Masses For The Week Margaret Wilson Raffle


Masses For The Week Margaret Wilson Raffle
Our Holy Redeemer
August 3, 2008
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Masses For The Week
Monday, 8/4, St. John Vianney, Curé of Ars
7:30am † Inge Reilly (Anniversary Memorial)
† Dorothy McCrea
Intentions of Fr. Arcoleo
12:10pm † John Wood
Tuesday, 8/5, Dedication of the Basilica of St.
Mary Major in Rome
7:30am † Msgr. Thomas W. Groenewold
12:10pm † Alice Schmidt
Wednesday, 8/6, Transfiguration of the Lord
7:30am People of the Parish
12:10pm Intentions of Mary Prisco
7:00pm † Lorraine Awe
Thursday, 8/7, Ss. Sixtus II & Cajetan
7:30am † Louis Reyes
12:10pm † Thomas McCrann
Friday, 8/8, St. Dominic
7:30am Intentions of Fr. Arcoleo
Intentions of the Addiss Family
Intentions of the Magio Family
12:10pm Intentions of Fr. Arcoleo
Saturday, 8/9, St. Benedicta of the Cross
8:00am † Thomas R. Lynch
5:00pm † Adelaide Spenowski
7:00pm † Gardel Arias
† Decd. Mbrs of the Castro Lopez Family
Sunday, 8/10, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00am † Decd. Mbrs. of the Holy Name Society
9:30am † Jan Wisnowski
11:30pm † Michele Trotta
1:00pm Intentions of Fr. Nestor Watin
Pray for the dearly departed:
Margaret Wilson
Scripture Reflection
“His heart was moved with
pity for them” (See Matthew
wonderful picture of who
Jesus is and what he is
like! “His heart was moved
with pity for them.” Here we
have a story in which it is
really clear that Jesus’ disciples and Jesus
himself needed some well-earned rest, and yet
when the crowds come to infringe in his
personal freedom and his right to rest, he
doesn’t think of himself, he doesn’t complain.
Instead, “his heart was moved with pity for
them.” What a great example for us. How is
your heart? What impels your heart? Is it pity
for others as it was the case with Jesus? Jesus’
pity impelled him to do works of charity for
others: he cured the sick among them. He fed
them. What about us? Do we consciously make
an effort to have what our church leaders have
been calling “the preferential option for the
poor?” Recently our Outreach Office has been
telling us of their need to fill their pantry so as
to be able to feed the poor in Freeport. Is our
heart moved with pity? If it is, then no doubt, we
will also be impelled, as Jesus was, to bring
food, money, and other items to help the poor.
It is very easy. All you have to do is to set aside
some goods for the poor and bring them to
church with you. Leave them in the receptacles
for Outreach. What a wonderful picture that
would be of who you are and what you are like!
Raffle News
$25 Daily…$100 Monthly…$250 Quarterly
$1,000 Christmas
Raffle Winners!
We are grateful this week for all stewards in
our parish who share their God-given gifts in
service to all God’s people.
July 20
July 21
July 22
July 23
July 24
July 25
Pam Boening
Robert Brehaut
Albert Nicolino
Sig Feile
Renee Brehaut
R. M. McGrath
Our Holy Redeemer
July 26
August 3, 2008
Paul H. Ducharme
St. Agnes
Cathedral School
proudly presents
renowned tenor,
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There is a shortage of donations and the cost
is one hour of your time. The return on your
investment is a hundredfold. For information
and to schedule your appointment call Louis
Marini, Jr. on 428-4417.
Readings for Next Sunday,
August 10th
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary
On Friday,
September 5th.
The concert will
be held in St.
Agnes Cathedral,
29 Quealy Place, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Various sponsorship & donation levels are
available. All proceeds benefit St. Agnes
Cathedral School. If you are interested in
attending, please call Majella Gallagher at
First Reading: 1 Kings 19:9, 11-13
The Lord’s voice could be heard in the tiny
whispering sound.
Psalm: 85
Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your
Second Reading: Romans 9:1-5
St. Paul grieves for the Jewish people.
Gospel: Matthew 14:22-33
Peter walks on the water until he panics and gives
in to doubt.
