Our Newsletter - First United Methodist Church, Delmar
Our Newsletter - First United Methodist Church, Delmar
FEBRUAY 2015 THE TELESCOPE First United Methodist Church of Delmar www.delmarmethodist.org RPMs Sr. Hi Youth Group Midnight Run Needs: Warm Winter Clothes and Toiletries needed for the Midnight Run on February 21. Look for a donation box for Midnight Run located below the literature table next to the Nursery. LOTS of WARM WINTER items, preferably dark colors are needed! Lots of hats, gloves and coats (womens/mens); sweaters and sweatshirts (large and xlarge preferred); jeans (sizes 32 – 40); boots and/or sneakers (men’s sizes 9-12, women sizes 8 plus); long underwear; toiletries SAVE THE DATE!!! Grounds for Giving Annual Fundraiser to Benefit the RPMs Mission Trip Saturday, March 7 from 6-9 PM at Delmar Reformed Church Tickets: $15 or 2 for $25 Child Care will be provided – prior sign up a must! Tickets will be available during Fellowship Hour (and at the door) or contact [email protected] / 518.596.2116 Upcoming Connect Events Come for Evening Worship February 8 U2Charist (all the music will be U2 music played live by the local band Code Blue) & stay after for a Soup Supper When and where? February 8 @ 5PM Sanctuary for worship, supper in Fellowship Hall Supper of soup, salad, and bread included. Vegan soup option available. Who?: You plus whomever you wish (bring the kids, your partner, a friend or two or three!) Come for an afternoon munchies, coffee/tea and conversation – March 1 When and where? March 1st @ 2-3:30 PM at the Parsonage 128 Adams Place, Delmar NY 12054 THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 Who?: You plus whomever you wish (bring the kids, your partner, a friend or two or three !) Rev. Iona has small kids so there are plenty of toys to occupy little kids! PAGE 1 PASTORAL MESSAGE “What About Lent?” Rev. Iona Dickinson Church seasons are often somewhat of a mystery to us, even those of us who are very “churched” (aka have spent a lot of time in church). Sure, we know what Christmas is and Easter too, but what about Lent? “Lent is a part of the rich history of the Christian Church, dating back to the third century CE. In fact, our observance of Lent even pre-dates the observance of Christmas. At first the Lenten observance was only a 40-hour fast for catechumens [similar to our confirmands] before their baptisms on Easter, to coincide with the belief that Jesus spent 40 hours in the tomb. Over the years, it was expanded to include all the faithful and was lengthened in duration. The church finally settled on a 40-day Lenten fast, beginning on Ash Wednesday and concluding the Saturday before Easter (Sundays are not included in the count, as each Sunday is a little Easter, a weekly reminder of the Resurrection). The number 40 was chosen for it significance in the Bible—most notably because Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days—but also recalling the 40 days and nights of the rain in the flood story, the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, the 40 days Moses spent fasting on the mountain before he received the Law, and the 40 day journey of Elijah to Mount Horeb. Today, few Christians observe a Lenten fast, using the season instead as a period of introspection and self-evaluation, for Bible study and contemplative prayer. Often, people will give something up for Lent, or take on a spiritual discipline. With its emphasis on repentance, Lent’s liturgical color is purple.” So, that’s generally what Lent is all about. But here at Delmar United Methodist, the pastors and Worship and Education Teams have been cooking up something great for Lent this year! “Lent is the rushing journey toward Easter, but it is not a straightforward journey, there are tricks and turns along the way, and variables that change the course of events. In this Season of Lent, we will stop awhile at places where the Lenten story bends in order to recall our history and traditions, to retell our sacred stories, and to renew ourselves and our world.” Through worship we will recall our Hebrew Bible stories, we will retell our stories of Jesus, and we will consider together how we might renew ourselves and our world. To make the most of this season, we invite you to do two things: Worship! Worship each week with us, move with us through recalling, retelling, and renewing so that we might be ready for resurrection on Easter morning. Take on something (not just giving up something)! As we think about renewing ourselves and our world, we’ll be focusing on “The Kindness Quilt” by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace [hear it told to the children on 2/22!]