Document 6531785
Document 6531785
u1{r01{ c Everything you need to lcnow ahoul. REQI]ESTING TRANSCRIPTS AF{D TEACHER TO BE MAILEI) PAGE The 4 steps you need to follow after you submit your Sample of the TRANSCRIPT REQIJEST Sample of Mailing application............ FORM I ..............2 Material...... Ifyou have questions about transcripts...... ..,,.............3 ............,....... 4 Excellent Video Tutorials for students are availrble on the Common Application'Website: 1600 l\,4artine Avenue. ScotchPlains,NewJersey0TOT6. ' Phone:908.889.1600. Fax:908.889.7867 t-2-3 -4 IF YOU ARE READY TO BEGIN SEITDING OUT YOIJR APPLICATIONS, PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IT IS.N 4 ru.NT PROCESS..... 1. You complete your application either online or on p{per and forwerd lt to egch college. 2. Yon .u.t request thit the Guidince Ollice send your trrnscript to sach colhge. TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORMS ere rlrays rvrilable in the Guidrnce Office Fiued in TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORMS can be giver to MrS. Mc Kennt tu the Guidance Ollice either bcforc or after school. You must lill itr I TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FloRlt forg$! college you are appMng to. Rcad tbe instruction on the FORM rnd make sure yo[ lttrch all ofthe needed materirls tisted on the bottom ofthe form. IF you plan to use the Commotr Application for any of your colleges mrke sure you give e copy of a tilled in SECONDARY SCHOOL REPTORT form (you must downlord these forms from wittrin your Common Applicstion actount) to Mr& Mc Kenna with the:blrequest. Mrke sur€ you fill ir the informotion at the top of tbe form and SIGN the wriver seclion. You only have to do t[h once. We wi|| duplicate it for Nddilional trrrscript requ6ts, .) J. You will need to send your SAT or ACT test scores dir€ctly to the colleges from the t€stitrg agency3 or l!l!l14g$Ed94q{lg t-866766-73tt6 1-3r9-337-1313 Stsndrrdiz€d test s€ores are NOT list€d on our trsnscripts. I {l. . tF you are using a Common Application you should speak with each teachcr about whether he or sh€ wants to do tbe tercher recommendrtion *on line'. Terchcrs cttr do thrt if they wbh 'opt out. IF they wbh to mril th€ir recommendations, you need to follow the mailing pmcedurc described bel,ow. or Giv€ mailing meterials which can be purchrsed in the Guidance Ofiice befor€ or rftcr school (or you can [s€ your owD) to th€ teecherr who promised to write r letter of r€{ommendation for you. IF you are using the Common Application you mnst give eech t€tcher a copy of the TEACI{ER EVALUATION form 6iou must downl,oad thesf form from wlthin ycur Common Application rccount) wiah yourrEtilrequest This will prcvcnt them from &evitrg to mtil Ngrir ttrd doirg double the work! Make sure you lill in the inform|tion f,t the top of your form and sign where appropriote, P.S. tpplying to collcges that trr€ gg|common Applhation , mrke c€rtain you trert the If yo,r ".. T€acher Evduatiotr Form and the Secondlry School Report requir€d by those coll,eges (iftbere is there are eny ) in the srme wry as abovs Please Check One: Online College Application Online Common Application UNTON CATHOLIC REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR RELEASE OFTRANSCRIPT Student's Name I hereby request and authorize the release of my student transcfipt to: (Address must be complete) 1"" Enier appropriate dab: Early Decision College Regular Decision Deadline Early Decision 2 Deadline-Early Action Deadline-Rolling 1 Deadline Admissions As ParenUGuardian of the above named student, I hereby authorize the Guidance Deparfrnent of Union Catholic Regional High School to release my student's official transcript recod to the above institution and/or scholarship agency for academic/athletic purposes during the current school year. The transcript consists of: courses taken, grades earned, GPA' and class rank' IMPORTANTII SAT'ACT SCORFS ARE NOT PART OF THE TRANSCRIPT. YOU MUST ARRANGE TO HAVE THEM REPORTED DIRECTLY TO THE GOLLEGE BYTHE TESTING SERV|CE. SAT ACT Phone 1-866-756-734.6 www.actstudent.orq Phone 1-319-337-1313 Signature of ParenVGuardian Office Use Only: Date received: Counselor Signature Date Mailed: The following items must