Weekly Bulletin - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart


Weekly Bulletin - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
February 22, 2015
Cathedral of the
Sacred Heart
Bless us with your presence.
Serving as the Mother Church of the Diocese of Richmond
Twinning with the Catholic Community of Carissade, Haiti
Serving the Campuses of Virginia Commonwealth University
The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo
Bishop of Richmond
Monsignor Patrick D. Golden
800 S. Cathedral Place, Richmond, VA 23220-4853
Office: (804) 359-5651 Fax: (804) 358-8043
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
The First Sunday of Lent
Congratulations to those who Celebrated the Rite of Sending Catechumens
to the Rite of Election at the last weeks 11:00 am Mass
Taylor Alas, Oscar Bastidas, Jem Chapman, Courtney Donner, Crystal Greene, Jessica Hladky,
Christopher Lee, Brandon Monahan, Sierra Roman, Stephen Sovinsky, Barbara Sulimay,
Zanas Talley and Carla Wong
During this Lenten season, join us for Soup Supper and Stations of the Cross every Friday
evening. Soup Supper starts at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall with Stations of the Cross beginning at 7:00 pm in the
Sanctuary. The February 27th Soup Supper is hosted by the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council.
Parish Staff
Rector, Rev. Msgr. Patrick Golden | [email protected]
Rev. Msgr. Stephen Osei-Duah, Parochial Vicar | [email protected]
Deacon, Rev. Mr. Marshall Banks, MD | [email protected]
Deacon, Rev. Mr. Chris Malone | [email protected]
Deacon, Rev. Mr. Mark Matte | [email protected]
Deacon, Rev. Mr. Charles Williams | [email protected]
Interim Director of Music and Liturgy,
Colleen Crafton | [email protected]
Director of Religious Education,
Maria Thorsen | [email protected]
Youth Ministry Coordinator,
Elizabeth Riegler | [email protected]
VCU Campus Minister, Joshua Dart | [email protected]
VCU Campus Minister, Mary Rebecca Anderson |
[email protected]
Business Administrator, Kim Kremer | [email protected]
Administrative Secretary, Jayne Hushen | [email protected]
Administrative Assistant/Membership Services,
Candice Davis | [email protected]
Bookkeeper, Tiffany Baham | [email protected]
Facilities, Patrick Garrett | 804-248-2207 | [email protected]
Daniel Hudson | 804-874-6152
Pastoral Council, Donna Newcomb | [email protected]
Finance Council, Steve Brincefield | [email protected]
For a complete list of our ministries, committees and ways to get involved please refer to our Parish Resource Guide on our Website or pick up a copy at the entrance to the church.
This Week at the Cathedral
Prayers and Praise
Saturday, February 21, 2015
10:00 am Celebration of First Reconciliation
2:00 pm Diocesan Rite of Election & Post-Rite Reception
5:15 pm Mass -- Cathedral Parishioners
6:30 pm Knights of Columbus BINGO!
Sick: Mary Hormachea, Dennis Bellone, Gabriel Peter Norment, Patricia Golden, Gina Loehr, Ed Dunn, Jr., Eddie Dunn, III, Sally Pastore, Mike Inzitari, Frank
Inzitari, Thelma Robinson, John Kuhn, Jerry Kuhn, Shep Harder, Miguel Lopes,
Michael Amrhein, Mimi Eynon, Barbara Kersey, Sheila Dolan, Joseph Dees,
Tony Smith, Dylan Marshall, Donald Barkman, Jean Serini, Stephanie Merenda,
Gerald Dennis Neville, Amy Tweedale, Linda Brown, Billie Sutherland Moore, Fr.