. Each Sunday in Fellowship Hour, you’ll have a chance to make a kindness quilt square demonstrating how you showed kindness/compassion in the previous week so that together, as individuals and the church, we can show how following Jesus is making a difference in the world! Will you join us this Lent? [quotes from Seasons of the Spirit worship and Sunday School curriculum] THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 2 Church Ended 2014 with $50,000 Deficit; Pledges up 9% for 2015 First United Methodist Church of Delmar spent well below budget in 2014 but nonetheless ended the year with an operating deficit of $51,109 – cutting into our cash reserve and setting the stage for a challenging budget year in 2015. Leah Giordano, church treasurer, told the Administrative Council last week that preliminary figures show the church spent $598,140 on its operations last year. This was $53,624 below budget, as teams restrained discretionary spending. But income was $104,733 below budget. The reserve savings account ended 2014 at $79,232, down from $137,062 at the start of the year. The Finance Team is currently working to prepare an operating budget for 2015, for presentation to the Administrative Council later this month. Ed McEwan, chair of the Finance Team, said Consecration Sunday had been successful in yielding a net increase in 2015 pledges of about $24,000 compared to last year, including 94 new or increased pledges. Additional pledges are expected and McEwan said the net increase should end up at about $30,000. Buildings and maintenance account for about 12 percent of the operating budget; church operations, programs and parish cultivation account for about 9 percent. Payments to the conference come to about 17 percent and benevolences are about 6 percent. Questions may be directed to Ed McEwan ([email protected]) and/or Leah Giordano, ([email protected]) FUMC Budget Snapshot - 2014 vs. budget and vs. 2013 Compared to Budget Compared to 2013 $ 333,501 140,000 73,530 $ 547,031 - 114,163 (no change) + 9,430 - 104,733 - 11,375 (no change) + 11,277 - 122 $ - 23,410 - 12,774 - 2,223 - 12,424 - 2,607 - 905 - 1,035 + 1,754 (no change) - 53,624 + 23,435 + 883 - 1,490 - 3,386 - 3,444 - 587 + 11,301 + 9,730 + 330 + 36,772 2014 Final Income Contributions Use of investments All other TOTAL INCOME Expenses Staff compensation Church operations Church programs Parish cultivation Buildings and maintenance Taxes Capital improvements Conference Budgeted benevolences TOTAL EXPENSES Bottom line THE TELESCOPE 315,867 21,091 9,652 20,369 71,803 5,595 14,965 101,798 37,000 $ 598,140 (51,109) FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 3 Want to Learn More about Delmar United Methodist Church? Interested in Joining on March 8th? Ever wonder what church membership is all about? Do you need to be a member to come to church? To take communion? To attend Sunday School? To give of your time or talents? Nope! Everyone is welcome to receive the benefits of and participate in the ministries of this church. So we like to say that there are really no extra “perks” to being a member of the First United Methodist Church of Delmar. Instead, membership is about commitment; it’s about deepening your engagement with the church and making a public profession of faith to be a follower of Jesus in this place. Our members take a vow to support the church’s ministry through their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness — that’s what it is about! How do you become a member? It’s easy! 4 simple steps: Step 1: Inform us of your desire to become a member. This can be done in several ways. Simply talk with one of the pastors or you may mark that you are interested in joining on the WELCOME CARD in the pews. Rev. Iona will follow up with you later. Step 2: Attend a CONNECT EVENT. While it’s important that you know what it means to be a United Methodist, and the history of the church, and what is asked of you at your joining, we recognize that folks are much more likely to stay involved in the life of the church if you know other people in the church. So, at a CONNECT EVENT you’ll have a chance to meet others inquiring about joining the church as well as long time members. It’s a fun event (there’s always food!) so you won’t want to miss it. (Next one is Sunday, February 8th … attend Evening Worship at 5 and stay for the soup supper time after!) Step 3: Meet one-on-one with one of the pastoral staff. Remember how we said it’s important to know about the United Methodist Church and all that good jazz? This is the time to learn, ask questions, find out all you want to know. Bonus … it can be at your house, at a local coffee shop, or just about any location you find convenient! Step 4: Joining – Sunday, March 8th we will receive New Members! When you are ready, you get to confirm your faith and formally promise to support First United Methodist Church of Delmar with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness! It’s your chance to officially say “THIS is my church!” And, we give you balloons and cake too! Interested? Contact Rev. Iona at [email protected] or call 439-9976 VBS 2015 - SAVE THE DATE G-Force: God's Love in Action During the week of July 27-31, 2015 kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God