THE FUTURE OF GAS TURBINE TECHNOLOGY 7TH INTERNATIONAL GAS TURBINE CONFERENCE 14-15 October 2014, Thon Hotel EU, Brussels, Belgium PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME The International Gas Turbine Conference, organised biennially, aims to highlight the role that gas turbine technology could play in the future and raise the awareness of gas turbine (GT) technology development needs – from both oil & gas and power generation operators’ perspectives. The conference will also provide the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with policy makers, high level executives and GT experts from the whole value chain attending from Europe, North and South America, Middle East, and Asia. The conference will highlight and discuss the energy market outlook in Europe and globally, as well as to present recent developments and ongoing R&D activities for flexible, efficient and environmentally sound gas turbines. th The 7 International Gas Turbine Conference (IGTC-14) will focus on the required future GT technology developments from a user’s and a political point of view, with special focus on: The role played by gas turbines in the future international energy policy mix, where intermittent sources of renewable energy may significantly increase and nuclear capacity may drastically decrease by 2050, while the emerging economies’ demand for cheap and secure energy will rapidly rise to assist their economic growth; Current and future technology trends and the different stakeholders’ views on required technology developments to ensure efficient, flexible, reliable and environmentally sound gas turbine operation. The keynote sessions and panel discussions will address critical issues related to climate change mitigation in the context of the different and fast changing markets. Special attention will be given to increased operational flexibility, fuel flexibility, retaining reliability and lower emissions for both single cycle and combined cycle operation. Energy and climate policies and initiatives for GT technology development in Europe and globally will be presented, followed by panel discussions with distinguished experts and high level policy makers. In parallel, the technical sessions will address critical research and development activities necessary for the advancement of GT technology, from operational, environmental and cost perspectives. Recent GT technology and new, innovative solutions will be explored. The technical sessions will combine research initiatives and experience reports of real case applications, with the aim to give a balanced view of current developments and future needs for research in GT applications. Organiser European Turbine Network Chaussée de Charleroi 146-148/20 1060 Brussels Belgium T: +32 (0)2 646 1577 For conference updates and further details, please visit ETN’s website: Conference Management Audrey Krzemien [email protected] Technical Papers and Presentations Ugo Simeoni [email protected] We very much look forward to welcoming you at the IGTC-14! ETN a.i.s.b.l • Chaussée de Charleroi 146-148/20 • 1060 Brussels • Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 646 15 77 • [email protected] • THE FUTURE OF GAS TURBINE TECHNOLOGY 7TH INTERNATIONAL GAS TURBINE CONFERENCE 14-15 October 2014, Thon Hotel EU, Brussels, Belgium 13 October 2014 17:00-23:00 Registration will take place in the lobby of the THON HOTEL EU DAY 1 – 14 October 2014 st 07:15 Registration will take place on the 1 floor of the hotel (in front of the Belgian Ballroom) 08:15 Welcome note: Key points from the 2012 Conference and Introduction to IGTC-14 08:30 Christer Bjӧrkqvist, Managing Director, ETN Bernard Quoix, ETN President/ Head of Rotating Machinery Department, Total International energy policy and market outlook towards 2030 Chair: Christer Björkqvist, Managing Director, ETN Speakers: Gas Market Outlook Rodrigo Pinto Scholtbach, Senior Gas Market Analyst, International Energy Agency Energy challenges and priorities for 2015 Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Director for Energy policy, DG Energy, European Commission Building a sustainable energy system – how to keep it simple and flexible Beate Raabe, Secretary General, Eurogas Moderator: Junior Isles, Chief Editor, The Energy Industry Times 10:20 Coffee break 10:50 Development needs for utilities and oil & gas operators for their current and future gas turbine fleets Chair: Dieter Krapp, Senior Vice President, OMV Power International Presentations/ Speakers: Wim Broos, Senior Vice President Fleet Management, GDF SUEZ Energy Europe Development needs for oil & gas operators of gas turbine fleets Marcelo Accorsi Miranda, Senior Consultant, Petrobras, Brasil Gas Turbines Inlet Air Quality Improvement for Higher Reliability, Availability & Efficiency Mansoor Al Najar, Rotating Equipment Section Head, GASCO, Abu Dhabi Moderator: Andy Williams, Vice President Engineering, EthosEnergy 12:45 Lunch offered by PW Power Systems ETN a.i.s.b.l • Chaussée de Charleroi 146-148/20 • 1060 Brussels • Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 646 15 77 • [email protected] • 14:00 Innovative Low Carbon Cycles Chair: Dick Van Der Vecht, GDF Suez Concentrated Solar Power Hybrid Gas Turbine Demonstration Test Results, David Teraji, Solar Turbines Field Measurement Reconciliation for Combined Cycle HRSG Monitoring, Alessio Martini, University of Genoa High Temperature Storage for CSP Plants: Test Rig Dynamic Analysis, Alessio Martini, University of Genoa Review of HRSG capabilities for