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TER ED BANK VOLUME XIIL NO. 33. BENJ. MATTHEWS'S WILL PARALYZED WITH QUININE. BED BANK, N. J,>*WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1891. OBITUARY. H h raatth*m>« Daughter Ueeclvea f 1,100, a i l Adopted DanibUr Gel* • £00, and ib* Beat or the Estate la Divided A m o u hia Five Sons, The wilt ol Benjamin Matthews, of Colt's Neck, who died about Ibree weeks ago, has been admitted to probate. The will waa made on the twelfth of last December, only a short time before hit death. The property is apportioned equitably between the children when the amounts paid to them in Mr. Mat< thewe'e lifetime are .taken into account. Mr. Matthews, after authorizing the payment of his debts, gives to his son. Stewart Matthews, the store building and lot where ha is now engaged in business. Stewart also receives the house and lot where be lives, and the house and lot adjoining the John H. VanMater property, where' Elijah Matthews formerly : lived. These properties go to him without lien or encumbrance. This was all the property Mr. Matthews owned In the village of Colt's Neofc except the shop and lot whloh is occupied by George M. AtkinBon as a harness shop. Idalsdell, Benjamin Matthewa'aadopted daughter, receives a legacy of $500 in cash. She is also to have a home at the homestead farm, where Mr. Matthews' lived, as long an ehe remains single, if she ~ should care to live there that long. She is to have the use of all the household goods which she was accustomed to use fa Mr. Matlhewe'a lifetime, Mr.- Matthews intention, aa stated 'in the,will, being to continue unto her a home, so long as she. remains unmarried, such as she had been accustomed to while she lived with him. The hom&tead farm is bequeathed to Elijah Matthews. This . farm is known as theBrewer property and contains about forty aoreB. In addition to this form Elijah is to have all the household goods and kitchen utensils of every kind and description, free and dear of any lien and onoumbranob except so far as Ida Iadell Bhall be entitled to their use according to the previous section of the will. Mrs. Caroline Cottrell, Mr. Matthcwe'a daughter and the wife of a farmer near Jerseyvllle, receives a legacy of $1,600. All the balance of the real estate of . Mr. Matthews ia to be equally divided among his three other eoneTBlia?, Amos and Oarrett, share and share alike. But la whatever manner they may divide the property, Elias, Garret t, Amos an ElliaUaro each to have the right to dig ana cart as much marl from the place as they may choose to take. In making tue division of the real estate between Elias, Amos and Oarrett, Mr. Matthowa states in his will that the'eum of $4,000, which was advanced to Elias In Mr. Matthews'* lifetime, and the sum of (COO, , which was advanced to Amos, be deducted from their shares so that Amos, Ellas and Qarrett shall fare alike. The new wagon shed and cow house on the homestead-farm, which farm was bequeathed to ElijaA are given to Elias, Amos and Qarrett, provided they move them off the homestead • farm within five years. If there is any balance of personal property after paying the legacies and expenses of settling the estate, it is to be equally divided among Amos, Elias, Elijah and Qarrett. John Stateeir ,was made executor ol the will and the witnesses were John A. Smock and Wm. W. Taylor. A codicil was made to the will the same day the will was signed, and was witnessed by the witnesses to the will. This codicil bequeaths the use of the pew in the Colt's Keck Beformed church, which Mr. Matthews owned, to such or his heirs as might choose to use it from time to time. The most important feature of the codicil, however, provides that if any of his children are dissatisfied and attempt to break the will, then that child shall receive only one dollar from the estate, and the portion of the estate bequeathed to them shall be divided equally among the other children. •»••• Selling B e l s h a w ' s Coods. To-morrow afternoon at two o'clock Daniel H. Applegate, executor of David Belshaw, will Bell all his goods ut public vendue. Mr. Belshaw was very fond of good clothes, and he had eight or nino suits which are to be sold. There are also six or eight pairs of shoos. His gun * and accoutrements and two or three watches are also among the goods to be sold. • • --«• It is probable that the greatest contest will be over the lease, The executor will put the lease up at auction and will eell it to the highest bidder. It will be eold subject to all encumbrances and restrictions that may be on the original lease. This meana that the executor will sell the lease, but the buyer must take hia own ohances about getting possession. Mrs. Fiuch will probably, bid on the lease, but is not likely to be a high bidder. Harry C, Badeau will be a • bidder, and it ia likely that there will be one or two other bidders, It ia almost certain that a lawsuit will result, no matter who the purchaser may be. « i » i P e t i t i o n s In Church. Services of unusual interest were held in Graoo church last Sunday night. The women's temperance uniona ol Red Bank marched to the ohuroh in a body and oceupied reserved seats. After a . eong service Rev. Qeorge 8. Sykes preached an earnest sermon on' temperance. At the close of the discourse two petitions to the legislature were circulated protesting agalnBt the repeal of the race-track gambling and liquor-aelllng laws. One petition was signed by the temperance unions and the other by the 1 pastor, the official board and congregation, ^ ^ T h e R a o e for the P e n n a n t . No raoo hasyet been Bailed this.winter at Poughkeepsie for the challenge1 iceyacht pennant of America. The Shrewsbury yachtsmen were on hand with the Scud, and a raoe was started on Saturday morning, eight boats being entered. Two rounds were sailed, whentho race was'declared oil on account of the light wind. The race was to have been called Monday, but It commenced to snow Saturday night and the Jled Bank yachtsmen returned home Sunday night. parable Farm Harness. , Ourplaoe Is headquarters for atrong and durable farm harness. A set ol double farm harness of our own make for $24. This is a better harness than can be bought any where elso in Monmouth county. Qowdy & Pitcher, MoS REFORM SCHOOL BOYS. Two of Tncm Escape Bat »re Aflerwardi Captured. John Cammae, a Centerville boy seventeen years old, was an inmate of the Jameeburg Reform school until-be escaped on January. 37th. -The night he left the institution he broke into Daniel Sherman's house at Centieyille and stole an overcoat, a suit of clothes and a quantity of pork. The boy left his Reform school garments in Mr. Sherman's yard and donned the stolen clothing. M r . Sherman saw Commas In tho village and suspected him of having committed the theft.. He came before Justice Child and made complaint. On Thursday. Constable Frank Fielder arrested the boy, who passed Thursday night,in the look-up. The following morning Camillas was committed to the county jail. Cam.mati'8 brother Jacob, aged 20 years, was supposed to have been implicated in the burglary at Mr. Sherman's bouse, and Officer Fielder started to look for him, after having lodged John in the Freehold jail. Fielder found Jacob at the Big woods, near Holmdol, and took him to Freehold to keep company with his brother. Judge Conover has sent the two youths to the Reform sohool. Alexander L» .Cooper. Alexander' L. Cooper, street commissioner of Long Branch, died very suddenly of heart disease and apoplexy on Sunday, January 81st. He was in This usual spirits on Saturday morning, and took a drive. When he came back he was stricken while in tbe Btable. He rallied after the stroke and was apparently improving rapidly, but be died suddenly that night at half-past nine o'clock. Mr. Cooper was born in New York city and was 80 years old. He leaves a wife and one eon, John Cooper, who is a baggage agent on the Pennsylvania railroad. He had been a Free Mason for about forty years, and was one of the organizers of Long Branch lodge. He was also a charter member of Washington lodge of Eatontown. He EPWORTH LEAQUE#OCIABLE8. was serving his second term as street commissioner when his denth occurred. Eentertalnmentaai the Home* of the Tbe body was buried with Masonic honors on Tuesday of last week. members. The bouse sociables held by the Epn n . Jfnlla A. cnrr*. worth league of the Red Bank Methodist Mrs. Julia A. Curry, wife of Orrin church are becoming a. popular means Curry, of Bed Bank, died on Saturday of entertainment among the young folks afternoon at her home on Washington of the town. At these gatherings a ahort street, in her sixtieth year. She was musical and literary programme is pro- taken with a heavy cold some time ago. vided, games are played, and at an op- This settled into pneumonia nine days portune hour refreshments are' served. before her death. The funeral was held The refreshments are furnished by the at the house yesterday afternoon and league. there was. a large attendance. Rev. The league held a sociable last Thurs- George S. Sykes conducted the service. day night at Ellas Hubbard's, on Wash- Hymns were sung by a choir composed ington street, the hostess being Miss. of Miss Sykea, Miss Pauline ThrockmorMamie Hubbard, a member of the enter- ton, Borden Wolcott and Percy Waltainment committee. The sociable was ling, Mrs. Wm. T. Corlies being the well attended, over one hundred persona musician. The Interment was in Fair being present, including the league View cemetery. The pall bearers were members and their friends. Piano selec- Capt. John A. Worthloy, Capt. James S. tions were given by Misses Addie Sher- Throckmorton, Robert Struthers, Wilman and Mamie, Hubbard, and Miss liam Wood, Charles Cothren and Wil8adieSickles gave an interesting reading. liam T. Corlies. The young people played bean-bag, gobang and tiddledy-winks. Everybody Mrs. Bacbel S. Grover. appeared to be in a social mood, and Mrs. Rachel S. Grover, widow of everybody bad a good time. James Clark Grover, died suddenly at her home at Newman Springs on SunA SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. day morning, aged 65 years. For the past two years Mre. Grover had comThe Oceanic School Children Clear plained of trouble with her heart, but was able to bo about Until Saturday last, MO by an Exhibition. when Bhe was taken with a severe attack The entertainment given by the chil- of neuralgia of the heart, which ended dren of the Oceanic public sohool in the fatally in a few hours, lire. Grover was lyceum lost Friday night was the most one of the the oldest members of the successful ever held in that place. Not- Red Bank Baptist church. The funeral withstanding the bad weather and was held from tbe house at three o'clock muddy streets, the house was packed thia afternoon, Rev. J. K. Manning offifrom stage to door long before it was ciating. The remains were interred in time for the performance, to begin, and tbe Grover burial plot. there was not standing room for those who came late, Charles Bowman. During the tableau of "The 8toim Charles Bowman, a well-known resiChild" the curtain caught fire, and there dent of Atlantic township, died at his was some terror among the audience, .home at Colt's Neck last Friday, aged 83 but the fire was soon put out and the years. He waa taken sick the Monday audience calmed down. preceding. Mr. Bowman in his younger Bertha Brlggs, in the recitation of days worked for the farmers in Colt's The Volunteer Organist," and William Neck and vicinity. He leaves four sons Fenton, in the Dutch recitation of "The and one daughter, all married. His Dog and the Lobster," received great daughter kept house for hftn. The fuapplause. AH of the pupils did well neral took place in the Beformed church and a request has been made to have the on Sunday, the Interment being made entertainment repeated next Friday in the Colt's Neck cemetery. * night !,««( Guernsey. About $40 was cleared by the entertainment, which will be used in buying Lev! Guernsey died suddenly of heart singing books and on encyolopoodia. disease last Sunday at his home at Oceanic, aged 70 years. Coroner Amzi S e l l i n g « n Ex-Editor's Property. Poaten was summoned and after learning the facts of the man's death gave a burial Notices have been posted charging permit, Mr. Guernsey was a carpenter Eugene M. Martin, an ex-editor.of the by trade, but hnd not been engaged in Eatontown Advertiser, with being an active labor for, some years past. The absent debtor, ana a writ ol attachment funeral was held yesterday at 8 P. M. has been filtered against bis property. from the houso and the Interment took The writ of attachment is made in the place in Greenwood cemetery this morninterest of< Edwin Haynoa, of Eaton- ing. town, to whom Martin owed a store bill. The amount of Haynes's claim is $14.48, Mrs. Mary Hoff, of Keyport, died Jast and the property of Martin will barely Thursday. She was the daughter of reach that figure. Should them bean Thomas Bedle and was bora at Bedle's excess of property^ over Haynes's claim mill, near Keyport, in May, 1804. She there are other creditors who will put in leavoB two grandchildren and one greattheir claims. ; grandohlld, Wm. H, Crawford, of Lakewood, died on Saturday at the houBe of his daughter, Hesse Won the Matoh. Owing to the rainy weather th'e Elver- Mrs. Eusha Eeach, at Oceanic, whom he Bide gun club did not hold its regular had been visiting for about a week, Tbe shoot last Friday afternoon. A matoh cause of bis death was Bright's disease. Forrest ROB'S Hatfleld, a boy whose at twenty clays was made up between Oscar Hesse and Leander B. Campbell. folks live at Atlantic Highlands during the summer and who attended the pubHeeao used a IB-bore gun and stood 10 yards from the traps, and Campbell uied lio school, there last season, died at his a 10-bore and Btood 18 yards. Hesse home in Brooklyn on Sunday. Sarah, wife of Patriok Mulholland, of won, killing 18 birds, to Campbell's 10. Long Branch, died of pneumonia a week ago Saturday. She waa sick only four A Peoullar Aooident. daya, She waa 30 years old and she A eon of-Thomas Shafto, of Shark leaves eight small children. river station; met with a peoullar acciMrs; Alice Morris, of Brovent Park, dent a week or so ago. He fell against near Atlantio Highlands, died on Mona bar of railroad iron, striking his uppor day night at 'the age of 55 years. She lip against it so forcibly that the lip was had been slok with rheumatism for aoytorn looao and forced up Into his nostrils. er ill .mon the. , The attending physician found it necesMrs. Maria Sherman, of West Long sary to use foroep* to replace the Injured Branob, died on Sunday of' lost week. member. \ .[ m " She was one of tho oldest peoplo in the place, being In her With year. She leaves It to Worth Your While live children. To' oall and seo our new stock of pic- "{Jsthcr, tho clghteon-year-old daugliter tures, aooordoons, violins, banjos, gul- of Hugh Mulholland, of Long Branch, tan and alioot music • died of consumption on Friday, JanPEgK & CUBTIB, Red, Bank.—.Ads.. uary 80th, ' Good horses and comfortable wagorm of our own make at lets prlop than you for rent at the Central livery stables on can get a cheap factory wagorl for. J. W. Mount & Bro.—^dw. ' ,Mspjo avenue.—Adv., •'-. - _ — • • > « - • » •• • when be was twelve years old, two of bis brothers comluK with him. - His brothers were both drowned years ago, one of them being drowned off Way cake while on a fishing trip, and the other being drowned in Compton's creek. Mr. Davis was twice married, both his wives being residents of Port Monmoutb. His first wife died eighteen years ago. His second wife was the widow of Chas. Lee, who was drowned a number of years ago. Mr. Davis was the father of ten children, eight of whom are living. All the children are married. They are John H. Davis, of Long Branch, an en-' gineeron the New Jersey Southern railroad ; Daniel B. Davis, of Freehold, an engineer on the New York and Freehold railroad; Mary E., wife of George Allen, of Long Branch; Hannah, wife of Ira Barnes, of South Aruboy; Geo. W. and Manchester, who live at Atlantic Highlands; Maryland. Virginia, wife of Frank Alien, of Vincentown; and Charles £., of Somervilte, a fireman on the Central railroad. He was also grandfather to eleven grandchildren. • Mr. Davis waa of a quiet disposition, and was much respectea by tbe community where he lived. He was a good oiticen and an excellent neighbor. He bed been a member of the New Monmouth Baptist church for forty years, The funeral was preached by the Rev. James Burns,' of Port Monmouth, between whom and .Mr. Davis there existed a warm personal friendship. Mr. Davis was sick only a week, his death being caused .by paralysis, He was unconscious almost continually after tbe Btroke.