the JVH - Jacobus Vanderveer House


the JVH - Jacobus Vanderveer House
Letter from the President (photo)
This Annual Report is a tribute to the philanthropy of
individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations who
contributed to The Jacobus Vanderveer House & Museum during 2015.
We are profoundly grateful for their generosity.
January 13, 2016
Dear Fellow Trustees and Friends,
Serving as president of The Friends organization in 2015 has been a year of tremendous growth for me
personally and professionally, as well as a source of great pride. I have such admiration, and am forever
grateful for the dedication, professionalism and enthusiasm exhibited by our board of trustees and
2015 was also a year of remarkable growth for the Friends organization. We launched a capital
campaign bringing us one step closer to realizing our vision of a small, but important museum complex
with outbuildings and walkways to complement the restored c. 1772 house. Thanks to our generous
supporters, we were able to expand upon our education program offerings for students throughout
New Jersey as well as the country, and implement the first of its’ kind summer archaeology camp. We
doubled the number of visitors to the museum, and our digital presence, as a result of a strategic multimedia marketing campaign using various technology platforms. We also cultivated new organizational
and heritage partnerships with other history, education, and like-minded organizations.
Our mission is to restore, develop and operate the Jacobus Vanderveer House as a nationally significant
historic site, museum and community resource. A National and New Jersey Historic Site, the Vanderveer
House is a true landmark that offers a vivid look into the history of our nation and the lives of those who
founded it. Thanks to your continued efforts and generosity, together we have made great strides to
preserve this important piece of history for future generations to come.
I am pleased to present the 2015 Annual Report that highlights the Friends’ activities and growth
throughout the year. I thank you all for being a part of this wonderful historic preservation effort.
Robin Ray
2015 Highlights
French Alliance Ball
On May 16th the Friends hosted a premier benefit event to
commemorate the “French Alliance Ball” that was held at the
Pluckemin Artillery Park and hosted by General George Washington
and General Henry Knox in 1779. Then, over 350 guests traveled to
the Pluckemin Artillery Barracks (now “The Hills” housing
development) to dine, dance, enjoy a parade of fireworks and cannon
fire in celebration of the French-American Alliance that helped win
our nation’s independence. The ball was held in the Pluckemin
Academy Building located on the site of America’s first military
academy, the forerunner to the United States Military Academy at
West Point, here in Bedminster Township.
The French Alliance Ball was held on the lush grounds of
Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster where guests
were greeted by members of the United States Army
Honor Guard and re-enactors portraying General Henry
Knox and General George Washington. Consul General
Deputy, Bernard Faro, Honorary Chairman of the event,
with Honored Guest Colonel Jack Jacobs (Medal of Honor
recipient and military analyst for NBC/MSNBC News)
and their wives arrived by four-in-hand carriage, courtesy
of Mr. & Mrs. Louis Piancone of the Pottersville section of
Bedminster Township. Cannon fire was provided
by members from West Jersey Artillery, with
entertainment by professional dancers in period costume
by Ballroom Dance of New Jersey, and a celebratory
fireworks display by Garden State Fireworks.
In the weeks leading up to the ball, guests participated in
conversational French lessons in preparation. Sponsors
and benefactors attended a cocktail party at the French
Consulate in Manhattan, hosted by the Consul General
Deputy, Bernard Faro. Proceeds from the French Alliance
Ball launched the realization of the Historic Landscape
and Structures Master Plan for the Jacobus Vanderveer
House & Museum.
2015 Highlights (Continued)
Summer Archaeology Camp
Twenty-two children got a hands-on lesson in
archaeology and how it relates to local history
dating back to the American Revolution during a
week-long archaeology camp at the Jacobus
Vanderveer House. The program was offered by
the Somerset Hills YMCA, in collaboration with the
Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House from July
27-31. The camp was made possible by a generous
grant from Investors Bank Foundation. Richard
Veit, Ph.D., archaeologist and professor from
Monmouth University, directed the program along
with students from the University and counselors
Antie Celli, JVH Trustee & Investors Asst. VP/ Pluckemin Branch Mgr.
from the YMCA.
presents a check to JVH Trustees from Investors Bank Foundation
Archaeology campers build a replica soldier’s hut
Campers engaged in activities throughout the week
that included the excavation of two (2) sites on the
grounds of the Jacobus Vanderveer House. Highlights
included visits to other historic sites with ties to the
Jacobus Vanderveer House, a lecture on local Native
American culture, a presentation on how to construct
an exhibit using the artifacts uncovered by the
students during the camp, an introduction to firing
clay pinch pots in a camp fire, Colonial games, and the
reconstruction of a scale wooden timber frame log
hut similar to those built by the soldiers at the
Pluckemin Cantonment.
Campers uncovered a wealth of original artifacts from
the two excavation sites that will be catalogued and
displayed with other significant artifacts found on the
Jacobus Vanderveer House property. The collection
complements the thousands of Revolutionary War
artifacts found at the Pluckemin Cantonment, believed
to be the forerunner to the United States Military
Academy at West Point in New York.
