off of a listing or listed it incorrectly,
please accept our sincere apology and advise us of the correction so that we may update our records.
Annual Giving Report
Gifts and Donations
In Honorarium
In Honor of Michael & Daniel Hendon
Mr. and Mrs. David Brennan
In Honor of Sam & Sara Mnookin
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Newkirk
In Memoriam
In Memory of Marian Langford
Ms. Jean Ainsworth
Mr. C. Dubose Ausley
Ms. Lydia Barouse
Mark and Patsy Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boeneke
Jim Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Carnes
Mrs. Kathryn K. Cashin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dexter Douglass
Mr. Gregory Dudiank
Mr. and Mrs. David Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. David Eyer
Dr. and Mrs. N.F. Fain Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Fields
Bettie Jane Grant
Mrs. Anne L. Heaton
and Dr. Carlos Heaton
Cantey and Marilynn Higdon
Mrs. H. L. Hill, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Hosford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
Bill and Ellen Jablon
Jeff and Shannon Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Farhat Khairallah
Dean and Lina Knox
Mr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Kreimer
Mr. and Mrs. Blucher B. Lines
Peter and Cecilia Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mast
Leila L. McClure
Mrs. Mary S. McMillan
Frank and Midge Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mitchell
Mrs. Joyce Phipps
Mrs. Julia W. Robinson
Mark and Sally Rosser
Ms. Naudain Ives Sellers
Ms. Mae G. Shivers
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sizer
Susan T. Skelton
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Smith
Ms. Beverly Spencer
Steve M. Watkins III
Ms. Martha G. Wigginton
Flightline Group Inc.
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
Jeff & Shannon and George Jones
In Memory of Margaret E. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Harrison
In Memory of Pat Suber
Alex and Jane Hinson
Peter and Cecilia Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Shaw, Jr.
Judge and Mrs. Thomas K. Wetherell II
In Memory of Robert C. Webster, Jr.
Brianne Jablon Miller
In Memory of Regina Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Dubose Ausley
Milton and Mary Bevis
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McCauley
In Memory of Keith Whitsitt
Shirley J. Whitsitt
In Memory of Mary Ann Lewis
Rick and Julie Weidner
In Memory of Tenly Ann Shull
Mr. and Mrs. Travis S. Barnes, Jr.
In Memory of Susan Walker Roberts
David and Mary Ann McClure Robinson
In Kind Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy W. Deal
Annual Giving Report
Thank You
to our fabulous
from the
Be the Solution, Inc.
Dahl and Meenan families
Double Platinum
Brogan, Dudley and Robinton families
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Colon
Hugill-Dunton, Culliton, Burhans, Green, Secreast & Murrah families
Dr. & Mrs. Hank Hutchinson
Mrs. Cynthia Webster
Rolle, Friall, Lee, Guyer, Stanfield families
Barnes, Simmons, Kirby, Hunter & Barkas families
Brown & Daughton families
Dimitri, Brennan, Schneider, Martin & Rivers families
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh VanLandingham
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Jablon
McGraw, Weaver, Rosser, Ellison & Phipps families
McKinley, Martinoff, Hansen, Wilkins & Boeneke families
Merrill, Bianco, Chavis, Carvajal, Bethke, Smith, Shelfer & Lewis families
Mnookin, Fleischer, Phipps, Thumm & Cocotos families
Perkins, King, Stager, Tipton & Bailey-Brigham families
Tabah, Knowles-Glaze, Paddack, Davis & Christian families
Tal Search Group, Inc
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
The Maclay Fund is truly the “backbone” of fundraising efforts at Maclay School. Many of the
enhancements we have come to expect and enjoy are made possible through this yearly campaign.
Educational programs are strengthened, faculty professional development is supported, and campus
improvements are possible. We humbly thank the following supporters of the 2012-2013 Maclay Fund.
