2015 bosi edu paris conference
2015 bosi edu paris conference
2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 2015 The 1st International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication and Information Technology (CICIT 2015) 2015 The 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Control Engineering (ICAICE 2015) Paris, France January 17-18, 2015 http://www.cicit.org/ http://www.icaice.org/ SPONSORED BY 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Simple Version of the Schedule Registration at the TIMHOTEL January 17 p.m. BERTHIER (15:00-17:00) Oral Presentation (9:00-10:15) Session 1 January 18 • Coffee Break (10:15-10:30) a.m. •Oral Presentation (10:30-12:00) Session 2 •Lunch (12:00-13:30) •Oral Presentation(13:30-15:00) January 18 p.m. Session 3 •Coffee Break (15:00-15:15) - 1 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Welcome to CICIT2015 & ICAICE2015 CICIT 2015 is co-sponsored by BOSI EDU Professional Organizer for Academic Conferences which has been organized many international conferences successfully. The CICIT 2015 global conferences aim to provide a high-level platform for practitioners and academics to deliberate the latest developments on Computational Intelligence Information Technology Related Issues. This Communicational conference and provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. ICAICE 2015 takes place in several cities across the world. The series has two primary aims. The first aim is to provide opportunities for academics from a range of disciplines and countries to share their research both through the conference podium and IEEE’s refereed publications. "Breaking the ice" is the second aim of the Conference. ICAICE 2015 provides opportunities for academics to receive informal in-depth feedback through discussion, and promotes them to establish contact with professionals in other countries and institutions. We warmly invite you to participate in CICIT2015 & ICAICE2015. It will be a good chance for you to make friends in scholarism. - 2 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Venue Conference venue: TIMHOTEL BERTHIER Add: Timhotel Berthier Paris 17 / 3*4, boulevard Berthier 75017 Paris Map to TIMHOTEL BERTHIER for Reference More Information about INTERACTIVE Map of metros, buses, tramways and RER trains routes of Paris and suburbs, please reference to: http://www.ratp.fr/plan-interactif/carteidf.php?lang=uk - 3 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Conference Schedule January 17, 2015(Saturday) Registration at the lobby of 15:00-17:00 TIMHOTEL BERTHIER Note: You can also register at any time during the conference. January 18, 2015 (Sunday) 9:00-10:15 Session 1 10:15—10:30 Photos &Coffee Break 10:30—12:00 Session 2 Lunch 12:00-13:30 13:30—15:00 Session 3 15:00—15:15 Coffee Break - 4 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Note: 1. All the participants are strongly advised to arrive before 8:50, Jan. 18, 2015. 2. Certificate of Participation can be collected at the registration counter. 3. Please copy PPT files of your presentation to the secretary when registration. 4. The organizer doesn’t provide accommodation, and we suggest you make an early reservation. 5. If you want to deliver oral presentation but your paper is not in the session list, please contact us by Email: [email protected] (for CICIT 2015) [email protected] (for ICAICE 2015) Instruction about Oral Presentation Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer: Laptops Projectors & Screen Laser Sticks Materials Provided by the Presenters: PowerPoint or PDF files Duration of each Presentation: Regular Oral Session: about 8-10 Minutes of Presentation and 5 Minutes of Q&A - 5 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Session List Session 1 January 18, 2015(9:00-10:15) 1-Paper ID: 1 CICIT Title: An Intelligent Algorithm for Highly Heterogeneous Arithmetic Grid Systems Authors: Muhammad Fahim, Farzad Kiani, Sayyad Alizadeh Abstract: Arithmetic grids are a new instance in distributed and parallel computing systems. They can realize a virtual supercomputer over idle resources available in a wide area network like the Internet. The grids are characterized for exploiting highly heterogeneous resources. They focus on arithmetic grids to reach high performance by using effective map tasks onto heterogeneous resources. Generally, the mapping tasks are realized by online and batch methods. In the batch mode at any mapping event a batch of tasks are mapped, whereas in online mode only one task is mapped. In this paper, four on-line mode mapping algorithms based on learning automata are introduced. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms, computer simulation has been conducted. The results of experiments show that the proposed algorithms outperform two best existing mapping algorithms when machine heterogeneity high. 2-Paper ID: 3 CICIT Title: Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks by Distributed Time Sychnronization Algorithm Authors: Farzad Kiani, Muhammad Fahim Abstract: In this paper, for decrease transmissions delay in wireless sensor and actor network is suggested a distributed algorithm. Energy consumption is very important issue because they have limited energy. Current protocols due to have transmission delay in sending data among nodes cause increase consuming energy in network. Proposed algorithm is based on distributed algorithm and can solve this problem somewhat. In this algorithm, a distinguished node sends time values along a spanning tree structure periodically. One of the most important advantages of the algorithm is - 6 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE purely distributed and local. It does not depend on a fixed structure for disseminating time values. In conclusion, results gained shows that suggested protocol decrease transmissions delay of wireless network above 30 percent compared to the existing approaches. 