- Freshwater State School
- Freshwater State School
Term 1 Week 3 Freshwater State School 3/15 Principal Ms Vicki Sparkes Deputy Principal Mr Bob Lowth Mrs Melinda Gothmann Business Services Manager Mrs Anne Carson Administration Officers Mrs Jean Duncan Mrs Tracey Lane Mrs Kathy Smyth Guidance Officer Jane Brentnall – (Mon, Tue & Fri) ABSENCES 4058 9260 EMAIL [email protected] SCHOOL 4058 9222 OFFICE HOURS 8:15am - 3:30pm SCHOOL WEBSITE www.freshwaterss.eq.edu.au GENERIC EMAIL [email protected] NEWSLETTER EMAIL [email protected] SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Mon – Fri 8:15am – 3:30pm UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Tuesday 8:30 – 9am Thursday 8:30 – 9am OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE 4058 0252 EMAIL [email protected] FRESHWATER P&C OFFICE 4055 2946 EMAIL [email protected] SCHOOL DENTIST CAIRNS NTH 4226 4702 SCHOOLWATCH 13 17 88 12 Feb 16 Feb 20 Feb 22 Feb 11 Mar 13 Mar 2 April 2 April 3 April 20 April DATES TO REMEMBER Religious Instruction (RI) begins P&C Meeting 7pm staffroom Pink Stumps Day Free Dress Life Education starts (3wks) Yr3-6 Swimming Day 1 Yr3-6 Swimming Day 2 Yr3-6 Swimming Carnival Last day of Term 1 Good Friday First day of Term 2 th 10 February 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Parents are children’s first teachers. You taught them to walk, to talk, to do lots of things……Now you have handed your precious child over to school and in particular your class teacher. Like you, our teachers want the very best for your child. If they didn’t care, they would not set high expectations for learning, for behaviour. Partnerships between teachers and parents ensure the best learning for students. There are many things that you can do to help; I have listed a few below. We are having our parent evenings this week. 10 ways parents can work with teachers to help kids ACHIEVE There’s no doubt that the best outcomes for kids happen when teachers and parents work together to support children’s learning. Here are 10 ways you can work with your child’s teacher to maximise your child’s chances of school success. 1. Know what your child’s teacher is trying to achieve. 2. Keep your expectations reasonable and positive. 3. Support your teacher’s expectations & activities at home. 4. Send kids to school ready to learn and on time. 5. Inform teachers of your child’s challenges and changes. 6. Skill children to work with others. 7. Respectfully seek joint solutions to problems and difficulties. 8. Participate fully in class & school activities. 9. Trust your teacher’s knowledge, professionalism and experience. 10. Talk up what happens at school. I invite all parents and carers to attend the Parent /Teacher Evenings as an opportunity to meet the teacher, hear their expectations for the class, visit your child’s desk, find out the routines for the class, ask questions. Monday was Year 2 Tuesday - Year 1 and Year 4 Wednesday - Prep, Year 5, Year 6, Instrumental Music Thursday – Year 3 Each Monday morning at 8:50, we hold assembly. All families are invited to join us (Senior school in the canopy; Junior school in the Under Cover Area). Unfortunately, due to the wet concrete, no assembly was held this week. Awards will be carried over until next week. Student leaders will be badged next week. Let’s hope for dry weather. All students have $100 Student Resource Scheme Levy. This covers resources that were not put on your booklist as it was cheaper for the school to purchase in bulk eg Mathletics. If a family sign up for the online computer program, it costs $30 per child, if the school signs up it’s reduced to $10. Life Education program commences next week. The Life Education visit is also paid from the Student Resource Scheme. It is important that all families pay this levy. Mrs Lane in our School Office is currently distributing the invoices. I have received a number of concerns regarding unsafe practices while delivering and collecting students. I will be asking the Police to make extra visits at these times as we do not wish to see anyone injured. I started typing up a list of those not doing the right thing but decided not to embarrass anyone. Please remember, your child sees you breaking these road