Workshops - anzca asm 2016
Workshops - anzca asm 2016
Workshops Workshops vary in cost and maximum participant numbers. Unless otherwise specified, all workshops are 90 minutes in duration (running concurrently with the main scientific program) and will be held in the Adelaide Convention Centre. Details can be found in the description of each workshop below and on the following pages. A ticket is required for entry to all workshops. Only ONE workshop will be allocated per delegate by the early-bird registration closing date: Friday, March 20, 2015. Workshops are open to all registered delegates. Allocation will be on a first-come-first-served basis and availability is subject to demand. Workshops are always well subscribed and we encourage you to register early to secure your place. TECHNICAL SKILLS STREAM: EMERGENCY RESPONSE CPD Emergency anaesthesia / ALS Date/Time: Saturday May 2, 2015 W01A 10.30am-noon W01B 1.30-3pm W01C 3.30-5pm Sunday May 3, 2015 W01D 10.30am-noon W01E 1.30-3pm W01F 3.30-5pm Monday May 4, 2015 W01G 10.30am-noon W01H 1.30-3pm W01I 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 16 Cost: $125 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre These workshops will run participants through four simulated anaesthetic emergencies, with each participant being the lead responder once. The scenarios will satisfy ANZCA requirements for the Emergency Responses category of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), with certification confirming adequate exposure to claim one of the two required triennial emergency responses activities. Participants in the ANZCA CPD program will be awarded the following CPD activities after the event has concluded: Emergency responses (cardiac arrest). Dr James Hafner is a staff specialist anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre. He has completed a simulation fellowship at Flinders Medical Centre and is a member of the founding committee of the Flinders Anaesthesia Crisis Training (FACT) course for consultant anaesthetists. Facilitators include: Dr Robert Young, Dr Mervyn Atkinson, Dr Kuan Lee Ng, Dr Giresh Chandran, Dr Kirsten McCullough, Dr Alex Zanker, Dr Zoe Lagana, Dr Graham Lowry, Dr Simon Jenkins, Dr Michael Goldblatt, Dr Nikki Dyson, Dr Faith Crichton. Cricothyrotomy 18 Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W02A 3.30-5pm Monday May 4, 2015 W02B 10.30am-noon W02C 1.30-3pm W02D 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 12 Cost: $125 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This hands-on workshop addresses emergency management of the airway obstruction aimed at averting, identifying and managing a CICO event. The CICO scenario will be covered in this workshop. Participants in the ANZCA CPD program will be awarded the following CPD activities after the event has concluded: Emergency responses (CICO). Dr Chris Acott is a senior anaesthetist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. He was one of the two founding members of the Airway Special Interest Group. His interests include the difficult airway and head and neck anaesthesia. Anaphylaxis crisis management Date/Time: Monday May 4, 2015 W03A 1.30-3pm W03B 3.30-5pm Tuesday May 5, 2015 W03C 9-10.30am W03D 1.30-3pm Maximum participants per session: 15 Cost: $100 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre In this workshop participants will be able to take part in two simulations of anaphylactic crisis management. Participants will rotate through multiple small stations which will encompass the use of different skill sets and all aspects of management of anaesthetic allergy and anaphylaxis. This workshop will be to the standard required for the College’s CPD emergency response program. Participants in the ANZCA CPD program will be awarded the following CPD activities after the event has concluded: Emergency responses (anaphylaxis). Dr Nagesh Nanjappa is a senior consultant at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. He is an overseas trained specialist and obtained his FANZCA in 2009. He has special interest in perioperative medicine, anaesthetic allergy and anaphylaxis, and medical education. He is a member of ANZAAG. Dr Heather Stevens is an anaesthetic consultant working at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. She obtained her FANZCA in 2004 after a fellowship year in the UK. Among her clinical interests are anaesthetic allergy and anaesthesia for renal transplant. She is a member of ANZAAG and ASCIA. Dr Paul McAleer is a specialist anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre and in private practice in Adelaide. He has special interests in the management of anaesthesia for high risk pregnancy and in anaesthetic allergy. He is an active member of ANZAAG which has developed and promotes guidelines for management and investigation of perioperative anaphylaxis. Dr Alison Brereton is a consultant anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide. She has a special interest in allergy testing which she has been doing for five years. STREAM: EMERGENCY RESPONSE