3-Paper ID: 14 CICIT Title: Stepped-FM UWB Home Security Sensor Using Tracking Filter Authors: Yuta Jitsui, Akihiro Kajiwara Abstract: This paper suggests a stepped-FM UWB home security sensor with tracking filter where an intruder detection scheme is discussed. Recently, UWB sensor has attracted considerable attention because of its detecting human body in a home. Although it offers high raging accuracy for human in motion in a room, it may be difficult to cover a house through walls. Therefore, we present a human detection with tracking filter using a stepped-FM UWB radio which can estimate the human motion trajectory. The measurements were conducted for two scenarios inside a typical four room apartment house using our fabricated sensor system. 4-Paper ID: 15 CICIT Title: Multiple Respiration Monitoring by Stepped-FM UWB Sensor Authors: Eriko Sasaki, Akihiro Kajiwara Abstract: Health-care support at home and a care facilities is an important issue in the recent aging society and then stepped-FM UWB sensor has recently attracted considerable attention for health-care applications such as vital-sign monitoring because it offers the high range-resolution down-range profile of human body. In this paper, a stepped-FM UWB sensor with direct-conversion receiver is presented which provides a simple and small-sized architecture. However, some leakage produced in the Front-end should impair the reliability of the ranging capability. In this paper an estimation technique is presented to suppress the leakage and to improve the ranging performance. This paper also suggests a simultaneous monitoring scheme for multiple respiration monitoring. We fabricated the sensor and investigated the performance by the measurement. - 7 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE 5-Paper ID: 16 CICIT Title: Stepped Frequency UWB Sensor Using Unused-Bands Authors: Shizuka Kuboyama, Nobuyasu Keya, Lianming Sun, Akihiro Kajiwara Abstract: Impulse based UWB radio is well known as a promising short-range communication technology to offer high speed data transmission and anti-fading capability. Furthermore it has recently attracted considerable attention for various consumer applications such as home security and vital-sign monitoring. However, the commercialization causes a serious shortage of frequency resources in the RF spectrum. In this paper, a stepped-frequency UWB sensor is suggested which offers a solution to the frequency shortage for various emerging sensor applications. In order to investigate the usefulness, we fabricated the sensor system and conducted the measurement for a scenario. 10:15-10:30 Photos & Coffer Break - 8 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE Session 2 January 18, 2015(10:30-12:00) 1-Paper ID: 47 CICIT Title: De-Identification of Textual Data using Immune System for Privacy Preserving in Big Data Authors: Amine Rahmani, Abdelmalek Amine, Mohamed Reda Hamou Abstract: With the growing observed success of big data use, many challenges appeared. Timeless, scalability and privacy are the main problems that researchers attempt to figure out. Privacy preserving is now a highly active domain of research, many works and concepts had seen the light within this theme. One of these concepts is the de-identification techniques. De-identification is a specific area that consists of finding and removing sensitive information either by replacing it, encrypting it or adding a noise to it using several techniques such as cryptography and data mining. In this report, we present a new model of de-identification of textual data using a specific Immune System algorithm known as CLONALG. 2-Paper ID: 49 CICIT Title: New Private Information Retrieval Protocol Using social bees lifstyle over cloud computing Authors: HADJ AHMED Bouarara, REDA MOHAMED Hamou, Abdelmalek AMINE Abstract: Recently, a novel form of web services had seen the light under the name of Cloud Computing which presents the dematerialisation of software, systems and infrastructures. However, in a world where digital information is everywhere, finding the desired information has become a crucial problem. In other hand, the users of cloud services starting asking about their privacy protection, particularly when they lose control of their data during the treatment and even some of them think about counting the service providers themselves as honest attackers. For that, new approaches had been published in every axis of the privacy preserving domain. One of these axis consists of a special retrieval models which allow both finding and hiding sensitive desired information at the same time. The substance of our work is a new system of private information retrieval protocol (PIR) composed of four steps the authentication - 9 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE to ensure the identification of authorised users. The encryption of stored documents by the server using the boosting algorithm based on the life of bees and multi-filter cryptosystems. The information retrieval step using a combination of distances by social bees where a document must pass through three dams controlled with three types of worker bees, the bee queen represents the query and the hive represents the class of relevant documents. Finally, a visualization step that permits the presentation of the results in graphical format understandable by humans as a 3D cube. Our objectives is to amend the response to users' demands. 