April 2015 - Woodside High School PTSA
April 2015 - Woodside High School PTSA
April 2015 Woodside High School Newsletter www.woodsidehs.org May/April Events For a full listing of Woodside High events, visit the website at www.woodsidehs.org/-calendar/. Wednesday, Apr. 1 Music Booster Meeting 7 pm, Band Room Thursday, Apr. 2 ELAC Meeting 6:30pm , Library Parent Education meeting 7 pm, PAC Friday, Apr. 3 3rd Quarter Grades Mailed Saturday, Apr. 4 Athletic Boosters Fashion Show Tuesday, Apr. 7 PTSA 7pm, MUR Conf. Rm. Thursday, Apr. 9 California College Night 7 pm, MUR Saturday, Apr. 11 WHSF Auction Monday, Apr. 13 SSC/SDMC 4-6pm, MUR Conf. Rm. Tuesday, Apr. 14 WHSF 7pm, MUR Conf. Rm. Wednesday, Apr. 15 Athletic Boosters Mtg. 7 pm, MUR Conf. Rm. Apr. 20-24 Spring Break Monday, Apr. 27 SSC/SDMC 4-6pm, MUR Conf. Rm. AP Info. Night 7pm, PAC WASC Update – We Passed the Three-Year Check Up! Congratulations, WHS! We passed our three-year check up! The three-year check-up was like a physi- From Principal cal with a doctor checking the basics. In our case, we prepared for our check-up by reviewing our two Diane Burbank main school goals and reflecting on what we had achieved and what we needed to revise. The school’s action plan from spring of 2012 included these two goals: 1. Build a spirited school community based on the 8 Conditions of Student Success, and 2. Close the achievement gap by focusing on literacy strategies Two educators from other schools spent the day on campus. They were here in the spring of 2012, so they were familiar with Woodside and happy to return for the check -up. The visitors met with Shared Decision Making Council (with students, parents, and staff represented), department chairs, and the Aspirations Team. And they visited a dozen classrooms looking for teacher and student use of technology, co-teaching, and the diverse enrollment in our Advanced Placement and Advanced Standing courses. It was a full day during which we celebrated and were held accountable. WHS community is healthy; we received approval to continue with our action plan. You’ll find the visiting team report on our website under the “about” tab. I’m also using this space to note several special schedules and days this spring. Monday, March 30, no school for students as the state is celebrating Cesar Chavez Day Friday, April 3, Wildcat assembly schedule for Increase the Peace Week. Celebrating the diversity of campus culture and interests Monday and Tuesday, April 13 and 14, mandatory state testing for juniors only with late starts for all other students. See schedule on next pages in this newsletter. Adentro encontrara traducción al español las noticias de la administración de WHS April 20 – 24, Spring Break, After spring break the finish line is in sight with just 24 instructional days remaining – that means only a dozen days left for each course before finals and graduation. Go Wildcats! (Continued on page 2) Communicat is published as a courtesy of the Woodside High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) (Continued from page 1) Tuesday, Apr. 28 Junior/Senior Parent Mtg. 7pm Freshman/Sophomore Parent Mtg. 7pm Wednesday, Apr. 29 Drama Boosters 7pm, Wildcat Rm. Thursday, Apr. 30 End of Quarter 4 Monday May 4 PTSA Meeting 7 pm, MUR Conf. Rm. Wednesday, May 6 Music Booster Meeting 7 pm, Brand Rm. Thursday, May 7 Music Dept. Concert 7 pm, PAC Friday, May 8 Dance Show 8 pm, PAC Saturday, May 9 Dance Show 2 and 8 pm, PAC Monday, May 11 SSC/SDMC 4 pm - 6 pm, Conf. Rm. Tuesday, May 12 WHS Foundation Meeting 7 pm, MUR Conf. Rm. Friday, May 15 Music Dept. Awards 7 pm Saturday, May 16 Athletic Boosters’ Golf Tourney WHS Band at San Carlos Parade Tuesday, May 19 Drama II Production 7 pm, PAC Junior Parent Meeting 7 pm Senior Parent Meeting 7 pm Wednesday, May 20 Spring Sports Awards Night 7 pm, PAC Thursday May, 22 Athletic Boosters Meeting 7pm MUR Conf. Rm. (Continued on page 15) 2 Información sobre WASC—Pasamos el Chequeo de tres años. !Felicidades, WHS! Pasamos nuestro chequeo From Principal de tres años! El chequeo de tres años fue como un físico con el doctor cuando revisan Diane Burbank lo básico. En nuestro caso, nos preparamos revisando las dos metas más importantes escolares y reflexionando en los logros que hemos tenido y lo que tendremos que revisar. El plan de acción escolar para la primavera del 2012 incluye estas dos metas. 1. Crear una comunidad escolar basada en las 8 Condiciones para el Éxito Estudiantil, y 2. Cerrando el espacio entre los logros al enfocarnos en las estrategias. Dos educadores de otras escuelas pasaron el día en nuestra escuela. Ellos mismos estuvieron aquí durante la primavera del 2012, Así que ya estaban familiarizados con Woodside y estaban contentos de regresar y ver los cambios. Los visitantes se juntaron con el concilio de Shared Decision Making (con representantes de estudiantes, padres y maestros) así como representantes de cada departamento, y del Equipo de Aspiraciones. Visitaron docenas de clases observando como los maestros y los estudiantes usan la tecnología, diversas inscripciones a las clases avanzadas. Fue un día en el que celebramos y rendimos cuentas. WHS es una comunidad sana, fuimos aprobados para continuar nuestro plan de acción. Puedo encontrar el reporte del equipo en nuestra página web bajo el espacio que dice "about". También estoy usando este espacio para mencionar varios horarios especiales durante esta primavera. El lunes, 30 de marzo, no habrá clase para los estudiantes ya que le estado celebrara el día de César Chávez. Viernes, 3 de