Please pray for those who have asked
for our prayers
Jerry Anglim, Michael Barresi, Dorothy Brehaut,
Monica Campos, Faye DiNapoli, Guy Fletcher,
Nell Giantasio, Rose Groshien, Veronica Groth,
Trevor Kennedy, Michael Legrandre,
Erika Mandy, Maureen McCollum,
Genevieve McKelvey, Margaret O. McKelvey,
Helen McKenna, Joanne Maranzano,
Estella Mendez, Sheila Murphy, Al Nespeca,
Celia Paskalis, Marion Pedroli,
Rosemary Procino, Justin Rice, Amy Rizzo,
Fitzroy Terry, Marybeth Terry, Paul Terry,
Dorothy Thomas Doris Sivori, Marcelle Soltys,
Janene Suchan, Rosel Verliin, Lou Volta,
Gerard Wilson, Margaret Wilson
Prayer at Liturgy
How does the Liturgy differ
from other forms of prayers?
Liturgy is defined as the
“work of the Church”. It is what the Church
does that makes it uniquely itself. The Church
is the assembly of believers, gathered by
God, to do worship in the name of Jesus
Christ. Therefore, the prayer of the Church is
communal prayer, not individual prayer. It
comes from our individual prayer, arises from
our habit of prayer as individuals and as
groups outside of liturgy. The prayer we do
during liturgy is the prayer of the assembled
Body of Christ. It is a collective prayer, which
we offer to God by the right (and the duty)
which comes from our baptism. When we
gather to pray at liturgy, we come not as a
group of individuals, but as the Church itself.
Our Holy Redeemer
Parish invites you to
give the gift of life on
Sunday, August 10th
from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30
p.m. in the School
I Knew That you Knew
helping those who have lost one another to
find each other; to offer those lost in
themselves a better way.
Our Holy Redeemer
August 3, 2008
Third Time
Patrick Michael Francisque
St. Claire, Rosedale
Milka Alejandra Rodriguez – OHR
Kevin William Etter – OHR
Alexandra Brennan – OHR
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August 18th-22nd
Cost: $200.00 (includes all materials)
Two sessions are available
For information & application call 483-7383.
Monday, 8/4
7:00 p.m.
AA Meeting
Sumner Hall
7:30 p.m.
Rectory Basement
Tuesday, 8/5
8:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus
Church Meeting Room
8:00 p.m.
Sacred Heart Academy
PSAT Review Course
August 18th-22nd
September 13th & September 27th
Cost: $200.00 (includes all materials)
Student must bring their own calculators.
Two sessions are available
For information & application call 483-7383.
Neocatechumenal Way
School Prayer Room 201
Wednesday, 8/6
7:30 p.m.
Legion of Mary
Convent Chapel
8:00 p.m.
Neocatechumenal Way
School Prayer Room 201
Thursday, 8/7
7:00 p.m.
Resurrection Prayer Group
Convent Chapel
Friday, 8/8
7:00 p.m.
AA Meeting
Sumner Hall
Saturday, 8/9
8:00 p.m.
Neocatechumenal Way Mass
School Prayer Room 201
Pilgrimage to
Our Lady of the Island
Mark you calendar for Sunday, August 17th as
we continue to celebrate the FEAST of the
ASSUMPTION. Cost is $30.00 per person.
For further information call: Ann Jackson on
378-7172, Irene Guth on 378-2887 or Norma
Sanchez on 378-1386.
Sacred Heart Academy
Catholic High School Entrance
Exam Prep Course
Please take note of the following message
from Eric L. Eversley
July 9, 2008
Dear Neighbor,
In the past few weeks, a great deal of discussion
has taken place regarding recent incidents at
Freeport High School and at other places in the
community, especially in the vicinity of Elk’s Plaza.
Safety and securing in Freeport is the issue. All
Freeport residents are invited to participate in a
round table discussion focused on what we need to
do to improve safety and security in schools and
throughout the community. With this in mind a
Community Forum will be held on Wednesday,
August 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Freeport High
School. I invite you to join us at this forum. We can
do more as a community to ensure that Freeport
remains a great place to live and attend school.
During the forum, you will have the opportunity to
hear many points of view from friends and
neighbors and contribute your own perspectives. In
order to help anticipate the number of attendees,
we ask that you kindly RSVP to Denise Elmore at
[email protected]. As a community,
we hold the power to move Freeport forward. To
that end, I do hope you will take this opportunity to
participate in the sharing of ideas and a process of
Our Holy Redeemer
August 3, 2008
planning that will benefit us all. I look forward to
seeing you there.