during this fun filled week. Keep watching for registration details! Volunteers needed - if interested, contact Lisa Ball at [email protected] THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 4 U2 Sunday, February 8 @ 5 pm Delmar UMC Featuring LIVE music performed by local band Code Blue A free will donation will be taken to support “Stop Hunger Now” charist A Communion & Worship service with live music written by the rock band U2 Got a Skill in Communications? You Can Help Us! The Communicators Team is the small group of people who provide hands-on communications services for the church. We'd rather the group weren't quite so small - and we'd love to welcome some more volunteers who are willing to do additional communications work (brochures, signs, public service ads? - ideas would be great) or to back up current communicators. In our 2014 year-end report, we noted that the communicators have revamped our work a bit, based on the results of a survey of the congregation. We launched a completely redesigned and restructured web site, established a much more active Facebook presence, and upgraded the look and content of our weekly email newsletter. The monthly and weekly email newsletters are produced by Nan Rabinow, with backup on the Telescope from David and Mary Shaffer and on the weekly from Rev. Iona Dickinson. Rev. Iona updates our Facebook presence. Matthew Shoop posts on Twitter. Phil Jenkins produces videos for our YouTube channel. The new website was designed primarily to serve new and non-members, including those who come to the site through search engines when they are researching local churches. It has been getting over 3,000 visits a month. Most of the information provides background on our services and ministries, and stays in place week to week. That information is also of interest to members, of course, as are such things as the on-line calendar and the latest news (both accessed from picture buttons on the home page at www.delmarmethodist.org). The site gets small updates, THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 5 normally twice a week (with the weekly news posted under "The Latest," and with service and scripture information at the upper right of the home page). The site is maintained by David Shaffer, and was developed in collaboration with an outside vendor called faithconnector.com, which hosts multiple church sites around the country. More help would be welcomed immediately! Contact David at [email protected], if you'd like to pitch in. Reconciliation Team Updates The following Call to Worship was shared during morning worship on Sunday, January 21, 2015. These words were spoken by members of a relatively new ministry team called the FUMC Reconciling Exploration Ministry Team. The team is exploring the possibility of becoming a “reconciling” church. A reconciling church, community or campus ministry is a community that has gone through a period of discernment and has adopted a statement that includes a welcome to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. FUMC has held a number of educational programs to discuss this initiative, and plans to hold more in the future. We welcome all people who would like to join us on this faith journey. Call to Worship (1/21/15) Who is welcome here? People from any ethnicity or heritage, If you are 3 days old, 30 years old or 103 years old, Regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. If you've never stepped foot in a church; or if you are Buddhist, Roman Catholic, agnostic or are a life-long Methodist, If you are single, married, divorced, separated, or partnered, If you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Socialist or not registered to vote, No matter where life has taken you or the troubles you carry, If you own your own home, rent, live with your parents or are homeless, Regardless of any differing abilities you may have, You are welcome here! The congregation was invited on the 21st to vote on a proposed welcoming statement by response to a survey included within the bulletin. The following results although not a definitive vote show that there is large majority support to continue this conversation: Of the 181 individuals attending church on the 21st, 101 responses were received and a number of comments have been received since. From the 101 responses received on the 21st, 96 individuals voted yes indicating that they agreed with either the statement or the sentiment and 5 voted no. Many individuals offered well thought-out suggestions as to how we could improve the welcoming statement. A summary of the responses has been posted on the bulletin board located directly across from Room 207 (next to Church Office) on the second floor. Please take a minute to review the statement below and e-mail your comments to the Proposed Welcoming Statement below to Church Office at [email protected] indicating whether you agree or disagree and share your thoughts. We welcome all comments and suggestions on