* • . •:•,.' •„ dot your tickets at onoe If you want ft The Arkansaw quartette, the very best on the road, at the opera bouse on Fob good seat toseo Chsnfrau.On February Mh.-Adv. wary 10th.—Adv. Appeals for Leniency l a B i s Case mads to Judge Conover—Joseph jnoran dets Thirty Days In Jail and James Barber Oats Sixty Days. ' Judge Conover granted Philip Gill a license to keep a wholesale liquor place near Blue Ball at a fee of $160. . John Carl, a colored man of Asbury Park, was found guilty of assault on Joseph H. Cooper, another colored man of the same place. ' John B. Morgan pleaded guilty to assault and battery on Charles M. Schooley, of Cream Ridge, for whom he had worked at one time. Morgan's lawyer claimed that Morgan had gone to the house to visit Schooley'a adopted daughter, Cora Pluioly, but the counsel for the Btate charged that he visited the place on Mrs. Schooley's account, after Mr. Schooley had forbidden him to come to tbe house.ft.Hn declared that Morgan had broken op Sbhooley'a home. Judge Conover sentenced Morgan to two.yeara in state prison at hard labor. Mr. Schooley haB notified the public not to trust his wife and adopted daughter, as he will pay no bills of their contracting. John Cooper, a Long Branch bartender who had blacked the eyes of a young fellow who bad come in bis place' and made a nuisance, of himself, was found guilty by the jury before whom the case was tried. Judge Conover said that Cooper bad had a great deal of provocation, and that he would only impose a fine of $5 and costs. Stephen £ . .Billings, of Eatontown, was brought into court to be sentenced for trying to kill hiB wife. Frank P. McDermott, Billings'scounsel, presented a number of affidavits stating that there jrfaa a streak of insanity in the Billing's family, and that Mr. Billings himself was not in sound mental condition. Billings and his wife have been married 88 years and have had ten ohildren, six >f whom are now living. A letter from ne'of his sons was sent to Judge Conover Baying that his father was not right mentally, and asking that bis sentence be lessened on that account. Prosecutor Ivins stated this was not the first time Billings had tried to injure his wife, and that bis abuse of her extended back for fifteen years, Mr. Iviuu stated to the court that Mrs. Billings and the neighbors had told him that they beliuvwf if Billings regained his liberty he would yet succeed in killing his wife, which he barely failed to do when be last attacked her. Judge Conover postponed sentence until be could make further inquiry in tbe case. > James Barber, who was Bent up to Freehold from Red Bank on a charge of assaulting Jacob Soffel, tbe bartender of the Central hotel, with a ,razor, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to sixty days in the county jail and to pay the costs. Joseph Moran, of Little Silver, who was unexpectedly picked up at Red Bank on an old indictment for assault and battery, pleaded guilty to that charge and also to another charge of assaulting Chas. Walling and Geo. Zeigler. On one case he was sentenced to thirty day's in jail and to pay the costs, and In the other sentence was suspended, but be was told that, if he was brought befoie the court again he would be liable to be sentenced on thia second charge. Eugene Wiloon, o( Long Inland, pleaded guilty to an indictment charging him with robbing Harrison Veil's sloop at Keyport. Be stated that he was drunk when he committed the act and that if the court would be lenientthls would be laet offence. He was sentenced to four montbs'imprisonment in the county jail. Wm. W, Stout, a colored man of Asbury Park, was Bent to the county jail for thirty days on a charge of assault and batterv to whioh he pleaded guilty. Frank Minzer and Thomas Carney, of Matawan, were convicted of fighting. Carney was fined $20 and costs and Minzer was fined $10 and coats. Frank Juliano, who shot David Cook at Long Branch, was convicted of atrocious assault and battery. Joseph Rabeno was also convicted of atrocious assault and battery, the charge against him being for stabbing Frank Mascow. Sentence was deferred in both these cases. A number of cases heretofore set down for trial have been postponed until March, -— * •» n Dancer of Tbroekmcrton'a Bridge In Falling: Down Throckmorton's bridge, like London bridge in the nursery rhyme, ia falling down. Over a year ago THE EEOISTEB called attention to the condition of the stonework of the arch, which was then badly split. Daring the past year the crack in the arch has become wider, and is now nearly a foot wide in places. It extends from the middle of the foot of the arch on one side to the middle of the foot of the arch on the other, dividing the arch into two nearly equal parts. The freeholders have tried to hold the arch: together by running heavy iron rods through the stone work and fastening them at each end. These may have stayed the collapse of the bridge, but ita downfall is now only a matter of a short time. The foundation of the south side of the arch seems to be settling a little, and this is causing the stonework on that side of the bridge to bulge out. The bulging wall has caused the roadway to settle for a space of twenty feet long and about half the width of the bridge. In places the roadway has settled fully fifteen inches. ; While the bridge may remain without further settling, Tt is liable to fall at any time. The wet weather has converted [the roadway into soft mud and this exeris-more pressure on the etone WBIIB )than would be the case were the earth solid. Some of the Fair Haven and Oceanic people refuse to cross the bridge on account of the danger, but go around by way of the road through the Throckmorton property. The freeholders have taken no action in regard to repairing, the bridge or rebuilding the arch, as it is proposed to straighten the road, and in that case an iron bridge would be built at the foot of Front street where the house owned by J. A: Throckmorton now stands. *'-:. • • Bishop John J. Moore officiated at the services in Zion church on Central avenne on Sunday. There were large congregations present both morning and evening to near the bishop preach. The discourse in the evening was on the theme "Christian religion a human necessity," and was aptly illustrated by the bishop. He also made an address to the Sunday-school in the afternoon. During his stay a pair of gold eye' ses was presented to him. Mr. re- and the presiding elder, Rev. Thomas W. Johnson, are now at Asbury Park. C ' There are several public sales to be held in this section this month. Full descriptions.of tbe property to be sold and the terms of tbe sales may be found In the advertising columns ot THE REG. Charles F. Randolph will sell his perBonal properly to-morrow afternoon at one o'clock. The sale will take place oh the Many property, between Bed Bank and Little Silver. Wm. H. Walling offers bis farm of 65 acres at vendue at ten o'clock next Tuesday. The Bale will take place on the premises on the road leading from Arrowsmlth's mill to Keyport. At the same time and place will be Bold a lot of farm stock and farming implements. Edward Murphy will auction off his farm stock and utenBila at half-past one o'clock on Saturday afternoon. The sale will tske place on tbe J. P. Lafetra farm at Shrewsbury. Henry M. Nevius, executor of the will of Sarah W. Hance, will sell at auction on the Hance homestead, farm at Shrewsbury at ten o'clock next Wednesday morning a number of cows and horses and a lot of corn, hay and potatoes, farm implements and household furniture. The Bale will ba absolute and without reserve. . . Mrs. Lizzie A. Chance will hold an auction ealo at Oceanportat oneo'olook on Saturday afternoon of Beven horses, a cow, carriages, wagons, elelghB, harness, blankets, robes, etc. Mrs. Abbott's Benefit. Tho entertainment given in tho opera house on Monday night for tho benefit of Mrs. Lubinda AMMt realized $186.86. The amount of tin* cxjipnaes was $5 50, leaving a net balance, for Mrs. Abbott of $120.85. The entertainment was given by membors of the Red Dunk dramatic and athletib clubs and gave general satisfaction. Mrs. Abbott is thankful to thoBO who aided in getting for her this "substantial token of sympathy. Dry Good* Begardless of Cost, Ladles will find bargains in all classes : Bishop Moore at Red Bank., Property to be Sold to the Highest Bidder. ^ •' • T h r e e Fingers Hurt. John Lane, of Red Bank, a brakeman on a Central freight train, got hia hand fast In the bumpers while coupling a car to the engine at South Amboy on Monday, The third finger of hie right hand wag mashed and the second finger .broken. . He was also cut about the thumb. Yesterday the mashed finger was amputated at the knuckle joint by Dr. A. Petitt, of Elizabeth, the railroad surgeon, assisted by Dr. J. E. Sayre, of Red Bank. The broken ringer was saved. Lane was taken to the Long Branch hospital today on account of the excellent facilities there for nursing. AUCTION SALES. ISTER. BRICK YARDS TO BE SOLO. AN UNSAFE BRIDOE. WORK OF THE COURT. Mr*. Boekwell Bakes a Heavy Over* James Davis, doM of~H«dlclne. i f WAft ADMITTED TO PROBATE James Davis, a retired farmer of Port 8TEPHEN B. BILLINGS NOT YET Monmoutb, died on Wednesday of last Mrs. Louisa H. Bockwsll, who keeps a LASTWECK. 8ENTENCED. week. He came to Port Monmouth boarding house tin East Front street, took a big dose of quinine last Saturday, mistaking the drug for salts, and the result :was nearly fatal. She has had « bad cold for some tune, and on Saturday morning she intended to take a dose of crab-apple salts. The salts were in a bottle alongside of a bottle containing sulphate of quiniDe. The bottles were of the: same alia and shape. Mrs. Bockwelt got bold of the quinine bottle and emptied about one hundred grains of the medicine into n glass. She mixed tha drug with water and then drank the liquid. In a little over an hour's time she was. partially paralyzed. She- could scarcely move and was barely able to talk, her tongue being stiff. Dr. Jumes 8. Conover was called in and after he had administered antidotes and worked with her for two hours, she began to get over the effects of the dose. She has not wholly recovered, aa her limbs are somewhat stiff. All danger is past, however. Mrs. Boekwell Is 67 years old and is the mother of Mrs. Henry H. Curtis. She said that ehe could not detect the difference in the taste of the two medicines on account of.her severe cold. 1'//- •••» A Small Baby. Last Friday Mrs. William H. Grant, of Mechanio street, was delivered of a child. The babe waa uncommonly small, very much smaller than the average baby, and it lived only a few days. Mre. Grant waa formerly Miss Annie Hulse, and Bhe and her husband were married about a year ago. Miss Hulae was at that time only fourteen yeare old, and was not a large girl for her age. Mr. Grant is 40 years old and is a carpenter by occupation. m • a» ant. Money at One Per Cei The brick-yards of J. Burrowe* Mills, near Hopping station, Me to be sold at auction en Tfaunday of next week. Tho place will be sold under mortgage sale proceedings. Tbe property to be sold includes 800,000 trick, bnck-yard machinery of all kinds, five hones, two colts, five mules, with wagons, harness and a large amount of farming implements. The sale was primarily duo to a suit brought by Peter S. Conover on two notes for $1SU each, whioh he held against Mr. Mills. There was no defense made to the suit and judgment and execution were issued. Constable Joseph W. Johnson took tho execution » ' made an inventory, when tife found property covered by chattel mortgages. Mr. Mills has been very unfortunate in his brick-yard enterprise. At the first) without sufficient capital, be found himself .handicapped, for it required a considerable outlay for teams, buildings, materials, etc., to conduct the business. Early in its progress . be bought his brother's Interest out for about $2,000. Then he waa sick a year, and then his wife was taken sick and is now an invalid in New York. These- misfortunes and the credit he had to give placed him in an embarrassing position. No one questions Mr. Mills s honesty of purpose, and he Is regarded as a victim of a series of unfortunate circumstances. It is expected that after the sale the business will go on as usual, probably in the name of E. T. Burdge, the principal creditor and the father-in-law of Mr. Mills. Mr. Mills eaya that the amount of his liabilities above bis assets is about $3,000. AN OLD LANDMARK BURNED. . ' • • • • • . . " — — . • Lufbnrrow'a mill In Mlddlelotrn w i n h l p Deatroyed by Fire. Thursday night the old grist mill Millbrook road, now called tho jwbrook road, near Chapel Hill, ;ht fire and was burned down. The Was known as Lufburrow's mill and was owned by Thomas S. Field and John iWcsi, It is nqt known how-the fire .led. The mill has been run for u several years b j Henry D. Kahle. Tbe mill caught fire about midnight and in a short time was totally destroyed. There were 800 Or 400 bushels of corn in the mill which had been laken there to be ground, and a quantity of other grain, as well as some flour and feed. An ice-house, containing about a hundred tons of ice, stood near the mill, and this caught fire and was destroyed. A tool house stood between the mill and the ice-house, and though these two larger buildings were completely destroyed, the tool house was barely scorched. There was no insurance on the property. The ice in the ice-house was owned by Millie Slearns and John Garvey, of Navesink. The mill was a very old structure, but it was still Bound and in good condition. The memory of man runneth not back to tbe time when it was put up, but it is known that it was built over a hundred years ago, and it may have been built twenty-five or fifty years before that. It was one of the old landmarks of Middletown townBhip. New Farm Machinery. Wm. A. Walling; or tmrPhatanx, has taken the agouoy for a number of firstclass articles of farm machinery. The machines he is selling at present comprise plows, harrows and othor implements used in spring work on farmB. In tbe plow for whioh thoro is tho greatest demand the bolt heads aro oval, thus making it impossible for tbo bolt head to tum when putting on a now share or landside. All tbe machinery is guaranteed to be exactly as represented, and it can be returned if it is not found satisfactory. Mr. Walling is also agont for a high-class fertilizer which has stood the test of a rigid analysis, and which has been found a very profitable fertilizer by those who have used it. At last night's meeting of the building and loan'association George Conrad, an employee of Child's bakery, bought seven loans at one per cent premium. Borden Woloott bought five-eighths of a loan at the same premium. For some time past the demand for money from A Farm Hand Coes to Jail. the association has been about equal to the supply, and there ie at present only Last Sunday morning Edward Canny, a small balance in the treasury. a farm hand, walked into the yard of Jacob Brasch, who farms Henry Taylor's lace near Mlddletpwn. Canny was On Exhibition. runk and he became abusive. Farmer There is on exhibition in John B. Ber- Brasch ordered him to leave, whereupon gen's show window a baa relief in mar- Canny whipped out a revolver and ble of Mrs. de Navarro, nee Miss Mary threatened to shoot. Mr. Brasch went Anderson, executed by James B. Har- before Justice Child and. complained rison, of Red Bank, There ia also on against Canny, who waa arrested by exhibition a mounted hybrid duck. The Constable Fielder and taken to Freehold duck la a beautiful specimen and a orosa jail on Monday. The next grand jury between a widgeon and a red-bead. It will take action on bis case. was shot in Virginia by Mr. Bergen during hia last gunning trip.' A T e a m Bowllng.Mntoh. A team bowling match took place at Trotting at Byram's Traok. A. E. Newton's alleya last 'Wednesday ' The trot at Byram's track last Thurs- nigbT. The teams were composed of day for a set of harness between Capt. three men each, the leaders being Geo. Brown's Black Belle, Theodore Pope's Holmes and Sidney Eurle. Four games Bismarck and Edward Fenton's Agnes, were bowled, Earle's team winning by was won by Black Belle. None of the the following score: heats was made in less than three minKatie's 18»Q-SldnoT Earls, 174,109, » 8 , SH \ utes. Black Belle was entered arid had A. E. Newton, 18% 1&, 1O, *X>; Wm. Worthier, SS5,1M.28».