Century Club
Cornerstone Club
1968 Club
Chris and Andrea Diamantis
Kelly Kuersteiner Beck
Dr. and Mrs. Albert S. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Tetreault
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Vanlandingham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boeneke
Leonard A. and M. Lisa Carson
Carson & Adkins
Tom and Donna Chambasian
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Haedicke
Ms. Gannon Hunt
Mark and Sally Rosser
Shirley J. Whitsitt
$25,000 and above
Grand Benefactor Club
$10,000 - $24,999
$5,000 - $9,999
Jim and Kathy Dahl
Firman Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Scott
Ms. Mary Visconti
$2,500 - $4,999
Andalusion Club
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Mr. Mark T. Aliff
Mr. Steven Becker and Dr. Marie Becker
Loan Nguyen and Justice Chuku
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Colon
Lamont and Johnnie Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cook
Dr. Frederick Corpuz and Dr. Joanna Yao
Charles and Alison Dudley
The EIS Foundation Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Evert
Mr. Keith Finlayson and Dr. Susan Lumpp
Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio J. Fontela
Mr. Kevin Wall and Ms. Lisa Freeze
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Harrison
Mr. E. Cantey Higdon Jr.
Alex and Jane Hinson
John Ho
Dr. and Mrs. Hank L. Hutchinson
Bill and Ellen Jablon
Dr. and Mrs. Farhat Khairallah
Mr. Robert H. Kirby
and Mrs. Kelly Boyd Kirby
Dean and Lina Knox
Mr. Dan Koeppel and Dr. Anna Koeppel
Dr. Robert A. Holton
and Dr. Marie E. Krafft
Lawton and Beth Langford
Jay and Jennifer Parker LaVia
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Leoni
Dr. Peter E. Loeb
and Mrs. Cecilia Drew Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Mayfield, Jr.
John and Kathie McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Miles
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Mrs. Joyce Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Price
Dr. Gary and Katrina Rolle
Drs. Laurence and Lori Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ross
John and Lisa Rutledge
Dr. Shezad Sanaullah
and Dr. Helen Nitsios
Dr. and Mrs. Philip V. Sharp
Drs. Hardeep and Jayati Singh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sniffen
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Suber
Adelaide Suber
Dr. Naresh Suchak
and Dr. Niharika Suchak
Drs. Niharika Suchak
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thumm
Mr. and Mrs. Jason L. Unger
Katherine J. Willis
Drs. Leslie and Vicari Wilson
Wilson Family Medicine, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Pat M. Woodward
Virtu Club
$500 - $999
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Batchelor
Mr. and Mrs. David Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Brogan
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Carvajal
CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy W. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. John Dowdy
Ms. Kristin Winokur Early
The Essary Family
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Randy Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fleischer
Dr. Joseph M. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hilton
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
Mr. John R. Hugill and Mrs. Kiki Dunton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
Rhoda and Joe Icerman
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Jaggears
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Johnson
Bill and Susan Jordan
Drs. David and Krista Kahn
Dr. Shiva Lakshmin
and Dr. Heemanshi Shah-Lakshmin
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robertson Langford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawler
Drs. Matthew and Stephanie Lee
Gordon and Jenny Low
Mrs. Francis P. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Martinoff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDuffie
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McGarvey
Mr. Kenneth Metzger
and Ms. Leslie J. Paugh
Mrs. David H. Peipers
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rash
Mrs. C. Lee Roberts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rust
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Shapley
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Smythe
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Snow
Ms. Dena Sokolow
Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Stewart
Edward F. Tabah & Kimberly K. Tabah
Dr. and Mrs. Neil E. Torgerson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Tunnicliff
Dr. and Mrs. Tony Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wells
Wells Fargo Educational Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. John Whitworth
Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Woodward
Maurader Club
$250 - $499
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Antworth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Aronson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Ashcroft
Ms. Candy Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beamer
Valerie and Chris Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Betts III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bianco
Lewis and Georgia Buford
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cherashore
Gregory and Dianne Clayton
Mr. Thomas Crapps
and Mrs. Ana Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. R Chase Dickson
Mr. Mark S. Easterling
and Dr. Rebecca E. Easterling
Mr. and Dr. John Evers
Mr. and Mrs. H. Maxwell Fletcher, Sr.
Florida Healthy Kids Corporation
Mr. Thomas Gallagher III
Mrs. Laura Gallagher
Bruce L. and Elizabeth Palmer Gould
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Karimipour
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kerrigan
Mary J. King
Kim and Lyla King
Felicia Coleman and Christopher Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamy
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Langston
Thomas C. and Regina N. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher C. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Lunny
Mr. James Magee
Greg and Anne Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Masferrer
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McCauley
Keith and Dawn McConnell
Shannon and Kim McWilliams
MDC Tallahassee LLC
Jane Aurell Menton
Sara Knox Merrill
Brianne Jablon Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mnookin
Howard and Kathy Moody
Dr. and Mrs. Bert Morales
Ms. Elizabeth L. Morales
Matthew Morales
Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murray Jr.
