December 16, 2014 The purpose of Moorpark Presbyterian Church is to glorify God and to help people become fully-committed, joyful disciples of Jesus Christ. Ministry Staff: (To reach the staff, call the office at 805-529-8422) Head Pastor: Rev. Dr. Mark McIlraith Associate Pastor: Rev. Janet Loughry Parish Associate: Rev. Dr. Daryl FisherOgden Youth Minister: Dave Hubbard Youth Assistant: Michelle Petersen Acting Children’s Ministries Director: Kara Ayers Worship Director: Kristin Giffin Small Group Coordinator: Dan Crane Music Director: Steve Lady From Pastor Mark’s Office: “Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see!” I am so excited that The Festival of the Incarnation is almost here. Of course, this is another name for Christmas. It’s the time of year in which we wonder about God’s audacity to come off his throne in heaven to be with us in the flesh – to be incarnated as Jesus Christ. The “Wonder of Christmas” is certainly a headscratching season to wonder why in the world this God loves us so much that he dirties himself with our earthly soil. Yet, we praise God that he did! He came to us that we might know him, love him, and be saved by him in spite of ourselves. We have the opportunity to invite our friends and neighbors into this wonder-filled season. Christmas Eve services are at 4:00 (family focused service), 6:00, and 8:00 p.m. While we enjoy focusing on our own families during this season, it’s also a good season to look outside ourselves and include those who are not yet part of our MPC family. I can’t wait to see all of you there as we celebrate this season of perplexing wonder together and find ourselves pondering the God who is “veiled in flesh” as a baby born in the smell of manure, cradled by cow-slobbered hay. How amazing that God dared to come to us and get dirty for us in such a humble way! Pastor Mark McIlraith By the Way…. Sunday Morning Worship: 8:15 & 10:45 Sunday School: 9:35 A video of the wonderful MPC Kids Christmas program, “Twas the Night Before” that was presented Sunday night, December 7, has been posted on YouTube. You can get to the video through the link on our website or by clicking here. Visit our website: “Christmas Symbols” Advent Adult Sunday School You can: - view sermons - see the MPC calendar - read/search an on-line NIV and KJ Bible - Read the weekly newsletter - find out about all our group activities - see bios on our staff, elders, and deacons Have you ever looked at your lovely Christmas tree (before the pets get to it!), all the stockings (and of course you don’t fill them with coal), or the strings of lights you are untangling for the umpteenth time … and wondered why these traditional trappings are a part of the Christmas season? Have you ever wondered why we even celebrate Christmas on December 25? Or, for that matter, how much of Christmas is even Christian? Join us this Sunday during the Sunday School hour to learn about these Christmas symbols, their scripture references, and much more. There will be gifts given (perhaps 3, just like the wise men) and something for everyone. We will also have a special artistic opportunity. So come and enjoy! Our Deacons and Mission Team Thank You! Thank you to everyone who donated Thanksgiving Dinner bags and toys for the Moorpark Pantry Plus and money to the Deacon Fund for holiday giving! We were able to deliver over 100 food bags to the Pantry for food distribution and big bags of toys for giving to little ones at the Pantry’s Holiday Festival. Your generosity also allowed your Deacon Board to buy gift cards for MPC members and attenders in need, especially those with young children. We are a blessed church. We can be thankful for so many faithful and willing servants. MPC rocks! - Your grateful Mission Team and Board of Deacons Mental Health, Addictions, and PTS Awareness Group Friday Night, January 9 7:00 p.m. in Room 11 Expressive Art Workshop Saturday, January 10 9:30 a.m. in the Music Room Wonder of Christmas The great majority of people who come to a church for the first time do so because someone - a friend or family member - has asked them to come. The Christmas season is a wonderful opportunity to invite people to come to church! God didn’t wait for the shepherds to read about Jesus’ birth in the newspaper, or to randomly pass by the manger and stumble upon Jesus by chance. The angels invited the shepherds to attend the first Christmas celebration, and they came! Be an angel, too, and invite those around you to come and hear the good news of Christmas! Wednesday, Christmas Eve, December 24: Make plans to join us on Christmas Eve! This year our three evening services will be at 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00 p.m. All three services are full of music and your favorite Christmas carols. The 4:00 p.m. service is our more family-focused service. The 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. services are identical services which will include a Christmas festival of praise titled “What a Glorious Night” by our adult choir. Infant care will be provided at the 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. services only. Sunday, December 28 and January 4: On each of the two Sundays