Annual Review 2011 Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art


Annual Review 2011 Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art
Annual Review 2011
The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art mourns the passing of three dear friends in
2011. Wilma McKenna was one of the Museum's strongest advocates. Vice Chairman
of the Katherine Mabis McKenna Foundation, Mrs. McKenna was a devout arts
advocate and supporter of the Museum. Ruth Hill was a longtime SAMA associate,
having worked as a weekend receptionist at the Altoona Museum since 1996. Adelaide
“Tad” Murphy was a former receptionist at SAMA-Ligonier Valley and was extremely
active in the Museum’s Auxiliary. Each will be deeply missed by the SAMA family, and
the Museum dedicates this Annual Review in their honor.
Annual Review 2011
Gilbert Stuart (American, 1755-1828)
Portrait of Captain Joseph Anthony, n.d., c. 1795
Oil on canvas, 28 1/2” x 23 1/2”
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Sullivan
Looking back on 2011 ideas and initiatives, activities and actions,
programs and projects, I am absolutely amazed at what we were able
to accomplish. Together, the SAMA staff, Board of Trustees and
Museum membership accomplished a lot and set the performance bar
even higher for the New Year. My sincere appreciation is extended to
all those individuals who made our work at the Southern Alleghenies
Museum of Art possible. Our 35th anniversary was a banner year for
As we look to the New Year, we are excited about the challenges
and opportunities that are ahead. The New Year promises to bring
noteworthy exhibitions to the SAMA museums. Our Night of
Distinction program on April 28 will serve as a platform to recognize
Betty Gamble, Jeanne Gleason, Dean Nelson and Shirley Pechter as
our new Trustee Emeritus inductees and to honor William Meek with
our Service to the Arts Award. We remain committed to a quality
Arts-in-Education program in 2012. The Museum/Healthcare
Partnership Program continues to grow and will include the
introduction of a special workshop in April. In September, SAMA will
offer the Colleen Browning Symposium on 20th Century American Realism,
which will be broadcast on the World Wide Web. The Colleen
Browning: A Brush with Magic exhibition tour will be featured at the
National Academy of Design beginning in May and will be followed
by a special simultaneous showing at all four SAMA sites beginning in
August. The Garden Party, Gala, and The Art of Wine and Fashion
should be on everyone’s social calendar. We are also looking forward
to our Monuments & Masterpieces tour that will take us to Budapest
and Prague in the fall of 2012.
But, before I get too far ahead of myself, a brief reflection on what
was a very special year for the Museum is in order. In 2011, SAMA
celebrated 35 years of museum excellence. Highlights for the year
included the following:
G . G a r y M oye r
• The annual audit was conducted by Young, Oakes, & Brown in July.
Overall audit results were very positive.
• SAMA and the National Academy of Design received another
installment of funds from the Geoffrey Wagner Estate. As
remainders to the Estate, the entities (SAMA and National
Academy of Design) are charged with preserving, protecting and
promoting the works of Colleen Browning.
• A new catalogue of the permanent collection was published.
• Commissioned and completed a special bronze sculpture of
Museum Founder and Trustee Emeritus, The Rev. Sean M. Sullivan
• Published a major monograph on the life and artistic career of
American Realist artist, Colleen Browning. Colleen Browning: The
Enchantment of Realism by Dr. Philip Eliasoph is now available to
the general public.
• Completed the Colleen Browning: The Enchantment of Realism video.
• Received the Allegheny Mountains Convention & Visitors Bureau’s
President’s Award.
• Inducted into the Blair County Arts Hall of Fame.
• SAMA’s nominee, Ann Benzel, received the Dominion VITA
• SAMA-Altoona Coordinator Barbara Hollander received the Blair
County WISE Women in the Arts Award.
• Added 92 new members to the Museum’s membership roster.
• SAMA exhibitions and other Museum programs attracted
approximately 70,000 people. Of particular note were these
exhibitions: The Sullivan Family: Legacy Exhibition, A Decade of
Paintings, 2000-2010: Selected Works by Michael M. Strueber, Tibetan
Treasures: The Rezk Collection of Tibetan and Nepalese Art, and
Will Barnet, American Master: An Exhibition in Honor of the Artist’s
100th Birthday.
Continued on next page
• Johnstown • Ligonier Valley • Loretto
Again, these noteworthy accomplishments would not have been possible were it not for the staff’s hard work, continued
membership support, strong community interest, and an engaged Board of Trustees.
We encountered a volatile economic climate in 2011. Given an unpredictable economy, many not-for-profit organizations struggled
financially throughout the year and will continue to do so in the New Year. Competition for corporate support, foundation grants
and other fund-raising dollars remains intense.
Presented with austere budget projections, the SAMA management team continued to look for ways to increase revenues and reduce
operating expenses in 2011. SAMA’s budget revenues at the bottom line were impacted negatively by a shift in General Operating
Campaign donor patterns, a change in the billing procedure for Arts-in-Education residencies, and reduced Pennsylvania Council
on the Arts funding. Overall, cash flow was negative for the calendar year and we would hope to improve our position in the fiscal
year. Projected budget expenses were down in total by over $2,000. However, conservation expenses were higher than expected due
primarily to preparation work for the Colleen Browning exhibition. Revenues relative to budget were down 6.2%, while expenses
were cut by .4%. Payroll expenses were kept in check and actually resulted in significant savings. We paid off a pre-existing debt.
Totals for the Garden Party, Gala, and The Art of Wine and Fashion were positive at the bottom line and exceeded the prior year’s
numbers. The Altoona Museum’s schedule of Blue Monday programs continued to attract a strong following. The Paint Out and Wet
Paint Weekend initiatives added to the bottom line, as did the Holiday Home Tour and bus trips.
The budget will continue to be an issue in 2012. We will have to bolster existing fund-raiser initiatives and secure other funding
sources in order to maintain Museum operations and sustain SAMA programs. For example, sales of the Colleen Browning book
should help with cash flow in the New Year. The Night of Distinction program will be introduced as an annual fund-raiser. We believe
the Gala, Garden Party and The Art of Wine and Fashion will show marked improvement over the prior year. Once again, we will
mount an aggressive General Operating Campaign. Grant writing will be of paramount importance. Looking ahead, we hope to
launch exhibition tours from the permanent collection.
SAMA has a proud past and every reason to be excited about the future. The Museum’s founders provided us with a strong
foundation and past leadership secured the promise of a better tomorrow. We are actively engaged with the communities we serve.
We are turning ideas into actions. We are charged with growing the Museum and establishing a cultural legacy for generations to
come. With this as the backdrop, I truly believe we are looking at the promise of a very bright future for the Southern Alleghenies
Museum of Art.
G. Gary Moyer
Executive Director
• SAMA’s Arts-in-Education programs served more than 15,000 students (K-12) at schools across the region. Thanks to the
generosity of our patrons, SAMA’s Artists of the 21st Century exhibitions featured the artistic talents of hundreds of area students.
• The Museum/Healthcare Partnership Program was expanded to include disabled veterans, as well as placed a greater
emphasis on citizens with mental handicaps.
• Foundation income increased for 2011 when compared to 2010.
