Newsletter - Marvell United Methodist Church


Newsletter - Marvell United Methodist Church
P.O. BOX 669
Vol. 2015
Gary Maskell, Pastor
Monty Bell, Pastor Emeritus
Nina C. Guest, Secretary
Return Service Requested
February 17, 2015
[email protected]
No. 7
Gary’s Cell 870-820-5502
Sunday Morning Sermon in a Snap!
If you missed last Sunday morning's sermon, but would like to "hear" it in a very abbreviated format, then this is your answer!
If you'd like to do so later, you can read the whole sermon ("Transfiguration Sunday") in the Marvell / Lexa Messenger (It's
online too, @ for the "rest of the story" So, here goes! Our message is from Mark 9:2-9 and it speaks of the
one of our most often missed aspects of Jesus' life that we desperately need in our own, that being, prayer!
Mark 9:2-9 After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all
alone. There he was transfigured before them. 3 His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach
them. 4 And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus. 5 Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good
for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” 6 (He did not know what to say,
they were so frightened.) 7 Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I
love. Listen to him!” 8 Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus. 9 As they were
coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the
In this account, Mark tells us about a miraculous transformation that took place on the outside of Jesus that reflected His inner
glory. While it is a wonderful testimony as to the true nature of Jesus, Scripture calls for us to have a transformation in our lives
too! But our transformation must be from the inside out and is similarly quite an amazing change, a change from who were to
who we are, or can become!
The Greek word translated as transfiguration is the same word we use to convey the idea of a metamorphosis! Remember High
school biology with a caterpillar changing into a butterfly? That's the word! It's a somewhat rare word and is used only 4-times
in the entire New Testament: It's used two times in relation to Jesus and the transfiguration and it's used two times in relation to
believers in Christ. Let's just consider its uses for believers. The first of these two times is found in Romans 12:1-2, where the
Apostle Paul writes: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (NKJV) In this passage,
Paul is telling us to present our bodies as living sacrifices before God and he continues on to tell us that we should not be molded,
shaped, or conformed to this world’s ways, but he says that we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This kind of
renewing results in an inward change of someone rather than just one of their outward appearance. But just because it's primarily
an inner change doesn't mean that it cannot be detected outwardly! And no, you probably won't look like Jesus did on that day,
but there should be a detectable difference! Paul, in 2 Corinthians 3:18, tells us that the 2nd, and last, use of the word
metamorphoo in the New Testament says that we should all "seek to be steadily changed (or transformed) into the same image
from glory to glory, even as by the Lord's Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)
How can you get to that place? Most commonly it is done by living a Holy Spirit led life with intentional prayer, meditation,
corporate worship, Bible study, and fasting. It is a transformation that will allow you to touch souls for Christ, encourage the
discouraged, and give hope to the hopeless.
The season of Lent is nearly here and it’s the perfect time to seek such a transformation in your life.
 Seek to know more of God
 Seek to grow deeper in love with Him
 Seek more of God's power and might in your life.
If you already know Him as your Lord and Savior, then accept His challenge of becoming the man or woman of God that He
desires for you to be. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then take Him up on His offer of salvation right now.
You won't regret it! If you don't know Him, then don't waste a moment more, accept Him as your Lord and Savior this day and
you will have life eternal as a free gift from heaven!
Let Jesus have control of your life this Lenten season and you might just see an amazing transformation in your life!