2015 Highlights (Continued)
13th Annual Colonial Christmas
“Thirteen stars, thirteen stripes, thirteen colonies” was the patriotic
theme for the Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House 13th annual
Colonial Christmas holiday fundraiser, sponsored by Bevan, Mosca,
Giuditta & Zarillo, P.C.; Glenmede; and Meeker Sharkey & Hurley. The
two-weekend long signature event featured Clydesdale wagon rides,
Santa visits, Colonial re-enactors, artillery demonstrations, holiday
shopping, holiday workshops, musical performances, Colonial craft
demonstrations, and festive holiday trimmings by local designers. This
year’s Colonial Christmas was a resounding success with 2,200
visitors to the museum compared to 915 visitors in 2014.
Artwork by Thomas C. Houtz
In keeping with the patriotic them, this year’s Colonial Christmas featured
special exhibitions associated with General Henry Knox and the Pluckemin
Artillery Cantonment. Two very rare brass artillery officer’s sword belt tips
discovered at the Pluckemin dig site were on display, courtesy of John Seidel,
Ph.D., of Washington College. The sword belt tips are the first modern
depiction of the stars and stripes with the stars arranged in three horizontal
lines in a 5 by 3 by 5 pattern.
Artillery Officer’s Sword Belt Tip
A collection of original letters written to and from General
Henry Knox, and a 1779 drawing by Captain John Lillie,
Commander of the 12th Company, 3rd Regiment Continental
Artillery, were also on display during Colonial Christmas
courtesy of the Morristown National Historical Park
Drawing by Captain John Lillie, 1779
of the Pluckemin Military Academy
A record number 255 school-aged children, both public
and homeschooled, visited the Jacobus Vanderveer House
and toured the grounds. Students participated in guided
tours; discussions with period re-enactors Benjamin
Franklin, Continental soldiers Joshua and Morgan,
Rifleman Chuck and Miss Hilde Bell; and received a lesson
on materials culture.
2015 Highlights (Continued)
13th Annual Colonial Christmas (Continued)
Colonial re-enactor Miss Hilde Bell in the Knox Parlor
Willow Grove Farm Clydesdale Wagon Rides
Colonial Christmas also included a festive cocktail party on
Friday, December 2nd, generously sponsored by the Weeks
Family and Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Molé. Over 85 guests
celebrated the season with fine wine and hors d’ oeuvres,
period music, luxury boutique shopping, and a silent auction.
The evening featured a special presentation by Dr. John
Seidel, archaeologist on the Pluckemin Dig project, and the
raising of our nation’s colors—a gift from Jacobus Vanderveer
House friend Herbert Patullo, a local historian who owns and
operates Eagles Nest Museum at Middlebrook Heights.
Dr. John Seidel with the rare belt tips
13 Skeletons, the whimsical front yard art
installation in Bridgewater, hit the road this past
holiday season for their first stop . . . the 13th
annual Colonial Christmas at the Jacobus
Vanderveer House. Jim Adams, owner of Outdoor
Impressions, Inc., and creator of 13 Skeletons,
recreated a Continental Army encampment at the
Vanderveer House that delighted visitors and
passersby. Each day, the figures assumed different
poses to simulate the daily routine of encamped
soldiers during the American Revolution.
13 Skeletons creator Jim Adams (Left) with a Colonial Christmas Visitor
Development & Finance
The Vanderveer House was once part of a 500-acre working farm. The Friends’ vision is to recreate a
historically accurate late-18th century farmstead, a critical next step in fulfilling the Friends’ mission to
establish a small, but important museum complex with outbuildings and walkways to complement the
restored c. 1772 house. The goal is to provide visitors with a more meaningful experience and further
interpret the contributions of General Knox, the Vanderveers, Colonial life and the Jacobus Vanderveer
House as a key site in the Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area.
The plan builds upon earlier research commissioned by the Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House,
including the 2006-2008 Historic Landscape Report and Site Master Plan, headed by historian Dennis
Bertland and supported by the Somerset County Cultural and Heritage Commission. A generous lead gift
from the Peter R. and Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation in late 2014, made possible the installation of the
historic walkways this past summer.
The Jacobus Vanderveer House & Museum Site Master Plan
Detailed rendering of the proposed project prepared by ETM Associates, LLC in collaboration with
Mr. Dennis Bertland, Holt-Morgan-Russell Architects, PA, and Hunter Research, Inc. (2006-2008)
In May, the French Alliance Ball launched the realization of the Historic Landscape and Structures
Master Plan for the Jacobus Vanderveer House & Museum. Thanks to a very generous gift from Friends
founding trustee and former president, Mrs. Grania B. Allport and Mr. George M. Allport, along with
support from longtime donors and new friends, the French Alliance Ball brought the Friends
organization that much closer to realizing our vision. We thank the generosity of our French
Alliance Ball sponsors Bevan, Mosca, Giuditta & Zarilllo, P.C., Bruderman Brothers, LLC, The
Homestead Foundation, Investors Bank, 56 Degree Wine, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Molé,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sellinger, Ms. Nancy Schechter; and our benefactors and underwriters Bernardsville
Development & Finance (Continued)
Print Center, Mr. Geoffrey M. Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Piancone, Mrs. Kenneth Schley, RCB
Communications and The Rose & Radish Floral Design.
The Friends continue to be supported by a loyal group of donors, including many long-time residents in
the National Heritage Area. In 2015 we received major support from Investors Bank Foundation for the
Summer Archaeology Camp, and the Anne L. and George H. Clapp Charitable and Educational Trust for
our ongoing Education programs.
