Newsletter March 2015 - Hermon Mar Thoma Church


Newsletter March 2015 - Hermon Mar Thoma Church
Newsletter March 2015
Hermon Mar Thoma Church
139 New Hope Road Lawrenceville GA 30046
Volume 2 Issue 51 March 2015
Dearly beloved,
March 2015
Inside the Issue
From the Vicar’s Desk
Already we have entered in to a new Lent season. This is a time for submitting our lives to
divine order.
Worship Schedule
I request all members to set apart more time for personal prayers and meditation and also
this is a time to reconcile with others.
Bible Readings
Birthday / Wedding
Anniversary Greetings
Church News /
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
I think we need a mature understanding of ‘who Jesus Christ is?’In Colossians Paul gives
us a deeper knowledge of Jesus. In Colossians 1:15-23 Apostle Paul gives us a mature
knowledge of “who Jesus is?”
In the Colossian Church, many believers were tempted to believe a Christ different from
the reality, influenced by some Gnostic teachers. The Christ which the Gnostics preached
was a cultural and philosophical creation of that time. In this context Paul writes to them a
letter from the prison, giving clarity about the person of Christ.
“For by him all things were created, in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible whether
thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities –all things were created through him and in him.”
Jesus Christ is preeminent .All creations are created by him for him and in him . So Jesus
was not an angel or not only the god of the world or flesh as some Gnostics teach. He is the
prime cause of everything, whether it is material or spiritual. In the appointed time the prime
cause of everything revealed to the world in human. Thus Jesus become the image of the
invisible God revealed to the creation. Here Paul attempts to convince Colossians that, they
could have full confidence in Christ because he is truly God and they needed nothing to
realize the fullness of their faith.
Popular Gnostic belief at that time was that Holy God cannot have relation with world
because world consists of flesh which is essentially evil. Contrary to their views In Jesus we
see a totally different attitude of God towards the world. He initiates an action of reconciliation
and peace through Jesus, who is the visible image of the invisible God.
Jesus reconciled the creation to God by his death and suffering .The word reconcile is used
to show the change in relationship between God and creation through Christ. God’s
reconciliation towards his creation through Christ is deep and strong. The Greek word used
here is ‘apokatallaso’ which means thoroughly reconciled, totally reconciled, completely
reconciled etc.Through Jesus we became holy and blameless and above all reproach(v.22).
Hermon Marthoma Church
March Newsletter 2015
Our position before God is elevated from hostility to son ship . This is a state of peace –
peace with God and all creation.
Sin spoiled the fullness of relationship between human and God. Son reconciled the spoiled
relationship and bring peace. Peace can be related with the meaning of Sabbath in the Bible.
After the creation God was in a state of Sabbath .Sabbath is actually the experience, when
creation is in order, good relationship and right actions. This means all his creation was good
and it fulfill the will of the creator.
Today also Person of Jesus Christ is challenged by the culture, literature and philosophy
.Many believers are misguided and influenced by them. Our goal should be strong in the faith
of Jesus Christ and continue in his power of reconciliation.
May God be with us.
Yours in His service
Binu Achen
Our history begins in the early 2000’s, when many Marthomites moved to the metro Atlanta area from the different
States. Many of them decided to settle around city of Lawrenceville, and surrounding areas. We were blessed to find a
Church then, in the Atlanta Marthoma church.
In a cottage prayer in 2005, the Lawrenceville area prayer group of the Atlanta Marthoma Church considered forming
Another congregation in the Lawrenceville area. This was to avoid the long commute to the Atlanta Marthoma Church.
