Weekly Bulletin - Blyth Christian Reformed Church


Weekly Bulletin - Blyth Christian Reformed Church
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Bulletin # 12 GEMS Sunday
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Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying
“Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said,
“Here am I. Send me!”
Isaiah 6:8
A sincere and warm hearted welcome to each and everyone who has
come to worship our loving and faithful God on this day. We extend a special welcome to our
GEMS and their leaders on this GEMS Sunday as they will be participating in the service
today. Please join us downstairs in the fellowship hall after the morning worship service for a time
of fellowship and coffee.
Entrance Song: He Reigns
* Call to Worship: Psalm 98:1-4 (GEMS)
* God’s Greeting
GEMS Song – I Will Follow
Song #340(LUYH) I Give You My Heart
Scripture Reading: John 3:16,17 (GEMS)
Song #738(LUYH) Jesus, All for Jesus
GEMS Litany (Jaden Shortreed)
Song #603(LUYH) Shout to the Lord
(children come forward for the
children’s message)
Children’s Time
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 6 (Taylor Proctor)
Message: Send Me?
Prayer of Application
* Song of Response Shine, Jesus Shine
Congregational Prayer (Mikayla Brak and
Jillian Shortreed)
Offertory Announcement (Heidi Brak)
Offertory Prayer (Emily van Leeuwen)
Offering: (1) Church (2) GEMS
Class Presentations
GEMS Song - Jesus is all the World to Me
* Benediction
* Doxology (Song of Praise) #340(LUYH)
Blessed Be Your Name
The PreK – gr 1 age children will be leaving after the
children’s message for Sunday School. (exit at the FRONT of the sanctuary)
The rest of the Sunday School children and teachers will leave during the parting hymn.
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services.
It will be GEMS Sunday in the AM with the GEMSs participating in the service.
Prayer Day Service: Tuesday, March 24th at 7:30 pm
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Next Sunday:
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Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in the morning service.
Palm Sunday Evening we are inviting you
to come and walk/drive through our surrounding churches. Schedule goes....
† 6:30 pm Huron Chapel EMC, Auburn - Palm Sunday Parade
† 7:00 pm Blyth Christian Reformed Church - Anointing
† 7:30 Living Water Christian Fellowship (EMC) - Last Supper
† 8:00 p.m. Blyth United Church - Garden / Trial
† 8:30 p.m. Trinity Anglican Church - Crucifixion
† Refreshment and fellowship time will follow at Trinity Anglican. Folks are asked to bring
a disposable plate of goodies to share. Those walking between churches may wish to park at
Blyth CRC so they can get to their vehicle easily after the fellowship time at the Anglican Church.
Good Friday Service: will be on Friday, April 3rd at 10:00am. We will be celebrating the Lord’s
Easter Sunday: Sunday, April 5th the morning service will be at 10:00am. There is no evening
Bring the Message Litany
Leader: We have a message to share with world.
GEMS: It’s Jesus! He is the Good News!
Cong: God sent Jesus to the world to share the message that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
Leader: When we’ve been changed by His message-when we join
God’s family-His love compels us to share the good news of Jesus
with others. Isaiah did.
When he saw Jesus’ glory, he was eager to accept his commission.
All: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I
said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).
GEMS: God’s messengers talk about Jesus with as many people as they can.
Cong: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the
hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).
GEMS: God’s messengers show God’s love to as many people as possible.
Cong: Jesus said, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this
everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35).
Leader: God is still looking for people to bring the message through their words and example. Are
you available and willing to be God’s messenger?
All: Heavenly Father, Jesus is the greatest news of all time. Bless our words and the work of our
hands for the purpose of bringing Your message to all people. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
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* Call to Worship
* God’s Greeting
* #297(GPH) O Come, My Soul
#755(LUYH) Speak, Oh Lord
Prayer for Illumination
* Scripture Reading: Hosea 1-3, 11
Message: Did He Marry the Wrong Person?
