2014 Theme Lord Make Me Laugh, Living in the
2014 Theme Lord Make Me Laugh, Living in the
NOTES 2014 Theme WORSHIP ORDER 7:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Lord Make Me Laugh, Living in the Suspense of God’s Next Move The Devotional Period Sermon Title: Text: Speaker: COMING UP Genesis 21:6 The Announcements The Call to Worship / Invocation The Congregational Hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” TPCBC Norwood Center Sunday, October 12, 2014 Immediately following each morning worship service The Celebration through Song Chancel choir The Church in Prayer All ministries will have representatives available to talk with you about their purpose and activities and to bring you into the team. Remember, God can use you for His glory. Don’t miss out! The Choral Response Chancel Choir The Welcome / Fellowship Benjamin Family The Congregational Praise Praise and Worship Ministry The Morning Scripture The Sermonic Selection Chancel Choir The Gospel Message Minister Empowered Kingdom Growth Seek First the King and His Kingdom Empowering Kingdom Growth is a call for individual believers of The People’s Community Baptist Church to renew their passion for the Lord Jesus and the reign of His Kingdom in their hearts and families. Consequently, God can and will forge a spirit of spiritual movement marked by holy living, sacrificial service, and global witness. We continue to pray for the fresh wind of God’s spirit to blow through our congregation, renewing our hearts, healing our wounds, forming our character in the likeness of Christ, filling us with spiritual power, and moving us to empower kingdom growth. 31 Norwood Road · Silver Spring, MD 20905 (301) 384-2601 (voice) · (301) 989-2242 (fax) www.tpcbc.org Holiday Inn Gaithersburg 2 Montgomery Village Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20879 The People’s Community Baptist Church A Bible Based, Christ Centered & Kingdom Focused Ministry Sunday, October 12, 2014 The Invitation to Discipleship Minister The Offering Deacon Ministry Pastoral Emphasis Benediction Dr. Haywood A. Robinson, III Pastor We ask that you kindly refrain from eating and drinking in the Sanctuary. Please silence your cell phone before entering the Sanctuary. Thank you. Tickets: $35 WELCOME TO OUR SERVICE THE WEEK AHEAD ANNOUNCEMENTS THE HOST FAMILY: BENJAMIN Deacons: Harold Peaks and Norman Jones; Deaconesses: Delores Lincoln-Willis, Hazel Scofield, Brenda Dancil-Jones and Robin Douglas-Gray; Membership Coordinator: Dyetra Bowen; and Activity Coordinators: Rebecca Churchman and Renee McMullen. † Monday, October 13 10:00 am Bone Builders 10:30 am Line Dancing 6:30 pm Yasha Circle Training 7:00 pm NCDM-Young Adults Rehearsal, Bible Study: Managing Our Finances God’s Way, Deacon Ministry Mtg, Deaconeess Ministry Mtg, Trustee Ministry Mtg, PAVs Rehearsal 7:30 pm YAP Rehearsal FELLOWSHIP Thursday, October 9, 2014, 7:30 pm New Canaan Baptist Church, 2826 Bladensburg Road, NE, Washington, DC 20018, Revival, Gregory M. Sims, Pastor Sunday, October 12, 2014, 3:30 pm Oak Grove Baptist Church, 22870 Dominion Lane, Sterling, VA 20165, Homecoming, Gregory L. Spurlock., Pastor MUSIC MINISTRY: Chancel Choir Cynthia Marshall-McFarland, Director We rejoice with the following individuals(s) who accepted the invitation to Christian discipleship. Kim Jackson Jay Jones Ernest Williams Use this list to pray and show your love and concern for the sick, shut-in, bereaved, or those merely in need of prayer. Names remain on the list for four weeks, after which the names are referred to the Prayer Ministry for continuous prayer. Please submit names to the Family Life Ministry office. Gloria Aggrey and Family The Barnette Family The Bonner Family The Green Family Rosa Latney George Lee McMillon Janet Millner and Family Ken Montgomery and Family The Oglesby Family Mildred Patterson Lynwood Robinson and Family Cheryl Sullivan and Family John Thomas and Family Jewel Whitmore and Family Morris X. Winn Pauline Wisdom Delton Wright and Family