Ms. Anneli Nystrand
Dr. Robin Perry and Ms. Marcia Roitberg
Persica Landscaping Company, Inc.
Ms. Maureen C. Proctor
Dr. and Mrs. Sandeep Rahangdale
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Reed
Grover and Jean Rivers
Landon and Nancy Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Russell W. Rowan
Maria and Michael Santoro
Robert and Angie Sellers
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Sherman
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Simmons
Ms. Carri C. Smith
William and Meredith Snowden
Peter and Crystal Stejskal
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Stubblefield
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Walker
Charlotte P. Watkins
Judge and Mrs. Thomas K. Wetherell II
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zins
Blue & White Club
$1 - $249
Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Acuff
Mr. and Mrs. Toyin B. Adeshina
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ahrendt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Aldredge
Ms. Stephanie D. Alexander
Mr. Shawn Allen
Allergy and Asthma Research
Kathleen and Michael Allman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Angerer, Jr.
Ms. Eleanore P. Rosenberg
Mr. Kurt Artecona and Ms. Christina Rook
Chris and Leah McIver Atkin
John and Jane Aurell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Baggett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Bailey
Ms. Elizabeth Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bailey III
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bakas
Mr. K. Bryan Baker and Ms. Denise Miller
Kim and Ken Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barineau
Stan and Tenley Toole Barnes
Mrs. Cameron L. Barton
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bastien
Ms. Elizabeth L. Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell L. Bebout
Mrs. James D. Beck
Mr. Douglas S. Bell
and Mrs. Luana K. Leialoha-Bell
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Bell III
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Bell
Mr. Lee Benoit and Dr. Nancy Chorba
Dr. Paul Berk
and Mrs. Stephanie Funderburke
Mr. and Mrs. Derek K. Bethke
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Bickell
Ann and Ian Blake
The Dama Family
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Boulos
Sarah and Benjamin Bowersox
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyd
Mrs. Cheri R. Apthorp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boynton
Ms. Joy Breman
Jim Brewster
Dr. and Mrs. H. Logan Brooks
Don and Sally Bryant
Mr. Butch Bundy and Dr. Vikki Mckinnie
Mrs. Rosemary S. Bunn
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Burhans, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Burnopp
Mr. Brandon Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Cain
Ms. Barbara J. Cairns
Russell and Mary Anne Camarda
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Carnes
Mr. Mark W. Casteel
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cathcart
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chambers
Mrs. Elissa G. Chase
Mr. and Mrs. M. Paul Chavis
Nan Carswell Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clary
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Coats
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cocotos
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Coffin
Tom and Terese Combs
Caleb Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Copeland
The Copy Shop, Inc.
Jeanne A. Corbett
Jennifer Corzine
Douglas and Lisa Covert
Mr. and Mrs. L.Thomas Cox, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Blue Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Croston
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo D. Crowell
Ms. Jennifer Crusoe
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Culliton
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Daughtry
Linda Davey
Dr. and Mrs. Wilburn T. Davis III
Moritz and Penny Dehler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Deison
Mr. and Mrs. John H. DeLoach
Beth Moor Desloge
Brandice and Paul Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donahue
Lisa and Gary Donaldson
Frank and Jodee Dorsey
Robert C. Downie II
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Droze
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Eagen
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Eastman
Ray Iannucci and Patsy Eccles
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Eldred
Ms. Caitlin Ellis
Ms. Kim L. Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Engelbrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ereckson
Brad and Lauren Fantle
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ferraro
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Filloon
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fixel
Mr. Walter J. Fleming
Mrs. Cynthia S. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Foote
Ms. Martha W. Franklin
Mr. Eric and Dr. Andrea Friall
Samantha R. Fulton
Mr. Dean O. Gargiulo
and Ms. Cindy B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gargiulo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Garner
Jake Garner and Kelley Cox Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glomb
Jeannette T. Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Erik C. G. Gomer
Mr. and Mrs. Corbin Graves
Mrs. Susan Gray
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Green
Lyles and Susan Griffin
Mr. Jack Grubbs and Ms. Marian Berndt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hamilton
Bob and Libba Harris
Frances S. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Rapheal Harris
Bentley and Tyler Harris
James and Claire Harrison
Mr. William Harrold
and Ms. Barbara Hill-Harrold
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hart
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Hathaway
