Bulletin 2-8-15 - St. Bernardine`s Church
Bulletin 2-8-15 - St. Bernardine`s Church
FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME __ FEBRUARY 8, 2015 SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY First Reading: Job 7: 1-4, 6-7 Responsorial: Psalm 147 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Gospel Reading: Mark 1: 29-39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WELCOME W elcome to all who visit with us today. If you do not have a church home, we WELCOME you to become a part of the St. Bernardine’s Church Family. There are registration forms in the hanging pockets in the vestibule, as well as in the visitor packets you will receive today. Please fill one out and drop it in the offering basket, leave it with an usher or clergy, mail it back, or go onto our web page and reply. You may use the tear-off page in this bulletin and do the same in returning it. REST IN PEACE We hold up in prayer William Ricky Cager, brother-in-law of Robinette Cager. May he rest in peace. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (February 7 – February 15) Saturday 5:30 pm – John Weldon Stewart, dec’d Sunday 8:00 am – Joseph Bush, 22nd anniv, dec’d Sunday 11:30 am – Marlene Howard-Fraser, 1st anniv, dec’d Monday 8:00 am – Robert Johnson, dec’d Wednesday 8:00 am – Anne DeGeorge, dec’d Thursday 8:00 am – Friday 8:00 am – Saturday 5:30 pm – Sunday 8:00 am – Sunday 11:30 am – Dr. Hilbert D. Stanley, 5th anniv, dec’d SCHEDULING MASS INTENTIONS Requesting that a Mass be celebrated for someone who is deceased, in need of healing, or simply observing a milestone event is a wonderful way to remember a loved one. You may request Mass Intentions by using the Mass Cards that are available in the vestibule, or by calling Debbie Gee in the parish office, 410-362-8664. As more people ask for Mass Intentions, we are finding it difficult to accommodate “last minute” requests – e.g., the request for a Mass Intention just days before the Mass is to be celebrated. – since we are generally not supposed to offer the same Mass for intentions by multiple people. Please consider planning ahead – especially when such dates as death anniversaries are known well in advance. As always, we are grateful for any donation you can offer, but are happy to honor requests regardless of donations. OUR SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time: Leviticus 13: 1-2, 44-46; Psalm 32; 1 Corinthians 10:31, 11:1; Mark 1:40-45 PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE REQUESTED PRAYER If there are any additions, deletions, or changes, please contact the church office. Some names have been on for months-should they come off? We have revising the way names will be listed-recently submitted names are first. Sheila Burnett (sister of Denise Taylor) ; Vanessa Cassidy; Martha Dotson; Bro. Jim Miller; Cecelia Johnson; Margaret Marks (grandmother of Trena Carter); Joyce Dugee, Robert Scales, Yvonne Fields (Genesis Health Center in LaPlata, Md ); Theodore McClain; Shari Kosko, Lynda White and Alicia Johnson (co-workers of Sharon Winchester), Marcia Sneed, (daughter of Deloris Kirk), Edward Pumphrey; Geneva Davis, Phyllis Baptist Ramsey (sister of Debbie Gee) Mary Byrd, Angel Anderson, Ellen Hawkins (Hospice care), Herb Salley; Veronica Scott, Nyla Walters, Inez McCullough; Sierra Hines; Shahreen Zannat; Patrick Crittenden, friend of Laura and Milton Keene ; Barbara Garnett; Marcia Green, Betty Butler; Raymond Pearson Sr., Christine Johnny, Chris Ajugwe, Jean Barnes; Blanche Hunt; Linwood Toomer, Sharon Henderson, Steven Cager; Windsor Rodriguez, cancer; Mary Washington, Mae Jordan(Keswick Assisted Living); Roberta Burton; Joan Lee; Nick Barbalace; Juanita Ridley, Dwight Lessene; Delores Beverly; Mason A. Thomas, infant born with heart problems. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Greg Alleyne; Sarah Bailey; Louise Baptist, Manor Care, Towson; Lawrence Barnes, Jr.; Gertrude Bell; Teresa Brock; Bill Brown; Camila Brown; Helen Brown; Marion Brown; Faye Butler; Eileen Bynum; Gloria Callen; Carol Christian; Kenneth Christian; Marie Clarke; Mark Craddock and Joey Askew; Richard Dameron; Shelia Danzey; Mekhia Darden; Annie Lou Davison-Turner; Fred Dalton; Carmen Enciso; Thelma Foote; Mildred Garner; Hilton Gayles; Eugene Goodison; Wilfred & Gloria Goodison; Sandra Griffin; Alfred Guthri; Dawn Hall; Florine Hall; Inez Harcum; Mary Harcum; Deacon Phil; Edith M. Hardy; Christian Harley; Tony Harley; Theresa Harrington, Curtis Harris; Michael Hawthorne; Ulysses Hawthorn, Future Care (Charles St.); Rosalind Haywood; Carlette Hebron; Alva Hunt Henson; Bobby Hill; Ian Holland; Camelia Howell, Manor Care, Rolling Rd.; Akilah Jackson; Edana Jackson; Freda Johnson; Guy Johnson; Brenda Jones; Burrell Jones; Curtis Jones; Dorothy Jones; Carole Joyner; Kermit Lindsay; Tyler Nicole Long; Barbara Lumpkins, Manor Care (Rolling Rd.); Tony Mangum; Donald Manna; Barbara Marshall; Gwen Mason; Jeffery Mason; Mary Matthews; Wilhelmenia Mayden; Jeremy McClain; Liz Miller; Ellen Morgan; Claire Morris; Mary Owens; F. Angela Page; Louise Parker; Marenda Parker; Cornelia Pendleton; John Prince; Troy Quinn, stage 4 cancer; Antonio Reveley; Sister Catherine Reichenberg; Edythe Riddick; Brenda Rideout; Renee Riley; Ronald Rollins; Pattie Sheen; Marie Simms, Manor Care (Rolling Rd); Erica Smith; Theresa Spain; Brenda Steward-Evans; Sandi Stewart; Roxanne Sykes; Orlando and Robert Taylor; Gail Thomas Eloise Thompson, Future Care; Marsha Thompson, Beverly Timmons; Annie Lou Dawson-Turner; Wendell Walker; Mabel Walters, Manor Care, Towson; Doris Washington; Valeria Wilkins; Lois Williams; Marie Williams; Robert Williams; Flora Wilson; Howard Woodington; Ruby Wright; Nicholas Wunder. WORLD MARRIAGE DAY This weekend we celebrate World Marriage Day, with couples participating in vow renewal at ALL masses. Prayers will also be offered for engaged couples, widows/widowers, and troubled marriages. 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL This week, Catholics across the Archdiocese are being asked to make a commitment to support the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Ministries supported by the Appeal have a direct impact on the administration and evangelization efforts at St. Bernardine’s as well as at the 144 other parishes in our Archdiocese. Your generous support and participation is critical to the success of the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal here and helps move us forward in hope as we seek to better embody the Gospel message in our lives. Please complete a pledge form or pledge online at www.archbalt.org/appeal. Thank you for your prayers and support for a successful Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. THANK YOU FROM OUR PARISH YOUTH GROUP Thank you so much for your efforts in helping us help others, because of you we raised a total of $ 731.68. All proceeds will be given to our Poor Box, which helps those in need. The Souper Bowl Campaign is an inspiring youth-led movement to help hungry and hurting people around the world, as well as right here in our own community. Together we transformed Super Bowl weekend into an unprecedented time of giving and sharing. We love you and we appreciate your continuous support! FROM OUR HISTORY & CULTURE MINISTRY The History & Culture Ministry is looking for participants to sing, dance, recite or present a visual tribute for Black History Month. Presentations will occur at the end of ALL Masses during the month of February. Please limit to 5 minutes. We are looking for presentations for our Saturday 5:30 pm Masses. Please use the tear-off in the bulletin & indicate what you plan to present or you can contact Yvette Belt 443-635-4842 or James Butler 410-493-2785 asap. Thanks. OFFERING STATEMENT FOR 2014 If you wish to receive your statement for your 2014 giving through the envelope system, please use the tear-off slip to request it. Please note that statements are ONLY sent upon request. SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Sacrament Prep continues and celebrations are coming soon...please continue your efforts towards weekly class attendance! Ms. Beverly will notify any students who will receive the sacrament of Eucharist, Reconciliation or Confirmation within the next few weeks. Parent Meetings