 October 2014 Mosaic 


 October 2014 Mosaic 
 October 2014 Mosaic 
Page 2
Worship Services in October
The Pastor’s Pen
Congratulations to Everyone!
Page 3
An Invitation: Beginning October 1
Sit & Stitch
United Methodist Women
Apple Pie Days
CROP Walk Set for October 19
Election Day Soup Sale
Page 4
Bazaar News
2014 PSU Football Season
Operation Christmas Child Boxes
Global Ministries
New Lay Ministry Page on Conference Website
Page 5
Equipping God’s People
Interested in Assisting in the Worship Service?
Altar Flowers
Page 6
October Youth Birthdays
That Small Envelope
Electronic Giving
These Words are Holey
Worship Service Participants
Grocery Gift Cards Are Available Each Sunday
Page 7
Art for Rwanda
Our mission: Offering a place for worship, fellowship, and mission outreach.
 October 2014 Mosaic 
Worship Services in October
October 5 – World Communion
(altar) and Infant Baptism. A new
innovation in printing uses water
instead of ink, making the words
temporary and the paper reusable.
In the "Great Commandment," Matthew 22:34-46,
Jesus offers words that are both permanent and
October 12 – Principles that have
been instilled in us from birth fail
us on occasion. This takes us to our
text, Philippians 4:1-9, full of pithy
principles. And, with help from a
former CIA analyst, we come to some conclusions
that keep us moving forward as God’s children.
October 19 – God has invited us to
the dance, so why is it often so
hard to accept? We begin with the
world's largest church (according
to Guinness World Records). It's in
Africa and holds 18,000 people. And virtually no
one attends. This reminds us of the king who
opened a banquet hall to host a party, and no one
came. The king was not happy – Matthew 22:1-14.
October 26 – Guest speaker, the
Rev. J. Marlyn Rimert. Reformation
in the 21st Century. Habakkuk 1:1-4
and Luke 17:1-10.
term for this respite is Sabbath – taking a breather
and experiencing the refreshment of God’s presence
through worship in a faith community.
Taking this thought a step further, a blurb from a
sermon resource shares a mother’s experience,
titled, "Why I Make Sam Go to Church." Her son
Sam, then seven years old, is the only child among
his group of friends who goes to church. Sometimes
he doesn't want to go, but she doesn't let him get
away with that. Here's why: "I make him go
because I can. I outweigh him by nearly 75 pounds.
But that is only part of it. The main reason is that I
want to give him what I found in the world, which
is to say a path and a little light to see by. Most of
the people I know who have what I want -- which is
to say, purpose, heart, balance, gratitude, joy -- are
people with a deep sense of spirituality. They are
people in community, who pray, or practice their
faith -- people banding together to work on
themselves and for human rights. They follow a
brighter light than the glimmer of their own candle;
they are part of something beautiful." (Anne Lamott,
Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith (Anchor, 1999), 100.)
Be a part of something beautiful, and at the same
time, nourish the souls in your family through
worship, fellowship and mission outreach –
“Change the world. Bring the kids.”
Pass along the invitation to those in your spheres
of influence.
God bless you and your faith
The Pastor’s Pen
A statement on a poster for
the October 19 State College
CROP Walk caught my
attention: Change the world.
Bring the kids. What a
wonderful invitation to make
a positive difference as a
We live in a culture of non-stop activities: sports,
academics, parties, seminars, etc. So there’s
something wholesome about taking time out to
nurture the souls of family members. The religious
Congratulations Everyone!
Contributions to the Roof Replacement Fund were
over the amount needed for the 1 to 2
Match Challenge. The total for the fund
is now $17,566.33 (including the
$1,000 match). Our goal is $12,000 a
year over a five year period for a total
of $60,000. This is the second year for
this project. We still have four months before the
end of the year and are hopeful that we can maintain
our yearly schedule to reach the goal the Trustees
determined was necessary to replace the roof.
Our mission: Offering a place for worship, fellowship, and mission outreach.
An Invitation: Beginning October 1
Where is God when tragedy and
suffering strike? When the ground
shakes, and a poor nation’s
economy is destroyed; when the
waters rise, washing away a
community’s hopes and dreams;
when a child suffers neglect and
abuse; when violence tears apart
nations; where is God? If God is
all powerful, and if each one of us is a beloved child
of God, then how can God allow tragedy and
suffering to infest his creation?
In Why?, best-selling author Adam Hamilton brings
fresh insight to the age-old question of how to
understand the will of God. Rejecting simplistic
answers and unexamined assumptions, he lays out
core ideas for comprehending God’s plan for the
The Abigail Circle invites you to join us in the
parlor for a 4 session study of this book from 3:30
to 4:30 pm the first Wednesday of October,
November, December, and January. The study is
open to the congregation and will be led by Judy
Kennedy. Study books are available for $8 and can
be obtained from Judy or the church office.