Eric L. Eversley, Ed. D
Superintendent of Schools
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Sacred Heart Academy
Congratulations to Elizabeth Raynor and
Kelsey Skinner
Honor Roll Students for the
2007/2008 school year!
The Knights of
Columbus Annual
Family Picnic
Will be held on Saturday,
August 16th at Cow
Meadow Park at the Plum
Section from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There
will be food, beverages, music, and games;
FUN FOR EVERYONE! The prices are: children
4 and under are free, children 5 to 11 are
$6.00, and children 12 and older and adults
are $12.00. Senior Citizens Discount; ages 65
and over are $9.00. A family of four is $30.00.
For information call Louis Marini, Jr. at 516781-2725.
Religious Education
Catechists Needed
Do you hear God calling you? Maybe He is
calling you to be a bearer of His Good News!
Help us spread the Good News to the
children of Our Holy Redeemer parish.
Catechists are needed for Sunday morning
and Wednesday evening classes. Please
contact at the Religious Education office at
546-1057 for further details.
Chaminade High School
Robert C. Lucas
Daniel H. Hinton
Christopher P. Mello
Vincent J. McHenry
Congratulations on your Honor Roll
We are now accepting
upcoming school year.
Classes begin on Sunday,
September 21. Sunday
classes are filling up
quickly, so register NOW!
Don’t forget we are also offering Sunday or
Wednesday afternoon classes for Pre-K and
Kindergarten children! For new students,
please bring his/her baptism certificate with
you when you come to register. Our office
hours are Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to
3:00 p.m. Call us at 546-1057 for more
The Beginning Experience
Our Holy Redeemer
August 3, 2008
Help for the heartache of
widowhood. A weekend away
for a lifetime of change. The
next weekend is August 2224th. For information and
reservations, call Connie at
735-1720, Mike at 812-617,
Cecilia at 625-1073 or John at 882-0635.
La Virgen María
visita sus hogares
Este grupo visita los hogares con la
imagen de la Virgen de Fátima para
rezar el rosario con la familia. Si desea
que lo visiten llame a Berta al 379-8270
o a Rosario al 425-8339
Todos los miércoleses después de la
misa de las 7:30 pm celebramos la
Ultreya en el sótano de la iglesia.
Reflexión Semanal:
“Se compadeció de
ella [de la muchedumbre].”
(Ver Mateo 14:13-21) ¡Qué
representa esta escena el
modo de ser de Jesús! El se
compadeció de ellos. En este
relato vemos que Jesús y sus discípulos de veras
necesitaban descansar y sin embargo cuando la
muchedumbre necesitada se presenta, invadiendo su
derecho al bien merecido descanso, él no piensa en sí
mismo, él no se queja. Más bien, se compadece de
ellos. ¡Qué gran ejemplo para nosotros! ¿Cómo está
nuestro corazón? ¿Somos nosotros personas que nos
compadecemos de los necesitados como fue el caso
con Jesús? El corazón de Jesús lo impulsó a
compadecerse por otros, a hacer obras de caridad
por ellos, a sanarlos, a alimentarlos. ¿Qué hay de
nosotros? Hacemos un esfuerzo consciente por tener,
lo que los líderes de nuestra iglesia llaman la opción
preferente para los pobres? Recientemente nuestra
oficina de Servicio Social nos ha estado diciendo que
necesitan ayuda para llenar sus despensas, a fin de
poder alimentar a los pobres de Freeport. ¿Nos
compadecemos nosotros? Si así es, sin duda nos
sentiremos impulsados, como Jesús, a traer alimento,
dinero y otros artículos para ayudar a los pobres. Es
muy fácil, aparte algunas provisiones o alguna
cantidad de dinero para los pobres y tráigalos a la
iglesia con Usted con regularidad. Deje las
provisiones en los receptáculos que se encuentran en
la iglesia. ¡Qué cuadro tan hermoso de quién es usted
y de cómo es Usted!
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Si desea saber más acerca del Cursillo y los
cursillistas por favor llame a Norma de Jesús al 4420777 o al 205-8986. Será muy bien recibido.