abril, tendremos una asamblea canten la semana de Mantener la Paz. Celebrando la diversidad en la escuela, las culturas y los intereses. El lunes y martes 13 y 14 de abril, tendremos exámenes mandatorios estatales, para solamente los júniors; el resto de los estudiantes entrarán tarde a la escuela ese día. Pueden ver los horarios en la próxima página. Del 20 al 24 de abril serán las vacaciones de primavera, eso significa que sólo 24 días de instrucción quedan antes de el fin de curso - eso significa que solamente quedarán 12 días por cada curso antes de los exámenes finales y la graduación. Go Wildcats! April 2015 Communicat From Instructional Vice Principal Diane Mazzei April 2015 Communicat 3 From Instructional Vice Principal Diane Mazzei 4 April 2015 Communicat Summer School Opportunities! Woodside High School Our Woodside summer school will be held Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Woodside. 1st Session – 6/15/15 – 7/02/15 2nd Session – 7/6/15 – 7/23/15 From the Guidance Office De la oficina de Consegeria Students were pre-registered for summer school classes during the fall registration process. Confirmation of summer classes will be sent home in May. Please contact the summer school office if your student fails a required class this semester. For more information visit the summer school website www.seq.org/ schools. Francisco Negri [email protected] (x40090) Community Colleges offer enrichment courses: The Concurrent Enrollment Program at the local community colleges offers a wide selection of courses that may interest high school students. CSU/UC transfer courses are available for qualified students and are considered honor courses for many colleges. Interested students must complete concurrent enrollment forms available in the Guidance Office. English, Math and Science classes require placement examinations prior to registering for classes. Please contact your student’s guidance counselor for more details. Sharlett Downing [email protected] (x40093) Job Train: Students have the opportunity to learn career technical skills and earn extra credits this summer through Job Train: 1200 O’Brien Drive, Menlo Park. Visit the JobTrain website for more information: www.jobtrainworks.org. Credit for summer courses taken outside of Woodside must be approved by Ms. Mazzei, before the class starts! Elaine Dessus [email protected] (x40092) Vickie Green [email protected] (x40091) Sara Grace Vann [email protected] (x40094) Katrina Rubenstein [email protected] (x40001) Main Office (x45329) 2015-16 REGISTRATION UPDATE By now you should have received next year’s registration form. You should be able to access classes in Infinite Campus. Students will receive a letter home reflecting their course selections later this spring. If course corrections are necessary, please make changes on the form sent home and get them back to your students Guidance Counselor before the dead line. No changes will be honored after June 5th. SENIORS: FINAL TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS Requests for a final transcript must be submitted to the guidance. Transcripts will not be sent to colleges without an official transcript request. See Mrs. Allen in the guidance office if you have any questions. COMMUNITY COLLEGE REGISTRATION Students that reported an interest in attending one of our partner community colleges (Canada, CSM or Foothill) went through a lunch time application workshop with the community college representatives. They were then invited on field trips to tour the schools, take placement tests and go through general orientations (Foothill is coming to Woodside), leaving your student to just attend a counseling appointment and pick classes for the following year. Field Trip Dates: Canada College- March 19th College of San Mateo- April 1st Foothill College- April 2nd If you know your student will be attending a community college next year and they have not participated in our registration workshops, please contact Mrs. Matavujl in the college and career center ASAP. We still have time to register. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE STUDENTS ON THE HONOROLL FOR FALL SEMESTER OF 2014. Students that have earned a 4.0 or above for last semester have been recognized on the Principal’s List. April 2015 Communicat 5 ¡Oportunidades Para La Escuela De Verano! Nuestras clases de verano en Woodside serán de lunes a viernes de las 8:00 a.m. a la 1:30 p.m. 1ra sesión - 6/15/15 – 7/02/15 2da sesión - 7/6/15 – 7/23/15 Los estudiantes fueron inscritos para las clases de verano durante las registraciónes que tuvimos en el otoño. Las confirmaciones de las clases de verano se mandarán a casa en el mes de mayo. Por favor contacte a la oficina de clases de verano si su hijo/a no reprueba alguna clase requerida durante este semestre. Para más información visite la página web de las clases de verano www.seq.org/schools. Los colegios comunitarios ofrecen cursos de enriquecimiento: Los programas de inscripción concurrentes de dos colegios comunitarios locales, ofrecen una selección amplia de cursos con diferentes temas de interés para los estudiantes de la preparatoria. CSU/UC con cursos transferibles están disponibles para los estudiantes que califican, y son considerados cursos con honores para muchos colegios. Los estudiantes que estén interesados, deben completar una forma de inscripción que está disponible en la oficina de Guía. Clases de inglés, matemáticas y ciencias naturales avanzadas requieren exámenes de colocación antes de registrarse para las clases. Por favor contacte