Syllabus for the subject WORKSHOP CALCULATION & SCIENCE
Syllabus for the subject WORKSHOP CALCULATION & SCIENCE
Syllabus for the subject of WORKSHOP CALCULATION & SCIENCE Under CRAFT INSTRUCTOR TRAINING SCHEME (CITS) (For all Engineering Trades under Group II) Re-Designed in – 2014 - By Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment Directorate General of Employment & Training 1 CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. A Rationale 3 B General Information 4 C Grouping of Trades in Craft Instructor Training Scheme 5 D Semester wise Allotment of Time & Marks among the Subjects 6 E Details of Syllabus 7 F List of Tools & Equipments 8 2 A. RATIONALE Success & Sustainability of any Training System depends upon given other things, availability of good quality instructors. An Instructor should possess, besides trade skills, “Skills to Transfer Skills”. To cope up this quality possession of core skills is imperative. Ability to read Engineering Drawing is essential to perform a job / task of Engineering Trades. It is the skills set which enables comprehending the given job and subsequent planning to complete the task/job. Thus it is regarded as core skills for all Engineering trades. Similarly, knowledge of basic scientific principles creates the foundation for acquiring hard skills. It is the initial/inherent knowledge set which enables analyzing the given job and subsequent detail planning; Such as selecting proper physical conditions e.g. Temperature for a heat treatment process, Material of cutting tool etc. Similarly, ability to perform simple calculations also creates the foundation for proper hard skills. It is the inherent knowledge set which enables to analyse the given job - Quantitatively and subsequent detail planning; Such as selecting the physical conditions quantitatively e.g. speed and feed of a cutting operation. Thus Engineering Drawing, Workshop Calculation & Science are regarded as a core skills set which supplements hard skills in all Engineering Trades. Recognizing this importance of the core skills, the subjects of Engineering Drawing and Workshop Calculation & Science are made integral part of all Engineering Trades for Craft Instructors Training Scheme (CITS) under NCVT. 3 B. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Course : Craft Instructor Training Scheme 2. Duration of Instructor Training : 1 Year (Two semesters each of six months duration). 3. Subjects covered in the Semesters : Detailed in Section - D 4. Name of the Subject : WORKSHOP CALCULATION & SCIENCE 5. Applicability : For all Engineering Trades of Group II (MECHANIC MOTOR VEHICLE / MECHANIC DIESEL/MECH. RAC/TRACTOR MECHANIC/FARM MECHANIC & MECHANIC AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY) 6. Examination : AITT to be held at the end of each semester. 7. Space Norms : One Class Room of minimum 30sq.m. area having Minimum width of 5 m. with minimum Illumination of 6000 lumen will be reqd.. The electrical equipments of Drawing Hall should conform to minimum 3 star Building energy rating as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency (B.E.E.) 8. Power Norms : 1 Kw 9. Unit strength(Batch Size) : 20 10. Entry qualification : NTC / NAC from NCVT in any one of the trades of Gr.–II OR Diploma/Degree in Mechanical/Production Industrial Engineering from AICTE recognized Board / University. 11. Trainers’ Qualification : Diploma or Degree in Mechanical / Production / Industrial Engineering from AICTE recognized Board / University with five / two years experience respectively. Desirable: Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD & A course under NCVT. 12. Trainer: At least one full time instructor is required for two batches. For one batch, the instructor may be out sourced/ hired on contract basis. 4 C. GROUPING OF TRADES IN CRAFT INSTRUCTOR TRAINING SCHEME GROUP NO. I II III IV V VI VII TRADE NAME Forger & Heat Treater, Carpenter, Foundry man, Pattern Maker Sheet Metal Worker, ALL WELDER TRADES {Welder, Welder (GMAW >AW), Welder (Pipe), Welder (Structural), Welder (Fabrication & Fitting) and Welder (Welding & Inspection)}, Plumber. Mechanic Motor Vehicle, Mech. Ref. & Air Conditioning, Farm Mech. & Mech. Agricultural Machineries Draughtsman (Mechanical), Draughtsman (Civil), Reading of Drawing & Arithmetic (RoD&A), Surveyor , Draughtsman (Architect) Fitter, Turner, Machinist, Machinist (Grinder), Tool & Die Maker, MMTM, Operator Adv. M/C Tool, Refractory Technician. Electrician, Wireman Maintenance Mech. (CP), Attendant Operator(CP), Instrument Mechanic(CP), Laboratory Attendant(CP), Instrument Mechanic Electronics Mechanic, Mechanic Radio TV, IT&ESM, Computer Hardware & Networking Maintenance. 