OTHER Trauma: Lessons from the pointy end Date/Time: Monday May 4, 2015 W04A 1.30-3pm W04B 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 20 Cost: $50 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre More than 10 years of experience managing complex trauma in the recent Iraq and Afghan conflicts have seen battle injury survival rates rise to new highs, despite ever increasing injury severity. This workshop discusses and demonstrates the key lessons learned (and relearned) in the early care of these injuries, particularly the use of tourniquets, haemostatic dressings and junctional tourniquets, delivered by an anaesthetist recently returned from 6 months in the NATO hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Dr Bruce Paix is a senior staff anaesthetist at Adelaide’s Flinders Medical Centre and Aeromedical Retrieval Consultant with the Medstar Retrieval Service. He has a strong interest in prehospital trauma care, beginning his medical career as a volunteer ambulance officer and has long served as a member of the South Australian Country Fire Service, and FIV Dr at motorsports. Also a member of the RAAF reserve, he has served in East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. Paediatric airway management Date/Time: Saturday May 2, 2015 W05A 10.30am-noon W05B 1.30-3pm Maximum participants per session: 20 Cost: $125 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre The workshop will use a problem solving approach to examine ways to manage a child with a difficult airway. Participants will be able to practice with advanced paediatric airway management equipment and techniques. Dr Rob Laing is the deputy head of unit for children’s anaesthesia at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. He has clinical interests in airway management and teaching, craniofacial anaesthesia and thoracic anaesthesia. Dr David Costi is a staff specialist in children’s anaesthesia at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. Dr Cormac Fahy is a staff specialist in children’s anaesthesia at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. Dr Nich Marks is a staff specialist in children’s anaesthesia at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. Dr Yasmin Endlich is a staff specialist in children’s anaesthesia at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide. Neonatal resuscitation workshop for the rural anaesthetist Date/Time: Saturday May 2, 2015 W06A 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 16 Cost: $125 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This workshop will focus on the algorithm for neonatal resuscitation, followed by practical skill sessions in neonatal airway management, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and umbilical vein catheterisation. Dr Simon James is a neonatal paediatrician at Flinders Medical Centre, South Australia. STREAM: AIRWAY MANAGEMENT Fibreoptic Date/Time: Saturday May 2, 2015 W07A 1.30-3pm W07B 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 12 Cost: $100 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre Various manipulation skills will be taugh in this workshop: retrograde intubation, intubation through a LMA and VBM endoscopy mask. Participants will rotate through six different stations. Dr Chris Acott is a senior anaesthetist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. He was one of the two founding members of the Airway Special Interest Group. His interests include the difficult airway and head and neck anaesthesia. Tracheostomy Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W08A 10.30am-noon W08B 1.30-3pm Maximum participants per session: 12 Cost: $100 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This is a new workshop with emphasis on emergency management of a deteriorating patient with a tracheotomy in situ. This workshop will also include ultrasound imaging of the airway. Dr Chris Acott is a senior anaesthetist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. He was one of the two founding members of the Airway Special Interest Group. His interests include the difficult airway and head and neck anaesthesia. STREAM: IMAGING Basic transthoracic echo Date/Time: Saturday May 2, 2015 W09A 10.30am-3pm Maximum participants per session: 20 Cost: $125 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre A workshop to those anaesthetists or critical care physicians with little or no experience in transthoracic echo (TTE) who wish to get hands on experience and learn the skills of basic image acquisition and interpretation. Dr John Leyden is a cardiothoracic anaesthetist at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney. John is an active committee member of the Cardiovascular, Vascular and Perfusion Special Interest Group. Advanced transthoracic echo Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W10A 10.30am-3pm Maximum participants per session: 20 Cost: $125 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre For those anaesthetists or critical care physicians who have some experience in TTE who wish to learn about cardiac output assessment, Doppler techniques, diastolic function assessment and valvular assessment. Dr John Leyden is a cardiothoracic anaesthetist at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney. John is an active committee member of the Cardiovascular, Vascular and Perfusion Special Interest Group. 