Lecturas para el 10 de agoto de 2008,
Domingo XIX en Tiempo Ordinario
Primera Lectura: 1 Reyes 19:9,-13
La palabra del Señor se escucha en el murmullo de
una brisa suave.
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 84
“Muéstranos Señor tu misericordia y
danos tu salvación.”
Segunda Lectura: Romanos 9:1-5
San Pablo se conduele del pueblo judío
Evangelio: Mateo 14:22-33
Pedro anda sobre el agua hasta que
sucumbe al pánico
Noticias de la Rifa
$25 diario...$100 mensual...$250 trimestral
$1,000 en la Navidad
¡Solo los que juegan pueden ganar!
¡Ganadores de
La Rifa del
Santo Redentor!
Julio 20
Julio 21
$ 25
$ 25
Pam Boening
Robert Brehaut
Our Holy Redeemer
August 3, 2008
Albert Nicolino
Sig Feile
Renee Brehaut
R. M. McGrath
Paul H. Ducharme
La Parroquia de Nuestro
Santo Redentor lo invita
a dar el don de la vida el
domingo 10 de agosto
de 8:00 a.m. a 2:30 p.m.
en el auditorio de la Escuela. Hay una gran
escasez de sangre y todo lo que le costaría a
usted es una hora de su tiempo. Usted
recibirá de vuelta un ciento por ciento. Para
información y horario para su cita llame a
Louis Marini, Jr. al 428-4417.
¡Noticias de
Educación Religiosa!
Necesitamos catequistas.
¿Lo está llamando Dios?
Si Usted sabe hablar
inglés puede que Dios lo
esté llamando a llevar las
Ayúdenos a propagar las
buenas nuevas a los
niños de Nuestro Santo Redentor. Necesitamos
catequistas para las clases del domingo en la
mañana y las del miércoles por la noche.
Comuníquese con la oficina de Educación Religiosa
al 546-1057 para obtener más detalles. La Oficina
de Educación Religiosa ya está aceptando
registraciones para el año escolar entrante. Las
clases comienzan el 21 de septiembre. ¡Las clases
del domingo se están llenando con rapidez, así es
que registre a su niño AHORA! No olvide que
también ofrecemos los domingos y en las tardes del
miércoles clases para los alumnos de Pre-K y
Kindergarten. Los nuevos estudiantes necesitan
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tener sus certificados de bautismo y si no están
bautizados el certificado de nacimiento. cuando
Usted venga a registrarse. Las horas de nuestra
oficina son de Lunes a Jueves, 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m.
Por favor llámenos al 546-1057 para más
La Sociedad de
San Vicente de Paúl
En el Evangelio de esta semana
Jesús se compadece de la gente y
debido a esto las sana y las
alimenta. Nosotros, sus seguidores
aquí en la Parroquia de Nuestro Santo Redentor
podemos compadecernos de los pobres y ayudarlos
a sanar y a alimentarse apropiadamente por medio de
nuestras ofrendas a la Sociedad de San Vicente de
Paúl. Tome uno de los sobres para los pobres que se
encuentran e las entradas de la iglesia y pongan su
ofrenda en ellos. No olvide de depositarlos en la
cesta de las ofrendas. ¡Que el Señor se compadezca
de todos nosotros!
Yo sabía que Uds. lo sabían
Orando durante la Liturgia
¿Cómo difiere la Liturgia, la Misa,
de otras formas de oración? La
Liturgia se define como la obra de
la iglesia.. Es lo que la Iglesia hace lo que le brinda su
aspecto singular. La Iglesia es la asamblea de
creyentes, a los cuales Dios reúne, para ofrecer
adoración en el nombre de Jesús. Por eso, la oración
de la iglesia es una oración de comunidad, no una
oración individual. Proviene de nuestra oración
individual, surge de nuestro de hábito de orar como
individuos y como grupos fuera de la Misa. La
oración que hacemos durante la liturgia es la oración
del Cuerpo de Cristo en Asamblea. Es una oración
colectiva, que ofrecemos a Dios por el derecho (y el
deber) que provienen del bautismo. Cuando nos
reunimos a orar durante la liturgia, no venimos como
Our Holy Redeemer
August 3, 2008
un grupo de individuos, sino como la Iglesia misma.
en el que nos ayudamos unos a otros a encontrarnos y
acercarnos, para ofrecerle a los que están perdidos en
sí mismos un camino mejor.
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