Ministry Leaders Little Dresses & Britches


Ministry Leaders Little Dresses & Britches
Little Dresses & Britches
Ladies, right now we have more fabric than we can
sew! We would love to have your help! We will be
sending off the next shipment this FALL. Fall is
coming soon and we have lost a good seamstress.
It is URGENT! We need you to sew. This project
qualifies for Risk-Taking Mission. Pastor Dustin is
fully supportive of Little Dresses and Britches,
please help us...for info. contact Jean @ 434-1724
Monday, October 6
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
La Noche
AGLOW Young Women’s Bible Study
Tuesday, October 7
6:30 PM
PEO Chapter AO
Ministry Leaders
Pastor: Rev. Dustin Wilhite
Children: Stacy Sanchez
Community Care: Sar ah Cox
Youth/Young Adults: Alan
Worship Arts: Holly Boyle
Treasurer: Tamar a Valdez
Finance/Membership: Ter r i
October 5, 2014—October 11, 2014
Executive Secretary: Pat Lyman
Facility Manager: Ralph McGee
Lock-Up Custodians: Amelia
& Joe Monforti
We’re Social
Wednesday, October 8
9:30 AM
S.P.A (childcare provided)
Thursday, October 9
6:30 PM
Finance Meeting
Friday, October 10
9:00 AM
UMW Bazaar Workshop
Saturday, October 11
11:30 AM
Shared Table
Sunday, October 12
5:30 PM
5:45 PM
6:00 PM
Women’s Bible Study
Focus Team
Financial Peace University
Deadline is the Monday before the Sunday
you wish for information to appear.
Send to: [email protected]
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Grace United Methodist Youth GUMY
SPA for Moms
Children of Grace
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Welcome to Grace United Methodist Church! We are called by Jesus Christ
to love each other unconditionally and to support one another on our spiritual
journeys. We hope that your experience in worship today is inspirational and
uplifting. Join us again as we worship God together.
Grace United Methodist Church •1206 Greenwood Lane, Alamogordo, NM 88310-5740
575-437-7640 •
Extravagant Generosity
A Message from Pastor Dustin:
"Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower."--Albert Camus
When I was a kid growing up on the dusty plains of West Texas, I never thought
much about the autumn. There really wasn't much to think about there. Most of
our trees were Chinese Elm or Fruitless Mulberries; neither of which are known
for their fall color. But then we moved to Kentucky so that I could attend seminary.
The first year we were there is when I experienced my first real autumn. The
typical fall things happened, cooler nights, shorter days, and harvest decorations emerged on people's porches. But for the first time in my life, I fell in love
with autumn. I'll never forget driving to class one morning. The air was crisp
and the sun was just peaking over the horizon. As I drove down the street, I noticed something for the first time. Fall color. Shimmering through the leaves of
the Red Oak trees was sunlight tinted with rust. I was amazed!
So for the next several weeks I paid more attention to the details of the world
around me. Myranda and I scheduled a Saturday to take our kids to the Daniel
Boone National Forest for a drive through the fall foliage. At each twist and turn
and with every rise along the road, we uttered "ooh's" and "aww's." The colors
were amazing and beautiful. It was as though every leaf was a flower.
Every October, I think back to those fall days in Wilmore. This year, as I've
been reflecting, I realize that that's the way people are too. Some of us blend
in; we don't stand out. But then one day, when we least expect it, things
change. It's through God's grace that the change takes place. As we change,
we become what we have been all along. We become what God has always
seen in us. We become his glorious creation, radiant, wondrous, and magnificent.
So if you get a chance, head up the mountain this fall and take a gander at the
fall color. But more importantly, try to see the amazing color inside yourself and
in your brothers and sisters. Let's seek to be who God has called us to be.
8:30 AM Worship Service = 171
11:30 AM Worship Service = 95
Total Worship Attendance Service = 266
Sunday school = 120
Budget for 2014 = $633,231.00
Received This Week (9/28) = $6,778.00
Received Month-to-Date = $40,170.81
Received Year to Date = $434,483.77
Sunday School Classes
All Classes are held from 9:45 to 10:55 a.m.
ABC Class – Room 9-10
Back to Basics – Room 14
God’s Way Out – (Disciples Hall)
DH, Room 108
JOY Class – Room 12-13
Trinity Class – Room 3-4
Women’s Study – Room 11
Young Adult Bible Study
DH, Room 205
Jr. High – DH, Room 206
Sr. High – DH, 209
2nd & 3rd Grade – DH, Room 106
4th & 5th Grade – DH, Room 105
2 year olds – Room 21
3 & 4 year olds – Room 22
Kinder & 1st Grade – DH, Room 103
Until next time...
Risk-Taking Mission & Service
Brrr...It’s hard to believe, but winter is on the way and GUMC will again be
assisting Ruidoso Community UMC in keeping the Tarahumara Indian children warm and cozy. Please begin collecting new and gently-worn children’s coats for the project. Ruidoso’s pick-up date TBA. Thanks! —The
Mission Team
Five Fruitful Practices We have committed to strengthening our
life and mission together through a focus on five specific, Spiritled practices: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission & Service and
Extravagant Generosity. As we exercise these qualities of
Christian life together, we will grow personally and as a congregation in fulfilling the will of God to live lives that are dedicated to
Christ and committed to serving God.
