Third Annual Stampede Investment Forum


Third Annual Stampede Investment Forum
Third Annual Stampede Investment Forum
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
July 5-7, 2015
During this three day program you will learn about the tremendous business and investment opportunities that make Alberta
one of the most attractive places to invest in Canada and North America. Government leaders and private sector
representatives will provide insight into Alberta’s robust energy and environment sectors.
Draft Program:
We encourage you to arrive on July 4, 2015, as the events on July 5, 2015 will begin early afternoon.
Sunday, July 5 - Oil Sands Orientation and Calgary Stampede Event
In preparation for the Monday tour, you will receive an Oil Sands site visit orientation. You are also invited to attend the Calgary
Stampede Rodeo.
Monday, July 6 - Tour of Alberta’s Oil Sands
You will travel to Fort McMurray, by chartered aircraft, to see oil sands operations in Northern Alberta. During this tour you will
be provided with in-depth information on Alberta’s Oil Sands, First Nations and Wood Buffalo Communities and responsible
resource development.
Tuesday, July 7 - Stampede Investment Forum and Premier’s & Minister’s Roundtable
The full day forum consists of three discussion panels on: Accessing Alberta’s Supply Chain; Innovation Research and
Development; and Foreign Direct Investment Experiences. Following the morning seminar you will be provided the opportunity
to network with local business leaders at a luncheon reception. During the afternoon you will attend a roundtable discussion
with the Premier of Alberta and Ministers.
Wednesday, July 8 - Business to Business Meetings (optional)
To further advance your company’s objectives, we are offering an opportunity to participate in an optional business to business
meeting program tailored to your requirements.
Please RSVP before April 30, 2015
Following the program, we encourage invited guests to stay and take in the Calgary Stampede “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth”
( and visit the Canadian Rocky Mountains ( More tourist information will be provided
to you upon RSVP.