In late 2014, the Friends launched a new membership program prior to Colonial Christmas, netting several
new memberships. In 2015 we built upon our member base and are in the process of renewing our first
round of museum memberships. The February President’s appeal letter, which had not been done for
some time, yielded very positive results with support continuing right up until the end of the year.
The Friends were once again awarded a general operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical
Commission for historic site operations and programs. In late 2015, the Friends were also awarded a mini
grant from the Somerset County Cultural and Heritage Commission. The Vanderveer House was again a
beneficiary of the annual Bedminster Charities Fall Fest held at River Road Park in September.
The firm of Bevan, Mosca, Giuditta & Zarillo P.C. was again a major sponsor of this year’s 13th annual
Colonial Christmas. Other significant support came from Glenmede, The Weeks Family, Mr. & Mrs.
Matthew C. Molé, Mr. Herbert M. Patullo, and longtime supporter Meeker, Sharkey and Hurley. In-kind
donations were provided by designers Karen Waldron of Classic Home and Garden, Sagri Frieber of
Accents by Design, and Doreen and Lee Longell of Bedminster Florist, along with local area retailers and
establishments including Investors Bank, Trump National Golf Club, New Jersey National Golf Club, Griffin
& Howe, Stephen Taylor Photography, Tiffany, Dior, Flower Basket Lady Bug, Atlock Farm and Friends
In late 2015, the Friends were very fortunate to receive a generous donation from the CTW Foundation.
Founding members include O.W. Caspersen, Roy E. Tucker, and Charles H. Watts.
Throughout the year, we continued to meet all grant compliance requirements, submitting contracts,
reports and other documents, as required. Financial management and budget planning are the
responsibility of our volunteer Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, with cash management and
financial reporting and documentation handled by our volunteer treasurer, Trustee Karen Mlynarski. The
Friends organization fully complies with all legal, financial and regulatory requirements imposed on nonprofit institutions. The independent auditing firm of Tabor & Company LLD, Certified Public Accountants,
completed its annual audit of our financial records, and with the firm’s assistance, we submitted the
required annual Form 990 Tax Return to the IRS, as well as the annual New Jersey Charities Registration
Statement. In 2016, the Friends will need to renew with the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance
Control Commission.
Volunteer Services & Organizational Growth
Still an emerging museum, the Jacobus
Vanderveer House continues to be managed
and operated largely by our dedicated
volunteers. The Friends trustees provide
expertise in history, education, marketing and
communications, IT, antiques, architecture,
landscape, finance, law, real estate,
fundraising and other disciplines. In addition
to committee work, trustees participate in
museum activities, provide guided tours, and
assist with day-to-day museum operations.
A representative from the Bedminster
Township Committee sits on our board,
which is structured in three-year terms.
Trustee & Museum Tour Guide William Mosca (Left)
Unfortunately, due to employment opportunities and
personal commitments, the Friends lost five board
members this year mid-term. The resilient volunteer
board of trustees, despite the additional
responsibilities, continued to be highly motivated,
dedicated, professional and above all, enthusiastic
about our mission. The 2015 nominating committee has
put together a strong group of incoming trustees with
varied backgrounds that will augment the Friends’
organization substantially.
Trustee & Museum Tour Guide Nancy Weeks
along with High School Student Volunteer
The Friends receive additional volunteer support
by students from local area schools and scouting
troops. Student and scout volunteers assist with
greeting guests, workshops, mail distributions,
and a variety of other tasks. Their support is
essential to our success on many levels.
Student Volunteers assist with Gingerbread House Workshop
Volunteer Services & Organizational Growth (Continued)
In 2015, we continued our work with scholar and educator Hillary Murtha, Ph.D., to serve as program
coordinator, assisting the board in developing public programs and community partnerships. We worked
with grant writer, Dave Schempp, to assist us with identifying key funding sources and cultivate new
sponsors specifically for the historic structures and landscape master plan.
Long time organizational and development consultant to the Friends, Phyllis Shapiro, retired in December
of 2014, leaving grant writing, reporting and compliance to the volunteer board, amongst other
disciplines. As the board of trustees reorganizes for 2016, consideration should be given to hire a
professional consultant to assist the board with strategic guidance and planning, communication and
organizational strategies, and donor cultivation.
Education and Outreach
In 2015, The Friends made great strides in the areas of education and outreach thanks to the tireless
efforts of Trustee Leslie Molé, assisted by Jacobus Vanderveer House Program Coordinator Hillary Murtha,
Ph. D. Our education program has largely been supported by generous gifts and grants from the Anne L.
and George H. Clapp Charitable and Educational Trust and Investors Bank Foundation. Their support
enabled us to reach a broader range of school children through education programs held both at the
Jacobus Vanderveer House, as well as in the classroom at area schools.
Materials Culture Program and Teaching Collection - In early 2015, led by Hillary Murtha, we launched
an in-school highly interactive materials culture studies program for upper school students. The inaugural
program was held at the Pingry School and was very well received. Students were taught how to examine
objects for their cultural and historical implications. As part of the program, the Friends acquired historical
artifacts from the 18th century to form a teaching collection that could also be integrated into displays at
the Jacobus Vanderveer House when not being used in the classroom. Items include a snuff box, hair
curlers, toothkey, woman’s pockets, and a delft tile, to name a few.