al consejero de guía de su hijo para más detalles. Job Train: Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de aprender acerca de carreras en tecnología y obtener extra crédito este verano por parte de Job Train:1200 O'Brien Drive, Menlo Park. Visiten la página web para más información: www.jobtrainworks.org. From the Guidance Office De la oficina de Consegeria Francisco Negri [email protected] (x40090) Elaine Dessus [email protected] (x40092) Sharlett Downing [email protected] (x40093) Vickie Green [email protected] (x40091) Sara Grace Vann [email protected] (x40094) Para obtener crédito de clases que tomen fuera de Woodside durante el verano, tienen que ser aprobadas por Ms. Mazzei, ¡antes de que empiecen la clase! Katrina Rubenstein [email protected] (x40001) REGISTRACIÓN DEL 2015-16 Main Office (x45329) Para este tiempo ya deberían haber recibido la forma de registraron para el próximo año. Pueden ver las clases seleccionadas en Infinite Campus. Los estudiantes recibirán una carta por correo esta primavera, con la lista de cursos seleccionados. Si hay correcciones necesarias, por favor haga los cambios en esa misma forma que se mandó a casa y regrese la al consejero con su hijo/a antes de la fecha tope. No podremos hacer más cambios después del 5 de junio. SENIORS: SOLICITUD DE TRANSCRIPCIONES FINALES La solicitudes para las transiciones finales tienen que pedirse a los consejeros. Las transcripciones no se mandarán a los colegios sin haber nosotros recibido un una solicitud oficial. Vean a Mrs Allen en la oficina de guía si tienen alguna pregunta. REGISTRA ACCIÓN PARA EL COLEGIO COMUNITARIO Los estudiantes que mostraron interés en asistir a uno de los colegios comunitarios (Cañada, CSM o Foothill) asistieron un taller que tuvimos a la hora de almuerzo con representantes de los colegios comunitarios. Después se les invitó a visitar las escuelas, a tomar exámenes de colocación e ir a una orientación general (Foothill vendrá a Woodside), así que su hijo solamente tiene que asistir a una cita con su consejero y escoger las clases para el próximo año. Días de visitas: Cañada College - 19 de marzo College of San Mateo - 1ro de abril Foothill College - 2do de abril Si ustedes saben que su hijo/a asistirá a un colegio comunitario el próximo año y todavía no ha participado en los talleres de registracion, por favor contacte a Mrs Matavujl en el centro de College and career lo más pronto posible. Todavía tenemos tiempo para registrarlos. FELICIDADES A LOS ESTUDIANTES EN LA LISTA DE HONORES DEL SEMESTRE DE OTOÑO DEL 2014. Los estudiantes que sacaron un porcentaje de 4.0 o más alto el semestre pasado, están siendo reconocidos en la lista de la directora. Los estudiantes que sacaron un porcentaje de 3.5 a 3.99 están en la lista de Honor Roll Los estudiantes que sacaron un porcentaje de 3.0 a 3.49 están en la lista de Mérito Roll. Woodside está muy orgulloso de todos los estudiantes recibiendo reconocimientos. Se mandó a casa una notificación para los padres de los estudiantes que están siendo reconocidos. Por favor contacte a la oficina de guía si su estudiante no recibió una notificación. ¡¡Continúen con el buen trabajo Wildcats!! 6 April 2015 Communicat CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING HONOR ROLL STUDENTS, 1st SEMESTER 2014-2015 PRINCIPAL’S LIST G.P.A. 4.00-4.99 Aboud Syriani, Dona Adler, Michelle Alves, Cole Androlowicz, Sophia Aquino Ortiz, Flor Arlie, Jenna Arvidsson, Karl Ashworth, Sophia Atkin, Elizabeth Attiogbe, Mable Avina, Enrique Badger, Natasha Bardill, Johanna Barzanian, Tanin Beban, Kenna Bhavsar, Allison Blackwell, Paige Bontempi, Rachel Brault, Nicole Bridgman, Karina Brown, Timothy Buhr, Stefan Buja, Jennifer Cai, Justin Calcagno, Anna Maria Campbell, Gillian Campell, Avelle Cancilla, Juancarlos Canellos, Christian Carle, Danielle Carlson, Alexis Chanda, Monica Chang, Eric Chang, Reece Chang, Ryan Chargin, Emily Collet, Trevor Concordel, Sophie Corcoran, Frederique Costantini, Sarah Couch, Isabelle Cox, Andrew Crane, Rachel Crowley, Conner Cruz-Solorio, Michelle Cuevas, Jennifer Davis, Tyler DeFilippo, Daniel Delfs, Annika Delgado, Manuel Dowsett, Anthony Dumas, Olivia Eder, Annalise Fabian, Elisa Farran, Rami Farrar, Evan Farrar, Hope Fatica, Giorgio Finander, Natalie Finander, Benjamin Fisher, Ellie Franco Munoz, Leonardo Garcia Contreras, Kevin Gee, Alyssa Ghiozzi, Jessica Giannone, Janie Gibbs, Keaton Gilardi, Christopher Godinez Mendez, Jessica Goldberg, Thomas Goss, Amanda Gotthard, Maya Greco, Gracie Gregoire, Rachael Grima, Jessica Guaspari, Jamie Guerrero, Eduardo Hajaj, Erez Han, Jamie Hart, Kayla Harvey, Zia Helseth, Eric Hennefarth, Matthew Herson, Kara Hiltbrand Consoli, Benjamin Holland, Lauren Holland, Madison Holm, Linnea Hovden, Taira Hovsmith, Jaclyn Hultquist, Grant Hurst, Raymond Inoue, Hiroyuki Irion, Shannon Irwin, Luke Jack, Austen Jacobs, Callan James, Kayley Jarvis, Haylie Jau, Sean Jauregui, Alyssa Klopp, Monica Kraus, Mollie Kubicka, Bruce LaForce, Mark April 2015 Communicat LaForce, Danielle Lara, Emma Lara, Olivia Laubscher, Caroline Levine, Zoe Loewen, Benjamin Lombera, Jocelyn Lombera, Ricardo Lopez, Mariela Lopez, Thomas Lopez Alfaro, Carol Lopez Ruiz, Vladimir MacArthur, Chet MacArthur, Henry Mahoney, William Mahood, Dylan Mancebo, Oliver Marguet, Jessica Martinez Suarez, Adrien Matel, Taylor Maza Robles, Bianca Mc Cavitt-Malvido, Maria Fernanda McCrystal, Gianna McDowall, Katherine McInerney, Kevin Mendelsohn, Michael Mendez Ortega, Irene Miller, Alex Miller, Zebulon Miller, Madeline Molina, Kelsey Mooney, Jackson