• Acquisitioned 195 works of art to the permanent collection.
• Purchased the Gerrit Beneker painting, The Open Hearth, 1909.
• Launched the Colleen Browning: A Brush with Magic exhibition tour with an opening at the Axis: Ballymun arts
center in Dublin, Ireland.
• The Monuments & Masterpieces trip took us on a tour of Ireland.
• Installed a new awning at the Altoona Museum; installed a new entranceway and painted the gallery at the Loretto
Museum; and, completed the Ligonier Valley Museum’s energy efficiency project.
• Increased the Board of Trustees to 33 members.
John K. Duggan, Jr.
In 2011, SAMA celebrated 35 years of museum excellence. Personally, it has been an honor and
a privilege to have served on the SAMA Board of Trustees for many of those years.
Over the years, SAMA has done much to accomplish its mission to evoke an interest in, an
understanding of, and an appreciation for fine art. Through a shared vision, a constancy of
purpose, a commitment to excellence, and a passion for the arts, we have established a cultural
legacy for the people of southwestern Pennsylvania and for generations to come.
In 2011, we were afforded the opportunity to look back on all that has been accomplished and
to consider the promise that tomorrow holds. From our humble beginnings in 1976, SAMA has
grown to become an accredited museum of fine art and one of the best regional museums
in the state. Today, SAMA is noted for high caliber art exhibitions, first-rate art education
programs, a successful museum satellite system, the development of a robust permanent
collection, advocacy for the arts, community involvement and enjoyable social events.
This anniversary year was a showcase for the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art. We featured several outstanding exhibitions including
The Sullivan Family: Legacy Exhibition, Tibetan Treasures, and an exhibition celebrating the works of Will Barnet in the artist’s 100th year. We
mounted a retrospective of paintings by SAMA Director Emeritus Michael M. Strueber and an exhibition chronicling the Wolf family’s
donations to the permanent collection, among exhibitions of noted regional artists such as Allen Capriotti, Helen Gorsuch, Rita Haldeman
and Janet Sullivan Turner, among others. Another highlight included the publishing of a new catalogue of the permanent collection. We
kicked off the Colleen Browning: A Brush with Magic tour with an exhibition at the Axis: Ballymun arts center in Dublin, Ireland. SAMA
expanded its Museum/Healthcare Partnership Program to include disabled veterans and the mentally handicapped. We commissioned a
special sculpture of SAMA Founder and Trustee Emeritus, Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, T.O.R. The Museum was recognized by the Allegheny
Mountains Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Blair County Arts Hall of Fame. SAMA-Altoona Coordinator Barbara Hollander
received the WISE Women in the Arts Award and Board of Trustees Vice President Ann Benzel was a recipient of the Dominion VITA
There are challenges ahead as we look to improve the Museum’s cash flow, address our needs for collection management, improve
facilities, sustain SAMA’s arts education program, expand the Museum/Healthcare Partnership Program, enlarge and enhance the
permanent collection, and serve the general public.
From my perspective, we are fortunate to have a strong leadership team in place. Executive Director Gary Moyer has been both an
effective leader and an efficient manager. Working with the SAMA Board of Trustees, Gary has positioned the Museum to address the
challenges we face and to capitalize on opportunities as they arise. The SAMA staff has proved to be the right people in the right place at
the right time. Despite difficult economic times and increasing pressures on not-for-profit organizations, the SAMA team has performed
at a high level. The Board of Trustees commends the SAMA team for their efforts to get the job done and we have every confidence in
their drive, ability, and talent to do what it takes to get the job done in the future.
I realize that today’s environment holds challenges and opportunities for the Museum. It is a juxtaposition that many not-for-profit
organizations face. As I have stated before, our plan is to shape the future rather than to accept what happens. I am buoyed by the strength
that exists across our Board of Trustees and in the competencies and commitment of our management team. The interest, ability, and
talent of SAMA’s leadership team are unparalleled. I am pleased to have been afforded the opportunity to work with these talented people
and proud to serve the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art as President and Chair of the Board of Trustees.
John K. Duggan, Jr.
President and Chair, SAMA Board of Trustees
John K. Duggan, Jr., President
Ann Benzel, Vice President
Thomas Koppmann, Treasurer
Cassandra Davies, Secretary
Karen Azer
Jodie Babich
Mary Borkow
Gary Costlow
Hon. Timothy Creany
Dr. Lisa Devineni
Nancy Devorris
Eleanor Feeley
Betty Gamble, Emeritus
Jane Gleason
Jeanne Gleason, Emeritus
Cynthia H. Karcher
Dede Kazmaier
Deborah Kimball
Dr. Scott Little
Joseph Mack
Br. Mark McBride, T.O.R.
Fr. Joseph M. Monahan, T.O.R.
Edgar Dean Nelson, Emeritus
Edward O’Brien
Very Rev. Christian Oravec
Blair Pawlowski
Rosemary Pawlowski
Shirley Pechter, Emeritus
Shari L. Polacek
Madelon Sheedy
Stephen Sloan
Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, T.O.R., Emeritus
Sharon Vito
Mary Weidlein
Joan Welch-McCreary
Gerald P. Wolf
Dr. Paul Woolley
Pictured: (Front row, left to right) Eleanor Feeley, Cassandra Davies, Karen Azer, Joan Welch-McCreary,
Nancy Devorris, Mary Weidlein, Madelon Sheedy, Dede Kazmaier, Shari L. Polacek; (Back row, left to right)
John K. Duggan, Jr., G. Gary Moyer, Cynthia H. Karcher, Dr. Scott Little, Stephen Sloan, Blair Pawlowski,
Hon. Timothy Creany, Gary Costlow, Dr. Paul Woolley, Mary Borkow
2 0 11 I N R E V I E W
Cassandra Davies, Suzy Moyer, Cathy Spaulding and
Diane Little pose with a statue of Charlie Chaplin
during the Monuments & Masterpieces trip.
Barbara Hollander and “celebrity bartender,” Bob
Pennington, serve drinks at a Blue Monday program.
Marianne Krizner, Ken Cotlar and Diane Safko at
SAMA-Johnstown’s reception for the Allied Artists of
Johnstown 79th Annual Juried Art Exhibition.
Allegheny Mountains Convention and Visitors Bureau
Executive Director Mark Ickes, John Gority, and SAMA
Executive Director Gary Moyer at SAMA- Altoona’s reception to kick off the Civil War 150 celebration.
Artist Jennifer Frudakis, Thomas and Sandra Sullivan,
Susan Jacobus, Father Sean Sullivan and Jack
Jacobus with the 35th anniversary sculpture honoring
Rev. Sullivan during the Founders’ Day dinner.
Guests always enjoy viewing the decorations during
the Holiday Home Tour.
Don Rayner paints the Ligonier Valley Museum during
the third annual Paint Out.
The Venerable Losang Samten shared his sand-painting technique during the Tibetan Treasures reception.