Summer Archaeology Camp - In collaboration with the Somerset Hills YMCA and Monmouth University,
and made possible by a significant education grant from Investors Bank Foundation, the Friends hosted a
two-week Archaeology Camp for 2nd through 6th grade students during the week of July 20-31. The camp
was directed by Richard Viet, Ph. D, a professional archaeologist and chair of the History and Anthropology
Department at Monmouth University. Supervision was supplemented by two graduate students and one
undergraduate student from Monmouth University’s archaeology program, as well as staff from the
Somerset Hills YMCA, JVH Board Trustee Leslie Molé and JVH Program Coordinator Hillary Murtha, Ph.D.
The program was fully subscribed with a substantial waiting list. This unique program provided an
opportunity for children to explore and investigate the world of archaeology, more specifically, as it
relates to our local history dating back to the American Revolution.
Education and Outreach (Continued)
During the first week of camp, held at the Far Hills Country Day School, students learned about local
history and the process of archaeology in preparation for the second week. Topics ranged from
hypothesis, survey and site location, excavation techniques and tools, data collection, conservation and
The second week of camp combined outdoor exploration, history, problem solving, science, and the
excavation of two (2) three-foot square excavation units in the midden (18th century waste site) on the
grounds of the Jacobus Vanderveer House. Highlights included a walking tour to the Dutch Reformed
Church historic cemetery where the infant Julia Knox and Vanderveer family members were buried, a
lecture by Dr. Richard Veit on the history of local Native American culture, a presentation by Dr. Hillary
Murtha on how to construct an exhibit using the artifacts uncovered by the students, an introduction to
flintknaping and pottery production by firing clay pinch pots in a camp fire, a trip to Morristown National
Historic Park for a guided tour of the Ford Mansion and Jockey Hollow historic sites, participation in
Colonial games, and the reconstruction of a scaled wooden timber frame log hut similar to those built by
the soldiers at the Pluckemin Cantonment with correct mortise and tenon with pegged joinery, along with
a cool lesson in Colonial ice cream making by food historian Susan Plaisted.
Students uncovered a wealth of original artifacts from the two excavation sites, including redware and
blue and white glazed pottery fragments, a clay marble, a pewter button, segments of several clay pipe
stems, and a coin dating from the late nineteenth century. As a result of the success of the 2015 summer
archaeology camp program, The Friends were awarded in early January of 2016, yet another generous
donation from Investors Bank Foundation to continue the archaeology camp program in 2016.
In-School Programs & Virtual Tour - In the fall we continued to build upon our first person-interpretive
and object-based school programs with visits to several new schools, and even participated in an
innovative virtual tour of the Jacobus Vanderveer House. Mid October, in collaboration with Dyane
Smokorowski, 2013 Kansas Teacher of the Year, and Heather Hawkins, librarian at Andover Middle School
in Andover, Kansas, we were able to bring a virtual experience to 34 eighth grade students via a Skype
session anchored in the 1772 parlor of the Jacobus Vanderveer House. Prior to the session, students
previewed the Jacobus Vanderveer House website and video of the Pluckemin Cantonment available on
YouTube. Through digital communication, Dr. Hillary Murtha discussed the history of the house,
supplementing with objects from our newly acquired teaching collection, and provided a dynamic and
new perspective on the American Revolution to students outside the Crossroads of the American
Revolution National Heritage Area.
In October and again in December, we visited 125 4th grade students at Hillside Elementary School in
Livingston with our popular first-person presentations by Betsy Ross and Thomas Jefferson, both actors
from American Historical Theatre (AHT) in Philadelphia. Later in December, The Friends introduced our
first-person historic education program to the high school level, with a lively presentation by AHT’s
Thomas Jefferson to 90 students at Livingston High School.
Education and Outreach (Continued)
Colonial Christmas Education Program - During our 13th annual Colonial Christmas, a record number 255
school-aged children, both public and homeschooled, visited the Jacobus Vanderveer House and
participated in guided tours; discussions with period re-enactors, including Colonial Homemaker Ms. Sue
Ellen, Ms. Hilde Bell on the art of tea, Continental Soldiers Joshua and Morgan, a lively demonstration by
Rifleman Chuck, and a special presentation by Benjamin Franklin; as well as a materials culture program
led by Dr. Hillary Murtha. Dr. Murtha’s presentation utilized The Friends’ newly acquired teaching
collection of 18th century objects to explain the centuries-old tradition of making holiday cookies, and
provided a sensory learning experience that included touching, smelling and (sometimes) tasting Colonial
holiday cookie ingredients, and their relation to the American Revolution, specifically British taxes on
luxury goods.
Thanks to the continued support from Investors Bank Foundation and the Anne L. and George H. Clapp
Charitable and Educational Trust, we will be able to continue to expand upon on our educational
programming in 2016, and seek new and innovative ways to further interpret General Henry Knox, the
American Revolution, and Dutch Colonial life in America.