3- Paper ID: T203 CICIT Title: Power Control in Non-uniform Wireless Sensor Networks Based on the Parallel Ant Colony Algorithm Authors: PANG Yi, SUN Qing-lin, CHEN Zeng-qiang, ZHANG Huiying Abstract: Energy consumption is the most important problem in wireless sensor networks. Considering the non-uniform network, a new mechanism of power control based on the PACA (parallel ant colony algorithm) is presented for the energy consumption optimization. The mechanism can search the solution space and optimize the route of data transmission to homogenize the energy consumption of the nodes. In the simulation, three different network nodes distribution are adopted and the new mechanism is compared with the fixed power routing method. The results show that the new mechanism can homogenize the nodes’ energy consumption and extend the whole network’s life effectively. 4- Paper ID: T230 CICIT Title: The Impact of Elementary School Management Regarding the Smaller Class Quality Education Authors: Chin-Hsin Chiu, Lih-jier Young, Chi Lo Abstract: This An examination pertaining to the advantages and disadvantages of smaller class sizes regarding the quality of educational management in elementary schools, research methods statistic regression analysis. Questionnaires were designed and distributed to schools’ staff, parents and students, research zone north, central, south and east of Taiwan. Main consideration was to determine student/parent satisfaction and quality attributes. It concluded that the smaller class has superior - 10 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE educational quality. Students and parents were convinced that the school educational goals were more likely to be met, and the students would achieve a higher level of learning in all areas of the curriculum. The research showed that smaller classes have more advantages than disadvantages in achieving quality management, classes management were much more successful in fulfilling their educational goals. 5-Paper ID: 2 ICAICE Title: A wide pulse response procedure for tuning of PD/PID controller for integrating processes Authors: Goran S. Kvaščev, Željko M. Đurović, Vladimir Đ.Vlatković Abstract: A simple wide pulse response procedure for tuning of PD/PID controller for integrating processes is proposed. It is based on the integrating first-order plus dead-time (IFOPDT) model, obtained from the wide step response by measuring the time to go to ten and sixty three percent of the maximum after wide pulse excitation of process. An adjustable parameter is provided to obtain adaptation of the closed-loop system performance and robustness. A comparison with tuned PIDs, done by simulations, and the experimental results obtained on a real two tank system, confirm that high performance and robustness are obtained. 6- Paper ID: 8 ICAICE Title: Remedy for Open-circuit Fault of 4-Phase Permanent Magnet Fault Tolerant Motor Authors: Si Binqiang, Zhu Jihong Abstract: With multiple single-phase lanes, and each driven by independent H-bridge power converters, permanent-magnet fault-tolerant motors inherently offer isolated phases and fault-tolerant capability. It is assumed that there is an open-circuit fault detected in the Phase A. In order to keep torque performance invariant during the faulty operation, a pertinent fault tolerant strategy is separately presented, derived and tested. Based on a series of experiments on a test bench, the effectiveness and validity of fault-tolerant capability and the strategy of the motor are verified. - 11 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE 12:00-13:30 Lunch Session 3 January 18, 2015(13:30-15:00) 1- Paper ID: 15 ICAICE Title: Identification of the Factors that Affect the User Reaction to Posts on Facebook Brand Pages Authors: Hyesun Jeon, Hyung Jun Ahn Abstract: As many consumers now use mobile devices and SNS, they are able to interact with brands in a very different way. Many companies are also making rigorous efforts on SNS to take advantage of the changes brought by the new channel. The efforts often take the form of brand pages or brand communities. This study aims to identify the factors that affect the reaction of consumers to the posts that companies make on their brand pages. Specifically, the brand pages on Facebook of two local mobile game companies were analyzed. The posts on each brand page were coded in terms of their informativeness, structure, inductiveness, and type of reward, and the influence of them on the dependent variables such as the number of ‘likes’ or replies were analyzed with regression. The analysis revealed that the factors do have significant influence on the reaction of consumers. 