rules, sees your disregard and will copy you; you are modelling unsafe behaviour. Vicki SPORTS CAPTAINS FOR 2015 Huge Congratulations to the 24 Year 6 students who nominated and presented their speeches for the 2015 Sports Captains. All of these students are to be commended for their superb organisation, confidence and loyalty to their house, with all of them presenting fabulous speeches. As a result of the students of Years 3-6 and the staff votes, the following students are now our Sports Captains for 2015. Crocs Captains – Emilie Davis & Pia Fehlberg Vice Captains – Jordan Carr & Makaela Morgan Eagles Captains – Aiden Nelson & Lili Collins Vice Captains – Grace Johnson & Carmen Haug Marlins Captains – Lucinda Ericson & Mitsuki Furutani-Burns Vice Captains – Ronnee Peckham & Madalyn Moore Taipans Captains – Max Sheehan & Billie Moore Vice Captains – Ella Carpenter & Caitlin Caswell Congratulations to you all. Email: [email protected] School Phone Number: 4058 9222 INTRODUCING SUE & JENNI Sue Fuller - Head of Curriculum/Librarian Hope you all enjoyed your break away from school! Time flies and I now realise that this is my tenth year at Freshwater SS. I remember vividly walking through the gates on my first day of school – it was the closest thing to utopia – respectful children, supportive parents and caring staff. I am so lucky! My role has changed over the years at FSS. Initially I worked for five years in Year 7, having worked across all year levels at previous schools. It was with this knowledge that I took on the role of Head of Curriculum and Librarian, having done so for the last three years. The two roles complement each other well. The Curriculum role allows me to work with supporting staff to develop curriculum, assessment and reporting across all year levels. I also lead the curriculum team for the school implementing the curriculum action plan to improve outcomes for our students. As librarian, my main job is to access resources for staff that relate to the curriculum and promote a love of reading at our school. Mrs Sheena Shepherd and Ms Leah Spriggs do the day to day borrowing for teachers and students as well as all the cataloguing that needs to be done. However, you will see me at times doing those library duties as well. We run Book Fairs, promote the Premier’s Reading Challenge and Book Week just to name a few activities. Please come in and talk to me anytime about any curriculum or library matters. You will find my office in the library. Here’s to a great year! Sue Fuller Jenni McDonald – P-2 Literacy Coach I am very lucky to be working with the fabulous Prep to Year 2 team this year in the role as Literacy Coach. This year I will be working with a very dedicated team of teachers and teacher-aides in all areas of Literacy programming so that we can create a classroom and school environment that caters for the various requirements for children’s reading, writing, spelling, speaking and listening needs. I believe that a community approach to learning is vital so that each child has the potential to be successful. Due to that, I am hoping to facilitate open parent forums and workshops where we can work together as a TEAM to guide your child in literacy skills so that all children reach their full potential. TEAM means Together Everyone Achieves More! Here’s to a brilliant year of Literacy learning and sharing in 2015! Jenni McDonald PARENT / TEACHER EVENINGS THIS WEEK Class Instrumental Music PREP Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 DATE Wednesday, 11th February Wednesday, 11th February Tuesday, 10th February Monday, 9th February Thursday, 12th February Tuesday, 10th February Wednesday, 11th February Wednesday, 11th February TIME 6:30 – 7:30pm 5:30 – 6:30pm 5:00 – 6:00pm 5:30 – 6:30pm 5:30 – 6:30pm 5:15 – 5:45pm 5:30 – 6:30pm 6:00 – 7:00pm WELCOME FROM THE PARENTS & CITIZENS ASSOCIATION An opportunity to become actively involved within our school! The Freshwater State School P&C would like to extend a warm welcome for the year to new and existing families, and take this opportunity to invite all parents and carers to our first meeting of the year, to th be held on Monday, 16 February, commencing 7:00pm in the school library. The P&C consists