- Blyth Christian Reformed Church


- Blyth Christian Reformed Church
Sunday, March 08, 2015
Bulletin # 10
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“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,
for true and just are his judgments. Revelation 19:1b – 2a
Welcome: May the Lord bless us as we worship and fellowship together. If you are visiting, we
extend a special welcome and please join us downstairs for coffee and a time of fellowship after
the morning worship service.
Welcome and Announcements
* Song of Praise #2(LUYH) O Worship
the King
* Call to Worship
* God’s Greeting
* Song of Reflection: The Power of
the Cross
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 25:1-9
Song of Thanksgiving: Jesus Messiah
(children come forward for the
children’s time)
Children’s Time
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: Matthew 22:1-14,
Revelation 19:1-9
Message: Celebration of Justice
Prayer of Application
* Song of Response: How Deep the
Father’s Love for Us
Congregational Prayer
Offertory Prayer
Offering: (1) Church (2) Caring for the
Heart Ministries
* Song of Response: I Stand Amazed in
the Presence
* Benediction
* Doxology : Salvation Belongs
to Our God
The PreK – gr 1 age children will be leaving after the
children’s message for Sunday School. (exit at the FRONT of the sanctuary)
The rest of the Sunday School children and teachers will leave during the parting hymn.
Next Sunday:
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services.
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services.
Sunday, March 08, 2015
Bulletin # 10
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* Call to Worship
* #482(LUYH): Soon and Very Soon
#34(LUYH): What Adam’s Disobedience
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: 2 Thessalonians 1
Belgic Confession, Article 37
Message: The Final Judgement
Prayer of Application
* #614(GPH): Day of Judgement!
Day of Wonders!
Prayer Requests and Prayer
Offering: (1) Church
(2) Caring for the Heart Ministries
* #488(LUYH): Jerusalem the Golden
* Benediction
* Doxology #490(LUYH), 1,2,5: Here
from All Nations
(1) Church (2) Caring for the Heart Ministries (Bob Bramhill) in Wingham.
The cfth recently became involved in the training of interns, who then can provide this ministry
elsewhere. In order to facilitate that training a new room has been added at the ministry centre in
Wingham. Our financial contributions will help them install the necessary electronic equipment to
make this training possible.
Next Week:
(1) Church
(2) Larry and Tracey Luth and children in Haiti
Future offerings: March 22 – GEMS;
March 24 (Prayer Service) – Salvation Army Wingham Food bank;
March 29 – Huron Christian School.
April 3 (Good Friday) – Room to Grow (Clinton);
April 5 – Home Missions
❅ Congratulations to all those celebrating birthdays this week:
Jacob Wiersma – March 8
Bryan Klasen and Rebecca Schultz – March 9
Barb Bos – March 10
Ryan Sjaarda – March 12
Doreen Siertsema – Happy 80th! - March 13
Pat Poortinga – March 13
❅ Please keep Audrey Bos in your prayers as she travels. She will be sharing her adventures
at www.audreybos.blogspot.ca .
Sunday, March 08, 2015
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❅ In the past week Frances Wynja and Anne Mulder passed away. These two women were
family and friends of many in our congregation. Their untimely passing as a result of cancer
reminds us of the frailty of life. During this time of mourning we are also reminded that God
provides his children with eternal life. The knowledge of the life they experience through
Jesus Christ comforts us and gives us strength.
❅ Keep in prayer those who experience difficulty because of the winter weather. A week ago
our pipes froze in the church, and that is a small inconvenience to us. Many households in
our communities also experience frozen water lines, and for them this is much more than a
minor inconvenience. We are blessed with excellent service from our utility providers, but
sometimes we realize that only when things don’t work well.
