brochure - Luci Association


brochure - Luci Association
Lyon, France
The 11 international
city.people.light award 2013
For sustainable and liveable cities
The 11 international
city.people.light award
For people everywhere, light is life
Over the last twenty years, urban lighting has become
more than simply a means of ensuring security and
visibility: it is now regarded as an essential component of
town planning and a major element in a town’s cultural
identity, whatever the size. Urban lighting can give a
city a night-time beauty that matches or challenges its
Lyon, France
daytime image. By altering the nocturnal landscape, the
relationship between the residents and their town can
International) to reward towns and cities that are
LUCI is an international network of cities engaged in
attempting to rehumanize the urban environment
using light as a major tool for their sustainable urban
Lighting offers a new vision of reality: by highlighting
through the medium of light and exploring ways to
certain features and concealing others, it encourages
maximize energy efficiency, minimize the use
citizens to discover the contours and details of sites and
of hazardous substances and reduce waste.
be redefined and their living environment enhanced.
Created in 2002 at the initiative of the City of Lyon
(France), LUCI now brings together over 100 members.
monuments that are not visible by day.
For some time now, Philips has been engaged in a
They include 65 cities located in five continents, as
With the help of a lighting plan, new impressions and
process of exploring how lighting can develop and
well as 35 lighting professionals (manufacturers, lighting
atmospheres can be created, changing the perception
improve the quality of city life. The objective is to
designers, lighting consultants, universities…)
of the urban setting or even making people notice it for
stretch the intellectual and creative boundaries towards
the first time. It is also a subtle and highly effective way
more innovative and relevant solutions, whilst at the
By rewarding and putting forward cities that share this
of promoting the city's assets to tourists.
same time respecting the environment.
vision of urban lighting, the city.people.light award
This research program brings together the three
participates in making cities within LUCI -and beyond-
The city.people.light award was created in 2003
key notions of “city”, “people” and “light” in one
progress towards a better use of light.
by Philips and LUCI (Lighting Urban Community
comprehensive approach.
Bidding for the 11
award 2013
Composition of the jury
The purpose of this award is to reward the city that best
Philips and LUCI select an independent and
integrates an appreciation of the needs of contemporary
international jury of 6 members, which is made up of:
urban living and the notions of ‘city’, ‘people’ and ‘light’ in
• 2 lighting designers
a coherent lighting strategy.
• 2 city lighting managers
The presentation of this award should help raise
• 2 other professionals linked to the lighting sector
awareness amongst city authorities and urban architects
(architects, planners, engineers…)
of the advantages that sustainable urban lighting brings to
a city (a new image, improved security, better orientation,
a more aesthetic approach to architecture, etc.).
The jury will award three towns or cities for their projects.
The first prize will consist of a trophy and a cheque for
Type of project
10.000 Euros. The second and third-placed town or city
The lighting must be of a permanent nature and
will receive a trophy. The 3 awarded cities also receive an
visible to all citizens free of charge. Non-permanent,
invitation to participate in the LUCI event of their choice
festive illuminations cannot be considered. The contest is
for the following year. The award ceremony will take place
open to urban lighting projects that have been completed
in Guangzhou, China, during the Annual LUCI Forum
less than two years prior to entry in the contest.
from November 13th to 17th of November 2013.
Judging criteria
The jury’s assessment of the projects will be based on
All entries must be received by 31 July 2013.
the following criteria:
In order to judge all projects in a fair and just manner,
• the context of the project: e.g. is it part of a larger
it is crucial that the project documentation has to be
approach, urban regeneration plan or lighting scheme?
• environmental integration: were the following
submitted in English. Please also include available data
on economic benefits – measure of amount of people
factors taken into account – energy consumption,
visiting, amount of money spent, staying time (overnight
light pollution, impact on flora and fauna, end-of-life
stays) before and after the project.
recycling of equipment?
• the timescale of the project: is the project a one-off
activity or part of a mid- to long-term project?
• finances: how much was spent on the project?