of energetic and enthusiastic members who enjoy working with the school administration and staff to improve the facilities and resources available for the benefit of all students. We are involved in various school activities, initiatives, fund-raisers, and social functions. Attending meetings provides an opportunity to have your voice heard on various school matters, meet other parents, and become a part of our wonderful school community. We look forward to seeing you there! Karen Frielingsdorf Freshwater State School P&C Executive Committee HEAD LICE VIGILANCE We have quite a few classes under attack from dreaded Head Lice. Please, please constantly check and treat your child’s hair for these pests. After initial treatment, check daily using conditioner and a lice comb for at least a week. Upto-date information is available at the Qld Health website www.health.qld.gov.au/headlice SCHOOL SORES (Impetigo) We have confirmed cases of School Sores in the school. Impetigo is a contagious skin infection usually caused by either Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria. It is most commonly found in children although it may also occur in adults. Impetigo may affect skin anywhere on the body but commonly occurs in the area around the nose and mouth. It first appears as a small itchy, inflamed area of skin which blisters. The blisters rupture, release a yellow fluid and develop honey-coloured crusts and form scabs. New blisters develop in the same area or in different parts of the body and may ooze fluid which is highly contagious. EQ’s Policy is to exclude the child until appropriate antibiotic treatment has commenced (sores on exposed areas must be covered with a watertight dressing). SCABIES We have a confirmed case of Scabies in our school. Scabies can be spread by direct skin to skin contact and can present as pimple like irritations between fingers and skin folds over the body. Sufferers complain of intense itching particularly at night. Treatment is usually a cream from the pharmacy and 24 hours after treatment commences the sufferer is no longer infectious. Bed linen, clothes and towels should be machine washed in hot water in order to fully remove the mite responsible. Useful website is: http://ideas.health.vic.gov.au/bluebook/scabies-info.asp Queensland Health’s policy is: Exclude until the day after appropriate treatment has commenced. Email: [email protected] School Phone Number: 4058 9222 YEAR 3–6 SWIMMING th Year 3–6 Swimming will commence on Wednesday 11 March. The note with further information will be sent home by the end of this week. Please see Mrs Knight if you have any queries. th rd Dates for 2015 - Wednesday 11 March, Friday 3 th th March, Wednesday 18 March, Friday 20 March, th st Wednesday 25 March and Wednesday 1 April. nd Thursday 2 April is the Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival. CONGRATULATIONS The following students have received a Merit Award for Good Behaviour and/or Academic Achievement. Merit Awards 1EH Isabelle D 1GW Talal K 1MD Zahir K 1SB Shannon W 2CG Kyah C 2DO Tatsumi SG 2RO Kedea O 2AY Dylan BW 3AM Curtis C 3JR Mila F 3NT Leila B 3SS Catherine W 4KW Cameron L 4LD Meg G 4NS Sarah N 4SG Sienna B 5JP Max G 5KC Ava BW 5SM Kyson DC 6BR Caitlin C 6BU Ella C 6JD Jordan W Music George F – 2CG PE Tyler B – 4KW Lote Jonas B – 4KW The following students have received a Tough Cookie Award. Tough Cookie Awards 1EH Lars G 1GW Paddy S 1MD Nate C 1SB Nash B 2CG Hope C 2DO Elliera B 2RO Kody S 2AY Lily-Anne S 3AM Isabelle I 3JR Janaya V 3NT James L 3SS Ramsey M 4KW Kaitlyn H 4LD Maia C 4NS Elliott S 4SG Luis B 5JP Dylan M 5KC Brandon E 5SM Kyle M 6BR Silas G 6BU Grace DE 6JD Ashton T Music Aleece B – 2DO PE Ella G – 2CG Lote Kiko H – 3AM REMINDER: IM Parent Information Evening This Wednesday evening 6:307:30pm in the library conference room is our Instrumental Music Parent Information Evening. All students/parents are required to attend. If you can’t make it, please email your IM teacher personally for any notes handed out (information). ORFFEUS ENSEMBLE The Orffeus Percussion Ensemble will begin rehearsals in the Music Room on Tuesday at the second lunch. Please bring your lunch with you if you are interested in being a member of