Document 6559454
Document 6559454
OCTOBER 8-18, 2014 Vision Statement: EXALT Jesus Christ as Lord; EQUIP our members to serve; EVANGELIZE Christian County and Beyond. 2014 REMEMBER IN PRAYER Baptist You may request a full Prayer List that includes our Special Requests/Long Term Prayer Requests, Nursing Home and Home Bound Members. This list is also provided in the church office, on Wednesday Nights and in the Sunday School books. Church 1400 S. Main St. Hopkinsville, KY 42240 (270) 886-1216, Office (270) 889-0324, Fax [email protected] HOME: Marge Means, Wendell Tanner JSMC: Barabra Wilson On Radio @10:45: 1480AM & 96.5FM office Staff •Tim Jernigan, Pastor [email protected] •Emory Riley, Worship & Senior Adult Pastor [email protected] •Dr. Rodney Travis, Pastor Emeritus •Amy Wittenburg, Part-time Nursery Director •Elizabeth Ray, Part-time Children’s Director •Carolyn Grace, Finance/Office Manager [email protected] •Angela Bracey, Communications [email protected] cALENDAR OF EVENTS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 Fall Break... 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting, FH [Ben Westerfield] 7:15 PM Sanctuary Choir, Rm. 6 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 Fall Break... Custodial: Tommy Gary and Roberto Rivas Kitchen: Lecia Stiger Daycare: Gail Oliver, Director FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 Fall Break... [email protected] 270-885-1357 Jalette Garland, Assistant Director SATURDAY OCTOBER 11 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 Welcome Bro. Tim Jernigan & Family •PRAYER ROOM: Ed Moseley •SECURITY: Marion Sisk 9:30 AM Bible Study / Sunday School for ALL ages 10:45 AM Combined Worship and Welcome Service for Bro. Tim Jernigan & Family, Sanctuary 12:00 PM Homecoming Covered Dish Meal, FH in honor of Jernigan Family 4:30 PM Nursery MT Mtg., 114 5:00 PM ESL (English as a Second Languages), | Rms. 9-11 5:45 PM AWANA, Rm. 304 [Canned Food Night for Impact Ministries] 6:00 PM Evening Worship, Sanctuary weekly financials Date: Sunday, September 28, 2014 Budget WEEKLY Goal .................... $20,081.23 Attendance: 8:30: 47 /10:45: 233 / SS: 260 BUDGET RECEIPTS Tithes & Offerings ....................... $13,930.05 Local Use Only ....................................$0.00 Total Receipts ................................$13,930.05 T/O to date ................................ $558,603.62 LU to date ........................................ $23,550.00 YTD TOTAL .................................$582,153.62 BUILDING Renovations YTD.............................$18,519.00 Eliza Broadus TD.............................. $3,575.78 (Goal, $5,000) If you would like to sign up to be in the Prayer Room on Sunday mornings, the sign up book is available in the foyer. Trunk or Treat Fri., October 31 | 4-6 pm | FBC parking lot Items needed: 16oz. bottles of soda (w/caps), CANDY, prepackaged snack goods (ex. Moonpies, snack cakes, etc.), trunks, booth workers {popcorn, hot chocolate, hot dogs, bean bag toss, ring toss, pack a snack walk, bouncer + more}. Contact Elizabeth Ray, 885-4926 or Amy Wittenburg, 305-2468. MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 6:00 PM Amazing Collection Bible Study | Joy Sandlin’s TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 9:00 AM Salvation Army Soup Kitchen | Salvation Army 9:30 AM Amazing Collection Bible Study | Room 108 | Leslie Carroll 6:00 PM Deacon’s Mtg., Parlor WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 5:30 AM Preschool Choir (4’s & 5’s), 209 9:30 AM WDM Chapel 4:45 PM WDM MT Mtg., 112 5:00 PM Personnel Committee Mtg., 114 5:30 PM Amazing Collection Bible Study | Room 306 5:30 PM Creative Kid’s Choir, 303 (Gr. 1-5) 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting, FH 6:15 PM STUDENTS, HS/MS | Challenge House 7:15 PM Sanctuary Choir, Rm. 6 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 Montana Mission Trip 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Tutoring, CLC FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 Montana Mission Trip SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 Montana Mission Trip 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM WorldCrafts Christmas Party | CCBA | McConnell Hall PAGE 2 More news... Tutoring ministry Tutoring Ministry will need more tutors and substitutes for the upcoming school year for elementary students on Thursdays, 3-4:30pm. Please prayerfully consider serving in this ministry. Having been a teacher is not a requirement. Requirements / Skills: Christian, Loving a child, Mentoring, Helping with homework. Contact Denise Kellow if you have questions, 886-1056 or dkellow@ COMMITTEES AND MINISTRY TEAMS The Nominating Committee has begun filling slots for Committees and Ministry Teams for 2015. If you are interested in serving in a particular area, contact the church office so that we can deliver that to the proper contact. Think about your gifts and talents and where you could best serve! Please refer to the Bylaws for descriptions and expectations of all teams. Bylaws are available online or you can request a copy through the church office. RA Service Project If there are elderly or widowed members that might need help raking leaves this fall, contact the church office. Kelly Jackson would like to arrange a day to take the RAs out as a service project. “Friends” Prayer Group - Why Pray? Tuesday, October 28 @6pm All ladies are invited to come join us at the home of Charlene Arvin’s 215 South Fork Place Dr. 270.886-9671. Let’s join together in prayer-praying for our country, our church, our missionaries and ourselves. Are you stuck with not knowing how to spend your prayer time? We will be looking at A Daily Walk with GOD –choosing a life of prayer. Give Thanks! A Can & A Quarter – please bring a can of food and a quarter to our Thanksgiving Dinner scheduled for Sunday, November 23, 5pm, CLC. Place the can in a box and the quarter in a can that will be provided. Items will be donated to Impact Ministry. Help someone to have a better Thanksgiving as you share your love. Parade and Chocolate Sat. Dec. 6, –time (TBA) Everybody loves a parade and hot chocolate, so please plan to help give out hot chocolate at the Christmas parade. This will be a Missions Outreach opportunity for our Church. Details later. Stitches of Love for Girls Saturday, November 1, 1012pm, CLC. More details to come. kids & families trunk or treat (see page 1) Omega Force strength Team Sunday, November 16 | CLC | 6pm Families and children are encouraged to attend. Christian Strongmen with an Attitude for CHRIST. Our ‘Soul’ purpose is to go into All the World and spread the gospel. The World’s Strongest Team with the WORLD’S GREATEST MESSAGE! The Omega Force Team has been featured on ESPN, CNN, Fox Sports and America’s Got Talent and has even been entrusted to provide security for ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER during several public events! More details to come! Visit www. Breakfast in Bethlehem Saturday, December 6 | Fellowship Hall | 8:30am