Church Of The Epiphany Richmond, Virginia October 12, 2014


Church Of The Epiphany Richmond, Virginia October 12, 2014
Church Of The Epiphany
Richmond, Virginia
October 12, 2014
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 25:6-10a; Psalm 23:1-6; Philippians 4:12-14, 1920; Matthew 22:1-14
Monday: Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Luke 11:2932
Tuesday: Galatians 5:1-6; Luke 11:37-41
Wednesday: Galatians 5:18-25; Luke 11:42-46
Thursday: Ephesians 1:1-10; Luke 11:47-54
Friday: Ephesians 1:11-14; Luke 12:1-7
Saturday: 2 Timothy 4:10-17b; Luke 10:1-9
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 45:1,4-6; Psalm 96:1,3-5,7-10; 1 Thessalonians
1:1-5b; Matthew 22:15-21
Welcome New Parishioners! You are invited to register
as members of Epiphany after any Mass. Please visit our
Welcome Desk in the Commons to register and get your
welcome packet. If you are a returning parishioner,
please contact Rita Jones in the office, 794-0222 x22 and
update your information!
Infant Baptisms are celebrated during our weekend
liturgies. The next Baptism weekend is January 10/11.
The next Baptism class is scheduled for Tuesday,
December 30th at 7:00 pm in Room 122, and a walk
through is scheduled on Sunday, January 4th at 9:45 am in
the Centrum. To register, please call Brenda Rogers at
794-0222, ext. 10, or email [email protected].
Financial Update: (July 2014-June 2015)
Sunday Collection for 10/5
Sunday Collection YTD
Sunday Collections Budget
Overage (Deficit)
Special Collections
Capital Improvement Fund YTD
Total Parish Income YTD
Total Parish Expenses YTD
Net Profit (Loss)
On All Saints Day, Saturday, November 1 at 9:30 am,
we would like to remember those deceased members of
our families at Mass. If you have loved ones who have
not been on the list in the past, please use the form
below and return it to the church office by Sunday,
October 26th to add them to the list. (The list is
continuous from year-to-year, so the names only need
be submitted one time to always be included.)
Name(s) of Deceased:__________________________
Requested by: _______________________________
Sunday, October 12, 2014 – Baptism Weekend
Mass at 8:30 am, 11:00 am & 5:15 pm- CLW Team B
Childcare for 8:30 & 11:00 am Mass (108/109)
8:00 am
Choir Rehearsal (122)
9:45 am
Elementary RE Classes (122/Classrooms)
Longing for the Holy (122)
1:00 pm
Filipino Choir Rehearsal (122)
3:00 pm
Men’s Cursillo Team Meeting (122)
Monday, October 13, 2014
10:00 am
WINGS (122)
4:45 pm
Elementary RE Classes (122/Classrooms)
6:00 pm
Confirmation Retreat Team (Commons)
Kiddie Club (Minor Worship/Commons)
6:30 pm
Elementary RE Classes (122/Classrooms)
Eucharistic Ministry Training (Centrum)
7:15 pm
Gateway Homes Ministry Meeting (AB)
7:30 pm
Men’s Cursillo Prayer Group (118)
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
9:30 am
Morning Mass (Minor Worship)
10:00 am
Epiphany Ringers (Centrum)
1:00 pm
Longing for the Holy (122)
7:00 pm
Worship Committee Meeting (115))
Longing for the Holy (114)
Adult Bible Study (116)
7:30 pm
N.A. Meeting (122)
9:30 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
October 15, 2014
Morning Mass (Minor Worship)
Praying Hands Ministry (122)
Mass at St. Francis
Women’s Cursillo Prayer Group (AB)
Girl Scouts Bridging Ceremony (Commons)
Chancel Choir (Centrum)
Longing for the Holy (116/117)
Thursday, October 16, 2014
9:30 am
Morning Mass (Minor Worship)
10:00 am
Church Ladies Bible Study (122)
10:30 am
Christian Formation Committee Meeting (AB)
7:00 pm
SCA Meeting (116)
A.A. Meeting (113)
Jubilate Ringers (Centrum)
7:30 pm
RCIA (122)
Soul Brothers (AB)
Friday, October 17, 2014
7:30 am
Morning Mass (Minor Worship)
10:00 am
Eucharistic Adoration to 7 pm (Minor Worship)
12:00 pm
Mass at St. Francis
4:00 pm
Bamgdade/Anderson Wedding Rehearsal
6:30 pm
Middle School Movie Night (Commons)
7:00 pm
Hispanic Faith Group (Minor Worship)
Saturday, October 18, 2014
8:00 am
Men’s Cursillo Prayer Group (AB)
2:00 pm
Bamgdade/Anderson Wedding (Centrum)
3:30 pm
5:15 pm
Mass (Centrum) CLW Team C (122)
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Mass at 8:30 am, 11:00 am & 5:15 pm- CLW Team C
Childcare for 8:30 & 11:00 am Mass (108/109)
8:00 am
Choir Rehearsal (122)
9:45 am
Elementary RE Classes (122/Classrooms)
Longing for the Holy (122)
1:00 pm
Filipino Choir Rehearsal (122)
3:00 pm
6th-12th Grade RE Classes (all space)
3:45 pm
Sunday Evening Choir Practice (AB)
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
General Information
Human Concerns
November: A Month of Remembrance & Gratitude:
You are invited to bring a small photo of a deceased family
member or friend to be included in the traditional display
of photos of loved ones who have gone before us in faith.
