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here - De Montfort University
Safeguarding and
Promoting Wellbeing
Addressing Sexual Violence and Domestic Violence
Hugh Aston Building | De Montfort University
Tuesday November 4th 2014
Workshop Information
Mental Health And Policing
This workshop will provide the audience with an appreciation of how mental ill health impacts on
policing in Leicestershire.
An overview of the changing police response to crisis mental health provision and how we work
better together.
Alex Crisp
Leicestershire Police / Mental Health Partnership Development Manager
Mad, Bad Or Sad?
How Do We Ensure That Perpetrators Of Domestic Violence Get The Right Intervention?
The target audience is frontline social workers, health professionals DV workers, family support workers.
Explanations for violence and abuse / treatment models / risk issues / limitations of perpetrator
programmes for some mental disorders.
Caroline Freeman
Free-VA-the Jenkins Centre
In The Eyes Of A Child: Domestic Abuse, Influencing Mental Health & Wellbeing
This workshop will explore domestic abuse from the child’s perspective, supporting professional to develop
further awareness of how this can affect children’s mental health and wellbeing through different
developmental stages.
Kathleen Connell
Living Without Abuse
ASK Routine Enquiry: Citizens Advice’s New Approach To Identifying And Supporting Victims Of
Gender Violence
Citizens Advice nationally are rolling out a new programme whereby all clients are asked about gender
violence. In pilot areas this has dramatically increased reporting, enabling bureaux to do more to get
proper support for their clients, and making it easier to address their advice problems as the full background
is known.
Helen Child
Leicestershire Citizens Advice Bureau
Workshop Information
Working With Male Victims Of Domestic Abuse In Heterosexual And Same Sex Relationships
Women’s Aid Leicestershire will be facilitating a workshop exploring the dynamics of domestic abuse and the
impact on male victims of Domestic Abuse in heterosexual and same sex relationships.
The workshop is designed to provide practitioners with an understanding of domestic abuse, the scale of the
problem and the impact on male victims. There will also be an introduction to the support that is available
locally through Women’s Aid Leicestershire’s ADAM Project, the IDVA Service for those victims identified as
high risk, Hinckley and Bosworth’s support project and other agencies; including how to make referrals into
these projects.
Abby White
LGB&T Issues: The Impact Of DV & SV On LGB&T Mental Health
A brief introduction into LGB&T issues, focus on the difficulties and barriers faced by LGB&T individuals
around DV & SV, their impact on mental health, and information on how these difficulties can have an effect
on individuals accessing support services.
The workshop should provide you with knowledge, information and insight into current LGB&T issues, whilst
also giving you an understanding of how they relate to domestic & sexual violence and LGB&T mental
Andrew Haughton
Trade Sexual Health
Insights Into Domestic Abuse And Mental Health: Understanding Need And Evidencing Outcomes
For Service Users
We will present data collected by frontline practitioners at SAFE in Leicester using CAADA’s Insights
outcomes measurement service. The workshop will include information about the profile and needs of
clients, with a focus on those with mental health issues. We will look at how these clients engage with
services, the support they receive and how specialist interventions can improve outcomes for this vulnerable
Jessica Evans
Learning From Serious Case Reviews (Children And Adults) And Domestic Homicide Reviews
This workshop will provide an overview of learning arising from both National and Local Serious Case
Reviews (children and adults) and early trends arising from national Domestic Homicide Reviews.
Jackie Wilkinson
Leicester City Adult Safeguarding Board
Workshop Information
Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards Post Cheshire West
This workshop will highlight and outline significant changes in the law following Cheshire West
judgement, and the impact of this I practice. It is intended for frontline staff involved in the care of
those aged 16+ who may be subject to a deprivation.
Amy Owen-Davis
Leicester City Council
Legislation And Guidance Update
The objective of this workshop is to provide an up-date on relevant legislation and guidance to front line staff.
This workshop will include NICE guidance on domestic violence, Claire’s law, DVPO’s, Care Act, Children
and Families Act, and Mental Capacity Act.