«M. been in training by James Byram, who SS51M28»«M Hotmea'a tan—Qmras Holmes, 178,230, MB, 221; had had the mare os hia place for several John h. Bubbard, Wt'&t, W8,1ST; John IWon, weeks, . _' 1M, 171,1M, 180. S Real Estate Under t h e Hammer. Muhlenbrink '& VanMater, millers, of Colt's Neok, sold their real estate at auction yesterday. The mill and the dwelling bouse and land attached sold for $7,000. Sixteen acrqa of cedar swamp was sold for $100, and twenty acres of woodland sold for $100, or at the rate of $5 an acre. John VanMater wan the porohaserof the three pieces of property. Muskrats C o m e to T o w n . Joseph Grover killed a big muskrat in the front cellar-way of his Blore on Monday. He killed a muBkrat in the same place about two years ago. This Is tbe seoond muskrat that, has been killed in the businoBB part of the town within tbe past fortnight, ^ The Up-Town Fire Alarm. Tha Union hoBO company, the uptown flroVompanyjlinve put their fire alarm in position, The alarm 1B the locomotive driving-wheel tire which waa formerly located on Front street near tho West End hotel.' ..... Think of II. A sot of buggy harness for $5.I75, and evory Btrap warranted for ono year. Farm harness-with- collars and lfinch truoe, $24,00. J. W. Mount & Bto.—Adv. NEWS FROM I, B'nnown HUla>a Property la k* 'Sold at Aactlon. SETTLIRCI UP THE • Stealing Church Property. Burglars broke into the Episcopal church, Bed -Bank, two weeks ago and stole a door mat.valued at seven dollars, Last week a thief cut out a pane of glass in the rear ol the ohurob, entered the edifice and stole a Biker oup belonging to the communion Barvioe. A Poat-Oftlce Thief S e n t e n o e d . William D. Day, who robbed the money drawer while omployod at the Ooean Orove post-ofDoo last summer, pleaded guilty last weok to the charge of stealing $125, and he was sentenoed'to one year in tbe Essex county penitentiary. Fancy Creamery Bauer. I-have taken the agency for the celebrated Buona Vista creamery made in Bucks county. Pa, Tbfa buttor is selling on tho Philadelphia market at 88 to 40 cents per pound. Our price is 80 cents. How can we do it? I will tell you. I buy it direct from the maker, anil being aittianed with a small profit 1 can and will aell ntCO cents. This ia the greatest bargain I have ever offered. Another ejpeoial bargain in 2So. butter, BUSINESS FC« THE Y E A * . Old Aceosnta AdJasttaVTlM IMatt of Wllluusj G r i n s BstiM » » - A Hew aUnllft Chaps! - CkaBgW Among V u a u n , ' The township committee met at Atlantic Highlands on Monday to sottle up the accounts for the year. The meeting was held in Counsellor Joan E. Foster? office. The township committee, collector, assessor and township clerk wtre -TeBent, and there were also a consider*/!e number of prominent rcsidentsuf Ike township. Tbe financial attain between tbe borough and the township, union naxebeenln a tangle for two or three I, were straightened out to the satifaction ot the officials of both side*. There was a general settling up of the school accounts, and the township after the settlement bad a balance of about* $240 on hand. This balance would be larger except that there was a deficiency three or four years ago which has been carried along on the books until ibis year, when it waa cleared up. There was an application to improve a new road to run from tbo town boll to tbe shore, and now known as the Sears road, but the committee concluded that they had no authority to improve tbe road. The estate of the late William Griggs, father of Capt Benj. Griggs, has been settled up. A piece of twenty acres was bought by Michael Murphy, who paid $3,400 for it. There is a very fine asparagus bed on the property he bought. Another tract of 28 40-100 acres was bought by Patrick Einney. who | $100 per acre for It. Adalbert C bought in the homestead plot for t There are eighteen acres in the plot, and the improvements consist of a good farm-boose, out-buildings in fair condition and a first-class, asparagus bed. Capt. Benj. Griggs took apiece of woodland containing seven acres, for which he paid $75 per acre. William Gngga left six children, thesebeingCapt.Ban}. Griggs, Adelbert, Edgar, Henry, Mrs. Adelta Frost and Miss Augusta Griggs. A Baptist church is to be built near the school-house in theBeabrook sohool district at Port Monmonth. The cost of the chapel will be about $3,000 and ' specifications are now in the hands of the contractors. The chapel will have no steeple. Andrew Winters has put out his big farm at Chapel Hill to David Sohanck, who last year worked one of ex-Senator William Henry Hendrickson's farms at Middletown. Grtinnin Bills, who last year drove a wagon for George Davis, of Atlantio Highlands, has- takenthe farm of A. C ' Watrous, of Chapel Hill. Joseph Smock has taken James H. Leonard's farm near the Bay View station for the coming year. D. H. Wyckoff,of Middletown township, will occupy the John A. Emmons farm at Eotit Freehold. Both N. H. Roberts & Co., and 8. T. White, of Atlantic Highlands, have been compelled to enlarge their stores by their inorease of business. Messrs. Roberta & Co. will enlarge their dry goods store by an addition about 20x10 feet in size. This will give them much more room for the display of goods and tbe accommodation of their customers. The work is being pushed as rapidly as possible. Mr. Whlto is building a large new building tn the rear of HUT Store, wnliJi Uu txpwila- tohavo completed in about two weeks. Ho will then have by far the largest grocery establishment in the township, and ono that will rank with tbo best Ia tho county. Yesterday Julius Bush's horse ran away at Atlantic Highlands. The wagon caught in a tree and overturned, and-the horse was thrown down. Conover Smith released the animal, which was found to be uninjured. The wagon was only slightly damaged. Sovereign hall at Port Monmouth has been rented by C. J. Post, of Key- * port, who will take possession in the spring, He-will occupy the first floor as a grocery and will keep the upper, floor for rent as a halL • ... Webster S. Davis, son of George B. Davis, of Navesink, and a student ot Hamilton theological Bemlnary, has accepted a call to preach at East Otto, New YorkBtate. There was only a small attendance at T. T. Rogere's sale at Atlantio Highlands yesterday on account of tbe bad weather and bad roads, and tbe goods soli at very low prices. Tbe government contract for deepening the channel at Port Monmouth will be given out by tbo 16th of next month, and it is expected that work will be begun by the 20th of the month. J. G. Brookes, of Paisley, N. J,, has hired part of the building at Atlantio . Highlands in which George Mickey's butcher shop ia located, and will open & grocery store. F. R. Ewing, tbe one-armed engineer of Atlantio Highlands, has been appointed keeper ofthe toll-gsteon the Ilia* aletown turnpike, near < To-night the Navesink church will give an entertainment in Navesink ball. There will be a chowder Bupper and other refreshments. Joseph Buzzard, who lives near Chapel" Hill, has been sick in bed for three months. He has awlfs and child dependent on him for support. Mies Bertha Stout received from New York friends on Monday a present of aa elegantly bound edition of George Elioi'a works. Frank Polhemua, of Navealnk, has a child that has been very siok for some time past, but which is getting belter now. t' Abram Levy, who moved from Pott Monmouth to Navesink a week or w ' ago, lost his youngest child on Sunday. , Capt.Benf Griggs has bought anew gray colt. Tha oolt Is a good traveler and can go just aa fast as it wants to. Martin C. Lohsen, of Port Montnouih, is making extensive 'preparation* (or • pound fishing in the Bpring. - ' John Havens Is building himself, a snug two-story cottage near the sohoolhouse at Port Monmootb. Mrs. Margaret Hopping, of Chapel' Hill, Is suffering; severely from soitUos.,. A TalK t o Young Peopled with the Bed Bank ohurohes will be s 4 ' ' dressed by the Her. F, E. OUrk. ot Bos-' ton, in' Grace church on' Tnursdajr • night of next week.' Mr. Claw W ' j a 9. AKTOWDIKS, the president of l o t United sooWtal,' , Proprietor Red Bank Butter Market, or Christian endeavor *Mj *•*"•*"*" >•' of tbe society. A set«co'i — A d v . . ••'•"•' and Instrumental music,'led WANTED.—Situation by a man and LOOT.—On Broad street, Red Bank, a wife, Man willing to make himself gen corner, ol Broad and Meohanfo streets, will get a reward o f $5 on returning the Bios, $40.80 Up; road carts, $10 up; Lip- whore dry goods to the value of $10,000 purse and contents to M. Paoh, Red pieman's carts, best on earth, $82.00. are being sold regardless of coat. No Bank.—Adv', - , _ _ • - ' ' reasonable offer will be refused.—Adv, J. W. Mount * IBto.—Adv. New farm ha&ess for loss money than Mr. H. Cbanfrau has the beat ootupany old second-hand harness can be bought , 10.000 copies of tho latost and beat rnuslo at mroconta por copy. Peek & of comedians on the road,' At the opera for at vendue. Gowdy & Pitcher, Rod houso on February 16 th.—-ddu. , Curtis, Pianos and O g a u e f c t o <'; l l f l b o * | l R l IIhhel lf f t jlRJJMfHl,.v*j||,.piW8RWl is a good housekeeper, Beferenoa* f«Wnithed it^neoessary. .Address « . , Box But Join our pbuw tlob.W (or panleulan, OrganW, Red Bank, N. l—Adv. -' PxUcfc . Wo are dolling our blue-ribbon single road harness,us fait at w« can make Hone ffanrithlof g o o ^ a them, dowdy & Pitcher, Monmoutn Pitcher's, ' , Monmwto «**«, street, Rod Bank.—Art).. ' - , -Ado, • ' ' ' ' • • i - • r-.,To' THE RED BAM REGIOTL (M rtUJtrt STBXXt, W0»U>. TOWN TAI.it, •Wats* U a W1J In the itzWttore V> prob0/H t t e towing r/f wl-i>ou, if t i l t Mil eWild (/Me i t wllJ prov« * Ludetilp to o u o y ot (.Us fiateriaen tlbua Uw n»«t. There can be no reasonable objection to •jetting eel-pota. Tbe business forma an important industry la this locality, and the billebould be defeated ID Bbort order. Girt WJtti A n ' A d i . A JU>. H&toa, eranloTi A.ftfctMrl*MXMilt* M4»» t>olel, rMg«, cut WjMfcfr 4*»erely . . . . ,.._ A. very pUtbuittt V/AiiM *»« ,&> with t o «dz MI Monday aw/slog. Ctjrt. hi/Mid Bord«i'«tt Mult 0 d m Dr. Walter H. WMtrjaore wire* up tbe ¥<tv& tail f ridty tiljcbt, TbU WM the wound. Eaton wilt be able to go out In tm.yfU tint* trxvifat tb»tmu. nta i of mM <USJi or iunnflJtg 1i* J.W. MOUNT &BRO., Carriages and Harness ' JOHN H. ViUHAKB. last of tbe bbrewsbury sociables before it few day a, , JACOB BWAN, Lent." There waa a comparatively large TowMnlp Committee. attendance, and tbe affair was much, en* Bn Uoo4« at Your Own BIOBi joyed, The floor*-bad been waxed for ACC7TI0NEEE. B. T. Smock, at the corner of,Broad TH0MA8 TALUIAM, (WICtog, Mud Ulfc Itftt paflOtft MCXHElUfa&* and liechaoto ttreets, is selling, outs »»• • • eight sets at a time. (10,000 worth of dry goods of all bind mNMtti Tbe editor of the Haoasquan Democrat dated Those present were Mrs. Chas. 8. Bill, regardless of cost. No reasonable offer is angry, very\angry indeed, because I Mrs. refused,—Adv. A. Tilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dates, -OFWBDNE8PAY, FEBBTJABY 11, 1881.said that forattra up this way were get- Misses Laura Borden, Jessie Parker, ting $10 a ton'for their hay, I t there is Lucy Lippineott, Gussie Bates and Allie The better grades we bnild; the obeap«r grades we buy; and on any style We H i r e - I I Now. anything tbat makes a free trader mad Genuine rubber, gold lined, band made Cnrrlage, BusuKta "Wagon, Buggy, Spindle Wagon, Jamp 8eat, Surrey, Carryall, Tba bridge over Throckmbrton'a gully it is to bave a farmer get good prices for Fontin, Morris Borden, John W . Borden, •ingle harness fnr (18. Can't be equalled Cabridtette, Depot W«gou, Road Cart, Buokboard or novelty in oak or rktural i> rapidly giving way. During the past his produce under a protective tariff. Geo. ii. Borden, J. F. Borden, Geo. Q. fnr less tban (3S io the county. J. W, Bates, Kichard Bates, Frank' Bates and woods, V anything else you want, you will find our prioee low and stock the beet. 1 dine weeks the cntokt in the stone arch The editor of the Democrat, with tbat William Lippincott, of Little Silver; Mount & Bto.—Adv. - -ATOur etobk of Harness oan't be equalled for the quality and prices we offer. tiaVa doubled in width and they are now charming oourtesy for which' free trad- Miss Mabel Lanes, Beoj. J. Parker, Jr., ers are noted when their predictions of Horse for sale cheap. Frank F. Supp, Carriages a"nd Harnew otemy Btyle built or roada to order if we can't please you from four to six Inches wide. The entire failure and, poverty for tbe farmers are Chas, Hope, Frank and W. H. Lawes, Red Bank, H.J.-Adv. from our stock. ' structure will SHOD bave to be torn down uofulBUed, declares that " T U B REOISTEH Jr., of Shrewsbury; Mr, and Mrs. S. T. Hendrickaon, Jr., Mrs. Fred Hope, Misses -ONRepairing promptly attended to. ' and rebuilt. Instead of rebuilding the liee." The farmers, the Democrat man Allie Hendricksoo, Jesaieand HaltieHubT. W.^_T. U. eays, are uot getting (10 a ton for their "arch, the road should be straightened hay at all, and he puts down a lot of fig-bard, Isabelle £ . Hobbs, Hattie Ketohain TherexuitrmaptlDBof UieTounf? Women's Ohrjitlm Tompomccg Union will be held at Uie nsldenre and an iron bridge built atroas the gully ures to show tbat all the farmer is get- and Gertrude Whitman, Clifford Hub- ot Mr. William Hills, on Bridge avenue, TuesHa; batd, Borden Wnlcult, Harry Croesley, at the foot of Front street. A substan- ting for his hay is (3.75 per ton. -Well, J. 8. Applegate, Jr., J. L Burrowes, Jr., evenlog, February ITU, 1891. At 1 o'clock, P, u,, sharp* as follows; tial bridge could be built for less than it I have watched the farmers' adction Frank Parker. Geo. H. Holmes, Kichard Cor. Maple Avenue and White Street, Red Bank, N. J. WANTED. sales around liere, and the avenge,price Crawford and Harry Worthier, of Red would oost to replace the arch, and the paid for hay has been above (10 per ton An appreailca to learn drbSBmaklcs. ttiqulre of JACOB BmiTTB :..£.,,..., AP0T10WBW. ctraigbteaing of the rood would be ft HS it lay in the. mow,'the buyer to do the Bank; Misses Maggie arid Sadie Hance, J. IV1N8, Ice Creepers fop" a Horse." Durham and Louisa Wardell, ' WallacoStreet,Red Bank.N. J. hauling. In only a very few cases has Anna One Milch Cow, just coming into profit; , great improvement. Lewis V. 8nyder, Jesse Smith and Amos the price been lower tliuu $10, and where Lovell, of Long Branch; Misses Allie and Wagonette, nearly new; 8 Buggies, 3 Sur. FOB BENT. tbe nay ie.of choice quality the farmer Conover, Grace Hayes and May reyB, 3 Statfes, 1 two-hone Farm Wagon, Tne (ubaorlber will eiposo ror xUe.Bi Public rear PELL FROM A 8CAFFOLD. can get $12 or eveu more fur it. I don'l Emma HendrickBon. Wm. B. Conover, Robert due. on THOTB LIGHT, AIRY ROOM?, OF GOOD SIZE, 1 Expreos Wagon, 3 , Sleighs, 0 eels of know wliat kind of bay the farmers Hayes and George Cunklin, of MiddlePainter Joaeph Mount Meet* With a raise down at Manssquan, but it it's anyON BROAD 8TREET, FOR RENT. SUITABLE Single Harness, 1 set of Light Double THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1801, town ; Misses Ella and Cora Frost, Min" • '. A l l o'clock, r . i i n o n tee Scrtona Accident, where near as good hay as tbe farmers FOR OFFICES. ' Harness, 2 sets of Heavy Double Harnens, Head leading from (Ac IAttlt f i l m Vl. Joseph Mount, the painter, met with raise up this way they're foolish if they nie Morford and James Frost, of New •.• p o t to Jt«d Itanh, * * SICKLES & PAIIKEII, Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, 3 Buffalo a serious accident just before noon to- eell it for $5.75 a ton. The quotations Monmoutb; Miss DuBois and Ed.Taylor, Known u tba Man? properly, the following Per. , Bed Bank, N. J. Robes, and many other articles not day. HewasonascarloldingwithHenry from the market reports, which are of Holmdel; Miss Jennie Shutte, of Sco'-' sonal property: A Torse Bones, A n d Wagon, Janmr W«non, 8ldeCommes and Joseph Dennis painting the found in tbe Democrat's own columns; beyville; Miss Ellis, of New York; and 'numerated. . t> OGDEN McCLASKEY, btr Dumnr, Blclsn, Bled, a ulrt Hodliv. two-hoiw front of Jacob Degenring'e Germonia show that choice hay sells for from GO a number of others. Rldlnjr cultivator, onc-horae Cultivator, S Floffs. LIZZIE A. CHANCE. The next Shrewsbury sociable will be F E T - T a n d G R A V E L R O O F E R . hotel. The scaffolding waa about thirty cents to 65 centB a hundred, which Harrow, a M U Double UaroBH. a » u Slnsle u a r . held early in April. Forks, Hoes, STOOP, rick, sbovals, Cnalns. feet above the sidewalk. Mr, Commes makes it worth (13 to (18 a ton. ....i.