Prayer of Application
* #127(LUYH) Jesus Heard with Deep
Prayer Requests and Prayer
Offering: (1) Church (2) GEMS
* #387(LUYH) The Day You Gave Us,
Lord, Is Ended
* Benediction
* Doxology #3(LUYH) The Heavens
Declare Your Glory
(1) Church (2) GEMS The offering today will be used to support the
ministry of our local GEMS club, and to provide support for the encouragement and inspiration of
teams of GEMS counselors, as they help bring girls everywhere into a living, dynamic relationship
with Jesus Christ.
Prayer Day Service: Tuesday, March 24th – Salvation Army Wingham Food bank
Next Week:
(1) Church (2) Huron Christian School.
April 3 (Good Friday) – Room to Grow (Clinton)
April 5 – Home Missions
April 12 – World Renew
April 19 – Vanastra SERVE ministry
Congratulations to all those celebrating birthdays this week:
Brenda Sjaarda – March 22
Margaret Steele and Brookelynn Bos - March 23
Richard Bergsma - March 24
Daniel Bouman – March 25
Ainsleigh Siertsema – March 27
Jaime Van Gent – March 28
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In our congregation there are a number of families (parents and grandparents) expecting
additions to their families through the birth of children. The ability to have children was God’s
first blessing on human kind, and he continues to pour out his blessings on us. Let’s pray for
health for mothers and unborn children.
Let us also remember those our brothers and sisters in the Lord who have lost loved ones in
the past months and years. It is easy for the rest of us to forget quickly, but for those who
have experienced a loss, the grief continues often for a long time. We thank God for the gift
of eternal life, and we pray for his comfort and strength in times of grief and sorrow.
March 22
Next Week
March 29
Two Weeks
April 5
Gems Sunday
Palm Sunday
John & Jenny
John & Jane
Keith & Helen
Martin Wilts
Jesse Baarda
Daniel Bouman
Eric & Giena
Jim & Sylvia
Dave & Kirsten
Calvin Bakelaar
Rick Steele
Calvin Bakelaar
Praise Team
Jamie / Jessica
Richard Bergsma
Audrey Bos
Kyle Bos
Diana Sjaarda
Jordan Shortreed
Leanne Exel
Andrew Bos
Cheryl Bakelaar
David Passchier
Anita Boven
Adam Shortreed
Shelby Greidanus
Tracy / Exel siblings
Offertory: Janelle & Jason
No Evening Service
Douwe Top
Jamie Reinink
Justin Baarda
Marg Steele
Kyle Bos
Emily VanLeeuwen
John & Jenny
John & Jane
Keith & Helen
Music- am
JK – gr 1
SS Helper
Prayer Service: Tuesday, March 24th at 7:30 pm
Ushers: Dan Baarda and Raymond Wilts
Good Friday – Friday, April 3rd at 10:00 am LORD’S SUPPER
Greeters: Elders
Ushers: Merv Datema and Justin Baarda
Music: Jannie
Scripture Reading: Hillie VanAmersfoort
Nursery: Brenda Sjaarda, Jaden Shortreed and Kendra Bos
PA: Micah
Projector: Mark Camera: Jacob
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Prayer Service On Tuesday, March 24 at 7:30pm we will gather for prayer as a
congregation. While we all can pray individually or with family and friends, it is good to
gather together as a worshipping community and raise before God our needs and the
needs of the world.
Spring Congregational Meeting: will be on Mon, April 13, 2015 at 7:30 pm.
Reports for Congregational meeting: All groups need to submit a written report to be included
in the package by Tuesday, March 24th. They can be put in Anita Boven’s mailbox, or e-mailed to
[email protected] . Please include information about the last year, blessings, and concerns, that
you would like the congregation to know about. If you are interested in presenting a verbal report
instead or in addition to the written report, let Luke or Rick know.
SAVE THE DATE: July 20-24th. VBS is coming to Blyth
again this summer so save this date. We're so excited and
you will be too with the lively songs, hilarious skits, creative
crafts, exciting games, inspiring Bible stories and tasty snacks
- all the things you love about VBS including some wacky
science. Mark your calendars - everyone can be
involved in the fun!! Sneak peak coming soon.