Amy Owen-Davis
Leicester City Council
The Role Of The Approved Mental Health Professional
The workshop will cover the legal basis of the AMHP role, an overview of the AMHP role itself, as well as an
exploration of the interaction between mental ill health and parenting. There will be a brief overview of the
Mental Health Act, the powers and limitations of the AMHP will be raised. We will also explore the
interaction between adult mental ill health and its impact on children. We will also outline the benefits of
becoming an AMHP for the relevant workforce.
Jon Ibbotson
Leicester City Council
THe Impact Of Sexual Violence On Male And Female Survivors And The Therapeutic Road To
The workshop will be jointly delivered by Leicester Rape Crisis, Quetzal and First Step who together provide
an integrated sexual violence support service across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Leicester Rape
Crisis works with female survivors of rape and sexual violence over the age of 13; First Step specialises in
working with male survivors of rape and sexual violence over the age of 13 and Quetzal works with adult
female survivors of historic childhood sexual abuse.
Our workshop aims to inform health and social care professionals, other service providers, and the general
public about the work we do to support survivors of rape and sexual abuse, and will also be of interest to
anybody who wishes to increase their awareness of the devastating impact that sexual violence has on the
lives and psychological health of men and women who experience it. We hope that it will provide information
and insight into the presenting issues of survivors of sexual violence and the valuable work we do to support
Cas Beckett | Rajo Saira | Farah Hussain
First Step
| Rape Crisis | Quetzal
Workshop Information
An Introduction To The Mental Capacity Act
The Mental Capacity Act provides a legal framework for acting and making decisions on behalf of people,
aged 16+, who lack capacity to make particular decisions for themselves. This workshop provides an
opportunity to explore the key principles of the Act and the implications for practise.
Sarah Taylor
Leicester City Council
Childcare Court Process – What Is Required From All Agencies?
This workshop will seek to improve the understanding and confidence of all professionals in relation to the
Court processes re public law child care proceedings, Preparation of statements and evidence gathering to
support Local Authority applications.
Fiona Gingell
Leicester City Council
Domestic Abuse And Safeguarding: Public Thresholds For Concern
This interactive workshop will explore findings from the Nottingham Child Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse
project, which is a multi-agency project seeking to improve partnership working with the public. As part of the
project we conducted four focus groups with the public about their "thresholds for concern"; those situations
that make you feel awkward or uncomfortable but you don't know what to do about it. Come along and hear
their views!
Josie Solomon
De Montfort University
Safeguarding Through Social Media
Examining the challenge of using social media to increase the safeguarding and protection of survivors of
sexual violence and domestic violence- balancing the benefits of identifying as a group with a “common”
experience- with an engagement with diverse experiences and isolated individuals.
Di Turgoose
De Montfort University
Workshop Information
Stop And Protect
This workshop will consider media based methods for educating young people and vulnerable
children about abuse, and consequently encourage reflection amongst workshop attendees about
what they might do to identify and support those who may be at risk or otherwise vulnerable in
schools and colleges.
Annette Crisp | Diane Wensley
De Montfort University
A Private Matter - Accessing Counselling Support, Issues Of Visibility And Engagement
This workshop will consider issues of engagement and accessibility with longer term counselling and support
for survivors of sexual violence and domestic violence and why for many this remains a truly private
matter.(can end here if needs be for programme) Whilst research is limited in this area, it might be assumed
that a significant number of survivors turn to private counselling provisions for support and remain reluctant
to engage with more "visible" community based services. This raises a number of important dilemmas in
relation to an unfair and unequal access to such support based on financial status and the future risk and
safety of victims/survivors. But it also raises an interesting debate about how the efforts to place such
concerns in the public domain with increased recognition and visibility, may actually have a reverse impact
on some victims/survivors, increasing their reticence to engage with other community based services. Myira
Khan is able to speak from her personal experiences as a counsellor who has worked both in the voluntary
and private sector.
Myira Khan