SAMA celebrated thirty-five years of museum excellence in 2011 and offered a robust
schedule of exhibitions and events designed to help commemorate the milestone. The
Museum’s year-long anniversary celebration reached its zenith in April with the Founders’
Day dinner at SAMA-Loretto. The program brought back many faces from the Museum’s
past for a special event to honor the legacy SAMA has created over its three-and-a-half
decade history. At the dinner, the Museum debuted a special bronze sculpture of SAMA
founder, Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, T.O.R., created by Jennifer Frudakis. The event also marked
the release of the Museum’s new Selections from the Permanent Collection catalogue, and
provided a viewing of a video teaser that highlighted the upcoming Colleen Browning
The Museum’s exhibition schedule was organized to help celebrate the 35th anniversary
milestone. SAMA-Loretto mounted The Sullivan Family: Legacy Exhibition, which highlighted
gifts from the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund and included many of the Museum’s most
treasured works. The Museum celebrated Director Emeritus Michael Strueber with the
exhibition, A Decade of Paintings, 2000-2010: Selected Works by Michael M. Strueber. Later in the
year, the Loretto Museum mounted the impressive Will Barnet, An American Master: An
Exhibition in Honor of the Artist’s 100th Birthday, and closed the year with Tibetan Treasures, an
exhibition showcasing the Museum’s amazing Rezk Collection of Tibetan and Nepalese Art.
The Altoona Museum mounted exhibitions of noted Pennsylvania artists Allen Capriotti
and Janet Sullivan Turner, while also continuing its annual William H. Rau and Antique Dolls
exhibitions. SAMA-Johnstown’s exhibitions showcased a number of major gifts to the
Museum with Celebration of the Wolf Family Donations to the Permanent Collection, 1986-2006
and another showing of the popular Mark del Costello Collection of rock posters. The
Ligonier Valley Museum celebrated some of the region’s most popular and highly collected
artists with exhibitions such as Rita K. Haldeman: Seasons of the Landscape, Cliff McGuire:
Nature in 2 1/2 Dimension, and Animal House: Works by Helen Gorsuch and George Wazenegger.
SAMA also continued its tradition of supporting local arts with showings of Allied Artists of
Johnstown (SAMA-Johnstown), Art in Common (SAMA-Altoona), and the Southwestern
Pennsylvania Council for the Arts (SAMA-Ligonier Valley).
Throughout the year, SAMA’s four museums offered a wide variety of events and special
programming. At SAMA-Altoona, the Blue Monday program continued to offer culinary,
visual and musical arts while attracting record crowds. The Altoona Museum hosted a
reception that served as a kick-off to the major Civil War 150 celebration, and debuted its
inaugural Wet Paint Weekend event in the summer. Lunch a l’Art programs and opening
receptions were offered at the Altoona, Johnstown, and Ligonier Valley locations throughout the year. SAMA-Ligonier Valley hosted its third annual Paint Out, while the Holiday
Home Tour returned for its eighth season. The third annual installment of the Monuments &
Masterpieces trip took several SAMA supporters to Ireland, just in time for the opening of
SAMA’s Colleen Browning: A Brush with Magic traveling exhibition at the Axis: Ballymun arts
center in Dublin. The Museum’s auxiliaries also were active throughout the year and
embarked on trips to destinations such as the Philadelphia Flower Show and the Frick Art &
Historical Center in Pittsburgh.
While SAMA celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2011, there were numerous other milestones
achieved throughout the year. In October, the Museum was inducted into the Blair County
Arts Hall of Fame. Earlier in the year, Barbara Hollander, Site Coordinator of the Altoona
Museum, was honored as one of the 2011 WISE Women of Blair County. SAMA Board of
Trustees Vice-President Ann Benzel was named a recipient of one of the 2011 Dominion
VITA (Volunteer in the Arts) Awards. The Museum received the President’s Award of
the Allegheny Mountains Convention & Visitors Bureau. Additionally, the Museum
oversaw the production of Colleen Browning: The Enchantment of Realism, a major monograph
covering the life and career of artist Colleen Browning. The book was written by Dr. Philip
Eliasoph and published by Hudson Hills Press.
A RT S - I N - E D U C AT I O N
Throughout the years, one of the Museum’s strengths has been its award-winning
education programs. SAMA places great emphasis on its education mission and
annually reaches tens of thousands of students through its multi-faceted programs. In
2011, the Museum was able to provide this service to more children than in the past year,
with 31 schools from 17 school districts throughout Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fayette,
Somerset, and Westmoreland counties participating in SAMA programs, up from 24
schools the previous year. Approximately 16,000 students benefited from the programs,
an increase of more than 10 percent over 2010.
In the schools, the Museum offers both Arts-in-Education (AIE) and Artist-in-Residence
(AIR) programs. Through the AIE initiative, SAMA educators visit local schools to
facilitate discussions and hands-on projects aimed at encouraging students’ interest in and
knowledge of the fine arts. The museum educators also bring works from the SAMA
permanent collection into the classroom to provide the students with direct exposure to
fine art. The AIR program, offered in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Council on the
Arts, brings professional artists into the classrooms for residencies of varying lengths.
Through the residencies, students work hand-in-hand with the visiting artists, with
mutual involvement in the creative process. SAMA’s roster of professional artists includes
a diverse talent base, with artists proficient in the visual, musical, performing and
video arts.
Since 2003, SAMA has worked at developing a Museum/Healthcare Partnership
Program, through which trained artists work with health care providers to perform
Students learn the art of videography during
a residency with artist Pat Adachi.
SAMA museums were a destination for school tours throughout 2011.
SAMA Education Coordinator Jessica Campbell took works
from the permanent collection, like this Jo Owens Murray
sculpture, into the classrooms through the AIE program.
residencies designed to provide relief for patients dealing with physical pain and
discomfort. This past year, the Museum expanded its program to work with disabled
veterans, as well as place a greater emphasis on citizens with mental handicaps. Five
SAMA artists performed a total of 13 residencies last year serving 228 patients.
SAMA also offers a number of education programs within the museum walls. The
popular Artists of the 21st Century student art exhibitions returned for the thirteenth year,
showcasing nearly 300 student-created works of art at the Ligonier Valley and Loretto
facilities. Professional development workshops for teachers, artists and school
administrators were offered throughout the year. Summer art camps at the Altoona and
Ligonier Valley sites also brought dozens of children into the Museum. At Altoona’s
camp, “If Walls Could Talk,” students explored
drawing and painting for a mural project that was
showcased to the public. Stan Snyder, a SAMAAltoona administrative assistant and professor at
Penn State-Altoona, facilitated the camp. Laura
Opshinsky of We’re Holden Puppets returned to
SAMA-Ligonier Valley for the popular “The Art of
Puppet Theatre” camp. Children created puppets,
painted scenery, and designed sets in order to stage
the original production, Shippi Taro & the Monster
Artist Rita Haldeman teaches painting
techniques during a residency.
Students created puppets and staged their own puppet
theatre production at SAMA-Ligonier Valley’s art camp.
Penn State Altoona professor Stan Snyder presented at this
workshop at SAMA-Johnstown.
Children worked on a mural project during the Altoona
Museum’s summer camp.
SAMA’s Museum/Healthcare Partnership Program branched
out in 2011 to include working with veterans groups.
Each year, the Ligonier Valley and Loretto
museums highlight student artists with the
Artists of the 21st Century exhibition.