regarding Sacrament Prep will be scheduled as well as a meeting for all parents with Fr. Rich will happen soon...please check email messages and bulletin announcements for further details! Keep our youth in your prayers! Beverly White ALTAR SERVERS NEWS Congratulations to Amber Adkins and David Anoma...both served on the altar for the first time last weekend! Thank you Amber for your service at the 8:00 Mass on Sunday and thank you David for your service at the 11:30 Mass...you both did a fantastic job! Please continue to encourage and lift our youth in prayer...church ministry helps them become responsible leaders in the world and in the church! You make your church family proud young people!! SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER Our Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held on Tuesday, February 17, 6:00-7:00 p.m., in Harcum Hall. Come enjoy breakfast for supper (pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and more) before we enter the Lenten Season. Tickets are $3 for adults and $2 for children. WOMEN’S DAY CHOIR FORMING Ladies, OH, Ladies!!! Come one, come all!!! The Women's Day choir needs you!!! Come help prepare the musical ministry for the Liturgy on Women's Day 2015. Use your voice to lift the name of Jesus and share in the fellowship with your Sisters in Christ. Join us Tuesday nights, 7pm - 9pm. The first practice will be held Tuesday, February 17th, 7pm. If you need more information please contact Lori Mahoney 410-298-4259 or email [email protected] Hope to see you there!! ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Services on Ash Wednesday, February 18, will be as follows: 8:00 a.m. Mass; 12:00 noon Word Service; 7:00 p.m. Mass. Ashes will be imposed at all services. Ministry of the Month HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT JOINING . . . The GOLD DOME CLUB? A group of seniors who come together, spiritually and socially, to enhance the lives of its members and the community. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month at 12:00 p.m. in Harcum Hall or the Parish Center. The only skill needed is to be a good, loving person at least 50 years of age. The contact person is Dr. Everett Garnett, 443-904-8099. INSTALLATION OF FR. HONEST MUNISHI The St. Edward’s Church Family invites you to celebrate the installation of Fr. Honest Munishi, C.S.Sp. as their new pastor, Sunday, February 8, at 10:00 a.m. A light reception will follow. Call 410-362-2000 for more information. SAVE THE DATE: BLACK HISTORY MOVIE NIGHT The History & Culture Ministry will be sponsoring Movie Night on Saturday, February 28, 2015 in Harcum Hall. Time: 7pm. The exact movie will be finalized over the next week and that information will be provided. There will be NO CHARGE for entrance into this event. So get your comfy chairs or pillows & blankets ready to come on out for an evening of fellowship. Stay tuned for more information. MILFORD MILL GOSPEL CHOIR CONCERT The Milford Mill Academy Gospel Choir will be at St. Bernardine’s in full concert on Sunday, March 8, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. The concert is a fundraising event for the Choir’s trip to the Vatican in June. The Choir includes two of St. Bernardine’s own: Desmond Oliver and Carl (C.J.) Reed, Jr., so please come out in support. 36th ANNUAL SOCIAL MINISTRY CONVOCATION The 36th annual Social Ministry Convocation will take place on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Seton-Keough High School, Baltimore. Everyone is welcome to share, learn, and better foster social justice education and action in our parishes. The theme of this year’s convocation is, “The Joy of the Gospel: The Call to Celebrate and Serve.” Keynote Speaker: Sister Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN, current president of Pax Christi, USA. Workshops, Exhibits, Luncheon, Social Ministry Recognition Awards. 