Paul Richardson, Kimberly Werner Hampton, Jenny Mileto, Rae Funk, Raymond
Wilkerson, Jim Crowe, Chrystal Muldrow, Mark Eckstein, Pete Scherer, Mark Rittling, Kristell Jimemez, Karen Massengil, Mary Brocking, Pat Mirr, Edward Klein,
Larry and Sharon Lilly, Marjorie Dineen, Mark Patrick Cotham, Walter Bullard,
Anne Hutchins, Patrice Morris, Melvin Spurlock, Tim Dolan, Janine Thompson
and Lidia Quagliano. Also, please continue to pray for those written in the
Book of the Sick and those in our Armed Forces.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
The First Sunday of Lent
9:00 am Mass † Deceased Members of the George B. &
Theresa Meyer Bliley Family
10:05 am Children’s Formation Classes
10:10 am “Radical Hospitality” Adult Faith Formation
11:00 am Mass with Rite of Sending Catechumens to the Rite of Election
† Johnny Meagher
12:00 pm Social Justice Meeting
2:00 pm Diocesan Rite of Election & Post-Rite Reception
5:15 pm Mass -- Sister Bridget McGettigans
6:15 pm CCM Student Sunday Supper
Monday, February 23, 2015
12:05 pm Daily Mass † Michael Smolka
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
12:05 pm Daily Mass † Carolyn R.
12:30 am Little Rock Scripture Group
6:00 pm RCIA
6:30 pm James River Hikers Tour
ednesday, February 25, 2015
10:00 am Lent: 40 Soul Searching Questions
12:05 pm Daily Mass † Marion-Ann & Patrick Slater
6:00 pm CCM Reconciliation
7:00 pm Separated & Divorced Support Group
7:15 pm Student Mass & Adoration
Thursday, February 26, 2015
12:05 pm Daily Mass † Susan G.
6:30 pm Chinese Students and Scholars Bible Study
5:30 pm Finance Council Meeting
F riday, February 27, 2015
12:05 pm Daily Mass
6:00 pm Lenten Soup Supper followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm
Saturday, February 28, 2015
9:00 am Parish Leadership Retreat
5:15 pm Mass with RCIA Rite of Calling the Candidates
-- Cathedral Parishioners
Sunday, March 1, 2015
9:00 am Mass † Allen Goolsby West
10:05 am Children’s Formation Classes
10:10 am Faith & Family #3
10:05 am Prayer and Spirituality
10:10 am “Radical Hospitality” Adult Faith Formation
11:00 am Mass with Sacrament of Annointing of the Sick
† Robert J. Maciunas/Buddy & Selma Twiford
5:15 pm Mass † Betty Schutte
6:15 pm CCM Student Sunday Supper
Please remember Marie DeBrodt Williams and
Deacon Charles Williams and family in your prayers in the
passing of her mother, + Loretta Getson
on Wednesday, February 11, in Richmond.
Seminarians: John Baab, John Christian, Deacon Danny Cogut, Taylor
Hall, Jamie Hickman, Deacon Matt Kiehl, Mark Kowalski, Marton Lonart,
Deacon Nick Mammi, Chris Masla, Miguel Melendez, Dan Molochko, Kyle
O’Connor, James O’Reilly, Andrew Oehmann, Frank Petsche, Nick Redmond, Justin Shuma, Cassidy Stinson.
RCIA Candidates and Catechumens
Catechumens: Taylor Alas, Oscar Bastidas, Jem Chapman, Courtney Donner,
Crystal Greene, Jessica Hladky, Christopher Lee, Brandon Monahan, Sierra Roman, Stephen Sovinsky, Barbara Sulimay, Zanas Talley, Carla Wong
Confirmands: Sophia Choi, Celia Cifuentes, Lineth Cobarrobias, Erika Cruz,
Susan Horn, Amanda Olivas, Luke Payne, Monique Sanchez and Julliette
Candidates: Patrick Ambrose, Erik Draves, Danielle Harris, Amber Petrohovich,
Haden Yonce and Adam Yost
Welcome our New Members who joined us in January: Matthew & Kathryn Ferrett and Samuel, Charles & Stephanie Lawson, Chris Sill, Chris Peratta,
Agneta Liubinaite, Kingley Nwoko.
The Pope’s general prayer intention for February is:
Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives
of dignity.
Evangelization: That married people who are separated may find welcome
and support in the Christian community.
