The Contact Faith. Family. Community. October 2014
The Contact Faith. Family. Community. October 2014
The Contact Faith. Family. Community. October 2014 In This Edition: Pg. 2 Prayers Birthdays & Anniversaries Group Gatherings Pg. 3 Secretary Notes Congrats Address Changes Hayrack Ride Crop Walk Cluster 7 Service of Healing Pg. 4 Meetings to Come Choir Information Women’s Retreat Youth Group Pg. 5 Readers & Greeters Stepping Stones Lutheran Living Farmers Market Ushers Wanted Pg. 6 Acolytes, Ushers, Hospitality & Altar Soup & Pie Supper Scholarships Stewardship Pg. 7 Thank You Operation Christmas Pg. 8 Tanzania Financial Report Pg. 9 Calendar CONSECRATION SUNDAY IS COMING!! Congregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes. Our church council has again selected the Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program as a way to teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education. It is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking our attendees and members to prayerfully make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world. Every attendee and member who completes the Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending the 10:30 AM, one worship service, on October 19, Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend who even feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card. We will do no personal home solicitation to ask people to complete their Estimate of Giving cards. During the Consecration Sunday worship service, our guest leader will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members making their financial commitments as an act of worship. We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the Stewardship team and church council members. We will make every effort to insure that all attendees and church members have the opportunity to grow spiritually in their giving by informing, inspiring, and committing everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship. Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in the upcoming Consecration Sunday events. Julie Frye, Zion Church Council President PRAYERS AROUND ZION SOWERS “Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs.” Calling all sowers: We will meet on October 20 at 6:30 PM at Jeannette White’s. Be sure to bring your current project with you and join the fun. If you are interested in joining the sowers group, please contact the church office. FOR THOSE THAT ARE ILL: Bill Mark Pat Tober Marvin & Nancy Franklin Samuel Ploysa Ray Stange Pastor Don Sondrol Art Williams OUT - TO - LUNCH BUNCH The next gathering will be at Guadalajara on October 9 at 11:30 AM. Sign up is available on the nursery bulletin board. DISPLAY CASE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST A LOVED ONE: Bonnie Nicolai on the death of her mother, Junice Benson Linda Maas on the death of her mother, Dorothy Giessregen BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Neil Hyink 10/4 *Arlene Erickson 10/17 Carl Tiecke 10/19 Robert Herwig 10/24 *Evelyn Schauland 10/31 Neil & Jean Hyink 10/23 Charles & Don & Shirley Stange GROUP MEETINGS Group 5 will meet on October 21 at Zion at 9:30 AM. Group 6 will be meeting on October 23 at Karen Goodell’s house at 7:30 PM. 5 & 6 Z - BOOK CLUB *Denotes 90+ years, **denotes 100+ years, anniversaries listed are 50+ years. Carol Christophersen The theme for the next display case will be sunflowers. Please have your sunflower items to the church by October 6. 10/25 10/27 The next meeting will be on Monday, November 3 at 5 PM at GeoJohnz, downtown Muscatine. The book for the month is Shanghai Girls by Lisa See. This novel is about two sisters, May and Pearl, who leave Shanghai to find new lives in 1930s L. A. The girls’ parents arrange for them to marry "Gold Mountain men" from L. A. When the sisters leave China and arrive at Angel's Island, (the Ellis Island of the West), they feel the harsh reality of leaving home. May discovers she's pregnant and the situation becomes even more desperate. The sisters make a pact that no one can ever know. Come and join in the group to find out what happens next to the sisters. (Contact Vivien Halloran to join the Z-Book Club.) 2 NOTES FROM THE SECRETARY: There will be no Sunday School on Sunday, October 19 due to Consecration Sunday. Pastor Franzenburg will be speaking at 9:15 AM on the topic of charitable giving. There will be a follow-up Sauerkraut Supper Meeting on October 1 at 5:30 PM here at Zion. CONGRATULATIONS: Eric Heckman for winning the 1st place plaque and being a meet medalist at the IMS Early Bird Meet. Melissa Burzlaff for being one of the top fresh-soph runners in the Pleasant Valley Cross Country Invitational. Matt and Shelby (Sander) Nichols who were married at Zion on September 20th. Matt is the grandson of Dick and Vivian Buster. Nicholas Truitt, Riley Padgett’s grandson, on his confirmation in Ankeny in September. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Hannah Creamer GMU P.O. Box 258 1220 First Avenue NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 HAYRACK RIDE The annual hayrack ride will be Saturday, October 4 at 4:30 PM at Mark & Sarah Perisho’s (2131 Nettle Avenue, Musc.) There’s something for all ages to do: Hayride, games, hot dog roast & smores, and lots of good food. Bring your lawn chair, a dish to share, and a sweatshirt. Help is needed for set-up and clean-up. Sign up on the bulletin board near the nursery. CROP WALK FOR HUNGER October 5 at 2 PM the Crop Walk take place at the River walk again this year. Please consider walking or donate to a walker. The money will be matched by the New Hope Foundation and goes to Church World Services which helps with disasters and hunger problems in the U.S. and around the world. 25% of what is raised stays in Muscatine to help food programs. For more information, call Nancy Tietge at 263-0032. CLUSTER 7 FALL GATHERING This year’s gathering will be October 11 at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1226 E. Washington St., Washington, IA. Pastor Maureen Howard will be the Bible Study leader with Deb Bodensteiner as the speaker. Registration is $5/person and is at 8:30 AM. For reservations contact Judy Venzke at [email protected] or 319-653-3820. Deadline to register is October 8. SERVICE OF HEALING A brief order of service for healing will be held on Sunday, October 12 following both services. All who sense the need for God's healing in any aspect of their lives may join in prayer for others and themselves. Each person may come to receive a word of blessing and prayer and the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. 3 UPCOMING MEETINGS: ELCA WOMEN’S FALL RETREAT Parish Ed @ 6:30 PM -10/7 -11/4 The East Side Fall Retreat for the Southeastern Iowa Women will be held October 17 and 18 at the Owl’s Nest, CA L E Camp Wyoming. This event will start on Friday night with a sack lunch for supper then Bible Study will begin at 6:30 and 7 PM. The registration fee is $32 per person. Please send check or money order for the Fall Retreat to Jane Kruse, 805 S. 14th Avenue, Washington, IA, 52353. If you have any questions, contact Jane at 319-653-2614. Gateway Committee @ 3:15 PM - 10/1 All Committee Night @ 6:30 PM - 10/2 Executive Committee @ 6:15 PM - 10/9 Church Council @ 7:00 PM - 10/9 CHOIRS PRACTICES: Bell Choir @ 6:15 PM -10/1 - 10/8 -10/15 -10/22 -10/29 Senior Choir @ 7 PM -10/1 -10/8 -10/15 -10/22 -10/29 MUSCATINE YOUTH GROUP We are gearing up for the start of a communitywide high school youth group that was just a dream only a few months ago! The group will meet on Sunday evenings from 5-7 PM at MCSA-lower level. The target start date for students is Sunday, October 12th. Parents are invited to an orientation/walk through on Sunday, October 5th -- also at MCSA. Registration forms can be found on the bulletin board outside the church office, or by speaking with Kent Heckman. Small group leaders are still needed ~ adults who will make a commitment to be present weekly to serve as mentors for small groups. Weekly commitment (knowing an occasional Sunday will not be possible) is essential for building trust with the students who will be in the small group. The consistency is vital. These leaders/mentors will be responsible for building relationships with the students, guiding and leading conversation based on the large group lesson of the day (questions provided by day's leader), mentoring in faith (both on and off the topic of the day as needed), and praying with the small group. These small group leaders/mentors should be ones who have undergone a background check in congregations from which they come, or be willing to have a background check run. Help is needed in lots of ways, so if you are interested in any way, please let Kent Heckman know of your interest. 4 READERS: FAITH STEPPING STONES Bibles to Third Graders (and any 4th Graders who haven’t done so): The Third Grade class will begin a review of the Bible on September 28 and October 5. They, along with their parent(s), will work on finding specific verses in the Bible and reviewing both the Old and New Testaments. On Sunday, October 10:30 AM 12, they will receive their Bibles as part of both 10/5 - Mark Perisho worship services. 10/12 - Ralph Buster Confirmation: 7th, 8th, and 9th Graders will continue 10/19 - Charlie Drumm with classes on Wednesday evenings during the fall 10/26 - Confirmation Kids here at Zion from 6:30-7:30 PM. 9th Graders will affirm their faith on Reformation Sunday, October 26 GREETERS UP: at 10:30 AM. This year, there will be three 9th 8:00 AM Graders: Gavin Meerdink, Katie Harris, and Christa 10/5 - Keith & Mary Butcher Colony. Please remember them in your prayers. 