July 12, 2015 - Precious Blood Cathedral
July 12, 2015 - Precious Blood Cathedral
. Precious Blood Cathedral 778 Queen Street East, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario P6A 2B1 Tel: 705-256-8474 / Fax: 705-945-8287 www.preciousbloodssm.com / Email: [email protected] Journey Email: [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Father Hamish Currie Assistant Pastor: Fr. Ignatius Xavier Parish Secretary: Sue St. Jules Office hours: 8:30AM-12:30PM Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 8:30 PM Weekday Masses: 8:00 A.M. No Mass on Wednesdays Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 4:15 to 4:45 P.M. Baptism: Usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Please make arrangements one month in advance by contacting the Parish Office. Marriages: Please make marriage Arrangements six months in advance by contacting the Parish office. Papal Blessing: Please allow at least 6 months for Papal Blessing to arrive after the request has been made. Diocesan Order of Women: Dorothy Yadivisiak CWL President: Louise McGuire, 705-254-7869 Liturgical Music/Choir: Shana Speakman, 705-206-3077 Bulletin Announcements Email yours to [email protected] before 11:00 A.M. Wednesday Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time July 12 2015 Page 2 Precious Blood Cathedral Scripture Readings: July 13 to July 18, 2015 Monday Exodus 1.8-14, 22; Matthew 10.34-11.1 Tuesday Exodus 2.1-15a; Matthew 11.20-24 Wednesday Exodus 3.1-6, 9-12; Matthew 11.25-27 Thursday Exodus 3.13-20; Matthew 11.28-30 Friday Exodus 11.10-12.14; Matthew 12.1-8 Saturday Exodus 12.37-42; Matthew 12.14-21 Monday, July 13 8:00 A.M. ł Gerald McGuire Sr. by Tom & Louise McGuire Tuesday, July 14 8:00 A.M. ł Richard Brooks by Daniel & Kristine Denomme Wednesday, July 15 No Mass Thursday, July 16 ł John Nesom by Wife Brenda & family 8:00 A.M. Friday, July 17 8:00 A.M. ł Ellen Prokopchuck by Dorothy Yadivisiak Saturday, July 18 5:00 P.M. ł Ernie Vienneau by Gilbert & family ł Blanche Elliot by Gilbert & family ł Beatrice Dugas by Robert & Annette Dugas & family Laudato Si – You have heard what the media and the politicians have said about it. Now read it for yourself. Use the following http://w2.vatican.va/content/ francesco/en/encyclicals/ documents/papafrancesco_20150524_enciclicalaudato-si.html or google Laudato Si english Sunday, July 19 9:00 A.M. ł Dominc Pavoni by Carter & Inch Families ł John Nesom by Wife Brenda & family 11:00 A.M. Intentions of Parishioners 8:30 P.M. No Interntion requested June 28, 2015 $5,326.15 Thank you for your continued generosity! Precious Blood Cathedral Jul 18-19 Lectors Page 3 Eucharistic Minister Ushers Saturday 5:00 PM Robert Dugas Kathleen MacDonald Monique Staruck Louise Admans Bernard Lysiak Neil Conway John Slobodecki Sunday 9:00 AM Donna Bos Louise McGuire Barbara Klesh Clare Lennox Rudy Wheatley Brian Lidstone Sunday 11:00 AM Vinnie Greco Gino Masotti Veronica Bornyi Bambi Alexander Ted & Norma Wall Phil Bellerose Tony Pino Tom Walton Tom or Ivan Maria Pasqua Gino Filice Sunday 8:30 PM Greeters This \week at Precious Blood Cathedral Sat, July 11 Wed. July 15 Thurs. July 16 HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY TO ANNA ZURAUSKAS 11:30 am Craft Group at Sacred Heart 7:00 pm Choir Practice “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest…. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.“ Matthew 11 This week the Altar flowers are in memory of Marija Rovansek from Angela Kosir & families 2015 Journey Lottery Winners Readers and Eucharistic Ministers needed. 8:30 pm Sunday July 5 2015 Chuck Tadashore Call Parish Office 705-256-8474 Wanted: Greeters When: For all masses Qualifications: Happy smile Commitment: 15 min. before mass Contact: Parish Office When making a contribution to The Journey, please remember to make cheque payable to Precious Blood Cathedral. Thank you for your support. Page 4 Precious Blood Cathedral Knights of Columbus 11608 Have a great and blessed summer. Catholic Women’s League HAPPY SUMMER TO ALL Please keep in your prayers all those who will be travelling during this summer. Snowflake Bazaar Calling all knitters, crochet, quilters, crafters and bakers. We will be looking for items for our annual bazaar and we turn to all of you as we have in the past. Yes it is early but before we know it the bazaar will be here. If you have any questions please call Louise at 254-7869 . Thank you for all the support you have given us