Sunday 15 March 2015 Mothering Sunday / Lent 4
Sunday 15 March 2015 Mothering Sunday / Lent 4
2015 Diary 19:00 – St. Owen Building Project Launch Fri 17 April at St. Owen. th Sat 13 June 19.30 - Concord Singers in Concert st Sun 21 June Open Church Sunday Choral Evensong- The Headlands Chorale th Sun 28 June Oakley th Sat 11 July Oakley Carnival th Sun 12 July Bromham Show 10.00 -15.00 Bromham CE School Year 4 th Thur 25 June Reflection Day at St. Owen th Sat 26 Sept 15.30 - Proms in the Park Concert th Pew Leaflet for Benefice of St. Owen, Bromham St. Mary, Oakley and St. Leonard, Stagsden Now that our Planning Application for the proposed extension at St. Owen has been approved can we all plan an event to raise funds. We need to raise £120,000 to apply for grants for matched funding. Launch of the Building Project with Pam Rhodes and the Lord Lt. of Bedfordshire Friday 17 April at 7.00pm at St. Owen. Do a fundraising event and bring the proceeds to the launch. The 2 hour film about Bromham Village will be available to buy. th Bring & Share Lunch. Next lunch is on April 12 with Barbara Crawford at 9 Chestnut Avenue. Please contact Anne Tombs 822949 for details. th The Confirmation is on Tuesday 9 June Those interested meet at the Vicarage on Tuesday’s at 19.30 (aged 10 or over). Let Revd Linda know if you can attend. APCM Oakley th Tuesday 17 March 19:00 (accounts19:00, meeting at 19:30) th Bromham Wednesday 18 March 19:30 th Stagsden Tuesday 28 April 19;30 APCM’s If you write a report now’s the time to do so! Please give to the PCC secretary Justin Welby the Archbishop of Canterbury is visiting the Diocese from 18- 20 June and will be at the Alban Pilgrimage th on Sat 20 June. Put the date in your diary now! Benefice Frugal soup lunch Thursday 26 March 1.00pm St. Mary, Oakley. Donations for the Bishops Lent appeal. th Tuesday Luncheon club. Next one is 14 April Sunday 15th March 2015 Mothering Sunday / Lent 4 We welcome you if you are a visitor or new to this village, please make yourself known to us. Parents and children are welcome at the services and may use the toys and play areas if needed. Hearing loop in Bromham and Oakley only. Ministry Team: Title Name Tel Vicar Rev. Linda Bond Day off - Friday 01234 823268 Priest Rev. Di Harpham Day off – Friday 01234 918691 Priest Rev. Paula Vennells 01234 851594 Benefice Administrator Suzi Webb Day off – Friday 01234 825454 Bromham Churchwardens Edward Jones Ian Frankish 01234 826551 01234 825123 Oakley Churchwardens Dorothy Palmer Hilarie Worley 01234 823959 01234 262166 Stagsden Churchwardens Vacant Healing Ministry is part of the ministry of this Church. If you would like prayers, laying on of hands or a visit please speak to the Churchwarden of one of the ministry team. Coffee & biscuits are served after the morning services in Bromham 10.30am and Oakley 9.30am and after the monthly 11.00am Family Service in Stagsden. Please stay and join us th Friendship Lunch – Wed 25 March at The Prince of Wales, Bromham. Please contact Flora on 822094. Stamps and plastic milk bottle tops. Please save for charity. Hand in at St. Owen or St. Mary. Easter Eggs for Sick Children. Every year Clarabut and Plumbe funeral directors collect Easter Eggs for poorly and sick children in the local area. This year Sally Anne Stewart is helping them to collect. If you would like to donate an egg rd please bring to St. Owen or church office by 23 March. Thank you. Decorating St Owen's Church for Easter will take place on Holy Saturday 4 April from 10 am. Anyone who would like to help will be most welcome. Donations for the purchase of flowers will be gratefully received. Veronica McMurdy Thank you, from Ian and Val Frankish, for the support and prayers, whilst their daughter has been unwell. Paul and Heather Fawcett would like to thank all those who supported their coffee morning in aid of Thrive (a gardening charity for the disabled and mentally handicapped) Benefice Welcome Centre and Office: Located above shops in Avoca Centre, Molivers Lane shops Office times Office –Suzi Webb. Office hours are Monday 9.00am -11.30am , Tues to Thurs – 9.00am to 1.00pm. 825454 Benefice Web Site: www Information for web site to Suzi Webb at [email protected] In Emergency: To call the emergency services to attend the Church you will need the POSTCODE – on the notice board St. Owen’s Church - Bromham MK43 8LL St. Mary’s Church - Oakley MK43 7RU St. Leonard’s Church - Stagsden MK43 8SQ In Case of