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Tuesday, January 27
NO Administrative Team meeting
12:00 noon Worship Team meeting
Wednesday, January 28
6:00 p.m. Praise Team rehearsal for 2/1
Children’s Evening Activities
5:00 p.m. LOGOS & Kids’ Choir, gr. TK-6
TK-3rd: 5:00 Choir, 6:45 pm LOGOS
4th-6th: 5:00 LOGOS, 6:45 pm Choir
Group Dinner: 5:45 pm
Theme: Friendship
6:30 p.m. FOCUS Youth Group, gr. 7-8
7:00 p.m. CHAOS Youth Group, gr. 9-12
Friday, January 30
6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible study
Sunday, February 1
8:00 a.m. Praise Team practice
9:10-9:20 a.m. Consistory prayer time
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
10:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
We will celebrate the baptism of
Maxwell John Kelderman, infant son of
Josh & Katie Kelderman.
Watch your mailboxes for information and
ballots for the coming election of elders and
deacons. Nominations may be placed in the
ballot box in the narthex of the sanctuary,
or dropped off at the church office.
Memory Verses
Prayer Line Updates
Don Brommer – moved from the Sioux Center
hospital to Avera hospital in Sioux Falls.
Cathy Wagenaar – received a good report last
week at Mayo in Rochester.
Ann Brommer – hospitalized from a slight
stroke and hopes to return to Royale Meadows
Sympathy to Peg Wierda, Val Conley, and
Frieda Wierda upon the passing of husband,
father, and brother-in-law, Ray Wierda Jan. 16.
Sympathy to Jake & Cathy Wagenaar upon
the passing of Jake’s father, Jake Wagenaar,
from Sheldon, last week.
Sympathy to Curt & Deester Petersen on
passing of Curt’s father, Darwin Petersen, from
We are participating in a weekly prayer
for one Sioux Center congregation. This week
please be in prayer for the members of the
Peace Lutheran congregation.
The family of Pat Wright
would like to thank you all
for being a second church
family for Pat and Maxine
Wright. They loved being a
part of your congregation from the moment they
moved to Sioux Center about 12 years ago. We
appreciate all of the cards and words of
encouragement from so many of you in the loss
of Pat and Maxine. We especially want to thank
Pastor Van for his many visits and for traveling
to Laurens to do the service for Pat. It was truly
a celebration of Pat’s life.
Thanks again,
The Wright family
Nursery services are provided during morning
activities. (The nursery is in the basement level
of church.) Nursery workers are asked to be
in the nursery no later than 9:00 a.m. to
accommodate those who participate in the
This Sunday, January 25:
TODDLER: Robbie & Emily Cundy
Emma Rathbun
SS: Jeremy & Lisa Koerselman
INFANT: Laura Roskam, Julie Hulleman,
and Elizabeth Metcalf
Wednesday, January 28:
Julie Franken, Katie Kelderman,
Brenda De Goei
Next Sunday, February 1:
TODDLER: Stan & Martha Hibma
Clare & Tara Kortlever
SS: Gregg & Sharon Miller
INFANT: Trevor & Tanya Vander Griend
New Women’s Bible Study
9:00 a.m. Thursdays, Conference Room
We will be doing Priscilla Shirer’s “One in a
Million” for 6 weeks beginning Feb. 5. Call
Kay Kraai if you would like to join us!
Missionaries of the Month
Please pray for our missionaries as they
serve the Lord in locations around the world.
Lowell & Connie TenClay
Winnebago Reformed Church
for more information about Lowell &
Connie’s ministry and contact information.
Every verse is to be learned
during the week for the listed
Sunday. The kids will learn
the bold sections, and the
congregation will learn the whole piece.
Verse for Sunday, January 25:
Lamentations 3:22-23
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not
consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Verse for Sunday, February 1:
Isaiah 40:28
Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the
Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his
understanding no one can fathom.
This Sunday, January 25:
Narthex: Kevin & Amy Summers
Kevin Schmidt & Yette Te Paske
South: Brian & Tami Vanden Brink
Coffee Servers: Vern & Kathy Rozeboom
Children in Worship: Ellen Mouw
Greeters: Devin Mouw, Caden Bruhn,
and Gabe Rathbun
Next Sunday, February 1:
Narthex: Doug & Mary Vander Stoep
Basil & Lavina Vander Helm
South: Trevor & Tanya Vander Griend
Coffee Servers: Bobbie Colon and
Betty Moget
Children in Worship: Kari Schmalbeck
Greeters: Samantha Vander Velde,
Kendall Mouw, Eli Hibma, Shirlissa Rutledge
All Seasons Center
February 11
Serving begins at 5:30
Valentine’s Dinner
Sunday, February 15
Get ready for a special candlelight
meal with your significant other, or
January 22, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
share a table with a group of friends!
Swimming begins at 6:45
Tickets for the elegant
Contest category will be announced
hors d’oeuvres and
in the next issue of Reflections.
Central Reformed Church
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Central Events - Mark your Calendars
8:00 a.m. Praise Team rehearsal
meal, which includes
9:10 a.m. Consistory Prayer time in
the South Chapel
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
The Praise Team will lead worship.
Pastor Van will continue a series on
stewardship: “Inheritance”
based on Luke 12:13-21.
10:45 a.m. Sunday School for
all ages.
valet parking, will
be available soon.
Campus Events
Monday, February 2
January 26 and 27
The public is invited to hear Katherine Leary
Alsdorf speak at Dordt College Monday, Feb. 2,
as part of the First Mondays Speaker Series.
She will give an 11 a.m. presentation in the
B.J. Haan Auditorium and a 7:30 p.m. lecture
in the Science and Technology Center.
Alsdorf provides consulting support and
develops resources to help churches
equip their people for
cultural leadership at
Redeemer City to City,
a Manhattan-based
church planting center.
Matthew Soerens, a Christian leader who
assists churches in understanding immigration
from a biblical perspective, will speak in
Northwestern College’s chapel service on
Monday, Jan. 26, at 10:05 a.m. and on
Tuesday, Jan. 27, at 11:05 a.m.
Soerens is the field director for the
Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition of
national evangelical organizations advocating
for immigration reform consistent with
Christian values.
Soerens will also moderate a panel of local
Latinos following the screening of “The
Stranger,” a documentary produced by the
Evangelical Immigration Table. The film will
be shown in Northwestern’s Vogel Community
Room on Jan. 26 at 9 p.m. The events are
free and open to the public.
Christian Immigration Reform
113 North Main Avenue
Sioux Center, IA 51250
Phone: 722-1441; prayer line: 722-3695
Email: [email protected]
Rev. R. Van Rathbun, Pastor
Cultural Leadership
Matthew Soerens at Northwestern
Central Reformed Church
Katherine Leary Alsdorf at Dordt
The video of the Sunday morning service
will be shown on Monday, 1:30 p.m.,
on Cable Channel 12.
Serve the Living Lord by
Praising God, Growing in Faith,
Encouraging One Another,
Serving All and Sharing Christ