We pray for the coming of God’s Kingdom in Metropolitan Richmond: For
enhancement of our common life in Jesus’ Name through the Holy Spirit, and
for the resurrection of metropolitan Richmond as a modern metropolitan city
of hope for the world.
Please remember our Virginia Home resident
Gina Loehr and family in your prayers in the
passing of her father, + Carroll Edward Loehr
on Sunday, February 8, in Richmond.
Weekly Offerings
For Fiscal Year beginning 7/1/2014
The Cathedral is grateful for last week’s collection.
Due to the President’s Day holiday and snow
days, last weeks collections were not counted
in time for publication of the bulletin.
We will include both weeks collections in next
weekend’s bulletin.
Young Adults Ministry
Volunteer Opportunity
What: Attend dinner with the residents. Enjoy their company!
Where: St. Joseph's Home (Little Sisters of the Poor)
1503 Michaels Road, Richmond, VA
When: 6:00 - 7:30 pm 1st Monday of the month
More Information: www.facebook.com/CatholicRVA
Prayer/Volunteer Opportunity:
What: Pray rosary for those in the hospital
Where: Chapel of Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center
13710 St. Francis Blvd., Midlothian, Virginia 23114
When: 6:50 - 7:30 pm, 2nd Monday of the month
More Information: www.facebook.com/CatholicRVA
Ladies Book Club:
What: Currently reading "The Church of Mercy" by Pope Francis. Take
part in the company of other catholic women even if you haven't read.
Where: Changes locations each month. Please contact Emily Gliebe for
directions or more information at [email protected]
When: 7:30 pm, Last Monday of the Month
What: Liturgy of the Hours at 7:00 pm, Rosary at 8:00 pm, with plenty
of silent time in between for personal prayer and reflection.
Where: Sacred Heart Church , 1415 Perry Street, Richmond, VA
When: 7:00 - 9:00 pm, Every Tuesday www.facebook.com/CatholicRVA
Social Gathering:
What: Dinner after mass with other young adults at a local restaurant.
Where: Meet at the 13th Station of the Cross near the statue of Mary at
the Cathedral.
When: After Sunday's 5:15 pm Mass, 4th Sunday of the month.
Beyond the Cathedral
The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the
Church and Contemporary World
Questionnaire: bit.ly/CDRsynod2015
In October, the 14th Ordinary Synod of Bishops will convene to discuss
the topic of “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and
Contemporary World.” In preparation for this, the Synod Fathers have
asked the People of God to respond to a series of questions that will
help inform their discussions and conclusions. Visit bit.ly/CDRsynod2015
to complete an online questionnaire comprising 22 short answer
questions condensed from the original Lineamenta. The questionnaire
must be completed by 8:30 am on Monday, March 2. Responses may be
anonymous and will be included in the final report that the Diocese of
Richmond will send to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
to be then compiled with other diocesan reports and sent to Rome. Visit
www.cdrcmfl.org for more information on the Synod.
Cathedral Information
Daily Mass Schedule:
Monday - Friday: 12:05 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:15 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am
11:00 am & 5:15 pm
Saturday: 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
If you’re interested in becoming Catholic contact Maria Thorsen at
[email protected] or 804-212-3888
For Weddings, call Jayne Hushen in the Parish Office at 804-212-3892.
For Mass Intenions, call Candice Davis in the Parish Office at 804-359-5651.
Christian Marriage Formation Program for Engaged Couples,
Infant Baptisms - A Baptism Registration Form is available at the door of the
church or on our website - www.richmondcathedral.org
From February 18 through March 29
www.40daysforlife.com | [email protected]
You’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of
prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand
and to pray peacefully during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way
outside the Richmond Medical Center for Women (abortion facility) at
118 N. Boulevard at Grove Avenue for one or more hours during the 40day prayer vigil, and also to help spread the word about this important
community outreach. If you’d like more information – and especially if
you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: Ann Niermeyer, 804-7145170, [email protected]. All are welcome!