VBS Helpers As we begin another VBS planning session we are once again anticipating a large
amount of excited and energetic children as well as the need for lots of volunteers. Our VBS
program is not possible without volunteers. As you make plans for your summer, please
prayerfully consider helping in the following areas:
 Craft leaders and helpers
 Group leaders
 Science Station leader
 Bible story station leader
 Snack Station Leader and helper
 Skit and opening Leader as actors
 Babysitters
 Games Leader and helpers
 Memory work station helpers
 Thursday evening (July 23rd) BBQ set up and clean-up crew
 Morning Leaders Devotion
Please let Valerie or Karen know soon that you will help and where you feel you are best suited.
God will do wonders though you in this ministry.
Grandparents/Seniors Day: Huron Christian School would like to invite all our senior friends to
our annual Grandparents/Seniors Day to be held on Friday, April 10. We have planned a day full
of activities beginning at 10:00 a.m. and running until 2:00 p.m. If you would like to attend or would
like more information, please call the school at 519-482-7851 to register. We look forward to
seeing you there!
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Listowel Christian School Spring Auction is Friday, March 27th in the school gym located at
6020 Line 87, just north of Listowel. Dinner and Desserts start at 6:00, Silent Auction is from
6:00-9:30 and Live Auction begins at 7:30. Come join us for a fun evening in support of Christian
The Covenant Christian High School Choir from Grand Rapids, Michigan is coming to Blyth!
On Friday, March 27th, please come and enjoy this talented choir at the Blyth Festival Theatre at
7:30 pm, Lord willing.
The LDCSS Drama Department presents ‘Annie’. April 17-18, 24- 25 @ 7:30 pm. Adult
matinee: Wed., April 22 @1:00 p.m. Tickets go on sale March 23, $12.00 each
Call 519-455-4360 or email [email protected]
Join us for ‘Welcome Wednesdays’ at LDCSS! Grades 9-12 Admissions Open Houses. Dates:
April 1, and May 6, 9:30-11:30 AM, 12:30-2:30 PM. Come experience LDCSS in action! For
more information visit www.ldcss.ca
Support for Training in Ministry
Classis Huron invites students from this classis who are considering full time ministry within the
CRC to apply for a classical grant. These students must be planning to attend seminary in the
school year 2015-2016. For applications and further information, please contact Rev. Brian Bork
by email: [email protected] or by phone: 1-519-497-6152. Current recipients must also make
clear their intentions. Applications and further information is available at www.classishuron.ca
under Forms and Mandates for the Classical Ministerial Leadership Team. The deadline for
applications is April 13, 2015. As churches in Classis Huron let us pray for God to raise up
workers in His kingdom from our congregations. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2
A Matter of Trust by Lis Wiehl Series: A Mia Quinn Mystery #1
Dramatic, Moving and Intense
Giving us an insight into the life of a prosecutor and Mom.
A Deadly Business: by Lis Wiehl Series: a Mia Quinn Mystery #2
Mia is prosecuting dangerous criminals, and her partner Charlie Carlson is suggesting her
accountant husband’s deadly car accident was no accident at all. When they re open the case
they find much more than they bargained for. Was he less than honest? How far will she have to
go to protect her family?
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TODAY: Woodstock CRC is hosting an All Ontario Youth Convention "preview" night in the
evening with the band and speakers that are going to be at the AOYC (All Ontario Youth
Convention) this year. Let Becky know if you're going in case we need more drivers from the
numbers we have so far. We'll be leaving the church at 4:30. (Did I mention it's free!?)
Next YOUTH Group is this Thursday, March 26. Meet at the church at 7PM,
we'll be driving to Wingham to the Youth Centre for games, after which we
are getting a tour of the C.A.R.S. Ministry, our fund-sharing partner this
year. See you then!
Next FAITH INSTRUCTION is Tuesday, March 31.
Back by popular demand...we are selling ELMIRA CHICKEN again as a fundraiser. Orders are
due by March 31st at the latest and will be delivered April 14 just before faith instruction.
SERVE: Registration payment are now past due. If you haven't completed this yet, please get in
touch with Becky ASAP. We have one leader and one vehicle to go on SERVE. Still looking for
one female and one male/female leader and two vehicles. Please let Becky know asap if you can
30 HOUR FAMINE is coming up fast from April 10-11. Start getting your sponsors and get ready
to have some fun not eating. We will be at the Hullett Central School ;Gym from 5-9ish (come
when you can) and then finishing the night at Clarence & Becky Bosma's house (82541 London
Road). Make sure to bring a pillow, blankets and air mattresses and any movies you might want to
watch. The night ends at 7:30ish AM after breakfast.
