The Rise of the Dog Runner
The Rise of the Dog Runner
cordill g (0 an American Pct Producl<; Association survey, we love :Uld treat A our dogs Ukc family, spending morc 'han SO billion a Y"''' on (IUali~ 000, Irc'JIS, \~, hills, ,md assoncd pel care ilems. We scour websilcs :Uld news feeds for food r('Calls, create 1\\;IICr accounts for our pets, ;md sometimes care for thelll bellcr Ih:tn we care for Qursch'cs. In 5ho11, il seems like Americans are on a qucst for getting imd giving whm is best for their dogs, no matter the COSI. Along \\ith ~Iis urge to 1:1\;sh the best on our pets, the number of people who have dogs in their homes has incre::lSCd. ~OI only ~Jat , but dogs have become a Ii\ing, friendly, wagging Ill~m~ 10 belter }our own healdl while t:tking care of )'Olll' pup. With all this in mind, it is nOI surprising that the newest trend in dog t"are is the ri!JC of the dog runner. Is die pel Silting industry about 10 c,xperience a ch:Ulge in me way dogs arc ~xcrciscd? WHO'S RUNNING WITH THE DOGS? A Culture of Athletes If you enjoy nmning, laking along a dog i:-. a gratifying way 10 get exercise and a lucrative profe ional Pet Sitter Wmtel 2012· H proposition for some pel ~i uers . There is no doubt that the concept of "dog running" is gaining traction .Uld there arc probably multiple reasons (or this trend. Many health professionals fuss m'cr our nation 's obesity epidemic (whether it be in humans or animals) and the gro\\;l1g marathon craze lends itself to finding :I comp:Ulion \\~th whom to nlll. ~~l'Jte\er dlC reason, dog ",Liking culture as \\e know iI is cml\'ing. In fact. Or. Jcs~ ica Vogelsang a vctcrillilri:U1 and popular blogger based in California, has noticcd a recent increase in people running with their dogs. She Mates thai, "There arc people who have always been interested in ha\;ng lhis healthy lirestyle, but I do think Lilcre is a change in attitude," She notes Ihal pcople often consider the qucstion, "b our dog compatible with running and how can wc incorporate them?" JiIll lourihan, the owner of Running the P:lck, Inc. and an acti\c ~API'S member, owns a dog running, walking, :md pet sitting company senicing the Greater Boston area since 2006. Jill's SIOr') of running \\;th her clients' dogs began org:lIli(:i:LiI)'. As a liretime nllHler, Jill discovcred Ihal her dog truly enjoyed running wi lh her. Afler j 16 Dogs enJoy running as much as, or arguably, even more than we do this realil:llioll, she I)oSled flyers at her local \'elerinari;Ul'Sofficc, alTering 10 rlln Other dogs in her community. lIer busincss grew rrom Ihm one posler 10 ~t comp:U1y thm services 20 lawns in lhe Boslon :LrC'J. "I}eople were incrt'Clibly cllthusiastic about LilC idea or dog running, jusl ovcr Ihe moon aboul someolle gh;ng additional excrcise," Ilourih:Ul statL'S. E\'cn from LilC inception or her hllsi ness, cliellls laid her frequently thm Liwy Imcd the idea of taJ...;ng dogs on mns. In reccnt years, she notes 111:11 she has "definjtely notiCl'<.i ~t real explosion in pel c.xercise." She states, ''I'm really exciled Lilat somcollC else has caught on." April AMllar, also a ~AI'I'S Illember and owner of Dogs on the RUIl . a pet Silting compan) localed in thc San Diego area, offers dog nmning" services as wellller company startcd wilh pet silling, bUI she considers dog running an FIlii 111114..,.,1. OJl'lW" o/IY(lIi/I(III'\' I'd \t'fl'lCt'S, bJJtt, ru/l'S Giro II PVI'/ll.l.:lII!St' It/lnkr. in prt1)arallfJfI Iilr gom,!.! 011 Iflllg bUll". !'bolo I~l \lIlafl Hober', if slightly slower-growing, service, The cu hure in San Diego is one of "cry active people, Ilowe"cr Alvillar says, " We had some cliems who w:mlcd us 10 push aCli\·c dogs.