The Museum added 195 works into its permanent collection in 2011. Thank you for your continued support of the
Museum as we build a solid collection of American art and other distinctive collections for our communities.
Gerrit Albertus Beneker (American, 1882-1934)
The Open Hearth, 1909
Oil on linen, 36” x 24”
R.K. Mellon Family Foundation Art Acquisition Endowment Fund
Thomas Bichko (American, b. 1949)
Wounded Knee, 2005
Bronze, 11” x 24” x 12”
Gift of the artist
Colleen Browning (American, b. Ireland, 1918-2003)
Examples of the Application of Perspective to Pictorial Composition
(Images 1-3), n.d.
Watercolor and graphite on paper, various sizes
Gifts of the artist
56 paintings and drawings
Gifts of the Estate of Geoffrey Wagner
Clarence Holbrook Carter (American, 1904-2000)
Eschantos 31, 1978
Serigraph, 22 3/8” x 30”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Jennifer Frudakis, Portrait of Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, T.O.R.,
J C Airoldi (American)
Winter Glow, n.d.
Pastel on paper, 12” x 16”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Hans Baldung “Grien” (German, 1484-1545)
St. Catherine, n.d., c. 1505-1507
Woodcut, 9” x 6 1/8”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471-1528)
The Annunciation, n.d., c. 1503
Woodcut, 11” x 8 3/8”
The Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin, 1510
Woodcut, 11 5/8” x 8 3/8”
The Circumcision, n.d., c. 1505
Woodcut, 11” x 8 3/8”
Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate, 1504
Woodcut, 11 7/8” x 8”
Gifts of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Milton Herbert Bancroft (American, 1867-1947)
25 drawings
Gifts of Joseph and Barbara Mack
Shane Fero (American, b. 1953)
Jade and Blue Jewel Wing, n.d., c. 2010
Flame-worked, acid-etched glass, 4” x 6” x 2”
Jeweled-Backed Blue Warbler, n.d., c. 2010
Flame-worked, acid-etched glass, 3 5/8” x 5” x 3”
The Loud Wren, n.d., c. 2010
Flame-worked, acid-etched glass, 3 5/8” x 7” x 3 7/8”
Gifts of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Leonard Beck (German, 1480-1552)
Sancta Bathildis (St. Bathild), 1510
Woodcut, 9” x 8 3/8”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Jennifer Frudakis (American, b. 1961)
Portrait of Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, T.O.R., 2011
Bronze, 19” x 20 3/8” x 9”
Gift of John and Suzanne Jacobus, James and Mary Joan
Livingston, David and Catherine O’Neill, and Thomas
Rembrandt Van Rijn, Self Portrait in a Cap and Scarf with the
Face Dark: Bust, 1633
and Sandra Sullivan in honor of Rev. Sean M. Sullivan,
T.O.R., SAMA Trustee Emeritus and Founder of the Museum
Steven Gilbert (American, b. 1941)
Golden Fields, 2004
Oil on board, 12” x 24”
Gift of the artist
Hendrik Goltzius (Dutch, 1558-1617)
Carnis Resurrectionem, n.d.
Engraving with full margins on fine laid paper, 6 3/8” x 4”
Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, n.d.
Engraving with full margins on fine laid paper, 6” x 4”
Gifts of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Pegi Houck (American, b. 1926)
A Wish, 1978
Acrylic on canvas, 40” x 30”
Gift of the artist
Rockwell Kent (American, 1882-1971)
And Now Where, 1936
Lithograph, 13” x 9 3/8”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Unknown, School of Maso Finiguerra (Italian, 1426-1464)
Untitled, n.d.
Brown ink on laid paper, 8” x 4”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Kim Fancher Lordier (American, b. 1966)
Awaiting the Cranes, 2010
Pastel on paper, 11” x 14”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Rembrandt Van Rijn (Dutch, 1606-1669)
Beggars Receiving Alms at Door, 1648
Etching, 6” x 5 1/8”
Christ at Emmaus: The Large Plate, 1654
Etching on thin, cream laid paper, 8 3/8” x 6”
The Raising of Lazarus: The Small Plate, 1642
Etching, 6” x 4”
Self Portrait in a Cap and Scarf with the Face Dark: Bust, 1633
Etching on chine colle, 5 3/8” x 4 1/8”
Woman at a Door Hatch Talking to a Man and Children, n.d.
Etching, 3 5/8” x 2”
Gifts of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Thomas Moran (American, 1837-1925)
Untitled (Grand Canal, Venice), 1885
Etching, 11” x 26”
Gift of Brother Shamus McGrenra, T.O.R., in memory of
his mother, Margaret Mary McGrenra
Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729-1804)
Orlando Furioso, n.d.
Pen and ink with gray wash heightened with white on
brown paper, 5” x 3”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Jo Owens Murray (American, b. 1953)
Horse with No Name, 2010
Mixed media, 31” x 9” x 29”
Gift of the artist for the Education Collection
Georg Pencz (German, 1500-1550)
Christ on the Cross [Bartsch 57], 1547
Engraving, 4 5/8” x 3 1/8”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
George R. Wazenegger (American, b. 1943)
Bus Stop, 1990
Mixed media collage, 14” x 27” x 2”
Gift of the artist for the Education Collection
Colleen Browning, Portrait, n.d., c. 1938-1939
Donald M. Robinson (American, b. 1925)
69 digital prints
Gifts of the artist
Saint Louis (French)
Contemporary Marbrie Paperweight, 1971
Glass, 2” x 3” dia.
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Stephen Smarr and Doug Merritt (American)
Fuchsia on Blushing Green Vase [SV15BLGR], n.d., c. 2010
Glass, 9” x 5” dia.
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Unknown, Emilian School of 18th Century (Italian)
Allegory of Charity, 18th century
Ink and watercolor on paper, 8” x 11 9/16”
Madonna with Child, n.d.
Brown ink and watercolor on paper, 9” x 7”
Gifts of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Ralph C. Welsh III (American, 1941-2011)
Behind Paulette Nikel’s House #4, 2002
Oil on canvas, 16” x 20”
Gift of the artist
Aileen Boules Zollweg (American, b. 1925)
Flora, 2000
Acrylic on canvas, 48” x 48”
Prairie de je Vous, 2004
Acrylic on canvas, 40” x 40”
Untitled, 2002
Acrylic on canvas, 40” x 40”
Gifts of the artist
Craig Zweifel (American, b. 1944)
Round Vase, Feather Pattern, 2010
Glass with silver silicate, 4” x 4” dia.
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Unknown, French School of 17th Century
Angel with Flowers, 17th century
Ink on paper, 10” x 7”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Gerrit Albertus Beneker, The Open Hearth, 1909
Unknown, Italian School of 17th Century
Male Nude, n.d.
Red chalk on laid paper, 15 3/8” x 9”
Gift of the Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund in honor of
David and Catherine O’Neill
Donald M. Robinson,
Indian Laurel, 2001
SAMA’s fundraisers got off to an early start in 2011 with the Founders’
Day dinner in April. Held at the Loretto Museum, the event
celebrated the 35-year history of the Museum with a special program
of speakers and presentations. Executive Director, Gary Moyer;
Curator for Visual Arts, Scott Dimond; Board President, John
Duggan; and Director Emeritus, Michael M. Strueber, each addressed
the crowd of more than 200, as did Dr. Philip Eliasoph, author of the
Museum’s monograph on the life and career of artist Colleen
Browning. The dinner also featured the unveiling of a special bronze
sculpture of SAMA’s Founder, Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, as well as the
Museum’s new catalogue of the permanent collection.
