to the NRHH Application


to the NRHH Application
Sigma Theta Chi Chapter
Name: __________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________
Classification: ____________________________ Major: _____________________________
Residence Hall Building & Room #: _________ Expected Graduation Date: ___________
University Email Address: __________________ Jag Number: J00_____________________
How many semesters have you lived in USA Housing, including the current semester? ________
If you are currently a senior, do you plan to attend graduate school at USA?
Do you have a judicial record at USA (this includes Housing & Residence Life)
If yes, please explain below:
Please attach your answers on a separate sheet(s) of paper and return to Housing & Residence
Life (ATTN: NRHH) in the Delta Commons Rm. 100 (Housing Business Office). Including your
resume is encouraged, but not required. The application deadline is Friday, February 16, 2015 by
5:00 p.m. If you have any questions concerning the application process, please contact Lauren
Gulsby at [email protected] or call 251-460-6185.
1. Since arriving at the University of South Alabama (USA), how have you contributed to the
betterment of USA and its students? (Examples: community service or involvement,
presenting programs, etc.)
2. Please list organizations, position(s)/office(s) held, and awards you have participated in or
received since enrolling at USA. (Examples: Sorority, Fraternity, SGA, JP, RHA, RA, OM,
OTMs, STAT, etc.)
3. How would you contribute to the USA Chapter of NRHH? (Examples: time, ideas, leadership,
service, etc.)
4. What other information would you like to offer that was not covered in the above questions,
which would help us in our selection process?
Thank you for your interest in the National Residence Hall Honorary! Interviews may be
scheduled with applicants between 9AM – 5PM beginning Friday, 2/20/15 and continuing
through Friday, 2/27/15. Your schedule should be as flexible as possible during this
time. Interview invitations will be delivered via email (JagMail). Please monitor your
JagMail account accordingly.