Print the name of the loved one on the back of the picture
along with your name and address so that we can return
photos at the end of November. Please leave photos in
the box on the table by Minor Worship.
Pope Francis has called a Synod of Bishops, gathering
Oct. 5 – 19, to treat the topic The Pastoral Challenges of
the Family in the Context of Evangelization. Let us pray:
For the synod fathers and the other participants at the
Synod of Bishops: may the Spirit of the Lord enlighten
their minds so that the Church might respond, in
faithfulness to God’s plan, to the challenges facing the
family. Amen.
Altar Servers are needed for all Mass times. Males and
females between grades 4 and 11 who have received first
Communion are welcome to serve. Training will be
provided. Altar Servers will be asked to serve at least once
per month at a mass time of their choice. If you are
interested in serving, please contact Victor Valle at
(804)794-4558 or [email protected] .
“Responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in
political life is a moral obligation…” – USCCB, Forming
Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. Although Election
Day is Tuesday, November 4th, the deadline for new
registrations is October 14th. Go to
and click the link to register.
Virtus Training, at Epiphany on Wednesday, October 22,
6:30 pm. Anyone 18 or older volunteering with children
must attend a Virtus Training ONCE in a lifetime. If you are
volunteering with any children’s programs and have not
already attended a Virtus Training you will need to attend.
To register or for more information go to
If you have any questions contact Laura Miller @ 794-0222
ext. 11.
The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart opens its 2014-2015
concert series with a free concert on Sunday, October 19,
at 2pm. Soprano, Anne O’Byrne, and flutist, Anthony
Smith are the featured performers accompanied by Dr.
Patrick Carlin. The Museum of Virginia Catholic History will
also be open following the 11 o’clock Mass until 1:55 p.m.
On-street parking is available as well as the VCU Parking
Deck across the street from the Altria Theater
Mary Mother of the Church Abbey at 12829 River Road,
Goochland will host the 19th Annual Rosary Congress
on Friday, October 17: 6pm Divine Mercy talk; 7:30pm
Mass; all night adoration. Saturday, October 18: 8:30 am
registration; 9:00 am Rosary; 9:30am Mass. Divine Mercy
talks throughout the day; 4:30pm Holy Hour with Vespers
and Benediction. Featured speaker will be Father Dan
Cambra, MIC, Director of the Marian Evangelization Team.
Topics will focus on Divine Mercy. Admission is free. Lunch
is available for $7.To reserve lunch call: 804-360-2359.
The Office for Black Catholics of the Diocese of
Richmond invites you to our annual spiritual retreat,
“Hunger for God” John 6:5. Come and spend time in
prayer and strengthen your spirituality with other faithfilled people. Deacon Alex Jones, retreat leader. November
7-9, 2014, Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel. Cost: $225,
includes lodging, meals and parking. $125 commuter rate
at or call Pam
Harris, (804) 622-5104. Deadline to register is October 19
Please consider baking cookies for Kairos. Dan Clark,
Andy Mercadante, and Victor Valle are team members on a
Kairos Prison Ministry weekend to be held October 22-26.
