First Baptist Bulletin - First Baptist Church Moultrie
First Baptist Bulletin - First Baptist Church Moultrie
(Regular monthly meetings will be listed here) Sunday 8:30a Prayer in Sanctuary 9:15a Sunday School 10:30a Worship 5p Youth Choir 6p Worship Monday 6a Young Men’s Bible Study 9:30a Ladies Community Bible Study Tuesday 9:30a Connie’s TLC Bible Study 11:45a Keenager Luncheon Wednesday 5p Supper 5:30p SS Teacher Meeting 6p Beth Moore Children of the Day 6p KIDZ , Youth 6p Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:15p Prayer Meeting 6:30p Christianity, Cults And Religions Friday 6a Wayne’s Mens Bible Study FBC Moultrie Exists To: Honor God, Equip Disciples, Love People, and Share the Gospel. Volume 51, No. 8 February 20, 2015 Children’s Church 3rd - 5th grades invited on this Sunday! Hello FBC Moultrie Church Family, As a PhD student at Georgia State University, I am studying the experiences women face as they recover from a sudden heart event that required hospitalization, i.e., heart attack, heart surgery, catheterization, acute congestive heart failure, etc. If you are a woman and have experienced such an event, I would greatly appreciate your giving me 45-60 minutes of your time to simply ask you some questions regarding your experience. All interviews will be anonymous and will not be a part of any published article. The information collected will be used to complete a class project and assist me in designing my dissertation. I would love to be able to complete these interviews in the next two weeks. I thank you in advance for your gracious willingness to assist me. Contact me at the number or email address listed below as soon as you can. 229-891-5276 First Baptist Bulletin USPS 192-060905 Published weekly except the week of Christmas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: First Baptist Church 400 South Main Street Moultrie, Georgia 31768 229-985-2103 Feb 22 - 28 First Baptist Bulletin WEEKLY CALENDAR Periodical Postage PAID Moultrie, Georgia FI R S T B A P T I S T C H U R C H MO U L T R I E God Bless, Danny Wright [email protected] ON OUR WEBSITE Love Offering will be taken OUR THEME VERSE FOR 2015 “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and wondrous things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 “DRAW THE CIRCLE “ Day of Prayer, FBC Chapel, Saturday, Feb. 28th, 9:00am - 3:00pm “‘Yet even now,’ declares the LORD, ‘return to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.’ Return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love….” – Joel 2:12, 13. Today (Wednesday, February 18, 2015) marks the beginning of the observance of Lent for many Christians around the world. Although, as Baptists, we have not usually practiced a formal observance of this season on the church calendar, its purpose is surely one we should individually embrace. Lent is the season leading up to Easter, a time when Christians have historically prepared their hearts for Easter with remembrance, reflection, and repentance. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (2/18 this year) and proceeds for forty days, excluding Sundays, and culminating with Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Many Christians observe Lent by “fasting” from some significant item in their daily lives, but the focus is not on depriving themselves of something as much as it is on devoting themselves to God and to His purposes in the world. The remembrance is to be that of our sin and of God’s gracious solution to our sin in the Cross of Jesus Christ. The gift we were given at Calvary is a gift we should never tire of meditating on, year after year - day after day, for that matter! - and STILL be left with a great sense of wonder and amazement that our God would love us so! A Lenten devotional that I read this morning came from the words of Matthew’s gospel regarding Joseph, Mary’s husband, and reminded me that God’s work in his life is a picture of how God works when He does something NEW in our lives. Whenever God does something new, He involves people, people just like you and me who are surprised and humbled and challenged by His calling. When He wants to use us, He often asks us to trust Him in a NEW way, to put aside our natural reactions, to listen humbly for a fresh word, and to act on it, even if we don’t yet know where He will lead us nor how it’s all going to work out. Perhaps that’s what He’s asking all of us to do during Lent this year. Who knows what might happen, this year, if all of us were prepared to listen to God’s Word in scripture in a NEW way, to share the humility of Joseph, to obey His calling, and then to find ourselves caught up in God’s grand rescue operation! The Bible does not tell us much about Joseph, but we do know that he did not let concern over what the future might bring deter him from the clear call to obedience God was giving Him in the present. “Trust and Obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, than to Trust and Obey.” Still rings true today! What a grand opportunity this very special time of year offers us as Christians! Most of the folks in our daily spheres of influence know what Easter represents, often giving us an open door to share the Gospel with them. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the linchpin that makes the gospel such Good News. It is the message that no life yet being lived on this earth is unredeemable. Because He lives, we can live also! It is THE message anyone and everyone MUST both hear and believe if they are going to receive the abundant eternal life Jesus died to give. Let’s get excited about the way the LORD is calling us to step out in faith and obedience this year and be more intentional than ever about praying for and inviting people we know and love and care about to church and, even more importantly, to Jesus! I have been imagining in my own heart and mind recently an Easter Sunday celebration like never before, a day when many will publicly declare their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD. I invite you to imagine and pray for that with me. Until then, let’s continue to look forward to celebrating His Presence among each and every Lord’s Day. I am already looking forward to seeing you this Sunday! Only by His grace, Pastor Wayne Calling All Men! This year’s GRIDIRON Men’s Conference will be Friday/Saturday, June 19/20, at the BJCC Arena in Birmingham. Guest speakers this year include, David Jeremiah, Drew Brees, Dr. Ben Carson, Fred Luter, David Uth, and host, Phil Waldrep. Worship will be lead again by Charles Billingsley. This is a GREAT conference that several of us have attended in years past, and it fills up VERY quickly. There is a sign-up list at the Welcome Desk or you can call the church office(985-2103) to let us know you plan to attend. PLEASE let us hear from you THIS week if you plan to attend. WEDNESDAY NIGHT Menu: Fried /Baked Chicken, Rice/ Gravy, Creamed Peas, Okra & Tomatoes, Salad, Dessert Thank You Notes The Family of Homer Spells Sunday Morning, March 8, 8:15 A.M. Orientation Meeting for all those who have already signed up to participate in the Wheelchair Ramp Ministry FBC Moultrie has volunteered to lead. We will have you a biscuit and coffee, so come join us even if you have not signed up yet but are still interested. First Baptist Women of Grace would like to invite all ladies to a Women's Health Forum Saturday March 7, 2015 at 10:00am in the social hall. Invited guest speakers are Dr. Daniel York, Dr. David Waller, Dr. Thomas Loumeau. There will also be a time for raffle prizes and light refreshments. * We would like to honor women who we have lost due to cancer and the survivors who continue to be an inspiration to us all. If this describes a friend of yours please submit a framed picture of them to the church office. We have an opening for a 4 yr. old Weekday Preschool Education Teacher for the 2015-16 school year. Application packets can be picked up in the church office. Deadline for submitting applications is March 15th. Keenager Luncheon Tuesday, February 24,11:45am Covered Dish Program: Dale Davidson, Elder Care Attorney will speak on how to help protect your assets and also offer help to Veterans who have unreimbursed medical expenses. Great program for Sr. Adults and children of elderly parents. Everyone Welcome! NEW YOUNG MEN’S BIBLE STUDY BEGINS MONDAY, FEB. 23, 6AM Church Conference Room SS Attendance 397 Morning Worship 386 2-15-2015 Total Tithes Designated Capital Fund Total this week Proposed Budget Budget Receipts Over or (Under) Capital Fund Bal $ 25,583.70 $ 4,928.00 $ 893.37 $ 31,405.07 $ 161,014.00 $ 163,895.11 $ 2,881.11 $ 135,374.52 Serving this Week of Feb 22 Door Greeters 9:00a - 9:30a Nursery 5th Ave Door Adult 3A Drive Thru Offertory Prayers Paul Nagy 10:30a LeFevre Quartet 6:00p WELCOME DESK/FOYER Brian Robinson Buzz Register Nursery Volunteers Infants: Anna & Bobby Cutts, Kelli Whatley, June Woods 1yr : Katie Vines, Billie Keith Davis 2yr : Joy & Shannon Croy 3yr: Beth & Hannah Stewart, Carita Davis Parking Lot Greeters SUN 9:00a-11:40a Jim Desselle N James Horne S SUN 5:45p - 7:00p Steve Vick WED 6:00p - 7:45p Ronald Penuel