Bereaved: Tony Cheatham in the loss of his sister Rhoda Austin. Delton Wright in the loss of his mother. The Domestic Violence Helpline can be reached by calling the church at 301-384-2601, ext. 214 or keying #214 when prompted. THIS IS NOT AN EMERGENCY NUMBER. If you are experiencing an emergency, please hang up and call 911. Other callers, please leave a name and number and your call will be returned within 24 hours. Please note this is a confidential mailbox. Your information will be treated with the strictest of confidence. Free counseling is available by appointment. Please leave a message in the Domestic Violence mailbox or send an email to [email protected]. † Tuesday, October 14 5:45 pm IMM Planning Committee Mtg 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Tribal Family Mtgs 7:30 pm Bible Study † Wednesday, October 15 9:30 am Line Dancing, Bone Builders 10:30 am Generation One 6:30 pm TPCBC Foundation Board Mtg 7:00 pm LIFE Evangelism Team Mtg, Men’s Fellowship, YVOP Rehearsal 8:00 pm NAR/ANON † Thursday, October 16 10:30 am Smart Sack 6:00 pm Celebrate Recovery 7:00 pm Usher’s Anniversary Committee Mtg, Men’s Choir Rehearsal † Friday, October 17 6:00 am Prayer and Worship 6:00 pm Prayer Stitch Ministry, Girl Scouts Parent Interest Mtg 6:30 pm Girl Scouts Parade Prep † Saturday, October 18 10:00 am GROP Workshop 11:00 am PVS/NCNW Committee Mtgs 12:00 pm PVS/NCNW General Membership Mtg, Joseph Family Apple Fest 3:30 pm Girl Scouts 6:00 pm Good News Jail Banquet † Sunday, October 19 7:45 am Worship Service, Kid Connections 9:30 am Sunday School, Ministry Fair 11:00 am Worship Service, Kid Connections Youth Worship (1st & 3rd Sundays only) 1:00 pm Ministry Fair 3:00 pm Radical Love The weekly event calendar can be viewed on the church’s website. Please visit www.tpcbc.org to see the entire month of scheduled activities and events. MORNING HYMN FAMILY LIFE • JOSEPH FAMILY ANNUAL APPLE FEST. Saturday, October 18, 2014, 2:00-4:00 pm, 41 Norwood Road (Church House) $5 per family. Gather up the family, a favorite apple dish to share and come on out to a day of fun! For more information, please contact Carolyn Croons, (888) 235-9397 or [email protected]. • JUDAH FAMILY OUTREACH. Saturday, October 18, 2014, 3:00-4:30 pm. Join us as we fellowship with residents of the Stoddard Baptist Nursing Home, 1818 Newton Street, NW, Washington, DC. The People’s Angelic Voices will bless the residents with a program. Parking is limited. Please see Judah leadership regarding transportation. SOCIAL ACTION • YASHA CIRCLE MINISTRY - Women’s Empowerment Training Classes. Free training classes for women [and men] who reside in Montgomery County. Classes every Monday evening at 7:00 pm through November 22, 2014. For detailed information, pick up a flyer in the lobby of the T.J. Baltimore Education building. KID CONNECTIONS CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTS Nursery 101 K-Grade 2 106 2-4 years old 104 Grades 3-5 105 “Forging Partnership Between the Community and Law Enforcement” Thursday, October 30, 2014 TPCBC Norwood Center 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Sponsored by the Social Action Ministry/Community Action Committee Leadership Circle The Hour of Power in Prayer Join us for Prayer in the Sanctuary every Friday morning from 6:00-7:00 a.m. Toll Free Call Number: 1-800-309-2350 Toll Call Number: 1-805-309-2350 Conference Bridge Number: 183063 Monday-Friday, 6:00-7:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTS Pre-School (3-5 years old) 101B Beginners: Elementary School (K-Grade 1) 104B Primary & Lower Elementary (Grades 2-3) 106B Upper Elementary (Grades 4-5) 105B Middle School (Grades 6-8) 204B High School (Grades 9-12) 204A Young Adults 202 Adults Class No. 1 201 Adults-Understanding the Bible 203 New Member Orientation 206 Sunday School begins at 9:45 am. If you desire individual prayer, please come to the Altar at the front of the church at the close of service. A member of the Altar ministry will be available for you.