After we obtained approval from our then Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilos Episcopa through our
then Vicar, Rev. Simon Behanan and with the approval of a General Body decision of the Atlanta Marthoma Church,
we were allowed by the Metropolitan to form a second Church. It was a humble beginning with 37 families. We believe
that the hard work, prayer and dedication of our concerned members and the initial committee members allowed our
creation. We are very proud to announce the following members for their contribution in forming the Hermon Marthoma
Church. The Prayer group selected Mr.Sagin Mamman to be the convener for the formation of Hermon Marthoma
Church in Lawrenceville and selected the committee members as; Mr. Abraham Thomas, Mr. Jacob Kurunthottical,
Mr. Lukose Tharian, Mr. Kurian George, Mr. Varughese Chacko, Mr. Samuel Varghese, Mrs. Gracy Tharian, and
and Mrs. Mariyamma Mathew.
As per the Kalpana, the Hermon Marthoma Church began her first service on November 6, 2005 at a rented property.
We have purchased our present church property on December 3rd, 2009, at 139 New Hope Rd., Lawrenceville GA
30046. The Diocesan Episcopa, Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarughese Mar Theodosius, on May 15, 2011, dedicated the Church
We have 62 Families at present and conduct worship service on every Sunday. The Church has been blessed to
function very well with the support of members and their organizations.
It was our dream, a congregation, to have our own church building, and that dream has been achieved. We would
also like to state we could not achieved our own place of worship, without mercy of our Almighty God, Blessing and
permission of our Diocesan Episcopa, the strong and sincere prayers of our then Rev. Thomas Mathew Achen, the
help of our sister parishes, and the hard work and help of the entire congregation, especially the executive and
building committee.
Prepared by the Secretary,
Sagin Mamman,
Hermon Marthoma Church
Hermon Marthoma Church
March Newsletter 2015
Worship Services: March 2015
Sunday, March 1
Pulpit Exchange & Diocesan Sunday. Holy Communion Service in Malayalam
by Rev. Kochu Koshy Abraham at 10 am.
Sunday, March 8
Praise & Worship Service in English at 10 am
Sunday, March 15
Holy Communion Service in English by Rev. Binu Thomas at 10 am.
Sunday, March 22
Praise & Worship Service in Malayalam at 10 am.
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday. Holy Communion Service in Malayalam by Rev. Binu Thomas at
10 am.
Monday, March 30
Sandhya Namaskaram by Rev. Scaria Varghese at 7 pm.
Tuesday, March 31
Sandhya Namaskaram by Rev. Scaria Varghese at 7 pm.
Wednesday, April 1
Sandya Namaskaram by Rev. Scaria Varghese at 7 pm.
Thursday, April 2
Monty Thursday. Holy Communion Service in Malayalam by Rev. Johnny
Joseph at 7 pm.
Friday, April 3
Good Friday. Service by Rev. Johnny Joseph at 9.30 am. First & Second
service will be in Malayalam. Third Service will be in English.
Sunday, April 5
Easter Sunday. Holy Communion Service in English by Rev. Johnny Joseph at
9.30 am.
Hermon Marthoma Church
March Newsletter 2015
Bible Readings: February 2015
1 Sunday
Healing and Wholeness (Medical Mission Sunday)
CH 43
Job. 42:1-12
2 Cor. 12:1-10
Isa. 42:1-9
Rev. 22:1-5
St. John 5:1-9
8 Sunday
Beginning of 120th Maramon Convention
CH 76
15 Sunday
Gen. 1:24-31
Eph. 1:3-14
Exo. 17:1-6
Gal. 5:16-24
Pethrutha: Beginning of Great Lent-Lent: A time of reconciliation - End of 120th Maramon
C.H. 211
Gen. 45:1-15
2 Cor. 5:16-21
Eph. 2:11-22
St. John. 2:1-11
1 Cor.1:10-17
22 Sunday
CH 222
Touching the untouchable (2nd Sunday in Lent)
2 Kings. 5:1-10
Rom. 15:7-13
1 John. 1:5-10
Hermon Marthoma Church
March Newsletter 2015
March Birthdays
March 01
Alice George.
