Paso Robles Unified School District TIGER PAWS Mr. Chris Williams Superintendent Mrs. Ellalina Emrich Keller, Principal www.pasoschools.org/brown Georgia Brown Elementary School 525 36th Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446 805-769-1200 November 2014 Mark Your Calendars! November 5 Migrant Meeting 6:00 Pm November 7 Pioneer Heritage Day November 11 *No School *School Board Meeting 800 Niblick Rd 6:00pm November 12 Title I Meeting 5pm - Library ELAC Meetings 5:30 – Library November 19 Awards Assembly 3rd, 4th & 5th grade – 8:10 Kinder & T-K – 10:00 1st & 2nd – 1:00 November 17-21 Gobble Gram sales November 21 Gobble Grams delivered November 21 Minimum Day November 24 – 28 Thanksgiving Holiday December 5 REPORT CARDS GO HOME December 19 – January 2 Winter Break DAD’s Club Friends and Families: Have you wanted to find a way to be more hands on involved on campus? Come join us for our first ever Dad’s Club this Tuesday, November 4th at 6pm. LOST AND FOUND Parents, please be sure to check and double check the lost and found for any items your child may be missing. All items will be donated to Coats for Kids during the week of Thanksgiving Vacation! Principal’s Corner Dear Georgia Brown Family, Happy Fall! With the leaves beginning their transition and the harvest season complete, we find ourselves one third of the way through the school year. We’ve already had so many remarkable opportunities for our students this year. This month our students participated in the Pioneer Day parade, had a successful PTA Family Movie Night, conference week, the book fair and ending the month with DEAR (Drop Everything and Read). We had a fabulous Red Ribbon Week planned with an exciting ending as a result of the generosity of all of our local law enforcement and safety officials taking time to come and teach our students about safety and making the "right" decision when it comes to drugs and alcohol. Additionally our school was adopted be Sunset Savor the Central Coast, generously donating many amazing garden supplies, trees, and plants. Not a single one of these activities would have been possible without YOU. Nothing could be done at Georgia Brown without YOU and your generosity. Thank YOU! I hope you were able to make it to parent conferences. These conferences are a great opportunity to have a moment to speak with your child’s teacher about their progress and areas of continued focus. If you were unable to make your appointment please don’t hesitate to reschedule with your child’s teacher. These meetings are very important for every members involved in your child’s educational team. Recently I have been shocked at the number of students that do not know their address, phone number, and where their parents work. These basic facts are very important for your child’s safety. Please take a moment to help your child memorize these facts. A fun way to practice is during the car ride to and from home or day care. Should your child find themselves in an emergency or lost, this information may make all the difference in how quickly you will be reunited with your child. Please don’t forget the weather is getting colder, please send a jacket or sweater labeled with your child’s name. One more reminder, school will not be in session on Tuesday, Nov. 11 and Nov. 24 – 28. Yours in Education, Ellalina Emrich Keller THANK YOU SO MUCH! This newsletter is dedicated to all the people who made October such a wonderful month for Georgia Brown! *Thank you to the Sunset Savor the Central Coast and their team for their generous donation to our garden. * Mrs. Hily Greene for the amazing Pioneer day parade organization * Green Team you are all simply amazing – thank you for your huge investment in our school, community, and earth! *The Aviña Family and our local law enforcement for their amazing display on Red Ribbon week. *Thank you to all the parent volunteers helping Georgia Brown to provide intervention and support to all our GB students during Power Hour. You are making a huge difference in ALL of our student's education. *Thank you to our new ELAC, PTA, and SSC board members for taking on these very important seats on these boards. * Thank you to everyone who took the time to come to GB on DEAR Day and read to our students! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FROM THE ENTIRE GEORGIA BROWN FAMILY! A message of gratitude from Mrs. Green Thank you all so much for your support and help with the Parade. As always, it was great fun. I’d also like to thank everyone who made a donation during the book fair. We had some very happy children. GEORGIA BROWN PTA IS ON FACEBOOK – check us out for all of the latest information! Georgia Brown Communication Georgia Brown Office Hours: 7:30 – 4pm Phone Number: 769-1200 Teacher Office Hours: Mon., Tue., and Thurs. 