in the past. Summer Prayer Creator of all, thank You for summer! Thank You for the warmth of the sun and the increased daylight. Thank You for the beauty I see all around me and for the opportunity to be outside and enjoy Your creation. Thank You for the increased time I have to be with my friends and family, and for the more casual pace of the summer season. Draw me closer to You this summer. Teach me how I can pray no matter where I am or what I am doing. Warm my soul with the awareness of Your presence, and light my path with Your Word and Counsel. As I enjoy Your creation, create in me a pure heart and a hunger and a thirst for You. Amen. Precious Blood Cathedral Page 5 In the Community ARCH Hospice: Have you lost a loved one? ARCH Hospice Adult Grief Support Group. All are welcome. Free of charge, eight-week sessions, small, personal group sizes, warm atmosphere with friendly, trained volunteers & professionals. Pre-registration is required. 2015 sessions are Jan 14-March 4; March 25-May 13; June 3-July 29; Aug 19Oct 14; Oct 28-Dec 16. Call Shaunagh Gravelines, Support Care Coordinator at 705-942-1556 ext 224 or email [email protected] Women’s Retreat in Garden Michigan Every year in September, the Catholic women of the Sault and surrounding area are invited to attend a retreat at the Marygrove Retreat House in Garden, Michigan. This year’s retreat will be held on September 11, 12 and 13 the topic being on the Ven Fulton Sheen. Registration runs from May 11 to August 15, 2015. Please contact Nancy Marshall at 705-949-1011 for more information. Sault Ste. Marie Blood Donor Clinic: Verdi Hall July 21, 2015 4:00 PM—8:00 PM and July 22, 2015 11:30 AM –2:30 PM and 4:00 PM—7:00 PM. Book your appointment to save a life, online: www.blood.ca or phone 1-888-236-6283. Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time On the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time we read Mark's version of the call of the Twelve - sending them out in teams of two with his healing power and his authority over unclean spirits. He told them “to take nothing for the journey.” God would take care of them. We begin three weeks of readings from the Book of Exodus continuing the story of God’s faithful deliverance of the people from slavery in Egypt. This week we read of their plight in Egypt, Moses’ birth and how he became a part of Pharaoh’s inner circle, Moses’ encounter with God in the burning bush, God’s summons to Moses and the people, and the story of the Passover up to the time they left Egypt. The Psalm responses this week are particularly wonderful entries to prayer: Our help is in the name of the Lord. Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live. The Lord is kind and merciful. The Lord remembers his covenant forever. I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. His mercy endures forever. We follow a powerful part of Matthew’s Gospel all week, with some wonderful messages of Jesus, preparing us for parables about the Kingdom of God. Jesus does not come to bring simple peace, but to call us to find our lives by surrendering them to him and his mission. Then Jesus goes to teach and to preach, beginning with strong words for the towns in which he worked great cures and where the people have not repented. Rather than being discouraged, Jesus prays to his Father and we have the privilege of overhearing him say that, although t these things are hidden from those who seemed educated and clever, “you have revealed them to the childlike.” Jesus invites us to come to him – when we are burdened – and he will give us rest. When the Pharisees go after his disciples because in their hunger they picked grain on the Sabbath, Jesus challenges them to learn what God meant by these words from the prophet Hosea, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” From that point on, those who rejected him conspired to kill him. On the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time we read from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah that God himself will shepherd his people and that a descendant of David will rule with wisdom and justice. Mark's Gospel paints a picture of Jesus trying to gather together his disciples for a rest but the people kept coming to them: “his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.”
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www.preciousbloodssm.com / Email: [email protected]
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