-AUCTIONEEB. ne», I'lovlK*, Whlfflotree*. ftiedbln, WneeHurrow, lot of A Perffel Teroporarr or Prrnianrnt Tin roofs coated and warranted tight for Ore JACOB SHUTTS was at work on one end of the scaffold* • •, Horse Manurv. Hen Manure,SO Henj,«Puklo Duck>. A ProgreMlve Knthre Parly. yeans. Also leaky chimneys made tight. Wort ing, Mr. Dennis on the other,- and Mr. ArraDcemtnt forCalklDC Borsea, Ala»IIouael)ol<IGoodacoDiUiilnRof B«da, Bedsteada. A progressive euchre party was given, attended to promptly, at reasonable rales. Waabitandt, Lounge. Bureau, Tablet. Lamm, eto. KiBllTT AM» QBIOKtY PDT ON. Mount was- in the middle. The latter Tho Democrat man winds up by offering by Mr. and Mrs. George V. Sneden on Conditions made known on day of sale. to sell me a carload of clover hay at (10 OGDEN MCCLABKBV. l reached up to paint n section of the corEASILY AND QDICKLY BEMOVED. CUADLES f. RANDOLPH. L e o n a r d Street, nice and In doing so stepped back to the a ton. As I am not in the hay business Front street last Friday night. TwentyiiiDKiN m a n SIZES.' ' West Red Bank, N. J. edge of the 'scaffolding, which broke. I don't want a carload of clover at any eight persons took part in the progres No. 0, for Nos. 0 and 1 shoes. Mr, Mount fell backward off the scaffold- price; but if hay is worth only $5.75a filve. games, and individual games were No. 1, for Nos. S, 8 au4 4 shoes. WANTED. ing and in lite descent struck a telegraph ton why is he trying to stick me with a played by the others. The kdiW first No. i. tor Noa. i. Band6 shoes. , •.' —or- v • wire. This saved bis life, as had not the carload of it at (10 a ton ? Isn't be sat- irizo was won by Miss Tiny Watson; PRICE FIB BKT OF roOn.S3.00. . wire turned his body he would have DO isfied with what lie makes out of his ladies' second prize, Mrs. Belle Crossley; A man who Is thurouRhly acquainted with the In use on my borsm. They "III enable yon to '. drive your bones In safely, while your nultinnora doubt struck on bis head and been killed. paper that he must try end stick a poor and ladiea' booby prize, Miss I. E. Hobba. carpet, furniture and house furnishing bualucss, to Tbe subscriber, belnu about to quit farming, will men's prizes were won by Wm. B. are crowding the hUcksmltK shops, valtlns ttieir Bell hta Stock and Implements at Auction at fcli . He landed feet first at the edge of the brother editor to the tune of $4,25 a ton Tlie -4NDturn to bare theirs shod. Toe only part thai wean Mount, first prize: Mr. Tilton, Becond M e clinrRe of that department. place, known aa tbo Lewb Wtilto farm, curb, falling on bis left side. He woaon a carload of clover hay ? No doubt it prize; Is the point*. JOHft STEINDACII, Charles Niemotf, booby prize. ReNEAR R E D BANK, N . J . , carried to his home on Wallace street is gall and wormwood to free tradera to freshments .. W8C0DHT TO THE TRADE. were served at 11:80 o'clock, And between Red Bank and Slirewubur?, on W«st End Store, Lonit Brnncb, N. I. and medical aid waa summoned. Dra. have farmers get $10 a ton or more for and the guests left about two o'clock, One extra set of Point*. Wrench and Hoot Cleaner fumtanndvlth each set of Crwiwrs. AdJames 8. Conover, J. E. Sayre and their hay,Vut calling folks liars won't Those Tuesday, March 3d, 1891, Tbe subscriber will at sell at Public AucUon, present were: • ditional <wt of Points sent by mill <m rerelpt of 20 LOST. Edwin Field attended the injured man, imite the price come down any. The oenia. Bent by eipress on receipt of prtoe. • on At 10 o'clock, A.M., sbirp. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Antonides, Mr. and . whose left leg at the ankle and left arm Democrat man can talk all he pleases, Between Uttla Ellvcr and Fair Haven, a yellow TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17tb, 1801, Tbe property coujprlsM I tie folIovdnK • at the wrist were,found to be broken. but he won't get any farmer around Mrs. Charles Nieman, Mr, and Mrs. HTREAD, - At 10 o'clocl, A. ii., on tbe promise>, Mr. Mount did not lose consciousness these parts to soil bini hay at $5,70 a ton, Henry Peek, Mr. and llrs.Wm. B, Mount, pasteboard envelope, containing several deed3. Tbe FOUff HOUSES, ONE TEAM MULES, name of Boiden Hance was on tbe envelope. Tbe no matter how able an array of figures Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pintard, Mr. and Mrs. Aeent for tho Htnutaclurer, On ih« Bond L««.dlnc nrom Arrowalthough he suffered intense pain. At S I X C O W S , O N E STJLL, O O L T ' 9 HTXIOX^ 3ST. J . present the physicians do not consider he may present to show the farmers that Henry Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa Curtis, Under will please return to •mlth'« milia t o K e y p o n , Two Hundred Bushels of Corn, Tiro miles $5.75 a ton is all he ought to get for hie Mr. and Mrs. VanBrackle, Mr. and Mrs. BOBDBN IIANCB, from steamboat landinf at Keyport, the in juries dangerous. Fifty Clilckem, Ttvculf Tons orll*r< HIS F A - R M P O F 6 8 ACRES, crop. .AUCTIONEEIt. Thomas A. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ltodBnDt, N.J. Half Intereit In about 7 acrra of Wheat irrowinif, Suitable for tne raisins; of Baj, Grain, and for Davis', Mrs. Belle Crossley, Miesea Jennie 1 CarryaU %Va)roD.'l SprliiK Wanon, 3 Farm Wajrotis, A DEACON ACCU8ED. Truck Farming. House newly enclosed two years Constable's Sole of Wearing ApAntonides, May Seymore, Isabelle E. S Dump Waffoait, 1 two-pi>attid Slelfili. 3 Becood-band Daniel Shutts, of TiDlon Falls, made parel, Etc. llueeles. 3 sen double trorklnc; Harness, act of Unlit airo, Imrn new and otner buildings in excellent conHobbs, Grace Peek, Belle Antonides, H« U Tried by a Church Jury and a call at THE REGISTER office a few days Dr. W. 8. Whilmorer Messrs. Tilton, The subscriber "III sell ot auction an THURS- iloutiln Harness. 1 Cbamplon Mower and Reai«r dition. Also 1 Uorw. I Muslang Pony, Ove years ago, Mr. Shutts is one of the mom DAY, FEBRUARY 20tb, 1891. at 2 o'clock, p. ll,. combined. 1 two-borse Jones's Cuttlvator. 1 UlKifs' old; 2 Cows, Farm Wagons, JaRirer Wagon, Cntes . / ^ - F o u n d Not Gnlltr. -OFWm. VanMater, Will Curtis and Harry H trubk full of wearing apparel, box full of wearlng Plow, 1 Wbeol Hoyrakr, 1 Fan Mill. Torn Sbeller, unit FarmlOK Clumlls of «,!! kinds. 1 HatKttstiy . Farmer John Ttce, of-Cliff wood,-is a progressive, prosperous and forehanded Peek, Mrs. Smith, of North Dakota [ and £pparel, shoes,'Jawelry, and otner articles of per- Orlndstone, Wbeelburmtv. Turnip or Garden Drill, Table. 1 Bureau, and other Household Goods. trustee and deacon in the Methodist farmers in this part of the county. He Miss Tiny Watson, of Newark. soDal property. Seized under tbe landlord's Han nearly new; 3 pair Hnyftbelvlnfrti, Cultivators. HarCONDITIONS : For iti» farm, easy terms: personal act t>y Cliarlea (i, French for unjmld board, aud to row*. Shovels, Forks, and entire stock of Farming property, six months' cndlu churoh at that place. He was recently has been a Democrat all his .life, and Implements. Abo. be sold at tbe. Ceotral notel, Red bank, by accused of.1 committing eundry crimes hence might be expected to be in symWIQ. I I . W A I L I N G . A Parly on Wallace Slropl. DANIEL GHAHPLIN. Household and Kltclien Furniture, unbecoming a man of his standing. The pathy with the Democratic! doctrine of CoQRtable. -ANDMiss May Ludlow govo a party to a . . . - AUCTIONEERIncluding 1 Large Cooking Stove, nearly new; I JACOB SHCTT8, complaints alleged drunkenness, theft, free trade; but he told me that last sea- number of friends at her' home on Dining iloom stove, Kood; 1 Parlor stove, nearly PTJBIJC SA.LB3 and improper oonduot toward - certain son was the beat that the farmers of Wallace street last' Wednesday night, •cw; 1 Marble-top Table, Lounpo, Chairs. Beds, women. The principal complainants this section had. had for a long'time. There were music, games, etc. Those Bedding, good Churn, Milk Puns. £ c , Sc. were Mrs. Emily Wood and Miss Mary He attributed a large proportion of last present were Miaees Mamie Reilly, Mag\V. W . WALLINO. Pearoe, members Of the CliHwood Meth- season's prosperity to the uew tariff law. gie Holian, Aunle Lane, Lillie Hawkins, Tue subscriber will wll at public vendue, at 1:30 The subscriber, executor of 8arab W. Hance. deodist churoh. Farmer Tice was tried In former years, aa eoon aa a living price Lillle Keough, Bella Williams, Hattie o'clock, l>. «., on ceased, will sell at public auction on the premises yesterday in the Calvary Methodist was being paid for farm produce, foreign Sickles, Flora Durn, Nellie Klopman, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY H t h , 1891, countries would Bend shiploads of prochurch at Key port, Rev. Samuel E. Post, May and Lulu Ludlow and James QuigOn the form ot J. p. Uretra, at pastor of the church, being the presiding duce over here, and break down the ley, George Keougb, William Norman, Near Shrewsbury,. N. J., S H R E W S B U R Y , N. J., officer. Rev. J, J. Graw was the prose- market, so that American farmers would Johu Holian, Charles HuwkiriB, Howard get for tbpir crop barely what it cost to *-ONThe subscriber, mortgagee, nill eipose nt Public cuting attorney and Eev. Mr. Chattin, of The following Personal Property: Sickles, Ellas Megee and James Ludlow. Hale ou Motawan, appeared for the defendant. raiBe it. Under the new tariff law these THREE OOOD HORSES. ONE COLT. After bearing a good deal of evidence importations will be largely shut out New milch Cow, 3 Good cow* THURSDAY, FEB. 19,1891, One ramlng Into pro.Ql, 13 snoAta. £ two-horse Farm the jury, without leaving their seatB, and the American farmer will get a livAnd dealer* la PERSONAL. ing price for what he raises. At a meet\Vagons,l one-hiVriw Sprtnir Wsffon.1 one-bone Car. pronounced Farmer Tice innocent of the At 10 o'clock, A. u., on tbe premise! of Jobn I). Huge. 1 two-borse Carriage, lot of Berry Craies, ing of the New Jersey Board of AgriculHills, near ' charges preferred against him. at 1 0 o ' c l o c k , A. HI., a b a r p , Megee, of Bed Bank, is employed Basket! and Csrrien, lot of Tomato Crates, two. ture a year or two ago, the president of in Elias horse and one-home plows, Rigid' Plow, Furrowing the board, after an able address on the M. M. Davidnon's clothing Btore. 81ed, latest tmpmved Double Harrow, Doable and A.U tbe farm stock and formingra&cnineryol said Single Cultivators, some good Mixed Uay, 25 bead need of the New Jersey farmer to pro- lleta Hendrickson, who lives near the deceased, consisting of The New Bank. All tbe following goods: ot Poultry, lot of Barrels, set or Ueavy Double liartection, declared that the farmers of this Zion church, is sick with diphtheria. ness, 'et of Light Double Harnns, a sou or Single Charles Miller, son of Simon Miller, of The new Bed Bank bank has changed state could not be prosperous and would Harness. Hotbed Bash and Frames, 18-foot Ladder, 30 COWS, 6 HORSES, Are remoFlnn Ibelr business to tbe Lar^e and its name,and it is to be called "The not get fair prices for their crops until Red Bank, is very sick with consunip GrlDd-Htone, and other articles too numerous to Rooms neoiion. Naveaink National Dank," Capt. James they had proper protcotiun. He Bhawod tion. Movers, Ilcapen. Threahen, Omlo Drill, Farm TKMIS: Bams under910, cash, over $10, wren VTajfGDi, rarrtsKe, PbLTlon, I tarn ess, and all other Mrs. Ulrich, of Mew York, is viultiug S.Thn»luuotton baa bought the Wild that the prices for which foreign crops More or \ms, 2 Pressing Machines, 2 Tempering months' oole with guod security payable at Flret building at the corner of Broad and Me- could be brought to this state were less her sister, Mrs. Richard Austin, of Red Over Cbadwick's Drug Store, Wheels and Gears, BarrowB, Trucks, Moulds, Sad- Nallooal Uaok ot Bed Bank. Machinery and Uttnells uiedon a large aDd welldles, Ballon, Hock-Plank, Undoing, lot of Arrb EDWARD MURPHY. cbanio streets, and he stated to a REGIS- than it cost farmers to raise the crops Bank. kept form. [rona nnJ Doorv, and all tbe oibitr Brick Yard Tools Charles Levi, of Paterson, is sick at TER reporter that the new bank would here, and he gave a list of the tariff used in eald Qrtcb Vur<i; also a lot of Cord Wood, Waler Tank and How. lot or Lumber. £ Barrel be located there. George Hance, Jr., rates which he Baid were necessary to be the house of M. P. Sherman on Wallace BUOAD STREET, RED BANK. Hr.n«ps, 3 Buy Horae*, 1 Browa Horae, 1 Rorrel Colt, bought the property from Geo. H. Wild laid on foreign produce if our farmers street, 1 Has Colt, 5 Mules, 3 Gown. r> Hops, 5 sets ot Heavy about six weeks ago, and paid $13,000 were to be prosperous. The schedule of Miss Mary Shaw, of Long Branch, has Double Hnraesa, I set of Lljrtu Double Harneaa, 1 At lio same lime and place Ihere will be sold al iM of SiDRlt) Harness, lot of Humes and Truces, 8 for it. : Mr. Tnrockmorton paid Mr. rates set forth by the president of the graduated from tho state normal school sela ot Carl llnrni--ci. 3 Carls, 4 Farm WaRona, 1 the Household and Kltrhen Furniture of said deHance $14,000 for the property, thus giv- state board of agriculture were almost ex- at Trenton. (urryull Wanna, 1 Itugcy, 1 Roud Cart, 1 8M«h, 3 ceased, romprkilCK Carpels, Parlor Bulls, Stuvos, ing Mr. Hanoe $2,000 for bis bargain. Plows, Harrow, Hay Sbvtvlugs. Cultivator, lot of Isaac Sherman, of Red Bank, who has actly like those of the McKinley bill, and Crockery, Bedding, etc. Also Fanning Uiunslie, Porks, Hoea, gliovuls, 4r., lot of Mr. Hance will give possession to Mr. that he was right is shown by the better been sick with catarrhal bronchitis, is Hay and Corn. Tfarockmorton on the first of March. He prices received this year by our farmers. recovering. <00 HiisLcl» of Corn, 50 Tons of Hay, 8eln>d and to be sold by virtue of two certain has not yet decided where he will move It is this same McKinley bill which is John Bailey, the Front street tobacco- Blftxcll'a Impruvctl Chilled Plow. obattel mortfrajtea, Hlvpn one by John B. Mills to AND A LOT OP FOTATO1S, bis business. In tbs meantime he is causing factories to spring up all over nist, has gone to Hot Springs, Kansas Joseph I. Tbompaou, dated July Unb, 1K90, recorded vlll be sold at tho satnu tlmo aod pIsco. In thu Clerk'ri o(llo*i fti Fnvhnld jn IliHib 2iut Chat* Belling out his Block of goods at reduced the country, and which is enabling for hia health. ttil Mortn«(i, page 143, etc., and ofisl^ned by said Tho sale will be absolute and without reserve. Acme Ilnrrow, Pulverizer and prices. M. M. Davidson, of Red Bank, spent a farmers to get profitable prices for their Thompson to ibe subscriber, February .W, 18111. and Terms easy and made known on day of sate. oue tiiuU« by JUUQ B. Mtlta tg tlio eubstrlber, JanuIt is reported that Mr. Hance is now crops, that tho free-traders are so fond of few days last week at the Lakewood Clod Crusher. ary SOth, ibOl. Charlea II. Wolcolt will be at the sale and Iurallb negotiating for the purchase of other condemning and holding up to ridicule. hotel, Lakewood. The old-eatablhlied and popular grocers, EDWAnD T. BURDOE, refreshments. business real estate in town. Charles H. Morford and Charles Allen • Mortgagee. Clark'* Cutaway Harrow. of Middletown, returned home on Friday n . NEVius, Here'a the editor of tbe Long Branch from a visit to Washington. Bxeeutor. A Half-Killed Horse. The mother of Rev. J, K. M inning is Record, too. making a kick at the McMorgan'* Spading Harrow. On Monday night John H. Fourt heard Kinley tariff bill. He'B a free trader, of again seriously eick at her home at a great noise in the barn in the rear, of course, and not long ago he declared Mount Pleasant, Huntedron county.' RED BANK, N. J. his bouse on Monmouth street. He noti- that there was nothing wrong in rob- John H. Sutphen and Postmaster Wm. BOOKS Biding mul Walking Culiivalon. 8. 8. SAGUKS", nananer. fied W. A. French, who lives near by, bing the government by smuggling. Bennett, of Fajr Haven, have returned BARE. CUIUOUB.OUKIIBNT, IN STOCK. and the two went to the barn, where Well, under the protective policy of this home from a visit to New York state. ALMOST CIVEN AWAYI they found a struggling boras owned by country, which lie pretends to hate so LtltrarUt Supplied Cheaper I/urn at anil Bmk Mr. and Mrs. William Ackerman, of Also IH. L, Sliocmakrr'it , Henry J. Tilton. Tilton bad evidently much, his business has been very Freehold, spent the latter part of last Hture In (he ll'iirM. undertaken to kill tbe horse by knocking profitable and he hes made lots of week with Mrs. Ford, at tho Globe hotel. "Swin-Surc FcrliliKcro" IIIHI LIBnAHIES AND BOOKS BOUGHT. We are carrying a very fine stock . it in the head. The horse, however, had money. Not long ago he furnished his Pure Ground Uonc. MAMMOTH CATALOGUE FREE. Miss Sadie Elliot, who has been visitriot been killed, and when Mr. French house with carpets, and be made a big ing relatives in Philadelphia and CamLEGOAT BROTHERS, of smoked and salted fish. Our and Mr. Fourt went there it was strug- howl in bis paper about the price he den for eeveral months past, has returned stock includes mackerel, herring, 81 Chambcra s t e e e t , gling in ita agony. Dr. McCaffrey was paid. He/said he found out that the home, - I N T1IEFOR 8AI.E BY 8rl door Went ot Cltj (tail Park, N e w Y o r k . German herring, Yarmouth bloatseat for and be shot the horse. A suit gripes lisa gone up a good deal, a i r on Fnnioiis Comedy Drama, Miss Delia Tansey, a graduate of the FOR RENT. has been begun against Tilton by the ncdtaiRf'of the* awful McKinley bill. I Keyport public school, will begin teachers, codfish, kippered herrings and society for the prevention of cruelty to should think he would read the adver- ing at Gibbeboro, Camden county, on animals. Tilton nays he left the horse tisements in his own paper and in the the first of March. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE ON BRANCH soused mackerel in cans, and varithinking it was dead. The suit will be other papers of the county, and then he ous other kinds of canned fish. MiBsGusaieCuttrell, daughter of Frank AVENUE (Scuflletown road). tried next Wednesday. PHALANX, N. J. wouldn't get stuck by ehopkeepers who Cuttrell, of Keyport, is to be married to During Lent it is often difficult for Apply to bave made the McKinley bill'tbe excuse Harry Thompson, of Matawan, next P.O. Address housewives to prepare a variety of THORIAS DAVIS, J r . , to run prices up on him. Morford, Wednesday night. Box 402, Red Bank, N. J . Visit t o a Pastor. Brown & Co,, good reputable business Red l U n k , N. J . dishes, but with the above to select Counselor John E. Lancing, of Lang The annual visit of the Baptist church men of Long Branch, advertise in theBranch, has sold his offices to Counselor A LAttGE A8SOHTMENT OF CLERK WANTED. members to their pastor, Bev. J. K. Record that they have made a special W. fi. B. Parker. Mr. Lanning will move from, all of which is fresh stock, Manning, took place last night, about price on carpets and ruga, and that they to New York soop. A YOUNO MAN THAT. UNDERSTANDS THE bought for this season's trade, this ' 125 people being' present. The visit was are selling carpets at about fifty per cent Sidney B. West, who for many years a Buccese financially, socially and in less than other dealers sell them. DHK8S GOODS DEPARTMENT. ALSO, UNDER- difficulty will be avoided. waa o clerk in Corlies's clothing store on every way. During the evening Miss Broad street, is now manager of a large STANDS DKE33INO WINDOWS. of tbe best quality and One of the novelties we are sellSadie Child rendered piano selections, clothing store in Mount Vernon, N. Y. JACOB STEINHACII, and tbe young people sang college songs. ing is canned shrimp. These make If the Record man didn't care to pa- Rev. J. K. Manning, of Red Bank, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, Aside from Mr. Manning's own members, tronlzu home trade he could have gone will preach the sermon at the dedication LOIIR nranvli, N. J. a delightful relish, and are well those present were Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlea to Freehold, where Chamberlain & of thn Central Baptist church at Junc-ATBOARDERS WANTED. M. Patterson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Golden, another reputable business firm, tion, Hunterdon county, next Tuesday. Worth a trial by lovers of this class Fred. Hope, Miss Tillie Sproul, of Key- announce that they are selling carpets Misses Maggie Cooper and Kiln Benton • Good accommodations for tntrjslcQt or porroa- of goods. port and Miss Ellis, of Brooklyn. lower titan ever before. Since he made and John Cooper, of Red Bank, and Miss nont iwanlera. AIJO two lurgo front rooms on his outcry about carpets he has been in Lizzie Pringle, of Trenton, have been Old EitabllBbed Stand, on vited to buy his carpets at Asbury Park, spending a few days at Washington, Broad street to lot furnished or unfurnished. A Match a t Colt's Neck. B11OA1) ST., 11ED BANK, N. J., Inquire of There was a Bbooting match at Colt's with the guarantee that he won't be Was. S. Field, of Mikdletown, who Keok last Saturday between George Wil- charged one cent more than the carpets M M . CI1A8.1.AVO, J r . , Oupoaltu tha First National Ilmk. kins and Win. C. Buck, In which Air. Wil- would have coat a year ago, before the has been quite sick, had a relapso nbout Whlto Street, Rid Dank, N, J. Comer Broad aud mechanic Streets, lIcKinley tariff bill was enacted. I a week ago, and for a time his life was kins reversed the score he made in his rePUBLIC SALE HOUSE FOR RENT. cent match with Benjamin Franklin can't invite the Record man to come to despaired of. Ho is qon improving RED BANK, N. J. " - O K ' ,*>—•, Qriggs, Tinton Falls's noted debater. In Red Bank to buy bis carpets and guar- again, antee that the priceB have not been IIO1IBE Of NINE nOOMB »OIt RENT O N the match with Mr. GriggsMr. Wilkins l|John W.. Meyers, formerly of Red -INOLTJDINaT. S. CONROW'S killed every bird, while in the match raised, because I haven't been able to Bank and who spent lust summer in IIROAD STItEET. The Judge and the Major, with Mr. Buck he missed every one. Mr. find tbe advertisements of any of the town, was given a. testimonial coDcert in :R :R T Apply to -» TUB CELKnnATED • Buck killed four of the five birds at carpet men and furniture dealers in any Hardman hall, New York, last Saturday IHra. A N N I E O. P A I I K K R , of tho Rod Bank papers, aod eo I can t night. Some of the leading eingcrs in , WUARF AVENUE. RED BANK. N. J. which he »hot. tell what they are doing, or whether New York took part. Tho nubBcrlljer, oxi-'Ctitor of Davlil llelahaw, deBlirmvalmrr Aveune, nonr Nowmin Bprlogs. MEALS AND LUNCHEONS. they aro putting up their prices or not. , will soil at public vonduG on Properly cooked' and nicety served at all hours of Chris. Hollywood, the Red Bunk ines Revival Services. , WANTED. The Finest singers evor hoard In Now Jenny. .tbdday.and olgbt. senger for the Western Union telegraph Eev. J. K. Manning has been holding t*r"I'rlo» as usual. Boon on sale at Adlem 4 Oy»t«r> In A l l Hljrle*. L a s e r B e e r , OoU'a. company, is at Long Branch taking tliu revival services every night this week in But anyway there are merchants at Ale», Wlnea a n d Smora AGboi) BTOONO BOYTOWORK AT TIUDE. the Baptist church. Mr. Manning has Long Branch, Freehold and Asbury place of Operator Page, wliimo wife dfed WHEELWRIGHT SHOP. some expectancy of having the DeMoBB Park who wouldn't have put the prices a few days ago. Robert Trafford iaoct- lbDl, at : o'clock, r. u., at tha taloon latuij occu- ALSO A YODNO MAN JUST FR0U B01IOOL WHO WRITES A (IOOD )1AND. family, of Philadelphia, u> -nid him onup on him just becaueo he was a ing as messenger during tbo.absence of pied bj said Rulilmw, on Tho (rlundj of ' S q u i r e T . F , SUlflfen will flnd him at nil oiu business In Waim's DUIWSunday and part of next week. Addrea1! wealthy editor, and then have given young Hollywood. -OFIng on ' IWecbanle S t r e e t , l i e d l l a n l t , BROAU STHEET, BED BANK, N. J.. him a ghost story about the advance boI . , BOX 20T, N. J . , where he does all kinds of W a g o n Aoellon Sale or Hone*. Ing caused by the McKinley bill. The .. IUHI Hank, N.J. California Prulla. W o r k . New Farm Wagons, Harrows, carts —Till— WbMltwrrowi. Ac, nwdo to order, and Jobbing of A l o t o f good, well-broken young horeea editor of the Record should read the paPeaches 28c., cherries 80a, poara 80a,. all kinds neatly and promptly done. rOB SALE. wjll be Mid ID (be tear of Globe hotel, pers, bis own among the rest, and then apricots 20c, egg plum 20o,, gage plum Proprietor. Eed Bank, Saturday, February Will, at he wouldn't be stuck when he goes to 20o., Delaware peaches 22a. and i!5o. per eovcrunwm noltORo on lhsncti tiroot, noar-Onnil, buy furniture.and carpets for his pala- <jan ; prize sugar corn (the best) 15a, at 1:80 P.M. All bones warranted. I/it fiOncn. omit wauir, plum; of rrult, lame » YORKSHIRE BOAH m STUD. . tial mansion at Long Branch. The man • JACOB SauTTS, Auctioneer.—Adv. Block and Pononal Properly, Including In [art lawn, For full InforrantluD, addrciu F. F. Supp's grocery, Moumouth street. who don't read the papers can't be pitied -rAdv, TIIO8. DAVIS, J i t . , . . " . The Due youni imall Yorkshire boar, Blr N»ve- FOE TWO WEEKS ONLY: Granite and marble monuments uud for being swindled, and it don't make OrW.N. <;iuv. Front sireei. oliik, (rntUwrod). Bcrvloofee,t3.00, Apply to tbo much difference whether bunco eteerers Bulldldgstonoof all klndi Dox MO, nod Donk, N. 1. , ',—A married man to drive* ce IJ^tyjieuraallii IlQfl,r,,[ljnip,il!Alo A'-'iJdOr gtt'-MB.jotrmy.tor.wltethar hoimw it (ramonB'fwm •loama farm; by'Mareii lst." " A p » to x'Tlir, Dc«r, AleTivViio.Seirari;iiiuirj't with merchants who run up prices on John P. Itlchdnlo, Phalanx, N. J,—A • , A OIIOICF, LOT OF Bervls's), Tlnlon Falls road, n«ar Bhrewsbury. Sonar Caw, alauwaro.aDil general Baloon Futures him pad then tell him it's on account of Out blue-ribbon Hiogfo road harness is the McKinley tariff bill., A8PARACU8 ROOTS, D V H O N VAN DBNSOHOTBft, DROAD BTREET, »nd Stock, Kiycral aulu ol good Wearing Apparel 'lit!) UANK, N, J. tfa» tx»l la UJO world. Oowdy & Pitcher, Blacksmith wanted. Good ehoor and Doutilo.tjorrolounanuimiildinniiu, U'uworatMK 'TOB Jbttaoutii street, Bod hn.hk.~Adv. FINE STATIONERY. jobber, Steady job from March 1st. 0. tiamod premlica, and ntny olnor arllclca. CHARLES EVEBDELL, Young Man Wanted,' .,'•<•< i i . * — H, Hurley, Shrewsbury, N. J.~Adv, -All kinds of Wrllloi Fawn, Fanterlei, Aoooun CiBU ENQIUVklt, I3IIOAD »IB«T, BIO UANK, If. 1. j . s. anovnn, T u n s Oiiu. ' Books, and Stationery of all Mads, at JOUN K Young man to learn the drug buelooss, A N No. 1 single l grocery harness for |20, BAHIELII. APPLEOATE, COOK'S, Front Btnet, adjolaloir tot f e w Offloa Modils, Bajgoi, Boalsand Preaioi snd rialw ot P . O., U « d D a n k , N . J , Apply ta-J^.y, Moitla.—Ailv. It pays to advertise In TUB RKQIBTEU (Howd/ * flWbei, B e d W . - A J w . B M Bank, N. J* >. • • KyerjCoscrlptloQlladoaaa EDgravwl, Iieculor. "AUCTfON SALE ALWAYS THE BEST FOR THE MCE. ' LIVERY STOCK, OCEANPORT, N. J., Saturday, Feb. 14th, J.W, MOUNT &BRO, SEVEN HORSES, Public Sale of Personal Property. FARM STOCK Farm Machinery. PUBLIC SALE Valuable Real Estate Person^LProperty. THOS. • • • . • • • • # AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK REMOVAL. Horses, Cows, \Vagons_and Farm Iniptaeols. A. C. Harrison & Son, Chattel Farm Machinery. Mortgage Sale. DECORATORS • ffednBsdaj),feb.l811i, WALL PAPER, &c:, Hopping Station, N.J., Three Hundred Thousand Brick. SICKLES Improved Farm Machinery FURNITURE. PARKER, MILLION" Gor. Broad and MechanicSts., RED BANK OPERA HOUSE. Smoked and Salted Fish. Monday, lebruarij167 CHANFRAU, W. A. WALLING, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, - ' • ' • : • - * - » • - - - . . . - , . a LOUIS PRATE'S Sickles & Parker, Personal Properly , . , . • • • : :m s a? ^ tr Arkansaw Quartette •>•» • ' » • A nsr , • Thursday, Feb. 12th, GREAT SACRIFICE Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Saloon Fixtures, ONE MAHOGANY BAB, Cwldenoo. Naiman Bsrlnji, . iit ABO oyT or TOWN/ Short « * * litt«rt*«4i>'K It*»u {TDM Hi;LBOIXAirD/-i.tr>3Ci( Breach, m 8ntsr4sr, luimrrtM, tuito, yrUt ut ftuvit Ueia/Mua nctanijtui GQWDY& PITCHER, wjll Ck*J*c* fJtelr qtuurttr*. *-(*n*rj tui. Mm, kilt* W. Jforrti. MtM Ajidttvr i*iaWteou, oliyikef, loot s A projtct ot ruoalUK uttiia Ujaacksx atuooa MULHOUXHD.-At LOUR Bluscb, oo fli&tr, from Sandy Hook to Uotiuioutb Park flue mule lost week. t*tba. dMigbter o( Uaib XaluolA lodge of Free Masons is to be started during the racing season it being talked Jl u4i udi Tl Wtt, 8 of. The boats would approach tbe Park at Atlantic Highland!. MCUJAHnr.-At011SwoHl.on ltlday, January Peddle institute baa closed on account through Goose Neok draw, and thence up On, Mary.aaugtiterof Edward Muteabey, aged ft Parker.'* creek, which would fiave to be yean and 10 mootba. of sieknes* among tbe pupils. • 80HAN0E.—At Marlboro, on Sunday, Tebruary Several Freehold people started on a deepened for some distance. They will —DEALEB8 IX— (7 land dliectly In the rear of the grand, , r A « trip to California on 8alunJ»y. >' .Mrs. Win. Emmona, of EnglifihtowD, stand. This will probably be done only BHEBHlN-AtWol Irrar BnuKtr.on BmdtJ, Tebruirj lat, t l n ^ U u l * ehamtu, tged 84 jean. in the case of the abandonment of the TIHOTBT.-At terport. on SUnnUr, Jaouar; is very alck with consumption; Mrs. Simon Heydl, of Cliffwood, out railroad between Seabrigbt and Sandy Slit. Ann Tlmotbf, tged 78 rean. Hook. her bead very bad); by a reoent fall. William Bodgers, of Brooklyn, was in GrE31Sr"O3SrGr- SB O O . , , A recitation contest for a Bilvor medal town on Monday looking for carpenters will be held at Lopg Branch to-night. AKBCBV PABK, N, J., ...,/ Wna. P, Taber, of Long Branch, is with a view to having them go to the —AND MANUPACTUBEB8 OF— DIAUBS is auNin MU HABULI about to start a kennel of dogs at Long; citytoerect a flat for aim. -He was unsuccessful in his mission, all the carpenBranch. Gomruteed tolecy • Jobp B . Arose, of Keyport, v o n a ters hereabouts being engaged on the In aay CUtute. double-barrelled gun at a raffle test constriction of buildings at home. I N Bine and Brown Stone for Building Tbe ladies' aid society of tbe Methodist Thursday. . Parpoan. Four hundred and ninety-live peraoDi church will hold a sociable at the resiCDBBIN9 AND* FLAGGING. have signed the temperance pledge at dence of Qhumplain Lippincott to-morWorH Ezecuua m AH rant of State. fataiidanleic«II«».«nk Msnasquan. ' "•''.•' row nlgbi. An interesting programme a Oaror certain u pleasa to* palatsal XUnum. tmTbe receipts of St.'Joseph's. Catholio has been arranged, and refreshments of tidJom ton Pttmt, and oburch at Keyport for the past ten all kinds will be provided. utan (OBBojsatan »Mi7• C. Gilbert moved into the Gilbert «ban pnnouw* lonaparmonths have been $7,850.09. ablj Ine. Ooasr, tin*, Robert Morris, of OCeauport, had fals Howland house on Saturday. Mr. Gilaroma are nwlUcss. Our stock of light and heavy carriages is complete. Anyface cut and bruised by a recent fall on bert is recently from Rochester, N. Y., It b admlnbhi will Dot and is.the originator of a valuable new tbe sidewalk at Long Branch. and eola meats, orrtar body wishing a carriage of any description for any purpose slews, Oil, ami i t m • „ The steamer City of Long Branch, gooseberry. ' FEONT STREET, RED BANK, N, J. superior flator to BrtTM, •• owned by Thomns H. EobbinB, has been Misses Nettie Conoverand Bella Moore oorlled ildr)«ja, oraar <Ulwhatever ,will find it will pay them well t o call at our sold to New York parties for 120.000. B0,Dg a very pleasing duet at the evening Icata pnpaiatloii of meat. Wltn cbopa, n a l enltau, repository on Monmouth street and inspect the goods and A largo number of bass, weighing from service in the Methodist church on Sun- Sulti and Single Garments Made and baaea beansltlsslniplj sixteen to eighteen pounds each, have day. delldoua, aad It Is a great ••• learn our prices. • • . . , . . . addlUon lo macaroni or bo* been caught recently in Wreck pond.