October 26, 2014


October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014
Gentlemen: Monday evening, October 27th we will car pool from the church parking lot to Marvin Reinke's
home north and west of Twin Falls. Pastor Sedlmayr began a Lutheran Hour study of Mormonism and we had
so much conversation we didn't really complete the first lesson and Pastor wasn't allowed to stop when his time
was up. I am sure the next gathering will be just as lively especially if more men show up for the video and the
discussion. If you have any questions please let me know. Blessings. Mike Gibson
Scentsy Fundraiser for the Child Development Center will be taking place through November 7. Stop by and
check out all the great smelling Scentsy candles and etc.
LWML and Outreach are joining forces to have an INGATHERING OF FOOD AND NEEDED PAPER SUPPLIES for Valley House. You may bring your items and put them in the blue barrel used for food gathering. If
your paper supplies take lots of space, put them beside the barrel. They are very much in need at this time coming into the cold season. We will deliver it after November 9th. ALSO, be sure to mark your calendar for the Fall
Quarterly Meeting on November 9 at noon.
Sunday School: We are still in desperate need of at least one co-Sunday school teacher for the 2nd - 4th graders. I also need names and numbers of people who would be interested in helping to substitute teach when the
teacher is going to be gone. If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know. Either contact
me on my cell by calling or texting at 404-6806 or email me at: [email protected]. Bonnie Rast
Choir: Please come and share your voice with us. We rehearse on Thursday nights from 7:00-8:00 PM. If interested
please call Beth Bruns.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Many times when we are trying to contact people, we find disconnected phone numbers. IF YOU HAVE DISCONNECTED OR CHANGED YOUR HOME PHONE OR MAIN CONTACT...HELP US.
On the green card in the pew, put your new information on the back and put it in the box in the Narthex by the
bulletin box. This information can be relayed to the proper areas of need. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!
Avery Gonzales is selling fresh frozen hash browns and fries to raise funds as part of the Kimberly High School
Debate team. $10.00 buys either - Hash browns: Six three-pound bags (18 pounds) OR Crinkle Cut Fries: Six
five-pound bags (30 pounds). Orders are due before Tuesday, October 28th. Pick up orders on Saturday,
November 1st at Kimberly High School between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Contact Avery at (208) 731-4498 for
questions or orders. Thank you!
Tonight ~ October 26
Bonfire & Chili Feed at Roberta Beck’s home ~ Meet at the church at 5:45
PM to catch a ride. Roberta’s address is: 3415 E 3500 N, Kimberly. Pickup
your child at 8:00 PM at the church. Please bring a snack to share and your
own beverage. You will also need a pumpkin and tools to carve.
November 2 ~ Sr Youth 6:30-8:00 PM at the church. Devotions-games-snacks.
November 9 ~ Jr Youth 6:30-8:00 PM at the church. Devotions-games-snacks.
Mark your calendars for the 5th Sunday in November ~ Youth Group will usher. Please let Mike, Cherry or Pastor
know if you are able to help out. Thanks.
Be thinking about the Jr High Winter Retreat at Camp Perkins ~ January 2-4. Parents, please let me know if you
are interested in helping.
8:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Sundays at Immanuel
Contemporary worship
Radio Ministry on KART – AM 1400
Education Hour
9:00 a.m. “Immanuel-God with Us!”
Traditional / Liturgical worship
9:30 a.m. “The Lutheran Hour”
CSN - Channel 89.9 FM
8:00 a.m. “The Lutheran Hour”
- Lord’s Supper on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month in both services - Single, combined worship at 9:30 a.m. on any fifth Sunday of the month -
Look What’s Happening This Week at Immanuel !
Monday - 10/27
Sunday - 10/26
9:45am Bible Study
6pm Wolf Scouts
9:45am Sunday School
Tuesday - 10/28
5pm LWML Estate
Planning (QR) (FR)
4pm Circuit Reformation @
Peace Lutheran, Filer
Wednesday - 10/29
8:50am ILS Chapel
9:30am LWML Estate
Planning (FR) (QR)
6:30pm Girl Scouts (LR)
5pmCircuit Forum
5pm Jr Confirmation
ILS Red Ribbon Week
5:45-8pm Jr & Sr Youth
Bon Fire & Chili Feed
@Roberta Beck’s
Friday - 10/31
Thursday - 10/30
Saturday - 11/1
Sunday - 11/2
10am “A Closer Look at the
Lessons” (FR)
12pm Relay 4 Life
8am CDC Training (FR) 9:45am Bible Study
8am Relay 4 Life (PH)
9:45am Sunday School
5:30pm Girl Scouts
Brownies & Daisies (LR)
1:15pm ILS Early
9am Quilting (QR)
5pm Jr Confirmation
6:30pm Sr Youth
ILS Red Ribbon Week
Check the online calendar often for updates @ www.immanueltf.org
8:30 Service Mike & Roxie Mumm
Duane & Eunice Laird
Marcus & Amber Lutz (CA)*
10:45 Service Dean & Shirley Ruhter
Don & Ruth Rahe
Roger & Donna Kruger (CA)*
Pleasing God
In the Apostle Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth, Paul laid out a statement
that helps us understand the meaning of the Christian Life. Paul wrote, “So whether
we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please [the Lord]” (2 Corinthians 5:9).
This was the aim of Paul’s life. His whole purpose in life was to live so that he would
be pleasing to Christ. In view of God’s mercy and grace to us, we live to honor Him
and serve others in His name. In the next verse, he extends this idea to include the
scene of the last day when all people stand before the judgment seat of Christ. He
wrote, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one
may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil” (verse
10). We should have some serious concern when we realize that we are moving on to
a judgment in which we must give an account to Christ of the deeds we have done
while on earth. Let us make it our aim, whether in the body, or out of the body, to be
pleasing to Christ in our day-to-day activities. Whether God gives us long or short
lives, we are accountable to God for every act.
So why did Paul feel that he must live to please Christ? What was the driving power of
his life or what is it in our lives? Paul knew of Christ’s love for him and the
understanding of that love compelled Paul to carry out his ministry. As John writes,
“We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Our love springs from the
foundation of the divine love. Paul was driven by the understanding of the love of
Jesus for Him. May God strengthen our faith that we, too, might begin to comprehend
God’s great love for us shown in His Son and be likewise compelled to make every
effort to please Him.
The flowers today
are given by
Hank Mayland
To God be the Glory!
Health Concerns
Brynlee Nebeker (niece Kirby/Marty Nebeker)
Patton Douglas (child of Sedlmayr's friends in North Dakota)
Roger Schroeder (brother / Harold Schroeder)
Charlene Aycock
Cheryl Leforgee
Irma Martens
Julie Nightengale (niece / Ruth McKay)
Katy (Lutz) Sievert (aunt / Ruth Harder)
Kristin Quale (granddaughter to Mel & Helen Quale)
Lorrene (Crystal Wolter's very good friend)
Mary Jo Parde
Morgan Biggs (friend Jason Quale)
Paul Bamesberger (nephew / Irvin Ehlers)
Ronald Lee (father / Mike Lee)
Sam Craig
Shirley Lutz (mother / Bruce Lutz & Yvonne Reinke)
Tammy Rehwalt (sister / Bruce Lutz & Yvonne Reinke)
Trip Craig
Wendy Draghici (daughter / Carl & Barbara Rosenbaum)
Charles Pubanz
Those Preparing for church Work
Darbie Dean
Imprisoned for the Faith
American Pastor Saeed Abedini
Missionary Work
Clint Lutz
Roger James
Glenn & Linda Meyer
All missionaries and Christians worldwide who are being persecuted, imprisoned or killed for their faith.