J. Carol Henderson
Mr. R. Claude Hendon
and Ms. Kathleen Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Hermeling
Mr. and Mrs. Carson D. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Higginbotham
John C. Hinson II
Mr. Michael A. Hogan
and Dr. Patricia A. Hogan
Bishop and Carolyn Holifield
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Homison
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Houtz
Geoff and Nancy Hunt
Eleanor M. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. James
Jim Smith Insurance Agency, LLC
Ivan and Marsey Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Johnston
Mr. Michael Jones
Ms. Linda Hill Jordan
Ms. Lily Keller
Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk
Chip and Marty Kiser
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kole
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Kronenberger
Ms. Dianna Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kung
Joe and Amy Kupiszewski
Margaret Smith Lamb and William Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Greg LaMendola
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Land
Ms. Amelia L. Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Lewis
Mary Lou and Gene Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Lansing M. Lewis III
Mr. Lincoln M. Lewis
Jason and Susan Lichtstein
Mr. Gentle Littles, III
and Dr. Alma Brown Littles
Mr. and Mrs. James Love
Leslie Grant Lundberg
Mr. Charles R. & Dr. Lisa C. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Maas
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mahdavi
John G. and Judi Corn Mahorner
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
Charles and Elizabeth Hinson Marschall
Mr. Robert W. Matthews
The Mazziotta Family
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McCall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McFarlain
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McFarlain
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. McGraw
Mr. Michael H. McGrotha
Mr. and Mrs. William T. McKinley
Dr. and Mrs. Meredith McKinney
Mr. Rick H. Meeker and Mrs. Nhu Meeker
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Miller
David and Melissa Minacci
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Minter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore
Corbin and Murray Moore
Mrs. Kristine S. Moore
Carol and Chip Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. James Mossell
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Murdaugh
Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Murrah
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nation
Mr. and Mrs. John Nettles
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Newkirk
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Nohle
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris
Ms. Kristen Nyers
Dr. and Mrs. David Oberste
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Obrecht
Mrs. Kirsten A. O’Neal
Carol and Andy Oseroff
Carl L. Owenby, Jr. and Helen G. Owenby
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Paddack
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Pargman
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Parker
Mari and Jose Parrilla
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Paterson
Al Perruzzi
Mrs. Emma Perry
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Pesta
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin B. Phipps
Ms. Cynthia Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pichard
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Putnal
Roger and Carolyn Raepple
Mr. and Mrs. Ravindra N. Rahangdale
Ms. Denise Rains
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rhodes
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Richardson
Ms. Dwan Riggins
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Rillstone
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Rivers
Mrs. Sandra S. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Robinson
David and Mary Ann McClure Robinson
Charles and Roxanne Robinton
Mr. and Mrs. Colin M. Roopnarine
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Ruff
Ms. Connie Rumberger
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Saff
Dr. Vincent J.M. Salters
and Ms. Nancy J. Sampson
Mrs. Anna Sandlin
Philip and Fran Visconti Sandon
Mr. Jeffrey Satriano
Mr. and Mrs. Gar H. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schnippert
Dr. Kathryn E. Scott
Dr. Matthew Shaftel
and Mrs. Pascale Shaftel
Frank S. Shaw III and Frances M. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Shelfer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Shiver
Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Simon
Mr. Gregory W. Simpson
and Mrs. Terri Littlefield Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay H. Sims
Jon and Erin Sjostrom
Mr. James W. Slack
Ms. Jacqueline K. Slack
Grant and Kris Slayden
Michael and Prudence Sloderbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Malone D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith
Margaret Smith
Cindy and Layne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Smith
Gwen Spivey
Barbara and Ray Stanyard
Mrs. Eldonna Steffen
Eric and Cindy Stockstill
Dr. Spencer Stoetzel
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Sweeney
Debra Tackett
Rex and Sandra Taylor
Ms. Katherine Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Thomas
Lucinda F. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thomsen
Claire T. Timm
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tipton
Mr. Jeff Townsend
and Mrs. Jennifer Kilinski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tschieder
Mrs. Lisa V. Tschieder
Mr. Kenneth J. Tschieder
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Van Iddekinge
Arne and Sandy Vanstrum
Jim and Lisa Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. Wadsworth, Jr.