Public Programs and Community Partnerships
The Jacobus Vanderveer House is located at the heart of the Crossroads of the American Revolution
National Heritage Area. In keeping with our mission as a non-profit history organization, our goal is to
provide meaningful visitor experiences and offer a vivid look into the history of our country and the lives
of those who founded it. The number of program participants doubled in 2015, as public awareness
increases about the Jacobus Vanderveer House and its ties to our nation’s first military academy at
The museum is now open to the public twice each month--offering an open house in which trustees and
volunteers offer free guided tours of our period rooms and exhibits, in addition to a special monthly event.
Our monthly special events feature lectures, presentations and workshops by historians, authors, artists,
re-enactors and experts in crafts and tools. Our programs are designed to engage people of all ages and
with varied interests. Throughout the year, Friends trustees and program coordinator Hillary Murtha
regularly provided additional guided tours upon request. Special tours this year included several scouting
groups, visitors from out of state tracing their genealogy, heritage groups such as the out of state chapters
of the Sons of the American Revolution visiting New Jersey for their national convention this summer, and
members of the Nasdaq Board of Directors with one director traveling all the way from Dubai.
Public Programs and Community Partnerships (Continued)
This summer, the Jacobus Vandeveer House also
served as a location for a YouTube series produced
by ABC-TV/Lincoln Square Productions, on Women
in the Revolution. Trustees Renáe Tesauro and
Leslie Molé participated in the filming. Designed to
engage children in Revolutionary War history, the
film featured the popular YouTube sensation family
The Bratayley’s, of Ocean City Maryland. The
Bratayley’s stop at the Vanderveer House was part
of their “13 Colonies” summer tour series.
The Bratayley’s with re-enactor Abigail Adams at
the Vanderveer House in July
Grant funding from the Ann L. and George H. Clapp
Charitable and Educational Trust, has enabled the Friends to
further develop cooperative programming with peer historic
sites this year.
In early 2015, in cooperation with
Morristown National Historic Park (MNHP), the Friends
offered a free educational program at MNHP. Re-enactors
portraying George and Martha Washington reminisced about
the challenging times they faced during their stay at the
Theodosia Ford mansion during the harsh winter of 17791780. The program was fully subscribed with over 100
participants. In a survey following the presentation, over
seventy percent of the respondents indicated that this had
been their first introduction to the Jacobus Vanderveer
House and the Pluckemin Military Academy.
Re-enactors Martha and George Washington at
Morristown National Historic Park, in cooperation with
the Friends of the Jacobus Vandercveer House
Ned Hector – In February, Historical Re-enactor Noah Lewis
portrayed Ned Hector, a free African American soldier who fought
on the Patriot side in the Revolution, to a full audience. Noah’s
highly interactive presentation included instructions on how to
fire a cannon with complete audience participation.
Ned Hector commands his troop in artillery
fire techniques at the Jacobus Vanderveer House
Public Programs and Community Partnerships (Continued)
The Five Generals’ Headquarters Tour – In partnership with the Heritage Trail Association, the Vanderveer
House participates in the popular annual Five Generals bus tour of the five Somerset County historic
houses that served as headquarters for Colonial Army generals during the Middlebrook encampment of
1778-79. This free public event introduces General Knox and the Jacobus Vanderveer House, along with
other sites, including the Wallace House in Somerville (residence of George Washington); Van Veighten
House in Finderne (residence of Nathanael Greene); Abraham Staats House in South Bound Brook
(residence of Baron von Steuben); and Van Horne House in Bridgewater (residence of William Alexander).
Unfortunately, due to inclement weather in February, the tour was rescheduled to September 27, yielding
half the normal visitors due to competing events.
Revolutionary First Ladies – Despite the driving snow on March 1, First Ladies Abigail
Adams and Martha Washington, portrayed by historical re-enactors from American
Historical Theatre (AHT) in Philadelphia, articulately discussed the role of women in a
democracy and what is was like to live through a Revolution and experience a young
republic alongside our nation’s first and second Presidents.
Arbor Day Celebration – In April, visitors to the Jacobus Vanderveer House were treated to special
activities centered around Arbor Day. In partnership with Barlett Tree Experts, and expertly organized by
Friends Trustee Joe Oszust, the event featured tree climbing demonstrations by professional climbers,
interactive presentations by the National Audubon Society about animals that call trees their home, tree
care pruning and feeding practices by Rainbow Tree Care, apple bobbing and other children’s activities,
and tree-related items for purchase from Wightman’s Farms of Morristown, including maple syrup, apple
pies, and candies. The event also featured the raffle of a specimen tree valued at $1,500, and free Swamp
White Oak saplings to the first 100 participants.
The Marquis de Lafayette – Also in April, historical re-enactor Loic Barnieu,
who bears an uncanny resemblance to Lafayette, commemorated our
historic alliance with France during an interactive presentation. The Marquis
discussed his relationship with General George Washington, his role as a
general in Washington’s army, and his thoughts on slavery and religious
Public Programs and Community Partnerships (Continued)
Patty Matonti demonstrates spinning yarn
at Springfest 2015
Colonial Springfest – The Friends celebrated our 4th
annual Springfest in June. Nearly 100 visitors enjoyed
the beautiful seasonal weather and picnicked on the
grounds of the Vanderveer House. Food historian Susan
Plaisted offered an ice cream making demonstration that
delighted visitors young and old, while Patty Matonti
from New York’s Hudson Valley demonstrated the stepby-step process of turning natural wood fleece into
handspun yarn. The day was peppered with crafters with
handmade items for purchase, children’s games, and
Colonial period music, while trustees offered guided
tours of the period rooms and exhibits inside the
Vanderveer House.