March 8
Next Week
March 15
Karl & Anita
Bert & Susan
Walter & Kathy
Lisa Baarda
Shawn Reinink
Karl Boven
Gerry & Brenda
Louis & Nancy
Terry & Kim
Hillie VanAmersfoort
Luke Bouman
Jane Klasen
Calvin Bakelaar
Micah Nonkes
Mark Siertsema
Jacob Nonkes
Andrea Shortreed
Travis Wilts
Megan Exel
Douwe Top
Jamie Reinink
Justin Baarda
Deb Siertsema
Leah Filiatreault
Kaleb Wilts
Praise Team
Richard Bergsma
Audrey Bos
Kyle Bos
Diana Sjaarda
Jordan Shortreed
Leanne Exel
Louis & Nancy
Terry & Kim
John & Jenny
Two Weeks
March 22
Gems Sunday
Music- am
JK – gr 1
SS Helper
Prayer Service: Tuesday, March 24th at 7:30 pm
Ushers: Dan Baarda and Raymond Wilts
Mystery Coffee: Don't forget to sign up for Mystery Coffee (March 15th). Place your
completed forms in the box under the mail slots or contact Karen at 519-357-3357 or
[email protected]
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Reports: It is the time of year when we look forward to being outside again, and our Spring
Congregational Meeting. All groups need to submit a written report to be included in the package
by March 24th. They can be put in Anita Boven’s mailbox, or e-mailed to [email protected] .
Please include information about the last year, blessings, and concerns, that you would like the
congregation to know about. If you are interested in presenting a verbal report instead or in
addition to the written report, let Luke or Rick know.
The Coffee Committee cleaned the church kitchen cupboards recently and several items were
found not belonging to the kitchen. Please check the bench under the mail boxes to see if any of
it belongs to you. Any items not picked up in the next few weeks will be donated to Rack & Room.
SERVE 2015 Huron Serve is set for June 27-July 4 2015 at the Vanastra Community CRC.
At this point we have all the spaces filled and we have people from all our sister CRC churches on
the host team for the first time and look forward to working together as we prepare for the week
Gil Clelland is our speaker and this year he has written the material we will be using for the week.
The theme is "The other 51", what do we do after the week of serve and how do we carry what we
learned in the rest of the year. The music is once again our awesome Praise Band, who are eager
to be a part of this ministry! We meet once a month right now to start making plans and getting to
know each other as team members. We ask for all your continued support in ways of prayers,
financial support and volunteers where needed. We will keep everyone informed as to what is
needed as we get closer to the week. May this week be a blessing to all involved and as the
theme for the year states may it be cared throughout the year ahead.
Wingham and District Right to Life annual banquet will be held on Wednesday, April 22 at 6:45
p.m. at the Columbus Centre. The guest speaker will be Alex Schadenberg from Euthanasia
Prevention Coalition. Tickets are $20 or $15 for students. Please contact Brenda Sjaarda for
Worship Conference and Concert: Trinity Christian Reformed Church in Goderich will be
hosting a Worship Conference and Concert with Robin Mark and the Belfast Band on Saturday,
April 11th! The Worship Conference is entitled “Matters of Significance: Learning and Encouraging
Authentic Worship” and will run from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm on Saturday. The Concert will begin at
7:00 pm. The Worship Conference will be of great value particularly for anyone involved in
worship planning and sound in your faith community. View full details and ticket purchase
information at www.trinitychurchgoderich.ca .
Listowel Christian School Spring Auction will be held Friday, March 27th at 7:30 in the school
gym. Dinner and silent auction will begin at 6:00pm. If you would like to donate an item or gift
certificate to our Auction, you may send it to the school or contact Tonia-Joy Skipper at 519-4183333. We hope to see you there for fun, food, and fellowship in support of the school.
London District Christian Secondary School is accepting applications for a full time Math
position for the 2015-2016 school year. For more information, please go to the LDCSS web page
at http://www.ldcss.ca/contact-jobs.aspx
Sunday, March 08, 2015
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Next Youth Executive meeting is this Wednesday, March 11 @ Becky's
house @ 7:30 PM.
SERVE: Registration payment & online registration is due March 12th.
PS - we still need leaders and vehicles...can you do this?
Next YOUTH GROUP....BARF (Bring A Real Friend) night is this
Thursday, March 12! Bring a friend and prepare to (hopefully not!) barf!
NO Youth Group/Faith Instruction for the March Break.
March 22nd: Woodstock CRC is hosting an All Ontario Youth Convention "preview" night in the
evening with the band and speakers that are going to be at the AOYC this year. Some of us are
going - let Becky know if you're planning to join! (Did I mention it's free!?)