2:35 – 2:50pm or by appt. Teacher Voice Mail: (805) 769-1200 Teacher email: First initial + last name + @pasoschools.org Ex. [email protected] School and Teacher website: www.pasoschools.org Go to: (schools) (Georgia Brown) (teacher websites) FLU MIST November 5th, Georgia Brown, from 2 TYPE TITLE 1:30-3:30 pmHERE and November 19th, Virginia Peterson, from 1:30-3:30 pm Edible Georgia Brown A Big HUGE Thank YOU to the Georgia Brown Green Team and our Georgia Brown Students for creating the edible gardens all around the Georgia Brown Campus. Next time you are on campus please take note of the planters outside of the Cafeteria, nearly everything inside is edible. Speaking of edible, the Georgia Brown Garden just had its first lettuce harvest. We were able to supply the school district with enough salad to feed our students at the snack bar for a week. That’s right, a week’s worth of organic lettuce grown right here at Georgia Brown. If you are interested in becoming a part of this great group please join the parent Green Team every Wednesday at 8am, lunch, or after school at 1:30pm. Harvest of the Month Research shows eating a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables and getting at least 60 minutes of exercise daily can help children maintain good health, a healthy weight, and lower risk for other serious health problems. We have partnered with the CA Department of Public Health, Harvest of the Month initiative to feature and introduce new fruits and vegetables three times a month to our students. If your child has a serious food allergy please make our office staff and your child’s teacher aware of the allergy immediately. Reduce – Reuse – Rethink – Recycle! Congratulations Georgia Brown Community! We have reduced our waste by 70% over the last year. That’s right we only send 30% of our waste to the landfill now. The other 70% is either composted or recycled. What a difference one small community can make! Way to go Georgia Brown Tigers!!! Thank you to the 2014-2015 ELAC, PTA, and SSC officers. PTA Tracy Cagliero – President Christina Olivo – Vice President SSC Paul Ashton Kelli Bullard – Secretary Guadalupe Jimenez (Alternate) Gwen Severson – Vice Secretary Jullian Shumate (Alternate) Marilu Gomez - Vice President Liz Moore ELAC Alma Garcia – President Mirna Aguilar – DELAC Rep. Carolina Valdez – Publicist Claudia Jauregui – Treasurer Joddy Moore – Membership Ron Clark - President Araceli Michel-Schlitz Aaron Himelson Maribel Stout Ellalina Emrich Keller Dawn Freund-Steuwer – SSC Co. Maria Rendon - Vice President Raul Aburto - Secretary Hilda Gonzalez- Publicist A note from the District Nurse With flu season upon us, it is important that we work together to keep our children healthy. Viruses spread easily among children in schools, and families with school-age children have more infections than others, with an average of one-third of these family members infected each year. By keeping our children flu-free, we benefit the community as a whole. You can help prevent the spread of flu or help your child get better if he/she does get sick by following a few simple steps: · · · · · · · If possible, you and your child should get a flu shot Remind your child to cover his/her nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing and dispose of the tissue immediately Have your child wash his/her hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and shared items at least once a day Ensure that bathrooms are stocked with soap, hand towels and tissues Teach your child not to touch his/her mouth, nose and eyes If your child is sick and has a fever, keep him/her at home to prevent the spread of illness to others If you are concerned about your child’s flu symptoms, call your doctor early. Call your doctor immediately if your child has a chronic disease. Common symptoms of flu include high fever, severe headache, muscle and body aches, exhaustion, and dry cough. Additionally, children often exhibit other flu symptoms that are rare in adults, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Ashley Aiello RN BSN, RCSN District Nurse (805) 286-8750 ETC Portal Parent and Student Resources Paso Robles Joint Unified is part of the SLO County consortium. This allows our teachers, students and parents a one stop place for resources for several subject areas. Some of these resources include World Book Kids, Starfall, TumbleBooks, and National Geographic Kids. Because many of the resources are subscription based, you will need to log in to www.etcportal.org Parent login is: Username: PasoK-8 Password: parent Student login is: Username: brown Password: prps For questions or more information please contact the District Librarian, Stephanie Lowe, at [email protected] or 769-1100 ext. 30303.