how to improve the statement. (cont’d.) THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 6 FUMC Proposed Welcoming Statement "The First United Church of Delmar is called to the ministry of reconciliation. We embrace, as a gift, the diversity of our community and the world. We celebrate our human family’s diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, age, faith history, economic status, marital status, physical and mental ability and education. While the church has made progress in being open and affirming to many groups, according to the language used within the Book of Discipline there continues to be condemnation and exclusion, or at least a tolerance of such condemnation through silence of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons from the community of faith. We believe such actions are inconsistent with Christ’ teaching of love above all. We affirm that all people are created in the image of God and as beloved children of God, and all are worthy of God’s love and grace. We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministries of the First United Methodist Church of Delmar as we journey toward reconciliation through Christ. We recognize that there are differences among us, but believe that we can love alike, even though we may not think alike. We proclaim this statement of welcome to all who have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in the church and society. We invite all people to join us in our faith journey toward greater love, understanding and mutual respect. Next Steps Our next step is to engage the congregation in further conversation about becoming a Reconciling Congregation. This process could take at least six months. When that process is completed the Reconciling Ministry Team will bring to the Administrative Council the recommendation to become a Reconciling Congregation. If approved by the Administrative Council the team would then advance the recommendation to become a Reconciling Congregation to a Church Conference the date to be determined. If the congregation should choose to affirm the recommendation to become a Reconciling Congregation at a Church Conference a second recommendation would follow for the adoption of the Proposed Welcoming Statement. Fellowship Hour Needs Cookies and Scouts on February 22! To honor our scouts and show our support of scouting, please bring a box (or two!) of GS cookies for fellowship hour on Feb 22! This is a great opportunity to show our love for what our kids - and grown-ups do in their scouting pursuits! We need any Scouts, child or adult to help host Fellowship Hour on February 22 as well! Please wear your uniform so you are recognized! Please contact: Jamie Cable, [email protected] or 439-4193 to let her know you will help host or bring cookies on the 22nd Thanks so much! THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 7 Church Conference Thirty plus congregants attended the Special Church Conference held on Wednesday, January 22. The Investment Guidelines were overwhelming approved and the resolution regarding funding of Church projects was referred to the Trustees for discussion and modification Church Audit During October and November, Stark and Basila CPAs PC conducted an audit of the church’s receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013. The accountants did not identify any internal control deficiencies that were material. There were three internal controls termed significant: 1. All Church financial resources should be recorded in the accounting system. 2. Bank reconciliations need to be reviewed and approved by the Treasurers. 3. Administrative Council minutes should have formal resolutions approving the Council’s decisions. One control not considered significant dealt with enhancements to the bill paying process. All of the above are being addressed and significant progress is being made. Copies of the auditor’s opinion and the statement of cash receipts and disbursements are available in the Church Office. Dear Delmar Methodists – We want to thank everyone for their part in helping to make my mother Velma Jones’ birthday party such a success, especially Karen Jones, JoAnn Supan, Deb Suparmanto, Karl and Debbie Parker and many other friends who made food and sent cards. We have not seen mom so animated or smile so much since she has been in assisted living. Since her recent hospitalization, she was weaker and non too happy. Now she is excited about getting back in shape to walk around outside of the building as soon as the weather is warmer! We were able to pull off the surprise by having her friend Millie bring her down to the community room as Denise wanted to conduct a service for them. Marilyn and Norm Fancher Mary Marthas The next meeting of Mary Martha will take place on Thursday, February 12 at 1 PM in the Lounge. We are going to do a repeat of a very popular program that was so much fun! So - be prepared to bring one or two items that have some special meaning