Mora, Adriana Moreno Silva, Adrian Mullen, Alec Nelson, Max Nessi, Macie Newton, Jasmine Ngo, Michael Oliver, Christina Opp, Kelcie Orellana Cruz, Monica Oseguera, Carissa Partch-Lebovitz, Ayla Patch, Daniella Patel, Priya Patton, Jessica Perry, Shannon Person, Mackenzie Pirom, Andrew Poat, Helen Polati, Rachel Porras, Manuel Pournejat, Nariman Presotto, Alessia Pritts, Michelle Proctor, Sabrina Quan, Katherin Ramsey, Samantha Raubvogel, Aaron Raynor, Meredith Reitmaier, Samantha Reynolds, Jesse Rikhter, Paul Ringman, Lauren Robles, Mary Rodriguez, Abigayl Rohlfes, Anika Romer, Olivia Rosario, Juan Miguel Russell, Parker Saii, Yalda Saliba Almeida, Rebeca Sanchez, Rogelio Sanchez Garcia, Fernando Saxon, Athena Saxon, Phaedra Schillace, Dominic Schneider, Aaron Schott, Lauren Schrammel, Isabella Searcy, Alexandra Serrano, Moises Servin Ayala, Diana Shaw, Jillian Shiri, Ida Silverman, Mariana Silvestri, Sofia Sisneros, Alexa Skinner, Bella Slover, Elizabeth Smith, Austin Smith, Sarah Song, Skyler Stafford, Shane Stangvik, Allegra Stankiewicz, Tomas Sterns, Lauren Stoker, Celeste Sujansky, Stefan Tabares Ruiz, Steffy Tam, Stefanie Tan, Bryan Taylor, David (Continued on page 8) 7 (Continued from page 7) Tellez, Karely Topper, Langley Torres-Anzaldo, Marcos Triest, Julia Tuttle, Edward Tzoumbas, Mariah Untrecht, Maximilian Urena Cuevas, Estrella Vaughan, Cameron Velasquez Moreno, Evelyn Verkler, McKay Vinther, Therese Wake, Lorna Warman, Madeleine Wasserman, Leslie Wasserman, Anne Wayne, Gianna Weber, Killian Weiss, Andrew Wellington, Roxanne Wheaton, Brian White, Megan Wilson, Mekenna Woods, Laurel Woods, Clara Wright, Matthew Yakupitiyage, Swain Yarborough, Bryana Youngerman, Claire Zhou, Pearl CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING HONOR ROLL STUDENTS, 1st SEMESTER 2014-2015 HONOR ROLL LIST G.P.A. 3.50-3.99 Aguilera, Jillienne Alcazar, Dylan Alexander, Miles Alfajora, Benito Alftin, Nicholas Alston, Hannah Ardon Ramirez, Diana Arellano, Jocelyn Arena, Kirk Arlie, Wyatt Arreola, Oscar Arriaza Espana, Jason Arriaza Espana, Brendy Arsan, Joseph Asenso, Jason Ashworth, Sydney Austria Garcia, Alan Avalos Vega, Daniel Baek, Kathy Baldini, Anthony Barranco, Christian Barrientos, Kassandra Barth, Gregory Bascara, Isabella Batsford, Ashley Batsford, Jennifer Behrakis, David Bennett, Amanda Betancourt, Hector Bissell, Nicole Blankenberg, Sabina Blatner, Eric Bohaboy, Jordan Boneso, Gabriella Bourgeois, Weston Brodie, Kaelie Brown, Konur Bujtor, Jacob Butterworth, Kiersten Butterworth, Brendan Caceres, Alexander Calderon, Maria de Jesus Calderon, Henry Campbell, Jacob 8 Cannon, Shalene Carlos, Samantha Carreno, Nayeli Castrejon, Yerania Castrejon, Casandra Castro, Priscilla Cedillo, Miguel Chambers, Lucy Chavez, Eliseo Chetrit, Michelle Cizeron, Juliana Clavel, Sofia Cockrum, Mitchell Connolly, James Conover, Clayton Contreras, Erica Contreras, Jennifer Contreras Jacome, Elder Corado Cano, Jose Corral, Martin Cowart, Jenna Cowart, Jessika Crevelt, Jordan Crowley, Jesse Dado, Jose Aldrin De Jesus, Diana Dehar, Harpreet Del Rosario, Francesca Delgadillo, Llusanny Demers, Sofia DeVitis, Gabriel Diller, James Diller, Devon Dohrmann, Devin Doyle, Easton Dupuy, Leo Eguizabal Favian, Roxana Escoto Ramirez, Michelle Espana Camacho, Yulisa Espino Cervantes, Luis Espinoza, Cathleen Espinoza, Isabel Esteverena, Isabel Falore, Maxwell Fanucchi, Sophia Felix Esparza, Paloma Fisher, Lea Fosgett, Dylan Gabbard, Samantha Gabriel, Bianca Galdamez Guevara, Angela Garcia, Michelle Garcia, Veronica Garratt, Lindy Gawle, Morgan Gilbert, Sofia Giles, Avery Glenn, Aliea Godinez, Branden Godinez, Carla Gomez Arellano, Grecia Gray, Joshua Grech, Kaitlyn Greenberg, Nicole Guthmann, Alexander Gutierrez, Fabian Gutierrez Cardenas, Juan Hart, Brianna Hay, Erik Heaton, Emma Hennessy, Julie Hernandez, Evangelina Hernandez Diaz, Uri Herrera Lopez, Karen Heywood, Ethan Hill, Nateja Hong, Connor Hunt-Dusse, Ane Hussussian, Cella Irwin, Josiah Jaco Gonzalez, Jonathan Jacome, Luis Jaime-Aviles, Christina Jalalian, Sam James, Alyssa Jordan, Tash Kerrigan, Haley Kinsella, Brett Kish, Michele Kister, Sebastien Kloezeman, Colin Knudson, Carley Kotliar, Arina Krampert, Raquel Kronauge, Anika La Mar, Madison Labagh, Erica Larkin, Jacob Larkin, Jesse Law, Margaret Levine, Caleb Lombera, Theresa Lopez, Samantha Lopez, Roberto Lopez Ruiz, Emiliano Lovazzano, Issabella Luna, Elizabeth Lyssand, Linnea Magana, Alejandro Magana Mendoza, Adilene Makasini, Meleane Taufa Manzo Chavez, Ana Martinez Lopez, Briceida Massis, Raveena Masulit, Viviana McClure, Isabel McCrystal, Sean McDevitt, Sophia Mendieta Chisco, Giovanni Michelsen, Bria Milanes, Blossom Mills, Aaron Montalbano, Mia Montemayor, Leira Fae Montoya, Nicxa Montoya Abundis, Gabriela Mora, Jackelyn Morales, Jessica Mull, Lauren Mullen, Grayson Munguia, Jessica (Continued on page 9) April 2015 Communicat (Continued from page 8) Najera, Teresa Navarrete, Luis Negrete, Danielle Newby, Grace Nodine, Samantha Ochoa Gutierrez, Karina Odenwald, Luke Orellana Rochin, Justin Orozco Vega, German Ortiz, Joaquin Osorio De Jesus, Juan Palafox Sanchez, Yoselin Palala, Gianna Patrone, Beckler Perez, Crisanto Perez, Elizabeth Perez Agredano, Andrea Perez Pizarro, Alejandra Peter, Vincent Peterson, Anneka Pineda-Herrera, Anthony Politi, Joseph Prasad, Nathan Ramirez, Emily Ramirez, Leslie Rappaport, Emile Raynor, Kaitlin Rebuelta Marquez, Kimberly Resler, Nicholas Revuelta, Monica Revuelta Contreras, Baldemar Reyes, Tiffany Richardson, Skye Rieber, Noemi Robles, Jose Rodondi, Stephen