accompany your transcript request: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This transcript release form signed by parenUguardian List your courses in Progress for Senior Year Activity Profile (Grades 9-12) The Secondary School Report form for either the Common Application or the college application if provided by the college. Complete the top part of the form which usually consists of name, address, social iecurM, etc. tf asked, be sure to check the appropriate box as to whether you waive or do not waive acc€ss, siqn and dale. $4.00 Transcript fee- Cash, Check or Money Order payable to Union Catholic. -rtems are to be submitted in a 9X12 manila envelope addressed in the following manner: All Office of Undergraduate Admissions Name of College or University Sficef Address TownlCity, State and Zip Code (over) IMPONTANT INFORMATION NNGAAIDING PROCDSSING Of. Tnar{scBrPT aDQIIDSTS PLE,ASE NOTE: If you wish a transcript to be mailed BEFORE the Thanksgiving brealq you must submit a transcript request by NOVEIiIIBER lst. If you wish a banscript to be mailed BEFORE the Christmas breah you must submit a transcript request by DECEiIBER 3d. Transcripts to be mailed for a JANUARY I st deadline, must also be submitted to guidance by DECEIilBER 3rd. 2013 - 2OI4 TRANSCRIPT REQ{IEST DEADLII{ES FOR GIJIDAIYCE APPLICATION DEADLINE TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS DTJE NOVEMBER 1 NOVEMBER 15 DECEMBER 1 DECEMBER 15 DECEMBER 30 ORJANUARY JANUARY 15 JANUARY 31 ORFEBRUARY FEBRUARY 15 OCTOBER 8 OCTOBER 15 ROLLING APPLICATIONS 1 I NOVEMBERT NOWMBER25 DECEMBER3 DECEMBER 17 JANUARY 14 JANUARY 3I AT LEAST 10 SCHOOL DAYS BEFORE YOU WA}{T IT MAILED For questions regarding transcript processing, please contact: Barbara McKerma Guidance Secretary 908-889-1600 Ext. 324 or [email protected] WEENYOUARE NEADY TOASKYOI]R TEACHERTO MAIL YOUR C OLLE GE RE COMMENDATIONS Tlc fito*irg E.brids liodd b. givt! hHad $ith your !.[a #l tD !E!gq!b! yo[r litcb.r rt h|st Morc giw yo!. t r.hcfs tb.r. rnd tte ct$* 4Dllictlioo drrdllDt for i8.b lclooL rlplic.liE d.ri[ir!. lr rodd bc Hpru .|d co.,sitt rric to ahc mt.thb h 1&U!4LtL!fCg!E@ &. collcge.--.Utitr C.ltofa, A rt|Dp.d .lvatope ddrt3s.d lo R.|!rr d&t$ tlcl bc SAfiPI-E C.atolic 1600 MrrlircAvt !. S.otcb Plstrs' Nee Jersy 07076 of Und.ryrad!{. Adbiriot! l,lyah Con gci!lt rytrd Offitt ,'50f Nortn B.ftiqorc, f Cbttl.'SM Mrryhrd 2l2lo-q rin ir.onnga.aa"o lo #2 A lrrnped..ktrowl.dgmcnt !ocL|rd.....'. SAMPLE Fror* Mri Fill Urior C.rlotic fiign Sciool ir le.clcr's t &c l6(t Mrtth AYttuc Sco&h Plrtos. Nct Jd!.y - IBOM: OFFICE oF ADMS$()iaS Wc bvc Ec.iv.d tlc !.tt r of t!.o6[!id.lio * yoL ruboitt€d for: #3 lI t&r.'D t T.{ahr' Ee&tdio, Fdrtt fron tt CoEEor Appllcetio{ or lie co||agG.p*artor tlrt E .ttr b b. fued hL bc aec to Eiv. thlg !o Yo{r t rc}ct ro tt a Uh. .ai tn.plcb th. forE |nd rtlrci ttc Lttar of .tcon .fftlktr. idr}a ![f. yotr hlvt fled itr |lI thl l.rsourl infotmraiotr rcquirad. Bl .|tl'e lo liE if |trrr ir ftqairld . - * Iill iE.olhgc r... F ir Yoot IMPORTAI\TT INT'ORMA'TION REGARDING TRANSCRIPTS REQTIESTS You must frll in a TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORM for each transcript This includcs transcripts for sc.holarship applications as well as college applications. Forms are available in the Guidance Offrce. Transcript Request tr'orm carefully. The bottom of the form list several items that must be submitted wilh the form including: Please read the Senior Courses in Progress Activity Profile Secondary School Report (if required by College or Cornmon Application) $4,00 Transcript Fee ( no charge for scholarship applications ) 9X12 envelope with correct address for mailing You must allow 10 business davs for transcrio* to be orocessed. Please check the deadlines on your applications. Request for transcripts that must be nailed by the Guidance Office 6"1e1s Thanksgiying nust be submitted by November lst If transcripts must be mailed before Christnas or by January l$ the request must be submitted to Mrs. Mc Kenna in the Guidance Office bv llecember I"1 All questions regarding transcript processing, mailing dates etc. should be directed to: Mrs. Barbara Mc Kenna Guidance Secretary and Registrar [email protected] 908-889-1660-Ext324