this extension group in 2015. WOODWIND/BRASS - BAND REHEARSAL Many thanks to all teachers, students and families for being ultra organised last week for our first day of lessons. I was welcomed into my new teaching role by my students in a very positive and warm manner. Some know me from my role in OVATION and as a member of the P&C. There have been some minor changes to my timetabled groups and teachers will be issued with the update for classrooms. Copies of my timetable will be available on the night to take home for the fridge. Tomorrow is the first of our concert band rehearsals 8-8:45am in the music room for existing students including percussion, from last year’s program. New students will be invited along by the end of this term once they gain some skills on their instrument. Jason Fox, Woodwind/Brass teacher ELIMINATE DENGUE FIELD TRIAL UPDATE We are pleased to announce that the majority of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the Stratford & Freshwater field trial site are now carrying Wolbachia. We expect that Wolbachia will remain in the majority of the local mosquito population without the need to release more Wolbachia mosquitoes. While we expect the risk of local dengue transmission to be reduced in areas where we have established Wolbachia mosquitoes, we remind you to reduce your risk of exposure to all mosquito-borne diseases. This is especially important with warm, wet season conditions bringing the expected increase in mosquito numbers. With dengue transmission currently occurring in other areas in Cairns, we strongly urge all residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites and to immediately see a GP if they have dengue symptoms. To find out more about Wolbachia and the field trial, please visit eliminatedengue.com/cairns or contact us on 1800 811 054 for more information. Geoff Wilson, Field Trial Manager, Eliminate Dengue Cairns JANE’S JOTTINGS Jane Brentnall – Guidance Officer Key steps in helping your child feel prepared rather than scared in bad weather. • Children may feel fearful or distressed during the extreme weather season. • Coping with emotions is important for happiness, wellbeing and success in life. • Hold a family meeting to prepare children. • Maintain family routines. • Help your child recognise, understand and accept feelings. • Encourage your child to express feelings in appropriate ways however don’t over talk. Too much attention to children’s fears can be unhelpful. • Help your child develop a realistic outlook. • Monitor your child’s exposure to media reports. • Make sure that your children know that the family has a plan for dangerous weather. Taken from the Triple P Program. The longer article is available at the school office if required. School Phone Number: 4058 9222 PINK STUMPS DAY th Friday 20 February is Pink Stumps Day supporting the Jane McGrath Foundation. We will be holding a Teacher vs Student Cricket match at 11am in the Canopy. It will be a Free Dress PINK Day (sunsafe clothes please) and any donations to the Foundation will be greatly received. Parents/Carers are most welcome to join us on the day - make sure you wear pink! RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION REMINDER A reminder to families that RI commences this th Thursday 12 February. Please return all ‘Religion Records Update’ forms to the office TOMORROW so we are able to organise classes. Students attending Combined Churches religion who are in 1SB, 1GW and Year 2-6 can purchase RI workbooks from the office for $2.50 each. FUN RUN FSS traditionally holds a Fun Run in the early part of each year. This year the Fun Run will be held on nd Wednesday 22 April, the first Wednesday of Term 2. The Fun Run serves our school community in three ways: 1. It promotes school spirit in a fun and healthy way as all 2. 