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C A S E S T UD Y A big splash in a deeply competitive pool Tellabs was a traditional voice-focused cross-connect company expanding age as its birthright. As such, they’ve grown up with high expectations of into a data arena already populated by heavyweight competition such as technology and demand speed, high performance and reliability. In contrast Motorola, Cisco Systems, Alcatel-Lucent and Nortel. The company needed to the more product-focused messaging of Tellabs’ previous advertising, the to quickly build a strong, differentiated brand. The challenge was clear: in idea was to refocus on Tellabs’ knowledge and expertise and to reposition the a low-interest, highly commoditized category, how does a latecomer to the company as thought leaders at the forefront of new technology. This would be market differentiate itself from the competition? accomplished by associating Tellabs with the aforementioned echo boomers, Slack and Company decided to organize Tellabs’ brand campaign around an emerging category of early adopters identified as key influencers in their market: “echo boomers.” These children of baby boomers are the first generation to truly claim the constant interconnectivity of the computer profiling individuals who used connectivity and new media in various creative ways. By linking the echo boomers’ use of new technologies with applications for business, the excitement and leading-edge capabilities commonly perceived in echo boomers became positively associated with Tellabs — and the implications for the business audience became clear. HARD-CORE GAMER TELEPHONY DivA TELEvisiONARY CELEBRiTY BLOGGER “Echo Boomer” posters MEssAGiNG FiEND DOWNLOAD FiEND WORK AND PLAY LONG-DisTANCE LOvE sALEs PRO ON-THE-GO 1 | Slack and Company, LLC | 233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3050 | Chicago, IL 60601 | T 312-970-5800 | W But any branding campaign meant to build awareness of Tellabs as forward- By mixing traditional and new-media messaging, Slack and Company was thinking industry leaders by linking to these tech-savvy young adults would able to create interest among more traditional business users and the echo need to teach the intended audience who the echo boomers are. So Slack boomers themselves, leading up to a comprehensive rollout at Supercomm and Company created a visually simple and bold look with the new branding 2005. The impact was immediately apparent as Tellabs’ presence at the show messaging in various tactics leading up to the rollout, including: created a buzz, garnering attention from both large trade publications and •Print ads •Direct mail •Posters •Banner ads •Video documentaries •Video banners online blogs—and everywhere in between. The Supercomm 2005 marketing effort proved to be a huge success as it generated 1,697 leads—93 of which were highly qualifies—and resulted in over 50 face-to-face meetings at the booth. The campaign also had a life post-Supercomm as the video documentaries profiling echo boomers and their creativity enabled by their use of technologies went viral. A band featured in one of the videos even received enough attention from this viral marketing to earn some money in licensing fees. •Social media •Podcasts Supercomm 2005 trade show Various banner ads 2 | Slack and Company, LLC | 233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3050 | Chicago, IL 60601 | T 312-970-5800 | W G ET R EAD Y F O R EC H O B O O MER N EED S W IT H T EL L AB S ’ COMMERCIAL S E R V I C E S. Jo Morrissey is a financial analyst who works from her home. She’s also the owner of a seriously popular blog. But you can just call her the future of your business. Jo’s an echo boomer, and there are 80 million others like her—kids of baby boomers born into a high-tech world, always expecting the next big innovation. So when it comes to mission-critical Ethernet, IPTV and VoIP, echo boomers won’t put up with any excuses. Jo and friends demand services that offer more. More speed. More reliability. More choice. Supercharge your network to make good on echo boomer demands with the Tellabs® AssuredEthernetSM solution and