Rodriguez, Jasmine Rogers, Maxwell Rohlfes, Katrina Rutherford, Levi Salinas Salto, Mitzy Sanchez Calado, Kyle Sandoval, Michelle Santos, Cynthia Santoyo Duarte, Jasmin Satero, Hannah Schneider, Jacquelyn Sealund, Mina Searcy, Ryan Shaeffer, Isaac Silva Guerrero, Maritza Silverman, Joselyn Silvestri, Tiffany Simpson, Fiona Smith, Derek Soria Mendoza, Christabel Sosa, Enedina Sosa, Marcus Soto Sierra, Esmeralda Steinebel, Amanda Stockford, Delaney Stovall, Hannah Stucky, Jack Suarez Zarate, Gabriela Suchite Morales, Alexa Sullivan, Sydney Swan, Adam Thompson, Riley Torres, Kimberly Torres Maldonado, Amanda Torres Maldonado, Clarissa Touhey, Christian Touhey, Stefan Tregon, Pascale Tyler-Funes, Briana Vae, Shammah Vaea, Lavenita Valencia Jr, Hector Vargas, Glenda Vasquez, Susana Vazquez, Alexa Velarde Rodriguez, Arianna Velbis, Philip Kent Velez, Marissa Veliz Salinas, Mercy Venturelli, Sophia Verbeck, Hunter Verbeck, Nathaniel Vigdorchik, Levi Villarreal, Andres Vixie, Abigail Wang, Robert Wassermann, Emily Watts, Jordan White, Garrett Willey, Jessica Wong, Abigail Yedinak, Evan Yee, Michael Younan, Natalia Zabaneh, Anya Zamora-Naranjo, Miguel CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING HONOR ROLL STUDENTS, 1st SEMESTER 2014-2015 MERIT ROLL LIST G.P.A. 3.00-3.49 Adame Calderon, Guillermo Aguilar Ortiz, Betsy Aguilera, Jillienne Allen Rangel, David Arevalo, Jonathan Arreola, Oscar Arriaza Espana, Brendy Arsan, Joseph Augulis, Alexandra Ayala Zirate, Jonathan Baldini, Anthony Barrera, Karina Bascara, Isabella Bazan Hernandez, Adrian Bernales-Velazquez, Judea Betancourt, Hector Bibiano, Frankcheska Blatner, Eric Borjon, Emily Boyd, Caprianna Briggs, Ethan Brown, Konur Buhr, Stefan Buttler, Diayanara Canche, Joel April 2015 Communicat Cannon, Shalene Cano Randu, Kevin Caravez, Ivannoe Carle, Danielle Carreno, Nayeli Caruana, Justin Cauich, Juan Cauraugh, Dylan Causor-Aguirre, Nestor Cerrillo, Luci Chetrit, Stephane Christin, Caitlin Cizeron, Juliana Clark, Anika Cockrum, Mitchell Contreras Jacome, Elder Cornejo, Alfredo Corona, Brenda Cortes Hernandez, Alma Cowart, Jenna Cuellar, Scott Cuenca, Amber Cuevas Aviles, Marcos Dallimonti, Sara Diller, James Dubon, Alani Durr, Julieanne Escoto Ramirez, Michelle Espinoza, Isabel Esson, Sara Fajardo Morales, Jazmin Fazio, Gina Fishtrom, Benjamin Flores, Luis Forrest, Katherine Fortes, Anastasia Fosgett, Dylan Gabbard, Samantha Gabriel, Bianca Gabrielson, Tatum Gallosa, Nicole Garcia Rebuelta, Gabriela Garcia, Isabel Gawle, Spencer Giacomoni, Alyssa Gilbert, Sofia Giles, Avery Gonzalez Cerna, Elizabeth Gray, Joshua Green, Elise Greene Danielle Grelli, Stephanie Guerrero, Eduardo Guzman Prado, Gabriela Hatami, Mohammad Hawley, Amanda Hernandez Jimenez, Manuel Hernandez, Jesus Heywood, Ethan Hoeft, Heilani Inga, Samantha Introcaso Sipperly, Riley Jimenez, Daisy Kloezeman, Colin Koskela, Nelson Kronauge, Anika Kruger, Jameson Landa, Esmeralda Landaverde Lopez, Franklin Larios, Isaac Larkin, Jacob Larreynaga, Nicole Latham, Kieran Law, Emma (Continued on page 10) 9 (Continued from page 9) Law, Margaret Lesu'I, Ta'atia Levine, Caleb Lopez, Jose Lucatero Cuevas, Claudia Luna, Vanessa Lyle, Gianna Lynch, Aimee Lyons, Kelsey Mahoney, William Makasini, Meleane Taufa Manese, Louise Nichole Martinez, Diana McInerney, Kevin McReynolds, Vanisha Mendoza, Maritza Mercado, Hernan Merwin, Collin Montoya, Nicxa Morgan, Lucie Mull, Lauren Newcomb, Payton Ngo, Michael Nunez Quiroz, Hugo Ochoa Andrade, Brigette Ochoa Gutierrez, Karina Ochoa, Alexander Ortiz Nunez, Joanna Ortiz, Susanna Palala, Gianna Peck, Alexander Pelcastre, Jazmin Peraza, Kathy Perez, Elizabeth Poorsina, Omid Presotto, Ariana Quintanilla, Alexys Ramies, Anthony Ramos, Ulises Revuelta Contreras, Baldemar Reyes, Cesh Germayne Reyes, Tiffany Rinker-Davis, Maxim Rivera, Kelly Rizo, Amber Rojas Barrios, Mariela Rolle, Vanessa Romero Godinez, Cecilia Roque, Alexander Roudebush, Regina Ruiz, Gabriella Sagastume, Leonardo Salgado Solorzano, Juan Sanchez, Veronica Sandoval, Elsy Sandoval, Michelle Sands, Sophie Santos, Cynthia Santoyo Duarte, Jasmin Schnur, Sofia Schott, Lauren Scioscia, Katherine Seddon, Selena Serrano Vargas, Mitsy Shaw, Jr., Jeffrey Silva Guerrero, Maritza Silverman, Ethan Silvestri, Tiffany Skrabo, Brooke Smith, Austin Smith, Frank Smith, Kayla Soderer, Clint Sosa, Enedina Soto, Yanira Suarez Zarate, Gabriela Suchite Morales, Alexa Sumano Venegas, Christo- pher TaylorCohen, Anika Teu, David Thompson, Riley Torres Mendoza, David Torres, Adrian Torres, Andrew Torres, Jesus Torres, Kimberly Torres, Kristina Torres, Kristofer Toulouse, Ryan Trancoso Prado, Paola Triveno Castrillon, Chelsea Tyler Funes, Briana Valencia Jr, Hector Veliz Salinas, Mercy Verbeck, Nathaniel Warren, Gage Weller, Sarah White, Megan Wilde, Audrey Willey, Jessica Wilson, Robert Yepez Guerra, Mayra Zapata Ocampo, Edward Don’t Miss the Annual Woodside Foundation Auction on April 11 Get out your black, orange, and white and prepare for the Annual Woodside High School Foundation Auction! This year’s event is being held at the Palo Alto Hills Country Club on Saturday April 11 and includes silent auction, live auction, dinner, and more! Heads or Tails is Back! Join us at the event for the second annual “Heads or Tails” game that takes place right before the live auction. This year the grand prize will be half the jackpot (up to $1,000) in CASH awarded to the last person standing. Purchase your game necklaces at $25 per strand online or at the event to play. The Online Auction kicks off on April 4th at 9AM and runs through April 9th at 8PM. First Bid Frenzy: Be the first to bid on any item in our online auction and be entered to win a gold iPad Mini 3 with 64G! The more first bids you make online increases your chances to win! Bidding starts at 9AM on April 4th, so warm your fingers up to fly across your keyboard or tablet for your chance to win! Last year’s sold out event made over $200,000 for our Woodside High School students! Help make this year’s event provide even more to our kids! Tickets are $150 and can be purchased online at www.whsfoundation.org/auction.html This event has limited seating – so don’t delay! 