·' Some of these dogs needed to be worn oul to curb undesirable beha\;or. She nOied thaI, "'W:llking just wasn·, enough for them. So people were asking for th e I running I service. ,. Ah~ lI ar was intrigued by these requests ~tl1 d after doing extensive rcsl'arch on the subject, she ultim:ucly began Customl7jng dog running services for her clients' needs. Dogs all the Run caters to cliellls who are Iypically already running \\1th their dogs. "The people we're deaJing "ith :Ire ll~llC(cs thcmsches," Alvillar States. She :~so notes that clienb will insist that the company send :Ul employee \vho is :uhJetic to work WitJllhcir dog, San Dil'go is a region graced by con:-,Irult sun and thererore il is ;1 communi!) which enjors :1 \'ery active, athletic community. MolII) of Ihcse clien ts are :~re.tdy on a funning routine, m;lybc (.'\'cn on a training schedule, and w:uu their dogs 10 adhere 10 Ihis while tht'}' afe on hiatus. GETIING THE POOCH OFF THE COUCH Running Breeds Dogs enjoy running as much as, or arguably, C\'cn more than wc do. Ln fact, many breeds ha\'e been bred for Jong-disLancc endurance nllliling. An excellcnt cx:unple of this b ~Ie S:~uki. (h'er the CCllluriC." people ha\'e chosen breeds based www,petsitters,org onllSsel~ which fil their Iife:.t} Ie. Toda) is no different. Many dog lovers consider a dog tJl:U is going to he :1good running or hiking companion, Choosing the right breed 10 rlln wilh takes some consideration. Not all dogs were bred for the body shape or endurance of long distance running, Dr. \ogelsang stmes, "If you look at a Saluki or an Afghan hound, Ihey' re long limbed and lean and hare a long nose and so breathing is nOI an bsue with them." Thc~c hrccds ma} be an c~ccJJcnt choice for a nlllning regime, bUI other brced~ arc not suited to the t:L"ik. Vogcl s~ll1g suggesl" you consIder, "The classic e.xample or a dog wilh difficulty breathing: the bulldog, a brachyccph:<lic breed with alilhal soft tissue pushed up," In fact ~mc dogs are bener anulomicaJly sujted ror running and if you :Ire:l marathoner and ullra-m:lrathoncr, )ou'd probabl~ \\anlIO consider the best hrced for tJlC joh al hand, Perhaps you or a client wanb 10 gel into 17 shape witJI a couch potato dog, Now\~hat? Dogs Ihul arc bred for the hunt :md ha\·c ~le son of high enel'!.'Y le\'els Ihal geflhem long dist:mces are bener suiled for:t good long run , IIc>wC\'er, don 't discouru Ilomraditionai dogs. Some clients Illay rUIi wilh brecdo; you wouldn't CXpc..'CIIO do the dbt:lIlce, I)r, Vogelsang laughs, remembcring, " I saw Ihis woman the other day \\hi lc 1W;IS hiki[]g. She was booking il dOll11lhe hill :md she had a IHtic poodle that cOlildn'1ha\'c been more than Il pounds jusl h:llIling after her. It ·~ :unating how well some dogs can compcnsalc." Allhollgh the I>ossibilities arc wide, if your l>Ct sitting c1icnt is a marathoner, Ur. Vogelsang wou ld recommend a whiPI>Ct .IS tJIC besl breed. "We had some people on our last World \'ets trip who nlll marathons ever) weekend, and the) nlll with a whil>PCt "hich is a \c[') good choice for them," 11 turns Ollt ~lat whlPPCll) have an overabundance of energy and eU1 kt'Cp up wi~1 their marathon running owners with easc, Prof s'lonal Pet SIW~1 Winter 2012-13 DOES SPOT REALLY WANTTO RUN? The Benefits and Risks of Dog Running All pet parents want the dogs in their care to be as healthy and happy as possible. So how do PCI carc professionals help their clients decide the best regime for their dogs? Every Si lllalion is