The Coker Ridgeway 12 October 2014


The Coker Ridgeway 12 October 2014
The Coker Ridgeway
8am Holy Communion (BCP) East Coker CH
9.15am Family Service Pendomer tba
9.15am Family th
Communion Closworth DW/MW
12 October 2014
(The Parishes of East Coker, Sutton Bingham, Closworth, West
Coker, Hardington Mandeville, East Chinnock and Pendomer)
Sunday 12th October The
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
Green Proper 23
8am Holy Communion (BCP) East
9.15am Family Communion Closworth
10.45am Sung Eucharist East Coker
10.45am Holy Communion (CW)
10.45am Parish Praise West Coker
12.15pm HARVEST Pendomer
6 pm Evensong East Coker
6.30pm Evensong East Chinnock
Collect for The Seventeenth Sunday
after Trinity
Almighty God, you have made us for
yourself, and our hearts are restless
till they find their rest in you:
pour your love into our hearts and
draw us to yourself, and so bring us
at last to your heavenly city where
we shall see you face to face;
through Jesus Christ your Son our
Lord, who is alive and reigns with
you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Wednesday 16th October
10am HC 6 Weston Close E Chinnock DW
(followed by Home Communions)
Sunday 19th October. Eighteenth Sunday
after Trinity Green Proper 24
8am HC (BCP) Hardington DW
9.15am Family Service Pendomer DW
9.15am Family Service E Chinnock
David Bakewell
10.45am HC (BCP) Sutton Bingham tba
10.45am Sung Eucharist East Coker CH
10.45am HC (CW) West Coker DW
6pm Evensong East Coker Keith Stevens
6.30pm Occasional Service of Prayer for
Healing and Wholeness Hardington (see
note on p4)
Sunday 26th October The Last Sunday
after Trinity Green Proper 25
8am HC (BCP) E Chinnock Trevor Farmiloe
9.15am HC (CW) Pendomer CH
10.45am Sung Eucharist East Coker CH
10.45am Family Service Hardington
Daphne Creed
10.45am Morning Worship (CW) W Coker
6.30pm Evensong Closworth
Rev’d David Wilson 862328; [email protected]
Rev’d Charles Hatton 862125 [email protected]
Tues 14 Oct 10:30 Little Wheelers (Parents & Children) East Coker VH
10:30 Book Swap and refreshments (St Mary, Hardington)
11:15 Deanery chapter (Venue tbc)
2.00pm Funeral - Richard Beasley – St Mary East Chinnock
19:45 Benefice Choir Practice (St Mary Hardington)
Wed 15 Oct 9.20 Crematorium service - Richard Beasley
10:00am Holy Communion (6 Weston Close, E Chinnock)
11:00am Home Communions
11:00 ECCF Coffee Stop Gospel Hall, E Coker
14:00 Informal prayer for benefice all welcome
(St Martin W Coker Lady Chapel)
15.15 Seekers after school club, W Coker School
16 Oct 14:30 Fruitfulness on the Frontline (6 Weston Close, East
Chinnock – all welcome, see note on p.4)
19:45 PCC Pendomer (Coker Wood cottage)
Sat 18 Oct
10.30 Bellringers E Coker
11.30 Bellringers W Coker
14:00 East Coker Scouts jumble sale (East Coker Hall)
14:30 Wedding - Rob Bartley, Holly Dyer (St Mary Hardington)
Mon 20 Oct 12.15 Bellringers E Chinnock
Tues 21 Oct 10:30 Coffee Morning East Chinnock Village Hall
10:30 Little Wheelers (Parents and children) E Coker V H
Wed 22 Oct 10:30 E Coker Bible Study group. Windy Ridge, Burton Lane, E Coker
10:30am Coffee Morning Ridgeway House, Hardington
11:00 ECCF Coffee Stop Gospel Hall, E Coker
15.15 Seekers after school club, W Coker School
Thurs 23 Oct 14:30 Fruitfulness on the Frontline (6 Weston Close, East Chinnock)
18.00 Wedding Rehearsal East Coker - Revd Trevor Farmiloe
19:30 Open Meeting with the Bishop. Holy Trinity Church
Fri 24 Oct
19:30 The Man Jesus - Simon Callow (see p4) Electric palace, Bridport
19.30 Larkrise to Candleford. St Mary’s, Hardington
Sat 25 Oct
11.00 Hardington Village Hall Coffee Morning
13.00 Wedding St Michael, E Coker - officiant Revd Trevor Farmiloe
14.00-16.00 E Coker Winter Fayre
19.30 Larkrise to Candleford. St Mary’s, Hardington
Tues 28 Oct 10:30 Little Wheelers (Parents & Children) East Coker VH
19:45 Benefice Choir Practice (St Mary’s Hardington)
Wed 29 Oct 11:00 ECCF Coffee Stop Gospel Hall, E Coker
Thurs 30 Oct 14:30 Fruitfulness on the Frontline (6 Weston Close, East Chinnock)
19.30 I am the Lord who heals you. St James church Yeovil BA20 2EZ
(see note on p4)
Fri 31 Oct
10.00 Charity Coffee Morning. Forresters Arms, Holywell
Sat 1 Nov
11.00 Bellringers East Chinnock
14.00 Confirmation with Communion. Wells Cathedral
Lectionary Readings for today
Philippians 4.1-9
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown,
stand firm in the Lord in this way, my beloved.