General Knox Birthday Celebration – Over 45 children and
adults celebrated General Henry Knox’s 265th birthday on July 25,
2015, complete with cake and balloons. Re-enactors Henry and
Lucy returned the Jacobus Vanderveer House where they lived
during the winter of 1778-79, while the General established a
military training academy in nearly Pluckemin during the
American Revolution. The couple greeted visitors and spoke
about their shared and separate experiences while living at the
Vanderveer House.
Lucy Knox and General Henry Knox
During the fall of 2015, the Jacobus Vanderveer house participated in the Bedminster Charities Fall Fest
community celebration benefitting seven local Bedminster charities, including the nonprofit Friends
organization. Friends trustees helped organize the event this year, coordinating Fall Fest event adult and
student community service volunteers. The Friends participated in the day-long celebration with a
patriotic display featuring information about the Jacobus Vanderveer House, signing of the Declaration of
Independence using quill and ink, and “make your own quill pen” kit giveaways. Over 5,000 people
attended the Fall Fest event.
Public Programs and Community Partnerships (Continued)
Weekend Journey Through the Past – More
than 150 people visited the Vanderveer House in
early October during this year’s annual Weekend
Journey event, a county-wide historic
celebration organized by the Somerset County
Cultural and Heritage Commission, featuring 27
historic sites across the county. Friends’ trustees
offered guided tours of our period rooms and
regular showings of our award-winning digital
cantonment video In Quarters Comfortable and
Clever. Visitors were also treated to the
delightful sounds of Colonial balladeer Linda
Russell playing the hammered dulcimer,
pennywhistle, limberjack and guitar.
Ghostly Tales by Historian Gordon Ward – In October, Gordon Ward, Bernardsville native and author,
and singer-songwriter, shared ghostly tales of New Jersey’s Revolutionary war haunts and accompanied
his spine-chilling tales with songs on the guitar. Mr. Ward’s many years of experience collecting forensicbased evidence to both dismiss and support claims of hauntings, especially in historic locations, led to his
book Ghosts of Central Jersey.
Eyewitness Images from the American Revolution – Despite
the absence of photography and combat illustrators, the
American Revolutionary War was accurately recorded by a
number of artists. In November, Historian Arthur Lefkowitz
presented a compelling multimedia presentation of 18th
century artistry in the form of studio-executed history
paintings, portraits, illustrations, and rapidly drawn field
sketches. His collection of high quality images has been
gathered from a variety of museum collections frequently lost
when they are reproduced in books. Mr. Lefkowitz Image from the cover of Arther Lefkowtiz’ book entitled
‘Benedict Arnold, in the company of heroes’
shared his portraits of George Washington, shown as
commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.
Colonial Christmas – Our 13th annual Colonial Christmas celebration was, once again, a resounding
success. This signature event represents our single largest public activity, as well as our largest fundraising
effort. Attendance at this year’s event more than doubled over last year’s, from 914 visitors in 2014 to
2,189 in 2015. Contributing to the success of this annual program is a dedicated core of trustees
committed to cultivating new relationships, partnering with community and other heritage organizations,
and developing interesting programs and activities that appeal to a broad range of interests. At the heart
of the Friends’ success is the multi-platform communications and marketing strategy developed by
Public Programs and Community Partnerships (Continued)
Trustee Renáe Tesauro, president of RCB Communications. Renáe continues to provide outstanding
publicity and strategic public relations services for the Friends organization. This year, at her
recommendation, the Board of Trustees voted to launch a pilot promotion with the online merchant
Groupon, offering discounted admission to Colonial Christmas. The goal was to expand awareness of the
Colonial Christmas and the Vanderveer House beyond our immediate vicinity, attract new visitors and
increase overall attendance. The redeemed Groupon admission vouchers represented 656 visitors
resulting from the Groupon promotion alone, which accounts for 50% of the increase in Colonial Christmas
The Friends’ volunteer communications committee plays a key role in publicizing our events and activities
and helping raise awareness about the Jacobus Vanderveer House as an important historic site and
community resource. Trustee Renáe Tesauro, Chair of the Friends Communication Committee and
president of RCB Communications, developed the Friends’ publicity and strategic public relations plan
which utilizes various multi-media and technology platforms. For the seventh year now, Renáe has
worked with the Recorder Community Newspapers and New Jersey Hills Media Group to produce a 20page Colonial Christmas magazine supplement which is distributed to 45,000 readers throughout the
In addition to print communication, our digital communication efforts have expanded and now include a
monthly electronic newsletter, The Cannon, developed and distributed by trustee Renáe Tesauro. Our
on-line growth remains strong. In particular, our Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Channel, and Instagram
account followers continue to grow as a result of the efforts of trustees Renáe Tesauro and Sean Blinn,
who provide a steady flow of news, photos and online conversation.
In 2015, our volunteer communications committee focused on developing our brand identity and
consistent communication. With the assistance of EOS Partners website designs, the committee also
spent considerable time updating the Friends’ website for media content and accessibility. The Friends
continue to expand upon our online registration program, offering pre-registration to events and
fundraisers on-line, as well as memberships.