differcllI, but there can be bcncfil~ to the extra exercise. Alvillar notes thai, "The running is slich :I healthier option than just kind of going out for a cruise in the neighborhood. A rClllly, fe-.uly fast paced walk to gel the stimu lation lip and the heart rJte going is good, but run ning allows the dog to feel free witHe on a 1C'J.Sh." To AJvillaf, the biggest benefi ts incl ude health and men ial well-being. "Gelting that hean rate lip and freedom. (.cILing them feel free to run, :Uld run , and play. Thai'S the bigsesl lhing. Because I feci like espedalJy here, even though it's beautiful San Dit'go, they ClUl feel tr.lpped in the house or trapped in the backyard, :U1d there's nothing beller than being able to get olilthere in the fresh air ,U1d run , ~' She may be right. According 10 the media, dogs cnjoy running as much as :my long~di s tml{:e running human, Astudy pubUshed in April lO 12 in the Jou rnal of Experimental Biology, nOles thai people are hardwired 10 run. Scientists tested a group of people to discover if running and its "feel-goad" effect was .uso hardwired in odler active animals, including dogs. After exercise, analysis of blood sam ples re\'~dcd dUlllUlandamide incrC'Jscd in all of the dogs iUld people tested, Anandamide is a type of cndoc;ulnabinoid; these chemicals aclivate the part of the brain associ:ued with feeling good after moderate 10 in tense aerobic exe rcise. Dogs, in effect, experience Ihe heiglllcned sense of awareness and intensity provided bya runners' high, much like their human companions. Dr. Vogelsang says that this makes sense. "Wh en you read about the hislOry of the hunting breeds, Financial success comes in second place to the benefits of enjoying a long run with a Willing and joyful canine. these dogs would nlll over 20 mi les a day, the owners would go along on horses, There arc a lot of characteristics that make a dog potentially well-sui ted La distance t'unning." It can easily be argued dlat most dogs are naturally runners, but in today's households 1Ill.'Y :lrc typically not accustomed to prolonged acti\'ity o\'er extended periods of time, The I>csi way Lo prepare your dogs to be running com pan ions is to PI)fJ/(I/~r ROlf!.)' Fisk introduce the process slowly. "One of the things we do is a.l1 endurance (Cslto sec what the parents' routine is, [lOVe! where lhat's really going to be!l concern." how far IIwy'rc running them, how hard arc they IIe'Jt is definitely a factor to consider, especia.lly pushing them,,. says AIguillar. "If a person wasn't in sunnier places likc Mi:uni and San Diego, a runner we wou ld 51.<11'1 slowly to build lip their Iiourihan recommends lailoring dogs' r lillS to the endumnce." Like all good things, "it takes some 10 the shadier parts of the day, either early in the time." dllY or after temperatures fall below 85 degrees, Pct parents new to the concept of dog runners might be dubious aboul getting their dogs OLlt runnjIlg :lIld worry about over-exCIti ng them. Dr, Vogelsang says generally, it's not a problem, "Most of us aren't exercising at a A Few Great Breeds for Running Every dog is an ,nd,vidual and not all dogs will be a suitable running partner. However, here are a few breeds thai Runner's World suggests might be a good companion for a jog. long Steady Runs: • Weimaraners • Goldendoodles • German shorthaired pointers • Vizslas • Jack Russell terriers Brisk Shorter Runs: • Greyhounds • Pit bulls • English setters • Beagles • Golden and Labrador retrievers Sprints: • German shorthaired pOinters • Weimaraners • Greyhounds • Whippets • Vizslas \ Professional Pet Sitter W1I1ter 2012-13 18 www.petsitters,org -... -• .. •• SliU, in Dr. Vogels~Ulg 'S experience, "It's prcuy UllliSUallO sec a dog with e:..;ercisc-induccd 11(.'3.1 stroke. I do think the son of person who b conscious of {heat stroke symptoms I is prell)' good al slaying on lOp of it It's much more common (0 see it either \';Ih flCOplc 1~I\'ing their dogs in lhe'car or people who arc juSt not paying allcntion and lill')' leave their dogs OlllSidc \\itholll adcqumc ~hcltcr.