Steve M. Watkins III
Ms. Sharon M. Watkins
Judge and Mrs. Richard Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Webb
David and Nancy Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Wilkinson
Ms. Amy Willett
Bob and Bertha Williams
Ms. Claudia Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wilson
Mr. David Wishnia
and Mrs. Barrie Williamson
Richard Wolkind
Mike and Leslie Wood
Bruce and Monique Wood
Ms. Morgan A. Wood
Charles and Bonnie Wood
Ms. Ping Wu
Mr. Michael Yoon and Dr. Jessica Yoon
Phil and Loraine Zaidan
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
Parents By Grade Level
Mr. & Mrs. Blair Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Bakas
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Bell
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ferraro
Drs. David & Krista Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Kung
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Lamendola
Mr. & Mrs. William Lawler
Drs. Matthew & Stephanie Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Lansing Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Lichtstein
Mr. & Mrs. Emory Mayfield, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Richardson
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rosenberg
Ms. Dena Sokolow
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Thomsen
Mr. Jeff Townsend & Mrs. Jennifer Kilinski
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Boulos
Mr. Justice Chuku & Mrs. Loan Nguyen
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Colon
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Clint Daughtry
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Deison
Mr. & Mrs. R. Chase Dickson
Mr. John Evers & Dr. Tanya Evers
Mr. Keith Finlayson & Dr. Susan Lumpp
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hilton
Dr. & Mrs. Farhat Khairallah
Mr. Dan Koeppel & Dr. Anna Koeppel
Mr. & Mrs. Lansing Lewis
James and Anneli Magee
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. David Oberste
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Weaver
Mr. Michael Yoon & Dr. Jessica Yoon
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Aldredge
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Bakas
Mr. & Mrs. William Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Butler
Mr. & Mrs Seth Coffin
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Fantle
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fleischer
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Garner
Mr. & Mrs. James Kole
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Price
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Robinton
Mr. & Mrs. David Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Schnippert
Mr. & Mrs. Malone Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stejskal
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thumm
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Van Iddekinge
Ms. Amy Willett
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ayers
Mr. Bryan Baker & Mrs. Denise Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Bastien
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Boulos
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Brogan
Mr. Butch Bundy & Dr. Vikki McKinnie
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cherashore
Mr. & Mrs Peter Cocotos
Mr. Eric & Dr. Andrea Friall
Mrs. Susan Gray
Dr. Joseph Gray
Dr. & Mrs. Hank L. Hutchinson
Mr. Dan Koeppel & Dr. Anna Koeppel
Dr. Shiva Lakshmin
& Dr. Heemanshi Shah-Lakshmin
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Lamb, Jr.
Drs. Matthew & Stephanie Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Martinoff
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Merrill
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Mnookin
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Nohle
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Roopnarine
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Rust
Ms. Carri Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snow
Mr. David Wishnia & Mrs. Barrie Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Aldredge
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Atkin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beamer
Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Bethke
Mr. & Mrs. Junious D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Croston
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Deison
Mr. Mark & Dr. Rebecca Easterling
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Fantle
Dr. & Mrs. George J. Haedicke
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kupiszewski
Mr. & Mrs. W. Mark Land
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Meeker
Dr. & Mrs. David Oberste
Mr. Brad Parker
Ms. Polly Parker
Dr. Robin Perry & Ms. Marcia Roitberg
Ms. Candy Bassett
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Roopnarine
Drs. Laurence & Lori Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Rubenstein
Dr. Shezad Sanaullah & Dr. Helen Nitsios
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Schnippert
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Stockstill
Mr. & Mrs. Jason L. Unger
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Van Iddekinge
Mr. Michael Yoon & Dr. Jessica Yoon
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Atkin
Dr. Paul Berk & Mrs. Stephanie Funderburke
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Bianco
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Cain
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Carvajal
Mr. & Mrs. M. Paul Chavis
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cherashore
Mr. & Mrs. David Christian
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gallagher
Dr. & Mrs. George J. Haedicke
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Carson D. Hicks
Mr. John R. Hugill & Mrs. Kiki Dunton
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Merrill
Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Murrah
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Paddack
Mr. & Mrs. Gavin B. Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rash
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Richardson