19 Workshops (continued) Pre-hospital ultrasound (ACCUTE SIG) Date/Time: Monday May 4, 2015 W11A 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 15 Cost: $70 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre Pre-hospital ultrasound is an increasing tool in the HEMS setting and recent advances in technology has allowed for this modality to be used in transported patients in a critical and time-sensitive fashion. This session will outline basic principles and utility of ultrasound in the transport environment. Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W14A 1.30-3pm W14B 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 15 Cost: $100 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This workshop involves hands on ultrasound scanning of live models, where participants will rotate through three stations and focus on the rectus sheath, ilioinguinal and genitofemoral , and transversus abdominis plane (TAP) blocks. Dr Jamin Mulvey is a paediatric anaesthetist currently working at the Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, Canada. In addition to anaesthesia practice, Dr Mulvey is also involved in retrieval medicine and is the Chair of the Anaesthesia and Critical Care in Unusual and Transport Environments (ACCUTE) Special Interest Group. Dr Paul Richards is an anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre, where he is a supervisor of training. His many clinical interests include regional anaesthesia and the resurgence of trunkal block techniques as an alternative to epidurals. STREAM: REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA Upper limb Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W12A 1.30-3pm W12B 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 15 Cost: $100 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This workshop will involve hands on ultrasound scanning of live models where participants will rotate through three stations and look at above the clavicle (interscalene and supraclavicular), below the clavicle (infraclavicular and axillary) and peripheral forearm blocks. Dr Justin Porter is an anaesthetist in private practice, having also worked at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. His clinical expertise involve peripheral neural blockade for reconstructive upper and lower limb orthopaedic surgery. He is an executive member of the Regional Anaesthesia Special Interest Group. Lower limb Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W13A 1.30-3pm W13B 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 15 Cost: $100 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This workshop will involve hands on ultrasound scanning of live models. Participants will rotate through three stations and look at lumbar plexus (femoral, adductor canal, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve blocks), sacral plexus (proximal and popliteal blocks) and ankle blocks. Dr David McLeod is an anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre and in private practice. He has twenty five years experience in regional anaesthesia, having worked in Scotland, Australia and Canada, He has a particular focus on lower limb blocks for joint arthroplasty and orthopaedic foot and ankle surgery. He is an executive member of the Regional Anaesthesia Special Interest Group. 20 Abdominal wall Neuroaxial and Paravertebral Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W15A 1.30-3pm W15B 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 15 Cost: $100 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This workshop involves hands on ultrasound scanning of spinal and live models. Participants will rotate through three stations and look at the mapping of midline depth and vertebral level to aid in epidural and spinal placement, lumbar plexus blocks and paravertebral blocks. Dr Kaushik Saha is an anaesthetist at Lyell McEwin Hospital and in private practice. He has recently done a sabbatical in Honk Kong with Manoj Karmakar, the doyen of neuroaxial ultrasound. Ophthalmic blocks Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W16A 1.30-3pm W16B 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 15 Cost: $100 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This workshop will cover relevant anatomy, perioperative patient care, practical eye block techniques and how to avoid complications. Subtenon’s block will also feature in this workshop. Dr Jon Clarke is an anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre and in private practice. He has twenty years experience in ophthalmic anaesthesia, has researched in this area, with a particular interest in Subtenon’s block. STREAM: VASCULAR ACCESS Supraclavicular subclavian vein cannulation using ultrasound (ACCUTE SIG) Date/Time: Monday May 4, 