3. sports houses compete for house points, all participants contribute! It acts as a selection event for the upper school to represent FSS at the Barron River Cross Country trials. Students who do well at these trials go on to represent the Peninsula Region at the State Championships later in the year. Freshwater has been proudly represented in recent years. It is used as a fund raiser for the FSS Physical Education Program and sporting equipment for use by the classroom teachers. In the past the fund-raising aspect of the Fun Run was administered by a large company that provided infrastructure in return for half of the takings. In 2007 some parents approached the school requesting to take on the staging of the Fun Run to ensure that the funds raised by the school community would stay in the school community. th This is the 9 year that parents have collaborated with the School to raise money for the Phys Ed Program. As a reward for participation all students will receive a juice frozie at the end of their run. As incentive for fund-raising the students who raise the most money in their year level will receive a prize. Sponsorship cards with detailed information will be sent home later this term. Think of the possibility: If every student raises $14.50 we will amass around $10,000! The Fun Run is a colourful event. Parents and carers are encouraged to come along to support the school and cheer on their kids. As always, we need parental assistance to ensure the success of this event. If you would like to help, please leave your details at the School Office or see Mrs Knight. (Note: this is not a P&C Association event) Mrs Knight & Parents for PE Email: [email protected] BARRON RIVER RUGBY LEAGUE TRIALS When: Thursdays 25th Feb & 5th March from 3:30–4:30pm Where: Yorkeys Knob SS, Clinton St, Yorkeys Knob Equipment: Appropriate rugby league wear & shoes. Eligibility: Students born in 2003, 2004 and 2005 are eligible to trial. Training Dates: Thursdays 12th, 19th & 26th March & Tuesday 24th March (subject to confirmation) The 10-12 Years Peninsula Rugby League Trials will be th th held on Sunday March 29 and Monday March 30 at Callendar Park, Innisfail, with a clinic for selected st players on Tuesday March 31 at Mann Street, Cairns. The Queensland State Schools 10-12 Years Rugby League Championships will be held in Ilfracombe (near th th Longreach) from Thursday 25 June to Tuesday 30 June. The approximate cost is $1000. These trials will be held regardless of rain. BARRON RIVER AFL TRIALS When: Mondays 23rd Feb & 2nd Mar from 3:30–4:30pm Where: Redlynch College Yr P-6 side, Intake Rd, Redlynch Equipment: Appropriate AFL wear & shoes. Students born in 2003, 2004 and 2005 are eligible to trial. The 10-12 Years Peninsula Australian Football Trials th will be held on Monday 16 March, with a clinic for th selected players on Wednesday 18 March at Cazalys Stadium. The Qld State Schools 10-12 Years Australian Football Championships will be held in Toowoomba from th th June to Monday 8 June. The Thursday 4 approximate cost is $800 - $900. These trials will be held regardless of rain. If wet, please meet in covered area. LOTE NEWS February 14th – Barentainzu Dei – Valentines Day. Today in Japan only girls give presents to the boys they like (including their fathers and teachers). One month later on the 14th March – White Day – the boys give the presents to any females they like. UNIFORM RECYCLING NOW OPEN! Donations of unwanted school uniforms, swimming costumes, towels and school shoes will be gratefully received at the school office or P&C office for recycling! HAVE YOUR DETAILS CHANGED? Have you moved? Have you changed your home phone, work or mobile number? To help us get in contact with you should your child become sick or injured, please update your records at our office. We have forms available on request. Thank you to those families who have recently updated their information. Technology has given us more options. If your email address has changed please let us know. The weekly newsletter is emailed to your home or office, and/or is available online on our website www.freshwaterss.eq.edu.au School Phone Number: 4058 9222 GENERAL NOTICES FSS NETSETGO What: NetSetGo is an opportunity for kids to increase social & motor skills & experience netball in a fun & friendly environment. Where: The Canopy, FSS Who: Boys/girls 5-10yr olds When: Wed 18th Feb from 3:05-4:05pm Cost: $80 with NetSetGo pack, $60 without pack Bring: Suitable clothing, appropriate footwear, hat, ball from kit, water bottle & sunscreen NEAR NEW UNIFORMS FOR SALE Size Eight 2 polo shirts, 1 pr skorts & 1 pr shorts plus 1 Marlin