Catholic Women’s Club
Saturday, March 21 | 11:15 am | Hermitage Country Club
A fundraiser FASHION SHOW/LUNCHEON, with a raffle and door prizes,
featuring spring fashions from TALBOTS, and sponsored by the Catholic
Woman’s Club, will be held Saturday, March 21, 2015. St. Gertrude
Scholarships and other philanthropic projects benefit from this event at
Hermitage Country Club, 1248 Hermitage Road, Manakin-Sabot. Cash
bar starts at 11:15 am, with lunch at 12:00 noon. Send $35.00 check to
CWC by deadline March 14,. Mail to: Joan Walton, 300 Burnwick Road,
Richmond, VA. 23227.
Fr. Goldsmith leads Pilgrimage to Mexico
December 8-13, 2015 | John Tagnesi: 1-888-544-4461
Fr. Joe Goldsmith, Parochial Vicar at Harrisonburg, VA will lead a Pilgrimage
to Mexico for the Annivesary of our Lady of Guadalupe from Dec. 8-13, 2015
- the cost is $1,930 per person. Deposit is $450 each with final payment by
Sept. 8, 2015. This package includes air from most east coast and midwest
cities, daily breakfast and dinners, airport taxes, and travel insurance, Holy
Masses and religious activities, sightseeing per itinerary in Private Motor
Coach, escorted English-Speaking guide, 5 nights in a 1st class hotel,
entrance fees, and local taxes. For additional information and brochures,
contact John Tagnesi: email: [email protected].
Parish Community Life
Preparation for 10th Grade Sacrament of Confirmation
Liz Riegler at [email protected]
Confirmation preparation for 10th graders begins in January. The preparation consists of 4 modules and a retreat. If you are in 10th grade and
would like to be Confirmed this year, please contact Liz Riegler as soon as
possible for a registration packet: [email protected]
This is a requirement for all 10th graders being Confirmed in May, 2015.
Module #3: March 8, 2-5:00 pm at St. Paul, Richmond
Module #4: April 19, 2-5:00 pm at Holy Rosary, Richmond
Nursery is open from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Sundays for children ages 12 mos. to 3 years.
The nursery is on the lower level (take the elevator).
Ordained Ministry and Religious Life: For information about the life and ministry of
priests, deacons, and seminarians of men & women in religious life, contact Fr. Michael
Boehling at 804-359-5661 or www.richmonddiocese.org/vocations
Self-Guided Tour: When visiting the Cathedral, pick up a Self‐Guided Tour pamphlet at
the front entrance. To view the tour on our website, visit: www.richmondcathedral.org/
We welcome new members to our parish! You can fill out a registration form found
at the back of the church, or email [email protected], or fill out an online
registration form on our website: www.richmondcathedral.org
During Weekday Masses, Parking Passes Are Not Needed
Parish Faith Formation Programs
“Lent: 40 Soul Searching Questions”
Wednesdays in Lent | 10:00 am
Begin a new spiritual journey this Lent that gives
you new insights into the meaning of your life.
Develop a deeper relationship with God, one truer
to the demands of the world, the belief that you are
called by God to be light to the world. The Lenten
reflection book that will be used is “40 Soul-Stretching
Conversations” by Sister Joan Chittister. This group
will meet in the parish hall from 10:00 to 11:00 am on
the Wednesdays during Lent: February 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25.
Babysitting will be provided.
Readings and Reflection
February 22
Gn 9 : 8-15
1 Peter 3 : 18-22
Mark 1 : 12-15
March 1
Gn 22 : 1-2, 9a, 10-13,
Rom 8 : 31b-34
Mark 9 : 2-10
Prepare for Sunday Mass using an online resource that includes a copy of the readings
and much more. To access, go to the parish website and click on “Prepare for Sunday.”
The First Sunday of Lent
“Reflections” Session #2
On the first Sunday of Lent, the Gospel reading in each Lectionary cycle
is about Jesus’ temptation in the desert. This event in the life of Jesus is
reported in each of the Synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—but
it is not found in John’s Gospel. This year we read Mark’s account of this
The book that will be used is titled Radical
Hospitality. St. Benedict wrote about Hospitality,
welcoming the outsider, the poor, the pilgrim.