Dr. & Mrs. Garrison Rolle
Drs. Spencer & Kathy Stoetzel
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Vanlandingham
Ms. Amy Willett
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Aldredge
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Bethke
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn T. Burhans, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Tom C. Chambasian
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Coats
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Culliton
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dickson
Mrs. Susan Gray
Dr. Joseph Gray
Mr. E. Cantey Higdon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. James
Drs. Matthew & Stephanie Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Lunny
Mr. & Mrs. John Kirk
Ms. Jennifer Crusoe
Dr. & Mrs. Garrison Rolle
Dr. & Mrs. John Rutledge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Shelfer, Jr
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
Mr. & Mrs. Corey J. Simon
Ms. Jackie Slack
Ms.Danielle Freeze
Drs. Spencer & Kathy Stoetzel
Ms. Gannon Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Jason L. Unger
Honorable & Mrs. Kent Wetherell
Mr. & Mrs. Karl David Acuff
Mr. & Mrs. Toyin B. Adeshina
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Angerer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Atkin
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Baggett, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Batchelor
Mr. & Mrs. Junious D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Cain
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. David Christian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cocotos
Dr. Frederick Corpuz & Dr. Joanna Yao
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Deison
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Dudley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Evert
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fleischer
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Foote
Dr. & Mrs. George J. Haedicke
Mr. & Mrs. Carson D. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Homison
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kupiszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Beecher Lewis
Mr. Charles R. & Dr. Lisa Lyons
Ms. Jennifer Crusoe
Mr. Kenneth Metzger & Mrs. Leslie Paugh
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Minter, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. James Mossell III
Dr. & Mrs. David Oberste
Dr. Robin Perry & Mrs. Marcia Roitberg
Mr. George and Dr. Sherrie Pesta
Mr. & Mrs. Gavin B. Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. John T. F. Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rash
Dr. & Mrs. Garrison Rolle
Dr. Matthew Shaftel & Mrs. Pascale Shaftel
Mr. & Mrs. Skip Shiver
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tschieder
Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Stockstill
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Tabah
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Tetreault
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Al Barineau
Mr. Steven Becker & Dr. Marie Becker
Mr. Lee Benoit & Dr. Nancy Chorba
Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Bethke
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn T. Burhans, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Croston
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Daughton, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Turner Davis
Mr. & Mrs. John H. DeLoach
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Harrison
Mr. Michael A. & Dr. Patricia Hogan
Mr. John R. Hugill & Mrs. Kiki Dunton
Dr. & Mrs. Hank L. Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Lunny
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Lynch
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Mazziotta
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McDuffie
Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Murrah
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Paddack
Mr. & Mrs. Cory Paterson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Shapley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Shelfer, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Ramsay H. Sims
Ms. Carri C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stejskal
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tipton
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Tschieder
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Wells
Ms. Claudia Willis
Drs. Leslie & Vicari Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Angerer, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Batchelor
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Bianco
Mr. & Mrs. Scot Bickell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boynton
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Tom C. Chambasian
Ms. Lisa Chase
Mr. & Mrs. John Dowdy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Downie
Mr. Mark & Dr. Rebecca Easterling
Kimberly Loebel Ellison
Mrs. Cynthia Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gallagher
Mr. William Harrold
& Mrs. Barbara Hill-Harrold
Mrs. Maureen C. Proctor
Mr. James A. Kole
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Lamb, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Leoni
Mr. & Mrs. Beecher Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Lansing Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. J. Steve Menton
Dr. & Mrs. William P. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Minacci
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Obrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pichard
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rash
Dr. & Mrs. Landon T. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Skip Shiver
Ms. Carri C. Smith
Ms. Cindy Boyd Thomas & Mr. Dean Gargiulo
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Vanlandingham
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Waddell
Drs. Leslie & Vicari Wilson
Ms. Stephanie D. Alexander
Mr. Mark T. Aliff
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Baggett, Jr.