CADETORAMA FUNDRAISER: We are looking for some youth to come to FE Madill around
11:30 AM on Saturday, April 11 to help with serving lunch to the cadets. Let Becky know if you
can come!
TRILLIUM FORMAL committee has been very busy getting all the details ready for our dinner &
dance. We need to get numbers to our caterers in April and tickets will be $25/each. Please have
your money to Becky by April 1st if you are planning to go...and we really hope you are, because
we're going to needs lots of help!
Young People Hockey:
March 28
Drayton and Blyth – in Wingham at 8:30 PM (if needed)
Trillium Huron Youth website: www.trilliumhuronyouth.com
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Inspirational Women's Conference - Inspirational Women's Conference: Saturday,
April 11 at the Meeting House in Oakville, ON. All women are invited for a day of
inspiration, worship and fellowship, with the theme of Grit and Grace. Our speaker,
Leanne Friessen, loves seeing God at work in the often messy and complicated stories
of people’s lives. Come and be refreshed and renewed; bring your friends! For more
information, including a video and power point slide on the conference, and to
register on-line go to: www.coffeebreakontario.com.
Worship Conference and Concert: Trinity Christian Reformed Church in
Goderich will be hosting a Worship Conference and Concert with Robin Mark and the
Belfast Band on Saturday, April 11th! The Worship Conference is entitled “Matters of Significance:
Learning and Encouraging Authentic Worship” and will run from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm on Saturday.
The Concert will begin at 7:00 pm. The Worship Conference will be of great value particularly for
anyone involved in worship planning and sound in your faith community. View full details and
ticket purchase information at www.trinitychurchgoderich.ca .
BUS TRIP—are you looking for a trip with fellow Christians this summer? Join us to discover the
beautiful Gaspé Peninsula, August 4-12, 2015.
For details contact Johanna at 519-482-9948 or [email protected]
In commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Holland, the Soli Deo Gloria
Christian Male Choir from Urk, the Netherlands will present a concert on Saturday May 2 Knox
Presbyterian Church in Woodstock, May 5 - Redeemer University College, Ancaster; May 6 - St.
George's Anglican Church, Guelph. To order tickets or for more info contact John VanderLaan at
[email protected]; visit www.solideogloria.nl or call 905-648-3170
GOD'S RICH MERCY AND GREAT LOVE: - Today on Groundwork we’ll study Ephesians 2:1-5
to see how Paul moves us from the paralysis of being spiritually dead to something most glorious
indeed. Join the conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at
ListenToGroundwork.com or visit GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio station or listen
HEART OF GRACE: - What’s wrong with Chamy? Why is she crying? Lucille finds out and learns
a lesson about being a friend. Also, a new KC song premieres! Follow the adventures of Liz and
his pals every week: subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Be sure to download this special
song, “Leap of Faith,” at kidscorner.net/offer.
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws,
blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com.
Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
FREE WEBINAR - Join Rev. Martin Vellekoop on March 25 for “Disagreeing Agreeably: Practicing
Grace Instead of Exerting Control”. This free, one-hour webinar is designed for any Christian who
desires to grow in their own capacity to be a grace-filled presence in the middle of a challenging
exchange. For more details, registration, and webinar handouts visit crcna.org/webinars.
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Prayer Summit 2015 | Register Now! - Prayer Summit 2015 will be held April 13-15 at All
Nations Christian Reformed Church in Lake View Terrace, CA. Join fellow CRC pastors, church
and ministry leaders, prayer leaders, and intercessors in a binational event to pray for the CRC
and its North American and worldwide missions. Prayer Summit 2015 will provide opportunities to
learn how to pray, discuss building a prayer ministry in your ministry, and partner in prayer with
other organizations and congregations in your region. For more information and to register, visit
"Journey with Me" – launch of a refugee workshop - Join us Saturday March 28, 9:30 am - 1 pm
at First Christian Reformed Church (67 Taunton Rd, Toronto) to experience the workshop, learn
about available resources, and share a lunch. Mary Jo Leddy – author, theologian, social activist –
will be the guest speaker. She is widely respected for her work with refugees at Toronto’s Romero
House. RSVP to Rebecca Walker: [email protected].