Collections and Exhibitions
The Vanderveer House tells the story of a distinguished Dutch-American family and their devotion to the
revolutionary cause. More significantly, it introduces General Henry Knox, George Washington’s brilliant
chief artillery officer and future United States Secretary of War. General Knox used the Vanderveer
residence as his home and military headquarters during the American Revolution while commanding the
Collections and Exhibitions (Continued)
Pluckemin military academy during 1778 and 1779. The Jacobus Vanderveer House is the only remaining
structure linked with that historic period.
Our collections development efforts have been based on extensive research conducted in 2008 by
historian Jacquetta Haley, augmented by consultation with other scholars, curators and collectors, as well
as the knowledge and experience of Friends trustees. Since completing restoration of the house, Friends
volunteers have created five period rooms – the Vanderveer Parlor, Knox Bedroom, the 1813 Parlor, and
upstairs colonial bedchamber and lumber room – furnished with authentic antique pieces, specially
commissioned reproductions, artwork, textiles and decorative artifacts, selected to provide an accurate
reflection of the home environment that would have been created by the Vanderveer family and Jacobus
Vanderveer’s guests during the winter of 1778-1779, Henry and Lucy Knox.
Supported by trustee gifts and other private contributions, the Friends have made selective acquisitions
of historically appropriate furnishings, art, and decorative objects. Our ongoing partnership with the
Newark Museum has provided key pieces of furniture and unique decorative objects for long-term
exhibition at the Vanderveer House, including a magnificent Dutch Colonial kas (armoire), 18th century
lowboy cabinet, porcelains, spoon rack, and a Queen Anne wing chair once owned by New Jersey’s
distinguished Frelinghuysen family. We have enjoyed short-term loans from institutions such as the
historic Fraunces Tavern Museum in New York, and more recently a collection of original letters from and
to General Henry Knox on loan to us from Morristown National Historical Park, and brass artillery officers’
sword belt tips recovered from the Pluckemin Archaeological Dig project. We continue to develop our
formal collections policy to guide the stewardship and use of objects entrusted to our care, and intend to
finalize that protocol in 2016. We consult frequently with other museums for advice about collections
conservation and management.
Over the years, our collections program has largely been supported by
generous donations from the Anne L. and George H. Clapp Charitable and
Educational Trust. In recent years, support from the West Family Fund and
other donors has enabled us to acquire several outstanding paintings by
prominent New Jersey artist John Phillip Osborne, whose work focuses on
Colonial history and New Jersey’s role in the American Revolution. The
Friends received a very generous donation of porcelains from Mr. Daniel
Will, a local area resident, collector and Vanderveer House supporter. The
impressive collection includes fourteen pieces of 18th century pseudo
Armorial and Canton export china.
General Knox at the Pluckemin Academy
By John Phillip Obsorne
Collections and Exhibitions (Continued)
Our colonial kitchen hearth exhibit was designed
to show what the kitchen wing might have looked
like at the time the Vanderveers lived in the house.
The kitchen hearth exhibit is a trompe l’oeil
painting by New Jersey artist Dan Mulligan, and
features carpentry, furnishings and decorative
accessories, along with a costumed mannequin
depicting an enslaved worker who served the
Vanderveer household.
In 2015, the Friends added several 18th century kitchen implements to
the kitchen hearth exhibit with items from avid Bedminster antique
collector Carole Trombodore, who resided in Bedminster’s historic
Nevius house, a Dutch homestead also circa 1772. Additions included
redware storage containers, a fowl and herb game board, waffle iron,
a copper spider, sugar snip, and slotted ladles and spoons. We also
added a New Jersey pedestal table (c. 1763 approx.), a period sampler,
bed warmer, and bed key to the Vanderveer Parlor, all from the
Trombodore collection.
The Prich Matthews History Center generously
donated by Robert L. Matthews, was created in 2013
and serves as a recognized public archive and
community center for residents, scholars and
students to use and enjoy as we continue to expand
on our collection of historical research tools.
Looking Forward
The Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House came together in 1998 to restore, develop and operate the
house as a nationally significant historic site and museum. Since then, the Friends have restored the
house, created historically accurate period rooms and exhibitions, established historic collections,
supported scholarly research and archaeology, and developed education and public programs to interpret
the stories of General Henry Knox, the Pluckemin Artillery Academy, and our community’s role in the
American Revolution.
The next step in our strategic plan is to recreate a historically accurate late 18th century farmstead, a
critical next step in fulfilling the Friends’ mission to establish a small, but important museum complex with
outbuildings and walkways to complement the restored c. 1772 house. Our overarching goal is to provide
visitors with a more meaningful experience and further interpret the contributions of General Knox, the
Vanderveers, Colonial life and the Jacobus Vanderveer House as a key site in the Crossroads of the
American Revolution National Heritage Area.
We are extremely grateful for the continued generosity and support from our donors, community and
corporate partners. We take pride in the many accomplishments of the past year, which included
expanding upon our education program offerings, doubling the number of visitors on-line and in-person,
and cultivating new organizational and heritage partnerships. With your continued support, we look
forward to an exciting year ahead.
President’s Circle (Gifts of $20,000 +)
Knox’s Circle - Continued
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Allport
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Mosca, Jr.
