Fast Secure scalable analytics in the Cloud


Fast Secure scalable analytics in the Cloud
FastStats CloudStage
Secure scalable analytics in the Cloud
Nimble, flexible, speed-on-demand hosting service
FastStats CloudStage offers a flexible infrastructure for hosting FastStats systems
in a secure environment. Specifying server hardware to ensure optimum
performance levels for FastStats users over the life of the hardware can be a
complex task that is dependent on factors such as database size, forecast growth
and variable usage levels.
FastStats CloudStage removes any element of guesswork by providing a “stretchy”,
speed-on-demand hosting capability with the flexibility to add additional server
resources at the moment of need.
Reduce unnecessary server costs
Only pay for the power you use
Consistent levels of performance
FastStats CloudStage servers can be configured within minutes. Apteco partners
Instant scalability for periods of
high demand
use the FastStats Cloud Controller to specify the number of machines required and
set performance measures to minimise queuing of FastStats jobs.
Amazing speed on massive datasets
by utilising multiple servers
Whether you require single or multiple virtual servers to manage the volume
of analysis carried out by your organisation, FastStats CloudStage will monitor
High levels of security offered by large
scale infrastructure providers
usage and employ the resources to maintain the service levels agreed with your
FastStats provider.
Choice of infrastructure provider
Utilises the power of multiple servers
Controllable allocation of
server resources
Measures such as query time, hosting budget and day of the week can be configured
to ensure the allocation of resources provides consistency in performance. You can
increase your resources for short periods to cover unusual levels of demand.
Marketing Data Analysis & Automation Software
FastStats CloudStage
Making FastStats even faster with Big Data
Flexible infrastructure for hosting
FastStats systems
Recent developments on the FastStats Server architecture mean analysis can be
completed faster than a single thread can offer. FastStats now uses query slicing
Configure performance measures
using the Cloud Controller
to split queries and utilise the power of multiple servers before merging the
results and returning a final count or visualisation to the user. By using servers
Micro billing options for additional
in parallel, FastStats achieves dramatic speed improvements on massive data
sets, making it possible for users to analyse multi-billion row scale databases
Constant usage monitoring
in just a few seconds. This distributed processing technique combined with
FastStats CloudStage offers unique performance and flexibility for users with
Supports Amazon EC2
databases of all sizes.
VMWare and OpenStack support
Utilises FastStats query slicing to
increase performance for users when
extra server resources are deployed
Security, disaster recovery and backup
services can be co-ordinated between
the infrastructure provider and the
Cloud Controller
Security is key
Your cloud infrastructure can be secured from the outside world while users
can enjoy the same level of protection that their current FastStats database
offers. A FastStats system hosted in the cloud has the same design as any
FastStats system hosted in a traditional environment. The FastStats CloudStage
deployment benefits from the firewall and physical protection that large
cloud hosting infrastructure providers, such as Amazon, can offer in their Data
Centres. You will also benefit from disaster recovery procedures and backup
services that are managed to the best industry standards across continents
FastStats® is a UK Registered Trademark
of Apteco Ltd. FastStats technology is
protected by US patent 7,200,607.
and time zones.
Other trademarks are property of their
respective owners.
Choose an infrastructure provider of your choice
FastStats CloudStage is a hosting infrastructure managed by your chosen
©Apteco 2013, all rights reserved.
FastStats partner, rather than a central cloud infrastructure owned by Apteco.
The technology is designed to support multiple cloud service providers and
FastStats CloudStage currently supports Amazon EC2. VMWare and OpenStack
support is planned. As a result you have flexibility in the infrastructure provider
you and your FastStats partner choose for your cloud hosting requirements.
[email protected]
+44 (0)1926 407565
Marketing Data Analysis & Automation Software