to you. Last year among the many items were: paintings, a quilt, a ring, a poem, etc. See what you can come up with; and if you have never attended a Mary Martha meeting, come join us and contact either Barb Logan at 439-4782 or Shirley Milbert at 472-1298. THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 8 Friendship Club – February 20 Friendship Club’s program for February will feature Delmar UMC’s own Jim Knowles-Tuell. He will bring his guitar and entertain us with songs, both sacred and secular. Some will be familiar, while others will be new to you. You may even want to sing along – and you will be welcome to! Please notice the slight schedule change – this one is the third Friday of the month, not the fourth. Our pot-luck supper begins at 6:30 PM, (food should be brought in by 6 PM). Remember to bring your own place setting. All are welcome, singles, couples, members and non-members, young and young-at-heart, friends and neighbors. If you are able to bring a dish to share, the cost is $2. For others the cost is $7. Volunteers in the kitchen are always greatly appreciated – it’s not a difficult job. Reservations may be made by calling Marilyn Peterson at 439-8012 or [email protected]. Upcoming Events for Seniors on the Go (shared by Capital Area Council of Churches) Feb. 11: Oscar Party: 12:30 PM at St. Sophias Feb. 25: 1st Annual Seniors on the Go Community Resource Panel: 1:30 PM at St. Sophia (this event for a senior citizen, family member or caregiver) Feb. 26: Neighborhood Friends and Family Dinner: 6 PM First Lutheran Church Delmar UMC to Host Blood Drive On May 14 from 1-6 PM, Delmar UMC will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall. If there is a team/group from this congregation interested in sponsoring this drive (volunteer the day of the drive and assist with getting donors) please contact Nan in Church Office, [email protected] or 439-9976. Fair Trade/Equal Exchange for January This Sunday, February 8 at 11 AM during Fellowship Hour, Church & Society will hold their monthly sale of Fair Trade/Equal Exchange goods. The Exchange is offered the second Sunday of every month. 2015 Concert to Benefit the Children’s Programs of Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless of Albany Sunday, March 8 at 3 PM Featuring Capital District Youth Chorale The Music Studio of Albany University of Albany Chamber Singers Chancel Choir of Delmar Methodist THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 9 Prayers and Concerns Larry Dickinson, Barbara Whitney, Parker Hayes, Carol Willey, Sally Gazzetta, Kathleen Anderson, Carole and Woody Carver, Peg Miller, Juanita Jordan, Dottie Houston, Nancy McEwan, Ray Bell, Muguette Martel, Natalie Darrone, Karl Ebert, Delaney Beck, Mark Beauchamp, Anthony Macarelli, Tim Anderson, Paul Wos, John Mech, Lois Vadney, Susan Bradshaw, David Lemire, Nicoline Autrey, Chris Curit, Ellen Weston, Lynda Seitz, Larry Wilson, Roberta LaBour, Richard Larkin, Irma Crounse, Molly Anderson Keegan, Elias Carey, Diane Braden, Brian Rosse, Nancy Grenier, Jennifer Scott, Jean Tindall, Lillian Belfield, Ralph Doyle, Albert Mertz, Patricia Kavanaugh, Iris Klizak, John Ryan, Marge Larkin, Dr. Brolin Parker, Vincent Flanigan, Sudano Family, Owen McMasters, Laura and Edwin Busch. To all whose lives have been impacted by war, environmental disasters or trauma. THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 10 Church Calendar for the Month “Animate” Study Group (& 2/9,2/16) Membership & Evangelism Team Room 207 Library 1 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 -8:30 PM “Animate” Study Group (2/11,18) Staff Parish Relations Team Leadership & Nominations Team “Drop In” Hours with Rev. Iona Room 207 Library Pastor’s Office Panera Bread, Glenmont 5:30 PM Confirmation Retreat (ends 2/7 @ 2:15 pm) Upper Classrooms/FH 8:30 AM 1:30 PM Women-in-the-Middle JUMP Jr. Hi Youth Group Tool’s Restaurant Kitchen Monthly Fair Trade Sales Care Corps Confirmation Session #2 U2charist @Evening Worship & Soup Supper Connect Event (follows) Fellowship Hall Room 218 Room 216/FH Sanctuary Fellowship Hall Mon., Feb. 2 6:30 PM 7 PM Wed, Feb. 4 Fri., Feb. 6 Sat., Feb. 7 Sun., Feb. 8 11 AM 11 AM 11 AM 5 PM Tues., Feb. 10 1 PM 1 PM 7 PM Care Corps Worship Team Trustees Library Room 207 Room 207 Thurs., Feb. 12 1 PM Mary Marthas Lounge Presidents Day Observed Offices Closed Finance Team Room 207 Mon., Feb. 16 Tues., Feb. 17 7 PM Wed., Feb. 18 5:30 PM 6:30 PM Lenten Series Soup Supper Ash Wednesday Service Fellowship Hall Chapel Sun., Feb. 22 9:30 PM Scout Sunday Sanctuary Mon., Feb. 23 2:30 PM Loss & Hope Fellowship Lounge Tues., Feb. 24 6 PM Building Committee Room 207 Wed., Feb. 25 5:30 PM 7 PM Lenten Series & Soup Supper Administrative Council Fellowship Hall/Room 207 Hummel Chapel THE TELESCOPE FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 11 First United Methodist Church of Delmar 428 Kenwood Avenue Delmar, New York 12054-1806 