Mr. Herbert M. Patullo
Peapack Gladstone Bank
Mr. and Mrs. James Perlmatter
Mr. and Mrs. L. Piancone
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. K. Reed
Mrs. Katherine Rupert
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Runnells, III
Mr. Ed Russo
Ms. Kit Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Tesauro
Mr. Gordon B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Torsilieri
Mr. Dan Will and Ms. Kate Burke Walsh
Ms. Christine M. Wartella
Founder's Circle (Gifts of $10,000 - $19,999)
Bevan, Mosca, Giuditta & Zarillo, P.C.
Mr. Harry Carpenter
Anne L. and George H. Clapp Charitable &
Educational Trust
CTW Foundation, Inc.
Investors Bank Foundation
The Weeks Family
Officer’s Circle (Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999)
Bruderman Brothers
Homestead Foundation
Meeker Sharkey & Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Molé
Mrs. Nancy Schechter
Continental Circle (Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999)
Mr. Geoffrey M. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. S. Dillard Kirby
Ms. Sassona Norton
Mrs. Yvonne Q. Schley
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sellinger
Knox’s Circle (Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick and Jennifer Becker
Lauren Luik and Joe Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brueckner
Mrs. Brenda Budd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curnin
Andrew S. Gaffney Foundation
Mr. Philip W. Gaffney
Mr. and Mrs. David Gilbert
Mrs. Dolores Gillmore
Mr. and Mrs. Gates Helms Hawn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holtaway
Peter R. and Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kissel
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Martin, III
Mr. Joseph H. Metelski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mlynarski
Cavalry (Gifts of $500 - $999)
Artillery – Continued
Mr. and Mrs. Darrick Anderson
Mr. Andrew Allen
Mr. Richard Costa
Mrs. Diane Covello
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farrelly
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fuerst
Ms. Pamela Inelli
Ms. Janice Marano
Mr. T. H. Rossiter
Ms. Susan Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Vreeland
Ms. Susan Walter
Ms. Anne Zoppo
Mr. and Mrs. Jude M. Pfister
Ms. Barbara Pittney
Ms. Dorothe M. Pollard
Mrs. Evelyn S. Pyne
Mr. and Mrs. J. Saladino
Donnell Segalas
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Shelby
Mr. Eric Silverman
Mr. Raymond Spencer
Mrs. Joanne Spohler
Mr. Hunter Stires
Mr. Drew Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sweeney
Mr. Scott Taylor
Mrs. Carol Tiffany
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Van Eck
Mr. and Mrs. W. Waldron
Mr. Gary Walker
Ms. Christine Yap
Artillery (Gifts of $100 - $499)
Mr. Victor Aprea
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bell
Mr. Sean Blinn
Betsy Bloom/Lee Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Chapin
Ms. Yolanda Cillo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cobb
Mr. T.J. Dermot Dunphy
Ms. Patti Farrell
Mr. Ben Field
Ames Fillippone
Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Haggerty
Ms. Jean Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hough
Mr. Marvin Israel
Ms. Alice Jarvis
Mrs. Pamela V. Jeanes
Mr. Michael Johnston
Mr. Lindy Judd
Mrs. Valerie Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Knox, IV
Ms. Vickie Kontos
Ms. Gloria LaGrassa
Mr. Ruth Lipper
Ms. Patricia Matonti
Mr. Robert Matthews
Mr. Caesar Mistretta
Ms. Kate Monahan
Mr. Frederick C. Mueller
Mrs. Margaret Oweida
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pane, III
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Petrillo
Vanderveer Host Family (Gifts to $75)
Mr. Robert Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Finn M. W. Caspersen
Ms. Diana Crisci
Ms. Cynthia Crosson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. David
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Flaum
Ms. Phyllis Herzog
Mr. Zachary Jacobs
Ms. Diane McNally
Ms. Jill Oshita
Mr. Marisela Ross
Lee Wolfe
Patriot (Gifts to $40)
Mr. Jeffrey Brown
Ms. Harriet Grose
Ms. Monica Hartman
Ms. Valerie Kenny
Ms. Belle Labriola
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lathrop
Mr. Alan Manocchio
Ms. Rita Mongelli
Ms. Marjorie Pomerantz
Mr. Thomas Ranier
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Smith, Jr.
Mr. Joel Taylor
Mr. William Vanderveer
Ms. Linda Wistermeyer
The Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House
2015 Board of Trustees
Advisory Board
Robin Ray – President
William K. Mosca, Jr. - First Vice President
Leslie Molé - Second Vice President
Karen Mlynarski – Treasurer
Antie Celli - Assistant Treasurer
Joseph H. Metelski – Honorary Chairman
Laurie Brueckner
Jeanne Galbraith
Jay Petrillo
Sean Blinn
Honorary Trustees
Clair Martin, III
Joseph Oszust
Bernard Pane, III
Katherine Rupert
Craig T. Sutherland
Renáe Tesauro
Nancy Weeks
Christopher Forbes - Honorary Chairman
Grania Allport
Pam Vandeveer Jeanes
Prich Matthews in memoriam
Nancy Pyne
Ellen Vreeland
The mission of the Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House, is to restore, develop and operate
the Vanderveer House property, significant in United States military history,
as a nationally important historic site, and an educational and community resource.
The Friends of the Jacobus Vanderveer House received an operating grant from the