Sit & Stitch
We will be meeting on Thursday, October
9, at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Kathy
Comila, 1401 Circleville Road, State
Our next UMW meeting will October 21 at 7:30
p.m., at Lee Loftis’home (519 Brittany Dr., State
College) for a program on the World Thank
Apple Pie Days
Homemade apple crumb pies
will be made and sold on
Monday, October 13 and
November 10.
We will start making pies at 12:30 p.m. and they
may be picked up from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. The price
for a 9” pie is $7.00.
Plan to purchase several pies—one to bake now and
a few to stash away in the freezer for later
enjoyment or as a quick gift to give during the
holidays. We ask that you place your order in
advance by signing up on the bulletin board or by
calling Carol Mumma at 237-4150. Monies go to
the Bazaar.
CROP Walk Set for October 19
The 31st State College CROP Walk will be held
on Sunday, October 19th at St. Paul’s United
Methodist Church, located in downtown State
College on the corner of College Avenue and
McAllister Street. Registration begins at 1:30 PM
with the walk commencing at 2:00.PM. The 5K
route winds through the borough, ending back at St.
Paul’s. There is no fee to join the walk.
75% of the funds contributed to the walk go to
Church World Service or any of a number of other
relief agencies that a donor may designate; 25% of
funds raised go to the local food bank.
Over the years support for the CROP Walk has
come from the faith community, community groups
and Penn State student groups. We invite members
of all congregations and groups as well as
individuals in our community to join us this fall on
October 19th.
For more information and CROP Walk materials
please contact Jim Campbell at 237-0676 or
[email protected]
Election Day Soup Sale
The Election Day Soup Sale is
coming up quickly—Tuesday,
November 4, from 8:00 a.m.-8:00
p.m. Please consider signing up for
making your favorite soup, or
Our mission: Offering a place for worship, fellowship, and mission outreach.
signing up to sit with the sale. In addition to soup,
frozen and freshly baked apple pies will be sold.
Questions? Contact Jean Grimm at 237-4864.
Beth Evanko at 632-5114. “Dear children, let us not
love with words or tongue but with actions and
truths.” I John 3:18. Thank you!
Bazaar News
Preparations continue for the
Christmas Bazaar, which will be
held on Friday, December 5th and
Saturday, December 6th. Our bazaar
has always been a success due to
the work and generosity of many.
We are still receiving donations. Any craft items,
ornaments, jewelry or any other contribution will be
most welcome. (No clothing, please). Donations may be
left in the cluster, outside the bazaar room. If you have
questions, see Marie Hargrove, Kathy Seymour, Deb
Harris, Carol Mumma or Jean Grimm.
2014 PSU Football Season
Could you volunteer to cook or cashier
at our church stand on a Saturday during
the football season? Just write your
name on the sign-up sheet on the
bulletin board in the hallway or contact
George Hargrove at 237-8063.
Operation Christmas
Child Boxes
As you are shopping, please
remember the children in
other countries and purchase
school supplies, hygiene
products and a simple toy to pack a shoe box. These
boxes provide a gospel opportunity to tell the
children about Jesus and experience His love by
receiving a shoe box from a Christian halfway
around the world.
Each month we will be collecting a category of
items. There are several ways you can participate:
Purchase the item(s) in a category and we will
then use the items collected to assemble the
boxes in November.
Purchase items to prepare your own boxes.
Make a monetary gift toward the purchase of
needed items or to supplement forwarding costs.
Items may be placed in the box underneath the
Christmas tree in the Narthex by mid-November.
National Collection Week is November 18-25. If
you would like more information, please contact
Seminar to Global Ministries
Headquarters: Jan 25-28, 2015
Spend Monday and Wednesday at the Global
Ministries offices of the UMC and learn more about
ministries like UMCOR, Global Ministries
Missionaries and UMC Global Health. On Tuesday,
we will spend the day visiting inspiring ministries
around NYC. Your evenings are free to spend as you
Bus departs from Harrisburg at Paxton UMC on Jan.
25 and returns Jan. 28 around 8 p.m. Estimated cost:
$398 including bus fare, 2 nights double occupancy at
hotel near Times Square, baggage handling, seminar
materials and tours. Participants pay for meals and
subway transportation.
Only 24 spaces are available on the bus. Registration
Deadline: November 3. Questions: Contact Rob
French at [email protected]. Registration forms
are available on the PFVUMC hallway bulletin board
or at the church office.
New Lay Ministry Page
on Conference Website
Through the work of many laity and clergy around
the Susquehanna Annual Conference, the new Lay
Ministries webpage is now available. On the page,
you can learn more about Equipping God's People,
discover when and where the next Equipping course
will be held in any of the districts, as well as the
other Lay Servant and Lay Speaker courses being
offered. And if the terms "Lay Servant" and "Lay
Speaker" are still new to you, there is an
explanation of these roles to which God may be
calling you.
John Konieczny; Conference Lay Leader
Our mission: Offering a place for worship, fellowship, and mission outreach.
Equipping God’s People
State College District, United Methodist Church
Do you love Jesus?
Do you believe people need
to know of Jesus and God’s
Do you want your church to
be able to share the good
news of Jesus with your
If you answered “Yes” to
these questions, then
“Equipping God’s People” is for you!