10 April 2015 Communicat April 2015 Communicat 11 12 April 2015 Communicat Stress management for beginners - and the rest of us! By Charlotte Villemoes, LMFT Site Director, Woodside High School Every day, all of us experience some sort of stress. Most of the teens I meet in my private and professional life will at some point talk about how stressed they are; they talk about feeling overwhelmed by school demands, worried about their family, concerned about their friendships, their failures, and their future. Not surprisingly, I hear very similar stories from adults. Life brings a lot of stress in various shapes and forms and if we don't learn to manage it in healthy ways it can take a serious toll on us. The mind and body are closely connected and as a result many people - teens and adults alike will experience a combination of mental, emotional, and physical symptoms when they are stressed. Some of the more common symptoms include feeling irritable or angry, nervous or anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, or tired. Stress can make it hard to concentrate and difficult to sleep. Colds, flu, high blood pressure, infections, migraines, aches, pains, and skin problems are also linked to stress. Research shows that we develop our stress related behaviors when we are adolescents. That means it is not too late for your teen to learn to cope in healthy ways instead of going down the more typical path of not getting enough sleep and exercise, while getting too much junk food, drugs or alcohol. Below is a list of some of the techniques that have proven to decrease stress. Since everybody has their own unique ways of reaching a relaxed state, please encourage your teen to explore various options - and consider being a wonderful role model by trying some of them yourself. Move your body. Physical activity is one of the most effective ways of decreasing stress because it helps release all the tension that stress will produce. Find activities you truly enjoy and build them into your weekly routine. Anything like dancing, hiking, biking, skateboarding, or walking your dog will do. The best types of physical activities are those that have a social component, like team sports or simply shooting hoops with a friend. You are more likely to have fun — and keep at it — if you are being physically active with friends. Decrease stress at its source. Stop for a moment to think about what is the main source of stress in your life. If relationships are causing you stress, work on April 2015 Communicat setting boundaries or be more assertive. If the main source of stress is too many demands on your time, make clear priorities and give yourself permission to cut back. Strike a balance. Avoid the trap of over-scheduling by prioritizing tasks and remembering to put free time into your schedule. When you plan your week, schedule time to get work done, but also time to have some fun. When it is time to enjoy yourself, try telling yourself not to worry about school or work. Simply focus on enjoying the moment. Stop procrastinating. Procrastination can add to your stress - when things are put off, you are always working under pressure, which is very stressful in itself. Managing your time effectively can significantly decrease stress. Try making a schedule and stick to it. Plan to treat yourself after completing a task. Rewards can be simple, like taking a small break, eating a healthy snack, texting a friend, or listening to your favorite song. Get enough sleep. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Even a few hours of missed sleep affects your mood, memory and concentration significantly. To maximize your chance of getting solid sleep, cut back on screen time in the late evening hours. Don’t drink caffeine late in the day and try not to do stimulating activities too close to bedtime. Have some fun. Laughter is a great cure for stress. Besides physical activities, find other hobbies or activities that you enjoy. That might be listening to music, going to the movies, journaling or drawing. Hobbies and creative outlets can be excellent stress relievers. Make a point to keep doing these things even when you are stressed and busy. Let yourself shine. Spend some time thinking about the things you are good at, and find ways to do more of those things. If you are a math ace, you might tutor a younger neighbor who is having trouble with the subject. If you are a spiritual person, you might volunteer at your church. Focusing on your strengths - and (Continued on page 14) 13 (Continued from page 13) on other people - will also help you keep your own problems in perspective. Use relaxation techniques. There are many effective techniques to calm your mind and relax your body but just like any other skill it takes practice before you know what works best for you and before it works fully. You can try techniques like deep belly breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, and guided