8:15 A.M. $10 Registration includes lunch. Register NOW: Dennis Murphy 410-261-6781 ([email protected]). MARTHA DOTSON CONTACT If you would like to contact Martha Dotson while she recovers from back surgery, you may call her at 410-294-0915. ESSAY CONTEST Are you a 4 through 12 grade student, or a member of the Catholic Daughters of America, who aspires to display your writing creativity? If so, the Catholic Daughters of America invite you to participate in their 2015 Education Contest. This year’s themes are (1) Love Your Neighbor As Yourself and (2) Be A Good Neighbor. The winning students will receive: $100, 1s t prize; $50, 2n d prize, and $25, 3rd prize. Members of the CDA will receive a certificate of acknowledgement. The entry forms are located in the vestibule according to grade level. Please read the guidelines to ensure a successful entry. The deadline for submission of all entries is March 8, 2015. For more information, please contact Michelle Pajardo at 410-730-7530. th th STAND TRAINING Volunteers must be in the new system by March 2015. Procedures for Volunteers: General…All volunteers, ages 14 and over, must complete the Archdiocese of Baltimore Application for Volunteer Service, review a copy of A Statement of Policy for the Protection of Children & Youth, and review the Code of Conduct for Church Personnel in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Particular Covered Entities may have additional requirements for volunteers to complete before they are able to begin serving…..This apply even if you have NON-SUBSTANTIAL CONTACT or NO CONTACT with youth. To view this document each volunteer must sign o n to https://www.shieldthevulnerable.org/ as a first time Sign-up, follow instructions, when you get to the drop down box, which says primary position click on Nonsubstantial contact with youth. The review takes between 30 - 40 minutes. At the end of the review there is a completion certificate, which states your have completed the following course, “Archdiocese of Baltimore Policy", for you to print… ANY PARISHIONER WHO VOLUNTEERS IN ANY PARISH MINISTRY THAT HAS SUBSTANTIAL CONTACT WITH YOUTH IS REQUIRED TO TAKE THE ONLINE STAND TRAINING, INCLUDING any group planning a youth activity. For questions please email Dee Hawthorne, [email protected], or call 410-362-6870, and press option 2. THE CAUSE FOR THE CANONIZATION OF FR. AUGUSTUS TOLTON Tolton was the first recognizably black Roman Catholic priest in the United States. Bishop Joseph Perry invites you to come and learn more about the Tolton story and get updates from Brother A. Gerard Jordan, O. Praem. Saturday, February 7, 2015, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Archdiocesan Pastoral Center 5001 Eastern Ave, Hyattsville, MD 20782; Sunday, February 8, 2015, after 11:00 AM Mass, St. Joseph Catholic Church, 2020 St Joseph Dr, Largo, MD 20774. For more information, contact Deacon Al Turner, 301-853-5371. LOBBY NIGHT Join Maryland’s bishops and hundreds of fellow Catholics on Presidents’ Day – Monday, February 16th from 2:30-8:00pm for the 31s t annual Catholic Lobby Night in Annapolis and make your voice heard. Meet your new legislators and urge them to protect the poor and vulnerable, build up the common good and respect h u m a n l i f e a n d d i g n i t y . R e g i s t r a t i o n i s r e q u i r e d . Visit www.mdcathcon.org/lobbynight or call the Maryland Catholic Conference at 410269-1155/301-261-1979 to register or for more information. OBLATE SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE ANNUAL CHICKEN DINNER Come one! Come All! Save the date of Saturday, February 28, 2015 for the seventh annual Chicken dinner for the Oblate Sisters of Providence, which will be held from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm at St. Frances Center, 501 E. Chase St. Delicious chicken dinner ($10.00), new items at great prices, jewelry-This is one of our biggest fund-raisers. Come and bring lots of friends. For more information call 410-536-5687 or 443-255-5600. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR 40WEST ASSISTANCE & REFERRAL CTR St. Bernardine’s, together with the 40 West Community of Churches, supports the 40 West Assistance and Referral Center (40 West A&R Center) which is an outreach ministry providing service to people in crisis. The 40 West A&R Center (located at St. Bartholomew Episcopal Church 4711 Edmondson Ave.) assists those in zip codes 21207 or 21229, or those referred by a supporting church. Services include helping clients with food assistance, BGE turn-off, eviction notices, prescription assistance, lodging, and providing information about housing, health and job development. The 40 West A&R Center needs volunteers to assist on Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 10:00am to 1:00pm. If you are interested in volunteering or need more information, call the 40 West A&R Center at 410239-4357, Debbie Jones at 410-796-7874 or Alicia Bynum at 410-303-6089. OPEN HOUSE AT SISTERS ACADEMY OF BALTIMORE You are invited to an Open House at Sisters Academy of Baltimore on Sunday, March 8, 2015 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Sisters Academy is a Catholic, tuitionfree, middle school for girls. The school is accepting applications from families of girls currently in the fourth grade who will enter the fifth grade in September 2015. For more information or to apply, please call 410-242-1212 or visit our website: www.sistersacademy.org. MARRIED COUPLES RETREAT Elaine & Frank Galeone are sponsoring 3 retreats for Married Couples at Priestfield, West Virginia on the weekends of March 6-8, March 27-29 and April 17-19. The retreat facilitators will be Fr. John Trigilio (EQTN), Fr. Paul Schenck and Fr. Jim VanDorn, O.F.M. For more information call Elaine Galeone at 410-252-5355. ARTSTRAVAGANZA 2015 Exciting Wine Tasting Event & New Art Show! Featuring Contemporary/Abstract Artist Ryan Miller. Sunday, March 15th at the Champagne Ballroom; 5:00-9:00 pm; $35 per person….See Milton Keene for more information……Flyers are on table in vestibule. FREE TRAINING AND JOB PLACEMENT Baltimore Center for Green Careers is offering free training and job placement for two positions—Weatherization Installer Technician (12 weeks training) and Brownfield Mitigation & Environmental Technology (5 weeks training). The training is free and the training dates vary throughout the year. For additional information contact 410-929-6136 or visit the website www.civicworks.org. Flyers with job descriptions and training requirements details are in the vestibule. YOUTH WORKS It’s that time again- time for Baltimore City residents ages 14-21 to apply for a summer job through Youth Works! All Youth Works 2015 applicants must complete two important steps: 1. Pre-register online between January 5 and March 13 If you are NEW to Youth Works and did not pre-register online for Youth Works in 2013or 2014, you must use your current, active email address to create an account does not mean you have preregistered. If you are RETURNING to Youth Works and pre-registered online for Youth Works in 2013 or 2014 (whether or not you completed certification and were placed in a summer job), you must access your existing youthworks.oedworks.com account by using the same email address you used to create your account. Whether you are NEW or RETURNING to Youth Works you must complete and submit the 2015 pre-registration form at youthworks.oedworks.com before March 13, 2015. 2. Attend an in person certification appointment between January 27 and March 28. Once you submit your pre-registration form, you will receive a confirmation email with the date, time and location of your in person certification appointment. If you did not complete the certification process for Youth Works in 2013 or 2014, you will need to provide all necessary eligibility documents birth certificate, Social Security card, proof of identification (a Maryland state photo ID, school ID or report card), a printed copy of your pre-registration form, a work permit if you are between the ages of 14-17, and verification of family income at your certification appointment. If you did complete the certification process for Youth Works in 2013 or 2014, your birth certificate and social security card are on file, but you will need to bring proof of identification (a Maryland state photo ID, school ID or report card), a printed copy of your printed copy of your pre-registration form, a work permit if you are between the ages of 14-17, and verification of family income to your certification appointment.