March 04
Shari Joseph
March 05
Glory Jacob Mathew
March 05
Lukose Tharian
March 05
Shaji Alexander
March 07
Varughese Chacko
March 07
Bindu Mathews
March 12
Angie Cherian
March 12
Leah Miriam Jacob
March 13
Santhi Varghese
March 17
Philip Thomas
March 17
Evangeline Binu
March 20
Liza Zachariah
March 22
Alexis Ann Jacob
March 23
Beena Kurian
March 24
Jobin Wilson
March 24
Maya Cherian
March 24
Nicholas E George
March 29
Joshua Abraham
March 29
Sindhu Rachel Philip
March 29
Geetha C Thomas
March 31
Neena Samji
Hermon Marthoma Church
March Wedding Anniversaries
March 08
Philip & Shari Joseph
March Newsletter 2015
Church News & Announcements
Special Prayer Meetings
Youth Fellowship
We are conducting the World Day of Prayer on March
7 at 10 am in the Church.
1. Youth Fellowship will be conducting a Youth Retreat
on March 13 -15 at Congress Hotel, 5885 Oak Brook
Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30093.
Prayer Meeting and Activities of the
Will be announced soon
2. The Youth Fellowship will be volunteering at the
Autumn Leaves Alzheimer’s & Memory Care Nursing
Home at Sugarloaf (1475 Satellite Blvd. Suwanee, GA
30024) on Saturday, March 28 at 2 PM.
Sunday School
Sunday School will commence at 8.45 am on every
Sunday. There will be no Sunday School on Easter
Organization Event
To be announced
2013 Organization Representatives
Sunday school
Mrs. Gracy Tharian
Mrs. Anisha Philip
Mrs. Angie Cherian
Committee Member
Mr. Shajan Thomas
Mrs. Lovely Varghese
Hermon Marthoma Church
March Newsletter 2015
Edavaka Mission
Vice President
Mr. Mathew Samuel
Mr. Wilson Mathen
Mr. Abraham Thomas
Committee Member
Mrs. Marykutty John
Mr. Chacko Varghese
Sevika Sangham
Vice President
Mrs. Glory Jacob
Mrs. Elizabeth Samuel
Mrs. Marykutty John
Mrs. Reena George
Choir Master
Mr. Mannil George
Asst: Choir Master
Mrs. Rajani Binu
English Choir Rep
Ms. Crystal Philip
Mr. Jobin Wilson
Mrs. Saly Sagin Mamman
Mr. Binu C Abraham
Hermon Marthoma Church
March Newsletter 2015
Youth Fellowship
Vice President
Mr. Sean George
Mr. Jobin Wilson
Joint Secretary
Ms. Crystal Philip
Ms. Cherubin Itty
Committee Member
Mr. Nibin Thomas
Ms. Angela Samuel
Regional Representative
Mr. Joyel George
Ms. Jaysly George
Mrs. Marykutty John
Yuvajana Sakhyam
Committee Representative
Mr. Chacko Varghese
Young Family Fellowship
Mr. Chacko Varghese
Building Committee
Mr. Chacko Thomas
Mr. George Mathew
Mr. Philip Alexander
Mr. Shiboo Varghese
Hermon Marthoma Church
March Newsletter 2015
Hermon Mar Thoma Church Atlanta, Contact Information
Deadline for the 2014 Newsletters:
Please submit articles or point of interest to the secretary, HMC before 15th of every month for the
upcoming issue. Your prompt attention to this deadline is highly appreciated.
Please limit articles to ONE page.
Vicar & President
Rev. Binu Thomas
954 415 1290
Vice President
Mr. Abraham Thomas
770 401 8182
Mr. Sagin K Mamman
404 229 7054
[email protected]
Mr. Samuel Varghese
404 395 9361
[email protected]
Mr. Binu C Abraham
678 773 4580
[email protected]
Web master
Mr. Shajan Thomas
770 654 2216
[email protected]
Hermon Marthoma Church
[email protected]
March Newsletter 2015