Brother Gary
Sermon - Mark 1:-15
Hymns - 452, 711, 454
9:00 a.m. Exercise
5:00 p.m. Youth/WOW
6:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service
6:45 p.m. Choir Practice
5:15 p.m. Exercise
9:00 a.m. Exercise
9:00 a.m. Lexa Worship
9:30 a.m. Joyful Noise
10:00 a.m. Lexa Sunday School
Calendar for the Week
10:00 a.m. Marvell Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Marvell Worship
2:30 p.m. Shower for Brittany Turner
9:00 a.m. Exercise
5:15 p.m. Exercise
Ladies Sunday School - Shannon Young
Nursery - Beth & Luke Schaffhauser
Liturgist - Mickie Cox
Acolytes - Gracie & Lisa Fuller
2015 Budget
Needed each week
Received this week
Costa Rica
World Hunger
Lexa Sunday School
Lexa Worship
Marvell Sunday School
Marvell Worship
All of our sick folks
Alan Bruce Hayes - Arkansas Heart, 1701 S
Shackleford Rd., LR 72211
Dennis Story - Box 218, Marvell
Jaxson Roberston - Box, West Helena 72390
Don Elizabeth "Tiny" Wooten - St. Francis Hosp,. 5959
Park Ave., Rm. 1013, Memphis, TN 38119
Jerome & Ann Suddath - Box 728, Marvell
Joyce McKay - 1315 E Brown St., Wylie, TX 75098
Shawna Helton - 112 Oak Forrest Dr., Helena 72342
Shiloh Williams - 389 Hwy 316 S, PG 72374
Judy Cross - Regional One Health Center, 877
Jefferson Ave., Memphis, TN 38103
Joe Monroe - Memphis Hospital
Alene Harris - 67 Magnolia Dr, Heber Springs 72543
Jodi Hughey - 13625 Summer Cemetery Rd, Cabot
Barrett Stark - 1346 Butlerville Rd., Ward 72176
Lauren Elizabeth & Allie Brooke Coleman - Baptist
NICU, 9601 Interstate 630, Exit 7, LR 72205
Alan Higginbotham - 17 Roberts Dr., Mayflower
72106 (treatments)
Terri Young Finkbeiner - Box 747, Mayflower 72106
Bo Bennett - 13617 Hwy 39, Holly Grove 72069
Linda Foran - 641 Phillips 623, Marvell
Billy Scaife - 37565 Rio Loop Rd., Rio Hondo, TX 78583
Eleanor Kilbourne - UAMS, NICU, 4301 W Markham,
LR 72205
Jonny Slater & his family - missing since 9/4/14
Barry Roy - Brinkley
Gary McCormick - West Markham Sub Acute &
Rehabilitation, 5720 W Markham, LR 72205
Jack Scotty Russell - 2937 Phillips 600, Marvell
The Hernandez Quads - 1004 CR 115, New Albany,
MS 38652
Jamie Yancey Ross & family - Wabash, IN
The Family of Cecil Walls
Our continued prayer list
Service Men & Women & their families
Police Officer, Firefighters, Emergency Personnel
Jaxson Robertson came home Friday
Casey Crisp is out of the hospital
Billy Scaife's treatments aren't making him sick
Harry Stephens was here for the Gideons
Bailee is thankful for what the church does for them
Lauren & Allie Coleman are in a crib
The Dinner Theater went well
People working in the weather
Buy a carpet square for $30 in honor or memory of
someone. Their name will be added to a square in our
Memorial Painting. Purchase multiple squares &
watch them grow! Buy 1-5 carpet square & the
memorial/honor square is 2". Buy 7 or more carpet
squares & the memorial/honor square is 4". Thanks to
everyone that has donated to this project.
UMW Sunday will be March 1
Veritas will be March 6-8 in Hot Springs.
Bring your gently worn shoes to the church for Sarah
The Marvell Church will have an Ash Wednesday
Service this Wednesday at 6 p.m.
The United Methodist Women of the Helena UMC
cordially invite everyone to attend Lenten Listening
services beginning Ash Wednesday, February 18, at 12
noon each week. These services will continue each
week on Wednesday through April 1. Bring a
sandwich; drinks & dessert will be furnished. A
nursery will be provided. Rev. Mike Wilke will be the
speaker this week & Caroline Stephens will have the
special music.
Bill & Jo Turner
Suzanne Davidson
Jerry & Glenda Patrick
Rick & Linda Schaffhauser
Bill & Jo Turner
Feb.19 - Bethany
20 - Debbie Schaffhauser
21 - Emily Davison
Mark Oxner.
22 - Brittany Turner
23 - Jody Lambert
24 - Sherry Oxner
25 - Hailee Hallman
*Suzanne Davison - Maumelle
Betty Armstrong - Pecos, TX
Harry Stephens - Helena
Jody, Milee & Taylor Cook - NC
Kaitlyn Inebnit - Marvell
Acolytes - Ana & Bethany
Greeter - James Frans
Musicians - Lauren & Courtney Turner
Liturgist - Barbie Washburn
Ushers - Nickie Alexander, Jimmy Davison, James
Frans, Bill Heidelberger
Media Techs - Chuck Schaffhauser, Thomas Turner
SS teacher - Jennifer King, Stephanie Powell, Shannon
Nursery - Jennifer King & Lauren Turner
Gideon Speaker - Harry Stephens
Childtren's Time Candy - Connie Heidelberger
Thanks so much to the church for the use of the
fellowship hall for the Dinner Theater. Thanks also to
those that cooked, served, cleaned up, baked cakes,
acted & attended.
The Marvell Civic Club
Have you ever used crutches? Helped someone who
uses a wheelchair? Cared for a friend or relative who
can no longer remember? Searched for support &
resources while living with a disability? Wondered
where the church fits into all of this? Let's learn
together. Please join us for a UMW Mission Study led
by Lynn R. Baker on Saturday, February 28, from 9
a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Wesley UMC in Conway. Bring a
sack lunch; drinks will be provided.
Let Beth
Schaffhauser know if you plan to attend.