We need as many cookies as possible. A bin will be
available in the commons to drop them off from Oct 11 to
19th. They must be packaged 12 in a quart size zip lock
bag. The cookies must also meet certain D.O.C.
requirements. The instructions and recipes are available in
the commons at church. If you would like a copy of the
recipes by email or if you have any questions, please
contact Dan Clark at (804)519-2182 or [email protected]
The Jamaica Partnering Ministry will hold its next
meeting on Tuesday, October 21 at 7:00 in Room AB. Join
us as we pursue partnering possibilities. For more
information, contact Laurie Weeda at 794-0222.
Supervised Visitation Available: When a parent and a
child are reconnecting after time apart or when legal
matters are involved, a neutral, child-friendly place for
families to meet can be helpful or needed. CCC’s
Supervised Visitation Program (SVP) offers trained staff
and volunteers to provide guidance for adults and a safe
haven for children. Hours are flexible and fees are on a
sliding scale. To find out more, please call (804) 285-5900.
HELP for those in need. CCC offers financial assistance
to individuals and families in our area who are dealing with
overdue utility bills, struggling with mounting debt, or are
needing a few days’ supply of groceries. No matter the
situation or the need, we work to provide families with
timely and well-guided options that support the respect
that each person deserves. To learn more, visit or call (804) 285-5900.
Do you need help with immigration issues? CCC’s
Immigration Services staff can help you process your
paperwork and collect the forms needed to assist in a
variety of situations like citizenship, employment visas and
petitions for family reunification. It’s important to have the
guidance you can trust, and our multi-lingual immigration
counselors are all accredited by the Board of Immigration
Appeals. Call (804) 545-6291 to learn more.
Church Of The Epiphany
Richmond, Virginia
October 12, 2014
Youth Ministry
Christian Formation
Middle and High School Christian Formation (includes
Parent Party) will have its next session on Sunday,
October 5 from 3-5pm. Please be sure you have registered
your child(ren) on-line or through the main office.
Remaining sessions for 2014-2015 are: 10/19, 11/9,
11/23, 12/7, 1/4, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, and 4/19.
“Date Night at St. Edward’s” is an opportunity open to
all, to enrich your marriage by attending one or all of six
sessions at St. Ed’s. It is also an opportunity to meet other
families and hang out together with the kids taken care of.
Pot Luck dinner and drinks. Pre-registration is required. If
you would like to register, send an email with your names,
email address and a cell phone contact to Deacon Kevin at
[email protected] or call Deacon Kevin or
Adria Hogan at 564-3204. The $40 non-refundable charge
per couple will cover materials; please let us know if you
need help with childcare. Whether you’ve been married for
six months or 60 years, this program is for your marriage!
Date Night Schedule (begins at 6:30 pm after 5 pm
Mass and ends at 9 pm): Oct 25, Nov 22, 2014; Jan 10,
Feb 7, Mar 14, Apr 18, 2015). For more information on
“The Art of Marriage” go to
High School Youth Council meeting will be held again on
Sunday, November 16th from 6:30-8pm. Please join us!
October’s meeting will be the Yard Sale on October 11th.
Confirmation Retreat Team will have their next meeting
on Monday, October 13th from 6-8pm. All Confirmed 11th
and 12th graders and adults are invited to join the team
and prepare for this winter’s weekend retreat for our
Confirmation candidates.
Confirmation 2015: All youth in 10-12th grade that are
enrolled in Christian Formation, Community Faith
Formation or attend a Catholic high school are eligible to
receive Confirmation in the Easter season of 2015.
Immediate preparation includes a mandatory weekend
retreat (Jan. 16-17) and two sessions with a sponsor in
February. Watch the mail, e-mail and display boards for
more information or contact Sarah Brockwell.
Hilliard House First Wednesday Meals – cook or serve!
High School Youth Council and other youth group members
are needed to serve dinner at the house at 5:30pm. Meals
should be for approximately 10 adults and between 15-20
kids. Our group will need to arrive at about 4:45-5pm to
serve. Dinner lasts until 6:30 pm. Our NEXT meal will be
November 5th.
Middle School Movie Night will be held on Friday,
October 17th from 6:30-9pm. Friends are welcome. Pizza
and a movie will be provided. The event is free. Bring a
chair or pillow/blanket to sit on.