* The Misses Hopmyere are bavins their _ Up In the Latest 8ty(ea and at botteiedtoait. There will be a meeting of the young old home renovated and repaired, preShort Notice. people's association of the Preguy terian vious to itB occupancy .by Calvin Vanzile. We hare mel the 8innw»BU»r ToniTDIRCBUr . Whitney Campbell now occupies Wm. church in the chapel on Friday flight. on our tables since Its t n t InUodoeUon, to die a i centof atoottwo nundM doantwtuea per tmt, Influenza is a disease prevalent among Dowling's cottage, be having: moved his Cutting, Cleaning' and Repairing* and regard It as tlie tumi condiment of M k U 4 the horses a t West Freehold. Twelve family there>eome days ago. Promptly Done. We keep a full line of business wagons for delivery purposes. e»er brought to our notice. W. D.Oi««iso«j Eugene Patterson, a young man of horses of A . A . Fardon are sick'with it, Manager Grand Union UoUt, Richard Wllbanke, who left his home Red Bank, ia turn the engineer at the Grocers, butchers, bakers, n&lkmen, or men in other lines printing house. lit Ooeanport very mysteriously six Monmouth pi months ago, has not been heard from J T. T Lovett L t t is i aking many improveJ. of trade needing handy, handsome and desirable vehicles Slannfaelnred and for Sal* br Bh-ioe. .. ments at "Grand iew, hia elegant sum- for business uses, can have their wpnts supplied at our Theodore Kelaey won a horse" and mer Ifdme on Be h'a hill. Osc^r Wyckoff won a set of harness at a. Alfred JervisT a "resident e r s now no a esden saless place at prices lower than are asked by other dealers. V E T E B I N A B Y 6WBOEON. raffle at Keyport held a week ago Sat-'man for f tbe b Elizabeth Eli h nursery company. urday. UTILE 8ILVBB, N,,,TJ. _ Justice George H. Sickles, of NaveHOLMDEL NEW8. Toe aubacriber baa a farm of about 140 acres, \% Telephone Call, J8a. sink, lias been appointed administrator mllea from tbe Midiletown railroad station, all In ot the estate of the late Dr. William B. An Obaervatlon BocUtle In the Bapgood order, with about twenty acres of Apple OrLaUaw. KINC'8 COLIC DRENCH, (Ut Cbapel. chard In full bearing and wltb tbe land In excelWe manufacture the" best harness that can be made from front St., opposite niniKda Am, A horse belongingtoJoseph Lewis, of A 8DBJB ODBE IF TAKEN IN TIME. . ent condition, nblob be oilers lor rent or to put Tbe Christian endeavor eoclet/ of the Naveelnk, ran into a wire fence recently the best leather by the best workmen. out on snares. •' E D U B A N E , 3ST. J . Baptist church gave an observation soand was so badly injured that it had to ciable in the cbapel last night. At an Be would also like a man to tako charge of bekllled. If you want a light track harness for. trotting purposes come Beef, Park, Ulatton, lamb, Sanaac*, observation sociable tbe young men proanother farm. Jack Hyers, of Farmingdale, won |15 The King of all Llnlmenta tor the remoral of callous }' abonldenand Wsaa Apply to T H 0 8 . S . F I E L D .c of longstanding. Also,spralna,curbi, and see us. from Samuel Clayton, of the same place, vide corn; apples, pumpkins, potatoes spaTlna. ringbone, Ac. at a race between horses owned by the and similar bric-brac usually found in a In showy and strong coach harness we lead the trade. wealthy agricultural township like Oaatntlng preformed In the most approved method two men,' Otden called tor and goods deUiend. without the use of clamps or cords, whloh la H. P. Bennett, W. K. Jollne and A. A. Holmdel, and the young women furniah Farm harness—single and double—that will look well always much more humane and aale. EockniAa carried oft the honors in a re- fancy articles and other products of HINE8 & POST and that will last almost a life-time. You will find the Hlgbett Ctwh Prices PaidforHidM. cent billiard and pool tournament at their handiwork.' All the articles are artistically arranged on a table and then 1UYK 1DOUT TBEODOBE C A B H A R T . Long Branclu • ' . prices right. . . ". The half-burnt material of the North the guests at the sociable are invited to 800 Tons of Pure Dried Fish Scrap pay a email fee for the privilege of obLong Branch cchool -house, which was Foraaleattbelr destroyed by Bre recently, brought $88 serving the articles on the table. Then FACTORY AT PORT MONMOUTH. the guests enumerate the articles from when sold last week. Tbe price wiuba memory, and the guest whose enumeraAt the Lorillnrd brick works lees than tion of the articles on the table is the 120 Per Ton Until march i n . - Ofty men are employed, and no wages moet complete is rewarded with a prize. After tlmt date tbe price will be Increased. TbU L. A. RHEAUME, Agent, Fur and plush carriage robes, blankets of all kinds and at all have been received for work done since At laat night's sociable there was quite la considerably under tbe market price, and Is tbe AND SULKS lH cheapest tbat scrap of tbli quality baa ever been P L A I N J t i l X D . If. X f tbe first of December. a largo attendance and a very pleasant sold for. prices, whips, boots) halters, etc. John Henderson, who works for Slater evening was spent. A moderate sum of P . O . A d d r c a a , • K B V P O B T , I*. jr. Has recently added to bin lumber and woodworkThomas Warwick, fell out of his em- money was earned at the sociable for the Call and see us when you want anything that goes with a ing yard Increased facilities for ADCTIONEEB. JACOB BUDTT8. ployer's wagon yesterday while turning benefit of the sooiuty. it around and broke his arm. horse. We aro headquarters for everything in the horse Wood Turning and Scroll Sawing, Miss Amanda Balliett, of Normal Mrs. E. Thornton, of Asbury Park, GUARDIAN'S 8ALE Square, Pa., and Hiss Belle Wilson, of line. And Is prepared to execute orders (or tbe same in found the dead body of a well developed .-OFcolored child In a basket under her front Brooklyn, aro tho guesta of Rov. and tbe beat manner, at Mra.=W. W. Case. stoop last week, There is no clue, to the Short Notice a n d a t Favorable Batea. The Christian endeavor, society of the parents. , \ t / Ebonezer and James Covert, of Boulli Reformed Dutch church will hold a so(Eatontbwn, will tako "charge of 'Squire ciable in the cbapel to-night. A. L. MeClees has leased a piece of Anthony Truax's farm at Poplar this By rlrtue of an order of tbe Court of Chancery of year in place of H. El wood King, who ground from John W. Hance on which New Jersey, matte on theflratday of November, 1890. the subscriber, guardian of Alletta Gordon and will start a harness shop al Ocean Beach. he will build a harness shop. M. Oordon, minors, will eipose to aale at The township committee-will meet to Charles Publlo Vendue, on Albert Wnlling, a trapper of Keyport, Slate Unteb, Hearth Stones, Slate Steps has had Rood luck this winter. He morrow to close the business of the 8 A T C B O A Y , J A N B A R V 3 d , 1 8 0 1 , and Slate Flagging, caught 120 muskrata week before last township fiscal year. At 2 o'clock In the afterooon of aaid day, at tbe A concert will be held in the obapel of and sold their akinB at eighteen oents Cor. Bridge Ave.awd Mpanaonlfc •!.« each.' OtherKeyport trappers bavie done the Reformed Dutch church next Wed- QLOBE HOTEL, nesday night. RED BANK, N . J . v nearly as well as Walling this winter. Intne' Miss, Emma Golden, of Long Branch, - John Green, a farmer of Poplar, lost A larse stock of plain and ornamental mantels at TOWN O F B E D BANK, IV. J., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex, Guy. moderate pritem, These mantels cam b» seen pal np - his watch dog about two weeks ago, and In mj warelioiiie, to tnat lnteaana pnresuen «an In Uw county of Monmonth, all those certain a few .days afterward bis corn crib and gainao Idea of now toer will loot In their tamaos. HOUSES AND LOTS OF LAND, chicken roost'were robbed, The dog reAll Unda of slate goods andalatawnt. Hate OOEANPORT NEWS. hereinafter described, situate, lying u d being In turned home a day.or two after the robBooilng lit (talon an! n n n Work a too township of Bbrewabury, In tbe county of MonAn wort euaranteea. I t u n e * P a t e n t — . ' bery, and it la surmised that it wasA Three-Pound Babj — Poit-OfD.ee moulb and state of New Jersey, at Bed Bank, beUon forfiUna-leaky cUmneya, Tar taper lot sal*. ginning at a point In tbe centre of Beach street taken away temporarily in order to Note«-A New House. where the same Is Intersected by Ibo center linnet r THOMAS WABWIOK, make the robbery easier. Mrs. Mary Heaves, wife of William Bridge arenue; tnenco (1) aoutherly, along the cenElwood Dangler, of Poplar, was re- Neaves, gave birth to a baby which ter of Bridge avenue four bundred and tblrty-nre Ooner Bridge Aieaae aad Monmonla Stnet, cently charged with having attempted weighed only three pounds about a week feet, more or leas, to line of land now or formerly BED BANK. N. J. Bebecca Drummood's; tbence (2) easterly, along an outrageous assault on his six-year-old ago. Mrs. Neaves is a very small woman, mid Drummond's line three bundred and Wly-lwo daughter. A hearing was held last week not much over four feet in height. feet and six Inches more or less; tbence (3) northeralong the center of Willow street, formerly Park before Justice Brinley, of Long Branch, Samuel W. Qrlscom has recovered ly, •venue, four bundred and ibtrtj-nve feet to tho and the evidence was deemed sufficient from his recent severe sickness suffloient- oonter of BMcb street; thence W westerly, along to send him to the county jail to await I; to be about, but he has not entirely tbe center of Beach street one hundred and seventyOre feet to tbe northeast corner of the Roeerelt lot: the action of the grand jury. regained his health. tbenoe (5) southerly, along tbe eatterly line of said 'Squire Tallman has contracted to Roeevelt lot one hundred and eighty-five feet to the corner thereof; tbence (0 westerly, along carry the mail from tho railroad station southeast the southerly line of said lot nlty feet to tbe southFAIR HAVEN NEW8. to ihe office, and ho is now the official west corner thereof: tbence (7) northerly along the westerly line of aald lot one bundred and. eight] mail messenger. A Volunteer Ball-A Surprise Partr- Mason John S. Conovor is building a nve feet to the center of Beach street; thence (I westerly along the center of Beach street one bunDois Kill Sheep. new house for bis daughter, Mrs. Chae. dred and twenty-seven feet and all inches to the Tho Volunteer club held a sociable at Moody, on the lot adjoining bis own place of beginning. Liberty ball on Monday night. On ac- residence. The above premises will be sold In lota. The Imcount of, the stormy weather and ex- Postmaster J. E. Corlies haa received provements donslau of two large dwelling houses tremely bad traveling the number pres- authority from the government to move (one nearly new), and out-bulldlnin. Conditions made known on day ot sale. RED BANK, N.J. ent was smaller than ueual at the gath- the post-office to liia new store, SAMUEL W. UENDHICESOH, erings of the club. There* were abou 1. E. LAMKIKO. Attorney. Guardian Be verity persons in attendance. One of Don't fail to see Chanfrau In Kit at the most noticeable absemees was the the opera house on FebruaryrWth:—Adv. -ATrThe above sale has been postponed to president of the club, who attended a merry-making at Long Branch that Neckwear of all kinds at Cdrlies's, The short winter days and the night. A very pleasant time was en- Broad street,—Adv. joyed and the dancers did nbt leave the long winter nights are hei$. In At ihe same ..lime and place. Bale positive that hall until four o'clock Tuesday morning. . BIBTBS. order to enjoy life and pass the 8. W. BKNDIIICKSON, Guardian. Blanche Little, daughter of Frank M U Y . - I D Mtddlftown totrniblp, on bunday, Little, was given a Burprise party on February 810, Mrs. William Bny, f a a S i e r ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, time the average man must have Monday night of last week by a number CONOVEIU-at Uolmdel, on Sunday, February In order to avoid carrying . -OFtobacco. We haveJt—lots of of her young friends. About thirty 8U>, Mra. Henry P. Oooorer, of a son. little boys and girls attended the party CON0VEK.-AtHolmdel.on Tuesday, February over the balance of my stockof it—and of the be'st^quality. If and speut'the evening In playing games. 3d, Mn. Wm. 8. Conovor, ol a n o , OBaVES.—At AtlanUoUlBbUndil, on Thursday, Musio and refreshments afso formed part By order of the Orphans' Oourt of the County o! you smoke cigars we would like stoves until next season Feoruarjom, Mr». Lewis B.Uraves, or ajoD. Monmouth, state of New Jersey, tbe subscribed ad' of thp attractions for the little folks.' to sell them to you by the single, HAKD,-At ned Bank, on Saturday, retrutry mlnutrator of the estate of Andrew J. Fupo Several Fair Haven dogs got in a field 7tb, lire; Oconre Uaod, or a daugbtor. cotsed, will aell al publlo auction at the I will sell them at reduced prices where Edward Kemp keeps tits sheep, one, by the quarter's worth, or •' MOUNT.—At Atlanllo HUtbluda, on Monday GLOBE HOTEL, RED BANK, N. J . , and one of tbe sheep was killed. Mr, rebruary 9th, Mm. Charles Mount, ot a and. I have a complete line of tinby the box. -Our brands of cigars " -ONKeough, tho owner of the dog that killed NEAVES.—At Ooeanport, on-TuMdaj, February S A f C B D A Y , F B D B V A B Y 21«t, 1801 the aheep,' was ordered to shoot hii ani- 3d, lira. Wm. Neares, ora daugbter. are well-known andhave a repu- ' at two o'clock, r. M., all that tract or parcel or land ware, ironware, stove fixtures, mal. and premises situate, lying and being at tation for giving entire satisfacIHARBIA.OB8. Tho euchre club, had a gathering at •pONB OF TBaVgrates, fire-bricks, sieves, coal PBAGTIOAL DlilDQK—WIKOKLEft.-At iidury F«rk. on Mrs. William Bennett's on Monday night. tion to the sinoker. 'Tburaday, February Bib, by Ue Bev. A. >. Hlllcr, In the township ot Shrewsbury, County of MonAt this meeting Mrs. Fisher proved her- Martha, daughter of Ralph Bridge. o( Long Brand] moulband state ot New Jersey, on the east side of hods, etc. In chewing and smoking toself the best player in the club, and Tbooaa J. Wlnciler, ol Aabury I*art. the road leading from Little silver to Parkrrdllq, Charles Doughty and his daughter CL4TT0N-nil.UAM8.-At Aabury Par*, on beginning In the easterly line ol said road at tho baccos we carry all the popular Maria have returned from their vieit to Wedneaday, Februarjr4Ui, by tbe Bar. A. J' Millar, northwest corner ot W. C. Llpplncott's land; ihenco -OFdauabter of Henry 0. Clayton, ot Aabury along the north line of said Llpplncott's land one TIED BANK, N. J. Mr. Duugbty'e son John, who lives at Helen, brands. Our prices are all right, hundred and seventy-live feet; tbenoe northward, Park, and Norman Wllllami, ol Brooklyn, Huntington, Long Island. HANCE-BEnGEN.-AlAtbury Park,on Monday -parallel with the east line of said road ofty feel; too, and we treat our customers ' Mrs. Frank Fees, ot Anbury Park, has July urn. Mm. Time llanos, ot TlnioD ralla, and thence westward, parallel with aald Ucplaootrs said north line one bundred and ncventy-flre feet to Having taken charge of iny Moulding and Planloff been visiting her father, Burnt HolmeB Lowls B. HOTROD, ol Colt'a Neck. courteously. the east line of (aid road; Ibcnce southward along UIH again, I am prepared to do Stair Building and McUACKIN-DKNNIB.—At Ked Bank, on Bun- the east line ot said road Dfty feel to tbe place of beBennett, for the past few days, day. February 8iu. by tbe Hev. W. H. WDlle, Mln ginning. Also all Use land in the publlo road lying If you smoke a pipe and want 'Mrs. Henry Matthews, of Colt's Neck, Sarah MoGackln and WllUam t. Dennis, both ol Bed immediately In front of said premises to the middle has been visiting her neice, Mrs. John II. Bank. ot said road. , a good one, call and examine For Price*, Look on the Second Pace Sutphen. . . ,_ • ,.PBONT ST., BED DANK, If. J. POLHEMOS-OIIOX80N.-At Howoll, on TuesConditions made known on day otsalo. BERGEN'S MONUMENTS' AND HEADSTONES. RED BANK, N. J., Something Entirely Carriages and BusinessWagons, New Road, Coach and Draught Harness. LADIES' ; OVERSHOES. JOHN C, AUl, .. Fashionable Merchant Tailor, rit! tat HtsW 9f UM Ht Hmr. CARRIAGES. Storm Slipper. BUSINESS WAGONS. A First-Class Farm FOR RENT * B. IF. L C. HAZARD 8 GO., NEW YORI. Or to Let on Shares. FIRST-CLASS MEATS HARNESS. CARHART's" MARKET, FISH SCRAPJOR SALE. WOOD TURNING SCROLL JAWING. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. REAL ESTATE. 399. THOS. WARWICK, Slate & Tin Roofer, GOWDY & PITCHER, SLATE MANTELS, CALL AND SEE OUR Spring Style Fur Derbyj FOR GENTLEMEN, AT 8 8 CENTS. J.Gullington&Son, TOBACCONISTS, IT'S A WONDERFUL BARGAIN Front Street,(Opposite Broad), 399 PARLOR STOVES Friday Feb. 13, '.91 M. M. DAVIDSON, Reduced Prices. ine frice lloiliier, latter and furnisher REAL ESTATE. Sif.3! parlor BROAD 8TREET, RED BANK, N. J. GEO.T.HOOK, CARQUINEZ, STAIR BUILDER FINEST BRANDS LITTLE SILVER, N. J, S/SABATH, Stoves and Tinware, A MOCK TRIAL. Fan at Tlulon F«IU laat Friday Night. ' In place of the debate of the Tinton Fulls club last Friday night there woe a mock trial in which the citizens of Tinton Falls wero the plaintiffs and John W.Bennett figured as defendant. The charge' was that Bennett had obstructed tho highway with eleven oil barrels, The people were represented by Jlmmio HaKUorton and wm, Murphy, and Benjamin Franklin Griggs and J, W. Riordan were Mr. Bennetts counsel. Frank . Johnson, Jr., aotod as judge, Mr, Den uett pleaded not guilty, Tlie court orlor was Trovonium Bennett. Tho jury was ooaiposod of William Reed, foreman; Pearson Bennett, John Murphy, George Reed, Alvln Btinnelt and Edward Lipplncott. The witnesses,for.tho people " were^WmiOaBtlsr, Thomas Johnson; Allio Conovor,-John Connors, Wm." I. Conovor and Matthow Callahan. Mr. .Bonnott'B wltneenns woro himsolf, Martln'Oavonnugh, J. ErrlcliBnn, Barcilla UendrlcUaon and Frank Soden. There 1 VVDB K'good d « r * f KnmoTouati'sMmfitiy given, and thu counsel on eiich side ' made a good deal of fun In summing up. Tito Jury brought in a verdict of not guilty, i' '•' ..>;'•• Tho tariff dobnlo, whloh was set down for last week, was postponed until tbe coming Friday night. < day, February Sd, by tbe Iter. II. F. Slllwell, Mlas BENJAMIN F. KINO, Administrator. Anna M. Polbemua and Oharlea B, Croitop, boin of Dated Octoberaial, 1890. Uowoll lowninlp. BUARP-UUltNKtt.-At Loin nranob, onTbumday, February Bin, Belle, daugbter ot 8, T, Bbarp, and JoacpHDurnor, bolhotLoDnIirancb. ' 8TILWAG0H-PATTUt80N.vAt Aabury Park, Atlantic Highlands, >N.J., on Tueaday, rebruary Jd, by Us Ber. Ooo. 0. Waddook, Minnie, daughter of Cbatlea Staimuroo, ot UDaUUBS IN bury Paik, and Wm. V. Patterson, ot Turkey. WOnBILL-MOnniB.-'AtManamnan.an Monday, February «d. by the Kej, r. T. Drown, Mln Mary E. Worrell ana J. llolmea Morrla, boin ol Manaaquan. A FULL LINE OF QENT8" OLOTUING, HATS HILUNKBY, W0IWTED8. 11IBBONS, ftc - DEATHS. < DOWUAN.-At Coifs Neck, nn Friday, IHbruary STATIONERY AND H0VELTIE8. Olb, Cbarles W. Bowman, «K«d 83 yean. CRAWrbRD.