5 D. SEMESTER WISE ALLOTMENT OF TIME & MARKS AMONG THE SUBJECTS FOR CITS SUBJECTS First semester Second semester Trade Practical – 1 Trade Theory - 1 Workshop Cal. & Sc. Engineering Drawing Library TOTAL for Sem. - I Trade Practical – 2 Trade Theory - 2 Training Methodology Practical Training Methodology Theory + IT TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Hrs. / Week 20 6 6 6 2 40 16 4 12 8 % of time allotted 50 15 15 15 5 Marks Sessional Full Marks Exam. Pass Marks Sessional Total 30 20 50 30 20 30 230 120 50 100 120 60 30 60 18 12 - 138 72 30 60 40 10 30 200 100 50 100 450 200 100 200 500 230 120 230 270 120 60 120 30 18 12 18 300 138 72 138 20 100 20 120 60 12 72 600 1050 100 150 700 1200 360 630 60 90 420 720 40 80 Hourly Distribution TOTAL: 1200 marks for 2 semesters Pass marks: 720 TT TP WCSc. ED TM-P TM-T Lib Subject Trade Practical Trade Theory Total for Trade Training Methodology (Practical) Training Methodology (Theory) + IT Total for Training Methodology & IT Engineering Drawing Workshop Cal. & Sc. Library 6 Time in % 45 12.5 57.5 15 Marks in % 38 20 58 19 12.5 10 27.5 29 7.5 7.5 2.5 12 4 - E. Details of WORKSHOP CALCULATION & SCIENCE syllabus Under Craft Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) Group-II Sl. No. Topics Hours Marks 1. Simplification of fraction and decimals-Addition, substraction, multiplication and division- Conversion and Measurement-MKS, CGS,FPS AND SI units- Fundamentals and derived units. 2. Square & square roots- problem based on Square & square roots. Algebraic- addition, substraction, multiplication, and division-simultaneous equations-Quadratic equations. Logarithms-Application of Logarithms 12 4 12 5 3. Force, Types of force, Pressure, Pascal law, Laws of motion Equation of motion, Stress, Strain and its types, Modulus of Elasticity and Hook’ s law 4. Work, Power, Energy, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration and Deceleration, Torque, Torque unit conversion. HP,IHP,BHP,FHP,MEP,BORE,STROKE,CUBIC CAPACITY, SFC, THERMAL EFFICIENCY,VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY , MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY and related problems 5. Mass, Weight, Volume, Density, Viscosity, Specific gravity and related problems 12 5 12 5 12 4 6. Ratio and Proportion- Direct, Indirect and mixed proportions. Problems based on ratio and proportion 7. Heat-Temperature and conversion of scales Fahrenheit, Centigrade and Kelvin. Thermometer and Thermocouple. Iron carbon Diagram, Heat treatment- Process of Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening and Tempering. Case hardening process-Carburizing, Induction hardening and NitridingApplication and uses. Transmission of heat. 8. Mensuration- Area of circle, Triangle, Polygons, Surface area and volume of cube and sphere, cone, prism, cylinder and hollow cylinder, Trigonometry-Trigonometric functions,standard formulae- use of trigonometric tables. Height and distance problems. 9. Percentage problems. Estimation and cost of product. Simple machines-Mechanical Advantage, Velocity ratio and Efficiency. 10. Mechanical properties of metal-Classification of ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys. Friction-Types of frictionAdvantages & Disadvantages of friction. Lubrication- Types of Lubricant- Properties of Lubricants. 11. Basic principles of Electricity-Ohm’s law-series and parallel circuits. Use of switch, Fuse, Conductor, Insulator and 12 4 12 5 12 5 12 4 12 5 12 4 7 Resistor, Earthling and faraday’s law. Basic principles of electronics-Semi conductors, Diodes, Transistors, thermostat, logic gates etc. Total Hours & Marks Revision & Examination 8 132 50 F. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. LIST OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS NAME OF TOOLS / EQUIPMENTS Laptop with latest configuration Almirah steels (Major) Table. Chair Instructor’s table (big size full secretariat) Instructor chair. LCD projector with latest configuration 9 QUANTITY 1 no. 2 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 1 nos. 1 nos. 1 no.
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