2015 bosi edu paris conference
2015 bosi edu paris conference
2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 2015 2nd International Conference on Sensors and Materials Manufacturing Science (2nd ICSMMS 2015) Paris,France January 17-18, 2015 http://www.icsmms.org/ SPONSORED BY 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Simple Version of the Schedule Registration at the TIMHOTEL January 17 p.m. BERTHIER (15:00-17:00) Oral Presentation (9:00-10:15) Session 1 January 18 • Coffee Break (10:15-10:30) a.m. •Oral Presentation (10:30-12:00) Session 2 •Lunch (12:00-13:30) •Oral Presentation (13:30-15:00) January 18 p.m. Session 3 •Coffee Break (15:00-15:15) - 1 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Committees Conference Chair Jenny Ji, BOSI Education & Consultancy, China International Program Committee Chair (Australia) Professor Richard (Chunhui) Yang, University of Western Sydney, Australia Researcher , Jingwei Zhao, School of Mechanical, Materials and Mechatronic Engineering University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia International Program Committee Chair (India) Prof. Navdeep Malhotra, Ymca University of Science & Technology, Faridabad India Dr. GAURI SANKAR MUKHERJEE, DRDO, New Delhi, India International Program Committee Chair (Kurukshetra) Dr. Sona Rani, UIET, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra International Program Committee Chair (Taiwan) Researcher and Professor, Dr. Zih-Ping Ho, Business Intelligence Research Center, Dept. Information Management, National Taipei University of Business, Taipei City, Taiwan. International Program Committee Chair (Turkey) Prof. Dr. Murat Dicleli, Department of Enjineering Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Turkey - 2 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Hilmi ünlü', Department of Computer Science &Engineering Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Zulfu Asik, Department of Enjineering Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Turkey International Program Committee Chair (Finland) Prof. Nousiainen, Pertti, Department of Materials Science, Tampere University of Technology, Finland International Program Committee Chair (Korea) Professor Jei Pil Wang, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-736, Korea Internation Program Committee Chair (China) Professor Sang-Bing Tsai, Management School, Zhongshan Institute, University of Electronic Scienceand Technology of China - 3 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Venue Conference venue: TIMHOTEL BERTHIER Add: Timhotel Berthier Paris 17 / 3*4, boulevard Berthier 75017 Paris Map to TIMHOTEL BERTHIER for Reference More Information about INTERACTIVE Map of metros, buses, tramways and RER trains routes of Paris and suburbs, please reference to: http://www.ratp.fr/plan-interactif/carteidf.php?lang=uk - 4 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Conference Schedule January 17, 2015(Saturday) Registration at the lobby of 15:00-17:00 TIMHOTEL BERTHIER Note: You can also register at any time during the conference. January 18, 2015 (Sunday) 9:00-10:15 Session 1 10:15—10:30 Photos &Coffee Break 10:30—12:00 Session 2 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30—15:00 Session 3 15:00—15:15 Coffee Break - 5 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Note: 1. All the participants are strongly advised to arrive before 8:50, Jan. 18, 2015. 2. Certificate of Participation can be collected at the registration counter. 3. Please copy PPT files of your presentation to the secretary when registration. 4. The organizer doesn’t provide accommodation, and we suggest you make an early reservation. 5. If you want to deliver oral presentation but your paper is not in the session list, please contact us by Email: [email protected] (for ICSMMS 2015) Instruction about Oral Presentation Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer: Laptops Projectors & Screen Laser Sticks Materials Provided by the Presenters: PowerPoint or PDF files Duration of each Presentation: Regular Oral Session: about 8-10 Minutes of Presentation and 5 Minutes of Q&A - 6 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Session List Session 1 January 18, 2015(9:00-10:15) 1- Paper ID: 1 Title: Hydrogen Separation Using Inorganic Membranes Authors: Mohammed Nasir Kajama, Ngozi Claribelle Nwogu, Edward Gobina Abstract: Gas permeation of hydrogen (H2) and nitrogen (N2) were obtained from 30 and 6000 nm pore diameter tubular commercial alumina ceramic membranes at 0.05 to 1.00 bar and 298 K. Flow rates of up to 3.279 and 2.296 l/min were obtained for H2 and N2 respectively. The ratio of H2/N2 flow rates were used to calculate H2/N2 selectivity. The experimental H2/N2 selectivities obtained were 1.85 and 1.43 for the 30 and 6000 nm respectively. 