Brant Community Church Let God’s Word MINISTRY SCHEDULES


Brant Community Church Let God’s Word MINISTRY SCHEDULES
Brant Community Church
Sermon Notes
October 19, 2014
10:30 a.m.
Let God’s Word
Guide Your Prayer
1 Chron. 16:29; 1 John 1:9; 1 Thes. 5:18; 1 Tim. 2:1
Worship / Adoration
Oct 19
Oct 26
Nov 2
Oct 19
Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! … Worship the Lord in all his holy
1 Chron. 16:29
Oct 26
Nov 2
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins
and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
Oct 19
Oct 26
Nov 2
give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ
1 Thes. 5:18
Oct 19
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and
thanksgiving be made for everyone …
1 Tim. 2:1
Sharlene Huizinga,
Lorrissa Vanden Heuval,
Carli Drayson, Amanda &
Harrison Lumax
Jeannie Flood, Chris Newell,
Tara Wilson, Mikayla Flood,
Jessica Hutchinson
Dana Houston, Patty Decoteau, Danyel Dezeeuw,
Sam Lichty, Cassady Dezeeuw
Petition / Intercession
Rhoda Williams, Leslee McAlister,
Gail & Dave Hislop
Lori Watson, Trish Reansbury,
Julie & Chris Fleming
Richard & Anita Hardman, Bruce & Sandy McBride
Oct 26
Nov 2
Shirley Rushton
Don Craw
Bev Guthrie
Margaret Mazurek, Nathan Wray,
Carl Trepanier
Brian Methot, Rob Putt
David Peck, Jeff Young
Oct 19, 2014
Speaker: Don Craw
Topic: Let God’s Word Guide Your Prayer
BCC nursery for children under 30 months is in room 103-104
and opens 15 minutes before the start of the service. Children age
2 1/2 to grade 5 will be dismissed from the main service after a
time of worship and announcements.
Sunday Morning
Babies—30 months
-room 103/104
Preschool ( 2 1/2—3)
-room 102
-room 110
Elementary ( grade 1-5)
-room 106
Jr High (6-8)
-room 202
Elevation ( High school)
-room 204 ( next Sunday)
JR & SR Youth Mid Week
Elevation ( High school)
Every Wednesday evening at 7 pm
Contact : Paul Clugston [email protected]
Fusion (Grades 7,8 ) the Jr. Youth program at BCC
Every Tuesday evening at 7 pm
Contact : Paul Clugston [email protected]
Super Moms
Every Wednesday from 9:30—11:00
Deacon question- Do you love cooking? Then we have a job
for you. Deacons are hoping to create a master list of people who
would be willing to make meals for a family or families in need
at BCC as the need arises. If interested contact Lisa Lumax or
Patty Decoteau.
New? Visiting?
Thank you for joining us today at Brant Community Church. If you drop
by the Welcome Centre at the back of the sanctuary and fill out a
visitors’ card we have a welcome gift for you. If you have any questions,
please feel free to call the office at 519 756–3993 or email
[email protected]
Please join us for coffee before or after the service in the
Community Room (downstairs)
We have offering boxes located at the front and rear of
the sanctuary for people to place their offerings.
...For God loves a cheerful giver 2 Cor. 9:7
To date, Operation Christmas Child has collected and distributed
over 100 million shoebox gifts worldwide. In 2013, Canadians donated
more than 664,000 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for hurting
children around the world. Many of the children who receive a shoebox
are being given the first gift they have ever received! We have a
chance to be a part of seeing a child's life changed through this
program! There are shoeboxes set up in the community room and at the
back of the church for you to fill and return...would you consider filling a
box or two or 10? Let's make this the best Christmas ever for LOTS of
children this year!
Operation Christmas Child Warehouse:
December 6th we are scheduled to take a group to the warehouse
to help sort and pack the shoeboxes. We have two shifts from 9 a.m. 4 p.m. so we will be there all day. If you are over the age of 14 and
would like to be a part of this great opportunity this year, make sure
you sign up on the warehouse sign-up sheet on the back table. These
spaces usually fill up quickly so, if you want to go, make sure you check
your calendar and sign up right away!
Christmas This Year -
Check us out on Facebook
Membership Class
2 Sunday mornings TBA
See Frank or Brian for more information
Currently seeking people (that’s adults, youth and kids) to sing, act, build
sets, design costumes, do make-up, operate technology and support this
initiative. Contact Heather Tuttle or Cori Porter for more details.
[email protected] Practice is this Friday at 6:30.
Souper Sunday
Sausage on a bun, veggies
Attention Men Promise Keepers Conference
November 14-15
See Mike Farr or Keith Wray for more information.
The En-Kata Choir
Two years ago we were blessed to have a Maasai choir from Tanzania,
East Africa, come to BCC. We heard their testimonies of God's
faithfulness in overcoming AIDS, lack of clean drinking water, disease,
poverty and lack of education. They have amazing stories and so much
hope in God. The choir is coming to Ontario again this fall! The concert
is free but all donations collected will be used to help build a school in
Orbili, their community in Tanzania. The first classrooms have already
been built and classes have begun for many of Orbili's children. With
the money raised on this tour, they will add more classes and teachers,
and eventually have a complete elementary school.
Saturday November 1, 7pm at BCC
Contact Laura Kingston for more details: 519-774-9542
[email protected]
YTD Budget
Jan Total
Feb Total
March Total
April Total
May Total
June Total
July Total
August Total
September Total
12-Oct - 14