following Christmas there will be only one service at 9:30 a.m. Bring your extra Christmas goodies and join us for an extended fellowship time following the services. There will be no Sunday School on either Sunday. News and Notes December 16, 2014 Information and activities for the whole congregation See the “Who’s Doing What” page for activities and information on Women’s Ministries Groups, 50+ Adventure (Senior Ministries), Small Group Studies, and Men’s Ministries Groups. Christmas Holiday Office Closures NEW! In order that our office staff and volunteer may have a holiday break, the church office will be closed on December 24 – 26, and on January 1 and 2. Santa Barbara Mission Conference UPDATE! MISSIONAL CHURCH: CONGREGATIONS AND OUTREACH Rev. Graham Baird, former founding pastor of Highlands Church in Paso Robles, is the called church planter of “Mission Street Church,” which meets in a movie theater in Camarillo. Though only several weeks old (October 26), it has a consistent worship attendance of 65. Graham’s workshop in the Santa Barbara Mission Conference will reveal how mainline denominational churches can more effectively reach their mission fields in fruitful and successful ways. Register now for the conference, which takes place January 23-24 at First Presbyterian Church, Santa Barbara. Register by going online at or by picking up and completing a brochure at any of the churches in the Santa Barbara Presbytery, at Free Methodist Church of Santa Barbara, Montecito Covenant Church, or Coast Community Church of the Nazarene. New Adult Sunday School Classes NEW! New Adult Sunday School Classes will begin on Sunday, January 11, during the Sunday School hour at 9:35 a.m. between our worship services. See page 5 in this and the next newsletter (January 6. 2015), or the back of the Announcements Page in future bulletins. Prayer Shawl Meeting NEW! We’re making knitted/crocheted shawls and blankets for those in need. No skill is needed, and both men & women are invited to attend. Teaching and encouragement are offered at each meeting! This month we’ll meet on Thursday, December 18, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Please contact Susan Wesner for more information. January Deacon Meeting NEW! Next month the Board of Deacons will meet on Tuesday, January 6, at 7:15 p.m. in Room 11. For more information, contact Deacon Moderator Sue Wesner or Associate Pastor Janet Loughry (805-529-8422, x2). Mental Health, Addictions and Post Traumatic Stress Support Group Did you know: - One out of four Americans suffer from mental illness of some kind. - Individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol are 80% more likely to have an underlying mental health issue. - Depression and addictions often occur with posttraumatic stress. There is hope! Recovery is possible. Join us for an evening support group, one Friday night each month to raise awareness, reduce stigma and hear stories of hope. The next meeting is January 9, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 11. On hand will be Julie Cast, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, who will share about PTSD, Gail Beeker, a volunteer group leader at the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and Carolin Migliazzo, a student at Fuller Seminary, with family experience with mental illness and addiction. Scan the code for our blog or go to MPC Expressive Art Workshop NEW! The MPC Expressive Art Workshop meets on the 2ndSaturday of each month in the downstairs Music Room from 9:30 a.m. to no later than noon. Please RSVP to Julie Cast who will prepare the materials for each class. For more information contact Julie Cast. You can leave a message, an e-mail or a text. NOTE: The next class meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 10. Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 7. MPC Family Christmas Tree One of our lovely advent traditions is putting up our church-family Christmas tree. If you haven’t yet placed your family ornament on the tree, please join in this wonderful tradition! Simply write your family’s name on a red or gold ornament (or combination of the two) of your choosing and hang it on the tree in the narthex. Then as you enter the church, stop and enjoy the “MPC Family Christmas Tree!” There will be a dish of ornament hooks on the table to the left as you enter the church. Merry Christmas! The Word Store The Word Store ministry encourages us to store God's word in our hearts; and as we cooperate with God, He causes us to grow in love and grace. All of the verses selected for 2014 have been set to music and come from album 7, Not One Falls, in the Hide the Word series by Mark Altrogge and are taken from the English Standard Version (ESV). Copies of the cd are available at the website below for $12. Music can be a huge help in memorizing scripture! The Word Store Verse for December is #7 on the Not One Falls cd. The verse is from Colossians1:15 – 16: 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. Community Events Tickets are still available for the special performance of Handel’s Messiah to be held at the new Performing Arts Center located on the Agoura High School campus on Sunday