2- Paper ID: 2 Title: Validation of a Novel Approach for Co2/N2 Gas Separations by means of a Hybrid Ceramic Membrane Authors: Ngozi Claribelle Nwogu, Mohammed Nasir kajama , Edward. Gobina Abstract: Global warming has been documented as one of the world’s foremost ecological concerns. Although it is difficult to totally end human related global warming, there is a possibility to alleviate these effects through a wide spectrum of options. One such possibility is the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions, a major greenhouse gas widely thought to be responsible for global warming. This paper therefore looks at an experimental validation of gas separation by means of a high selective membrane for CO2 recovery applications. Analysis of the results obtained is in good agreement with literature experimental data. Additional results show that CO2 selectivity factor is reasonable for capture of CO2 from N2 as a key constituent in a flue gas stream. - 7 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE 3- Paper ID: 3 Title: DETERMINATION OF ATOMIZATION CHARACTERISTICS OF A DIESEL INJECTOR Authors: Gö khan TÜ CCAR, Gö ktürk Memduh Ö ZKAN, Kadir AYDIN1 Abstract: Atomization of liquid fuels is very important topic for combustion studies since it enhances air/ fuel mixing process and therefore ensures perfect combustion. With today’s common diesel injectors, fuel is directly injected into the combustion chamber with extremely high pressures which exceed 1300 bar in order to obtain perfect atomization. However, these high injection pressures unfortunately create some problems in the injection system such as cavitation erosion which may lead to mechanical failure. Introducing of air into the injector prior to combustion will increase fuel atomization, provide more complete combustion, enhance fuel economy and results in lower engine emissions. The aim of this study is to investigate atomization behaviour of a newly introduced diesel engine which mixes air and fuel prior to combustion chamber. 4- Paper ID: 4 Title: Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis of Arenga Pinnata Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites: Effects of Alkaline Treatment Authors: Abdul Hakim Abdullah, Mohamad Syafiq Abdul Khadir, Nik Roselina Nik Roseley Abstract: In present investigations, dynamic mechanical thermal behaviours of Arenga Pinnata fibres prior and after alkaline treatment were studied. The alkaline treatments were applied on the Arenga Pinnata fibres by immersed in the alkaline solution, 6% Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Using hand lay-out technique, composites were fabricated at 20% and 40% by Arenga Pinnata fibres weight contents. The thermal behaviours of both untreated and treated composites were determined by employing Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMTA). The results shows that the treated fibres owned better results of Storage Modulus (E’), Loss Modulus (E”) and Tan Delta temperatures ranges from 0oC to 80oC. - 8 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE 5- Paper ID: 6 Title: Application of finite element methods for the analysis of restitution coefficients for golf club heads Authors: Ching-Hui Tai, Chun-Ho Yin Abstract: Finite element methods are applied to investigate the coefficient of restitution (COR) for the head of a golf club. ANSYS commercial finite element software is first applied to determine the COR of two different disc-shaped titanium impact surfaces. These values were then experimentally verified to validate the accuracy of the finite element model. Finally, ANSYS was applied to determine the COR for club heads according to USGA specifications to confirm the reliability of the finite element model. The model is then validated by comparison with experimental results. The model can not only reduce time needed for product design and experimental testing, but can serve as a basis for follow-up studies on ball flight trajectory. 10:15-10:30 Photos & Coffer Break - 9 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Session 2 January 18, 2015(10:30-12:00) 1- Paper ID: 11 Title: Analysis of Engine Performance Parameters of Electrically Assisted Turbocharged Diesel Engine Authors: Tayfun Ö ZGÜ R, Kadir AYDIN Abstract: Charging system is used to increase the charge density. Supercharging system suffers from fuel consumption penalty because of compressor powered by engine output. Turbocharging system uses wasted exhaust energy that means compressor powered by exhaust turbine but has a turbo lag problem. The electrically assisted turbocharger which can eliminate turbo lag problem and fuel consumption penalty is the topic of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of electrically assisted turbocharger on diesel engine performance parameters. The AVL Boost software program was used to simulate the electrically assisted turbocharged diesel engine. Simulations results showed that electrically assisted turbocharger increases low end torque and improves fuel economy. 2- Paper ID: 12 Title: Determination of the Impacts of Nanoparticule Additives into diesel fuel on NOx Emmision Characteristics of a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Authors: Ceyla Ö ZGÜ R, Tayfun Ö ZGÜ R, Mustafa Ö ZCANLI, Kadir AYDIN Abstract: Transport is crucial for economic and social development of a society as it serves a key role for transportation of goods and people. But it is not free of negative externalities. Operation of transport vehicles require energy use and this energy is mostly generated with fossil fuel combustion. Unfortunately, the fossil fuel combustion comes with both global emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4), which cause climate change, and local emissions (PM, NOx, HC, CO, O3), which cause adverse health effects and damage natural environment. In this paper the level of NOx emission by adding fuel additive metal oxide based nanoparticles in heavy duty engines were investigated. Three different nanoparticle additives namely Titanium Oxide (TiO2), Silicon Oxide (SiO2) and Zinc Oxide (ZnO), were added to diesel fuel at the dosages of 15, 20 and 25 ppm. - 10 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Eventually, the most proper additive and addition dosages were indicated. 