Western Eye – 12th February 2015


Western Eye – 12th February 2015
Western Eye – 12th February 2015
Message from the Headteacher
The highlight for me this half term has to have been last Friday when the student led charity day saw us all dressed
in red to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation. A special congratulations to Caleb, who, having undergone
three heart operations, approached school council with a request to support a charity which is so dear to him.
Showing just how brave he can be, Caleb stood up in front of both the secondary and primary Assemblies to present
a power point that he had put together about the British Heart Foundation. Extra fun was had by all when a bouncy
castle appeared on the courtyard (thank you to Rotary club).....and yes....it is true.....I did have a bounce myself!
Secondary students raised additional money earlier in the week with a fancy dress dodgeball competition which was
the idea of Andrew Erentraut. To date a total of approximately £400.00 has been raised with some money still
coming in. A fantastic effort by everyone.
Another highlight for me this half term was spending a few days at the Tresco and Bryher base covering some
teaching. The experience gave me a proper insight into life on an off island primary base. The children all worked
very hard and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Please remember that Monday 23rd February is a non-pupil day, when staff and governors will be working together
to review the school’s vision, evaluate progress and begin to formulate our new school improvement plan. I look
forward to sharing outcomes of the day next half term.
I wish you all a restful half term break.
Best wishes,
Linda Todd
Up to date contact details
If you change address or contact numbers please can you inform the school in writing. There have been various
incidences recently where we have needed to contact a parent and have been unable to because the contact
numbers are out of date.
Lost Property
Lost property will be laid out in the school canteen from 2.30 pm on Friday 13 th February. If your child has lost any
items please come and check. Any property not claimed will be donated to charity.
Annette Ferguson
Careers information on the school website
Please note, there is a lot of really useful information on the careers section of the school website which parents
and students are welcome to access at home in addition to the support provided through school. Please click on the
Careers tab at the top of the page and follow the links. On the news item on the first page of the Careers section
there are all the job vacancies which are sent to us by Truro / Penwith Colleges. This may be helpful both to see
what is around but also to see what is involved with both looking for and applying for, a job.
Penny Rogers
Clarinet lessons
Would you like to learn to play the clarinet?
We have 6 school clarinets sitting on Jane's music room shelves looking for someone to give them a home and play
them. If your son/daughter would like to do this, we are offering the clarinets with free hire for the first half term.
This offer is limited to the first 6 children to sign up for lessons.
Lessons start at £7 for a paired 25 min lesson, and would start after half term. An information leaflet about
learning an instrument can be found in the reception rack.
Debbie Wainwright and Jane Pender
Red Class
Children have had a busy half term focusing on traditional tales and have taken
part in a range of activities across the seven areas of learning in the Early Years
Foundation Stage. These have included building a giant beanstalk for the
classroom, measuring giant’s footprints, re-enacting stories using some
interesting props and lots of imagination, cooking magic bean cakes among many
other goodies, building a gingerbread cottage, visiting the Police Station to help
us remember how to stay safe, decorating a new chair for Baby Bear….and lots
Anna Wild
News from Orange Class
Who stole the fire? Our initial story was about the rabbit who tricked the sky people, which we have innovated and
changed to our own choice of animal. Some fabulous storytelling and writing has taken place whilst wearing our
feathery dancing hats. Some of us have made musical instruments too and made up our own fiery dances.
Bob the skeleton appeared to help us learn about our bodies and we especially enjoyed dancing each morning to
the bone rap. This week we have learnt about our amazing senses and played a guessing game using touch and have
also been on a listening walk.
In case you think it is all work, we welcomed an astonishing number of parents for our first ever number games
workshop. Simple games were played using dice, dominoes or playing cards. Thank you to all who came and had fun
learning with their children. New prizes are in the reading box so please carry on reading every day!
Mrs Grossett
News from Yellow Class
Yellow Class have been working really hard this term and should be very proud of what they have achieved so far.
They have each written a brilliant story based on an Arctic animal and we have had lots of fun acting out these
Yellow Class would like to say a big thank you to Jan Crawford for giving us a
fantastic start to topic by coming in to talk to us about her visits to the Arctic and
Antarctic. Jan’s stories really caught the children’s imagination and it was great to
have a first-hand account of life in these places- if only we could visit ourselves!