-At Oooonlcon Batnrdajr. «Wmi- Agents for tbe Domcstlo Patterns and also for tho ary?to, Wm.U. Crawford, otuiewuod. t Staten Island Dyeing Establishment. COOPKB.—At LODB Branch, on Saturday, JanuA' BIQ STOCK OF WOOLLEN GOODS. ary Slat, Alexander L. OooDer, aRed 00 year* ODRRY.—At Red Bank, on Saturday, Fobrujry 71b, Mra. Julia A.uunrr.aced 60 yearaandT months. DAVI8.—At Port Hoamoutb, on Tuoaday. February 8d, Jaraea D. Darli, aged TO yean and 0 moniha. •' FOUNTAIN.-Al' Malawan, on Tnunday, February Mb, Ml» rbebo A. Fountain, aged M yean, a monlba and lOdaja. Wlllmeetat FENWIOK.-In Bouth Dakota, on Friday. January aoio, Mary K., wife of Wm. 0. Fenvrlck, and daughter ol Blchard 8mllB, of Koyport. ' aVEANBIY.-VAt Ocoanlo, on Sunday, February Sib, l7»l au«rni»y,«([«l Myoara ^liHHe«Wan8pMn>^Bunay;T i, Mra. Baoh«l B. arorer, aged M years. IIOFfiT-At K«n»rt,oa Tburaday. Februar; tin, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY J«h, 1801 lira. MarljioD, tgea 68 yoara ana 0 raonina, K0IITKNHUU8.-41 Oimwood, on T*iuradar, At 10 n'clock, A . ¥., for tho purpose of Paaslng BUM February otb, JOOOIB, Infant daughter ol Jennie •gainst the township, s and Annual KorlCDtwui. , ' , A . O. U A B 1 I I 8 O N , .:, I . A « . - A t Aabury Park, on Bunilay, February lit. ' i . • T o w n n h l p Clerk L. D. Brush & Co., Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. NOTICE. Township Comtnit eo of S t a l u r j Townsltip COMMISSIONERS' HALL, California Canned Fruits. All Kinds of Mill Work. ' TI108.fr. BROWS. ;.j. [urn GEORGE T. HOOK, Brown & Kleine, Mill AAloinina Bttamboat Wharf, R H I D BAJSTEC, XT. J . Wnolwalo and Retail Dealera In COAL, WOOD and FERTILIZERS We handle the Itest llrades or Hard, Medium and Free Unrnlnjr Coal. Also, the Heat Qnallty of Blacksmiths' Coal.' Stockbrldgo, H. J. Baker's, and Ohittenden'a Phoaphatee—three boet brands for Monmouth County soil. , PERtrVIAN QUANO AND OANALA . UJSLEAflHED..WOOD 45HES43y^, THE ION OB OAJt-LOAb. land Platter and Pun ParU Qrttn. Stone and Shell Lime In » > « • • • n an Now York York afannna Maonre kr r. New lltjv Boator.Car-l.onl. aUended to. or Ihe Paper. - W E 8KLL T D E - on Front Street, Near TSrocamorton's Lumber Yarn, BED BABE. N.J. WIKOFFS Emulsion of Cod liver Oil Paris Sugar Corn WWcb baa taken f l i medals (or being sopetlorto alloiiers. • F. F. SUPP, M0NM0UIH ST., BED BANK, N. J. -AMD- Bonum Bicycles Repaired and put In , FIR8T-CLA88 ORDER, COUGH SYRUP, MARK L. MOUNT, -AT- . I.fi.IH 8 BBOAD STREET, RED BANK, U J. West SVoriffit.T'tlecl B ^ T C t l Special ittMUoa gtren to tbi Repairing of Mjkvin Mowert. pur large and varied stock of. applewood, briarwood and meerschaum pipes. We will sell you a good applewood pipe as low as ten cents. . We can sell you a briarwood pipe for fifteen cents, and will sell > you a genuine briarwood bull* dog pipe for thirty-five cents. Meerschaum pipes are more expensive, but some people will not smoke any other kind. We have the genuine article.' > , In wood, metal and amber mouth-pieces we have ^,large stock to select from. , -'•,' ' \r tetBlr—too ptoad in work, too t o e f o p ta&Wnkl L U W. 3 . C O F F , U AJUS/JAD GROCER, tfj* Reoiusin't wll fy/tatn put on «• tiitMm»m^tiiSa! Kj&erdllmugrto ec Ur, Ati&lkig utoA JthtUBGtAjlM l*&dutust kttfa BROAD BTttBET, for Ml* Joyce. • Lwre Nuw York vteOeninl E.E.of » . / VUO9T STjtUfKT, «U,lIUa.m.; l»,4(W,«lK)»,iSltt»;6g pto " H e tutw natsery go-Sam," titid he. . Bunosys* »«) a.m.; 4 oil pjn. Vu P. •'upetairs—Bcooiid story, back, pleaee," Next to the First Nttlontl Bank, RED BANK, N. J., 2nd with a backward motion of U s thvunb the footman went about his'busl* i S j Brt«£ «J0, TM,8O5,»«0,».i.( 118, Dealer iociolM and selected RED BANK, N. J. ness. While Mr. Atheling, somewhat 4 aol i ^ . ! tt Borprised and a little annoyed, ascended - OOBan « « « . ' • « It, 860,'7«,B 10a.m.: 1*65, 4W» A SO p.m. t i thflfitairewft ti { {yhhiiy^f. i^f The door was half open, and oven as T B A I N S U A T C BEIT BANK.' lor .New York. Newark and JDlxabeih, 64a, r IB,, tA» IM taul* <nuo «o mo he knocked at the panels he could see We have an unusually large 814* (Jfdw York only), 8)», 818 (New Tort . Was tta eons; of vtottnr, Madeline Joyce on a loweofa in the win- A mat or— oaly), » « , 1180 a.m.; l*& to,\m, 1W stock of UkatMBuw'sexuliaat strain dow, a book in her lap and two or three p.o. Suaaays, 8 08,» 48 a.u.; * ii, 800 p.m. •sfMtkawoasMiM tbesiain, 11 long Branch, Ocean Grove, Sea utn, baiia l i t e tin flute* bkxKUtliTtag Ma chubby little boys swarming around her, nuaa ana joint Plesmrj, Hi, »W, WS8 OB U* battle-plain ot lite- evidently intent on anything and everyI.O.; WSB, >so, 680, o « , 780 p.m. BunVw tttf t n t ths Abboej rung thing but their lessons. dws (eiMpt Ocean Grove), 10 88, 11 SO a.to.; Of t&eipcv tfcst 6Uu IUSX : &*fj D40p.m. Bhe started up, crimson and confused, New Leghorn Citron, 8 Crown Califor« dtoescowlers scowl. rOB TKEKHOLD TM MATAWAN. , at the sight of the dark, handsome face nia Bajsina, Currant*, California and Leave Bed Bant, a a), liau saa.; IW, us, ica UA UK growlers growl. she knew so well. p,m. -^. ted tb» p u n g u g go It; Turkish Prunes, Oranges and , (OB BCD BANK YIA JUTAWAN. " Bat rctta* tie night -TOE THBf "It is about the rent," she gasped. Leave Freehold, 8 Co. 11W a,m.; 4 «A «S5 p.m. Item's •plantyallujlit, Mixed Table Nutsi Yea, yos—I knew. Wo cannot pay it Aod everything l« all rltfit ' ItefiutherpanictuanaeetlmotsMesaiatittlon . just yet, but-but—'* EOJTJS BLODQEIT, II. p. BALDWIN, And I know It t Agent for tie Fall and Winter Trade. • 8p.pt. Q.P.A.O.tt. U.OfN.J. He smiled as he took her baud. Ktiu't Mai b u t a i n flight, J.B. WOOD G.P. A. P . B . E K ' '•You are not going to the White Fused tnmado through lbs night, ' Denotes express trains. Through Ids shadow chill and gray. Mountains, then?" HUNGARIAN FLOUR, ; UBMMBYLyAMlA UAILUOAl* COlT"Yea, I am?-as Mrs. Benjamin's nurHade from cbolcett winter wheat, and warranted sery governess. Only mamma does not C L O A K S , On and after October 6tb, 1800, ' aa» Oueaaany brandon toe market. know. It would break her heart, Mr, BUD giad tnampa Dotes We Bang .^ „ TBAW8WIUCIBAV* Blli) BANK Iron toe. sour mat Bliss lung: JACKETS, For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 7 It and Atheling. And the very first quarter's l e t the bowlers howl, *.n>4 and 004 i t m. On Bunflays,» 48 a.m.j Buckwheat and Fancy Golden Syrup. 1 »048 salary I receive shall be forwarded imAM I M toowlen soowl, 0 6 piUis' • *" • -..'•. And to* growlers growl, , mediately to you. For—" " B»nway,Vigand!l43a.m.; t n 4 « 0 4 p j a On and WRAPS, r " Madeline 1" he burst forth impulGround and Turk's Island Salt BtMda,jLtt48 a.m.; 0 06 p.m. — ffiffl" sively, " I have mistaken you—I have '. In great variety at moderate prices. " wooabrfdge,84aa.m.;ande04p,tn. On8on-~ There's a plenty of light. days, 643a.m.; Out)p.m. misjudged you altogether! Will you And everybody la all right, NEW 6O0D3 &BUPEBIOE QUALITY. "Perth Amboy, >43 a.m.; and 804 p.m. Oo ' Andlknowjil pardon me?f Sundays, 8 4(1 a.m.; and 01» p.tn. , " I don't understand you, Mr. Athe- BLANKETS, ~~~. "South Amboy, 7 IB and 0 4S8.m.; and «M All customers will do well to Inspect tbex. p.m. 00 Sundays, 8 49 a.m.; 6 06 pjn, ling." " • ' . . MADELINE JOYCE'S PRIDE. "Matawan,7 It and 048a.ro.; and 104 p.m. On COMTOETABLES, OF $10,000 WORTH OF ! W. S. GOFF. And then he explained. Madeline's 8nndaya,B43s.m.;eO6p.m, " Mlddletbwn, 7 It and »& a.m.; and 604 p.m. "Strawberries I strawherrieaJ Very, scarlet upper lip curved. C0UNTEBPANE8, FRONT S T . , FOOT OF BROAD. On Sundays, 9 4a a.m.; and 8 00 p.m. "And you believed I could go fashionfine and fresh—lady, please buy f " " Philadelphia and Tnntori (connecting at HuhAt a mtcttaa olttoBoard ol Health ot the Town But Madeline Joyce, leaning from tbe hunting, pleasure-seeking, while—while wa>», 7 ft a.m.; and ft 04 p. m. On eundsjt, , BED QOTLTS, ot Bed Bank, held February 2d, 1891, the following 8 43 a.m.; 8 Oo p.m. open window, with her cheek idly sup- weowed money that we could not pay 1 ordinance was passed: " Usap Branch, point Pleasant and lntennedWt Oh, Mr. Athalingl" ported on her hand, shook her head. ' ETC., ETC. AN OHDINAN0B CONQEHNINQ 80AVENGBO3. suUons, 10 40 ajn.it a and 0S7PJH. uu Sun' 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Health ot tbe Five minutes later Master Clarence " No—I do not want any,, child." days,lii»a.m.; and6B0p.m. {Do cot stop at Town ot Bed Bank. Tbat no prl?y vault or cesspool Asbury Part on Sundays.) And the strawberry girl passed on Benjamin, the oldest and most aggraREGARDLESS OF COST. within the Town of Bed Bank shall hereafter bo " Toms Blver, Bay Head lnli t and Intcrmedlsle her dear, Bhrill voice echoing fainter vating of the trio of boys, rushed down cleaned except by means of some apparatus apstations, week days, 10 40 a.m. proved by this Board, or by ihe Inspector thereof. and fainter in the distance, as she went. to his mother's boudoir, whore Mrs. BenTBA1N8 LEAVE PBILIDILPBIA, No person shall clean out or empty any privy mill Broad street, (via Bahway), Madeline gazed after her with sad jamin was half distracted over the mysN O R E A S O N A B L E O F F E R R E F U S E D . or cesspool unless bo b u 0n( received a permit Bed Bant, 8 N a.m. and 4 00 p.m. On Bonteries of packing for the White Mountberetortrom this Board. Tbeapparatuawbk'hany for , days.820p.m. . • person proposes to use la emplyloR privy vaults, tains. • • , "Poor and .proud, proud and poor I" ' TBAINB LEAVE NEW' YOBI, JAMES NORMAN. .._ In disposing of our itock we find a quantity of articles that cesipoou, etc., abs.ll bu Inspected by ibb Board and " ' Deabrossea and Oortlandt street ferries. she murmuredto<ht!e^eU,-__iip, why are " Mamma 1 mamma PL-he howled, If fouud satisfactory a penult for the use of said ap- D10s>.m.;li!Mand510p.m. OnSuoday«,li45».ni.; inyhanda tied by mamma's absurd pre- grasping her hand, "come quick. There's RED BANK, N. J., shall be Issued to Bald person on payment andolspjn,' are slow to move, and it is necessary for us te make decided re- •paratus tq,tbls Board of the sum of ten dollars. The permit, 0HAB. judices ? Well, Beatrice. $oat is It f" a strange man whispering to Miss Joyce DM been appointed E. P0QH, J, B.WO0D. nwlnted m manager a n a g e r ot ot Uia B « 4 when so irlven. thai) entitle the holder ot inesamu ", For her yonngersister bin come noise- and BheVi crying." General Manager. G«n. Passenger Agert ductions in prices, and it makes an opportunity for some people to empty or clean privy vaults, cesspools, eta.; ID Blank ank B Branch r a n c h of 'the lessly in—a toll slip of a thing, like one , But when Mrs. Benjamin reached the the Town of Hod Bank, with the apparatus so in- JOBN 8.APPLEQATK. FBED W. UOI'E to secure decided'bargains. spected and approved by tbls Board, but with no ..of the graceful field lilies that grow in scene of action the tears were all dried other apparatus, for the term of one year from Ita ^ & HOPE, up, and Madeline was Bmiling' and col' solitary places. : [nuance; ' . 11 "The bill from the baker's. Madeline, oring radiantly. And Is prepared to supply oil In anr quantltr u. And bo it ordained, That no apparatus shall be COUNSELLORS ,AI LAW, "Oh, Mr. Atheling, it is you!" cried "Another bill!" with an impatient lift app'oved by tbls Board unless Ihe same shall bam airtight boiea or barrels In which to remove the of the eyebrows. "Did you tell the man the.lady, recognizing the wealthy land- FROM ONE BARREL UP. RED BANK, , contents ot said privy vaults, cesspools, etc. ~K holder at a glance. ' 'And Maddy—" we had no money, Beatrice?" 3. And belt ordained, Tbat any and every per"What would have been the use, "I may as well tell you," said MadeM O N K O D T a OOTJMTY. NKW JEK8EY. son provided with an apparatus wbtcb has bran InBalance of Our Cloak Stock at Maddy? Of course I did not teU him." lino softly, "Mr. Atheling has asked Dealers Supplied at Low•pected and approved by tbtii Board, or by the In- WILUAMPINTARD, spector thereof, shall be nnlltled to a permit on payme to marry him, and—" "And inaxnma ?" ment to this Board or any officer thereof ot the est Market Prices. "Bhe does not know—she is reading in "And you will lose your nursery govCOUNSELLOR AT LAW. sum above meDlloned. UKD BANK, N.J. erness," said Atheling, smiling. the parlor; she will not let me mend the 4. And be It ordained, That any permit which hai Over Button's Stove Store. Positively Half Price. been granted by this Board may be revoked In case HIJBT M. NtTtra. So Madeline Joyce never gave up her OIL DELTVERED. table-cloth; she says it is not work for • EOUVXD WlLSOX, the person receiving saldpermltsballuseaoy other ladies. O, Maddy, what shall we do?" honest pride, but she was poor no longer Counselor atLauf. • Attorney at Lav. apparatus than ibat for wnich the permit baa been Madeline arose and began pacing im- either in heart or purse. And Bhe went (Men b j mall will receive prompt attention. given, or lu cose the apparatus shall become leaky or 1>JEVrcS & "WILSON, otherwise unlit for use; and tbe person rewiring ti LAWorncEa. patiently up and down the room, her to the White Mountains after all, but it J A M E S ffORHAlU, lucb penult shall be subject to the penalties henjnRED BANE, N. J. - white Blender hands clasped over her was as a bride and not as. Mrs. BenjaB e d B a n k , If. J . ifur set forth for ihe violation of any of Ibe promin's companion. ..., TAUES HTEEN, head. . visions ot this ordinance. 6. And.be It ordained. That any penon violating V Hush I" she cried abruptly, "there Cor. Broad and Mechanic Sts., Red Bank, N. J any of the provisions ot this ordinance shall be subOOCN8ELLOR AT LAW. HORSES TO HIRE. is a ring at the bell. It is Mrs. BenjaNotary publio and Commissioner of Deeds for lectio a penalty of twenty.nvc dollars, to be sued min again," . ~ BATO11TOWK.». J. lor and recovered by tuts board ID the manner now " ! » Tfork. provided or hereafter to be provided by law for tbe Ana Madeline went down stairs to the ATKINS~& CONK, ILLIAM D. CAMPBELL, recovery of penalties for tbe violation ot the ordidarkened room where Mrs. Joyce sat in ATTORNEY AT LAW. nances ot tbe Board ot Health ot Boroughs; and all svcoteaoBTO • Proprietors of t i e Offloes In Townley'a New Hollaing. faded silk land darned lace, a relic of the penalties eo collected aball be payable to tbe treasurer ot tbe Board ot Health ot Ihe Town ot llm) Law business In nil Its branches. glorious past, with white, wasted hands, TTaaion. L i v e r y Stables, LONCi 1IBANCU, N.J. WORTHXEY & MULLINER, nanb. In whatever name these ordinances may be folded in her lap, and an embroidered ON WBABf AVENUE, BKD BANK, enforced. DJUI.EE IM :> fACOB 8HUTT8, ottoman tinder her feet. 0. And be II ordained, Tbat all ordinances and hafe a number of good road bones I , AUCTIONEER. " It is like a dream," Madeline said to paruotordlnancesberetoforepassed bythlsBoard, 8pecUI attention given to sales ot farm stock, which may In anywise cocQIci with tula ordinance, herself, smiling impatiently, aa Mrs. For Hire at Seasonable Prices. farm Implements and other personal property. be and the same are hereby repealed. Benjamin and her mother prattled on P. O. Address; BUUEWBBUllY. N. J. Passed February 2,1891. about the current topices of the day. 8tjll«h ami comfortsblo wugonn, good liorees, U. H. DBOUAN, President. S. SNYDEH. Thin underwear, chilled limbs, a cold, docJOHN H. COOK, Secretary, "And to think that there is nothing m warm robes ami low prices, make the Union UTCTJ LITTLE SILVER, N. J. • Ellabllshed 1873. the house for dinner 1 .PerhapsMrs. Lehlgh and Wilkesbarre Coal well Slabloa the most popular In Red Bank. MAL ESTATE, OENERAL INSURANCE A LOANS Q HEKIFF8 8ALE.—By virtue of a writ Commissioner of Deeds and Surveyor. Also InsurBenjamin will ask mamma to dine, and lUOHAED ATEINB, . Bcreened and Clean. l n. fa. to me directed. Issued out of tbe Court ance Broker for New York and Vicinity. Bee and I can Bend out for half a pound tor's bills and funeral expenses cost in the ofO oCbanwry t U. OONK. of tbe Slate of New Jersey, will be exMiDDurroWK. N. J. Oak, Uloiory and Pine Wood by the Load or Barrel. posed to sale at public vendue. ON MONDAY, TUK of crackers. We can eat anything." TXB. Q. F. MARSDEN, lllth DAT OF raiKOAUY. 