What further expenditure is planned?
• project team: were the various competences of those
involved identified and fully utilized?
Publication of the results
The results of the competition will be published in
professional lighting magazines, on the Philips website:
and on the LUCI website:
• added value: what does light do for the area/
monument concerned, the town/city image and
Philips and LUCI reserve the right to communicate
identity, the local economy, the social climate,
the results as they see fit.
the residents and tourists?
• overall quality of entry: professional photos,
conciseness of information, etc.
Stavanger, Norway
Winner 2012
Lyon, France
Project type
Owned by the Congregation of the Sisters of
St. Charles, the “Annonciade” wall is located in the 1st
arrondissement of Lyon, on Rue de l’Annonciade, on
Croix Rousse Hill. The wall existed before work was
carried out. It was a plain wall whose only purpose was
to serve as a retaining wall for the St. Charles Clinic
parking lot. Thus, it had no particular visual interest
before the intervention.
The idea behind this panorama was to stir the sensorial
pleasures of passers-by using a painted background,
providing a sort of “living room tapestry,” and three
immense images representing work by photographer
Yann Arthus-Bertrand rendered as paintings by
Mur vegetalise de l’annonciade
Lighting design
Lighting department of the City of Lyon together
with artists from CitéCréation and Canevaflor.
Second place
Stavanger, Norway
Project type
The area consists of the city’s cathedral with the
Stavanger Cathedral
adjacent areas Kongsgrd High School, Byparken
(the city park) and Dornkirkeplassen (the cathedral
square). The cathedral is the city’s most important
Lighting design
building. The entire area should be seen in context and
Ramboll Denmark by lb 0.
the lighting should reflect the purpose and meaning of
Winther and Viadan Paunovic
the buildings, building facades, vegetation, monuments
and landscape characteristics within the area.
Third place
Genk, Belgium
Project type
Based on the foundations of the coal mine of
Winterlag, C-mine is a site that has the ambition to
stimulate creativity. C-mine wants to be a meeting
place for people who want to be stimulated by a
Lighting design
wide range of diverse forms of creativity and creative
Luc Peumans
innovation, both professionally or as entertainment.
The two points that were really important for
designing the lighting concept for the site are: “a living
square” and “respect for the historic look and feel
of the site”. These two concepts can be interpreted
as complementary giving the historic patrimony a
concrete social meaning, now and in the future.
Special mention
Taipei, Taiwan
Project type
Treasure Hill was an illegal settlement founded
Treasure Hill illumination
by military veterans. Known as the attic of Taipei,
it is home to the memories and traditions of
Taipei, Taiwan
past generations and has now been turned an
Lighting design
environmentally sustainable urban community with
I-Ju Pan, Creative Director
multiple ecological habitats. The Treasure Hill Public
Art Project created an innovative LED lighting
scheme that brings out the beauty of the original
buildings for visitors and helps to protect the
activities of animals and insects at night. The citizens
also have the freedom to create their own light show.
Special mention
Moscow, Russia - Novy Arbat
Project type
New Arbat Avenue is a modern street. Imagined by
Novy Arbat
a team of architects in the 1960s, it features an
eclectic mix of low, modernist buildings and vertical
residential towers. A new lighting scheme was
Lighting design
introduced to create a lively zone in the ​​high-rise
area using media facades to add a vibrant, dynamic
atmosphere. In contrast, the low-rise portion of the
streets were illuminated delicately to create a relaxing
atmosphere. The result is an inspirational scheme that
makes sense of the architecture and takes passers-by
from vivid colors to quiet contemplation.
Past winners of the
city.people.light award
2003 - Cergy - France
2004 - Ghent - Belgium
2005 - Cologne - Germany
2006 - Vienna - Austria
2007 - Heinsberg - Germany
2008 - Seoul - Korea
2009 - Jyväskylä - Finland
2010 - Lucerne - Switzerland
2011 - Valladolid - Spain
2012 - Lyon - France
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Date of release: February 2013
Printed in The Netherlands