Passionate Worship
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD — Sunday, October 26, 2014
We need YOUR help! We are holding a children’s PACKING PARTY during Sunday School
and we need some items to put in the shoeboxes to bless children this holiday season.
Some items that are needed include: boxes of #2 pencils, ink pens, crayons, $1 coloring
books, bath soap, toothpaste, soft children’s toothbrushes, girl’s hair brushes and hair
pieces, combs for boys, small toys such as balls and cars. We need some shoeboxes!
Beautiful music is coming in the Fall to Grace ! We have many special musical
events planned leading into the holiday season. Worship Arts Ministries Director,
Holly Boyle, has been working hard with these groups to prepare us for meaningful worship experiences in both Sunday services. She is doing a fantastic job leading us in our efforts to make a joyful noise unto the LORD.
You can also help with shipping costs—$7 per box! All items must be NEW and can be
taken to the 2nd and 3rd grade Sunday School rooms or to Stacy Sanchez’s office prior to
October 26th. THANK YOU for all your help! Contact Jan Richardson for more information
@ 430-9176
Upcoming Special Musical Events:
October 19:
—God’s Promise Ringers & Grace Ringers
(8:30 pre-service and worship)
— By His Grace Trio
Radical Hospitality
(8:30 Anthem)
October 26:
How do you practice hospitality? The Pregnancy Help Center of Alamogordo practices hospitality in
helping those who are facing the life crisis of unplanned pregnancy. They encourage clients to trust
God and make good decisions. Join them in fundraising for this great cause at FUN FOR HOPE on
OCT. 8, 2014 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at The Flickenger Center (1110 New York Ave.) —Comedian
Mike Williams will entertain guests—TICKETS are $10.00 each. Call 437-9800 for more information.
We can follow their example of radical hospitality!
—Pantastic Praise, Pans of Grace and a NEW (yet
unnamed) Steel Drums Group
(8:30 pre-service and worship)
November 9:
—Alamo Grace Community Orchestra
(8:30 worship)
GRACE UMC Singles Group is meeting!
Intentional Faith Development
We have developed a thriving singles group at the church! The next meeting will be
October 19, 2014 at the CIVIC CENTER on 1st Street. (*CORRECTION—not Oct. 9th*)
Silver and Turquoise Tea
*Proceeds benefit the Flickinger Center*
“They devoted themselves to the
apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and
the prayers.” — Acts 2:42
2:00 to 4:00 PM, Tickets are $10 in advance, call Pat Rosival @ 439-1680..
Tickets on the day of the event are $12.
By Sandy Carlton
Church conference will be held on October 5, 2014 at 12:00 PM in
the Sanctuary at Grace UMC.
 An additional item will be on the agenda.
 All members are encouraged to attend!
Do you wonder if you are absolutely hearing the voice of God? On Sunday evenings,
we have been studying Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. I desire to know
God’s will and direction for my life. T his was my reason for joining this Bible study. In
this class, I have learned about practicing the FIVE M’s of correctly hearing God’s voice.
Recent prayer requests:
1.) Look for the message of the Spirit. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Don’t just casually ask God for
guidance. Consciously turn your attention inward to see if what you are sending carries the
weight of God or if it is the unsure, unsteady voice of your own conscience.
—Jeannie (granddaughter) of Larry and Ginger Morgan; Praise the Lord, she had a
healthy baby boy in North Carolina!
—Justin (Candace Reynold’s nephew) was involved in a car accident and has broken
bones; pray for healing, wisdom for doctors and safe travel for Justin’s mother.
—Eva Morris; she passed away this week, pray for comfort and peace for her family.
—Reverend Leonard Gillingham; he passed away this past week, pray for his family
and especially his wife, Martha.
—Bill McFarland; Praise the Lord, his heart surgery was successful! Thank you for
all your prayers.—please pray for his quick recovery.
—Ray Von Husen; pray for quick healing of cancer and wisdom for the doctors —pray
for peace for him and his wife, Jan.
—Ryan McDermott; pray for healing from a life-threatening illness; especially for his
kidney function to improve; pray for peace for family members Linda and Jerry McDermott.
If you would like to submit a prayer request or join the Prayer Chain to pray for others, please contact Helen Menefee, 437-3350 or [email protected] or
Carol Hackett, 437-8700, or [email protected]
2.) Live in the mode of prayer. Submit what you hear back to God in prayer. When the issue
comes into your mind, don’t spend time worrying; spend time handing the issue over to
God. (Oh, duh, why didn’t I think of this?)
3.) Search out the model of Scripture. Does what you think you’re hearing in any way contradict the character of God or the Word of God?
4.) Submit to the ministry of Eli. Seek the counsel of a wise, more mature believer who can discern God’s leading in her own life. (Sometimes I would be afraid to seek advice because I
wouldn’t want the situation to be known.)
5.) Expect the mercy of confirmation. Ask the Lord for confirmation. The Lord allows the Holy
Spirit to speak to me and verify His message through His written Word, circumstances, or
even another person. (Wow!!!!! This one really spoke to me. Why hadn’t I done this???)