Parish Bulletin - St. Cuthbert's Primary School | Seaham


Parish Bulletin - St. Cuthbert's Primary School | Seaham
18th Jan– 8th Feb
2nd Sunday of Year
Octave of Prayer for
Chris an Unity
Monday 19th to
Friday 23rd January
St Cuthbert’s Church
St Joseph’s Church
11am Edward & Catherine Cooney
5pm Vigil John & James Smith
(Fr R Int.) James, Mary & William
No Mass at St Cuthbert’s on Sundays
Cavanagh. Coffee Morning & SVP
9.30am Service of the Word & Holy
Communion each Day
Mon: 9am Service of Word & H /C
Tues 9.30am Mary & George Cummings
Wed 9am
Bill Stobo
Thurs 9.30am Jim Richmond
Friday 1pm Peggy Cram
Saturday 24th
St Francis de Sales
5pm Vigil Josephine Armstrong
No Confessions
10am Jack Hudson
Confessions A er Mass
Sunday 25th Jan
3rd Sunday of Year
No Mass at St Cuthbert’s ( See Vigil )
11am John & Rose Hannon & Family
Coffee Morning & SVP
Monday 26th to
Friday 30th January
9.30am Service of the Word & H/C
Thursday 11.45am Requiem Mass
Kenneth Vickerson
Friday 11.15am Funeral
Catherine Corrigan Brooks
Mon: 9am Service of Word & H/C
Tue: 9.30am Special Inten on
Wed: 9am In thanks for graces rec’d
Thurs: 9.30am Ada Richmond
Fri: 9.30am Frank Finan & Dec’d fam.
Saturday 31st Jan
St John Bosco
5pm Vigil Mary & Joseph Traynor
10am Fr George Johnson
Confessions A er Mass
Sun 1st February
4th Sunday of Year
2nd Collec on Today
11am Parishioners
No Mass at St Cuthbert’s ( See Vigil ) In Thanks to Divine Mercy & Our Lady
Coffee Morning & SVP
Three Week Bulletin
Sunday 18th January
2nd Sunday of The Year
St Cuthbert’s Presbytery
Fr Anthony Has e
 581 2221 
St Joseph’s Presbytery
Fr Ronald Richmond
 526 1116 
9.30am Service of the Word & Holy
Presenta on of the Lord Communion
9am Fr Richmond’s Inten on TBA
Tuesday 3rd
St Blaise
9.30am Robert Middleton & Dec’d
of Family ( Blessing of throats)
9.30am Fr Richmond’s Inten on TBA
Wed 4th
9.30am Patricia Hudson
9am Catherine Finan
Thursday 5th
St Agatha
9.30am Doreen McKenna svp
9.30am Bill Stobo
Friday 6th
St Paul Miki & Comp.
9.30am Philip Ward
9.30am Fr Richmond’s Inten on TBA
Sat 7th February
5pm Vigil Ma y Hicks
10am Ann Harbron
Confessions A er Mass
Sun 8th
5th Sunday of Year
No Mass or Service at St Cuthbert’s
on Sundays ( See Vigil )
11am Linda Rhodes PS
(Fr R Int . Herbie Armstrong )
Monday 2nd
Parish Bulletin
St Cuthbert’s School
 581 3090 
St Joseph’s School
 526 1795 
Today’s Bulle n has been
supported by Kenneth Taylor
Funeral Director Tel 5817388
Sunday 25th January
3rd Sunday of The Year
Sunday 1st February
4th Sunday of The Year
Educa on Sunday
Take a look at the Readings
Sunday in the Second Week of Ordinary Time, John's Gospel offers us
the story of the calling of the first
two disciples. He asks them what
they are looking for and when they
ask where he lives, he invites them,
“Come, and you will see.”
The first reading this week continues
with the Letter to the Hebrews. Written to inspire and encourage the
community in its faith, he exhorts
them "not become sluggish, but imitators of those who, through faith
and patience, are inheriting the
As we continue Mark's Gospel on
the weekdays, Jesus is asked why his
disciples don't fast. He challenges
the religious leaders to have a completely open mind and heart to his
teaching because "new wine is
poured into fresh wineskins.” Jesus
is the Lord of the Sabbath, bringing
a new freedom. It is only chapter 3
in the gospel, but we already see the
tension with religious leaders building. Because Jesus heals a withered
hand on the Sabbath, the Pharisees
seek to kill him. Jesus withdraws and
people from the surrounding regions
come to him, and even the demons
know who he is. Jesus names twelve
Apostles to be with him, to preach
and to drive out demons. Jesus' relatives think he's "out of his mind"
because so many people are coming
to him that he can't even eat.
Sunday is the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings include the
wonderful story from Mark's Gospel
repeated from last week's weekday
readings: Jesus calls Simon, Andrew,
James and John. “Come after me,
and I will make you fishers of men.”
A Prayer for the Day
Dear Lord, at times, my heart is
quite sluggish. Give me hope today. Lift my spirits and give me
perspective. When I find myself
stiff and inflexible, make me into a
new wineskin to receive the alive,
new wine with which you wish to
fill me. And let me be open to your
call to discipleship today. What
are the opportunities to preach
your Word today? Where can I
drive out demons, rather than sit
with their discouragement and
division? Please fill my home, my
workplace, my heart with your
Spirit, that I might join you in
bringing good news for the poor.
This Bulletin has been prepared and printed in advance
Any alterations or additions to this Bulletin will be announced
by the Priest.
We Welcome Fr Frank Mc Cullagh who will be supplying
weekend Masses on the Weekend of 24th/25th January.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2015
Theme -The Well is Deep What are the aims of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity? To pray as
Christ prayed “That they may be one”. To pray for the unity of all Christian
people as we share in Christ’s ministry. There will be a Mass for Christian
Unity on Friday 23rd Jan at St Joseph’s at 1pm with Ecumenical guests, All
Are Welcome.
There will be a 2nd collection at all Masses on the weekend of the 1st
February to mark Education Sunday. This is a day of special prayer for those
involved in Education.
The Catholic Education Service now supports:1,811 Primary Schools
377 Secondary Schools
49 All-age Schools
798,687 Pupils
48,234 Teachers
15 Sixth Form Colleges
4 Universities
13 University Colleges and Institutions.
Congratulations to the Children at St Cuthbert’s
who made their First Confession.
Please remember in your prayers the
sick Joe Cassidy, Mary Patching, Nicholas
James, Derick Scott, Lorraine Watson, Pat
Johnson, Charles McCabe, Harry Dunn,
Peter Ebblewhite, & Craig Thompson.
We pray for those who are sick but prefer to
remain anonymous. We pray for Yvonne
Robson, Ken Vickerson & Catherine Corrigan Brooks who have Died. Eternal Rest...