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Delmar, NY - Permit No. 13 (518) 439-9976 ‘A Christian community, growing together in faith and in service to God’ Weekly Calendar Items Intermediate Choir (except 2/15) Morning Worship Church School Fellowship Hour Junior Choir (except 2/15) Theological/Social Issues Adult Bible Study Evening Worship Room 219 Sanctuary Classrooms Lounge Room 219 Room 216 Room 207 Hummel Chapel Men’s Breakfast Treasure Cove Thrift Shop Upper Room Study Group Four Corners 135 Adams St. Library Bible Study w/Mark Baumbach Delmar Place Thursdays 8:30-10 AM 10 AM 4-8 PM “Drop In” Hours w/ Rev. Iona “Needlestix” Craft Group Treasure Cove Thrift Shop Perfect Blend Lounge 135 Adams St. Saturdays 9 AM-1 PM Treasure Cove Thrift Shop 135 Adams St. Sundays 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:45 AM 11 AM 5:00 PM Tuesdays Wednesdays 8 AM 10 AM – 6 PM 7 PM 10:30 AM “Like” us on Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/FUMCdelmar! FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF DELMAR PROGRAMS FOR LENT 2015 February 18 (Ash Wednesday)—April 5 (Easter) As Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and culminates in Easter we too can work to create our own rebirth through new awareness and discovery. This church season asks us to focus on discovering God’s presence throughout history and in our lives today. Come join us as we educate, examine and stretch ourselves to realize the Easter awakening. Invite family and friends to walk this path with you. The FUMC Education Team Wednesdays During Lent Pot Luck Supper each Wednesday Feb. 18th—April 5th 5:30p.m. During the 7 weeks of our Lenten Program, you are invited to come for supper with your faith family. Bring a dish to share 5:30—6:30 p.m. Feel free to come for the whole hour or sneak in at 6:25 and grab supper to take to your program! We ask that each attendee bring a dish to share. You are welcome to come to the dinner even if you cannot stay for the program. Child Care Age appropriate child care will be available during the Lenten programs (6:30-7:30 p.m.). Programs (2 Choices each Night) 6:30—7:30 p.m. Between the weeks of Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday we will have 2 programs from which to choose. They can be enjoyed independently week to week. One will be primarily suited for adults and the other will be engaging for children and adults. Attending dinner is not required. Ash Wednesday Worship, March 5th 6:30—7:30 p.m. On Ash Wednesday, everyone will gather for a time of intergenerational worship and learning in our chapel. See reverse for future program alternatives! Wednesday, February 25 A BIBLICAL UNDERSTANDING IN THE 21st Century Room 207 Christians throughout history have kept the Bible relevant for their times. TV portrays Christianity frozen in the 50s. Join us in reexamining Bible lessons that speak to issues for our day. Led by our own Bryan Goddard Wednesday, March 4 A D U L T O R I E N T E D RELATIONSHIPS AND FIGHTING FAIR Choir Room All is fair in love and war. Are there some conventions to adopt to assure everyone wins? Learn to turn conflict into closeness. Led by Dr. David Olsen Exec. Director at Samaritan Counseling Center Wednesday, March 11 STRAM CENTER COOKING DEMONSTRATION Fellowship Hall Culinary Nutritionist shows how to create some new healthy snacks. We will taste everything he makes and keep the recipes! Please RSVP to [email protected] by Feb 25 Led by Eric Sharer, MPH, RD, CSO, CDN Of the STRAM Center Wednesday, March 18 A D U L T O R I E N T E D 6:30—7:30 p.m. LEARNING LENT Fellowship Hall Multiple stations for creative meditation, including the Labyrinth, will be available to learn about Lent. This will be time spent to encourage seeking, meeting and spending time with God (walking is NOT required) OPEN to ALL AGES Led by our own Rev Iona Dickinson 6:30—7:30 p.m. FREE THE PAIN, PREVENT THE PROBLEM TBD Find new understanding of posture, biomechanics and methods we can aid our own bodies in maximizing pain free health Led by Delmar Chiropractic 6:30—7:30 p.m. SING A NEW SONG Sanctuary From the newer Faith We Sing hymnal. Ken will introduce, explain and help you enjoy singing Led by our own Ken Loiacono Church Organist, Choir & Bell Choir Director IDEAS, INSPIRATIONS AND DETAILS FOR LOCAL OUTDOOR ADVENTURES TBD Learn from 40 years of experience and a slide show of where to find low cost outdoor activities in the Capital Region. Led by our own Rev. Denise Gisotti Led by Dr. Tom Denham owner of Dr Adventure THREE DAYS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD Room 207 From the book Who is this Man by John Ortberg is the basis for discussion. Walk these days with Jesus’ followers. Led by our own Connie Tilroe Wisdom from decades of study, reading and living T O A L L A G E S 6:30—7:30 p.m. A DIFFERENT WAY TO PRAY Chapel Through prayer we experience the presence of God in a variety of ways. Come explore ways to pray through prayerful movements, folk dancing and contemplative exercises. Wednesday, March 25 O P E N 6:30—7:30 p.m. WE ARE THE CLAY, GOD IS THE POTTER Room 218 Focus on touching beads in religions. Create your own prayer beads with attention to color and texture. All ages and talent levels are encouraged to explore this new awareness. Led by our own Jen Bailey Teacher of faith, creativity and fun Maundy Thursday, April 2. 