10/12 - Tom & Susan Burzlaff LUTHERAN LIVING MEETING 10/19 - No 8 AM Service You're invited to the Lutheran Living Senior Campus 10/26 - Richardson Family Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 10:30 AM 3:00 PM. Come and learn more about Lutheran 10/5 - Duane & Christy Living's new expansion and re-modeling project. Williams Please speak with Judy Sebbert if you would like to 10/12 - Riley Padgett & attend this meeting as Zion can have up to four Doris Watson members of our congregation join for the 2014 annual 10/19 - Jim & Julie Haage 10/26 - Diane Emlet &Carol meeting. 8:00 AM 10/5 - Susan Burzlaff 10/12 - Larry Prokup 10/19 - One Service 10/26 - Richard Jacobsen Christophersen GREETERS DOWN: 8:00 AM 10/5 - Avery & Amy Zybarth 10/12 - Jim & Julie Haage 10/19 - No 8 AM Service 10/26 - Jeff & Twyla Subbert 10:30 AM 10/5 - Kent & Mary Heckman 10/12 - Stan & Bev Johnson 10/19 - Jake & Sara Evans 10/26 - Rose Marie Paul & Sharon Pugh FARMER’S MARKET Zion’s Farmer’s Market will continue through October. Bring your surplus produce to the church and place it on the round table in the narthex. Anyone interested in the produce may take it home for a free-will donation. The money collected will go to World Hunger and any produce that is left will be given to MCSA. USHERS WANTED If you are interested in becoming an usher for either service or would like more information on being an usher, please contact Bill Toyne (309-791-2976) or Heather in the church office. 5 ACOLYTES: SOUP & PIE SUPPER 8:00 AM 10/5 - Katie Harris 10/12 - Phoebe Lawrence & Lizzy Richardson 10/19 - No 8 AM Service 10/26 - Maddie Kokemuller & Abigail Fowler Tuesday, November 4 from 4:30-6:30 PM will be the Zion Soup and Pie Supper. This is a fundraiser to help support Zion Youth. The menu includes: homemade chili or chicken noodle soup, pork/ham sandwiches, pies, and cakes. Food donations are requested. Please check the bulletin board for a sign-up sheet. Adults are $6, children 10 and under are $4, 60 and up are $5. Extra soup or sandwich can be purchased for $1. 10:30 AM 10/5 - Phillip Smith & Destiny Williams 10/12 - Karson Cantrell & Carson Borde 10/19 - Emma Freyermuth & Phillip Smith 10/26 - Destiny Williams & Karson Cantrell USHERS: 8:00 AM Daryl Smock, Toby Sander, Jeff Baird, Denise Baird 10:30 AM Mike Batenhorst, Gary Sebbert, Dyann Roby, Kent Heckman, Gregg Mandsager ZION SCHOLARSHIPS The Zion Lutheran Church Trust Fund is ready to receive college scholarship applications for 2014. Depending upon the available funds and number of applicants, three or four scholarships ranging from $750 to $1000 will be awarded this year. Application Rules: 1) Applicants must have been members of Zion for at least two years. 2) Applicants must be full-time students at an accredited college or university. 3) Applicants must have completed at least one semester of post high school study at the time of application. 4) Applicants can only receive one Zion Lutheran Trust Fund scholarship. Applications are available in the church office, may be requested by email, or on Zion’s website – Applications must be returned to the Trust Fund by November 7, 2014. HOSPITALITY: STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE October 5 - Parish Ed. October 19 - Evangelism The Stewardship committee ask that you prayerfully consider giving your time and talents to Zion’s Body of Christ by reviewing the Opportunities to Serve Card in each pew and filling out those areas of interest where you can make a difference. Either place them in the offering plate or take down to the church office so that we can alert the appropriate committee of your willingness to serve. ALTAR GUILD: Stacey Ramos & Nancy Keel 6 THANK YOU: Thank you to Judy Sebbert for her leadership in organizing "God's Work. Our Hand's" Sunday service project. We received over 1,800 items for MCSA as well as $583 in donations. Thanks to everyone who helped work the booths! Thank you to everyone who coordinated, worked, donated, cooked, and cleaned for the annual Sauerkraut Supper. It was an amazing event! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD For the past few years ZLCW Group 5 has been a part of “Operation Christmas Child,” a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It is a lot of fun and several children were very happy because of our contributions to this program. I encourage everyone to participate. You can fill a show box with toys and other small gifts for either a boy or girl, and the age categories are 2-4 years, 5-9 years, or 10-14 years old. A check for $7 payable to Samaritan’s Purse should be enclosed to help cover shipping and other costs. A plastic shoe box can also be purchased to put the items in and then the child can save this box for storage. Anyone that decides to participate in this program should return their shoe box gift to Zion’s church office by November 16. I will pick the boxes up from the church office and will take them to a collection center. Thank you to Jan Pohl for donating three of Pastor Lief Pohl's albs (worship robes) for assisting ministers to use for worship! The brochures for this program are on the table upstairs. The brochure explains how to pack your We are grateful for the shoe box and suggests gifts. If you have any donation. ~Pastor