2 I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. 3Yes, and
I ask you also, my loyal companion, help these women, for they have struggled
beside me in the work of the gospel, together with Clement and the rest of my
co-workers, whose names are in the book of life.
4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5Let your gentleness be
known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6Do not worry about anything, but in
everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be
made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just,
whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any
excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and
seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
Matthew 22.1-14
Once more Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying: 2‘The kingdom of heaven
may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. 3He sent
his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding banquet, but they
would not come. 4Again he sent other slaves, saying, “Tell those who have been
invited: Look, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been
slaughtered, and everything is ready; come to the wedding banquet.” 5But they
made light of it and went away, one to his farm, another to his business, 6while
the rest seized his slaves, maltreated them, and killed them. 7The king was
enraged. He sent his troops, destroyed those murderers, and burned their city.
Then he said to his slaves, “The wedding is ready, but those invited were not
worthy. 9Go therefore into the main streets, and invite everyone you find to the
wedding banquet.” 10Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered all
whom they found, both good and bad; so the wedding hall was filled with
11 ‘But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who
was not wearing a wedding robe, 12and he said to him, “Friend, how did you get
in here without a wedding robe?” And he was speechless. 13Then the king said
to the attendants, “Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer
darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” 14For many are
called, but few are chosen.’
Around the Benefice (and area)
• The next service of prayer for healing and wholeness is at St Mary’s
Hardington on Sunday 19th 6.30pm. This is a quiet reflective service of hymns,
prayer, bible reading, and short talk with a space when folk can either pray
privately or have the opportunity to move to the communion rail for prayer for
themselves or for others, accompanied with anointing if so desired. All are
welcome. (There is also a meeting entitled ‘I am the Lord who heals you’ at St
James Church, Preston Road on Thursday 30th October 7.30pm. One of the
speakers is Martin Cavender, author of one of the articles in the current
Diocesan magazine ‘Manna’)
• Visit of Bp of Bath & Wells, Rt Rev’d Peter Hancock to Yeovil Deanery
7.30pm Thurday 23 Oct at Holy Trinity Church (opp B & Q). ALL INVITED AND
• East Coker church lunch will take place at the Helyar Arms on Sun 2nd Nov at
noon. Please sign up on the form by the church door if you would like to
come, or phone Alison Hatton (862125).
• Shoebox Appeal leaflets explaining the ‘dos’ & ‘don’ts’ should be in all the
churches now. Collection usually takes place in early November. Further info
from Judith Shaw (tel. 863218)
• Fruitfulness on the Frontline. How can we encourage one another to let God
work through us more effectively in our everyday lives? Come and join us as
we follow an imaginative and challenging presentation of 8 week sessions
from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, using DVD and study
notes. Starting at 2.30pm on 9th Oct at 6, Weston Close, East Chinnock. All
welcome, Further info from Gillian Tettmar 862003 or [email protected]
• The Man Jesus – a play by Simon Callow at the Electric Palace, Bridport
7.30pm Friday 24th October. [email protected] Jacqueline
Clough 850256 has further info
• An Opportunity to Give Practical Help: Oaklands School, where about 140
children are entitled to free school meals, is keen to work with churches as
they set up the first Yeovil ‘Make Lunch’ Club for these children whose
families struggle to feed them in the holidays. St Peter’s church hall will run a
trial club for two days in the Christmas holiday (22nd & 23rd Dec). Training 18th
Oct 9.30-1.00 & ‘Discovery’ session the previous afternoon if required. For
more information, see & come to the
Discovery session. To help, come to the training session. Thank you! David
Keen at [email protected] & Anthea Lovelock 891328
• Job adverts for Operation Christmas Child Regional Manager & Will Aid on
web version at
The Peace of God... Phil 4.7 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
A wonderful promise, but it’s just ‘words’ isn’t it?
Well, just as a 20 pound note is basically just a piece of paper and has the words
from the Bank of England "I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of
£20" so this promise is as basic as that. So you might exchange this ‘piece of
paper’ for lots more pieces of paper (e.g. a book) because of what it represents.
Now we do that by taking the piece of paper out of our wallet or purse and
presenting it to the shop and we do the same with God’s words – they are even
more trustworthy than a £20 note (!) but, just as the note is still a piece of paper
till you use it so God’s words need ‘using’ [cf. like promise of a fast car to get
somewhere – no good just sitting in it, you need to start it up etc.]