The children have done a fantastic job of turning themselves into Inuits for one of
our displays.
Lucy Greenlaw
News from Green Class
We have had a fantastic start to the spring term, with everyone really getting involved
and enthused by our Ancient Egypt topic! The children have been writing some
wonderful poetry all about discovering a creepy tomb in the Valley of the Kings. They
have crafted some canopic jars out of clay, ready to be painted in bright colours and
gold. We have also been up into the secondary food tech room to make our own
Egyptian flat bread, at the same time as exploring measuring accurately. In our reading
area we now have a giant pyramid which is proving to be an exciting new place to grab
a book for a quiet read! We have life size Egyptian gods patrolling our walls, do come
in and have a guess at who is who? Great work Green Class.
Maddie Goudsmit
News from Blue Class
We are enjoying working with our two new teachers, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Parker doing lots of exciting activities
and having great fun learning. We have been learning about ancient Greece, we have been researching the topic
and really enjoying the factual information. We have made our own information books. Soon we will be writing
our own Greek Myth during our Literacy lessons including designing our own mythical creatures.
We have written and performed poems in our class and have produced a class assembly about talents. Thank you
to many of the parents and friends who were able to come and watch. Written by all of wonderful Blue Class.
Louise Parker
News from Indigo Class
We have been immersing ourselves in all things Mayan this term and we are looking
forward to presenting our learning to our parents and the Carn Gwaval children on
Thursday. We have also benefitted from using the Science laboratory during our Electricity
investigations and would like to thank Mr Morel for his support and enthusiasm. We have
been creating new Scratch games with Mr May during our ICT lessons and have enjoyed
our “Real PE” sessions with him on Thursdays. We also had a great time supporting Caleb
in fundraising for the British Heart Foundation last Friday.
Sarah Finch
Code Club at Carn Gwaval
This term in code club our small group of year 5 and 6’s are putting together a small
handheld gamer from scratch. This involves soldering on different buttons and other
electronic parts, programming and creating their own little games such as caterpillar.
Our year 3’s and 4’s are creating their own animation about a topic or subject that they
have learned about in school in order to enter Animation 15, a competition that is run
each year by the University of Manchester. They are working in small groups to create
a minute long animation using the program Scratch.
Leigh Kendrick
Games Club at Carn Gwaval
Games club runs every Friday lunch time for primary students. Due to its popularity we
have now moved from the library to the performance hall where the children have lots of
room to spread out. The games range from Uno to Bingo and from Monopoly to Charades.
If you have any unused or unwanted games at home we would love to give them a new
home! Please bring donations into Ann at reception.
Rachael Easterbrook
News fromTresco and Bryher Base
As part of their topic on contrasting UK locality, the juniors have been looking at the
city of Bristol. After careful research of the different attractions Bristol has to offer,
they worked hard to produce some excellent persuasive posters.
The Infants topic this term is Houses and Homes.
They have been learning about materials and their properties in science and making
houses for the three little pigs. The home corner has been turned into a builder's
yard with a site manager’s office where all the organising takes place! We have
looked at all the buildings on Tresco and studied homes from the past.
The whole school have been set a task to design a fruit storage bin for the play
park. The winning design will then be made by our school handyman.
Susanna Gates
News from St Agnes Base
Roman Invasion reaches St Agnes!
This term we are learning all about the Romans and the invasion of Britain nearly 2000 years ago. We have
recorded their arrival through newspaper articles. We’ve thought of some great catchy headlines and have started
writing our ‘column inches’ about the events at that time. We have used an APP called ‘ tellagami’ which lets you
become a reporter and send live reports from the battle scene. We could load photos of the Roman army wading
through the waters and the animated reporter speaks your words adding lots
of gestures to emphasise your words. It looked very good.
We have made a massive pottery amphora jar used for storing olive oil or
wine and then individually we have made one smaller one each. They are
made of terracotta, we have painted them and sponged them with white on
top of the orange paint, so that they look old. They look very authentic and
exactly like the ones we have seen in books. We have also made Roman villas
out of card using instructions.+
We have a huge display of Roman soldiers. First we researched their uniforms
using books and the Internet so that the uniforms are accurate.