3- Paper ID: 17 Title: Fatigue Life of Arenga Pinnata/Epoxy Composites Authors: Abdul Hakim Abdullah1, Muhd Faiz Mat Abstract: In this study, fatigue properties of unidirectional Arenga Pinnata fibre reinforced epoxy composites have been investigated under tension-tension fatigue loading. Composites were made at 25% by Arenga Pinnata fibre weight contents using hand lay-out technique. Tensile test was performed prior fatigue loading evaluation. The composites where then were cycled between 90%, 80%, 70% measured from ultimate tensile stress (UTS), with 10 Hz of frequency and stress ratio of R at 0.1. Tensile results indicated that the composites resist to deformation and this reaction denotes that the composites are a brittle material. Fatigue life of composite was improving as the cycled stress decreases. The fatigue resistance were calculated by employing analytical expression and compared with relevant fatigue data. 4- Paper ID: J204 Title: Characterisation of Inorganic Composite Ceramic Membrane for Lactic Acid Esterification Processes Authors: Edidiong Okon, Habiba Shehu, Edward Gobina Abstract: The use of inorganic composite membranes in chemical industries has received a lot of attention more recently due to a number of exceptional advantages including thermal stability and robustness. Inorganic membranes can selectively remove water from the reaction mixture during esterification reactions in order to enhance product formation. The characterisation of inorganic composite membranes used in this work including the determination of the pore diameter and specific surface area was performed using Liquid Nitrogen adsorption at 77 K. The membrane was modified once. The permeation test for the single gases including carbon dioxide (CO2), helium (He), nitrogen (N2) and argon (Ar) through the inorganic composite ceramic membrane was carried out at the gauge pressure range of 0.10 – 1.00 bar and at the temperature of 393 K. The order of the gas molecular weight was He < N2 < CO2 < Ar. The BET surface area of the dip-coated silica membrane showed a type IV isotherm characteristic of mesoporous structure with hysteresis. The BJH curve of the - 11 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE silica-membrane was in accordance with mesoporous classification. 5- Paper ID: J216&J217 Title: Fabrication and Properties Study of Title: Manufacturing Technology of the the Dielectric Membranes Used as Sensitive Elements Constructive Basis for Sensitive Elements for Gas Sensors Based on Dielectric of Gas Sensors Membrane Structures Authors: Denis Veselov Authors: D.S. Veselov, Yu.A. Voronov Abstract: The article presents the Abstract: The new fabrication method of properties study results of the dielectric dielectric membrane structures for membranes for sensitive elements of sensitive elements of gas sensors, based semiconductor gas sensors, obtained by on the separation of anisotropic etching of different modes of the reactive silicon into two stages, is proposed. The magnetron sputtering of silicon with preference etchant compositions, the application of the two-stage unilateral preference elemental composition of anisotropic etching of silicon in the membrane films and the acceptable organic alkaline solutions. The qualitative thickness of the thermal silicon oxide analysis of the membranes stability to underlay to obtain mechanically relaxed destructions and deformations in the membranes are presented. The group course of their fabrication and heating is technology for manufacturing of sensitive given. Optimum structures and modes of elements for gas sensors is developed, films formation for dielectric membrane membrane structures are fabricated and structures are determined. The admissible their properties are studied. thickness of the thermal silicon oxide underlay, which is does not promote to considerable membranes deformations in the course of their fabrication and heating, is identified. 6- Paper ID: 19 Title: A Full-duplex Camera-Projector System for Sharing Interactive Tables Authors: Young-Ho Suh, Kang-Woo Lee, Sang Keun Rhee Abstract: One of the key challenges of remote sharing systems based on camera-projector pairs is the visual echo problem. However, existing visual echo - 12 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE cancellation schemes are either too theoretical or hardware-dependent to deploy for common use in arbitrary systems. Therefore, we present a simple and practical visual echo cancellation scheme. Experimental results show that our system exhibits performance no less than 10 fps on exchanging non-echo images of 640 × 480 size in a full-duplex mode. 12:00-13:30 Lunch Session 3 January 18, 2015(13:30-15:00) 1- Paper ID: 30 Title: The Application of Predictive Model to Describe and Control Technological Process Authors: MICHAL Peter, VAGASKÁ Alena, FECHOVÁ Erika, GOMBÁ R Miroslav, KMEC Ján Abstract: This paper shows an influence of amount of sulphuric acid in electrolyte on thickness of aluminium oxide layer created with varying electrolyte temperature. Impact of these variables is shown by using DoE for six factors (amount of sulphuric acid, amount of oxalic acid, amount of aluminium cations, electrolyte temperature, anodizing time, applied voltage). Oxide layer was created with current densities of 1 A·dm-2. 