shirt never worn & 1 reversible Marlin hat. All discounted. Please text Michelle on 0407 891 524. CAIRNS YOUTH ORCHESTRA RECRUITING We are accepting new enrolments in ALL orchestral instruments at ALL levels for the Friday afternoon/evening weekly rehearsals which commenced Friday 30th January. The CYO is particularly seeking flute, clarinet & percussion players. Contact Mrs M Duffy the CYO Musical Director 4053 2630 or email [email protected] CAIRNS BMX COME & TRY DAY When: Saturday, 21st February from 1-4pm. Club racing afterwards Where: Scott St, Cairns Bring bike, helmet, gloves, enclosed shoes, longpants, long sleeved shirt Contact: 4031 2728 or www.cairnsbmx.org.au POPPERS @ FRESHIE What: A 5wk group to aid young people experiencing parental separation, conflict & change Who: 6-9 yr olds When: Tues 17th Feb to Tues 24th March from 9:30-10:50am Where: FSS, Corkill St, Freshwater Cost: Free. Please leave your name at FSS office LITTLE LIFESAVERS @ CAIRNS ESPLANADE Term 1: Saturdays from 14th Feb to 28th March from 8:15 to 10am Holidays: Mon 13th to Fri 17th April from 8-10am. No Wednesdays Term 2: Saturdays from 18th to 6th June from 8:15 to 10am Cost: Holiday session $85 inc rashy. Term sessions $150 inc rashy. Contact: 4049 1201 or [email protected] AFL JNR SIGN ON DAY – Sun 15th Feb Proof of age required when registering new players. U6’s must be turning 5+ in 2015. Nth Cairns 10am – 2pm. Watson’s Oval, Behan St, Manunda Contact: Leonie 0410 042 687 Central TB 11am – 1pm. Crathern Park, Trinity Bch Contact: John 0418 990 481 Pyramid Power 9-11am. McDonalds Gordonvale Contact: Marie 0417 702 032 Cairns City Lions 10am – 2pm. Redlynch College & Holloways Bch Sport Complex Contact: Phillip 0438 502 717 Cairns Hawks 10am – 1pm. Cazalys, Westcourt. Contact: Adam 0409 469 230 Cairns Saints 10am – 1pm. Griffith Park Manunda Contact: John 0438 261 278 Sth Cairns 10am – 2pm. Fretwell Park Centennary Park. Contact: 0447 332 614 Port Douglas Jnrs 10am – 1pm. Port Douglas Sport Complex Contact: Trevor 0437 290 507 Email: [email protected] CAIRNS JNR BASEBALL SIGN ON & ‘COME & TRY’ DAYS When: Sat 14th Feb from 9am to 1pm Where: Balaclava SS When: Sat 7th Mar from 9am to 1pm Where: Trinity Beach Baseball Grounds Kids 8yrs & under receive Aussie TBall glove & pack if new to baseball Contact: Kevin 0425 248 924 or visit www.cjbl.com.au TINY TACKER TUESDAY @ CNS REGIONAL GALLERY Great fun for younger brothers & sisters at the Cairns Regional Gallery. Tiny Tacker Tuesdays for ages 2-5, from 10-10:45am with artist Louisa Ennis-Thomas. Discover your Gallery & make wonderful artworks. $70 for 6wks or $60 for members or $12 per class if booked in advance. CAIRNS YOUNG VOICES 2015 What: Bringing together students from all over Cairns to experience the joy of singing. Join us for music appreciation classes, theory of music lessons & group choral sessions. Contact: [email protected] or www.cairnsyoungvoices.com.au MYTIME FOR GRANDPARENTS & KINSHIP CARERS What: a support group for full-time carers of kids up to 18yrs. We meet 5 times per term for coffee, activities & info sharing. We have fun, strengthen our community & build friendships for 'second time' parenting - families enjoy meeting other families who share & help sustain their lifestyle. Participation is free. We meet in Westcourt or central Cairns. Although delivered through Playgroup Qld this is a community support for adults, accompanying children will be catered for. Contact: Brigitte 40415574 or [email protected] Website www.mytime.net.au/index.php/mytime-for-grandparents PCYC YOUTH GROUP FOR TEENS WITH ASD Who: 12-16yr olds When: Fridays from 6-8pm (fortnightly in term time) Where: PCYC function room Cost: PCYC annual membership + $100 per term for sessions Contact: Brigitte [email protected] BRINGING WORLD CLASS SOCCER COACHING TO FSS What: After school care program teaching kids discipline, fitness & team work Where: FSS for 7 wks Cost: $10 per session When: Every Friday 13th Feb to 27th Mar from 3:05 to 4:15pm Contact: Joe Holt on 0422 409 335 / [email protected] NEWS FROM FRESHIE CAFÉ Hello from Di & Manfred Thank you to Tomoko Gregory who once again is making the rice balls for the tuckshop. For those who have children in class 