deliver edge services with guaranteed quality of service. Then add the Tellabs ® MultiservicePLuS SM solution for a streamlined ATM, Frame Relay, IP and Ethernet network. FULL-TIME TELECOMMUTER CELEBRITY BLOGGER ECHO BOOMER VISIT TELLABS AT SUPERCOMM, BOOTH #29022 LEARN MORE ABOUT WHAT TELLABS’ 30 YEARS OF IN DU S TRY- L E A DIN G S O L U TIO N S M E A N FO R Y O U . The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations, Inc., or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: TELLABS®, TELLABS and T Symbol®, and T Symbol®. Any other company or product names may be trademarks of their respective companies. ©2005 Tellabs. All Rights Reserved. Detach card along perforation and bring to Booth #29022. LEARN ABOUT ECHO BOOMERS—AND WIN! We’ll hook you up with a free USB cell phone charger kit. Now you can power your cell phone off your computer. Plus, you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a 42-inch Philips HD-Ready plasma television. Just add your email address on the line below, detach the card and bring it to Tellabs’ Booth #29022. Direct mail One Tellabs Center 1415 West Diehl Road Naperville, IL 60563 Your email address: U.S. POSTAGE PAID Mr. John Doe President Slack Barshinger 233 N. Michigan Ave. #3050 Chicago, IL 60601 Print ad 3 | Slack and Company, LLC | 233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3050 | Chicago, IL 60601 | T 312-970-5800 | W PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 6784 CHICAGO, IL In 2007, the branding campaign and NEXTcomm 2007 effort was expanded further, and centered around our newly created theme “Inspire the New Life.” In the end, benchmark research showed proven results of the branding campaign. Overall awareness of Tellabs rose 12%, with a 61% rise in the lucrative mobile backhaul segment. Tellabs also moved up from tenth to Copyright © 2006 Tellabs. All rights reserved. The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: TELLABS®, TELLABS and T symbol®, T symbol®, ASSUREDETHERNETSM, MULTISERVICEPLUSSM, INTEGRATEDMOBILESM, and DYNAMICHOMESM. 10.75" 10.5" 9.75" Copyright © 2006 Tellabs. All rights reserved. The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: TELLABS®, TELLABS and T symbol®, T symbol®, ASSUREDETHERNETSM, MULTISERVICEPLUSSM, INTEGRATEDMOBILESM, and DYNAMICHOMESM. sixth place in the consideration set over three years. INSPIRE THE CONSTANT CONNECTION . INSPIRETHE Deliver all of today’s must-have services with Tellabs® solutions. RAPID REACTION . Whetherathome,onthegooronthejob,yourcustomersdemandalways-onVoIP,IPTV,VPN andmore.Nowyoucansatisfymobile,residentialandbusinessdemandswithacomplete suiteofsolutions—overyourexistingnetworksandwithalltheQoStheycanaskfor. Want to learn more about your most connected customers? Visit Offeron-the-gofreedomwiththeTellabs®IntegratedMobile solution. SM Website Theirfriendshaveit—sothey’vegottahaveit.Andtheywon’thangaroundwhile yougetyourmobileserviceingear.GowiththeTellabsIntegratedMobile solutionandmakeaquickermoveto3Goveryourexistingnetwork. Wanttolearnaboutyourmostmedia-hungrysubscribers? Visit AssuredEthernet Print ads AssuredEthernet MultiservicePLuS DynamicHome SM SM SM SM MultiservicePLuS SM DynamicHome SM IntegratedMobile 7" 7.875" IntegratedMobile SM 8.25" Saved: 5/15/06 Printed: 5/15/06 Saved: 4/25/06 Printed: 4/25/06 Job #: Document Name: TELL-284 Integrated Mobile Ad k2 Wireless Review User Name: Don Harder Jr TELL-284 Keyline #: 2 Graphics, cellphonesFINAL2.eps, TELL-261 WireRev Cropmarks.eps, shopping_photo_crop.tif,, Tell_logo_inspire_greentag.eps InDesign CS2 4/C Client: Ad Description: Tellabs Wireless Ad Format: Color: Creative Dir: Art Director: Copywriter: Production: Kelley Fead Andy Kribbs Shylo Bisnett Matt VanderWeit Bleed Size: 8-1/8” x 10-3/4” Trim Size 7-7/8” x 10-1/2” Live: 7” x 9-3/4” Line Screen: N/A 312-970-5800 Fonts: WhitnBla, WhitnBlaIta, WhitnBol, WhitnSemIta WhitnBolIta, WhitnSem WhitnMedIta, WhitnMed WhitnLigIta, WhitnLig WhitnBooIta, WhitnBoo INTERNAL ROUTE 4/25/06 4 | Account Sup.________ Account Exec.________ Creative Dir.________ Copywriter________ Art Dir.________ Asst. AD________ Project Man.