By Remy, Esran and Toby
The Infants have been learning all about Rome too. We lay down on big sheets of paper and drew round each
other. Then we made shields and armour and swords using shiny silver papers and lots of other things to finish them
off. We have made a great display of them, it’s really big and really good!
Austin, Sylvie, Inigo and Joss
News from St Martins Base
Our topic this term has been ‘Foxes of the World’, and we’ve had a great time learning about all the different
foxes there are, and where they live. We’ve been finding out a lot about deserts, where Fennec foxes come from.
The children have made a lovely display showing what a desert is like, and all the amazing creatures that live in
them. In Literacy we’ve been reading lots of fox-themed stories, and the juniors have each written a sequel to
‘Harquin the Fox’. The infants wrote their own fox stories. We’ve started working on information texts now, and
we are planning to make a class book all about foxes around the world.
The children have been doing quite a bit of food technology this term.Last week the juniors designed and made
their own pasties. We had a lovely range of fillings, including home-reared beef from Churchtown Farm in Piran’s
pasty! Daisy got ‘Star Baker’ for her excellent crimping!
In science we’ve done quite a bit of work on forces. The children have made foil boats, which they tested, and
more recently they have made and tested parachutes and spinners. We’re planning to make a parachute for Foxy,
although I’m not sure he’s that keen on testing it! Last week we began a new science topic looking at animal
adaptations, and the children have been researching desert animals to see how they are adapted to living in a hot,
dry environment.
Some of the parents came over to Carn Gwaval for a visit to see how collaboration Fridays work. I know they really
appreciated the chance to see what goes on, so thank you to all the staff who made them feel welcome.
Mike Tetley
Gracie and Liam enjoying our desert oasis small world.
After School Clubs News
Tuesday night junior indoor 5 a side soccer has been a great success with over 20 players attending each week. Lots
of goals, match talking moments and different winners of the small competitions each week. This club will continue
after half term. Remember to play, players must be in shin pads, and it would be great to see a few more girls
there to keep Evie Jenkins company!
Wednesday night infant indoor 5 a side has been terrific, we have had a great turn
out and the boys and girls have really worked hard on learning the basics of match
play. They are beginning to look, control the ball, pass and even score a few goals!
Great stuff from the Orange and Yellow class pupils. This club will continue after
half term, players must wear shin pads to play.
Secondary Dodgeball 2015.
In aid of the British Heart Foundation, raised £60 for the charity. The event
was organised by Andy from the student council, with a little help from Mr
May. It was certainly competitive and the results were really close, with the
eventual winners Ivory Toast taking victory by 4 points!
Adam May
Secondary Library
We have bought a huge
number of new books for the
library (both fiction and nonfiction). Please come along on a
Monday lunchtime (when Mrs
Lewin is available to help you)
and choose a new personal
reading book then.
We have some new
comfy purple bean
bag chairs so you
can sit and read
quietly during your
If you have any
school reading
books at home,
please bring them
back to school, so
that others can read
them after you.
Christmas Trees for the Future
The Duchy has kindly donated 20 small Monteray pines to the school so that we can start to grow our own
Christmas trees for future generations. This is a project that we have started with Orange class and we are full of
excitement and expectancy although, realistically, we know that the Christmas trees might only be just about big
enough when Orange class hit Year 11! Thanks to Mrs Grossett and her children for doing a grand job planting the
trees – and thanks to Year 7s Dan and Tom, our gardening experts, for their advice and digging skills!
Julian Morel and Sarah Garratt
student Council
Student Voice
Student Council and Student Forum have been busy this half term. Student Forum organised a chill out event where
ice-pops were served and a film shown. They have continued to manage the Student Voice budget approving
funding applications this half term for House Captain badges and chess sets for the student led chess club.
Student Council have helped Caleb Wright with the “Wear it Beat it” non-uniform day and have started to organise
Scilly’s Got Talent 2015. The event will take place on Thursday 12 th March 6.15pm at the Carn Gwaval Base. More
information will be released closer to the date.
Liz Duffy-Griffiths
Anne Frank Declaration
Secondary students marked the Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th January by signing the
international declaration pledge promoted by the Anne Frank Trust. The students have
committed to:
Standing up for what is right and speaking out against what is unfair and wrong.