So let's unpick what that means:
1. We have to believe that the promise is trustworthy - not a case that "it's not
worth the paper it's printed on"
2. We have to be prepared to present it at the right place and, if necessary, to
travel to get there - something is required of us too.
So Paul writes before our verse: "do not worry about anything, but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to
God” and then after it "finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honourable,
whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is
commendable, if there is any excellent and if there is anything worthy of praise,
think about these things... And the God of peace will be with you”. (Philippians
4.8, 9)
So we begin to see that there’s a bit more to it than we sometimes think. [We
see an inkling of that in the gospel - another disturbing parable from Jesus - all
are freely invited and welcomed but response (a wedding garment – in those
times usually provided by the host [cf Samson Judges 14) is required – RSVP!]
We need to ask ourselves whether the things we read, listen to or watch are pure
and excellent, things worthy of praise - for if we fill our minds with things that
are not we begin to cancel our prayer and desire for peace. What we feed our
minds with does matter and has an effect on our lives.
Our walk with God is all of his grace but to walk off the path is not wise and will
not lead us in God’s ways and to the fulfilment of his promises.
Books available (as at 3.09.2014) (arranged in alphabetical order by author
surname). From David Wilson by request
Alves, Femrite & Kaufman : Intercessors. Ames - David & Joyce : Stress free
Marriage. Bonsall - H. Brash : The person of Christ
Buckingham - Marcus: Now discover your strengths
Campbell - Dr. Ross : How to really love your child
Campolo - Tony : Following Jesus without embarrassing God.
Chevreau - Guy : We dance because we cannot fly
Chevreau - Guy : Pray with fire. Coates - Gerald : Nonreligious Christianity
Deere - Jack : Surprised by the Voice of God
Delph - E.D. : Church @ Community. Dixon - Patrick : A radical call to social
action. Economides - Andy : True Relationships
Eldredge - John : Waking the Dead (the glory of a heart fully alive)
Fee & Stuart : how to read the Bible for all its worth
Ferguson - John : O My People. Forster & Marston : God's strategy in Human
History. Foster - Richard : Prayer. France - R.T. : The evidence for Jesus
Griffiths - Paul : God and the troubles of life
Harding - Linda : A look at singleness. Higton - Patricia : Christians at the
Crossroads Jacks - Bob & Betty : Your Home a Lighthouse
Jeremias - Joachim : Rediscovering the Parables
Kenyon - E.W. : In His Presence. Lane - Tony - The Lion book of Christian
thought. Lee & Baz : Cut to the chase (Straight talking for Men)
Lucas - Jeff : Rediscovering the Father Heart of God
Lucas - Jeff : Walking backwards (Dealing with guilt)
MacDonald - Gordon : Ordering your private world
MacNutt - Francis : The Power to Heal.
Marshall - Tom : Right Relationships
Murray - Stuart : Church Planting. Nash - Gladys : The Corn of Wheat
Noble - John : The Shaking. Scott - Martin : Healing then and now
Simson - Wolfgang : Houses that change the World
Smith - David R. : Fasting (a neglected discipline)
Storkey - Elaine : What's right with feminism
Tozer - A.W. : How to be filled with the Holy Spirit
Tyra - Joyce : Starting over (when marriage ends)
Wagner - C. Peter : Praying with power
Warner - Rob : 21st Century Church
Warren - Rick : The Purpose Driven Life
Yancey - Philip : What's so amazing about Grace?
Will Aid is coming soon...
Every November, Will Aid solicitors give up their time to write Wills for people in
return for a voluntary donation to charity. If you have not already written your Will, the
opportunity is coming round again soon. You'll have to hurry though, Will Aid
solicitors tend to get booked up very early, so why not make an appointment now?
Of course, if you have already written your Will or booked an appointment, please feel
free to forward this information on to a friend or relative.
Why a Will is so important
A Will Aid poll last year showed that nearly half of the people we asked thought their
estate would go to their partner in the event of their death. In fact, the only way to be
absolutely certain that your money and possessions go to the people you want is by
having an up-to-date a Will.
How Will Aid works
• Solicitors across the UK donate their time to support the Will Aid charities.
• Instead of paying a fee for writing a basic Will, you are invited to make a
voluntary donation to the Will Aid charities.
• Suggested donations are £95 for a single Will or £150 for a pair of mirror Wills.
Once you've taken care of loved ones in your Will, you may wish to do what many
other Will writers do and remember a charity in your Will. Any gift you make to our
nine Will Aid charities can have a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable people in
the UK and around the world.
Don't miss out on Will Aid 2014 - book now!
Every year, people miss out on Will Aid by leaving it too late. Will Aid solicitors are in
big demand throughout November so the sooner you book, the better.
For more information: Please go to