afternoon, December 21 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets will be on sale on-line at Tickets will also be available at the box office the day of the performance. Tickets are $10 per person for open seating. There is no charge for parking. Over 100 singers will perform this timeless Christmas classic with the Westminster Presbyterian Church Orchestra under the direction of Ed Lojeski. Soloists include soprano Heidi Cissell, mezzo-soprano Tracy Van Fleet, tenor Darrell Rowader, and bass Abdiel Gonzalez. Enjoy this celebration of the Messiah’s birth, including the awe-inspiring Hallelujah Chorus, as we get nearer to Christmas Day. End of Year Financial Notes This holiday season, we want to thank everyone who has supported MPC this past year with their time, talent and financial contributions, and look forward to support from all of our members in the year ahead. If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings or if you plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to look into our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Visit or contact the church office for more information. To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, do not file your 2014 income tax return until you have received a written acknowledgment of your contributions from the church. The IRS rule is that a contribution is effective when delivered. This means that a check deposited in the church offering in January cannot be deducted in the previous year, even if it is backdated to the previous year or even if it was actually written and dated in the previous year. Therefore, the last Sunday of the year to give is on December 28. However, checks that are mailed and postmarked by the end of the year are deductible in that year even though not received until the following year. NEW! Pledge Update: As of last Sunday, we have received 100 pledges for $588,796 for the 2015 operating budget. You may place your card in the offering plate this Sunday, bring it by the church office, or send it to the church (13950 Peach Hill Rd, Moorpark, CA 93021). If you need a card, they will be available this Sunday in the backs of the pews and on the table in the narthex. Our goal as Christians is to grow together to be what the Bible calls “mature people in Christ.” That takes the very best we have to give. To help us get there, we are offering several exciting adult Sunday School classes that begin January 11, at 9:35 a.m. “Christians in a Non-Christian World” “Paradox and the Solution” Led by Rev. Dr. Daryl Fisher-Ogden in Rm 11 Led by Julie Cast in the Music Room American society has changed over the last few years. No longer is our society primarily Christian. Even many individuals who identify themselves as Christians really do not follow Biblical tenets. What are those basic tenets? How do we, as Bible-based people, interact with individuals who don’t believe? How do we approach the challenges facing our society as Christians? These are the same questions early Christians faced in the first 3 centuries. The challenges and successful responses to basic questions will be explored as Dr. Daryl Fisher-Ogden leads this class from a historical viewpoint. Come and learn more about our faith and how Christians have responded throughout history to a NonChristian world. “Foot Soldiers for Jesus” Led by Rev. Janet Loughry in Wilkinson Hall So, you don’t have the spiritual gift of evangelism? Many of us do not. However, because we know and trust and have our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are called to share our faith with others. What makes us reluctant to do so? Lack of confidence or fear of rejection? As one author puts it: “Evangelism…is telling good news and helping people exchange their religion for a relationship. It is … being yourself; telling your story; working together; leaving a legacy.” Pastor Janet is partnering with Men’s Ministry guys, Tom Flitch and others, Evangelism elder Todd Eckert and Missions elder John Colvin. Together we will practice telling our own story with helpful, hands-on tools, and use confidence-building techniques and other resources to strengthen our foundation and deepen our faith. We will also have MPC and outside speakers sharing “next step” evangelism and missions. With Julie, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, this class will explore how to express and find solutions in God’s Word to the feelings of confusion and disconnect we may experience when our lives don’t easily fall in line with God’s promises. In the first part we’ll be establishing our need for a very present God and the second part will explore why the crucifixion and resurrection are the answer to the paradox of God’s promises. Each participant will be presented weekly with a paradox and will have the opportunity to respond with color and images. No artistic experience or talent is needed, as this is simply another way to express our thoughts and feelings. In fact the people who usually get the most out of these are those who have little or no art experience! God has made us to understand and communicate on many levels. Listening and writing, singing and acting are others that we are familiar