In June, the Ligonier Valley Museum celebrated its 10th annual
Garden Party, “Ten Years and Tons of Fun.” The event featured some
changes to the format, but chairs Sharon Vito and Mary Weidlein
pulled together another outstanding event. Exhibiting artists Rita
Haldeman and Cliff McGuire were on hand to greet patrons and talk
about their work. Live acoustic music was performed by The Regent
Squares and Vallozzi’s continued a tradition by once again serving
their signature mouth-watering cuisine. A silent auction raised crucial
funds for the Museum while providing guests with an opportunity to
purchase antiques, artwork, gift baskets, jewelry, and other items.
The Loretto Museum brought Florida’s palm trees and sandy
beaches north for one evening in mid-July as the Museum celebrated
its 33rd annual Gala. Guests enjoyed spending “An Evening in South
Beach,” as the decorations and Caribbean-inspired menu added to
the atmosphere. Chair Renee Parowski and the Gala Committee
worked tirelessly to create an exciting event that also featured a silent
auction and live music by the eight-piece band, Quintessence. The
Gala also included a live auction that featured original artwork by
Helen Gorsuch and Michael M. Strueber, a chest of vintage wines,
and a 1952 MGT Kit Car replica.
Guests at SAMA-Altoona’s ninth annual The Art of Wine and
Fashion fundraiser found themselves transported back to yesteryear.
With a “SAMA Speakeasy” theme, the evening featured a vintage flair
as many guests were dressed with the theme in mind. Chair Peg
DeLeo and co-chair Jim Cayce organized the anticipated event, which
began with a champagne reception in the Museum before moving
next door to The Columns. Guests were treated to gourmet dinner by
Bold, a silent auction featuring a number of hand-painted bar stools,
and a style show highlighting vintage ensembles produced by las trés
vintage wearables.
The Southern Alleghenies Museum
of Art would like to thank all of our
patrons, businesses and individuals
who support the Museum through
its annual General Operating
Campaign, as well as gifts and
Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation
- C & G Savings Bank
In honor of Mrs. Betty Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Cook
In honor of Barbara Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Port
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sky
In honor of Helen Kalenish
Ms. Janet Kalenish
Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation In honor of Joseph Mack
- Benjamin Cohn Fund and Martha Cohn
Dr. M. Dorcas Clark
In honor of Bobby Moore
The Community Foundation of Westmoreland
Mrs. Shirley Z. Sturtz-Davis
In memory of Ruth Covitch
- Old Joe Club Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carnicella
Concurrent Technologies Corporation
Mrs. Dolores Dalesandro
County of Blair Tourism Grant Program
Mr. and Mrs. Rene Damin
- Allegheny Mountains Convention &
Ebensburg Women’s Club
Visitors Bureau
Mr. L.T. Giannone
Mr. James Neri
The Donald and Sylvia Robinson Family
Ms. Gail O’Malley
Mrs. Shirley Pechter
Emma Clyde Hodge Memorial Fund
Dr. and Mrs. William Pruchnic
Frank and Margaret Sullivan Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sky
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Paden Gamble
In memory of William D. Davis
Geoffrey Wagner Estate
Mrs. Shirley Z. Sturtz-Davis
Grable Foundation
In memory of Christopher Harr
Henry L. Hillman Foundation
Ligonier Valley Middle School
Ms. Suzanne S. Jacobus
In memory of Ruth Hill
Ms. Mary Joan Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCreary
In memory of David Miller
McCune Foundation
Ms. Pam Bradley
Neil and Marilyn Port Family Foundation
Ms. Linda Clark
Ms. Catherine A. O’Neill
Ms. Susie Rumbaugh
Mrs. Shirley Pechter
In memory of Saundra S. Vargo
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Hon. and Mrs. John Wozniak
- Ligonier Valley Education Trust Fund
- Silberman Family Fund
Pipe & Steel
Mr. and Mrs. Irv Seltzer
Auxiliary of the Southern Alleghenies
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Museum of Art at Johnstown
Summit Foundation
Auxiliary of the Southern Alleghenies
Wolf-Kuhn Foundation
Museum of Art at Ligonier Valley
Dr. and Mrs. Magdi Azer
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cohen
Artist-in-Residence Program
Color Scan LLC
Arts-in-Education Partnership Program
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickson
General Operating Support
Mrs. Betty Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gleason
Holiday Home Tour Committee
Holiday Home Tour Docents
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCreary
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mizikar
Ms. Sarah Reintgen
Saint Francis University
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wallish
Young, Oakes, Brown and Company
Benzel’s Bretzel Bakery
The Donald & Sylvia Robinson Family
Franciscan Friars, T.O.R.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCreary
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dean Nelson
Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, T.O.R.
Mrs. Mary Weidlein
Hon. and Mrs. Timothy Creany
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Devorris
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Duggan, Jr.
Harold & Betty Cottle Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. Magdi Azer
Miss Susan Crary
Mrs. Shirley Pechter
Mrs. Shirley Zampelli Sturtz-Davis
($1,000 - $1,499)
Ms. Jan Barone
Mr. and Mrs. George Conte
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Costlow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gleason
L. Robert Kimball & Associates
Ms. Madelon Sheedy
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf
($500 - $999)
Allegheny Orthodontic Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Joel E. Borkow
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. David Davies
Drs. Raj and Lisa Devineni
Dr. Michael Dinger and Ms. Jody Christen
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. James Isbister
Drs. John and Alice Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koppmann
Atty. and Mrs. Joseph Mack
McLanahan Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mellon
Mr. and Mrs. Seward Prosser Mellon
Mr. Blair Pawlowski
Ms. Anna M. Schnur
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Sky
Mr. and Mrs. John Wandrisco
Ms. Sallie Zoerb
($250 - $499)
Altoona First Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Benzel
Mr. and Mrs. James Broadhurst
Concurrent Technologies Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. C. Elton Crider
Dale Oxygen, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeBalli
Mr. Tom Dosh and Mr. James Cayce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dubaich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Endersbe
First Commonwealth Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Fulchiero
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. John Kazmaier
Kranich’s Inc.
Mrs. Anna Leopold
Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Lessard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Z. Macdonald
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McAneny
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mellon
Dr. and Mrs. Owen Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. G. Gary Moyer
Ms. Jo Owens Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Newlin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pawlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Rauch
Mr. John Reffner
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Robertshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sheehan, Jr.
State Farm Insurance, Kim Springer
Stineman Management Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Strueber
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Tyndall
Ms. Judith Counsel Vipond
Mr. and Mrs. G. William Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wilson
Young, Oakes, Brown and Co., PC
($100 - $249)
Mr. and Mrs. David Albright
Allied Artists of Johnstown
Altoona Pipe & Steel Supply Company
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Andersson
Ms. Gini Anslinger
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Armstrong
Art in Common
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Artuso
Mrs. Alice Beckwith
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennear
Bennetti Tree Service
Mrs. Carol Berger
Mrs. Elizabeth Biddle
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bloom
Ms. Christa Brenner
Burgmeier’s Hauling, Inc.