2AY, it has now been placed on the Flexischools system so you are able to place an order for your child. Thanks to the parent who notified us that the class wasn’t on the system. Treat of the week: Vanilla Cake ·················· $1.00 per slice Have a great week and happy tuckshopping Di Chattington & Manfred Richter Email: [email protected] School Phone Number: 4058 9222 EXCITING NEWS The Life Education Team and Harold the Giraffe will be visiting your school from: 16th February to 2nd March WHAT IS LIFE EDUCATION? Life Education motivates and empowers young people to make smart life choices for a healthy future. MODULE: ‘HAROLD’S SURPRISE’ – PREP Harold and the class are invited to possum’s party in the park. On the way they become aware of and develop appreciation of their bodies, discuss the importance of healthy food choices and exercise, safety in the environment and identify how people grow and change. MODULE: ‘CLUED UP’ – YEAR 1 The Children help Harold investigate the disappearance of his friend Cocky. Through being detectives and solving the mystery, they learn about friendship, healthy food choices, safe and unsafe living and cooperation. MODULE: ‘HAROLD’S MYSTERY TOUR’ – YEAR 2 The class joins Harold and his friends on a mystery tour where they experience an ‘Amazing Body Adventure.’ The children explore appropriate remedies when feeling sick, issues of safety and ways to cope when feeling pressured. MODULE: ‘HAROLD’S DIARY’ – YEAR 3 The Children are invited to read Harold’s Diary as he shares stories relating to bullying, feelings, developing coping strategies, safety with medicines and the importance of making healthy food choices. MODULE: ‘MIND YOUR MEDICINE’ – YEAR 4 The children develop an understanding and gain information on legal drugs, their effects on physical development and their potential for harm. The program encompasses risk-taking, responding to pressure and recognising harmful situations. MODULE: ‘bCYBERWISE’ – YEAR 5 The Children explore ’netiquette; (Internet etiquette) and Cybersafety issues through roleplay and interactive activities. They explore how to establish positive respectful relationships and to report negative experiences to a responsible adult that they trust. MODULE: ‘IT’S YOUR CALL’– YEAR 6 Students clarify the definition of a drug; explore risks associated with the use of legal drugs and the short and long term consequences of misuse. They examine the decision-making process, and develop strategies for dealing with pressure situations including digital media. Teachers will take their classes to the Life Education Van based in the school grounds for a session of approximately 60 – 90 mins. Lessons start Monday of Week 4. Come and learn what Life Education is all about – --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FREE LIFE EDUCATION PARENTS INFORMATION SESSION th To be held on 16 February, at 2:00pm in the Life Education Van ………………………………………………………………………………………… (Parents Name) I will be attending (Please tick the box) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KM Club is a running / walking program that has been developed for use in schools to promote fitness and good health. It is primarily designed to benefit children but also encourages and allows for the involvement and direct participation of families and the general school community. It has been specifically planned to cultivate enthusiasm in school children for the personal achievement of fitness goals in a non-competitive environment. KM Club can be seen as providing a similar form of exercise for developing children as that attained by walking daily to and from school. After a 10min. warm up session, they jog / walk around a designated 0.5km track for 30 minutes. Individual laps for each child are recorded using a simple monitoring system and at the end of each session the total distance run by each child is tallied and recorded. Children are encouraged to meet distance goals that are set to suit their age group. • Prep/Grade 1-5kms • Grade 2, 3, 4 – 12.5kms • Grade 5, 6 – 25kms KM Club will be running on a Tuesday and Thursday morning for five weeks commencing 3rd March until 2nd April. At the end of the five week program all children who completed their