Document 6563577


Document 6563577
This Week
Worship Services
9:00 am Traditional (Sanctuary)
10:30 am Contemporary (Sanctuary)
**6:00 pm Praise (Sanctuary)
Connection Groups - Adults
9:00 & 10:30 am See list at Information Center
**6:00 pm See list at Information Center
Student Ministries (Grades 6-12)
9:00 am Connection Groups (Family Center)
10:00-10:20 am Breakfast/Fellowship Time (Family Center)
10:30 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
**6:00 pm Small Groups (Family Center)
Children’s Ministries (Nursery-Grade 5)
9:00 am Children’s Church “252” (Downstairs)
10:30 am Connection Groups (Downstairs)
**6:00 pm Connection Groups (Downstairs)
3-6:00 pm
Mon., Oct. 13
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Tues., Oct. 14 10:30-11:30 am
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Wed., Oct. 15
Fall Festival (Lower Parking Lot)
Pound Fitness (Family Center)
Zumba (Family Center)
Story Time for Kids (Family Center)
Property Management Team
Deacon Board
3:15-5:00 pm Student Ministry Open Gym (Gr. 6-12) (Family Center)
5-6:00 pm Feed Your F.A.C.E. Dinner (Fellowship Hall)
(Lasagna & Garlic Bread, Salad)
6:00 pm Children’s Ministries (Nursery-Gr. 5) (Downstairs)
6:00 pm Student Ministries (Gr. 6-12) (Family Center)
6:00 & 6:30 pm Adult Classes & Groups (see list at Info Center)
6:00 pm “Elijah” Bible Study (Room 230)
6:00 pm Diabetes Lab Testing Class (Room 229)
7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir (Room 221)
Thurs., Oct. 16
9:00 am
Thursday AM Bible Study (Room 231)
Fri., Oct. 17
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
Senior Single Sisters (Olive Garden)
Rev. Lipsey Get Acquainted Meeting (Fellowship Hall)
Sat., Oct. 18
10:00 am
Rev. Lipsey Get Acquainted Meeting (Sanctuary)
** No Sunday PM Service this week
Weekly News
Rev. Tom Lipsey, D.Min.
to Visit SPBC
October 12,
By Pastor Lloyd
Rev. Tom Lipsey, along with his wife Joni, will visit SPBC and the LifeSpring
campuses this week. Following is a recap of his schedule:
• Thursday, Oct. 16
∗ 1-5:00 pm—Individual meetings with staff
∗ 7:00 pm—Get acquainted meeting at LifeSpring Mason campus
• Friday, Oct. 17
∗ 9:00 am-Noon—Individual meetings with staff
∗ 3:00 pm—Film sermon for satellite campuses
∗ 5:30 pm—Dinner with Deacon Board
∗ 7:00 pm—Get acquainted meeting at SPBC Parkersburg campus
(Fellowship Hall)
• Saturday, Oct. 18
∗ 8:30 am—Individual meetings with staff
∗ 10:00 am—Get acquainted meeting at SPBC Parkersburg campus
∗ 1:30 pm—Get acquainted meeting at LifeSpring Jackson campus
• Sunday, Oct. 19
∗ 9:00 am—Preaching at SPBC Parkersburg campus
∗ 10:30 am—Preaching at SPBC Parkersburg campus
∗ Worship at LifeSpring will have video sermon by Rev. Lipsey
You are welcome to attend any of the “Get Acquainted Meetings” regardless of
the campus you attend. At each meeting Rev. Lipsey will share life experiences
and tell of his passion for ministry. There will be a time of Q&A at each session.
The plan is for Rev. Lipsey to return on November 9 for a “Trial Sermon” at a
single service beginning at 10:30. The satellite campuses will participate in the
sermon via video. Following the service there will be a combined business
meeting with all three campuses connected electronically.
Please be vigilant in prayer as we seek God’s discernment.
1655 Blizzard Drive
Parkersburg, WV 26101
304.422.SPBC (304.422.7722)
304.428.8818 (fax)
Fall Festival Today!
Adam Paff Deacon Ordination
Today is our annual Fall Festival! The fun will run from 3-6:00 pm. We
will have games, hot dogs, soup beans, a car show, a rock climbing
wall, mechanical bull and MORE! You don’t want to miss this
opportunity to connect to others and our world! This is a free event
so invite your friends, family and neighbors! There will be no evening
service tonight.
Please join us next Sunday evening for the Deacon Ordination of
Adam Paff. The service will begin at 6:00 in the sanctuary.
Bolivia Mission Trip
Phil Bumgarner, along with Lily Corathers from LifeSpring Jackson and
two others, will be traveling November 3-14, 2014 to the House of
Hope in Cochabamba, Bolivia. They will be helping with medical and
dental clinics and working on building a cob house. Not only are they
asking for your prayer support, but for donations of toothbrushes,
toothpaste, and vitamins with iron to pass out at the clinics. There is a
box on the table in the foyer to accept donations. Thanks so much for
helping in this wonderful outreach!
Wellness Center Class
There will be a FREE 6-week Diabetic Self-Management Workshop,
which was developed by Stanford University, starting October 20.
Classes will be held here at the church on Oct. 20 & 27, Nov. 3, 10, 17,
& 24 from 9-11:00 am in Room 222. Contact Carla Rasmussen at
(740) 885-0425 (cell) or [email protected] for more
information. Also see the flyer at the Information Center.
Kevin Mills Concert
Kevin Mills will be in concert at SPBC on Sunday, November 2 at 6:00
pm. A love offering will be collected. Join us for a special evening
with Kevin as he sings praises to God.
Media Ministry
Audio and DVD recordings of Sunday services are available upon
request. Sign up for a copy at the Information Center. All copies will
be available for pickup at the Information Center.
Coat Drive
Fall is here and the days will soon be getting colder. That makes this
the perfect time to start thinking about how you can share some love
and much needed warmth with a child in the community. We're
gearing up for our 2014 Coat Drive with Old Man Rivers. In late
October, we'll again have a display in the foyer allowing you to choose
a tag with a specific child's coat information. Last year, through the
generosity of our congregation, we were able to provide coats to 200
children. We are hoping to meet that number again this year! Be
watching your Weekly News for additional information or contact
Julie Balsley with questions.
World Mission Offering
October is World Mission Offering month. This is currently an SPBC
budgeted item. However, if you would still like to give, please see the
literature and special envelopes at the display in the foyer. You may
also use the regular offering envelopes located in the back of the
pews specifying WMO in the “special” box and adding your offering
envelope number as well.
WCC Walk for Life Today
The Women’s Care Center’s Walk for Life is today at the City Park.
Registration and lunch is at 12:30 and the walk begins at 1:30. Money
that is raised will go toward free and confidential services.
Attendance Last Week:
Morning Worship
LifeSpring-Mason Campus
LifeSpring-Jackson Campus
Total SPBC Worship
C2O: 268 SE: 105 WE: 115
General Fund
Offering Last Sunday:
Building Fund:
October to Date
$ 5,187.00
Monthly Amount Needed $14,298.00