1891, between tbe hours LOWEST MABKET PRICES. And through her disjointed meditaot 11 and A o'clock, (at 2 o'clock). In the afternoon tions her mother's soft, sweet voice of said day, at the court House at rreenold, In ibe • , HOMOWPATHIO neighborhood of $200. township of Freehold, county ot Monmoutn, New Bounded as voices sometimes sound when PHYSICIAN AND SUBQEON, Sersey, alt Ibostt ti&cts or parcels ot land and premone is half-sleeping, half-awake. rBONT BTBEKT, BED BANK. N. J Uea hereinafter particularly described, «ltuate,lytc(t Klonmouth RC, near Railroad Depot, VTothBmfteMountains? Withyou? nnd being In Ihe towusblp of Phnmsbury. In Ibe TAS. MCCAFFREY, D. V. S. Our best underwear costs' from $2 to $3 1 county of Moomoulh, and state of New Jeraey, near BED DANK, H. J. My dear Mrs. Benjamin, you are very VETEIUNABY BUM EON. Oceanic, on the northerly ilde ot Canon tlrntt. Graduate ol American Veterinary College, N. Y. kind, I am sure, and Maddy must use being known and designated as lots number seven Irving street, between Broad Street . her own discretion about accepting. Do and elgbt on a map of lots of William W. Conorer, BMldence, PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES AND and Maple Avenue. IM Bank. N. J. Samuel T. Uendrlclson and John 8. Apptegate, per suit. youhear, darling? Mrs. Benjamin wants CHEMICALS. near Oceanic made lu itMl by T. w. TtirockmurloD. JAMES WALSH, ; you to acoompany her to the mountains bounded aa follows: North by other lands of said as soon' aa she has secured a nursery Conover et als, eaat by Ii)t4&utnber tour, Dveaod six AUO TOILET ARTICLES, CHAMOIS SKINS, said map, south by the center of Carton street, STEAM SAW AND MOLDING MILL, governess for the dear little boys. I am Strictly as a matter of economy won't it oo Manufacturer of Sash and Blinds. west Iiy lot cumber nine on said map. Baidlolsad- ^ ^ FANCrSOAPS, SPONGES, BRD8BE8, COMBS, . sure it would be a charming opportunity BED BANS. N. i. jolo and form one parcel of land one hundred sev- HEOHANIQ &TE1EET, FKBFDHEBT, BTO., ETC. for you to see a little of life, for circumenty-five feet ID length north and soutn.- measuring i. F. WHITE, to ibe center of said street, and one hundred feet In stances, you know," with a gentle little F h r e l e l a o * ' P r e a e r l p l l o n a a SpccIalCj. L ERAL ESTATE AN1> 1N8BYIANCE. pay you to buy our warm and durable under- width, measuring east and west. sigh, "procln.de me from giving you JUSTICE Or THE PEACE. 8tnre aotosalble at all hourn. 8elzedasthe properly ot Patrick Shay et. ui. et. Bendrletaon Block. B I D BANE, N. J. much variety." als., taken Ineiecuilon at the suit ot Patrick Igan, Collection ot B11U a specialty. Madeline looked up with a sudden and to be sold by 11UL1EF p, SHUCK, Boentf. it.U.t prLloiTl, 8ul'r. clothing ? n i l , B. F. BORDEN, glitter in her eyes; and Mjs. Benjamin HENRY CARROLL, Dated Ian. lCtb, 1631. ' ts.40 - thought with surprise how pretty Mrs. STJBOEOITDENTIST Retail and wholesale dealer ID Joyce's eldest girl was growing. BDER TO SHOW CAUSE. HC8IC HALL BUILDINO, BED BANE, N.J. "Anorseryeovernessi Ithinklknow 0 given to the administration Of CORLIES THE CLOTHIER, Monmoulh Orphans Court, January 83d, In January Particular AttentionAnaxthetics. of some one, Mxg. Benjamin, who will term, 181)1. suit you, if—if your terms are at all lib- Wo L. DOUGLAS Jane i. Klrby, administratrix of-mchard Kirby, . THBOCKMORTON & VANDOBH. eral. and other », deceased, having exhibited to this court, under oath, a true and Just accoubt of tbe personal estate and "Three hundreds year and all ex- $3 SHOE DENTAL StmoEONB. BROAD STREET, • R E # B A N K , N . J. debt* of the said decedenMtbereby II appears tbat and bottler of orncka: penses paid," said Mrs. Benjamin, comthe personal estate of said deceased Is iniumdenl No. 5, Broad St.. Broadway, Adj. Ubrary Ball. Bd placently. "Ithinkitisn'tataUstingy. to pay hla debts, and requested the aid of the court Bed Bana. N.J. Long Branch, H, J. In ibe premises, it Is therefore ordered that all perWho is it, Madeline?" George Ehret's Lager Beer, sons Interested lu lauds, tenements and hereditaSOLD ENRY J. CHILD, "A young lady—a friend of mine. ments ot the uld deceased, appear before the court JUSTICE OF TUB PEAOE. at Ibe court bouse In Freehold, on THUIWIMY, Offtee over Smock's hsrness store on Front Street, When do you want her? " FBONT STREET, RED BANK. J. TRAFFORD ALLEN, UAUCIISGTH. 1631, in show cause why so much of . "At once; and then we can be off be- HENRY BRAF, Front St. r Red Bank, N. J. BANK, N. J. tbe lands, tenements, hereditaments and veal estate ThecoUecltngofBED bills promptly attended to. DUUI IS fore the wilting weather comes in. Yon of said deceased shall not be sold as will be suffiI keep Ibe finest wines and liquors In the market, cient to pay bis debts, or the residue thereof, as Ihe will accompany us, Madeline ?". THOMAS DAVIS, JR., Muslins/Sheetings, Table Linens, and solicit tbe patronage of families, boardlDgcaw may require. •a- INBUBtNCE AND SEAL ESTATE AGENT. " Oh, of course—of course. That is, if bouses, Hotels, and Ue trade gonemilj. By the court, fBONT ST. BED BANK, N. J. (P. O. Box, 11.) nunnrnn approves ? " with a glance at the Crash Towels^, Etc, Etc. DAVID 8. CRATER, Surrogate. murwoe placed In the best Companies on most ' pretty, faded efflgyof former gentility, The Best of Goods at the Lowest reasonable terms. ONMOUTH COURT OF COMMON who sat in the shadows beyond, as beD. CHANDLER, M1 Market Prices. fitted her darned lace and withered com- White Goods, Aproiiings, Ham. PLKA8. a AltCUITECT. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH. plexion. Mrs. Joyce smiled faintly. JAMES II. PETERS, i B I D BANK. N I W JKMIT. burgs, Torchons, Etc., Etc. Action on Contract. OIBce In Bplnnlng * Patterson's nulldlng. "How ready the young birds are to Attachment. caopOs DeXl-(rex?e<3. FELICIA k'DENNISON, fly away and leave the parent nest," she ^IELD A BTJRROWE8, Notice is hereby given Ibat a writ of attachment, Dealers In sighed. "Well, it is but natural. lean Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Notions, Billons, Orders by mall or telegraph promptly attended to. at tbe suit et James U. Peters against the rlgbla tDUBEB, LIME, LATH, PLASTER, Call and see me when rou are ID need of any. hardly blame Maddy for being anxious Etc., Etc. and credits, moneys and effects, goods and chattels, Cement, Bricks and Drain Tile, Builders' Hardware lands acd tenements of Felicia U Dennlson, a non- Grass Beat, t o . Mixed Paints a Specialty. Also to leave so dull a place as this?' Uilng In my Hoe. resident debtor, lor tbe sum ol three hundred dol- Georgia Plne.Ash, Whllewood and walnnt Lumber. "Mamma," cried Madeline, passionlars, issued out of the Inferior Court of common Near Railroad Draot. fimt BANK. N. 4." lately, "it is not that. Oh 1 mamma, if N. J . W I L S O N , HENRY CAEROLL, rieas, held at Freehold. In end for the County of Uonoouita, OD the Thirteenth Day of November, / Ioould onlytellyou!" 1 EO, H. BTOUT. A. D., 1H90, returnable and returned Into Court, DRY AND FANCY GOODS, And she hurried out of the room with FRONT STREET, - RKDBANK, N. J. NOTABY PUBLIC. FRONT ST., OPP. MAPLE AVE., RED BANK, N. J. duly executed by the Bberlff of the County of Mon- X a choking gasp in her throat. Cor. ttrst and Mount Avenues, mouth, on tbe Sixth Day ot December, A. D., 18110. BROAD ST., RED BANK, N, J. JOHN T. IIAIOUT, Clerk. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. N. J Mrs. Benjamin did not like scenes; B8TABLISEBD 1884. noliT. Allts, JR., Att'r fur Plaintiff. SAAC L COLE, she looked on with civil wonderment. Dated December Bib, 1890. PENSION CLAIM ATTORNEY. But she understood it all-after a little JOHN WJ3RAUN. All NATV nnil Regular AKMY Claims Died by me OF T H E B E S T Q U A L I T Y • MONMtfUTfl COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY, , while. STATE OF WILLIAM R. BROWN, will be promptly prosrenled. -THE FINESTOl&ce: G. A. B. Post-Room, BED BANK, N. J. , DECEASED. For Ifodlclnal, Moctmulcol or Culinary Purposes, or ". ' • » 6~ » • Notice Is hereby given tbal the accounts of me _"The landlord again!" cried Mrs. for ibe Arts and Sciences. subscriber, Bdmlnsiratm of salil deceasad, will lie audited and stated by Ihe surrogate, and reported Joyce in her soft, woU modulated voice. H o l l y w o o d B y e W h l a k e r a Specialty. to the orphans' court of tbe county of Monmoulb, Seabright and Uttle Silver "Mamma, said Beatrice, hurriedly, The toUcwlnR Old and Time-Tried Companies BevroMnted: on TUTJU8DAY, AHIIL lOril, 1801. Tbe Hollywood brand ot Bye Wblskey la pure, IN RED BANK, "it's three months since he was here UABHIET BnOWN, HANOVEB i New York smooth, and as a bererairs It la simply dellgbtfnl. Administratrix. last, and—and don't you remember we b on Front street, opposite Broad, In Stout'a Block. Connoisseurs will appr«clitte It. For sale at the CONTINENTAL.... , Newifork ArrnaiTt & llorx. Proctors. didnt pay him then ?" HAMBUBO-BHEMEN Hamburg, Germany Gull or a Slnnlo Garment, aUIie N RULE TO BAB CREDITORS. Bhe could say no more, for just then Fora Flret-Cliwslowest ROYAL .-. ..Liverpool price, no to BUUOIES, ROCKAWAY8, DEPOT EX EOUTOn'B NOTICE. WEST END HOTEL, LONDON AND LANCASHIRE...... Mr. Atheling himself followed on her Daniel II. Applegutr, executor of David Belsnaw, ; Liverpool footsteps—a tall,'fine-looking man, dark J . - W . BR-iSk-TTISr, WAGONS, CARRYALLS AND deceated.'by order of the surrogate «f Ihe county ol LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND CrLOBE ...London RED BANE, M. J. BB a Spaniard, with square chin and T h e Deal m e r c h a n t T a i l o r In T o w n . Monmoutb, hereby gives notice to Ibe creditors of QUEEN i 1 ,. London tbe FARM WAGONS said deceased lo bring In tbelr dubis, demands browns calm asthat of an ancient Roman J . J . ANTONIDES, • Proprietor. FDJK ASSOCIATION..... Philadelphia and claims against tbe estate of said decedent, unstatue. MIB. Joyce drew horaelf dignialways on hand, der oath or nirlrmsllon within nine months from tue Flnt-duu Ot and good Korkmonsaip guaranteed. b ORIENT Hartford fledlynp. BICIIAHD HARRISON, DAY OF JANUARY 1801, or they MEBCHANTS ' , Newark TWENTIETH will be forever burred ot any action tnerelor'affalDt "This intrusion is scarcely called for, Cutting, Cleaning and Repairing at Falnting.trlmmuig ana repairing In all Its brancliI............ Hartford the laid executor. DANIEL U. APPLEOATE, ei done) by Qnt-dus meoliuUcs. First-class MerchantTailor NATIONAL.... Ur.AtheUng,"said she. "My daughter Moderate Prices. And other loading 00.'«, (Including meind Accident). Onr P o l i t i c * a l a o N RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. transacts my business affairs far me— Front St., s n t to Oumngton'i Clgw store, b f l i l o n T N l H O , w b c t l i e r F i r e enanc* o r n o t . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlfiB. my daughter, who h now at the White Batea aa low as companies with large eiperlence can prudent]; and safelr make—(the banrd deterCharles Doufibl{, administrator of Barah Dough- Eitsl o r W s « o n « a n d C»rrl«gesj M BED HANK, X. J. mountains, or going there immediately." Stop at Bailey's Corner mining tbe ratej Gneaprata a n a lure lndei of the poorest ituuranoe. With lance practloo and ei- ty, deceased, by order ol the Surrogate of tbe noun* Present on uand i ' • A full stock of fashionable (roods for (be P A I, V leDdeakno«lediteofe<ininanleaand material XartsapMrtelntaKtolDinrajioeitecoiiOaentlrasIacen ly ol Uoamoutb, hereby gives notice U> the credit" Can I BOO her?" Mr. Atheling asked, II rou iram & ' and W I N T E R trade. Dress, Business and Walk- llnoaDm f tbe patronue so arenenraslr bestowml In the oast.' ors ot Bald deceased tobnbff In tbelr debu,demands • now leatBor top BujrglosrS'uTiv nockaways, I quietly. • Inn Bulbs made up In llral-clasa style and U modand olalms against the estate nt said decedent, un- Depot Wagonj, J.Bufry Wugon, I Extension Top " I presume BO, If you go to Mrs. First-Class Cigar. erate prices. oieanlnKUd repairing. ° der oath or oUrmatloD, wlibln nine monlni from Ihe TUII1D DAY Or DECEUBER, I8DD, or 111 By will PtuBton'tOne or two-hone), 4 new One-Bono Oar* Brnoe Benjamin's, on Fifth avenue." be forever barred of uny action Iherefor against tbe ryalls, S small Pony Wagons, 1 VIDsge Dart, 1 Tbo boat bran Jj |u U10 market at popular prices. "Thanks, madam. Pray excuse me said administrator. 0UAIILE8 DOUQUTY. Basket Pbmton, 4 hew farm Wagons, 8 secondfar disturbing you." D o l h Ibe W b o l r m l c a n d Retail T r a d e Awalta the ladlea tbatcall Mrs. Joyce bowed with the air of an Snpplled w i t h dinar* and Tobacco* TPSTATE OF ELIZA 8ILVEY, DE- band BugjiM, 8 leoond-hand turn wagons mid others not mcntlonod, XU ^ UEA8CD. (Insolvent Estato.) ex-empress, and Mr. Atholing withdraw. ' LOOUST POINT, N. J., a t t b e L o n t i t Foatlble Prlcea. Notice Is hereby (riven Ibat too accounts of tbe Partlealnneed'ot wagotu and carrtigos will do'3' "That's over, th^gooanoss," said subscriber, administrator of said deceased, will be •he. And buried her now onoo more in audited and itai«l by the Burrogato, and reported woll to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere^ SITUATKD ON THE NOETU 8UIIEW8UUBT If It does and It Is an old shingle roof, why not to the Orphans Court of ihe county of Monmoulb. . P.O.'Addressn. D . C A n p O B L I . , • tterjfcgosofabook. But Bee was by no Pipes anil All Kinds of Smokers' Articles. on THUllalMY, HAB0U FlrTil, 18«l. L l l t l e SIlTer, n . jr. means certain that it won over. W1I.UAM DltDOE, Tbls notel has been migniaoently furnUbed and COVER IT wrra SLATE, " Hunma might bear Bomo of her own remodeled, and U now open for tbe accommodation STATE OF JULIA A. 8PAULD• bAcd&O*," sha murmured unsympatlioti- Coraor of Front fltrobt and Whsrf Avonuei of tbe pnUlo; bas nustoicellont facllltlu for yacbu IKO, DEOEASKD. UllllDorj eslabllsbmont on That Is, put a slato roof on right over tbe shingles. ID?, boaUng, flsnlnn and crabbing, and Is undoubtMlrr to herself. "It isn't fair upon Notice (I hereby given, that the acoountaof Urn : B E D DANK, N . J . odli ODD oi Uie healttileit summer neoiK In toe It can bo done/and your roof will He perfectly Bubscrlbera. tdmlnlslralonof said deoeaisd, will tie Iftdoy/to *end people thoro." '"* Xlta lligheit Caih, Vrleet Paid for all OriltodBlalea. PROMPTLY PHOSESIITEO uudlted and slated by tbe Surrogate, and reported -., Jfr.AflialiBgWnWfwalkedalougtho wator-tigbt. Tbo slato roof will practically, last to Ibe orphans' court of lira county ot Monmoutb, Mndtof >"wr. A matt dalnilih pla« tonxnia txuaKon. . TO AN EARLY ADJUDICATION on TUUMDAY, FEBttUAnY TttENTY-BIXTll, •tMet-wtth •omethjrjgof Indignation risforever, and 11 vHll be cheaper tbsn to put on a new AaoBSurpdJMdUble and a welMppolnted bar CUMBERSON & WHITE, PLUMBERS. Dress Goods Groceries and Provisions. Agents for Florida Steam Heater. Fine Dried Fruits DRY GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Great Closing Out Sale iDTi-yr G-ooDS KEROSENE OILI McKIRGAN OIL CO., - C' IR. T. GEO. J. MULLINER, W ©n J Coal and Wood, R Monmouth Pharmacy, J Wines, Ales and Liquors, H LUMBER and BUILDERS' HARDWARE, R I Paris Green and Land Plaster for Potato Bugs. G I Wines and Liquors E 0. D. Warner & Co., Red Bank, N. J. Custom Tailoring Establishment O CARRIAGE FACTORY O The "New Amsterdam" Hotel, A Pleasant Greeting Your Roof? Does it Leak ? At Weiss M M j . raw m,^ t a i ^ a ^ __ ^ T m s\ E 1801. ., ORAOE W. UOLHR8, of nlnea, liquors and clean. Special uttentlon siren t\a treating; It tn the form ot t>reductionInshingle roof. When jou want to talk tlate root, to clambake and nbowder parties. JOHM TitAvrona prlws of 89 per oen t on tholr wbole etock ot Trlmmod call on or write to WILLIAM 0. T6WIN. Proprietor. TnolXDWibblp Oonmliuw «l Bhremburr Town' BULB TO BAR .CREDITORS. •nd Dnlrimmod Hats and BonnelJ!, Including clill•blp offQni tljo abotro reward for Information tead _-,,.,..:•:., --MECUTOIl'e NOTICE.**•.;•*!i?>\rIlecryJ. MeU, eiroulor of Usry Ohamlwra, de— •"ihOOorlvlcdicfJ/fl ««BlliiiliaiE'Ji(lM%B'ti:''Wi:" oossad, by order of Ibe surrogate ot Ibe oounty of Monmoutl), hereby gives notice to tbe creditors ot Too Board orTownsblpOiimoiltteeof Bbrmnbiiry WIIXUH IIOAIIIIMXM. tbo said deceased to bring In tbelr dubti, demands townsblp will bold regular DMtlngs at Commisand olalms against tbe estate of said dooedent, under 0UAULE8 D. F/IWONfl, oalbor anlrn>aUoh, within til no monlni from iho ToncthlpOomniUlw. sioner*'Hill, on ueobaolo street, Ued Bank.N. J., on too Dm and third Saturday! c i eacn montn, riFTEENTU DAY 01 DB0IM1UB. 1600, or1 they will be forever barred ot any action therefor antosl HOVBDEAIW, * . C. H A B B I t O I l , Bj bojlng ot the above hnn, u It Is conceded that tin said executor. U. J. alETE, Arrnou«*Uon,Prootori, Executor. FrlnlwUtaSortnoUotalTlH Bwuruoffloo, T h l Clk . t i l l stock U the most stjlUhtn the obuntr. Township Ctmmitte& Meetings. Will Save Money i Practical Slate Roofer, RED BANK, N. J. P ENSIONS!! IBAA« I . OOLB, Powi™ Clalni Attorney, Ucdllsink.N.Jf. OBIootO,A,B.Pp«t.nodilll P.O.Box447. , .. A Notion to tlio CUIions of nod Dank. Any oltlwns havingTnowledgn at any lime tllst any eleotrlo tlgtit In ttictr locality It not burnlnir' wben It ihoula be, will floun ocnvoy tho t u t In writing, w to Ihe location and number of timw not MMQ any one of the town marshals, •"»""> •l)y orOerot the Board of. Conunbalonon,,' A.O.DAmUBON.TownClerl.