Saint Gertrude High School will hold its annual Open
House on Thursday, October 16. Doors open at 6 PM. The
program begins promptly at 6:30 PM. No reservations
needed. The Open House Program will include tours of the
school, informative sessions and panels with students,
faculty, parents, and alumnae. Learn more about our
Discover Leadership Program, academic enrichment
outside of the classroom, cross-curriculum and inquiry
based learning, sports and activities. Saint Gertrude
celebrates 93 years of academic excellence. The school,
located in the Museum District at 3215 Stuart Avenue, is
an independent, college preparatory, Catholic high school
for young women grades 9-12. For more information, call
the Director of Admission & Marketing at 822-3955 or visit
Vocations: “Many are called, but few are chosen.”
Consider following Christ more closely as a priest, deacon
or in consecrated life. Call Father Michael Boehling at 804359-5661,
[email protected].
On Saturday, November 8, beginning at 9 am, the
diocese will host the 2nd Annual Catholic Women’s
Conference at the Richmond Convention Center.
Nationally-known keynote speaker Sister Miriam James,
SOLT will provide reflections on what it means to be
“Women on the Way.” Guest musician and emcee, Sarah
Hart, will host the day and offer music during the Vigil
Mass for this 2nd annual day of fellowship, prayer, and
inspiration to refresh and renew the soul. The conference
Reconciliation, and expo area with several different
vendors and ministries available. New this year is an
incentive to register as a group. For every group of six
women who register, one of them will be free. Registration
includes admission to the event, buffet lunch, and
continental breakfast. The $35 early bird registration is
available through October 10th; after that it will increase to
$40. The conference fee is $15 for college students and
free for all women religious (i.e. nuns or Religious Sisters).
Last minute registrations are available at the door for $45
payable by cash or check only. All those interested may
contact the Center for Marriage, Family, and Life for more
information. Visit for more details and to register.
Upcoming Retreat at Shalom House: November 7 - 9, A
Retreat with Pope Francis. Who is Pope Francis and what is
his message for us? In his exhortation, the Joy of the
Gospel, he invites us to embark on a new chapter of
evangelization. Come discover your call to mission, discern
the Spirit's call to you as we pray, study and learn from
our Holy Father, Pope Francis. To register or for more
information, call Shalom House at 804-883-6149. Go to
registration form and for additional retreat opportunities.
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer List
Art Notes – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In Minor Worship is a contemporary art work depicting
“Madonna and Child” by an unknown artist. Painted on a
three-dimensional plaque, it shows a youthful Mary and a
playful Jesus. This piece in Epiphany’s collection was
acquired by Msgr. Thomas Shreve in Italy, but it may
have actually been produced in Spain.
Please pray for the sick in our parish family: Gerry
Andersen, Iraida Azuaje, Jose Azuaje, Marithe Baclagon,
George Bauer, Benedict Beran, Jeanette Beran, John
Bolger, Dennis Brink, Lou Burnette, Frank Burns, Myron
Cale, Paul Canty, Anita Coiley, Dan Collier, Holly Collier,
Brian Curley, Harry Dalton, Caitlin Elliott, Frank Garcia, Bill
Gerow, Jim Hanifer, Jean Hart, Fred Hayton, Martin
Heineke, Fran Herbel, Joseph Hoban, Bob Keenan, Carol
Kelley, Bill Kerner, Andrea Kinnier, Dave LaRue, Marty
Lohr, Cynthia Loomer, John Maiden, Bob Malek, Walter
Marsh, Jeanne Mayer, Michael Maynes, Jim McGowan, Elba
Medina, Kathie Mendez, Mary Miller, Timothy Murtagh,
Maria Perez, Fausto Pineda, Sandra Riley, Carmelle
Roberts, Dorothy Romano, Nicholas Roussos, Marilyn
Rudzinski, Betty Russo, Tracy Salisbury, Betty Savik,
Margie Sobert, Jim Staib, Kathleen Ukrop, Brad Vaden,
Rita Vidonic, Jim Wallain, Dorothy Wrona, Rose Zincone;
Shirley Apperson, Dot Bogdan, Regina Carpinteri, Mickey
Charles, Helen Dowgialo, Margaret Ess, Sean Greenwood,
Richard Haczynski, Ruth Henretty, Robin Hickey, Cynthy
Johnson, Ken Kinder, Bill Lauper, Brandon O’Hara, Deanna
Perez, Mary Perlmutter, Marie Petraitis, Michael Phelan,
Carrell Powell, Elise Powis, Peter Reed, Bridget Rigdon,
Gene Sakshaug, Norman Schultz, Mary Spagnolo, Janine
Sparzak, Kollin Wagner, Isadora Williams, Peg Young.
