Zaratan`s brochure
Zaratan`s brochure
SEAJACKS ZARATAN SEAJACKS ZARATAN Zaratan was designed specifically to support wind farm installation in the North Sea. As a mobile platform built to withstand harsh environments, Zaratan provides a flexible, reliable and cost-effective support to offshore operations in wind farms and oil and gas projects. CLASSIFICATION AND RULES Type: Built: Yard: Class: GustoMSC NG5500C 2012 Lamprell Energy, Dubai ABS A1 Self-elevating Unit + AMS + ACCU + DPS 2, Self Propelled, Helideck + Wind IMR Flag: Panama Rules: Meets requirements to work in UK, Dutch, Danish & German sectors of the North Sea. Meets all necessary requirements of I.M.O and Solas. MAIN DIMENSIONS Hull Length waterline: Length overall: Width overall: Hull depth: Draft: Main deck area: Main deck load capacity: 81m 108.7m 41m 7m 4.6m to hull (5.3m incl. thrusters) 2000m2 10t/m2 Helideck Diameter: Helicopter type: Main crane Leg encircling mounted at starboard aft leg. Boom length: 85m Capacities: 800t at 24m – main hoist (8 falls) 50t at 90m Auxiliary Hoist (2 falls) Auxiliary crane 2 x pedestal mounted at port and starboard sides. Boom length: 30m Capacities: 12.5t at 30m (boat lift) SAFETY SYSTEMS Fire and gas detectors throughout the whole vessel in full compliance with MODU requirements. 2 x 90 person capacity totally enclosed survival crafts located on port and starboard side (200% total complement). Inflatable life rafts for 200% of total complement (180). 1 x MOB/Fast Rescue Craft diesel 300hp. PROPULSION UNITS 22.2m diameter Sikorsky S92(12.8t) or equivalent Refuelling facilities: 600 gallons Thrusters: 2 x 2000kW rectractable – forward 3 x 1500 kW azimuthing – aft Speed: 9.1 knots Legs and Spudcans Number/Type: 4/closed circular Footing type: Spudcan with pin Control Systems Dynamic Positioning Control System (DPCS) according to ABS DPS 2. Jacking System Type: Navigation and Communication Systems. Drive: Elevating speed: Pre-load capacity per leg: Jacking capacity per leg: MSC Positive Engagement Hydraulic 0.4m/min 5500t/leg 3250t/leg Navigation and Communication Systems, according to IMO and DSI requirements. ACCOMMODATION AND FACILITIES Total complement: 90 persons in 54 cabins. Cabins equipped with en-suite shower/ toilet, telephone, TV/DVD and network connections. Facilities Galley, mess-room, stores, laundry, recreation rooms, gym, TV-rooms, radio room, changerooms, sickbay, client meeting rooms, offices and workshops. CRANES Seajacks UK Limited Seajacks House, South Denes Business Park, South Beach Parade Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, United Kingdom NR30 3QR Email: [email protected] | +44 (0) 1493 841 400 All details are correct at time of going to press. However vessel specification may differ from time to time due to project specific alterations. General arrangement and detailed specifications available upon request.
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