5:30 Dinner and 6:30—7:30 Service On Maundy Thursday, we will gather for a potluck supper with emphasis on Middle Eastern foods and worship. Childcare will be provided during worship for the youngest in our midst. O P E N T O A L L A G E S Membership Role Update/Review In the fall, the Membership and Evangelism Team began the process of updating/reviewing the membership roles. The process began with a mailing to current members of the congregation who fall into the following categories (as stated by the Care of Members Paragraph 227, section b (1-5) of the United Methodist Book of Discipline) If a member residing in the community is negligent of the vows or is regularly absent from the church without reason (homebound, etc) … a letter will be sent (including grown children of current members who are post-college age and likely no longer living at home) If the member whose address is known as residing outside the community and is not participating in the worship or activity of the church, a letter will be sent If the address of the member is not known After mailing these letters (and we apologize that some active, giving members inadvertently got the letter!), we have retained over 50 folks, removed a little over 30, formally transferred about 5. In the process, we’ve identified 100+ persons who are listed as members, but whom we have no contact information. In keeping with The Book of Discipline, the below list is the folks who we have not heard from. This list was shared at the November Church Conference. A second letter will be sent in the fall of 2015, and if no further word directing us one way or another, the names of the persons listed will be removed from membership. This process is NOT being done to lower our shared giving with the Upper New York Annual Conference, as our giving is not based on membership numbers. Rather, it’s being done to more accurately represent who is a part of this congregation. The Book of Disciple asks us to do this process annually and it has been at least 5 years since a thorough review of the roles has been done. If you see have contact information for persons on the following list, please share that with the Church Office. And, if you have any concerns please feel free to talk with Anna Campas, Membership and Evangelism Chair, Brink Hartman, coordinator of this process, or Rev. Iona. Darrin Everleth Patricia Irzyk Cindy Mashuta Mark Randles Donald Smith Roger Woodin Helen Everson Denise Jadick Mike Mashuta Jeffrey Randles Heather Smith Laura Wyckoff Brian Farrell Christian Jadick Michael Mashuta Deb Brienza Priscilla Smith William Wyncoop Linda Carotenuto Gloria Jean Nicholas Mashuta Alei Rathjens Alyce Smith Jim Wyrough Matthew Elaine Jeram Bill Elze David Rathjens Joanne Smith Jan Xeller Ralph Carotenuto Carotenuto III David Jewell David Elze McKenzie Rathjens Peter Smith Ellen Yacobian Debra Feinberg Jamie Jewell Sue Elze Jesica Raymond Robert Smith John Yacobian Nancy Fey Wayne Johnson Robert Elze Michael Raymond Nancy Smith Brett Zick Randy Fisher Kathryn Johnston Lee Daniel Reed Elizabeth Smith Andy Zimnicki Jane Fisher Jen Kaler Leslie Massagee MatthewsStandfield Gretchen Reed Douglas Smith Jay Zimnicki Carol Fitzgerald Scott Kaler Cindy Michelin Scott Reed Kirk Smith Mark Flint Andrew Kanuck Jeanne Randles Doris Reed Sanford Smith, Jr Marlene Everleth Charles Keebel Zachary Mayes Nathan Reed David Sodergren Dick Everleth Donald Davies Laura Mazula Steven Relyea Gretchen Sodergren Shana Flood JoAnn Davies David McCann Wendy Relyea Barbara Soldano Donald Foley Peter Nye Mildred McCann Kenneth Relyea Chris Spinosa Dylan Foley Ruth Anderson Amanda McDonagh Christine Reuss Deborah Spinosa Gloria Foley Hope Kelley Heather McEvoy Mark Reuss Jimmy Spinosa Russ Counse Melvin Kelley Brian McKenna David Reynolds Vincent Spinosa Nathan Foley Sue Kells Karyn McKenna-Barry Brian Rice Shauna Spinosa Ian Foley Mark Kelp Liz McManeth Steve Rice Nicole Spinosa Johna Foro Jean Kerr Beau Melita Tim Rice Lance Sprinkle David France Megan Klim Pat Mendel Christopher Riedel Jaye Sprinkle Jason France Sue Klim Jennifer Miller Barbara Tate Ted Sprinkle Julie Funio Thomas Klim Charlene Miller Jim Tate Chad Sprinkle Charles Furman Alyssa Knaack Jonathan Millett Bradley Tate Jay Standish Jr. Emma Furman Phil Conway Stephen Millett David Riedel Pamela Standish Alexander Gebhardt Ryan Knaack Jodi Mongin Michael Riedel Scott Starker Kerry Gebhardt Daniel Knickerbocker Michael Mongin Gabrielle Ritaccio Mary Storm Phillip George Adam Kopp Gwen Moore Madeline Ritaccio Phillip Stoughton Cheryl Geurtze Alex Kopp Marilyn Moran