मॉडल एवं सुपर सपेिसअिलटी असपताल, कमरचारी राजय बीमा िनगम EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION MODEL AND SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL, ASRAMAM, KOLLAM, KERALA -691002 Website: www.esichsuperspecialitykollam.com, E-mail: [email protected] Ph: 0474–2742833,2766618(M.S) Fax: 0474- 2768837 [आई.एस.ओ 9001:2008 पमािणत ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED] 542/A-45/12(6)/07(ADM)/2/007 WANTED PART TIME Dated : 10.10.2014 SUPER SPECIALISTS/ SENIOR RESIDENTS (REGULAR)/ SENIOR RESIDENT (ADHOC) Undersigned invites applications in the prescribed proforma giving relevant information and contact number from Part-Time Super Specialist/Part-Time Specialists/Senior Residents (Regular) /Senior Resident (Adhoc) as per details given below:Application Fee (For All Posts) – Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) for General Candidates/OBC and Rs. 50 (Rupees fifty only) for SC/ST candidates by way of Demand Draft/Pay Order in favour of ESIC Fund Account No. 1. Reservation – as per Rules. Female applicants are exempted from Application Fe e. THOSE WHO BELONG TO SC/ST/OBC CATEGORY SHOULD PRODUCE CASTE CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY THE TAHASILDAR/REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER. WALK IN INTERVIEW – ON 30.10.2014 AT 11AM 1. PART-TIME SUPER SPECIAISTS : 2 POSTS (ONE YEAR CONTRACT, OR TILL REGULAR INCUMBANT JOINS.) * UR- 2 Sl. No. Post 1 Gastro-Enterology DM or equivalent To work for three hours session per day x five Qualification. days in a week. Rs 60,000/- per month On Age not exceeding 64 giving undertaking to be available for years Endocrinology emergency call duty after the schedule timings – Rs 10,000/- per month 2 Qualification & Experience required/Age Duties/Remuneration 2. PART-TIME SPECIALISTS : 5 POSTS. (ONE YEAR CONTRACT, OR TILL REGULAR INCUMBANT JOINS, WHICHEVER IS EARLIER.) * UR: 3 OBC: NIL SC: 2 ST: 1 DURING MORNING HOURS ONLY No. Name of Department No. of Qualification & vacancies Experience required 1 General Medicine 1 2 Pulmonology 1 3 Microbiology 4 5 Duties/ Remuneration/ Age PG degree or equivalent To work for four hours a (after MBBS) minimum 3 1 experience after Gynaecology 1 minimum Biochemistry 1 with day for five days a week. years Remuneration – Rs. PG 40,000/- p. m. Additional degree/ PG diploma with Rs. 8000/- admissible if 5 years’ willing to perform experience in respective emergency call duty. Age specialty, after PG not exceeding 64 years diploma 3. SENIOR RESIDENTS (Three years – regular) No. of vacancies –15 * UR: 9(8+1 PH*), OBC:3, SC :2, ST:1 Sl. No. 1 4. Name of Department & vacancies Qualification & Experience required Remuneration Age General Medicine-3 Emoluments per Not exceeding 35 General Surgery-3 month: Basic pay years. Relaxation for Orthopaedics-2 PG degree/diploma, in Rs.25,350/SC, ST & OBC/PWD Ophthalmology:2 concerned specialty. (18750+6600 GP) as per rules. Anaesthesia:2 and other Radiology:1 allowances as as Neurology:1 admissible under Gynecology:1 Central Government Rules. SENIOR RESIDENTS ADHOC - IN ALL DEPARTMENTS No. of vacancies – 13 against vacant posts of General Duty Medical Officers (FOR ONE YEAR CONTRACT, OR TILL REGULAR INCUMBANT JOINS, WHICHEVER IS EARLIER) * UR: 6(5+1 PH*), OBC:2, SC :3, ST:2 Sl. Name of No. Department 01 All Departments • Qualification & Experience required • 2 years experience after MBBS out of which one year in the specialty concerned. Remune-ration Age Approximately Not exceeding 35 years. Rs. 55,000/= Relaxation for SC, ST & per month OBC as per rules. For PH candidates the following disabilities may be considered: OL:One Leg Affected. OA: One Arm affected but with adequate coordinated movements of both hands HH: Handicapped hearing CANVASSING IN ANY FORM WILL BE A DISQUALIFICATION. VACANCIES INDICATED ABOVE MAY CHANGE AS PER ACTUAL REQUIREMENT ON THE DATE OF INTERVIEW. Incomplete applications/applications without prescribed application fee will be summarily rejected. Interested candidates may apply for the above post to the undersigned, in the prescribed proforma, enclosing therewith attested xerox copies of all documents including the requisite application fee, and are requested to report at 9.30 AM. MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT Affix recent passport-size Photograph PROFORMA OF APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SUPER SPECIAL IST /PART TIME SPECIALISTS/SENIOR RESIDENTS REGULAR/SENIOR RESIDENTS ADHOC 1 Name 2 Father’s/Husband’s name 3 Date of Birth 4 Post Applied for 5 Cast 6 Educational Qualifications Degree/ Diploma SC/ST/OBC/GENERAL Year of passing University % of Marks Experience s 7 Present Address 8 Permanent Address 9 Contact No. Mobile landline 10 Place where presently working 11 Particulars of DD 12 Email addess SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE Testimonials to be enclosed:DD/Bankers’ Cheque towards application fee Zerox copies of following documents, as applicable MBBS/Homeo degree; MCI Registration Certificate. DM/M.Ch/PG Degree/Diploma Experience certificate Caste Certificate, if applicable Any other relevant document.