Defending those who can’t defend themselves.
Striving for a world in which everyone is treated fairly and has an equal chance in life.
Signed copies of the declarations for Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and KS4 are displayed in the central courtyard of the
Carn Gwaval Base.
Liz Duffy-Griffiths
The Year 11 Art students have a busy time ahead preparing for their Art GCSE. At present they are accumulating
preliminary sketches for their chosen exam question. Their objective is to collect and select visual images based on a
theme which they then bring to a conclusion later in the year in the form of an External Assessment. As usual the
exam paper offers the students a choice of one of seven questions, with a wide range of topics to study. This year
some examples are: The Human Condition, Fantastic and Strange, Water and Spirals. For another question Ritual, a
student has chosen to study ‘Day of the Dead’ imagery from Mexico. One part of this question states that: You might
create work inspired by the performance, colourful decorations, costumes and headdresses associated with a ritual.
To extend her research this student would love to search out and photograph any souvenirs or Artefacts that you
might have brought back from Mexico if you have been lucky enough to have seen this particular ritual. If any parent
can help on this please contact school reception.
Sarah Garratt
Evacuee tells of wartime adventures
History was brought alive for Year 9 history students when Gordon Bird
came into school to talk to them about his experiences as an evacuee
during the Second World War. The students are studying the Home Front
and had spent some time learning about evacuation using books and
videos. However nothing is better than listening to and questioning
somebody who has actually experienced the events being studied!
Gordon talked in some detail and with great anecdotes about his journey
from his home in Birmingham to the countryside in the midlands. The
students were fascinated by his account of the ‘selection process’ when
locals would decide which child they wanted, and sadly, who they didn’t want. His stories of conflict between the
village boys and the ‘vacees’ including ‘bike borrowing’ really brought the subject to life for the class who
responded with some interesting questions for Gordon.
Our thanks go to Gordon for giving us his time and the benefit of his recollections of what must have been eventful
days for him.
Stephen Wainwright
Year 9 Options
Year 9 students have spent this half term considering their option choices for Key Stage 4. The students benefit
from a wide range of information, advice and guidance to help with these choices. They have attended an Options
Evening, had paired meetings with Tim Moody our Careers South West Advisor and reviewed courses and future
pathways in PSHE lessons. Courses on offer for 2015 are shown below. (Please be mindful that some courses and the
placement of courses in the Option Blocks change annually.)
Science News
The secondary Science department are delighted to welcome their new team member Tim Garratt who has taken
responsibility for the delivery of the BTEC Science courses at KS4 alongside teaching KS3. Thank you to the many
parents who have expressed their support and enthusiasm for him being brave enough to make the leap into the
department of chemicals and fire, and to our fantastic secondary students who have all given him such a warm
reception. Mr Morel is busy at the National Science Learning Centre this week where he is undertaking an Advanced
Technician’s Course in Physics. We look forward to him sharing his new knowledge and skills with us on his return
and are excited about the new Physics practicals we will be able to run.
It has been an incredibly busy time in the Science department. Year 11 students are working incredibly hard as they
prepare for their final exams, and Year 10 are taking their responsibilities as Key Stage 4 students very seriously.
Year 9 have been busy in their transition from KS3 to KS4 and have covered reactions of metals and digestion as
their cross over topics so far. Year 7 have been looking at complex food webs and the itchy crawly world of
parasites, whilst Year 8 are testing their ability to survive on a desert island with a challenge to purify dirty, salty
water using scientific processes but with only the flotsam and jetsam that washed up with them!
Just a reminder that there are many Science support sessions available during the week including the new taught Yr
11 GCSE revision session on a Monday lunchtime. Homework club with Miss Beattie is now on a Friday lunchtime and
both Mr Garratt and Mr Morel offer additional support sessions after school.
A New Arrival!
Congratulations to Tash, Tim and Millie Garratt on the safe arrival of the new addition to their family, Ava Sophia
The staff and students wish you every health and happiness and agree with proud Granny Mrs Garratt that she is
very beautiful indeed!
Laura Beattie
Extended Project Qualification
Year 11 students Chelsea and Alice have finished the written element of their projects and have been preparing
presentations over the last three weeks. The presentation is an assessed element of this AS-Level course and will
focus on how the project was managed; how resources were used, a review of the research process, information
about how the research was developed and how the final project was realised.