Fire: In the unlikely event of a fire during the service you will be asked to leave quietly by the nearest exit and assemble in the Car Park. Please take the Pew Leaflet home with you. Items for next week’s pew leaflet to Suzi Webb by Tuesday morning. th Readings for Sunday 15 March Mothering Sunday / Lent 4 To be chosen by priest. Please pray for those who are sick or in need, their families and those who care for them and for those have asked for prayer: Village: Bromham Name: Jean Bonham, Joan Lundie, Theresa, Dave, Raymond Izzard, Mary Stannard, Michelle Roberts, , Sandra, Ann Cowsill, Freda Izzard, Jean Hakon, Jill, Lizzie and Archie Udoh. Oakley Adele, Elin, Celeste, Katie Perren, Ron. Michael Taylor, Les Green. Collect God of love, passionate and strong, tender and careful: watch over us and hold us all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Stagsden Kath Cameron Suzanne Crawford – not of this Parish Post Communion Loving God, as a mother feeds her children at the breast you feed us in this sacrament with the food and drink of eternal life: help us who have tasted your goodness to grow in grace within the household of faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Evensong Readings Old Testament: Numbers 21.4 - 9 New Testament: Ephesians 2.1 – 10 Psalm 107.1 – 3, 17-22 Gospel: John 3.14 - 21 Intentions: For the Parish of Marston Morteyne For the church in Missouri and Wayne Smith For peace and stability in the world For all mothers and both living and departed For a good keeping of the Holy Season of Lent For those who live in Cartwright Close and Cedar Close, Bromham For those who live in The Furlong, Oakley. In Memorial: BROMHAM: Arthur Lewis (16.03.11), Ian Cook (18.03.11), Geoffrey Pett (16.03.90) OAKLEY: Robin Worley (19.03.09), Glenys Bostock (20.03.02) nd Readings for Sunday 22 March Lent 5 Old Testament: Jeremiah 31.31 - 34 New Testament: Hebrews 5.5 - 10 Gospel: John 12.20 - 33 If you would like your loved one remembered on the anniversary of their death, please contact the church office. Rest in Peace: th Evensong Readings Psalm 34 Exodus 7.8 - 24 Romans 5.12 - end Barbara Wilkins, Funeral Mon March 16 , 3.00pm, St Leonard’s Church, Stagsden. th Trevor James, Funeral Tue 17 March, at 9:15 at crem, Celebration of Life, 2.00pm, St. Mary, Oakley. Please wear bright colours. th Evelyn Tidd, Bedford Crematorium, Wed 18 March, 3.15pm th Thomas McLuckie – Funeral Tue 24 March, 2pm, St. Owen Reflection Mothering Sunday is the day on which we are encouraged to visit our mother church and give thanks to God for our mothers and for Mary the mother of Our Lord. Always on the fourth Sunday of th. Lent, this year Mothering Sunday falls on March 30 Lent is a period of abstinence and fasting when we eat less or cut out food and meat especially on Friday’s, the day of our Lord’s death. The fast is lifted on Mothering Sunday when Simnel cakes were prepared to eat on this special day. The revival of Mothering Sunday is attributed to Constance Smith (1878-1938), who was inspired in 1913 by reading a newspaper report of Anna Jarvis’s campaign in America. Constance believed that “a day in praise of mothers” should be included in the liturgy of the Church of England. A Simnel cake is a light fruit cake covered with a layer of marzipan, with a layer of marzipan baked into the middle of the cake. Traditionally the cakes were decorated with eleven or twelve balls of marzipan, to represent the disciples. The cake may have been named after Lambert Simnel who worked in the kitchens of Henry VII of England sometime around the year 1500 Snippets to ponder on Fast from hostility; Feast on non-resistance. Fast from bitterness; Feast on forgiveness. Fast from self-concern; Feast on compassion for others. Fast from personal anxiety; Feast on eternal truth. th Services today – Mothering Sunday & Lent 4 – 15 March 08:00 Benefice Holy Communion - OAKLEY Mothering Sunday Service – OAKLEY LOWER 10:30 SCH. All Age Eucharist & Baptism of William Hogg10:30 BROMHAM Services this week – all welcome Day: Time: Services and location: Mon 11:30 19:45 Messy Church – BROMHAM Lent Course –45 Ruffs Furze - OAKLEY Tue 10:00 Eucharist – Bromham Baptist Church Wed 11:00 Eucharist – Randalls Close – BROMHAM Thur 10:00 10:30 Messy Church – OAKLEY Lent Course – 18 Brook Way. - BROMHAM nd Services next Sunday –Lent 5 – 22 March 09:00 Parish Eucharist - STAGSDEN 10:30 Benefice Eucharist - OAKLEY 18:00 Benefice Evensong - OAKLEY