The Little Sisters of the Poor will be hosting their annual
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Saturday, November 8, 2014
from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at 1503 Michaels Road. The
bazaar will feature hand-painted holiday wood crafts,
ornaments, needlecrafts, wreaths and so much more. Be
sure not to miss the delicious frozen dinners available and
Sr. Teresa’s homemade crème puffs and cookies.
Breakfast and lunch items will also be available for our
hungry Christmas shoppers. There will be free parking in
Forest Office lot as well as free admission. All proceeds will
go toward the care of the elderly poor. All inquiries can be
sent to [email protected] or 804-2886245.
Calling all alumni of All Saints, St. Paul's, St. Elizabeth's,
St. Patrick's and Van de Vyver Catholic Schools and all
those who celebrate the tradition of Catholic education -join us for the 2nd Annual reyounion on Sunday, October
19th. Jazz brunch, class photos and the "Hall of History"
at All Saints Catholic School (3418 Noble Ave. Richmond
23222) from noon to 2:30 p.m. At 11a.m. join us for a
special Mass at St. Paul's Catholic Church (909 Rennie
Ave. Richmond 23227). All alumni are encouraged to bring
photos and other memorabilia to share. Tickets for the full
breakfast and jazz entertainment are $5 per person (6
years old and up) and can be purchased online at or by sending a
check to the school. For more information, please e-mail
[email protected] or call 804.329.7524.
Calling all Vendors! Calling all visitors! St. Edward the
Confessor Church (2700 Dolfield Drive, Richmond) will hold
its annual Christmas Craft & Gift Fair on Saturday,
November 15, from 8 am-2 pm, rain or shine!! There will
be that “special gift” for everyone on your list, baked
goodies, food concessions, raffles and door prizes. To
participate ($35 per table) or for more information, contact
Bobbi at 804-560-2883 or [email protected]. Don’t
miss it!
Remember to pray for those in military service:
Albana Alba, Jeremy Anderson, Frances Bernard, Colin
Boyle, Catherine Bray, Jonathan Burrill, Anastasia Cale,
Daniel Claytor, David Hanifer, Eric Harris, Christopher
Januski, Patrick Jones, Nickolas Kieper, Cody LaBarr, Krista
Lepire, Michael Long, Matthew MacNeilly, Kathryn Payne,
Mary Ellen Payne, Rodrigo Perez, Matthew Provost, Sally
Rivera, Brian Smith, John Snyder, Jordan Snyder, Stanley
Stevens, Jr., Daniel Christopher Swart, Joseph Swart,
Dillon Woods, Joshua Wootton, Eheron Wynder.
And for those loved ones in our extended family: Ann
Barbara, Kim Bayford, Donald Baynes, Andrea Braswell,
Corinne Campbell, Ian Clement, Sr. Donald Cody, Lorraine
Dickenson, Quentin Fabiano, Max Finkelstein, Mary Griffin,
Veronica Mack, Mary McGowan, Cristy Nuevas, Donnie
Rioux, Marlene Petry, Jerry Pierug, Donnie Rioux, Mildred
Scott, Tia Stewart, Carsen Ventola, Larry Wangler.
Pray for those who have died: Rita Curtin, wife of John
Curtin; Anne Fitzpatrick.
Daily Mass Intentions are offered Tuesday-Thursday
at 9:30 am and Friday at 7:30 am.
Week of October 13, 2014
Tues, Oct 14: Todd Weaver, deceased
Wed, Oct 15: Steven Tse, Rose Stremel, Gerald
Tolman; all deceased
Thurs, Oct 16: George Binns, deceased
Fri, Oct 17: Santa Mattei, deceased
You are invited to participate in the 2nd annual 5K Color
Run to benefit the Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Catholic
School Health & Wellness Initiative on Saturday, October
18; 1 mi. run (10 years or younger) starts 8 am; 5K Color
Run/Walk starts 8:30. See bulletin board in Commons!