meditation. Many free sites online can guide you through this, like www.innerhealthstudio.com/relaxation-scripts.html. Keep trying until you find something that works for you. Reach out for help. If you or your teen’s stress level becomes unmanageable, it is time to reach out for help and talk it through with somebody else. Life changing events, good or bad, happen to all of us. We cannot control that. But we can learn to control how we respond to stress in healthy ways and counselors can help you or your teen do just that. Adolescent Counseling Services is a community nonprofit, which provides vital counseling services on nine secondary campuses at no charge to students and their families. To learn more about our services please visit the ACS website at www.acs-teens.org or call Charlotte Villemoes, LMFT Site Director at Woodsid (650) 367-9750 ext. 45327. ACS relies on the generosity of community members to continue offering individual, family, and group counseling to over 1,500 individuals annually. ACS provides critical interventions and mental health services, building a better future for tomorrow. If you are interested in helping to support our efforts, do not hesitate to call to make a donation. It goes a long way in helping teenagers find their way! Attention Woodside Families! Focus on Spirit of Adventure! We are looking for SIX Woodside families who are willing to host a French student from Thionville, France from April 13 - April 24. This will be our FIFTH time hosting from this same school. . . let's keep the tradition going. No need to know/speak any French - the students are coming to practice their English. Please contact Gay Buckland-Murray ([email protected]) for a short application and/ or more info. Host family meeting 6pm room B-5 March 24. Merci! Share the Road Please remember to watch for our students and staff who are biking to and from school. It is especially dangerous when students are being dropped off & picked up. Please help keep our bike riders safe and drive carefully! Proven Fundraising- Simple & Free Please go to www.escrip.com ! Remember you can split your eScrip between up to 3 organizations. If you have not gone to eScrip to update your account to include our PTSA, please do so. If you had your support at an elementary school and all your kids are now in high school, it is especially important to update! 14 Group Name: Woodside High School PTSA Group ID: 137612196 April 2015 Communicat Athletic Boosters Woodside’s Athletic Boosters Organization (ABO) has been hard at work planning fundraisers to help support Woodside’s athletic teams. The ABO supports all sports and has helped fund team uniforms, coaches, equipment, transportation, awards, scholarships and more. The ABO’s 24rd Annual Senior Fashion Show, will be presented on April 4, 2015 in the PAC. The Senior Fashion Show is a fun, entertaining and heart warming tradition at Woodside High where the senior students and athletes will walk the runway wearing fashions that have been provided by some of our students favorite local retail vendors. All proceeds from this fashion show go to Woodside’s teams. 4rd Annual Golf Tournament, will be on May 16, 2015 at Moffett Field Golf Course 1 PM SHOTGUN START, SCRAMBLE FORMAT With drawings, contests, food, drink and a Scramble format, golfers and nongolfers are sure to have a fun time. Come out and join us for a fun day in support of Woodside sports. 3rd Annual Crab Feed on January 17th, featuring great food, great friends, as well as gift drawings was a great success Thank you all who attended!!! Cheer on our Athletes!! There is nothing that feels better for a student-athlete than to see and hear a huge crowd of fans cheering them. Support the team, keep it positive, and set an example on how to be a proud, supportive parent. We look forward to seeing you out there. Drama Boosters We're all so proud of the cast and crew of "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying". It was a joy to watch and to work back stage. (If you haven't "worked" a play, Drama yet, consider it for next year.) Thanks especially to Barry Woodruff, Kim Harvath, Ruthie Smith, and Karen Peterson for the many hours of work putting this show together; coachBoosters ing, choreographing, directing, conducting and overall corralling the students to get them to the point of providing yet another superb production for the Woodside Drama Department! There are more names than I can remember to bring up - Don, Donna, Karen, Jill, Tom, Linda, Angela, Sheri, Lori, Debra, Akio, Stevan, and more. My apologies for those who worked hard and did not get a mention. It takes a village to put on a production like this. It's a privilege to be a part of this one!!! You can see some of your favorite scenes from the production at the Athletic Boosters Fashion Show, so don't miss that event. It's loads of fun and you can contribute to another great organization that is part of the Woodside High School community. Also, mark your calendars now for the Drama Class's production on Tuesday, May 19th, at 7pm in the PAC. This production is ALL student run and produced and, as you would expect, is always another great show. Come out and support your students! Have a great Spring Break everyone! PTSA Weekly Update The best way to keep up with everything happening at Woodside High School is the PTSA Weekly Update. To subscribe, just go to http://tinyurl.com/ WHSWeekly. To read past editions, go to http://tinyurl.com/ WHSWeeklyArchives. April 2015 Communicat (Continued from page 2) Wednesday, May 27 May 21-29 