2015 W17A 10.30am-noon Maximum participants per session: 20 Cost: $70 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre Benefits of using this approach to venous cannulation will be explained in this workshop. Participants will review the anatomy, sonoanatomy and procedural steps involved for in-plane ultrasound guided supraclavicular subclavian central line insertion. Her major research interests are communication and human factors. She joined the Board of Doctors Health SA in September 2012 and is the regional trainee welfare officer for South Australia and the Northern Territory. Dr Jamin Mulvey is a paediatric anaesthetist currently working at the Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, Canada. In addition to anaesthesia practice, Dr Mulvey is also involved in retrieval medicine and is the Chair of the Anaesthesia and Critical Care in Unusual and Transport Environments (ACCUTE) Special Interest Group. Dr Suyin GM Tan is an anaesthetist at Nepean Hospital in New South Wales. NON-TECHNICAL SKILLS STREAM: EDUCATION AND TRAINING Date/Time: Monday May 4, 2014 W20A 1.30-3pm Tuesday May 5, 2015 W20B 1.30-3pm Maximum participants per session: 15 Cost: $50 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This workshop will focus on web based software used for consultant and registrar continuing education, as well as a web based tool for automated roster generation. The participants will have access to a demonstration environment to assess suitability of the software for their own departments. Participants will be required to bring their own laptop to the workshop. Faculty development Date/Time: Tuesday May 5, 2015 W18A 9-10.30am Maximum participants per session: 25 Cost: $50 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This workshop will consider the spectrum of what it means to work as a teaching, supervising, and assessing clinician. Faculty as assessors will be the main theme for the session. The workshop will explore different perspectives on assessment including the use of video with direct audience engagement and interaction. We will reflect on how Faculty can use narrative descriptions in formative assessment. Dr Natalie Smith is an anaesthetist at Wollongong Hospital in NSW. She is interested in many aspects of education-related practice in anaesthesia as this is how we produce the next generation of excellent anaesthetists. Training of trainers is a topic close to her heart. Practical hypnosis for the busy anaesthetist Date/Time: Tuesday May 5, 2015 W19A 9-10.30am W19B 1.30-3pm Maximum participants per session: 30 Cost: $50 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre Part one of this session will summarise the principles of subconscious communication. Part two will then focus on how to use and teach self-hypnosis to patients electively and in an emergency. Dr Allan Cyna has worked as a senior consultant anaesthetist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide for over 15 years. He has a special interest in obstetrics and paediatric burns anaesthesia. He has practiced Hypnosis as an adjunct to anaesthesia care for over 10 years and was awarded the Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis in 2002 and a PhD on the use of hypnosis during childbirth in 2012. He is currently director of studies of the South Australian Society of Hypnosis Training course for 2014/2015 and a clinical senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide. He has published over 100 peer reviewed papers and is co-editor of the Handbook of Communication in Anaesthesia and Critical Care. Dr Marion Andrew is staff anaesthetic specialist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Royal Adelaide Hospital, working in obstetric, paediatrics and adult anaesthesia. She has been a supervisor of training at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, between 2006 and 2010, contributed to the working party for the new 2013 ANZCA Curriculum. HOME BREW AND OPEN SOURCE WEB BASED SOFTWARE- SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR EDUCATION AND ADMINISTRATION IN A BUSY ANAESTHETIC DEPARTMENT Dr Mark Markou is Deputy Director of Anaesthesia at Flinders Medical Centre. He has a keen interest in technology (and its use in limiting his administrative burden). Overseas work and development Date/Time: Saturday May 2, 2015 W21A 10.30am-noon W21B 3.30-5pm Maximum participants per session: 20 Cost: $50 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre This is an interactive workshop on the challenges of working in the developing world, facilitated by experienced Anaesthetists in the field of overseas work and development. This is to be followed by a discussion on the ethics and long term implications of the involvement of individuals and organisations in the developing world. Dr Evelyn Cheng is a full time private anaesthetist who had the opportunity to work at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva, Fiji during her fellowship year as the ASA Pacific Fellow. She is passionate about sharing her experiences and is excited about