Cycle to end poverty! - Join other cyclists this summer for a 10th anniversary ride with Sea to
Sea and raise money to fight poverty. You can choose to participate in a 6-day ride in Ontario or a
10-day ride in Alberta. Proceeds from your ride will be used to fund ministry by World Renew,
Partners Worldwide, International Justice Mission, and local poverty initiatives. Volunteers are
also urgently needed to assist with both rides. For more information or to register, visit
seatosea.org. The Alberta ride is nearly full. Register today to avoid disappointment.
Attention education graduates - As the college days draw to an end, schools located around the
globe are looking for teachers for the 2015/16 school year. CRWM partners with these schools to
help fill these positions. If you are interested in working internationally in Asia, Africa, Central
America, or Europe, check crwm.org/teaching to find the opportunity of a lifetime!
Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit Conference: - This conference is cosponsored by Home Missions and Dunamis Fellowship Canada. The event will provide leaders
and churches the opportunity to explore practical ways to discern and cooperate with the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. Taught from a Reformed perspective, this conference is designed to
encourage, refresh and challenge all who attend. It will be held from April 27-30, 2015 at Calvin
CRC in Ottawa. For more info and to register, visit www.dunamisfellowshipcanada.org.
Disability Concerns Spring Conference - ‘Let’s Talk, Let’s Listen’ is the theme of the April 25,
2015 Disability Concerns conference at Maranatha CRC in Woodstock. Jennifer Bowen from
Shalem Mental Health Network will look at anxiety and depression, their causes, symptoms and
treatments and the impact on faith communities. We also welcome Dan VanderPlaats, from Elim
Christian Services. He will talk about disability attitudes and ways to develop healthy, biblical
attitudes toward people who have disabilities. See www.crcna.org/disabilities for more information
and registration.
VBS IN ASIA - Millions of children in Asia have not heard yet that Jesus loves them. Will you go
and share the good news? If you love kids and VBS, this 5 week volunteer opportunity from July
2-August 9, 2015 is perfect for you! More information is available at www.crwm.org or
[email protected].
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SERVE Projects for those with Special Needs - FAITH FORMATION, FUN, FRIENDSHIPS
AND SERVING OTHERS - that's the scoop on SERVE projects geared especially for those with
special needs (14 - 26yrs). Do you know someone who would just love to participate in one of
these projects this summer? There are still openings in Ottawa, Fruitland and Winnipeg where
host teams and mentors would welcome your friends and provide them a most memorable week.
For further information contact ServiceLink 800-730-3490 or [email protected]
CAMP SHALOM SUMMER STAFF: - Camp Shalom is looking for more counselors, kitchen, and
maintenance staff. If you love Jesus and like working with kids or individuals with special needs,
then this might be for you. All positions are paid and you must be 17 before Dec. 31st, 2015 to
apply. Visit www.countrysidecamp.com to apply.
Sunday School (Pre K –gr 1) ...................................................................... after the children’s time
Sunday School / Faith Instruction Classes (gr 2 – gr. 8).........................................after am service
Sunday Services ................................................................................................... 10 am & 7:30 pm
Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am
Prayer Service .................................................................................................................... 7:30 pm
Coffee Break ............................................................................................................ 10 – 11:30 am
Evening Coffee Break ............................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Gems (girls gr. 4-8) .................................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Cadets (boys gr. 4-8) ............................................................................................... 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Time of Prayer at Quartel’s .............................................................................................. 10:00 am
Bulletin Deadline ................................................................................................................. 5:00 pm
Youth Group meet at the church ......................................................................................... 7:00 pm
Young People Hockey in Wingham (possibly) .................................................................... 8:30 pm
Church & Minister: 519-523-4743
Minister: Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen email: [email protected] .
Home: 226-523-5566 and cell: 519-441-7805
Clerk Mr. Rick Steele 519-526-7446 e-mail: [email protected]
Blyth CRC Web Site: www.blythcrc.ca
Bulletin Announcements: call Anita Boven: 519-523-9492 or e-mail
[email protected] before 5:00 pm on Thursday.