Guests are crucial to the making of any heart.
Read and discuss about how we can welcome the
Divine in the stranger. The facilitator of this group
is Mike Jackman. If you have any questions please
email Maria Thorsen at [email protected]
Compared to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, the details throughout
Mark’s narrative are sparse. This is evident in Mark’s account of Jesus’
temptation in the desert. Mark tells us only that Jesus was led into the
desert by the Spirit and that for 40 days he was tempted by Satan. The
Gospels of Matthew and Luke explain that Jesus fasted while in the desert,
that Satan presented him with three temptations, and that Jesus refused
each one, quoting Scripture. Only the Gospels of Matthew and Mark report
that angels ministered to Jesus at the end of his time in the desert.
February 22 and March 1
Separated or Divorced Catholics Support Group
February 25 | 7:00 pm
Monsignor Meunch speaks on Annulment
As a Catholic community we practice love and
healing; love is a service to our community”. . .
There can be healing during and after a divorce.
This group will meet in the Parish Offices on the
following dates and time: February 19 & 25. All
sessions will begin at 7:00 pm. If you are interested
in joining this group or have questions, please
email Maria Thorsen. The facilitator, Christine
Cestaro, is experienced in this support group.
Preparation for the
Sacrament of First Eucharist for Youth
Sunday, March 8 & 22, & April 19 | 12:00 noon
[email protected]
Preparation for the Sacrament of First Eucharist will take place on the
following dates. Parents will have instruction at the same time your child is
receiving their instruction. March 8 (12:00-2:00 pm) March 22 (12:00-2:00
pm) April 19 (12:00-2:00 pm). Sacrament of First Eucharist will be during the
9:00 and 11:00 am Masses on May 3, 2015. If you have any questions please
email: [email protected] or [email protected]
In each of the Synoptic Gospels, the temptation of Jesus follows his
baptism by John the Baptist. In Mark’s Gospel, we are told that Jesus went
into the desert immediately after his baptism, led by the Spirit. Jesus’
public ministry in Galilee begins after his temptation in the desert. Mark’s
Gospel makes a connection between the arrest of John the Baptist and
the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus’ preaching about the Kingdom of
God is in continuity with the preaching of John the Baptist, but it is also
something new. As Jesus announces it, the Kingdom of God is beginning;
the time of the fulfillment of God’s promises is here.
The fact that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert is significant. This recalls
the 40 years that the Israelites wandered in the desert after being led from
slavery in Egypt. The prophet Elijah also journeyed in the desert for 40days
and nights, making his way to Horeb, the mountain of God, where he was
also attended to by an angel of the Lord. Remembering the significance of
these events, we also set aside 40 days for the season of Lent.
In Mark’s Gospel, the desert marks beginning of Jesus’ battle with
Satan; the ultimate test will be in Jesus’ final hours on the cross. In a similar
way, our Lenten observances are only a beginning, a preparation for and a
reinforcement of our ongoing struggle to resist the temptations we face in
our lives. During Lent, we are led by the Holy Spirit to remember the vows
of Baptism in which we promised to reject sin and to follow Jesus. Just as
Jesus was ministered to by the angels, God also supports us in our struggle
against sin and temptation. We succeed because Jesus conquered sin once
and for all in his saving death on the cross. ©LoyolaPress
SPREAD THE LOVE: Richmond Residents in Need
Chris Joseph
Lisa Joseph
Associate Broker / REALTOR®
7201 Glen Forest Drive, Suite 104, Richmond, VA 23226
Chris: 804-276-2932 Lisa: 804-276-2370 Fax: 804-612-2829
[email protected] | www.josephrealtygroup.com
Each Office Independently Owned and Operated
Now through March 1
Contact: [email protected]
Item collection for Richmond Residents in Need. Currently collecting:
soap, toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo, socks, underwear and white
t-shirts (the clothing items do not have to be new, just clean and usable),
individual sized snacks, individual instant coffee packs and ramen
noodles. Please place items in donation bin in the back now through
March 1. Contact Jenna Nguyen with questions:
[email protected]