Young People Hockey:
March 21 Drayton and Blyth – in Harriston at 9:30 PM
March 28
Drayton and Blyth – in Wingham at 8:30 PM (if needed)
The following is a summary of the March 2nd Full Council Meeting:
Evening Services – Council discussed ideas for improving the attendance of the Sunday PM
services. One of the barriers to attendance mentioned was that it is too late for families with
younger children. Please provide any comments to your elder regarding moving the service to, for
example, 6 PM from 7:30.
Building Addition – The deadline for submitting comments on the proposed addition concept
was March 1st. Council will accept comments for another week. The process to obtain title to the
small parcel in the parking lot is ongoing. In order to not delay the repair of the fellowship hall
floor, council is going to run two processes at the same time. The first is to direct the Building
Committee to develop a preferred approach and cost estimate to repair the floor, and would also
involve removing the current kitchen. A full kitchen may not be replaced and the Building
Committee is to gather input regarding a workable solution. The reason for not fully updating the
kitchen is that council is still pursuing the second process of an addition or other facility upgrade
that will allow the delivery of quality programs. A kitchen may be part of this solution, and
therefore we want to redo as little work as possible.
March 22 – GEMS Sunday
March 24 – Prayer Day Service
April 3 – Good Friday – Lord’s Supper
April 5 - Easter Sunday (no PM service)
April 12 – PM service will be a video
April 13 – Spring Congregational Meeting
May 10 – Mothers’ Day – no PM service
Sunday, March 08, 2015
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The Turning by Davis Bunn
A voice, five very different people were summoned by God to obey. Their meeting would result in
a challenge to the direction of the nation and wage war against powerful industries in N.A. How
will the group stand against the evil powers of greed and darkness vying to crush their message of
Plain Jayne by Hillary Manton Lodge #1 in Plain & Simple series
Jayne is a reporter in a big city. After losing out on a career opportunity, she decides to escape to
Oregon, Amish country, to maybe find a story, but finds life there more complicated than expected
Simply Sara by Hillary Manton Lodge #2 in Plain & Simple series
Sara is a quilt making, fashion loving Amish girl who runs away from her home and tries to find
her way in the “English” world.
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws,
blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com.
Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
The All Ontario Youth Convention - is just a few months away! This high-energy weekend helps
teens discover their identity in Christ. Register online at allontario.com/register before April 15.
Know someone who wants to come but can't afford registration? Email
[email protected].
FREE WEBINAR - Join Rev. Martin Vellekoop on March 25 for “Disagreeing Agreeably: Practicing
Grace Instead of Exerting Control”. This free, one-hour webinar is designed for any Christian who
desires to grow in their own capacity to be a grace-filled presence in the middle of a challenging
exchange. For more details, registration, and webinar handouts visit crcna.org/webinars.
HELP LAUNCH GOD LOVES ME - This Tuesday, March 10, is the deadline to support the
revised edition of "God Loves Me" storybooks! Help make this project happen by preordering a set
of 52 storybooks (which are also great baptism, new baby, and special occasion gifts) at 40% off
the regular price. Learn more at FaithAliveResources.org/GodLovesMe or call 800-333-8300.
AOYC 1975 - Did you attend an All Ontario Youth Convention - as a young person, youth leader,
speaker, or organizer - in the 1970s or early 1980s? Do you have stories or photos of early All
Ontario Youth Conventions? If so, I'd love to hear from you. I'm working on a story for the Banner
News, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Convention. Email [email protected]. Thanks!
Inspirational Women’s Conference on Sat, April 11th from 9:00am – 4:00 pm at The Meeting
House, 2700 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ont. Registration: www.coffeebreakontario.com. Cost:
before March 28th $40 after March 28th $45.
Sunday, March 08, 2015
Bulletin # 10
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Support the Lift Up Your Hearts Large Print Edition
There are 28 days left to support the crowdfunding campaign for the Lift Up Your Hearts Large
Print edition. We’re thrilled with the response we’ve received so far, but we still need 27 more
backers before March 31. Claim your copies for $35 US per copy (a $5 savings) and free
shipping. Your credit card will not be billed until the full goal is reached and the project is a go.