distance goals will receive a ‘winner ribbon’ and those who participated a certificate. There are medals/trophies given to one girl and one boy from each year that runs/walks the furthest over the 5 week program. We are always looking for volunteers to help run the KM Club. If you would like to help on either a Tuesday or Thursday morning please email us your details and availability (younger siblings are welcome!) There are permission slips available from the school office. If you have any queries please email me: [email protected] Lizzie Reeves and the KM Club Volunteers G:\Coredata\Admin\Correspondence\Newsletter\newsletter stuff\KM Club Flyer - Feb 2015.docx th 10 February 2015 Dear Parents and Carers, The Freshwater KM Club will be starting again on 3rd March, and will run every Tuesday and Thursday morning for 5 weeks. In wet weather the KM Club will be cancelled (via text message). 7:45 am 7:50 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 8:35 am Morning Routine Children arrive and sign the register. Warm up exercises The children will start to run/walk a 500m course The whistle will blow to signal the end of the session Children will line up behind their respective year level signs and parent volunteers will record the distance each child has completed that morning During the tally up time the children will be given either an icy pole or fruit snack (this will alternate each week) We will be running the KM Club on the top oval throughout this term. We welcome all participants and if you are running a little late, please still come along and join in. Just a reminder that all prep children and younger siblings will need to be supervised by their parents. If your child would like to participate please fill in the permission slip below. Return the permission slip to the school office with the $5 membership fee per child before 27th February (younger siblings who are not yet at school are not required to pay the membership fee). If you have more than one child at the school please supply the details of EACH child. I look forward to seeing you all at the top oval on Tuesday 3rd March. We are always looking for more volunteers to help us in the mornings, please let us know if you are available and keen to come along. Lizzie Reeves and the KM Club volunteers Email: [email protected] FRESHWATER SS KM CLUB PERMISSION FORM I give permission for my child____________________________ of class_______________ to take part in the Freshwater KM Club. I enclose $5.00 per student. My child has the following allergies/Medical Conditions? _____________________________________ Mobile Phone Number _____________________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________ I am available to help on (Please circle) Tuesday Thursday Neither Signature__________________________________________________________ G:\Coredata\Admin\Correspondence\Newsletter\newsletter stuff\KM Permission Slip Feb 2015.docx Application for P&C Membership for 2015 Freshwater State School P&C Association Please complete and return to the P&C Secretary Name: Address: Phone: Mobile: Postal Address: Email: Membership: New Renewal I am a Parent Caregiver Community member (over 18 years of age) at the school I agree to be bound by the constitution of the P&C and by all valid resolutions passed by the Association. I agree to work within the boundaries of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006. I agree to be bound by Education Queensland’s Code of Conduct which includes the following: • Personal Privacy – information obtained as a P&C representative MUST be considered confidential and treated accordingly • Courtesy, respect, dignity and fairness will be observed at all times • Discrimination against any person will not be tolerated (refer AntiDiscrimination Act 1991) Signature: Date: P&C Secretary Use Date received: …......./…....../........ Secretary’s signature: ................................ Date accepted: …......../…......./....... Entered in P&C Register: Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education, Training and Employment Policy and Procedure Register at http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au to ensure you have the most current version of this document.