·' To :l\oid lUlY risks it is illlponanilo be aware of the wanting signs of a dog's CXh:llIstion. TIlis is especlally true of heat stroke. l11(~rc are \\laming signs and ignoring dlcsc signs lU1d pushing the dog pasl them is dangerous. According to Dr. Vogelsang "Once you hit thaI point of no rc!Um and their bodies go into meltdO\\1llllodc, it's \'cry difficult for them to rceo' cr without some serious d:ullagc. Once the body temperature hib about 106 you're in trouble," 11 is imponantto take dlcir breed, age, ami ht:,'a1th issues into account, as wcll. GiiUlI breed. . tcnd toward joint issues and dark coalS attrad more sunlight, for c\umple. t-..\'cry dog is an indhidual and should he considcrt-d on a case.. byCtSC basis. It is a good idel for the dog's O\\1lcr to talk their \etcrinarirul :15 wcll before clearing their canine for:1. nUUling regime. www.petsitters .ora ~ -. Pbolo I~I' Emi(J' fisk - ~ To avoid any risks It IS Important to be aware of the warning signs of a dog's exhaustion IN BUSINESS AND HEALTH 00 You Need Someone to Run with the Dogs? Of course, the qucstion for prores..'iionai pel sitters tunlS 10 whedlCr a dog rUll ner i.s required ror your c1icnt't, Ahillar's dog rumdng client~ are all ~uhlelic and already run lnlils widl their dogs, Iler c1ient's conccrn~ are whether or not dl(~ sitter can kccpllp with the dog, "For us :.llot of times thc)"Uquestion: Are you sure you're a mil ner? Do dley nlll rIDlt enough? Do they nlll hard enollgh? Do tht') run lhb lrail?" So if you are thinking or adding dog running scnices, you will eilher need to be up to Ihe I:l')k )oursclr or hire someone who is suitt.'<ito it and enjoys nlIlIling or biking. AccorcUng to lIourihan, dlerc arc two fUJld:uncnt:~ tr'Jit't that make a good dog runner. The firsl, and 1110st ob\iolls. is thai a good dog 19 nllmer must ,dsa be an ;:uhlete themselvcs. Fo r their o\\-n persomd exercise, bodl Alvillar ruld Iiourihan run 011 !.heir own. The requirement of an adliete who can rlln 10 miles a day definitely narrows die field of who can run a 10Ilg-disl:UlCe dog. There are certainly business owners who are lip to die task and those who are sllccessful :u it love it. Financhd success, howl.,\'er, conlt's in second place 10 the benefits-of enjO)iJlg :llong run wil h a will ing :md joyful canine, The dog's ph)'SicaJ well ..being comes firsl, "''helher ciicnL' looking ror dog running services arc athletes or simply people wiUuing their dogs 10 release some PCIII-UP encrgy, PCI 0\\11Crs are increasingly choosi ng dogs to suil more active Iifcsl)I~. The adwtion or dog nlllning 5C.nices 10 a pet sitting bll~illess may be a good choice for pet professionals in the right communities. Times may be changing 10 be more active and perhaps pel should lake nOle, • Frrmkll! /1l,-/i 1"',, jref!lllllce unler lIud /let,\'7/1t.,- based III /x:llultjul 1/llIm; She unrks jol' Eqllip(/Il :~ Pe/"Iert'I'cfs. (J do}!, rt/lll11ll}!. (llIti/)£" sill/lI.1f com/kill)' (~' lheir :.YXUII flU'C/ill ,,/(111(1.1..'!.'r. cop)' /I'nler. (ll1d /N." ,\'IIIt.".- (Jilt! lores ('ret)' iliff/tile (JIll ProfeSSional Pet Sitter Wlntel 2012-13