2-Paper ID: 17 ICAICE Title: Three Dimensoinal Stereo Graphic Animation of Golf Ball in Putting Green With No Loss of Orientation Information Authors: Woonchul Ham, Kangsan Lee Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the three dimensional graphic animation program for simulating the 5 DOF (degree of freedom) motion of golf ball in putting green. We revice the dynamics of rolling motion of golf ball on arbitrary surface of golf green based on the gravity and the slip mechanism suggested by our research team in - 12 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE previous work. We also propose a new algorithm to handle the loss of orientation information which is an essential problem happened in INS(Inertial Navigation System). We construct the real time simulation develop environment by using OpenGL, MATLAB, 3ds Max, and virtual comport device driver software for implementing animation program functioning on special shutter glasses 3D LCD monitor. 3-Paper ID: 20 ICAICE Title: Integration of humain intelligence in transformation process of the pedagogical scenario: approach based on the Crowdsourcing Authors: Dalila KOULOUGLI, Zhor BOUZIDI Abstract: With the advent of the neologism called "crowdsourcing", the problem of the evaluation of existing solutions on ontology alignment arose. The use of ontologies and their alignment to found the MDE (Model Driven engineering) model implanted in the transformation process has become a necessity, especially for better semantic interoperability between these models. The state of the art clearly shows that the contribution of the ODE (Ontology Driven engineering) principles, AO (Alignment of Ontolgies) and crowdsourcing in a learning scenarization context is an interesting approach. In this paper, we propose a transformation process to transpose a business scenario to a computable scenario exploiting various tools (Protege2000, Plugin uCamp, Crowdflower and GWAP). 4-Paper ID: F127 ICAICE Title: Experimental evaluation of high performance road base stabilized with carboxylated styrene–butadiene emulsion and portland cemen Authors: Mojtaba Shojaei Baghini, Amiruddin Ismail Abstract: Due to lack of previous study on applying polymer additives in road base construction, this research presents experimental results on the improvement of long-term road base performance by the addition of carboxylated styrene–butadiene emulsion (Tylac® 4190) and Portland cement. The specimens stabilized with Portland cement (0–6%) and Tylac® 4190 (5–10%) and then subjected to different stress sequences to study the wetting and drying (WD)and wheel tracking (WT) tests on the 7-day-cured specimens. Results of tests conducted to assess the specimens’ resistance to WD cycling showed that the addition of a 4% Portland cement–8% Tylac® 4190 - 13 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE mixture resulted in an 768.6% reduction in water absorption, a volume change of 873.4%, and a weight change of 1395.83% as compared to the sample with 4% cement after 12 WD cycles. The permanent strain behaviour of the samples was assessed by the WT test. The results indicate that the sample with 8% Tylac® 4190 had the most rutting; however, the use of the 4% cement–8% Tylac® 4190 mixture resulted in a reduction in rut depth of 309.5% and 464.9% at 50°C, and 318.9% and 133.6%, respectively, at 25°C as compared to samples with cement and Tylac® 4190, respectively. Therefore, this research nominates a new polymer additive having outstanding engineering properties and environmental friendly. 15:00-15:15 Coffer Break Note: If you would like to deliver oral presentation but your paper is not in the session list, please contact us by Email: [email protected] (for CICIT 2015 ); [email protected] (for ICAICE 2015) ASAP. Thanks again for all your great attention and kind support to CICIT 2015 and ICAICE 2015. Thank you for all of your contributions! - 14 - 2015 BOSI EDU PARIS CONFERENCE UPCOMING CONFERENCE The International Conference on Communication Systems and Computing Application Science (CSCAS 2015) Jeju Island, South Korea May 16-17, 2015 www.cscas.org ◆ Goals The International Conference on Communication Systems and Computing Application Science (1st CSCAS 2015) will be held on 16-17th May, 2015 in Jeju Island, South Korea. The aim is to promote intelligent information more prosperous through the application of communication systems and computer network technology. This international conference will provide an important platform for worldwide experts, professionals, scholars and educators in the computer field. The 1st CSCAS 2015 will be organized as a workshop of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication System& Network Technologies (CSNT) in India. As the branch of India's Communication System and Network Technologies (CSNT2015), all collected papers will be submitted to the IEEE press before the conference. CSCAS 2015 will be published into the conference proceeding by CSNT Proceedings. All accepted papers of CSCAS 2015 will be published by IEEE CPS and will be submitted to IEEE XPLORE and EI Compendex. ◆ Topics ◆ Date T1: Database Technology Submission Deadline: T2: Computer Technology & Application Jan.26,2015 Acceptance Notification: Jan.30,2015 T3: Information Security & Internet Registration Due: T4: Management Information Systems & Applications Conference Dates: Feb.6,2015 Jan.17-18,2015 T5: Hardware & Integrated Circuit ◆ Submissions ◆ Contact Email:[email protected] By Easychair: Web:www.cscas.org https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf= QQ: 3146872592 cscas20152. Tel: +86-24-83958379-815 Email submission: [email protected]. Any questions please feel free to contact CSCAS 2015 Organizing Committee. - 15 -