Mrs. Jeanne A. Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Culliton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Dudley
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Foote
Mrs. Susan Gray
Dr. Joseph Gray
Mr. Claude Hendon & Ms. Kathleen Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. Reza Karimipour
Mr. & Mrs. Rip Kirby
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Langston
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. J. Greg Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Mazziotta
Mrs. Margaret M. McCrary
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Minter, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Bert Morales
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Poole
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Rust
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Schneider
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Ramsay H. Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse F. Suber
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Watson
Honorable & Mrs. Kent Wetherell
Ms. Claudia Willis
Ms. Katherine Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Winokur
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ahrendt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Aronson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ball
Mr. Steven Becker & Dr. Marie Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Betts, III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn T. Burhans, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lamont Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Blue Craig
Mr. & Mrs. John H. DeLoach
Mr. Mark & Dr. Rebecca Easterling
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Ereckson
Ms. Linda Essary
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Green
Mr. Michael A. & Dr. Patricia Hogan
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
Dr. & Mrs. Hank L. Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Robertson Langford
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Leoni
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McDuffie
Mr. & Mrs. William T. McKinley
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon P. McWilliams
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Meeker
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Minter, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. James T. Murdaugh
Mrs. Ann Smith Peipers
Dr. & Mrs. Sandeep Rahangdale
Mr. & Mrs. William Burnopp
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Rillstone
Drs. Ronald & Teresa Saff
Dr. Vincent J.M. Salters & Mrs. Nancy Sampson
Mr. Gregory Simpson
& Mrs. Therese Littlefield Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Sniffen
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Stubblefield
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Walker
Mr. & Mrs. John Whitworth
Drs. Leslie & Vicari Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Scot Bickell
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Buford
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Cathcart
Ms. Lisa Chase
Mr. Thomas Crapps & Mrs. Ana Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Culliton
Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Deal
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Diamantis
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Donaldson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Eagen
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Foote
Mr. Trey Grubbs & Ms. Marian Berndt
Mr. Claude Hendon & Ms. Kathleen Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. C. Scott Higginbotham
Dr. Robert A. Holton & Dr. Marie E. Krafft
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Rip Kirby
Mr. & Mrs. John T. LaVia III
Mr. & Mrs. Robertson Langford
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Mahdavi
Mr. & Mrs. J. Greg Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Masferrer
Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Menton
Ms. Jennifer Crusoe
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Minacci
Dr. & Mrs. James Mossell III
Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Murrah
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Murray, Jr.
Ms. Dianna Krueger
Mr. & Mrs. John T. F. Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Poole
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Rivers
Dr. & Mrs. Garrison Rolle
Dr. & Mrs. Russell W. Rowan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Shaw III
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Snowden IV
Ms. Cindy Boyd Thomas & Mr. Dean Gargiulo
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tipton
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Tschieder
Mr. & Mrs. Arne C. Vanstrum
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Walker
Ms. Sharon M. Watkins
Mr. Steve M. Watkins III
Dr. & Mrs. Tony A. Weaver
Mr. Mark T. Aliff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Allison
Mr. Kurt Artecona & Mrs. Christina Rook
Mr. & Mrs. Al Barineau
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Bell
Drs. Chris & Valerie Berg
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Bebout
Mr. Mark W. Casteel
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Blue Craig
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Daughton, Jr.
Mr. Ray Iannucci & Ms. Patsy Eccles
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Ereckson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis K. Filloon
Mr. William Harrold
& Mrs. Barbara Hill-Harrold
Mr. Michael A. & Dr. Patricia Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Floyd R. Jaggears
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamy
Col. & Mrs. Grant Slayden
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Leoni
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Masferrer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. McGraw
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon P. McWilliams
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Meeker
Mr. & Mrs. E. Murray Moore, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Putnal
Mrs. Denise Rains
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Rust
Mr. & Mrs. John Rutledge
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Shapley
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan E. Sjostrom
Dr. Niharika Suchak
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Walker
Mrs. Kristine Sutton Moore
Drs. Leslie & Vicari Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wright
Ms. Stephanie D. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Angerer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Bebout
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Scot Bickell
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Brown
Ms. Lisa Chase
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Covert
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Eagen
Ms. Linda Essary
Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Fontela
Ms. Lisa McKnight Tipton
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Kimberly L. King
Mr. & Mrs. Rip Kirby
Mrs. Maureen C. Proctor
Mr. James A. Kole
Mr. Charles R. & Dr. Lisa Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Mahdavi
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan
Dr. & Mrs. William P. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. E. Murray Moore, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Murrah
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Obrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Platt
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Martinoff
Ms. Sandy Roberts
Dr. & Mrs. David Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Rosser
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Santoro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Sellers
Dr. & Mrs. George W. Simmons
Mr. Gregory Simpson
& Mrs. Therese Littlefield Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Smythe
Dr. & Mrs. Neil E. Torgerson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Tschieder