Study Week Drama Boosters Meeting 7 pm, Wildcat Room Monday, May 25 Memorial Day No School Thursday, May 28 Academy Graduation May 29 Tuesday, May 26 SSC/SDMC Meeting 4-6 pm, MUR Conf. Rm. Freshman Parent Meeting 7 pm Sophomore Parent Meeting 7 pm 15 16 April 2015 Communicat g Important News for Juniors & Seniors Prom WHS Junior/Senior Prom will be on Saturday May 2 8pm-11:30pm at the historic Regency Ballroom building in San Francisco. Tickets will go on sale in April. Please note that all ticket sales take place in D7 during lunch and after school. Tickets are never sold at the event. In order to purchase a ticket the student must be either a junior or senior (underclassmen can attend as a guest of an upperclassman), off the No Privileges list, and have no fines. Tickets will be $80 with PAL, $90 without. Tickets will be sold from April 6-17, 2015. Tickets will NOT be sold after April 17. Students can pay with Cash, Money Orders, or Credit Cards. Checks are NOT accepted. Please note that there will be a processing fee of $2.50 for credit cards. Powder Puff Mark your calendars for April 10 to see the WHS Powder Puff game. The game will consist of female students taking the field for a game of flag football and the boys on the sideline cheering them on. Proceeds from this event will support the Student Body Fund which supports all student activities on campus as well as athletics. Tickets will be $5. Graduation Graduation is fast approaching. Stay informed! Information will be updated when available on the Woodside High School website, www.woodsidehs.org. Under the Student Life tab, select Senior Information. Cap and gowns will be delivered to the school and be distributed out of D7 during lunch on May 21, 2015. If you have not reserved a graduation unit, please see Mrs. With in D7 or contact her at [email protected]. “The Mask You Live In” – Documentary Film Screening Coming to Woodside Charlene Margot, Founding Director, Woodside Parent Education Series On April 2, the Woodside Parent Education Series is proud to offer a premier screening of the new documentary film from Jennifer Siebel Newsom and The Representation Project, The Mask You Live In. Compared to girls, research shows that boys in the U.S. are more likely to be diagnosed with a behavior disorder, prescribed stimulant medications (for ADD/ADHD), fail out of school, binge drink, commit a violent crime, and/or take their own lives. Mask asks the important question: As a society, how are we failing our boys? "We must challenge definitions of masculinity, model the change we want to see, then seek it in mentors and teachers who will help our boys stay true to themselves. The Mask You Live In is not just a film — it’s a movement. This is just the beginning. We’re all coming together in a beautiful way, and the time is now. Our boys don't need to suffer, and they don’t need to live in pain." - Jennifer Siebel Newsom Writer, Director, and Producer of "The Mask You Live In" and CEO of The Representation Project Tickets are free, but advance registration is requested. Parents, high school students, faculty/staff and community members welcome. Don’t miss the last opportunity this year to view “Mask” in the SUHSD! Register at: http://mask2015whs.eventbrite.com Woodside Parent Education Series events are sponsored by the Woodside PTSA, the Sequoia Healthcare District, and the Sequoia Union High School District. For more information, contact Charlene Margot, The Parent Education Series, Founding Director, at [email protected], 650.868.0590. Events are free and open to SUHSD parents, students, faculty/staff and community members! Thursday, April 2, 2015 “The Mask You Live In,” Documentary film from The Representation Project Introduction by Steve Smith, PhD, Palo Alto University 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., Woodside Performing Arts Center (PAC) April 2015 Communicat 17 Class of 2018 Parents Group Parents Meeting Our next meeting is on Tuesday, April 28 at 7pm at Canyon Inn located at 587 Canyon Road in Redwood City (http://www.canyoninn.com/) - come out to socialized with fellow parents and learn about upcoming activities. Volunteering for the Senior Bruch on Thursday, June 4th The Freshman Class is responsible for the Senior Brunch on Thursday, June 4th , after graduation practice. If you interested in helping out, please contact us at [email protected]. 2018 Safe and Sober Grad Night Thank you to everybody we have donated to our Direct Donation Campaign! One of main tasks of the parents group is to raise fund for the Safe and Sober Grad Night: we need to raise $30,000 to make sure our students have a Safe and Sober Grad Night at a reasonable ticket price. If each family in our class donates $100 RIGHT NOW, now we will be done. To donate, go to our page on the PTSA website: woodsidehs-ptsa.org/?page_id=170 to donate online via PayPal or send a check to: Woodside High School PTSA Class of 2018 Parents Group 199 Churchill Avenue Woodside CA 94062 with “Class of 2018″ on the memo line. First Parents Social Annual Tomato Plant Sale Who? Green Academy Sophomores When? March 25 2:00-3:30 Where? Front of the school at the circle. What? Organic & Heirloom Tomato Plants: Varieties include Black Cherry, Stupice, Marvel Stripe, and Black Krim to name a few... Cost? $2 per plant Pre-orders or Questions? Contact Davina Ortiz at [email protected] 18 April 2015 Communicat April 2015 Communicat 19 20 April 2015 Communicat April 2015 Communicat 21 22 April 2015 Communicat
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