flexible operation, Pascal Decoussemaeker, Alstom Carbon Footprint Assessment for Compressor Stations, Rainer Kurz, Solar Turbines Preservation guidelines for CCGT & conventional power plant boilers during short- and long-term shutdowns, William Moore, ETD Consulting 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 Materials and Lifetime Chair: John Oakey, Cranfield University 18:30 Optimising Combined Cycle Operations Chair: Jacques Maunand, EDF Optimising Oil and Gas Operations Chair: Chris Dagnal, DNV GL Manufacture of Metal-Ceramic Clad Powders for Plasma-Spray Thermal Barrier Coatings, Vassilis Stathopoulos, Technological Educational Institute of Sterea Ellada Remote Assistance Intervention and Diagnosis (RAID) for Rotating Machines, François Jouanna, Total Integrated approach to gas turbine rotor condition assessment and life management, John Scheibel, EPRI Remote Condition Based Monitoring and Diagnostic Solution for Gas Turbines, Lukasz Sznajder, Shell Temperature Memory Coatings for Short and Long Term Applications in Gas Turbines, Jorg Feist, Sensor Coating Systems Experience with Condition-Based Maintenance Related Methods and tools for Gas Turbines, Christoforos Romesis, NTUA Reception and Gala Dinner: MTU our sponsor for the Cocktail reception and GE Oil & Gas our sponsor for the Gala dinner, welcome you to a memorable evening at the Colonial Palace in Tervuren. ETN a.i.s.b.l • Chaussée de Charleroi 146-148/20 • 1060 Brussels • Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 646 15 77 • [email protected] • DAY 2 – 15 October 2014 08:00 Networking coffee 08:30 Opening and introduction Catherine Goy, ETN Vice President/E.ON Technologies 08:40 National and regional gas turbine markets: opportunities and challenges Chair: Catherine Goy, ETN Vice President/E.ON Technologies Speakers: Global market overview Sergio Picon, Vice President Power Market, EthosEnergy Gas Turbine Market and Industry in China: Today and Tomorrow Hongde Jiang, Professor, Tsinghua University U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Turbine Program Richard Dennis, Turbine Technology Manager, US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Extra panellist: Yoshiaki Tsukuda, Executive Corporate Adviser, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Moderator: Andre Mom, ETN President Emeritus 10:40 Coffee break 11:10 Turbomachinery Chair: Abdulnaser Sayma, City University London Combustion Chair: Jean-Louis Vignolo, GE Power & Water Flexible operation and fuel flexibility Chair: Tomas Alvarez, Endesa Hydrogen-rich syngas operation Chair: Peter Jansohn, Paul Scherrer Institute On the Fouling of Axial Compressors in Gas Turbine, Rainer Kurz, Solar Turbines The Ultra-Wet Cycle for High Efficiency, Low Emission Gas Turbine, Panagiotis Stathopoulos, Technical University of Berlin Expanded Fuel Test Capabilities for GE Aeroderivative Gas Turbine, Michal Knapczyk, GE Power & Water U.S DOE Hydrogen Turbine R&D Program: Results and Next Steps, Richard Dennis, NETL U.S. Department of Energy Compressor Degradation: Associated Performance Impact and Operational Risks, Wolfgang Kappis, Alstom Design and Operating Experience on the Recent Application of the Fuel Staging Technology for AE94.3A Gas Turbine, Ansaldo Energia Empowering Modern Power Grids with Fast, Efficient, Flexible Generation, John Charlton, Rolls Royce H2-IGCC system integration and technoeconomic analysis, Giovanni Cerri, University of Roma TRE Industrial gas turbine compressor health monitoring, John Scheibel, EPRI Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Autoignition of H2-Rich Fuels at Reheat Combustor Operating Conditions, Christoph Schmalhofer, DLR Heavy Duty Gas Turbines Flexibility: Solutions, Field Experiences and Next Steps, Sergio Chiesi, Ansaldo Energia Gas Turbine Expander Design Modifications for H2-rich Syngas Application, Robert Kluxen, RWTH Aachen University Investigation of Wall Film Induced Surface Roughness on the Performance of a Linear Compressor Cascade under Overspray Conditions, Niklas Neupert, Helmut Schmidt University Full-pressure Full-scale Characterisation of a Distillate-fired Gas Turbine Combustor Operated at Very High Water-to-fuel Ratio for Achieving Extreme Nox Reduction, Iarno Brunetti, Enel Alstom Gas Turbine Technologies for Increased Operational Flexibility, Wolfgang Kappis, Alstom Modelling of Hot Corrosion Resistance for Gas Turbine Materials Systems in Novel Combusted Syngas Environments, Joy Sumner, Cranfield University ETN a.i.s.b.l • Chaussée de Charleroi 146-148/20 • 1060 Brussels • Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 646 15 77 • [email protected] • 13:10 Lunch 14:15 Which gas turbine technology advancements are foreseen by OEMs to satisfy the current and future market? Chair: Gary Lock, Business Manager, Frazer-Nash Consultancy Panellists: Frank Schnabel, Siemens Energy Yoshiaki Tsukuda, Executive Corporate Adviser, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Michael Leary, Gas Turbine Executive Engineering Leader, GE Power & Water Franco Rosatelli, Chief Technology, Ansaldo Energia Gilbert Amengual, Director, Solar Turbines Michael Ladwig, Director Scientific Collaboration, Alstom Moderator: Chris Lappee, Vattenfall 16:00 Closing remarks Christer Bjӧrkqvist, Managing Director, ETN Bernard Quoix, ETN President/Total 16:15 End of Conference Networking Coffee and Drinks ETN a.i.s.b.l • Chaussée de Charleroi 146-148/20 • 1060 Brussels • Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 646 15 77 • [email protected] •