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Waddell
Dr. & Mrs. Tony A. Weaver
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
Alumni Giving
Steve M. Watkins
A. Lawton Langford
B. David Robinson
Mary Ann McClure Robinson
Kari Kuersteiner Beck
Jesse F. Suber
Tenley Toole Barnes
Beth Moor Desloge
Robert R. Fisher
John L. Ho
Ann Smith Peipers
G. Robertson Langford, Jr.
Cynthia Phipps
J. Timothy Phipps
Frank S. Shaw, III
Cecilia Drew Loeb
Leslie J. Grant Lundberg
Robert A. Miles
Elizabeth Palmer Gould
Julie Bradley Obrecht
Gregory W. Simpson
Theresa Littlefield Simpson
Jennifer Parker LaVia
Judith Corn Mahorner
Sally Shaw Hyde
Jane Aurell Menton
Robert C. Downie
E. Murray Moore, Jr.
James H. Smith
Sean P. Culliton
Kelly Boyd Kirby
Philip A. Sandon
Paul C. Dickson
Debra Schwartz Foote
Elizabeth Hinson Marschall
Ellen Camp McFarlain
Charles M. Robinton
Frances Visconti Sandon
Frances Moore Shaw
Lisa Dart Waddell
Benjamin H. Wilkinson
Robert J. Angerer
Blair Bailey
Mary Byrd Lewis Sims
Dena H. Sokolow
Cindy Boyd Thomas
Thomas F. Bianco
Barbara J. Cairns
Dean O. Gargiulo
Joseph A. Kupiszewski
William C. Lamb
Brad Parker
Lisa Visconti Tschieder
Murray M. Wadsworth
Cameron Lewis Barton
Gavin B. Phipps
Katherine Moore Reed
Mayo M. Woodward
Loraine McDaniel Zaidan
Jeannette Tunnicliff Goldsmith
Margaret Smith Lamb
Sara Knox Merrill
Thomas H. Deison
Greg LaMendola
Brian L. Pargman
Ralph S. Stoetzel
Meredith Jones Clifford
Bentley Frazee Harris
Brianne Elizabeth Jablon Miller
Annie McMillan Bell
Kirsten Klein O’Neal
Leah McIver Atkin
John C. Hinson
Beth Rowe Lewis
Andrew Moore
Michael T. Ruff
Britton Whitson Wadsworth
Amelia L. Lanier
Melissa Sparkman Bakas
Dan Koeppel
Pamela Webster Murphy
Tia Hunt Smith
Lincoln M. Lewis
Bronwyn McCreary Gomer
Erik C. Gomer
Garrett Kuersteiner Robinson
Elizabeth L. Beasley
Elizabeth L. Morales
Morgan A. Wood
Matthew W. Morales
Anna Thomas Koeppel
John M. Stewart
Jake B. Garner
William A. Fixel
Kelley Cox Garner
Mary Katharine Croley Lawler
Katherine Copeland Smith
Sarah Hinkle Bowersox
C. Caleb Connor
Kimberly Austin Crowell
Lillian K. Keller
This Annual Report is a publication of the Maclay School Advancement Office for gifts received August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If we have inadvertently left your name off of a listing or listed it incorrectly,
please accept our sincere apology and advise us of the correction so that we may update our records.
The Maclay Fund 2012-2013
Grandparents Club
Gifts of $50 and above
Mrs. Cheri R. Apthorp
Mr. and Mrs. H. Maxwell Fletcher, Sr.
Dean and Lina Knox
Thomas C. and Regina N. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McFarlain
Mrs. Joyce Phipps
Mrs. Joyce Phipps
Mrs. C. Lee Roberts, Jr.
Margaret Smith
Adelaide Suber
Katherine J. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Carnes
John and Kathie McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Ravindra N. Rahangdale
Mrs. James D. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Eldred
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McFarlain
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kerrigan
Judge and Mrs. Richard Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McGarvey
Mr. and Mrs. David Brennan
Ms. Eleanore P. Rosenberg
Richard Wolkind
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Bell III
William W. Jablon
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In the Summer 2014
•Longtime Headmaster Bill Jablon Passes the Torch
•Meet James Milford, Maclay’s next Head of School
•Graduation 2014
•Save the Date for the
2nd Annual
Rowdy Rauder
Adventure Challenge
October 25, 2014
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