Mr. Paul Calandra
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Campbell
Mr. Allen Capriotti
Mr. and Mrs. David Carney
Mrs. Terry Carnila
Mr. James Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Cole
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Conigy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Cookson
Ms. Gail Corle
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cotlar
Ms. Eleanor T. Coyne
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cyman
Damin Printing Company
Mr. and Mrs. C. Craig Davis
Ms. Barbara Degyansky
DelGrosso Foods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon DeLozier
Mr. and Mrs. Don Detwiler
Atty. Thomas Dickey
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Dietrick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dillen
Mrs. Mary Ann Donnelly
Mr. Ron Donoughe
Mr. James W. Drenning
Mr. John Eberhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Burt Fazi
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Fishbaine
G.A.P. Pollution & Environmental Co.
Mrs. Mary Louise Gantz
Gold Crown Foodland
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Gooder
Mrs. Helen Gorsuch
Ms. Gretchen Griffith
Mrs. Marcia Guzzi
Gwin, Dobson & Foreman, Inc.
H.F. Lenz Company
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Haas
Mr. Jerry F. Harris
Ms. Margaret Hendricks
Mrs. Georgia Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hesser
The Hite Company
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Hite
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hymes
Investment Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jubelirer
Ms. Janet Kalenish
Dr. John S. Karduck
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Keating
Keller Engineers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Kimball
Ms. Jan Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kiren
Dr. Alan Kivitz and Dr. Vicki Sommer
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kravits
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kroh
Mr. Kevin Kutz
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Louchheim
Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDougall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manoli
Dr. and Mrs. Camille Maravalli
Dr. and Mrs. Juan B. Mari
Mr. and Mrs. John Marous
Atty. and Mrs. Dennis McGlynn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLanahan
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Meisner
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Merusi
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Miller
Mrs. Melinda S. Miller
Mrs. Mildred Miller
Drs. Matthew and Laura Newlin
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Novak
Hon. and Mrs. John Ong
Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Osgood
The Pleasant Knitters
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Plummer
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Poggi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Port
Reliance Bank
Dr. and Mrs. James Renney
Dr. and Mrs. James Richey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rightnour
Mr. and Mrs. David Rispoli
Mr. and Mrs. John Rita
Mr. Stephen G. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. James Rosenthall
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rossman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ruggery, Jr.
Dr. Michael Saltzburg
Mrs. Wendy Saltzburg
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sandman
Mr. and Mrs. John Schraff
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Seltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sheetz
Mrs. Tina Sheetz
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Sidler
Drs. Daljit and Usha Singh
Stoehr and Smith, LLC
Suzanne Egan, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Swatsworth
Ms. Donna Tidwell
Mrs. Nancy Vonada
Mrs. Barbara R. Wachter
Dr. John Walker
Warner’s Florist
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wenturine
Mr. and Mrs. Len Whiting
Wix Pix Productions
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolfe
Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Woo
Mr. and Mrs. David Young
Atty. Ilissa Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Zitnay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zollweg
($50 - $99)
Mr. Duane Adams and Ms. Jane Carothers
Mr. Jory C. Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Albright
Mrs. Virginia Alexander
Mr. Urban Antos
Ms. Georgia Ashbrook
Mr. Paul G. Benedum
Blair County Anesthesia
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Brallier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burk
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carnicella
Charles O. Dimond Funeral Home, Inc.
Dr. Dorcas Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cohen
Color Scan LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coyne
Ms. Kay Sullivan Crotsley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crozier
Atty. Margaret Dallas
Ms. Marguerite DeLeo
Mr. and Mrs. Harald Dertinger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Durbin
Ebensburg Woman’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Edelman
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Forosisky
Ms. L.T. Giannone
Drs. Zvi and Pauline Goldschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gority
Mrs. Marilyn G. Hartt
Mrs. Adrienne Heinrich
Ms. Ann Hettmansperger
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Hill
Ms. Barbara Hornung
Ms. Margaret (Pegi) Houck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kane
Mr. George C. Kelchner
Dr. and Dr. Charles Kormanski
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kososki
Atty. and Mrs. Alan Krier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krizner
Ms. Veronica Kubica
Mr. and Mrs. James Kuhn
Hon. and Mrs. F. Joseph Leahey
Ms. Marion P. Lebendig
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leiden
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lipitz
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Long
Ms. Louise Magee
Ms. Linda Maitra
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Val Masci
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. Windle Mook
The Murray Organization LTD
Mr. and Mrs. Elia R. Ofiesh
Mr. and Mrs. John Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Pompelia
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Price
Dr. and Mrs. William Pruchnic
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Purich
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Queenan
Ms. Tricia Rodgers
Ms. Susie Rumbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Rusinak
Mrs. Rita Sangiorgi
Ms. Carole Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Searer
Ms. Amy Seltzer
Mr. Steve Seltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Serotkin
Mr. Joe Servello
Mrs. Norma R. Sevel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuss
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Silberman
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Simmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skalski
Mr. and Mrs. John Skelley
Slovenian Savings & Loan Assoc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stewart
Ms. Sally Stewart
Mrs. Ann Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Swank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Swanson
Drs. Jonathan and Barbara Thaler
Mrs. Carolyn Thompson
Dr. Michael Tomor
Mr. and Mrs. James Van Buren
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Verner
Mrs. Sharon Vito
Atty. Ernest R. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weger
