
600 Stony Battery Road, Landisville, PA 17538
Telephone: 898-1551 FAX: 898-9701
Web page: www.waysidepc.org
Sunday, October 12 Blanket Sunday
Rev. Dr. Erin Cox-Holmes, guest preacher
9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship / KidZone (CR)
10:30 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Praise Worship / KidZone (A) / G-Beez (Youth Rm)
11:00 a.m. Questor’s Adult Bible Study (CR)
Monday, October 13
9:00 a.m. Knitting (K)
11:30 a.m. Alpha (CR)
1:45 p.m. DCF / Pastor Meeting
6:00 p.m. Experiencing God book study (K)
7:00 p.m. PW Planning Committee (CR)
Ministers: The Congregation
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz - [email protected] Cell: 682-7413
Admin Secretary/Bookkeeper: Gr etchen Lichty - [email protected]
Director of Christian Formation: J ill L. Reichert - [email protected]
Choir Director: Dr. Cathleen Ardrey - [email protected]
Accompanist: Becky Caplan - [email protected]
Nursery Supervisor: Sonja Eckert - [email protected]
Parish Associate: Rev. Dr. Howard W. Fritz - c/o of [email protected]
Parish Associate: Rev. Harry Robinson - [email protected]
Parish Associate: Rev. Lar ry Moir - [email protected]
Pastoral Assistant: Doug Paglia - [email protected]
Sexton: Tim Kauffman - [email protected]
Webmaster: Brian Kocsi - [email protected]
THE FOUR WAYS WE SERVE / Ministry Areas of Session
Moderator: Pastor Steve Fritz
Tuesday, October 14
6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study (CR)
7:00 p.m. Session (CR)
Wednesday, October 15
9:30 a.m. PW Circle 1 (K)
12:00 p.m. Hempfield Ministerium (Church of God, Landisville)
5:25 p.m. LOGOS
6:00 p.m. Praise Planning (CR)
6:30 p.m. Praise Band Rehearsal (S)
6:30 p.m. Worship Planning Team (Pastor’s office)
6:45 p.m. Chimes (CR)
7:45 p.m. Choir (S)
Thursday, October 16
7:00 p.m. Thursday Night Bible Study (CR)
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (A + Art Room)
Saturday, October 18
9:00 a.m. Fall Work Day
6;00 p.m. Gab & Grub
Next Sunday, October 19 Third Grade Bible Presentation
9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship / KidZone (CR)
10:30 a.m. Fellowship
11:00 a.m. Praise Worship / KidZone (A)
11:00 a.m. Questor’s Adult Bible Study (CR)
1:00 p.m. G-Beez Corn Maze Extravaganza (Oregon Dairy)
Clerk of Session: Judi Yarwood: [email protected]
Buildings & Grounds (Peg Rohrer: [email protected])
Membership (Mike Weed/Barb Sager, acting chairs)
Worship & Music (Fred Carbaugh: [email protected])
Christian Formation (Dan Nimmon: [email protected]
and George Armold: [email protected])
Finance (Brian Kocsi: [email protected])
Nominating (Karen Frick: [email protected])
Human Resources (Tom Martin: [email protected])
Missions (Beth Beals: [email protected])
Outreach (Deb Kereczman: [email protected])
Technology (Frank Richards: [email protected])
Class of 2014
Class of 2015
Linda Anspach (secretary) Cindy Dussinger
Bill Frick (treasurer)
Sarah Johnson
David Kneier
Louise Plakans
Dylan Wagner (Youth Rep)
Physical Address:
600 Stony Battery Road
Landisville, PA 17538
Web Site: www.waysidepc.org
Office E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: (717) 898-1551
FAX: (717) 898-9701
Class of 2016
Marilyn Aurand
Narayan Dhimal
Lori Beth Nimmon
Communion Sundays 2014:
February 9
March 30
April 17 (Maundy Thursday)
May 11
June 22
August 10
October 5
November 23
December 28
Life & Witness of Our Church
October 12, 2014
Please sign our Guest Book and our Fellowship Pad with
any comments. Join us again soon!
Our Purpose
Wayside is a vibrant community of Christian
warmth and joy, where God is glorified through
Growth of our Congregation, Care of the Souls
entrusted to us, and Service to our neighbors.
Our Core Values in a WORD:
Word of God, Outreach, Relationships,
Develop Disciples
Today Wayside welcomes our guest preacher, the Rev. Dr.