2- Paper ID: 33 Title: Dynamic Characteristics of the Antagonistic Pneumatic Muscle Actuator for Biomechanical Applications Authors: Mária Tó thová, Stella Hrehová Abstract: An actuator consisting of a pair of pneumatic artificial muscles in antagonistic connection belongs to the nonconventional actuators with some properties similar to biological muscles. Pneumatic muscle actuators are characterized by several appealing characteristics such as cleanness, structural simplicity and natural compliance. But there are also their deficiencies such as hysteresis, nonlinear character, as well as other issues associated with pneumatic system in general. In the paper there are described - 13 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE some of their dynamic characteristics important for biomechanical applications (pressure in the muscle, the muscle force, position of the actuator arm). 3- Paper ID: 34 Title: Pneumatic Muscle Actuator for Industrial Robotic Applications Authors: Ján Piteľ, Ondrej Líška, Dagmar Janáčová, Hana Charvátová Abstract: The outstanding feature of the pneumatic artificial muscle is its high power to weight ratio vastly outperforming both pneumatic cylinder and DC motor. This feature is very important for using of pneumatic muscle actuators in industrial robotic systems where high forces and stiffness of mechanism are often required. The most common so far produced and used type of pneumatic artificial muscle is McKibben muscle and it is now made commercially available by different companies (e.g. Festo). In the paper there are described some of their characteristics important for using as actuator for industrial robotic applications. 4- Paper ID: J227 Title: A SENSITIVE ZINC ION ELECTRODE BASED ON ELECTROCHEMICALLY DEPOSITED EDTA ONTOGLASSYCARBON SURFACE Authors: A. Touati, M. Benounis, H. Barhoumi, M. Bourourou, N. Messaid Abstract: In this present work, we are interested to elaborate a new electrochemically sensor based on modified glassy carbon electrode for zinc detection. For this 4-para nitrobenzene diazonium (PNBD), 4-nitrophenyl (NP) and 4-aminophenyl (AP), and ethylene diamine tetra acetic (EDTA)were electrochemically deposited from aqueous solution on the surface of glassy carbon (GC) lectrode by potential cycling in the range between 0,4and -1,25 V. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and Square wave voltammetry (SWV) were used to characterize the GC sensor. We show that the Zinc ion sensor based on modified CG electrode was characterized by low limit of detection (LOD) for about 410-8M, high sensitivity and wide linear detection range. 5- Paper ID: J238 Title: Analysis of Flexible Roll Forming Process with Arc Shape Panel Authors: Ya-Zhang, Dae-Hwan Yoon, Dong-Won Jung Abstract: Roll forming is a highly useful and important forming technique for sheet - 14 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE metal. As an economic profile product, roll forming products are widely used in transportation, engineering machinery, and civil construction because of their uniform sections, high strength, and low energy consumption[1]. Roll forming is a rapid processing operation used for transforming flat sheets of material into useful profiled sections. However, a lot of components used in the automobile, railway cars, ship construction, and building industries have variable cross sections. Therefore, flexible roll forming was developed recently to produce variable cross section profiles. 15:00-15:15 Coffer Break Note: If you would like to deliver oral presentation but your paper is not in the session list, please contact us by Email: [email protected] (for ICSMMS 2015) ASAP. Thanks again for all your great attention and kind support to ICSMMS 2015. Thank you for all of your contributions! - 15 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE UPCOMING CONFERENCE The International Conference on Communication Systems and Computing Application Science (CSCAS 2015) Jeju Island, South Korea May 16-17, 2015 www.cscas.org ◆ Goals The International Conference on Communication Systems and Computing Application Science (1st CSCAS 2015) will be held on 16-17th May, 2015 in Jeju Island, South Korea. The aim is to promote intelligent information more prosperous through the application of communication systems and computer network technology. This international conference will provide an important platform for worldwide experts, professionals, scholars and educators in the computer field. The 1st CSCAS 2015 will be organized as a workshop of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication System& Network Technologies (CSNT) in India. As the branch of India's Communication System and Network Technologies (CSNT2015), all collected papers will be submitted to the IEEE press before the conference. CSCAS 2015 will be published into the conference proceeding by CSNT Proceedings. All accepted papers of CSCAS 2015 will be published by IEEE CPS and will be submitted to IEEE XPLORE and EI Compendex. ◆ Topics ◆ Date T1: Database Technology Submission Deadline: Jan.26,2015 Acceptance Notification: Jan.30,2015 T2: Computer Technology & Application T3: Information Security & Internet Registration Due: T4: Management Information Systems & Applications Conference Dates: Feb.2,2015 Jan.17-18,2015 T5: Hardware & Integrated Circuit ◆ Submissions ◆ Contact Email:[email protected] By Easychair: Web:www.cscas.org https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf QQ: 3146872592 =cscas20152. Tel: +86-24-83958379-815 Email submission: [email protected]. Any questions please feel free to contact CSCAS 2015 Organizing Committee. - 16 -