Five Islands School Drama
Thanks to all my LAMDA students who worked so hard for their exams last week. We
should hopefully have the results on February 25 th.
I will begin LAMDA lessons again after half term on Tuesday after school for Secondary
students and on Thursday at 3.30pm -4.30pm for Primary students in the hall. If any new students would like to
join, then they are free to come and sign up then. Students are expected to come to every session (unless they let
me know in advance). This is because students are often paired up for their exams and rely on their partner to be
Tania Reynolds
Secondary Uniform
A big thank you to the secondary students who are consistently following the school uniform policy and to the
parents who are supporting them in accomplishing this. Last half term we tackled skirt length with great success.
This half term we are focussing on non-uniform jumpers and hoodies. A small number of secondary students appear
to be wearing hoodies instead of coats. Please be mindful that these items are not allowed to be worn in the
building. Given the weather, it is far more sensible for a school jumper/school hoodie to be worn as well as a coat.
Your support with this is much appreciated.
New developments in the Music Department
All our KS3 pupils now have the opportunity to develop their skills on
the keyboard and to gain nationally recognized grade exam
qualifications, due to the introduction of the Gigajam Keyboard Course. Pupils are learning
through an online lesson platform, where they can watch videos of good practice, play along to
backing tracks, record their performance and have it assessed. All work is stored in an online
portfolio, and leads to the London College of Music ‘School Music Performance Awards’. The
pupils are working really hard on their tasks, and we will have our first batch of qualifications entered at the end of
We are also using an online learning platform called ‘Zondle’ to gain skills in music theory, following the Associated
Board theory course for Grade 1. If pupils have already studied theory with Jane they are able to slot in at a higher
level, and use classroom lessons to accelerate their learning.
Links to both websites are on the Music Department page of the school website, so pupils can access their work
from home. Some of them are already doing this to increase their rate of progress through
the course.
This is a really exciting development for the music department
and means that every pupil in KS3 has the opportunity to learn
a musical instrument free of charge.
Debbie Wainwright
Hello from Mundesley.
Hello again, another new year is passing quickly. The students here at
Mundesley are busy preparing for Scilly’s Got Talent, many
rehearsals are taking place.
We have been making a collage based on a large world map; lots of
glitter has been used! Thank you to Loveday, Rosie, Chessen,
Zachary, Declan and Millie for getting very involved. Thanks also to
Rosie Tocknell who particularly enjoyed the glitter. The collage will
eventually hang on the TV room wall.
As the nights get colder, we have been welcoming a number of
young people from St. Mary’s; they are all very welcome, but we will however ask them to leave by 9pm so that our
younger students can settle down more easily.
After half term we will be showing a film every Thursday night, starting at 7pm. Everyone is welcome.
Ann and Julian
Health News
The school nurse service is open to you and your child until they reach 19 years of age. Gina Smith is the Five
Islands school nurse and is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. If you have any queries she can be contacted
Phone: 01720 423722 or 07827284105
Email: [email protected]
If you wish to access the school nurse service you can self refer by contacting the Care Management Centre on 01872
Diary Dates
Please note some of the key dates for the coming half term
16th – 20th February Half Term Holiday
Monday 23rd February
Tuesday 24th February
Training Day – school closed to pupils
School re-opens
Tuesday 3rd March
Thursday 5th March
Thursday 12th March
Friday 13th March
Year 10 Work Experience Health and Safety Day at Star Castle
World Book Day
Scilly’s Got Talent
Red Nose Day – non-uniform
Monday 16th March –
Thursday 19th March
Thursday 19th March
Cornwall Music Festival Trip
Key Stage 4 Safety Day
Friday 20th March
Thursday 26th March
Friday 27th March
Internet Safety Day
Tresco and Bryher Easter Celebrations
End of Term Service
Easter Holidays
Monday 30th March – Friday 10th April
Monday 13th April
Wednesday 15th April
Monday 20th April –
Friday 24th April
Thursday 23rd –
Friday 24th April
Thursday 30th April
School re-opens for summer term
GCSE Drama Controlled Assessment
Year 10 Work Experience Week
Truro College Interviews
Junior Maths Challenge