a copy of our Sunday Bulletin


a copy of our Sunday Bulletin
December 28 , 2014
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Today’s Gospel reminds us that Jesus understood
what it meant to be a part of a family. Ask Him
today, to help you grow as He did, in wisdom, so
that the grace of God will rest upon you too.
Children’s Liturgy
The Feast of the Holy Family is a wonderful
occasion for us to give thanks to God for the gift of
our human family and of our parish family. At St.
David’s we are blessed to have so many children
in our midst who lighten our hearts and make us
smile. This Sunday we won’t be having our usual
Liturgy of the Word for children; instead the
children will be invited to the altar at the time of
the homily for a shared reflection. Many thanks to
the Children’s Liturgy leaders who have done so
much to make Mass more meaningful for our
young children.
2015 Offering Envelopes
Boxes of envelopes are ready to be picked up in
the church hall after all the Masses this weekend.
Envelopes are in numerical order. Please put your
name and address on the first 4 envelopes that
you use in order that we may verify and adjust our
records. Please do not use envelopes from
another year!!! Thank you for your cooperation
and assistance.
Office Hours
Please note that the parish office will be closed on
New Year’s Eve (after 4:30 pm), and on New
Year’s Day, Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 in
Italian and 12 noon in English.
First Friday and First Saturday
This Friday, January 2 , there will be Adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm,
ending with Benediction. (Confessions will be
heard at 8:00 am.) On Saturday, January 3 , after
the 7:30 am Mass, there will be a Holy Hour of
Adoration with Meditated Rosary.
Our Church Looks Fantastic!!!
Our thanks go out to all the parishioners who
donated poinsettias and to the many volunteers
who came out to help decorate our worship space.
St. David’s looks absolutely spectacular!!!
New Year’s Mass Schedule
Wednesday, December 31 – New Year’s Eve
5:30 p.m. Bilingual Vigil Mass
Thursday, January 1 – New Year’s Day
10:30 a.m. – Italian Mass
12:00 noon- English Mass
NO MASS AT 5:30 P.M.
(The Office will be closed this Thursday)
First Reconciliation
If your child is registered for the sacraments this
year and has completed his/her preparation for
First Reconciliation, please note that there will be
a final First Reconciliation on Monday, January
12 at 7:00 pm. Please try your best to be there.
New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance
Our Portuguese Festival Committee is having a
great celebration in our parish hall on Wed.
December 31 at 7:00 pm. Cost is $100 for adults
and $45 for children (7 to 16 years) and includes a
full meal with music and dancing. For tickets call
Manuela Valério at 905-417-1709 or John
Cordeiro at 416-452-4915. Bring the whole family
to ring in the new year!!!
Adult Confirmation Classes
....for those who have been Baptized and have
received First Communion, and who now wish to
complete their initiation into the Catholic Church.
Classes will begin Tuesday, January 13 , 2015 at
7:30 pm and run for eight consecutive weeks.
Please call the parish office to register.
Fourth Annual “K.Of C. Family Pasta Night”
....on Saturday, January 17 in our Parish Hall.
Don’t miss this wonderful evening of food and fun
for the whole family. Cost is $40 for adults and
$20 for children under 12 years and free for
children 3 and under. Dinner includes two bottles
of wine at each table, plus pasta, chicken cutlet,
BBQ sausage, potatoes, salad, tartufo and sweet
table. Please purchase your tickets from any of
our Knights. Let’s get excited!!!
Hollywood Gala to Cure Cancer
Support Vaughan in Motion’s annual fundraiser by
purchasing tickets to this great event, to be held
on Sat. Feb. 7 , 2015 at the Terrace Banquet Ctr.
Proceeds will go to Mackenzie Health Foundation
for the purchase of cancer care equipment.
“Dedicated to cancer care in our community.”
Festa della Santa Famiglia – B –
La Santa Famiglia non era una famiglia senza problemi. Maria e Giuseppe hanno voluto
condividere la condizione di quel figlio sconcertante, seguendolo passo per passo nella
rivelazione del suo mistero. Ed è proprio per questa loro disponivilità totale che meritano
tutta la nostra ammirazione.