The purpose of this course is to have lay people come
together over a period of time to read, learn and discuss
what it means to be a transformational church today.
Book topics are designed to move participants into a
deeper understanding of what it means to be intentional
about our purpose for being the church of Jesus Christ.
Equipping God’s People 1
Session 1 Orientation and ‘How Our World Has
Session 2 Real Leaders at the Mission Field -Direct Hit
by Bob Farr
Session 3 Streamlining Your Church -Simple Church by
Thom Rainer & Eric Geiger
Session 4 Spiritual Gifts
Equipping God’s People 1 is being offered once this fall.
Gloria Lohr and Calvin Miller will lead the class at Faith
UMC, Bellefonte from 7:00-9:30 p.m. on October 16,
November 13, and December 16.
Equipping God’s People 2
Session 5 Healthy Church -The Healthy Small Church
by Dennis Bickers
Session 6 Worship Creating Passion
Session 7 Focusing Outward -The Externally Focused
Church - Rich Rusaw & Eric Swanson
Session 8 Wrap Up
Equipping God’s People 2 is being offered three times
this fall. (Prerequisite is Equipping 1)
* Karen Winn and Pat Bollinger will lead the classes at
McVeytown UMC from 6:00-8:30 p.m. on Thursdays
(Oct 2, 9, 16, 23)
* Dan Christopher and Lori Steffensen will lead the
classes at Faith UMC, Bellefonte from 7:00-9:30 p.m. on
October 16, November 13, and December 16.
Registration forms are on the website
http://statecollegedistrict.susumc.org , or you may
contact the district office at 814-237-4365 or
[email protected].
Interested in Assisting in
the Worship Service?
We have a part for you!
You can serve as an acolyte, liturgist, sound
system operator or do Children’s Time. Aids are
Contact Misty in the church office (238-2657) or
speak to Pastor Lee for more information or
answers to your questions.
You can also signup online at
www.signupgenius.com and:
Step 1.Click on tab Find a Sign Up and enter
[email protected] for the Sign Up List
Creator’s email. Under the email address is a
box that looks like an ad. Near the bottom of
the box it says “Please enter...”. Type the
phrase in the space where it says “Your
Answer.” Then click Search.
Step 2. Click on the sign up titled PFVUMC
Liturgist/Children’s Time/Acolyte Sign Up (it
is underlined and is a link)
Step 3. Check which task you would like to do,
then submit. The office will get an updated list
by email, and you will receive a reminder.
Altar Flowers
An opportunity to memorialize, honor,
or celebrate events is available to the
congregation. The church has a brass
vase for those who wish to have
flowers placed on the altar in memory
or recognition of someone, or to celebrate a special
occurrence like a birthday, anniversary or
achievement. Contact Janet Hinish at 238-0818 to
pickup the liner for the florist to make an
arrangement. A sign-up sheet is located on the
bulletin board.
Cost: $20 per person or $15 per person if at least 10% of
your worshiping congregation signs up for the course.
Acquire the above named books on your own.
Our mission: Offering a place for worship, fellowship, and mission outreach.
October Youth Birthdays
2nd—Sarah Mosier
6 —Victoria Peoples
That Small Envelope…
Special family activities, illness,
reunions, guests, traveling and other
circumstances may keep one from
attending worship and placing a
contribution in the offering plate. The enclosed
addressed envelope is provided as a means for
following through on the desire to support the
program and upkeep of the Park Forest Village
United Methodist Church.
These Words Are Holey
Have you noticed that the letters of the words in the
bulletin have small holes in them? It’s most
noticeable in the larger font on the bulletin cover.
The church office is using a software program to get
more mileage from toner cartridges, which helps
stretch the dollar.
Worship Service Participants:
*October Ushers
5 —Todd & Pam Arbogast
12th—Andrea Reger & Nancy Hommel
19th—Roy & Juanita Zug
26th—Dave & Jan Cowher
We offer Electronic Giving as a way to automate
your offerings. It is convenient for you and provides
much-needed consistency for the church. Collection
basket offerings can fluctuate significantly from
week to week but when contributions are
automated, the church receives funds on a steady,
uninterrupted basis.
Authorization forms are available at the church
office, on the narthex table or at our website,
*October Greeters
5 —Kathy Seymour & Sherry Slaterbeck
12th—Jean & Charles Grimm
19th—Jan & Dave Cowher
26th—JoAnn & John Knedler
Grocery Gift Cards Are
Available each Sunday
Our gift card sales are a good moneymaker for the
Church Improvement Fund (CIF). We buy the cards
in bulk at a 5% discount. Cards are available in $10,
$20, $25, $50 and $100 amounts. You get full value
for your food and pharmacy purchases at both
stores, the Post Office at Weis, and gas at Giant.
Any unused amount stays on the card for future
purchases. Cards are available most Sundays during
the coffee fellowship. See Warren and Nickie
Askov or John and JoAnn Knedler.
Our mission: Offering a place for worship, fellowship, and mission outreach.
Our mission: Offering a place for worship, fellowship, and mission outreach.