Erin Cox-Holmes who is also the Presbytery of Donegal’s
Executive Presbyter! The Rev. Dr. Erin S. Cox-Holmes was
raised in California. She graduated from the University of
Redlands in 1980 with a degree in English & Religion. She
received her Master of Divinity from Earlham School of
Religion, and was ordained in the Presbytery of Detroit. After
service as an associate pastor and an interim pastor, Erin
served for 15 years as the Associate Executive Presbyter in
Kiskiminetas Presbytery in western PA. She received her
Doctor of Ministry from Dubuque Theological Seminary in 2008, with a
focus on revitalizing the church and worship in the digital age. She began as
the Executive Presbyter in Donegal Presbytery on Jan. 1, 2010. Erin's
husband, the Rev. Kent Holmes, is serving Bethany Presbyterian Church as
pastor. Their daughter, Meredith, is a high school senior and son, Graham, is
working on his masters in clinical psychology at Eastern University.
Blanket Sunday is today and now also next Sunday, as
well. You can bring your blanket donations (packaged for
tied up) to the church and place by the Mission bulletin
board. We will be sending them to Columbia Presbyterian’s
“Hands Across the Street” ministry! Envelopes are available
in the fellowship pads for those that want to make a monetary contribution.
Corn Maze Extravaganza
Sunday, October 19
1:00 - 4:00pm
Oregon Dairy
$4.00 / child
If you’re in 4th, 5th, or 6th grades, please RSVP to Jill at
[email protected] if you’re interested in going! You will meet at
Wayside and carpool to Oregon Dairy and then return to Wayside.
Please dress for the outdoors and get ready for fun!
Sunday, November 2
A single, combined service @ 10:00am
Let us all show our faithfulness with good stewardship through our
time, talents and treasures. Pledge cards will be available on Stewardship Sunday; prayerfully consider your pledge
for 2015.
“Baby Face Night”
Before next Wednesday,
please send a baby picture of yourself to Jill
at [email protected]
THIS Saturday, October 18
6:00 pm
Lombardo’s Italian Restaurant
It’s back, by popular demand! The Membership Committee realizes
this is also Fall Work Day, but you can come home and nap in the
afternoon and then go out to dinner in the evening; no cooking! Please
respond to Barb Sager BY TOMORROW if you plan on attending so
reservations can be made!
THIS Saturday, October 18
9:00am - 12:00pm (ish!)
The Building & Grounds Committee is looking for
volunteers to help with trimming of trees and
shrubs. This Fall Work Day is a great way to
show our support and step in and help out!
There’s a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
For questions, please see Peg Rohrer or any member of the B & G
Thursday, October 29
Trunk n’ Treat is back!! There is a sign-up
sheet on the bulletin board for volunteer game
& activity leaders, as well as for the food
because free hot dogs and drinks provided. There is also a sign-up sheet
for “decorated car” volunteers! The cars will need to be in place by
5:30pm in preparation for the early arrivals and to help limit traffic. If you
need car ideas, please watch the morning announcement powerpoint as
well as our Friday E*Blasts. Deb Kereczman and Pastor Steve are good
“go-to people” with questions for this event. Come & bring friends!!
After “Celebration Sunday’s” 10:00am service on Nov. 2,
Wayside will hold its Chili Cook-Off! The Cook-Off will
take place during a luncheon in the Atrium, hosted by
the Membership Committee. Besides chili cookers, there
are many needs for volunteers for this event. There is a
sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for those interested
in participating. Please see Mike Weed if you have any questions.
Saturday, November 1
10:00am - 12:30pm
This year’s speaker is Sheila Mastropietro, Director of the Immigration & Refugee Program for Church World Service (CWS). She will give an overview of
CWS Lancaster and how it’s involved with the unaccompanied, illegal
immigrants coming through our southern borders. It’s free for all women with a goodwill offering for CWS and there is a sign-up and more information on the PW
bulletin board. Please talk to Sue Doerfler or Karen Frick with questions.
Today’s flowers are in loving memory of Karen
Frick’s mother, Lorraine Nolte
Wayside Presbyterian Church has a lot of supportive,
active members. Here is a schedule of some of their
upcoming responsibilities:
SERVING this week
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Greeters: John & Judy Kline
Judi Yarwood
Ushers: Richard and Sarah Johnson
Nursery: Bonnie Carbaugh
Pam Grissinger
KidZone: Beth Beals Beth Beals
Sue Doerfler
Liturgist: Louise Plakans
Fellowship: Betty & George Grissinger
Dylan Wagner
SERVING next Sunday, October 19
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Greeters: John & Maxine Andrews
Judi Yarwood
Ushers: Richard and Sarah Johnson
Nursery: Linda Anspach
Meg Fritz
KidZone: Laurie Martin
Liturgist: Alan Beavers
Fellowship: Joan Garner
Pam Armold