________ Production________ Slack and Company, LLC | 233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3050 | Chicago, IL 60601 | T 312-970-5800 | W Document Name: User Name: Job #: TELL-285 Keyline #: 1 Client: Ad Description: Tellabs Brand Ad Format: Color: Creative Dir: Art Director: Copywriter: Production: Marc Blumer Andrew Kribbs Shylo Bisnett MattVanderWeit Bleed Size: Trim Size Live: Line Screen: TELL-285 Brand Ad_KEY1 Emerge Andy Kribbs Graphics InDesign 4/C 8-1/4 x 10-3/4 7-7/8 x 10-1/2 7 x 9-3/4 N/A, airport_photo_crop.tif blackberryFINAL.eps, Tell_logo_inspire_bluetag.eps 312-970-5800 Fonts: WhitnBla, WhitnBlaIta, WhitnBol, WhitnSemIta WhitnBolIta, WhitnSem WhitnMedIta, WhitnMed WhitnLigIta, WhitnLig WhitnBooIta, WhitnBoo INTERNAL ROUTE 5/15/06 Account Sup.________ Account Exec.________ Creative Dir.________ Copywriter________ Art Dir.________ Asst. AD________ Project Man.________ Production________ SM Copyright © 2007 Tellabs. All rights reserved. The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: TELLABS®, TELLABS and T symbol®, T symbol®, INTEGRATEDMOBILESM. Copyright © 2007 Tellabs. All rights reserved. The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: TELLABS®, TELLABS and T symbol®, T symbol®, INTEGRATEDMOBILESM. ““MY MY MOBILE KEEPS ME WORKING, KEEPS ME LIVING—KEEPS ME COMPLETELY CONNECTED.” INSPIRE GIULIA—WITH TELLABS® Tomas, 30 This is Giulia’s life. And her work, her fun—everything—depends on her ever-reliable mobile connection. So are you absolutely sure that you can give Giulia what she needs to thrive? Tellabs’ experience offers you that certainty. For decades, mobile operators have employed our expertise to advance their networks. And today, we’re speeding migration to 3G and beyond. In fact, a third of the world’s wireless calls are made on Tellabs’ customers’ networks. INSPIRE TOMAS—WITH TELLABS ® This is Tomas’ life. And his tight-knit family, his worldwide business travels depend on a rock-solid mobile connection. So are you completely sure that you can deliver on his demands? Offer your customers the most flexible, most reliable mobile connection possible—with the Tellabs® IntegratedMobileSM solution. “ I’VE GOTTA BE CONNECTED. AT WORK, AT HOME, EVEN ON THE TRAIN.” Royale, 30 Get an extra advantage with the Tellabs® IntegratedMobileSM solution. Now you can unite all of your network’s disparate backhaul technologies onto a single, cost-efficient platform and reduce your OpEx by up to 40%. And all the while, you can offer unmatched reliability and guaranteed QoS with end-to-end network visibility. See how much your connection matters at INSPIRE ROYALE—WITH TELLABS® Now you can unite all of your network’s disparate backhaul technologies onto a single, cost-efficient platform that may reduce your OpEx by up to 40%. And all the while, you can offer unmatched reliability and guaranteed QoS with end-to-end network visibility. The world has evolved. Today, a street artist/Montessori teacher/t-shirt designer like Royale demands the same connection as a high-powered business exec. But how can you deliver the most flexible, reliable connection to millions of complex customers? See how much your connection matters at Print ads Only with Tellabs. Our comprehensive suite of mobile, home and business solutions means that you can help each customer live a more efficient, more creative life. So now Royale can upload pics on the go, stream videos for her students, or download movie marathons. When backed by Tellabs, Royale’s connection can expand to her needs—not limit her potential. See how much your connection matters at 5 | Slack and Company, LLC | 233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3050 | Chicago, IL 60601 | T 312-970-5800 | W Copyright © 2007 Tellabs. All rights reserved. The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries: TELLABS®, TELLABS and T symbol®, T symbol®. “ MY CONNECTION MAKES ME A BETTER FATHER, A BETTER CONSULTANT—AND THAT’S EVERYTHING.” Giulia, 27 Trade show 6 | Slack and Company, LLC | 233 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 3050 | Chicago, IL 60601 | T 312-970-5800 | W
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