Mr. and Mrs. John West
Sen. and Mrs. John Wozniak
Atty. and Mrs. Thomas A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Zacchetti
($35 - $49)
Ms. Sally Becker
Ms. Mary Ann Belin
Ms. Zoe Bellamy
Mr. Thomas Bichko
Ms. Linda Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bolinger
Mr. Gerald Brant and Ms. Chris Irwin
Ms. Kimberly Bringe
Mr. Philip Brulia
Mr. Stephen Brulia
Mr. Edward Burda
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carper
Ms. Judith Cutler
Mrs. Dolores Dalesandro
Mr. William DeBernardi
Ms. Victoria DeStefano
Atty. Gary Discavage
Mr. Willard Dominick
Mr. John Dropcho
Ms. Joy Fairbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finley
The Foundry Art Studio
Mr. Barry Gaut
Ms. Rose Mary Hagadus
Ms. Kimberly Haggin
Ms. Rita Haldeman
Ms. Hollis Hall
Mrs. Nancy P. Hitchings
Ms. Jane Johnston
Mr. Al Just
Edward and Kay Kale
Mr. C. David Kimmel
Kinzle and Company
Ms. Mary Beth Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Leiden
Mrs. Delores Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Makosy
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McGuire
Mr. Larry G. McKee
Ms. Erin Murphy
Ms. Judith H. Musser
Mrs. Roberta Odell
Mr. Patrick Plummer
Ms. Alyce Ritti
Ms. Cheryl Robertson
Mrs. Peggy Shepler
Mrs. Maureen Smithe
Mrs. Genia Sommer
Mr. Robert Stere
Ms. Sharon Traino
Ms. Janet Sullivan Turner
Ms. Katherine Wagner
Mrs. Sharon Wall
Dr. and Mrs. Kirk Weixel
Ms. Carol Wertz
Ms. Judith Winfield
Ms. Marti Winn
Mrs. Margot Woodwell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young
($25 - $34)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bench
Ms. Jeanne Bolger
Ms. Carolyn Brenner
Ms. Jill Bulman
Ms. Leila Calderwood
Ms. Vivian Coombe
Mrs. Nancy Courtney
Rev. James B. Coveney
Mrs. Mary Jo Culbertson
Atty. and Mrs. Merle K. Evey
Ms. Nancy Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gajewski
Mr. William Glosser
Mr. John K. Goodwin
Mrs. Saundra Gramling
Mrs. Harriett Hand
Mr. Daniel Helsel
Mrs. Frederick Hewat
Ms. Rose A. Himmelein
Mrs. Velva Idzkowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kadane
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaminsky
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kaplan
Ms. Mary Ann Keagy
Ms. Kathleen Kelly
Mr. Robert T. Kendra
Ms. Gail Kevenk
Mrs. Emma Kneidinger
Dr. Daniel R. Lovette
Ms. Barbara Lynne
Mr. Robert McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mochnick
Mr. C. William Moffitt
Mr. Robert M. Neidorff
Mr. James Neri
Ms. Irene Newborn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Oles
Ms. Gail O’Malley
Mrs. Martha E. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterman
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rosenberg
Rustic Tent Rental
Mrs. Fay Schmitt
Mr. Glenwood C. Scott
Mrs. Shirley Shaffer
Mrs. Betsy Shepler
Ms. Marion Siebert
Ms. Janet Smith
Mrs. Carol B. Stevens
Mrs. Geraldine Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Vaughn
Walko’s C.C. Shop
Dr. Florence Warfel
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams
Ms. Leslie Wilson
Mrs. Nancy Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wylie
The Art of Wine and Fashion $1,500
Altoona Pipe & Steel
The Art of Wine and Fashion $750
Altoona Mirror
Blair Companies
Blair Plastic Surgery
Jim Cayce and Tom Dosh
M&T Bank
Merrill Lynch
Judi and Irv Seltzer
Young, Oakes, Brown and Co., P.C.
The Art of Wine and Fashion $500
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
Penn State Altoona
Sheetz, Inc.
The Art of Wine and Fashion $250
Andrews and Beard Law Offices
Courtesy Motor Sales, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hillman
Kitchen and Gift
Barb and Ed O’Brien
Seltzer Financial Strategies
The Art of Wine and Fashion $150
Carol and Morley Cohn and Kopp Drug
Deborah Degol
Mauk & Yates Funeral Home, Inc.
Harry and Joan McCreary
Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell and Hippel,
Mickey and Neil Port
Judy and Bill Ward
The Art of Wine and Fashion Patrons
Russ Condin
Jane and Lee Hite
Felix and Sally Mariani
Mildred Miller
Ed and Barb O’Brien
Shari and William Polacek
Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, T.O.R.
Christine and Andy Tyndall
The Art of Wine and Fashion In-Kind
Altoona Symphony Orchestra
The Art of Wine and Fashion Committee
Color Scan LLC
The Columns
Green Home Goods
Sandra Halpern
Kevin Charles Fine Clothing for Men &
Kerri Kinzell
Barb O’Brien
Penn State Altoona Theatre Department
Press Box Printing
The Art of Wine and Fashion Silent
Auction Donors
The Art of Wine and Fashion Committee
Helen Gorsuch
Sandra Halpern
Rosemary Jorden
Kathy Mueller
Martha Murphy
Barb O’Brien
Cindy Rabold
John Rita
Joe Servello
Nancy Sheetz
Jana Sidler
Margaret Strueber
Michael M. Strueber
Students of Altoona Area After-School Program
Students of Bishop Guilfoyle High School
Founders’ Day Dinner Sponsors
Blair Companies
Kepple-Graft Funeral Home, Inc.
Laurel Foundation
Founders’ Day Dinner Underwriters
Allegheny Orthodontic Associates, LTD
George Conte Design Consultants
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gleason
Seltzer Financial Strategies LLC
Dr. Paul Woolley and Ms. Janet Turjan
Founders’ Day Dinner Donations
Ms. Ann Hettmansperger
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobus
Mr. Kevin Kutz
Mr. and Mrs. James Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCreary
Mr. and Mrs. David O’Neill
Mrs. Donna Panazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Saltzburg
Ms. Joan Strueber
Rev. Sean M. Sullivan, T.O.R.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Totteridge Golf Club
Gala Event Sponsors
Cambria Cogen
St. Francis University
UPMC Health Plan
Gala Underwriters
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
Sheetz, Inc.
Gala Table Sponsors
AmeriServ Financial
Concurrent Technologies Corporation
Atty. Gary Costlow
DSD Management LLC
The Hite Company
M&T Bank
Mainline National Bank
Wessel and Company
Gala Additional Sponsorship
Ms. Virginia Alslinger
Ms. Kathy Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Borkow
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Boslet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krizner
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ruggery
Ms. Madelon Sheedy
Mrs. Mary Weidlein
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wolf
Gala In-Kind Donors
Kit Benzel
Jim Cayce and Tom Dosh
Celestial Brides
Color Scan LLC
Cresson House Bed and Breakfast
Gala Committee
Green Home Goods
Kevin Charles Fine Clothing for Men &
Lamar Advertising
Jacob D. Metzger
Ed and Barb O’Brien
Press Box Printing
Ken Resinski, St. Francis University Theatre
Stanley Snyder
Young, Oakes, Brown and Co., P.C.
Gala Casino Gift Exchange/Silent and Live
Auction Donors
A&M Greenhouse
Adler’s Landscaping Nursery Inc.
Advanced Chiropractic
All or Nothing Professional Wrestling
Allegro Restaurant
Altoona Curve
Amici’s Ristorante and Pizzeria
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Andrews
Anthony (Pat) Himes & Son Construction
Art 4
Dr. Magdi and Karen Azer
Michelle Barnes
Ann Benzel
Benzel’s Bretzel Bakery, Inc.
Bill Wertz & Sons Inc.
The Blairmont Club
Brooke and Bill Bold
Bonnie’s Baskets – Home of Fine Wicker
The Book Store
Joel and Mary Borkow
Brew Zoo
Rita Brouse
Caribbean Sun Tan and Spa
Jim Cayce and Tom Dosh
Brian Cohen
Morley and Carol Cohn and Kopp Drug
Cost Cutters
Kenneth Cotlar
Dr. Betty Cottle
Courtesy Motor Sales, Inc.
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
Crafty Granny’s
Anne Creany
Creekside Antiques
Crystal Pure
Mary Ann Daniels
Cassandra and David Davies
DelGrosso Foods Inc.