Jeff Ritz Christina Stroud Vanessa Graf Mary Noble Jim Mortensen David Ritz James Stroud III Victoria Graf Lauren Kopp Gregor Mosley Linda Roberts Erica Sufrin Scott Gravlee Kara Kosoc Robin Mosley Marian Robertson Lisa Summerskill Amy Gray Meilissa Kreider Valerie Mosley Raymond Robertson Paul Sutliff Martha Babbitt Robbie Kuhn Kathie Motschmann David Robinson Lynda Sutliff Robert Babbitt Robert Kuhn Anna Prentiss Janet Robinson Paul Sweet Lisa Gray Samantha Kuhn David Doherty Jane Robinson Brenna Talbot Pg. 1 Melissa Hadad Errin Lagow Elizabeth Murphy Jill Roemer Frank Taylor Audrey Halvorsen Jim Lamb Melissa Muzik Gregory Roeth Patrick Teetsel Sr. Carl Halvorsen Mary Lamb James Myron Mary Rucks Jennifer Ten Eyck Kenneth Halvorsen Krista Lane Elnaz Najdmazhari Kent Russell Donald Terhune Ryan Schneider Brian Rudolph Mansfield Neal Christina Russell Evan Thorne Ellen Hammond Emily Rudolph Jonai Nertney Mark Russell Bradley Titus Lawrence Hammond Kevin Rudolph Melissa Nettleton Andrew Ryther Melody Toma Karen Harmon Nancy Rudolph Philip Nettleton Richard Ryther Walter Tool Dennis Harrington Judith Larkin Stephen Nickel Caitlin Ryther Diane Tortolani Dondrue Harrington David Larkin Anna Noble Rachel Ryther Jerome Tracy Nelson Harrington Katherine Lenox Mark Switzer Sandra Ryther Alexander Tracy David Harrington James Leonard Danny Noble David Saintcross Cathy Tracy Thomas Hart Dorothy Leonard Jean Nold Ty Sanderson Christopher Tracy Everett Hart Lesley Leuallen Paul Nold Daniel Santola Michael Tracy Tom Hart Linda Leuallen Gretchen Normand Jonathan Santola Emily Traylor Anne Jackson Katie Wiley Brendan Nugent Kathy Santola James Traylor Brendan Jackson Matthew Wiley Robert Nuzzo Laurie Schemmelfing Beth Trimmer Carrie Jackson Tracey Lewis Ronald Obach David Johnston James Trimmer Jr. Marnie Harvith Alan Lewis Deborah Oellerich Gary Schleich Matthew Tulloch Sara Haskins Shirley Lewis Brandon Ornoski Brenda Schmidt Ruth Turngren Kevin Hasselbach Donald Lindell Frank Ornoski Gordon Schmidt Tracey Turngren Nicholas Hasselbach Doug Hasbrouck Sharon Ornoski Priscilla Schmidt Christopher Urig Samantha Hasselbach Marilyn Hasbrouck Tara Ornoski Janis Schoonover Julia Urig Timothy Hasselbach Mark Counse Ruth Paige Kevin Schoonover Jeff Vadney Fred Hasselbarth Nathan Counse Charles Palmer Jr. Judy Schoonover Douglas Van Ness Timothy Haverly Shane Counse Marcia Pardoe Bob Schoonover Helene Van Nosdall Carolyn Hawkins sue Counse Alex Parker Craig Schreck Jack Van Nosdall Peter Hay Kathy Blanchard Corinna Parker Craig Schreck Margaret Veazey Norma Hayward Kevin Blanchard Douglas Parker Louise Schwartz Lynda Wade Nancy Heffelfinger Todd Wright Elaine Parker Jennifer Scott Nancy Waldron Matthew Heineman Douglas Lindell Eric Harris Susan Karen Ward Robert Heineman Nancy Du Bois Shannon Harris Betsy Kris Ward Jr. Dominick Hendrickson David Lloyd Russ Parker Becky Kris Ward Sr. Richard Hermann JR Douglas Lloyd Duncan Patton Sarah Scott SearleSchrader SearleSchrader SearleSchrader Melissa Warden Kenneth Herr CJ Hart James Peak Paul Secor Alan Brian Herrington Diane Lloyd Janeth Peak Monica Seebode Walter Warner Waterbury III Heather Herrington Ned Locke Tyler Russell Bertha Seelman Susan Waters Pg 2 Reed McEwan Amy Ludik Gail Wells Nancy Sevilla Tracey Waters Rob McEwan Margaret Lyman Don Pearsall Donald Stokoe William Waters Becky Herrington Mary MacDonald Gail Pearsall Leann Stokoe Chris Waters Cheryl Herrmann Jeanne MacDowell Laurie Pelham Victor Sevilla Melinda Waters Kirk Lamitie Judith MacDowell Kaitlyn Peterson Kathleen Shaffer Rob Way Sarah Lamitie William MacDowell Jim Peterson Matthew Shaffer Patricia Weiss John Anson Cindy Maclutsky Lauren Peterson Patrick Shaffer Ray Weiss Jeffrey Hodder Alison MacMillan Rita Peterson Rebecca Ten Eyck Wendy Weller Brian Hoeg Robert Kells Ryan Peterson Janet Shaffer Daniel Wheeler Kristin Hoeg Roger MacNamara Chris Philippo Craig Shufelt Jaclyn Wheeler Nancy Hoffman Roselyn Macri Susan Philippo Craig Shufelt Jamie Wheeler Barbara Hoffman Audrey Madison Timothy Philippo Holli Shufelt Linda Wheeler Doug Rice Mary O'Connor Stephen Piorkowski Carol Shultes Maddie White Geoffrey Rice Jeannie Mahony Ginny Plaisted Alfred Shutts Becky White Philip Rice Heather Mann Ben Porter Evelyn Shutts Pamela Whitwell Christina Hoffman K.J. Mann Chris Porter Chad Silber James Wiley Jim Hoffman Brendan Manning Rachel Porter Jennifer Silber Nathan Wilkie Jacqueline Hook Kelly Manning Brian Post Duane Silver Sarah Wilkie Edward Horn James Many Robyn Potter Regina Silver Wendy Wilkie Carolyn Houck Richard Many Beth Pritchett Lauren Sinacore James Willey Debra Howard Elizabeth Varney Raymond Pritchett Bob Sinacore Stephanie Willi Andrea Howard Mike Varney Lesette Pylant Adam Sinuc Suzanne Williams Corey Hutchins Thomas Marks Christina Qaiser Helen Smith Richard Willsey Spencer Hutchins Nancy Marr Huma Qaiser Priscilla Smith Edna Witherell Joel Vadney Betty Martin Tariq Qaiser Sharon Wondrasch Judy Ragone Pg 3