with. Exploring through color, line, texture and shape is another. Sometimes, we don’t have the words to express our feelings and that’s when art expression often will speak for us. “God’s Not Dead!” Led by Tom Flitsch in Rm 8 “Do you know what you believe? Are you ready to defend it? Are you prepared for the challenge?” Based on the hit movie, “Gods Not Dead” we will study, share in discussion and learn more in depth what it means to be prepared to defend our faith and/or grow in our faith. It will give us a strong foundation of scripture and evidence to stand on that will not only help us stay strong, but allow us to reach friends and family for Christ. In the end we will be able to confidently proclaim to anyone in any setting: “Gods not Dead!” a few classes will combine with the “Footsoldier” class. What a great combined focus moving forward for Jesus and His Kingdom. Rev. Dr. Mark McIlraith’s Weekly Q & A In addition to the wonderful classes listed above, Pastor Mark will also hold a Q & A session on the scripture readings from his sermon each week, held in the Sanctuary during the Sunday School hour. Small Groups, 50+ Adventures (Senior Ministries), Women’s Ministries, Men’s Ministries and MOPS 50+ Adventures (Senior Ministries) Coordinators Ted and Linda Dahl 50+ Adventures, MPC’s seniors ministry, provides activities for people 50 years and older. They encourage Christian fellowship, are reasonable in cost, and fairly accessible for all. On occasion, the entire congregation will be invited to a 50+ Adventures event. Past events have included a picnic and bluegrass concert, museum trips, Pastor Dave’s travel shows, theater productions, the Pageant of our Lord, whale watching, art galleries, and the annual potluck dinner and game night. Events are planned by the Steering Committee. They’re generally planned for September - June of each year. For more information about 50+ Adventures, contact Ted and Linda Dahl. MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) For information call: Nicole Grimes or Melissa Ingemunson ([email protected]) UPDATE! MOPS is designed to nurture every mother with children from infancy through kindergarten. MOPS recognizes that the years from infancy through kindergarten are foundational in a mother-child relationship and are filled with unique needs. MOPS offers moms the opportunity to share concerns, explore areas of creativity, and hear information on topics that equip them for the responsibilities of family and community. MOPS is about celebrating motherhood, meeting needs, making connections and experiencing God’s love through relationships and resources. The Moorpark MOPS group meets on the first and third Fridays of the month from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m., with the next meeting being this Friday, December 19. For more information, contact Nicole Grimes or Melissa Ingemunson ([email protected]). Do you have a heart for young mothers? MOPS needs you for a Mentor Mom! Contact Bonnie Boe for more information (805-529-8422 or [email protected]) Women’s Ministries Coordinator Janet Stark and Tracy Flitsch NEW! Women’s Ministries team will have their next planning meeting on Sunday, January 18, at 12:00 the Fireside Room. The Tuesday Ladies for Christ (TLC) Tuesday morning Women’s Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. in Room 11. For more information contact Tracy Flitsch. NOTE: TLC will resume meeting in January on the 6th. Men’s Ministries For information call: Tom Flitsch NEW! The Men’s Ministries team will have its next monthly meeting Tuesday, January 27, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 8. Any men are welcome to attend. For information call Tom Flitsch. The Men’s Wednesday Small Group Bible Study meets at The Grinder in Moorpark each Wednesday at 6:45 a.m. For more information contact Mark Parker or Dean May. All men are welcome! More MPC Activities: Mondays: Tuesdays: Handbell Choir Practice. Contact info: Kristin Giffin ([email protected]) Women’s Bible Study. Meets each Tuesday in Room 11. Contact info: Tracey Flitsch Prayer Meeting in Pastor Janet Loughry’s office. Contact info: Pastor Janet Loughry (805-529-8422, x2) 3:30 p.m. Youth Open House. Contact info: Youth Minister Dave Hubbard ([email protected]) 7:00 p.m. “Renew” Junior and Senior High Youth Group. Contact info: Youth Minister Dave Hubbard ([email protected]). Wednesdays: 6:45 a.m. Men’s Small Group Wednesday Bible Study. Contact info: Mark Parker or Dean May. The group meets at The Grinder restaurant in Moorpark. 10:00 a.m. Community Bible Study (CBS). Women’s weekly in-depth Bible study. Contact info: Diane Henderson Thursdays: 5:30 p.m. MPC Kids Chorale practice. Contact info: Worship Director Kristin Giffin ([email protected]) 6:30 p.m. Worship Band Practice. Contact info: Worship Director Kristin Giffin ([email protected]) 8:00 p.m. The Living Voice Ensemble practice. Contact info: Steve Lady ([email protected]) Sundays: 9:30 a.m. The Living Voice Ensemble practice. Contact info: Steve Lady ([email protected]) 7:15 p.