.....a tutti i volontari che hanno fatto tanto per abellire la nostra chiesa per le feste
natalizie. Siamo orgogliosi che St. David è la più bella chiesa della nostra diocesi!!!!!
Buste di Offerte – 2015
Le nuove scatole di buste saranno disponibile nella sala parrocchiale oggi dopo le
Messe. Siete pregati di ricordare il vostro numero!!!
Primo dell’Anno (MariaSantissima, Madre di Dio)
L’ufficio parrocchiale sarà chiuso questo giovedì, 1° gennaio per la festa di Capo d’Anno.
Ci sarà una sola Messa in italiano (alle 10:30 am) e una sola Messa in inglese (a
mezzogiorno). Per la vigilia ci sarà una Messa bilingue alle 5:30 pm.
Classe di Cresima per Adulti
Le classe avranno inizio martedì, 13 gennnaio, 2015 alle 7:30 pm e continueranno per 8
settimane. Siete pregati di venire all’ufficio parrocchiale per iscrivervi. Questo
programma sarà fatto in inglese.
Primo Venerdi e Primo Sabato
Questo venerdì, 2 gennaio, ci sarà l’esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento in chiesa
dalle 8:00 am alle 7:00 pm. Questo sabato, 3 gennaio, dopo la Messa delle 7:30 am, ci
sarà un’Ora Santa di adorazione con rosario meditato. Venite a pregare con noi.
Cena all’Italiana
I Cavalieri di Colombo organizzano una bellla serata familiale sabato, 17 gennaio, nella
sala parrocchiale. I biglietti sono $40 per adulti (vino incluso) e $20 per fanciulli (meno di
12 anni). Comprate i vostri biglietti dai Cavalieri dopo la Messa.
Please keep those casseroles coming!!! The many hungry and homeless of the city need
and appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans at the parish office during the
week. Thanks to everyone for helping.
Pre-Authorized Giving (P.A.G)
This new way of supporting the Church is now being offered in our parish and many of
our parishioners may find this method practical and convenient. Please take a brochure
home and see if this new way of giving is right for you.
Saturday – Sabato Dec. 27
5:30 p.m. †Franco Pasubio †Ida & Antonio Naccarato
Sunday– Domenica Dec. 28
7:30 a.m. †Mary De Nino
9:00 a.m. †Domenico Tantalo
10:30 p.m †Vincenzo Savo (1 Yr) †Defunti Famiglia Antonio Martino †Michele & Carmela
Addorisio †Lucia Cubellis †Saturno, Maria, Gioacchino Ascenzi †Vittorina Rizzi (1 Yr)
†Maria Conte †Rino De Donato †Joseph Leonardis †Giovanni Visentin †Tutti Defunti e
Santi †Illuminata Adamo †Lucia Viola †Nicola e Emilio Albanese †Christina Sampogna
†Anne Besser †Eugenio e Virginia Scarcello †Maria Teresa Marcello †Guglielmina
12:00 p.m. Pro Populo
5:30 p.m. Special Intention of the D’Silva Family
Monday – Lunedì Dec. 29
7:30 a.m. †Antonio Peccia
7:00 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Filomena Di Paola (1 Yr)
Tuesday – Martedì Dec. 30
7:30 a.m. †Pietro, Luigi e Antonino Gallo
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Francesco Carpanzano (1 Mo)
Wednesday – Mercoledì Dec. 31
New Year’s Eve
7:30 a.m. †Giuseppe e Maria Mancinelli
5:30 p.m. Pro Populo
Thursday - Giovedì Jan. 1 - New Year’s Day//Office Closed
10:30 a.m. †Antonio Cugini †Victor Greco †John Di Battista †Filippo Pace †Addolorata
Gaglia †Luigi Cola †Esterina Perri †Dario Zeni
12:00 Noon – For World Peace
First Friday – Primo Venerdì Jan. 2
7:30 a.m. Per Le Lampade Viventi
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 p.m. †Virgilio Cosentini
First Saturday – Primo Sabato Jan. 3
7:30 a.m. †Raffaele, Ferdinando, Teresa Defina
8:00 a.m. Meditated Rosary
2:00 p.m. Rosary Group Mass
3:00 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Lisa Pressacco (1 Yr)
5:30 p.m. †Nick Pulla