encouraging other members of the anaesthetic community to participate in the overseas programs run by the ASA. Dr Chris Bowden is the Director of the Anaesthetic Department at Frankston Hospital in Melbourne, having worked there for the last ten years as a staff specialist. His area of interest is in clinical anaesthesia and teaching in developing countries, which partly arises from a childhood spent in the Pacific. Dr Bowden has been involved in the Real World Anaesthesia Course (formerly RSDCDCA) in Australia as an instructor since 2006 and co-convener with Phil Blum and Wayne Morriss since 2008. Facilitators include: Dr Phil Blum and Dr Wayne Moriss 21 Workshops (continued) EDUCATION Process Communication Model: K“ ey2Me” Supervisor of Training (SoT)- the changing face of the SoT Date/Time: Saturday May 2, 2015 W22A 1.30-6pm Sunday May 3, 2015 W22B 1-5.30pm Maximum participants per session: 20 Cost: $290 - includes course material Location: Adelaide Convention Centre The Key2Me workshop will provide an introduction to a logical and structured model (Process Communication Model) that provides participants with an understanding of the role of personality in individual communication preferences, motivations, and how miscommunication and conflict arise. Workshop participants will begin to use process listening skills, start to decode language and behaviour, and receive an individual personality report providing an insight into a learnable skills set for preventing conflict and building resilience. Dr Marion Andrew is staff anaesthetic specialist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Royal Adelaide Hospital, working in obstetric, paediatrics and adult anaesthesia. She has been a supervisor of training at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, between 2006 and 2010, contributed to the working party for the new 2013 ANZCA Curriculum. Her major research interests are communication and human factors. She joined the Board of Doctors Health SA in September 2012 and is the regional trainee welfare officer for South Australia and the Northern Territory. STREAM: PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE The prescribing anaesthetist in the perioperative period - what’'s interfering and what’'s not? Date/Time: Tuesday May 5, 2015 W23A 9-10.30am W23B 1.30-3pm Maximum participants per session: 25 Cost: $50 Location: Adelaide Convention Centre In the busy world of scheduling patients for theatre we don’t always have the luxury of being able to refer patients back to their GP’s or other out-patient specialties for appointments. Prescribing will ultimately improve surgical waiting lists and decrease unnecessary pressures on other specialties. Topics will include: BP control-commencing new hypertensives perioperatively, diabetes- adjusting oral anti-hyperglycaemics and SC insulin, atrial fibrillation- adjusting the rate control, asthma inhalers- adding inhaled corticosteroids or oral steroids in the intra-operative period and nicotine and drug dependancy replacement- perioperatively. Dr Joel Symons, Dr Nic Randall, Dr Graham Morton are all executive members of the Perioperative Medicine Special Interest Group. Dr Dick Ongley is the chair of the Perioperative Medicine Special Interest Group. 22 Date/Time: Sunday May 3, 2015 W24A 10.30am-noon Monday May 4, 2015 W24B 10.30am-noon Maximum participants per session: 25 Cost: Complimentary Location: Adelaide Convention Centre The SoT workshops are a popular event to bring together ANZCA SoTs who have the challenging role of guiding, motivating and inspiring our trainees. The face of the SoT is changing based on the evolution of the curriculum and our hospital environments. At this workshop you will have the opportunity to meet colleagues, share experiences and tips to help deliver exceptional training in your departments. Mr Maurice Hennessy is the learning and development facilitator in the Education Unit at ANZCA. Pre-meeting session Twitter 101: Spreading your wings Facilitator: Dr Jo Sutherland Date/time: Saturday May 2, 2015 PMS01 7.30-8am Twitter may be regarded more as an information sharing service than a social network. The aim of this session is to provide a practical introduction to the use of twitter as an educational and networking tool, specifically at medical conferences and meetings. Designed to meet the needs of the “mature” anaesthetist, we will discuss and examine hashtags, retweets, twitterbots and other scary gen-Y things. BYOD! Dr Jo Sutherland is a NSW anaesthetist, based in Coffs Harbour since 2005. She is active in ANZCA affairs, is a member of her Local Health District Governing Board, and is involved with the work of the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation. Having purchased her first internet-enabled (Android) phone in 2012, she describes herself as a delayed adopter. She first downloaded the twitter app at the ANZCA ASM in Singapore 2014. Small group discussions (SGDs) Small group discussions (SGDs) will be held daily from Saturday through to Tuesday throughout the day. SGDs will take place within