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 21 (Sun) 24 (Wed) 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 24 – 26 (Wed – Fri) 28 (Sun) 9:30 a.m. 1, 2 (Thu, Fri) 4 (Sun) 9:30 a.m. 6 (Tue) 6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 9 (Fri) 7:00 p.m. 10 (Sat) 11 (Sun) 13 (Tue) 15 (Thu) 16 (Fri) 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 18 (Sun) 19 (Mon) 20 (Tue) 12:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. DECEMBER ADVENT 4 Christmas Eve Worship Service, family-focused Christmas Eve Worship Service Christmas Eve Worship Service Church office closed Single Worship Service – no Sunday School JANUARY Church office closed Single Worship Service – no Sunday School Renew Parents Meeting. Contact person is Youth Minister Dave Hubbard (805-529-8422, x3) Deacon meeting. Contact persons are Deacon Moderator Sue Wesner and Pastor Janet Loughry (805-529-8422, x2) Mental Health, Addictions, & PTS Support Group. Contact person is Carolin Migliazzo Expressive Art Workshop. Contact person is Julie Cast The Harvard Krokodiloes in concert. Contact person is Todd Eckert Session Meeting. Contact person is Rev. Dr. Mark McIlraith (805-529-8422, x1) Prayer Shawl Ministry. Contact person is Sue Wesner MOPS (Mother of Pre-Schoolers). Contact persons are Nicole Grimes and Melissa Ingemunson ([email protected]). Women’s Ministry team meeting. Contact persons are Tracey Flitsch and Janet Stark Military Families Support Group. Contact person is Gary Belie Women’s Ministry team meeting. Contact persons are Tracey Flitsch and Janet Stark Children’s Ministries Page Come to Our Celebration Programs! What is my child learning after the Children’s sermon? Every Sunday, all ages have a place just for them to help them grow in worshiping God. Wee Celebrate – Every Sunday in room 3, is where 3 yr olds – Kindergarteners have a short worship time tailored to their little hearts and minds, full of simple songs, ways to participate (who gets to light the candle today?) and a Bible story. Celebration Circle – 1st and 3rd Sundays in Room 4 is where 1st – 3rd graders learn about God by studying Psalms with lots of fun activities! Praise & Celebrate – 2nd and 4th Sundays in Room 11 is where 1st – 5th graders continue their worship time looking at God’s promises and what that means to them. Fun music and good discussion! All ages can grow in worshiping our truly amazing Lord! Come, join us, as we praise and celebrate Him! On Sunday, December 28 and January 4, children 4 years and up are invited to dismiss to Wilkinson Hall for a special Christmas Celebration time full of activities Older youth are most welcome to lend a hand and share in the fun & learning as well. Parents are asked to take their child to the hall and help with the sign-in process as this morning is different from the regular routine. Wee Celebration and Praise and Celebrate will return on Sunday, January 11. Youth Partners Is your older child looking for more involvement on Sunday mornings? Youth Partners, MPC’s Sunday morning service ministry (from Sept. - June) for youth 5th grade and older, may be just what you’re looking for! Children are trained to serve and “partner” with adult teams in one of our children’s worship classes – or playtime care in the nursery. Youth Partners serve once or twice a month. It’s a win-win-win situation - adults have extra, trained hands to help them, youth discover the joy of working with younger children, and the kids themselves find their learning (and/or playtime!) more fun just because of the “cool” youth who are there. Interested youth pick up application forms at the Children’s Ministries table on Sundays or in the Children’s Ministries office. I Spy Baby Jesus! NEW! This Christmas, help sharpen your family’s focus on Christ’s birth and encourage others at the same time as you go through your week together. Just as a candy cane can be turned around to be a “J” for Jesus, help your child spot true messages of Christmas in decorations in your neighborhood and stores. It may take some sharp eyes, but the best games are just that way. Thank store owners personally or hand out “thank you for your beautiful nativity display” notes to homes that include a manger scene in their yard. What a great way to encourage others as you train your child to look for what is true and lasting! Junior Winter Camp NEW! Jr. Winter Camp at Forest Home for 4th-5th graders is coming soon! Sign-ups begin this Sunday for Forest Home Jr. Winter Camp, February 20-22, 2015. The cost is $210 and includes meals, lodging and lots of activities! Come learn how to love like Jesus! Open to all 4th and 5th graders! Your Holiday Travels can Bless our Sunday School Mission! Your extra samples are our “treasures”! Please bring any little shampoos, lotions, toothbrushes, or other personal items for our Club 55 kids to give to the Moorpark Pantry Plus. A collection box is on the upper patio info booth every Sunday or can be brought to the children’s ministries office during the week. Our 5th graders earn shopping “points” from serving at church, class participation and home Bible study—and use these donations to fill their mission basket. Thank you for helping our youth experience the joy of personally giving of themselves for the sake of others. For more details on this mission project, talk to Kara Ayers.