Calling All Graduates! If you are graduating from high school, are pursuing post-secondary
education, and have made a contribution to the pro-life movement, we would love to hear from
you! You may be eligible to WIN the Wingham Right to Life Bursary. Please contact Brenda
Sjaarda at 519-526-7444 or at [email protected] for an application for this award. If you
know someone who might qualify for this award, please encourage them to apply. We would love
to hear all of the wonderful ways in which our youth are making a difference in support of life. The
deadline for completed applications is June 1st.
Sunday School (Pre K –gr 1) ...................................................................... after the children’s time
Sunday School / Faith Instruction Classes (gr 2 – gr. 8).........................................after am service
Sunday Services ................................................................................................... 10 am & 7:30 pm
Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am
Worship Committee Meeting at Brian’s....................................................................................... pm
Coffee Break ............................................................................................................ 10 – 11:30 am
Evening Coffee Break ............................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Gems (girls gr. 4-8) .................................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Cadets (boys gr. 4-8) ............................................................................................... 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Youth executive meeting at Becky’s ................................................................................... 7:30 pm
Time of Prayer at Quartel’s .............................................................................................. 10:00 am
Bulletin Deadline ................................................................................................................. 5:00 pm
Youth Group............................................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am
Church & Minister: 519-523-4743
Minister: Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen email: [email protected] .
Home: 226-523-5566 and cell: 519-441-7805
Clerk Mr. Rick Steele 519-526-7446 e-mail: [email protected]
Blyth CRC Web Site: www.blythcrc.ca
Bulletin Announcements: call Anita Boven: 519-523-9492 or e-mail
[email protected] before 5:00 pm on Thursday.
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Thank You for your Support: - Your gifts and offerings on March 1, World Renew DRS Sunday,
are helping DRS volunteers reach North American families, offering hope to those struggling to
recover from a disaster. If you have yet to make a gift, please give at worldrenew.net/donate, call
1-800-730-3490, or mail a cheque (designated “DRS” in the memo line) to World Renew, 3475
Mainway, STN LCD 1, Burlington, ON, L7R 3Y8.
"Journey with Me" – launch of a refugee workshop - Join us Saturday March 28, 9:30 am - 1 pm
at First Christian Reformed Church (67 Taunton Rd, Toronto) to experience the workshop, learn
about available resources, and share a lunch. Mary Jo Leddy – author, theologian, social activist –
will be the guest speaker. She is widely respected for her work with refugees at Toronto’s Romero
House. RSVP to Rebecca Walker: [email protected].
CAMPUS CHAPLAIN - Campus Ministry at Dalhousie University, a ministry of the Christian
Reformed Church, seeks to hire a half-time Campus Chaplain, beginning August 1, 2015.
Interested applicants should send a letter of application, resume, three references and a brief
vision for campus ministry to: [email protected]. A job description is available upon
request, for more information, please contact Len Diepeveen, Chair of the Search Committee. The
competition closes on March 31, 2015.
FLAWS BRING US BACK TO GOD: - Join us as we study the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5, and
discover how God uses our human flaws to help us recognize our need for him. Join us each
week: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at ListenToGroundwork.com or visit
GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio station or listen now.
DIRTY JOBS: - Chance Calhoun and the Rodeo are in town! Liz wonders what it takes to be a
true cowboy even if it means he has to get a little dirty. Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals
every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Be sure to download this special song, “Leap
of Faith,” at kidscorner.net/offer.
ENGLISH SUMMER CAMP IN KYRGYZSTAN - Model a Christ-like life to young teens coming
from nominal Muslim backgrounds, as a summer camp leader in this south Asian country. Details
for this three week volunteer position starting in late June 2015 can be found at www.crwm.org or
contact [email protected].
POVERTY AND POOR HEALTH - often go hand in hand. Share your skills and experience at a
Christian hospital in Tanzania. Three 6-to-12-month positions are available for medical volunteers
to assist the African Inland Church Hospital in treating patients with quality care. More information
on this rewarding opportunity is available at www.worldrenew.net/gvp or [email protected].
Mark the date! The LDCSS 50th Anniversary Golf Tournament will be held on WEDNESDAY,
September 16, 2015, at Forest City National Golf course in east London, with a 1:00 pm shotgun
start. Come enjoy great sport, great food and great fellowship in support of LDCSS! We are
welcoming golfers and inviting sponsors from the LDCSS community to come together to support
Christian Education. For more information or to register visit www.ldcss.ca