DelGrosso’s Amusement Park
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Devorris
Nancy and Don Devorris, Andrea and
Michael Cohen, Colleen and Philip Devorris
Dr. Scott Dimond
Eat’n Park
Evolution Physical Therapy and Wellness
Finelli’s Italian Villa
Glenda and Michael Forosisky
Friendly’s Restaurant
Galactic Ice
Gardners Candies
Steve Gilbert
Go Time Sports Performance
Helen Gorsuch
Greater Johnstown Community YMCA
Madelyn Greenberg
Hamilton Sculpture
Hampton Inn Altoona
Tera Herman
Holiday Bowl
Hollidaysburg Area YMCA
Joel and Barbara Hollander
Hoss’s Steak & Sea House Duncansville
Elizabeth Hurst and Joe Risbon
Imler’s Poultry
Kim Irwin
Johnstown Holiday Inn
Johnstown Symphony Orchestra
Rosemary Jorden
Judith Ripka Company in appreciation of
Mrs. Ann Benzel
Cynthia Karcher
Samantha Katz
Dede and John Kazmaier
Kevin Charles Fine Clothing
Keystone Dermatology and Center for Skin Surgery
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Kimball
Kings Family Restaurant #32
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozak
Marianne and Bob Krizner
Lake Raystown Resort
Lakemont Park
The Lee Hite Wine Cellar
Lena’s Café
Mrs. Jessica Link
Luciano’s Auto Body
Jim and Laurel Lyons
M&T Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mack
Marie’s 5th Avenue
Martin Oil Company
Martin’s Food Markets
MaryAnne’s Photography
McLanahan Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLanahan
The Meadows
Miami Dolphins
Dr. and Mrs. Owen Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moyer
Richard Neidorff
Newborn Enterprises, Inc.
Barry Newborn
Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Brien
Ms. Laura O’Farrell
Olive Garden
Ms. Lulu Oxley
Pam’s Chargers School of Baton
Danielle and Katerina Parowski
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Parowski
Mr. Dean Patterson
Pleasant Valley Bowling
Pleasant Valley Dental PC
ProCare Health and Fitness
Raphael’s Steakhouse
Red Lobster – Altoona
John Reffner
Connie Russo/MaryKay
Larry and Barbara Savino
Amy Seltzer
Mr. Steve Seltzer
Joe Servello
Ms. Madelon Sheedy
Nancy Sheetz
Slinky Action Zone
Snap Fitness
Ms. Diane Speacht
Scott Steberger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stevens
STS Tanning, LLC
The Summit
Sylvan Hills Golf Club
T.G.I. Friday’s
Tame Your Mane Styling Salon
Triangle Car Washes
U.S. Hotel
John P. Walker, DMD
Mary R. Weidlein
Wolf Furniture
Garden Party Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Campbell
SAMA-Ligonier Valley Auxiliary
Mrs. Mary Weidlein
Garden Party Additional Sponsorship
Mr. Skip Allen
Mrs. Georgia Ashbrook
Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Austin
Mrs. Elizabeth Biddle
Mr. Scott Gongaware
Mr. and Mrs. John Hope
Mrs. JoAnn Lightcap
Mrs. Teresa Stoughton Marafino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClure
Mrs. Joan McCreary
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novak
Mrs. Shari Polacek
Mr. Louis Steiner
Mr. Timothy Zacchetti
Garden Party Silent Auction Donors
Lauren Adams
Jinny Alexander
Antiques on the Diamond
Polly Artuso
Beads of Bliss
Betsy’s of Ligonier
Doris Bullens
Barbara Bush
Cairns Agway
If any information is in error, please accept our apologies and notify the Museum at (814) 472-3920.
The Conservatory
Cozy Inn Pet Resort & Spa
Doreen Currie
Diamond Café
Glenda Dickson
Scott Dimond
Ron Donoughe
Michael Dubaich
Tom Duran
Susan Endersbe
Equine Chic
The Estate of Jody Zimovan
Patrice Ferlan
Brian Ferrell
The Finishing Touch
Br. Mark Floreanini, OSB
Full Pint Brewing Company
Fused Earth
G-Squared Gallery
Betty Gamble
Gerty’s Attic
Bud Gibbons
Gilliland Fine Art
Graham’s Antique Mall
Green Gables Restaurant
Gretchen Griffith
Rita Haldeman
Highland Heating
Bonnie Hoffman
William M. Hoffman, Jr.
Richard Hower
Humberger’s Beads & Things
James Vincent Salon
Jolene Joyner
Kathy’s Kreations
Sue Kiren
Barbara & Gene Kravits
La Spa
Latrobe Country Club
Ligonier Country Club
Ligonier Golf Shop
Ligonier Pharmacy
Ligonier Valley Historical Society
Ligonier’s Loft
Living Treasures Park
Log Cabin Herbs
Loyalhanna Realty
Nancy Lynch
Ann Macdonald
Main Exhibit Gallery & Sirofchuck
Anita Manoli
Martin’s Specialty Shop
Donna McClure
Dan McCue
Cliff McGuire
Mommy Gear
Mountain Playhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moyer
Joan Mudge
Ted Mudge
Martha Murphy
Diana Neiderhiser
Eve Novak
Out of the Fire Café
Margaret Overholt
Pamela’s Golden Touch
Peg Panisiti
The Paper House
Linda Harrill Peck
Pittsburgh Pirates
The Pittsburgh Penguins
Sue Pollins
Post & Rail
Rachel’s Ligonier Floral
Rosalie Jioio’s Little Italy
Margot Reynolds
Rivertowne Pourhouse
Kathy Sabato
SAMA-Ligonier Valley Auxiliary
Sarnelli’s Market
Second Chapter Books
Seven Springs Resort
Sewickley Spa
Madelon Sheedy
Peggy Shepler
Pat Slack
The Stationery Shop
Jonelle Summerfield
Tantlinger’s Greenhouse
Helen Thorne
Sommer Toffle
Tree House
Carolyn Turner
Unity Printing
Valley Players of Ligonier
Sharon Vito – Doncaster
Mary Weidlein
Ralph C. Welsh, III
Vernie West
Whispering Pines Antiques
Museum Staff:
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art
G. Gary Moyer, Executive Director
Jessica Campbell, Education Coordinator
Dr. V. Scott Dimond, Curator for Visual Arts
Sandra Hampton, Bookkeeper
Barbara J. Hollander, SAMA-Altoona Coordinator
Tina Lehman, SAMA-Johnstown Coordinator
Travis Mearns, Public Relations Coordinator
Bobby J. Moore, Registrar
Lee Rummel, Facilities Manager
Melanie Shero, Receptionist
Sommer Toffle, SAMA-Ligonier Valley Coordinator
Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center
450 Schoolhouse Road
Johnstown, PA 15904
(814) 269-7234
[email protected]
Ligonier Valley
One Boucher Lane and Route 711 South
Ligonier, PA 15658
(724) 238-6015
[email protected]
Saint Francis University
Post Office Box 9
Loretto, PA 15940-0009
(814) 472-3920
[email protected]
by the A
Photography credits:
Jessica Campbell
Jeff Greenberg
Barbara Hollander
Travis Mearns
Kevin Suckling
1210 Eleventh Avenue
Post Office Box 3061
Altoona, PA 16601
(814) 946-4464
[email protected]
“A copy of the official registration and financial information
may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State
by calling, toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999.
Registration does not imply endorsement.”
Post Office Box 9
Loretto, Pennsylvania 15940
of Art
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