the Adelaide Convention Centre and will be open to all registered delegates. Lunchtime sessions will be held after the commencement of the lunch break to allow time for delegates to have lunch prior to the commencement of the SGD. Facilitators may contact participants in the lead up to the meeting to provide background or preparatory material. A ticket is required for entry to all SGD sessions. Delegates are able to register for ONE SGD prior to the close of early bird registration on Friday March 20, 2015. After this time delegates are welcome to register for any remaining SGD places. Cost per SGD: $25 Maximum number of participants for all SGD: 12 Anaesthesia for the adventurous bronchoscopist Facilitator: Date/time: Dr Kate Drummond Sunday May 3, 2015 SGD04 10.30-11.30am Case discussions will cover techniques for sedation and anaesthesia for a variety of airway procedures performed in the bronchoscopy suite. Procedures include EBUS, tracheal stent management and manipulation and dilation of tracheal stenosis whilst sharing an airway with thoracic medicine physicians. Dr Kate Drummond is a staff specialist anaesthetist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital with a special interest in cardiothoracic anaesthesia, transoesophgeal echocardiography and perioperative medicine. SGD STREAM: Cardiac/thoracic SGD STREAM: PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE Cath lab crisis There are bariatric patients, and then there are bariatric patients- decision making at the end of the line Facilitator: Dr Kelly Bratkovic Date/time: Saturday May 2, 2015 SGD01 12.15-1.15pm In this session we will discuss the challenges unique to all procedures performed in cardiac catheterisation and angiography suits. Cases will be made available to discuss, and participants are encourage to bring along any of their own cases to brain storm. Dr Kelly Bratkovic is a staff specialist at Flinders Medical Centre, South Australia. Her case mix includes cardiac surgery, cathlab procedures including transcathater aortic and mitral valve surgery. Tavi in non-hybrid theatre Facilitator: Dr William Cheng Date/time: Saturday May 2, 2015 SGD02 3.30-4.30pm This session will cover some management issues of transcutaneous aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in a smaller theatre. This session will highlight the importance of multidisciplinary approach for TAVI program. Dr William Cheng is a cardiothoracic anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide. He has been involved with TAVI program since it was established in 2008. Thoracotomy- analgesic options and dilemmas Facilitator: Dr Helen Vlachtsis Date/time: Monday May 4, 2015 SGD03 12.15-1.15pm The discussion will address some of the options for analgesia for patients having thoracic surgery and potential dilemmas relating to relative risks and benefits of the various techniques. Dr Helen Vlachtsis is a consultant anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre and The Repatriation General Hospital, South Australia, with an interest in anaesthesia for cardiothoracic, vascular and orthopaedic surgery, echocardiography and regional anaesthesia. Facilitator: Dr Simon Macklin Date/time: Monday May 4, 2015 SGD05 12.15-1.15pm This SGD will discuss assessment, management, peri-operative interventions for the end stage bariatric patient. This SGD will discuss assessment, management, perioperative interventions for the end stage bariatric patient. Case presentation: 56 year-old indigenous Australian from Alice Springs. BMI 56, diabetes requiring insulin, OSA on CPAP, hypertensive and on maximal dose frusemide plus ACE inhibitor. Your surgeon says “what do you think? I want to do a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. I plan to do this laparoscopically, but I haven’t seen him yet and I may need to perform an open operation”. How will you optimise the patient? What investigations are relevant? How will you conduct the anaesthetic? What will you do for post-op analgesia? Where will you manage the patient post-operatively? Dr Simon Macklin is a senior specialist anaesthetist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH). He migrated from the UK in 1995, FRCA, to be appointed to a staff specialist position at RAH. He has a special interest in anaesthesia for upper GI surgery and airway management. He has been lead anaesthetist at RAH for patients undergoing bariatric surgery for nearly 20 years. The patient with pulmonary hypertension for non-cardiac surgery Facilitator: Dr Sam Tong Date/time: Saturday May 2, 2015 SGD06 10.30-11.30am Pulmonary hypertension is a challenging clinical condition that increases perioperative risk. The aim of this SGD is to provide a framework for managing patients with pulmonary hypertension for non-cardiac surgery with a focus on preoperative evaluation and management of acute right ventricular failure. Dr Sam Tong is a staff specialist anaesthetist at Royal Adelaide Hospital and has diverse experience in cardiothoracic anaesthesia. 23
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