Cauley questions, please call me, Betsy Martin, at 263-8379. We wish to thank everyone Thanks so very much. I can see the smiles now on at Zion for all their thoughts, the children’s faces as they receive their shoe boxes. prayers, and cards from the passing of my mother, Junice Benson. Blessed be her memory! ~Bonnie & Bob Nicolai Thank you to everyone for your prayers, cards, and calls after my surgery and time of recuperation. Also, thank you to Ruth Starkweather for bringing some of the altar flowers to our home. Everything was very much appreciated. ~Ray Stange 7 TANZANIA CHURCH BUILDING PROJECT During the summer of 2014, the members of our companion congregation in Tanzania, the Kihurio Parish, embarked on a fund drive to finish construction of their main church in Kihurio. They needed over $11,500 to pay for materials like cement, nails, and wood. Most of the labor is performed by members of the Kihurio Parish. They were able to raise $8,500 in Tanzania. Zion was invited to provide the final $3,000. In 2010 Zion celebrated our 125th anniversary. Zion’s members did not only look at the past, we looked forward - for opportunities to share the blessings that had been showered on us. Zion’s members donated money to be gifted to the congregation in Tanzania. Some money was sent to purchase a vehicle for the Pastor to travel to the seven parishes in the Kihurio area. We still had $2,000 designated for Kihurio, so in August we wired that $2000 to the diocese office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) which was then delivered to Pastor Luhwa in Kihurio. This method of money transfer is a safe and a proven process. Our synod office in Iowa City has done it many times for other Southeast Iowa churches that have companion congregations. That left $1000 still needed to complete the church building project in Kihurio. On behalf of Pastor Luhwa and our Christian sisters & brothers in Kihurio, thank you for generously donating over $1,000.00 in the last three weeks. A check for $1000.00 will be sent to our synod office in Iowa City for transfer to Tanzania. Please remember that our relationship with Kihurio is on-going. There will be other future projects that Zion can assist with. Will you consider donating to the Kihurio Parish on a regular basis? The money will be held in Zion’s account designated for Kihurio. Please mark your check or envelope ‘for Tanzania’. Feel free to contact Sarah Perisho (263-3445) if you have any questions or thoughts. Thank you. FINANCIAL REPORT Income 2014 Budgeted Income Budgeted Expenses Net Ordinary Income 7 /14 Actual $199,676 204,933 (5,257) Unbudgeted Income Unbudgeted Expenses Net Income 17,368 19,818 $ (7,707) Fund Balances Unified Fund Building Fund Memorial Fund Fellowship Hall Gateway Apartments Fund $48,546 2,569 129,315 2,757 18,216 8 7/13 Year Budget 200,544 200,544 - Yr-to-Date Difference (868) 4,389 (5,257) - 17,368 19,818 (7,707) 28 Sunday 8:00/10:30 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Adult Ed. 5 MY Group Orientation MCSA 8:00/10:30 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Adult Ed. 2:00 PM Crop Walk 12 3rd Grade Bibles & Service of Healing 8:00/10:30 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Adult Ed. 5:00 PM MY Group - MCSA 19 Consecration Sunday 9:15 AM Adult Forum w/ Pastor Franzenburg 10:30 AM Worship 26 Reformation Sunday & 9th Grade Affirmation 8:00/10:30 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School & Adult Ed. 29 6 O c t o b e r 2014 1 6:30 PM All Committee Night 2 Thursday 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 3:15 PM Gateway Meeting 5:30 PM Sauerkraut Followup Meeting 6:15 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation @ Zion 7:00 PM Senior Choir 9 Wednesday 8 11:30 AM Out-to-Lunch Bunch - Guadalajara 6:15 PM Executive Committee 7:00 PM Church Council Tuesday 7 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 6:15 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation @ Zion 7:00 PM Senior Choir 16 21 22 3:00 PM Lutheran Living Meeting 7:30 PM Group 6 - Karen Goodell's 23 Monday 6:30 PM Parish Ed. Meeting 15 30 14 9:30 AM Group 5 - Zion 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 6:15 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation @ Zion 7:00 PM Senior Choir 30 13 20 29 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 6:15 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation @ Boonies 7:00 PM Senior Choir 6:30 PM Sowers - Jeannette White's 28 27 6:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Quilting Ladies 6:15 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation @ Zion 7:00 PM Senior Choir 3 10 Friday 4 Saturday 4:30 PM Hayrack Ride 11 8:30 AM Cluster 7 Gathering 25 18 ELCA Women's Fall Retreat 24 1 17 ELCA Women's Fall Retreat 31 9 OCTOBER 2014 | KEEPING ZION CONNECTED THE CONTACT Zion Lutheran Church 513 Sycamore Street Muscatine, IA 52761 563.263.5074 Visit us online at ZIONMUSCATINE.ORG Follow us at TWITTER@ZIONMUSCATINE