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FUNDAMENTALS OF PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY: WHAT’S NEW IN THE FIFTH EDITION NOW AVAILABLE in Australia • Peer-reviewed and improved by nearly 100 subject matter experts in all areas of packaging to add to the previous work of Walter Soroka. • New insights reflecting the contributions of numerous packaging veterans at the industry’s leading trade associations and consumer product companies. • Two new chapters: packaging law and packaging and the environment. • Completely rewritten, updated and newly illustrated chapter on fiberboard. • Updated content in every chapter. • New discussions on design, digital printing, smart packaging, bioplastics, supply chains and more. • Expanded section on pharmaceutical packaging. • A comprehensive chapter review questions answer key in the back of the book. • References to websites for additional reading. • New and revised illustrations, photography and tables to enhance understanding of packaging principles. Over 748 pages, Fundamentals of Packaging Technology, Fifth Edition gives you the most authoritative, current and comprehensive information available on all the major areas of packaging! Clear and concise, with easyto-understand explanations from IoPP technical committee members and experts at the industry’s leading packaging associations. CPP Program Participant $225 +GST + P&H Non-Members $325 +GST + P&H AIP Members $265 +GST + P&H QTY___ TOTAL: _______ Postage Australia wide $15 and NZ wide $25. All prices are in AUD. For all orders outside of Aust/NZ postage will be POA. A tax invoice will be forwarded to you upon receipt of order form. Mr/Ms:________Given Name:____________________________________ Surname: ___________________________ Position:__________________________________________Company:_______________________________________ Delivery Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ State: ____________________________________Country: _____________________Post Code:_________________ Ph: ( ____ ) _________________________________________ Mob: _______________________________________ Email address: PRINT CLEARLY ______________________________________________________________________ Scan and email back to: [email protected] or fax back to: +61 7 3009 9916
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